Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 07, 1853, Image 1

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: jst;
iwwcOTiiwiJUiJM''l'',"MM"l"t-" ' ' " ' TrT.nrzI - -
JKIWi Mill ill
ft ! 7 t.. Olu. , L LlL . 1 . .
wrtr imi ai vw.y x -sn a vrri am a w-y-i , a rani
Pnlil'isilied y Tfteortoro Solibch.
fi'Enis-iuvodiiiiarsperannTjumiriStavanceTuo 0f new Buckskin, ornamented after
dollars and a Quarter, half year! i'T-and-if noi paid be- j , v
tofetheXntlof-theyearjTjvo'doHarsnnaalmU. Those tbo faShl0U of Indian' COStume, with hues
uf?rfeeitfa their tiaDers ov -a earner or. felnet; drivers - . '
employed by the. proprietor, will' Be cliaigcU 37 J-2
tents; perVtar; extra--- . j
: T - . . s j
oiating agenemi assortment Qflarge, elegant, plain
. anuulilui ilium jyt) iin,iiivu i
to xecme every ticscnpuonui ;
Cards, Circulars, Bill Head, Notes. Manx Receipts
fiictiro .pvu find oilier HixnKs. Patniihlcts. &c.
. I.r-jr;
prinieu Willi neatness anu uesp.ucu,-on it-dsumiuic
. . . . - 1 T . 1 . . . . . . . II .
Jefferson ian Republican.
The Indian Maidi
Wild roved ah Indian girl,
Bright Alfaretta,
' Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Swift .as an antelope,
Through the forest going, .'&n.
Loose were her jetty lock?,
- In..wavy tresses flowing.
G&y was the mountain song
Of bright Alfaretta,
Where sweep the writers
Of the blue' Juniata.
Strong and -true my arrows ard"
In my painted quiver ;
Swift goes light ennoe
Down the rapid river.
Bold is my warrior good,
: v
The love of Alfaretta; Cll
Proud waves his snowy plume n
Along the Juniata. ...
Soft and low he speaks to the, -And
: Itings his voice in thunder triries,-
'From heicht to" height reouriuiri
So sang the Indian girl,
' Bright Alfaretta,
Where sweep the waters '
Of the blue Juniata.
" Fleeting years have borne away
The voice of Alfaretta
Still. sweeps the xiver-on,
The blue Juniata.
The Backwoods Orator.
CHAELES summerfield.
John Taylor, the subject of the
l : ,.i.-i-i. i- j . c
"twenty-onej to .practice at the Bar of N
York city." Though poor, he was well
educated, and possessed extraordinary
genuis. He-married a fashionable beau
ty of that city;. and twelve months after
was employed by a wealthy firm to go on
.Nopapers.ducoriunucauitUUUarrcaraEesarepiu. liilbOWinff MS Wav SlOWlV through the
except at the Tjpticm'of the Editor. ' - -T ,
jEydvertJsemcnts, notexce'cdps one square si- crowd, and apparantlv unconscious that
tern jiiies) will be insened three weeks. for one dollar. ' J
nnd'twentyfiVe-cents for' every Subsequent .insertion. Tjg regarded as a phenomenon; "need
The Charge for one and three insertions ihc same. J o .. . , ,
A liberal discounumade to yearly advertisers. mj explanation, this Singular DCing ad-
ICAU letters addressed to the Editor must be post-, ,r ., , , , . -pBid.
. j vanced, and with the haughty air of a
As heavysalary was offered Taylor largc Kqdd and bcamy. .Q her motionSj slaiDj and 'displayed their feelings in a
"hade adieu for a -wlnle to his .mfc and m-1 graceful swinimiDgj liko the genfcle waf. revolting partiality. The judge commit
fan t son. . He .wrote back every week, but , tures of a bird,s . & sunQy d -n , ted her without the privilege of bail, and
received not line in answer. Six months j ftfl firurej etheriaj a syph,s ( the sheriff chained her in the felon's dun
elapsed, when he received a letter from seraDh;s: aTld more tban fll, in iha ; Scn-; v u
ms employers, that explained aji. onorc-
ly after his departure for the "West, his
wife retnove'd with her .father to the Mis
sissippi, where she immediately obtained
a divorce by an xtot'of the Legislature
mamea again iortnwun, ana, 10 cap iul
climax of perfidy nd wrong, had the i
J4Ui, ...
tnat ol her socond matrimonial nartnern
iuuip ui uei Bttuuu uiduiiuuuiuiuaimci.
nij,- i 1 1 j,in. : ' ' counsel, as n in aouot wmcn 01 me twain
Ihis treacherymearly drove laylor m- proinptillterRosition of the courfc,by a . was then on trial. As for the stranger,
sane. His career from that period as )Stern orderJOf silence, was scarcely able he seemed to pay not tbe slightest atten
eccentric to the last degree; sometimes he , to Tefrain from BwellinS into a deafening! tion to his opponents, but remained mo
preached, sometimes he plead at ihe bar cjjeer j tionless, with his face bowed on his hands,
-his -surpassing eloqenoe attracting) Tbe - , turQed . -- j like one bdried in depp thought of slum-
Alnniln wt.nMAAM nrna l-YVrrrr llrt I
vivnus nucivivl J" 11 0.0 AUVIIU bliUV U W ,
was .tOwfipeak; until at lasta fever carried
T.: -rc i. i! i i -i 1 .j "-;-fa3 llie i bar, and :took his position almost touch
lean never forget myfirst vision of, marble of a.nightingale, 'xMy enemies have" wgjury He then commenced an a
t i. v 7 i V Yi bribed all the lawyers, even my own, -to ! whisper ; but it was a whisperso wild, so
John Tajlor, It-as in the.o.urt house : K J nrn clear, so unuterably ringing and. distinct
at Lewisburg.'Conway county, Arkansas,
in the Rummer of 18dS.
The occasion .itself possessed terrible
interest. A vast -concourse of the spec-,
tators had assembled to witness the trial!
of a young and very beautiful girl on an'
indictment-for murder. The judge was prisoner, and wbisperetfsomethin" in her the iuror3 noddo1 to. each ofcher signs of
waiting at the moment forthe .sheriff to ' ear. She bounded six inches from the thorough conviction ; that thrilling whis
t. 1 , -, " ! flnnr ,, Hrpd 1 n'orfTiur shrink inl ?fonrl Per; and used concentration, and language
bong .in. Jus prisoner, and the eyes,of the, floor uttered a piercing shriclc, and stood convinced all
in..i: n i j 1 j 1 trcnibhng as if in the presence of a ghost mln ab a uuuu b uau -o"vmw.u au.
mul itude all centred on the door, vrkcn;f - hi, fb- gi , j ue then changed his posture, so as io
suddenly a stranger entered, whoso ap-
ous irritability; & br.ow, broad, soaring,4
massive, .and seamed with wrinkles but".
not-from agefor he
le was scarcely forty;
eyes,, reddish yellow, like the,wwthful ea-,
lesj bright and-jpiering;,
a aouth'with lipsof cast'iron
and sneerinsr; '.the "intense e:
Vihich looked the living embodiment of an
nearance riveted univnrRn I fiffnnfJnn i nmntmn oil;?rooco?l tho cenrt Jn ' ln'o clifivn to tear and rend his leeal adversaries. i
xiis ngurc was tall, lean sinewy and "Po1" -voice, tue sounu oi -Lj-ii3 ou'iu" 8w,itu i iui- uutuu uv
"l nT'fl, .,, lioll metal ' ' inace ; his eyes resembled Hying coals; his ! uon v
ftraisht as an .arrow: a face. Rallmr Ii l.Jiucu -lnct'11, , . . f ', ; '. jty-cnv
., . .. . . . " ' - j- 3Iay ifc please your honor, I will as-, voice occarae the clangor at a trumpet, ! f.
rous. ;and-,twitchin(? mcessantlv witli run-. J. r, .. .'. , . !ti i,..r : i uv caat
' - w ' ciitnp t in r or Uftenfllno tiie la(
unbreathed curse. He was dressed in -a
Qf every Color Of the rain bow.
J .
-rii . ..
mg ascending the throne, seated nimselt (
vnthiu the bar, thronged as it was with ,
!i?.i..- .-i. i. j xi
tuc uiscipies oiuoKe ana uiacKscone.many ,
' ' '
Si-lei3 as
far superior to thoso old .and .
fn,rtriQ ,nicfr.ra
The contrast exhibited between the out- but for the perilous gift of that extraor?
landish garb and disdainful countenance'?0" beauty, which too often, and to
of the stranger, excited, especially, the
risibility of the lawyers; and the junior
members began a suppressed titer, "which
grew louder, and soon swept around the
circle. They doubtless supposed the in-
, .
truacr to do a wna nuntcrirom tnc moun
tains, who had never before seen the in-'
terior of a hall of justice. Instantly the
cause and object of the laughter perceived
it; turned his head gradually, so as to
turned his head gradually, so as to
give each laugher a look; his lip curled
, , , . , ,
lrs Itin 1 1 -v I aI
a smile of infinite scorn; his yellow
shot arrows of lightning; his tongue, '
protruamg tnrougn uis
teeth literally
r.uuS,i i:t- e ,
r ' J
single word 'Savages! No pen can de-
scribe tho force he threw into that terra,
no pencil can paint the infernal furor of
his utterance, although it scarcely exceed-
a i.
, . . .
letter although it was a separate emis-
sion of fire that scorched his quivering
lips; laying horrible emphasis on S, both
i at tho bftrrinninrr and pnd of fhp. word.
1 O O -
It was the growl of a red tiger, in the
, . r it1fa , '
hiss of a rattlesnake.
'SavageS V
The general gaze, however, was at this
noint diverted bv the advent of the nrison-
r ii i j i i uuuniBi, i--ii.un uuu.i;, iiioa jiu iu mc aainsc lunueis, m vmcn ciass tuc urcacn-1 . .....
er, who then came in, surrounded byher He articul'afed si lo to evcrv boa Praps the mo?t wundeiul eraekten.-
guard. Hers was a style of oeauty to be- Sentence-tell in v mother that I am dead self ; it was a picture of hell, such as Lu- i l!ck of naytiv iland is,
wilder the tamest imagination, and melt; and gone to hell!' and instantly expired. elfa migut have drawn, with a world in thf m?f of e fe"1?1les f,re endowed :,wlth
the coldest heart, leaving in both itaagina-! 'Who, in the name of God, did this?' flaraeS for his pencil. ,n.ffteral h mtlwhlf carry there
tion and heart a cleaminn- nicture enam- elaimed. the appalled spectators. But one paragraph, pointed to heaven, ' fLrom tne lorester tue D1SSest
t on and heart gaming picture, enam demonstrated the utter im'iSPecl f kangyroo , dovrn to the field -
elled m fire, and fixed m a frame of i ' ' I i - . , ,J mouse, this pccular ieetur is seen. Wen
gold from the stars. It was the spell of ,
Ian enchantment to be felt as well-as seen.
it in the flashes of her
! i .1 i
countenance, clear
ar as a sunDeam, oni-
uaut, a muni, m me contour ol ner icat-
it. - :. ii. . x e i i .
ures, symmetrical as if cut by the chisel
nf Ti nrficf in W TimV nf li anhnm '
rincrlcts flowinrr without a braid softer
ringlets, nowing without a braid soitcr
than silk, finer than eossamer: in the eves,
erlasting sn)ie of tbe rosy lip3 SQ arcbod
so serene: so like starlight, and' vet rns-;
rnssinrr fhft nowpr ofmno-ir nr nf nmnrnRt-
1 - J I
7 -
, i , ,-, , , .
ism to thrill the beholder's heart.
. .
As the uniortunate crirl. so tastefullv
aresscd, o.incomparablc as to personal
cbamS) calm ftnd smaing, took iter jJlace
-'belorethcbarotnerjudgejamurmurof.1" ""rti'ts Tcant realfze the freezin pint, no how.
j i- e ,i i,-. j , ,
ndmirnfinn men frnm flio mnitif.nrtft whinh
j i- r it Ti-i j i
admiration rose from the multitud e.which
Tiie judge turned to the prisoner:
'JBmma Miner, the court has been in
fTTl II T"V .1 1 1 'L
formed that your counsel, Col. Linton, is ; 1m. va von nmnlovpirl nnv ol-Jior?'
sick; have you employed any other?' .
At this response,
pie pathos, a portion
zeu applause, and
thls lustant
nfi nr.nnfr tn i,:'ffipf, annmnnA
wb0 caused her such unaccountable
others wept. i , . 7 , 7 , ondistructive. The climate, on the hole, ' not breathe. The most tunous horse sto
however, the stranger, ".77". - - """lis rayther slewbrins, although gripniu is almost instantly, but he will not fall
1 .c "lass, throuo-h winch the lnnocencp. of his l Ajl'u,-A """'""""i anuuugu guppm in ,., Tl ,
What!'excluimedtheistonishudge;:such ipurderous denunciatiops: It was
'are you a Jicenscd attornejt'
sWntarid immate-'was
'The question is irrelavant arid innha
Pll repjied the stranger, AYitufa y,eno
quired the judge.'
'Let her speak for' herself,' said the
'I do,- she answered,-withajong drawn
sigh, that seemed to rend her very heart
strings! The case immediately proceeded; ''and
as it had' a tinge ofromantio" mystery, we
will epitomize the Substance of the evi
dence. . . -
About twelve mouths previous, the de
fendant had arrived in the village, and
opened an establishmhnt of millinery. ,
llesiding in a room, connected with her ,
fi lilTI 11.
'tides of her trade with uuwearied labor
"""i' " ""i i""!'"1"
nmi rnsrn. Her hnhif, wnro
ssciU(ed, modest and retiring; and hence
jsho might have hoped to avoid notoriety, !
mu puui auu nuuiuaa always, piuvw a
curse. She was soon sought after by all j
those glittering fireflies of fashion, the
profession of whose life everywhere is
'seduction and ruin. But the beautiful
&l&ev rejected them all, with unutter-
udic scorn ana loatmng. imong tnese
. .-,1. n 1 l
reiected admirers was one of a character
from which the fair milliner had everv- f
thing to fear. Hiram Shore belonged to
a family once opulent, influential and dis-
' w uimfcn xiceuuuui., ux av,
"uu leiuuiuuiiv
dreadfal duelHt of Soutn.west. It
was generally known that he had made
advances to win the favor of tbe lovely J
mma? an( na(l shared the fate of all:
other wooers a disdainful repulse
At nine o clock on Christinas night, the
inhabitants 0f Lcwisburg were startledby
a loud scream, as of one in mortal terror;
whilcfollowingthar,withscarcely aninter-
val, came successive reports of fire arms;
one. two. three, a dozen deafemng roars.
They flew to the shop of the milliner, ,
wilfinRB the sounds nroceeded: mtshed '.
back the unopened door, and a scene of
horror was presented. There she stood
ia tQC centre oA me room, wuu a revolver
'; l t 1 . 1 ! .i:l ,1 ,
u T uauu' u111 , cea tue same ucnouieb as ms proviora eio-j
i her features pale, her e-es flashing wild- CUence at the bar; the same compact logic; !
iltf linf w lins iwrkorl wltr, r, fMrfnTi t,.c, ,t,.
! smile. And there at her feet, weltering1
in his warm blood, his bosom literally j
riuuieu ua DUliei3' CQe a-reaaea
As may readily be imagined, the deed
'-.riV'V fii i iitivitii i
'caused an intense sensation. Public o-j
pinion, however, was divided. The poorer
classes, creditmn- the frirl s version of the
, ' , , , . . "
crrr. Ifiiirlon hfi hornicm in" forma nrl
story, lauded her heroism in terms of
measureless eaWy. nt the friends of
the deceased, and of his wealthy family
nam rl'ffBrent and dnrkfir coloring .to
- the affair, and denounced her as an atro-
, j nnfnmn,t0i. fn i,i- f-,
i ... , . ,,J . '
stanceg developed in tbo examination of
witnesses... The testimony closed, and the
pleading began
V .
First of all, three advocates spoke in
r. ' , .. , f. ...
' succession tor the prosecution; but neith-
worth preserving. Orators of the blood
and thunder .genus, they about equally
' iwccu uiu hisuubi uuu ubi mutum iuuuuj.
i . . -.i . . '
. tween the prisoner ana her leather ro bed
!- i i i. ,,1 .
'. OQV.
TVhco the proper time ha3 como, how-
f ?veiY lie, sPrang co msicet crossea tne
i i .. i , - i.i
' as to fill the hall from the floor to galle- (
client shone, brilliant as a sunbeam ; and
'sweep the bar with a glance, and began
.vy ui aiii, ii.u.
. jikcjovcs eagie,. cnargini? u nocicoi crows;
... - t- i ip 'i' i3 j'"
Jove himself, hurling red hot thun-.
jdcrbolts info the quaking ranks of a con-
ny fore-finger, direct in the" eyes of 'his '
i ' . . . . ' Inrioc A f. flirt nnrenf. Hnn f tn wurn In i hnrntn Xi hovn h rm nnn f vo I Hnccnrf Ii til- . . - . . r
of the auditors buz- 'glc i sepaiaung ana comoing tnc proven thay aint the reel Simon Pure, bcin quite tightens the horse's throat so that he
. . 4 ri c -kill -flArt n'Mrtlrt nnnfn?nfl -rACa y- t- ait i
KVUVillUj. A V-J btUl . WAW W W AA V1U tA U V I 11. VkJ UH WUlu v VJ 1 VX
foes. He painted their venality and uri-
manly meanness in coalescing for money-
to hunt down a poor, and friendless -woman
till, a shout of stifled rage rose from
cried "Shame !"
He changed his theme once more. His
yoiqe.grew mournful as a funeral song, '
ana ms eyes iiuea witn tears, as jio wacea
a. vivid picture of man's cruelties and wo
man's wrongs, with particular illustrations
in the case of Ins client : till one-half the
audience wept like children.
on end; he tossed his hands wildly towards j
heaven, each finger apart and quivering
like the flame of a candle, as he closed!
vnm u.u vuiua ui iub ubbuwuwi
ram Shore "Tell my mother I am dead
Ml f T 1 1 I 1 il l T I 1 .
and gone to hell ! His emnhasis on the ;
iut it was in ue peroration that lie the idee. Eftha put on a shemes in" the cIbtK; raast fcc careMf -gfam oTr
reached his zenith at once, of terror and fch weQ tU gifc back , - infemaf esZ&Mh "
sublimity. His features wer.e livid as those i ' , -, . ., , i. . . . J',,-r,ifl
of a cornse. his verv hair seemed to stand"! to cover the mangrovesj and at thar dan- lnimersed in water to destroy them:
word hell embodied the acme and ideal of. baked-kangyroos, roasted guanos, kangy
all horror-r-it was a wail of immeasurable roo-rats and mise, (wich is minnytoor
despair. No language can depict its ef-! kangyroos), bandy coots, moles, silaixwild
n i -i i i torn cats, and emews ; ana wen these tit-
females screamed: and one dooi mother!. ' . ..
iecc on an wno neara u. xuen groancu;
fainted, and was borno from the room in
The whole- speech occupied-but an '
Guilty without leaving their box : and ;
three cheers, like successive roars of an j
earthquake, shook the old courthouse ,
from dome to corner-stone, testifying the ,
joy of the people
After the adjournment, which occurred
about sunset, tho triumphant advocate a-, . ' f 1 -, ,
rose and gave out an appointment" I twanUfcy of lizzards, moles, rats and oth
will preach in this hall to-night at eight ' er small game, all dun brown by the
o'clock." He then glided off through the flames, and then they skwat on thare
crowd, speaking to no one, although ma- j,amg ant co to devouriu thare skortched
ny attempted to draw him into conversa
At 8 o'clock the courthouse was again
thronged, and the stranger according to
promise, delivered his sermon. it evm-'
t ,i 1 1 I
ea bitterness of denunciation
misanthropy revealed itself as the prorai-!
nent emotion. The discourse was tirade
LP wf. tWn.
v-k nni -ti iiv tt i- n n r n 1 -r-r iiiiiiin -n vim -n rm r i f r
Another FimnV Letter from AllS-
. .
Tho " Disbanded Volunteer" of the
Sunday I'imcs has another of his queer
' ";cfnlQ fvotn tl,n ,i;ninc f a no
tralih in last Sanda,5g n-arie; He nrom '
tralia' in last bunda s PaPer- lc Prom -
: x. : i - n .i i t i
ises tu wnto uiiu lrom me uitunt, iana :
Melbun, Dec. 14, 1852.
Messrs EdJuturs This is midsummer-
i , . . i - , .-, T .
and the hetes ontolerabul. Ive ben a try -
...... ... . , J
m, all. this blessed day, to fancy
how everlastin kool and kumfurtabulyou
must be in York bout these times; but its
i unpossibul. I bleve thares a passidge in
nn,olW f?,nf. sn-tra - mnn .nmf afnnrl fir
, -
by tninKing upon irostea caucusses ; ana
when a fellers greose is drippin from cvry
wen his wite ducks and even the
! canvas back of his vest is as wet as ef
tHade jest ben tuck out of the 'rivcr-Uie
Weve bed to-day what they call a brick -
- -
nr i- j i.i ii
a hot wind that cums. from :fche
fur east like the breth- of a
. -
roasts and pepers you with dust at the
.same time ; and wen it hes past oyer . the
fasp. nf nater. evrv thinnr is blasf.p.d brnwn.
oontinyanco, I kde on tho flore
? ii- i t
m astute ot proHraauum, an ietcnin my
orecu so buoi c muu tnoy nca to ier out, my a pair 0t reins, on gentleman's horses gen
pants at the waste. These wiuds'is al- orally of silk cord, about the size of a pipe
most as hot as the African, siraons, wich stem which always lie thrown over the1
1 J-l, 1 ;J .1.. x i ; a i
overtakes the traviler wen crossin the
complaned of at the diggins.
bmce my last cpistol, Ive ben in the
busli amung tho naytive kangyroos and
uther abaridgeknees of tho sile. Noo
Holland niggers beets the jenny wine Af-
rieana n stnon ditv hv einnts. RvMi.u'lJr LUia spring ne saw a nocll Ot pi-1
L. j ....
the beriited subjects 'of the Kins'of Ash-
:., - .
UiUMWl"a' "utu uav.t.asnan-
ou find amung, these darkies. I
lied cheet iving JJiek, as they
nn him .a vesr. .inn rvnnrsfts.fnr hr r nu
auu-uarn iiicnuuuuit, sup uis lugs tnroo
,i ; r.,r ; '.-:f
the arm-holes of the wastccut, pull it hp
hppk blo?k d ;fa tto bottom-side
chpckfabloQkraud .-button i bottom -side
-.1 l 1 .1 l.r 1 .. l
h'Dhe trowses -he so't astride of his neck,1181" ! 1 ;J j
' -
m n Tiri i inn rim i f r1" in i i-fiTi r iinri i tinn wt r n
.-j-iTj',!..'-! c t j j...., -ii .
r U V IIUU l.l W Auw AAA l VIJ Irl 4 - VUVU 1IILL1
. . ' ' .
a grin that reeched from eye to eye. broke
for" the bush; kwite on aware of his'lewdic-'-
krus .asspekt. The skwaws", or gins- as':
tha call em, appeor on all ockashuns itfj
thare natral uniform, arid as tha ushillyii
wash in seal iie, they hev ray'ther ;a pol-
ished appearance. There dispersishun is
effeckshinit, and thare manners free and'
familvor wen thav meet the onnosit sex.
Much panes hes -ben taken by the ladya
of the settilments to konvinse em that;
thares virtue in clothes ; but they laf at
j iA
ces, of all conduck I ever seen, thares
takes the rag off the bush,
The way the naytivs ferriage -is as cu-'
ifc j:Sffllst:n Thare faveflte
v 4
rcsoes, as we uset to say m- Paryis, is
blts 1S skarse, they dine on dingoes, (wud
dogs) or grub on the katterpillers tbay find
under the bark.
Thay are armed with
wooden spears, and when alter the kan-
So with a 8harp sticir, they run with
setch swiftness that they soon run him
Sumtimes thay git up & grand
nateral barbykew by settin fire to the
kangyroo grass. Follerin the track of
a ,.... - ,
vitals. Doorin my late xcushun, I sor a
!ack S77an an a black cokytoo, wich is
specimens of the fethercd tribe kwite com-
mon m the kuntrv ; also wite crows, and
" ' '
a burd caH0d ihe larfing jackass, which
.. , ., . .
pitches its voice in a key so like a rcgu-
wn e?r3- -"-S0113 "J"?3.? v a-
. xi i r i - i
jL'iagons oi varus Kinus are
; "7. "1 .tL bbr
the nativs ketch one of these pouched
critters, they immediately xamin its pock
its, and ef thare purty full, thay oney grab
the suckers, and let the muther go; and I
dessay thay pick as m any pockits, in thare
way, as the ticket-o-leve,men in thares.
I dont like tho sosity here. The rich
1 ..ill il. .1 1 .1. .! 1 1 1 i
! eiders mat aUin to me Kuncry volunteer-
V js Jucifer, and the convicks
. that hev served thare time make the most
ridicalus distinkshuns between one an
nuther. Burglcrry turns up its nose at
Pcttv ia"eny, ana rorgery wont set at
lit! ! ..
: the table with arson. Iwryboddy seems
1 . , - t. i 1 i f -u
suspisphus of everybody else, and nobod-
dy mcets ennybody witb a cordyul spirit
xcept at the gro-shops.
J To-morrow Ime off to the bush
: be;n invited to a naytiv gethenn, ;or cor
s' . lu au IC Slve" DJ wun o.
t WjJW HUUI-aJ. Ju"o lUU VilUUlV
T - I 1 - (-1 , 1
' f ro r ti rvrc? ntrn Tnnr nr dp Atinnl.
danfuses of the iribe, are to bo thar. Tn
my nex, I may give pou sum account of
, thare Tupiscormn fe'efs. Yours, alius.
i. correspondent of the Boston TranS-
' oript, who has observed the mode adopted
lux auu T "ersourg, ioidk it
" . ir i Oi. ti.i i ii i. -l
i anoguiuer. neiter man iewan s new plan
animal clear "off from the vehicle, if dis
vi .mu luuivauiu muii ti cu, vuiuu it'la liUU
posed to run away. The Hussion plan is
aS follows :
I . " ""r .
(it iii , 1 1 i.
rj l- .'"
ni knQt To tbis sli . is -attached
weu at once.-
1 , .A"u u,. u "ia ruu lulU8 uP.on
' dhroskics'
j New Hampsiiiiie up Head. A man
n cw? Hanipshire went out gunning one
i?u r .V.i 4 '
fTT l . VT,0 uu 0Ul P,ni' !5l
i nc uroppeu a oaii into ms gun and hredi
The ball spilt the limb, which closed , up
and caucht the toes of all the birds in' it.
iie saw mat ne had got them all, so ho
fastened two balls' Wfch or w?tJ, n wir'
" """ ii;utu
and fired, cutting itoff. wh ch fell in o
.1 v .i,: n- i it. '
tne r,ver, he. then walked in and brqught
them ashore. On iw n,nW. l. LfnW
tnem ashore. ' On counting them he found
there were dyer three hundred pigeons
i nilrl i.i Hit-. IiaaU A l.v. .: IV. j
there were over three htuidred nitons
tu "4a uauia mciB uib uvu uurreisoij
. i l t
; . t 7 t:. jii i?i
t i ; -h.
. VZ??ta I . .i: IT
i JtiCi? sttvei unuu una ueeu uiacoveretl
in Izard county, Arkansas
I I 11 VJ 11 1IU1 nt . illill RIMI IIiri'IlIIII'M II II I'll I 7
These trpublesqrh pvcsts ma bVkeut
of .grainbyjjsng"sajL, Sprinkle aJ.itUeJllm?
salt on the bottom and around the sides of the
bin as vou fill up,Vnd6ver the top when full.
Wheat kept in old salVbarrels will never oe
destroyed by the1 weevil.' ' " ,iz
Soark linen cloths in water. wrinVthctnran3
cover your grain vTtlV them.' ' Izftn'o hodrrf-
.time you will find all' the weevils on the-
Snlpbnror XicV'on Calres, &c.
Ol?5 The September number of tlie
Stock Ilegister, quoting from the" Genesee
Farmer, recommended sulphurfed-to'anrtnals-'
as death to all such vermin. 1-tried it on'
some calves so covered with lice- that the
outer ends of their hairs .were thick'with'them.
Tobacco and other remedies had -but little
effect. I fed .in saltand raeaj, givingitf spoon-.
ful to each calf twice a week. In twojWeek
not a louse could be found. A neighhor who
has often used this same remedv on all kinds
of animals, with perfect success, assures me
it should be given in fair weather or Ihe" ani
mals housed, else there is a liabilityof taking
cold and injury being done to'the animal.-
When shrubs or dwarf fruit.trces, produce
an abunance of foliage, but not .flowers otf.fruit
either move them to a poorer soil or cut.
through some of the principal roots.
Potato, Interrestiug Experiment;
The Journal of -the 2$ew York- State
Agricultural Society contaius a very e-,
laborate and carefully prepared- tablcr
showing the result of experiments in the
cultivation of potatoes, in every possible
mode, and under-all the different circum
stances which could well be conceived j
the whole forming a mass of -information
seldom found condensed into so small a
compass.. It is from the jjen of our friend
H. H. Eastman, Elq.of MaVsnallf She of
tho best practical farmers in the State a
careful experimenter and exact observer
of results. In this talblc'Mr. E. has pre
sented the result of his experiments with
such exactness, and in so concise a form,
as to be readjjy understood by the reader.
We only regret that ifc is soformidablc as
to prevent its being laid before our read
ers in detail, especially as the rule and
figure work in the table is very-inconvenient
for our columns. We may, howev
er, as briefly as may be, state some1 of. the
Results of the experiments, . as gathered
from a careful perusal of the tableioping;
at some future time to present theniat
ter in a-moro acceptable form. '
1. Manures. The experiments embrace
Hog manure, fermented and Unferment
ed Yard Manure, Compost, Manure of
Fowls, Lime, Ashes, Gympsum, Sulphur,
Saltpetre, &c. Sc. The results are deci
dedly favqrable to the use of Hog" manure
the manure of P.owlscbming hcxttheXJoni
post next, then the JJnferinented Manjire..
The Lime and Gypsum did not increase
the yield beyond that part on which no
manure was- used-. The' same may-bo
said of the Sulphur and'SaUpctre:
2. Time of Planting; .The earliest1
planting proved decidedly 'Jbest-Tthcdif
ference between, the lSth and 28th' May;
being 19 bushels per acre, and:a tur'the r
reduction ron that portion planted as late
an 10tli-junc of a4 btfthclp?r hcrc'.with
a 'decrdod ad vantage as to. size and qualU
ty in. favor of those planted early.. -
.3. Whole and Cut ; and. Large and
Small aecd. iTcrc the result proves, pre
cise as wo anticipated." t'Tbe scedfrbn
largo' potatoes produo'eddecidedl3-:best.-;2r
Wo will give thcYexact;statcmcht. J
Seed. I'roUticu pracrc
Large potatoes one whrIe?1 Ahl-Vv Hft,''
wHole. in a bill, mb$' 5 2' ' 11S l
Large potatoes Uo hiiheslft ,K ' li& Z, , 7 s SltTSi
Halved, in each hill,10 .&. 81 lWT 4 217
,i.arge potatoes one-tiatt rn ik,'-? n77"ts.
halved, t eaeliliiili30?
Large potatoes qnSMSfe? ' '
auartqred, in cucli l.iiir, ? 'V?3'
Thus far with roference to cut rand-
uncu. t030 halved prbducing'niost wlien
I llUAfl in flirt Onniil nnnnl..' ' ' V. L 1 1 1" lS
'smaller iu size than the product fronrth'o
uid oicua. xutj piuuuui? oi cue quar
tered seed wa3 much smalleLvnrid.inferiorJ
The following is,. a pretty-clear. Icst be
tween, large and small sped. .
. 'UPf Wt- Bush's
1 , fc SeedjProdUut; .prucio!,
Large, one whole iit hill, 10 lbs 1 oz.,So' Id's. 21i
Mediinn, 31b?. ' -5rfI-Qlas. -137
Sm.ill " ' 2bs Toz. 43l-2bs. Il5
aman, two unoie in-
small, two unoie in-tnii, oiiisMor." -St-Itrs. 13S
in lull, tubs. C3 lbs. . , 7
Mi'ialleed iufdlioriftid'tlnmaTk'oiiiiile .
" !'"uu,,re'"
A very .clear demonstration so: far :ai
- our experinientsffoes.- in favor anrnA.
a result, which yiii, we doubt not, bovg;en,?
erallv reached in nil .rn nm :k
whatever crop, betw en f Yml
r i "ini -r -- ,
.perfect seed. There are man v other rc-
fe tn 1, ,1rWn i.t! Lli.i,.
suits to be drawn froni
.':wo smoulu ,Ma?l Uv
W-3uar(-3ind obhg.atioito MrEast
r 1 i. r-.' "-.
ui imar uiuuuriiic. ana aetitirntrt rv
. tr.i . -j - -
. r fit. j i""'.""!! ,ttSBuiniB ex
periment, "and we hope he may repeat it
: another season. A. Y. Ihr.
- '
ucin. i-uum wo convenientiv uo so. Thn