Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, February 03, 1853, Image 2

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V Hill 111 i m n
T!uirlny, February 3, 1853.
Wood ! Wood ! ! Wood ! ! !
In order to accommodate such of our
subscrsbers who are indebted to us, and
cannot make it convenient to pay, we are
willing to
receive, a
dry wood. We trust that a number of
patrons will avail themselves of this op-. this subscription is insufficient to build the twQ yearg succceding thc triennial assess
portunity and square up their accounts. Road. It will require at least one mil- ment The Auditor General transmits
The attention of the reader is di
rected to a communication in auother
column headed " Delaware ami Cobb's
vxup ix.aut i u tijauu.
ui iuu wBpuuiiwu "', '""'"o ""j
article lnrasclt, hand the paper to his
neighbor and urge him strongly to take F thc last tbirty ycars this great j upon mortgages, moneys at interest, pub
nnlnfwin the matter. Tt is xi ' i J ...wL . he loans, stocks and bonds on each dol-
ject which should receive the prompt at-
tention, not only of those along thc pro
posed route, but of every citizen in the
tt. $. Senator.
The Legislature of Texas, on thc 15th
ult., by an almost unanimous vote, re-elected
the Hon. Sam. Houston for an
other term of six years in the United
States Senate, commencing on the 4th of
March next, when his present term will
eThe Legislature of New Jersey
has elected W3i. Wright to represent
the State in thc U. S. Senate, for six
years from the 4th of March next in the
place of Jacob W. Miller, the present
member. Thc vote stood 45 to 29.
-The Vice President elect has ar
rived at Key West, Florida, without any
improvement of health, and without hope
of recovery.
The number of Indians in California is
estimated at about 90,000.
Ma. Buchaxax, telegraphic despatch
es from Washington state, has addressed a
letter to a friend in Philadelphia, expres
tiug a preference for Judge Campbell for
a Cabiuet appointment.
Doubtful Humor. A rumor prevails
at Washington, that Gen. Pierce has of
scred the State Department to James Bu
chanan. The Maine Liquor Law.
It is understood that the Committee on
Yice and Immorality in the House of
Representatives are busily engaged in
preparing a prohibitory liquor law ; and
that it is not unlikely, if no obstructions
be raised by parties interested, that some
such law will pass. If such should be
the case, it will not admit of being called
a "snake" itself, though it will undoubtly
prove distruction to man3incipientJsnakes'
of the imagination. llarrisburs Tele
graph. jjT"Late advices from Australia, re
ceived by way of California and Europe,
announce the discovery of another ex
tensive gold field, which promises to yield
an abundant harvest. The season in
Australia had been exceedingly wet, so
much so that the farmers had been wait
ing for three months for the weather to
become sufficiently dry to admit of the
sowing of grain. Ccnsiderable attention
is being given to the cultivation or tobac
co, which, it is alleged, can be grown in
such perfection as to warrant thc belief
that it will eventually exclude the neces
sity for importation.
JJjrOn Sunday morning the hindmost
passenger car of the down train on the
Columbia Railroad, was thrown off the
track near Christiana, by the breaking of under oMll and re(lulre "tie papers to be loans and stocks guarantee! by the State,
i T, r ii j i i re r . I produced. Every taxable inhabitant is one half mill upon every dollar of their
an axle. It fell down a bank fifteen feet, ii v i . i u i i i i- i .
ohlirrpfl tn snow hnw iniifn nprsniinl nrnn. nar valtifi. nn wliinii nnn rnr ronf. nntiiii
throwing the passengers into a heap, i erty he is worth, including his money at interest is paid, aud an additional half
breaking the leg and arm of one man, , interest, his stocks, bonds, securities, and mill upon every additional one per cent,
and the thigh of another. As soon as eVen his income, and thc debts which Couuty taxes not to exceed the rates es
they were got out, the car took fire from may be owing him by solvent debtors ' tablished for State purpose,
the stove, and was soon consumed. a mattcr wj,ich it is at all times vcry dif. The property subject to taxation as real
mi. n i r i 3i , ' ficult to determine. The assessment is to estate, construed to include all land, buil-
The Morris -Canal Co. have declared jbe made triennially ; and where the tax-' dings, ground rents, ferries, fisheries and
an annual dividend of 10 per cent, on the )payCr neglects to fill the blanks left by wharves, and personal estate, all goods
preterre s oc v o 9. the assessorS) latter must assess the , chatties, moneys and effects: all moneys
m, " . I property twenty per cent above its ascer-; at interest, mortgages, public loans.stocks,
There are seven thousand person in;tainod value. bonds, and securities, owing by solvent
prison in cne unitea otates, or wnom lour
thousand three hundred are native.
An ingenious down-caster has invented
an umbrella with a gutter all around it,
bo that the water pours off in a single
stream. What next?
BcS"" Bishop Urfolk has deposited a
packet in the Archives of the Pennsylva-
nia Historical Society, which is not to be.duce the assessor's valuation if they think
opened for twenty-five years.
The State of Arkansas owes the
United States the snug little sum of 8S6.7,- sor, shall present it to this Board, they
356, principal and interest. , ' . " tjphall deduct the twenty per cent, ad-
Delaware & Colib's Gap Railroad. '
i- . '
1 be Engineers arc now making a caic-
,ful survey, through the County, with the '
1 view of finding the best route to locate (
i ii
xi. 1 1 . it l ..nnAoollTr nn.
,luc ucvBi, b.;
derstood, that either the
"Krml lipid's
i Creek" or the Pocono route" via Bar-1
tonsvilIc be adoPtcd cach route 13
t0 00 thoroughly examined and the right,
i. i.. :
nf u-nv nlitnined. before Droceedm" any
r. ... ,1 - x t m tvwi
lurtuer wiui me project, x wuiuu mmim
, , x n i
the people of Monroe county, that some
two years since certain gentlemen sub-
! scribed to the Capital Stock of this Com -
nmnf efflntfn wnnm
ot good sound, - .
uuivruuu uni..v..w
cnarwar aim organs tue vpauy .
lion dollars more ; and thc question is,
vrWn ; mnr. f r, nmi from : and
i , -xi ,rt,ifi,o
rlif pharrnr nvnirna iriflun r.wfllvfl lllnlltliS.
v i x xi
iie engineers are enagea ac me uxpunau ,
of a few individuaiSj wi10 alone are re- (
sponsible to them, and n the project jaus
ti p 1 tj w
loruu uiaic hus uubu utituwu. auu tuuua-
ands 0f dollars expended by liberal indi-1
viduals, in obtaining charters, in explor-
ing and surveying routes, and every pro-
;rtf fi.:i.i fi.w;eB wii :
, ' it i
It is now thc determination of the friends j
of this enterprise to make one more grand
effort, wider certain circumstances, and if
-U 1 J
they fail, to abandon it. Citizens of Mon-
roe county, I ask you, shall this last cf-
fort be made ? If you say so, a commit- j
tee will call upon you, to ask you to cede (
the rinht of way. and if you do the fair !
xX . . . i xr . -n i ,
thing iu this case a grand effort will be
maue ante, io tue n uuu iuuhu,l uuuu, j
can be raised, and it the project tails, it '
will not be laid at your doors. You arc
all invited to contribute your mite, let it
be ever so small ; it is desirable that eve
ry individual of 3Ionroe county should
take an interest and be its friend. The
Road is for you aud your posterity, and
you are invited to assist, and not call it a
You will now be called upon for the last
lime, to manifest your good will, the Com-
pany only want the right of way and land
for depots, at proper places, for your ac-,' r.eciePc- diviuenus not exceeding
i x. -i- i j xi x i j 1 six per cent, per annum pay eight per cent,
commodate; it is hoped that no land-J nofc cxceetHng seven per cent., pay nine
holder from selfish motives will raise per cent., not exceeding eight per cent,
the cry that his farm is ruined by the pay ten per cent, not exceeding nine per
Rail Road going through it, when the fact cent- PaT twelve -per cent., &c. Every
is, that it only takes so much land, and it b.ankillS institution, or company, paying
. ' , , , , , , , m, . six per cent, dividend on the capital stock,
is only the land that he loses. This cry is taxed three miUs on cvcry dolar Qf
is usually raised by ungenerous men to stocks, and an additional one per cent,
impose upon a company, and when the dividend of profit.
improvement is done, the value of their J EverJ person or co-partnership selling
property is doubled. dlstJIled lr goods .or co,m-
. , . , moditics of any kind, of domestic or for-
If this great enterprise can be earned, ' eign growth, product or manufacture, ex
the farmers will have a market near their cept auctioneers aud others duly licensed,
doors. It will not be necessary for them are to pay licenses as follows: $1,000,-
to spend thc whole winter in carting their 000 Pay 350 S'00,000 pay 8300, 8500,-
X . f. , , 000 pay S250,300.000 pay 8200, 200,-
produce, at a great expense, to a distant nnM 1 J . en nn nnn n M-
r ' & r ' 000 pay 8150, 8100,000 pay S100, 83o,-
market. Monroe county will no longer 000 pay 8S0, $75,000 pay 800, 800,000
be that lonesome and isolated place, your pay 850, 850,000 pay 840, 40,000 pay
sons ami daugliters and men of enterprise 830, 830,000 825, 820,000 pay S20, 815,
will no more leave the homes of their an- 000 Pay S15 510,000 pay 12 20, 86,000
cestors, for homes in other parts; and when ' 10, 83,000 pay 87, $1 000 pay 85.
, , . . -fr n ii Lvery seller of wines or distilled liquors,
you are asked, "where is Monroe County" ; without other commoditions, shall pay fif
your answer will be, "it is situated about ty per cent, in addition to the above rates,
in the centre of all creation," that you which must be specified on every license,
arc on a line, of Rail Road that takes you Nosellerunder$l,000 annually, no femme
x ii a xi x- n xi i7 x i sole trade or single women, whose annual
to the Atlantic Ocean on the East, and gales do nofc be fe
to the Inland Seas of the West, and to qu;red to take out a license, nor mechan
nearly everywhere else. All this you ics who keep stores to sell their own man
can truly say, and is this not worth one ufactures. The appraisers of mercantile
more grand effort, before it is too late. taxes classify and assess, brokers of stock,
Let every generos man have his mind exchange, merchandize, and real cs
made up, properly, what to do, when tate all of whom shall pay three per cent,
called upon, as there is no time to be lost. Per annum upon every dollar of their re-
MOYROE. , ceipts from sources. Non-resident hold
Tim ioir Tav Kill ;
Ilie itCW 1.1X Dill. J
The Commissioners to revise the code
providing for the assessment and collec-
tion of the State and county taxes, have
reported a huge bill to equalize taxation,
br getting a fair and equal assessment of
all the real and personal property in the
Commonwealth. Thc assessors are author-
ized to subpoena witnesses, examine them
County Boards of Revision are provi-
Li0fi 'Pi,nco -rc t
valuation of land and town lots, and the
improvements thereon, so that they will
jbe assessed at actual cash value, and shall
have power to subpoena and examine wit
nesses, and require the production of ti
.tle papers, and exercise all powers neces-
sary to ascertain the value of all real and
personal property, aud shall raise or re-
injustice has been done to the State or in
dividual. If taxables who have refused
or neglected to make return to the asses-
lled uy tuc assessorybut if no statement
is made, the Board, shall add fifty per
to the valuation. There can be no
appeai from the decision of this Board ;
the County Commissioners shall make no
lit L 1.1 i niM!
ihifiiiiPiih nnr niit.hnnzr t.ho. Collectors
--- -
duplicates to D2 made OUt upou any omur
r n.An,r1i
iro lunf irn flion fliof- nf thf I Inn lit. V IlOaril
-,? . . , lWnnn flm,,.
missioners. Next comes a board of Rev-
crme Commissioners, to meet every three
' years, at liarrisourgu, to equalize uio
1 valuation and nrovide a uniform rate
- . .
taxation. The Board is authorized to
subpajna and cxamiue witnesses, raise or
( rejuce aggregate valuations, which are
' to remain as the valuation for three years,
exoent the increased value of improve-
. ... -
ments on real estate, which mav ba ad-
Gommisssoners the
copies to thc County Commissioners, who
increase or decrease the valuation of the
ivevenue uommissioncrs. riiieauiy aiuouir
i J a
-ii n i.... 1.1
the real estate. Upon these adjusted
n)n.' ne i n nnnn nn,nn,:ca:nnnv
assess thrCG mills up0n every dollar of
real estate, salaries, emoluments, trades
( professions or employments; one halt mill
i nnv ... fnlin . nnf nMrost nn
firPi nd an additional half mill nnor
every additional one per cent, annual in
tcrest 5 and every person whose income
does not exceed S400 shall be assessed
v400, and pay one half null upon every
lQ Collector of taxes is empowered
to levy thc amount, in case of neglect or
refusal to pay within thirty days, by dis-
, J . i c .1 1 I -.xl C xl. .
tress and sale of eoods and chattels of the
delinquent, first giving ten days notice
He is also empowered to levy on such
goods and chattels when he believes they
are about to be secreted or removed, and
be may eforc the tbirty day3 gracc
has expired. I hose who pay the taxes
, c . , f 1 J , ,
before thc end of the year are entitled to
an abatement of five, four, three, &c.,
per cent
to the time of the
Tear which they shall pay. The ltecor-
ders or Deeds are to return ccrtihed lists
of unsatisfied mortgages recorded, of less
than twenty years exhibiting thc names
and residences of mortgages, mortgagors,
assignees, vendees, or persons claiming
and occupying mortgaged premises as well
as the dates, amounts, and terms of all
mortgages. The Collector may collect the
amount assessed of mortgagor, or occu
pant on the premises, and thc amount paid
shall be a set off on rent or mortgage, the
evidence of which shall be the Collector's
ers of real estate are taxed also, and
uuots uue mem ior me purcuaseoi sucu
real estate may be collected of the debt-
or, the collectors receipt being a set off.
If the collector is unable to collect such
tax, the lands thus held by non-residents
shall be returned and sold as unseated
lands in satisfaction of taxes. The State
Treasurer is authorized to deduct from
the interest paid upon the unexempted
loans of the State and all corporation
-1 1. X .1 xl JV. il 1 f 1
debtors, within or without the State, all
;nmM e 41nn '
anuum, derived by virtue of the constitu
tion and laws, as well as from any trade,
profession or employment, all other prop
erty not comprised as real estate, under
the above definition.
These are the general features of the
bill all its details would fill the paper.
A new society is in formation, out
West, to be called the "Total Abstinence
from Physic Society," whose motto is to
be "Beef, Water, and Benevolence." All
its members are expected to grow fat and
Fig'lit with a Jaguar, or American
' Tin'Piv
' 1 1 f
A correspondent'-of The Galveston
News gives thefollowing account of ades-
. l.i TIT- "It ttT't
peraie mruu okuwucu iur. .osaiom uu
" o . . . u""',"u
Hams, who is about seventy vcars of aj
liaras, who is about seventy ycars of age,
. ' , t- ,f
bis wife, and an enormous tiger, whi
' . O I
occurred about the 1st of December,
All. W ' rnsirl PTinfi?
Mr. W 's residence:
I The tiger was first discovered qn the
premises of Mr. James Drake, who lives
xi. . xi. ..a: e t r n x
in Hie norm puinuu ui ucueisuu uuuuLy,
where it entered ins enclosure, attacKed
his horses, and killed one, besides wound
ing two others. While the tiger was
committing its depredations, it was dis
covered by Francis Drake, sou of the
proprietor of thc premises, who fired a
shot gun at it, wounding it in the side, but
not dangerously, when it made its escape.
The next day, while Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liams were sitting in their house, (the
rest of the family absent,) they were start
led by a strange noise in the yard, in
front of their house. Mr. W., on
out, discovered his dog eng;
tiger, when he seized an ox-yoke and
aimed a blow at the "varmint," but, mis
sing it, struck his dog. Thc dog then
got away from the tiger and retreated.
In an instant the tiger sprung on Mr.
Williams, and, seizing him by the hand,
jerked him about twenty feet. The old
gentleman finding himself in the too pow
erful grasp of the wild animal, courage
ously determined to give it the best
"rough and tumble fight" in his power,
and, having no weapons within reach, he
seized the tiger by the throat with his
other" hand, and, throwing his whole
strength forward, crushed the tiger to
thc ground, both falling side by side.
At this time Mrs. Williams came to the
rescue, with a gun, which she snapped at
the tiger, but, there being no priming in
thq pan, it did not go off. Mr. W. then,
with one arm round the tiger's body,and
grasping its throat with his other hand,
by an effort, disengaged himself. The
tiger discovering a new ad ve sary in thc
person of Mrs. W., jumped at her, and at
tempted to grasp her head within its jaws,
while it struck and lacerated her breast
with its fore paws. She tried to avoid
the monster, but was felled to the ground.
The tiger made another grasp at her head,
his urJfier teeth penetrating at the top of
the scull and sliding along the bone,
peeled off the skin till they met the lower
teeth, penetrated on the right side of her
In thc meantime, Mr. W. had seized
the ox-yoke again, and, giving the tiger
a tremendous blow, caused it to leave
Mrs. W.; when it leaped into the house
and got under the bed. The door was
immediately closed and the monster se
cured. Mr. AY., was exhausted fromthe
effects of his wounds, from which the
blood flowed in streams; but not so his
better half. When she saw their mutu
al foe thus attempt to take possession of
their house, she determined to finish the
battle, and, notwithstanding the severity
of her wounds, her dress almost entirely
torn from her person, and covered with
blood, she deliberatelr took the gun.and,
shaking some powder from the barrel in
to the pan, placed the muzzle between
one of the openings which the logs of the
house afforded, and fired with steady and
deadly aim. The tiger was killed.
When subsequently measured, it was
found to be 'twelve feet from the tip of
its tail to its nose.
During all the time the fight was going
on, no one but those engaged in it were
within hearing. Mr. W.'s nearest neigh
bor lives three miles off. However, as
Mrs. W. was washing the blood from her
person, a neighbor came riding by, and,
alarmed at her appearance, inquired the
cause. The old lady, unable from the
loss of blood to speak, pointed to the
dead body of the tiger.
The escape of Mr. and Mrs. Williams
is indeed wonderlul, and they are now
recovering gradually from their wounds.
Mr. V. jokes about the tiger fight, and
intimates that the old lady was most en
raged when the "varmint" took posses
sion of his bed and house. It need hard
ly be added that Mr. Williams is a brave
man. He fought the British at New-Orleans,
and subsequently the Mexicans; in
tue cause ot Texas; but this last fight is,
peruaps, the most singula? or all. llis
wife, in intrepidity and daring, is worthy
of him, and the two, together, are of that
courageous class that have encouutered
forest wilds and frontier dangers the
pioneers of Christian civilization and A-
mcrican institutions.
A Western editor requests those of his
subscribers who owe him more than six
years subscription, to send him a lock of
hair, that he may know they are still liv-
lo which the Lawrenccburff (Indi
ana) Register says : "If all our subscri
bers of that kind would do that, we could
make money by carrying on thc wig bus-
Foreign Ignorance. Foreigner just lan
ded in New York. Sare, I've iust 'rived
in thiscounthry I have von vish to reach ,
ISew Orleans dis night. Vil you told me
vat is dc smallest vay, and how much mile
it is ?
Jonathan. Wal, stranger, keep the
South road arter you leave this ere place, I
an' if them spindle shanks o' yeorn don't
gin coufr you'll touch Orleans, I reckon in
about a Month !
JSSSTetanus, or lockjaw, is successful
ly treated with quinine. The New Or
leans Medical and Surgical Journal gives,
at some length, the treatment in a recent
case, in which the cure is attributed alto
gether to quinine.
jrTPotter county, Pa., has no licensed
j liquor retailers within its borders. , '
Important Opinion
An important opinion has just been de-
levered by Judge Woodward, of the Su-
preine Bench, relating to partnership
property. The following portion of the
opinion will give an idea of the principle
laid down. Thc Judge say$ :
f f fPli if n crinri ft onfinrv .inlnr or ftro
cution at the suit of a judgment creditor
or one partner can sell and deliver no
part of the partnership goods, but only
. the contingent interest or the debtor part
( ner in the stock and profits after settle
I mcnt of partnership accounts and pay
( ment of partnership creditors, is a con
( elusion that results necessarily out of the
I principles of the partnership relation, and
is sanctioned by a great number of mod
ern decisions both in England and the
1 United States. What are some of the
principles of this relation! It is a con
tract relation, and therefore no partner
' can be introduced into it except upon
consent. A purchaser at a sheriff's sale
of a partner's interest becomes a tenant in
common with the other partners, so far as
to entitle him to an account, but he does not
become a partner. On the contrary, the
sale works a dissolution of the partner-
, ship, as completely as thc death, insanity,
i or bankruptcy of a partnership.
I "Partners are joint tenants of all thc
' stock and effects employed in their busi-
I ness. No partner can have a separate
interest in any part of the property be
longing to the partnership, though each
has an entire as well' as joint interest in
the whole of the joint property. A levy,
then, to effect the interest of a partner,
cannot touch a specific proportion of the
goods, nor the whole, because others have The account of William Huston and
property in every part as well as the John W. Huston, Admisistrators of the
whole, coupled with a right, resting in estate of William Huston, Senior, late of
contract, to use them for the purposes for Stroud township, deceased.
which the partnership was instituted. The first account of Peter Getz, and
The only levy that can be made, consis- Joseph Getz, Administrators of the estate
tently with the relation the partners sus- of Adam Getz, late of Ross township, de
tain to the goods, is of the debtor's inter- ceased.
est in thc whole, and that is to be meas
ured by final account.
On Thursday the 20th ult., the Police
of Philadelphia captured several counter
feiters, white and black, at the "Gap," in
Lancaster county. A very large amount
of spurious bills were found upon them-
on Bank ot Connecticut, Salem Banking
Company, and Relief l's on the Lancas-
tor Bank; also some spurious gold dollars.
JS A little girl and her mother were
found frozen to death on the evening of
the 16th, in an alley at the south end of
Troy, New York. The girl, aged about
ten years, was standing erect, with a bas-
ket on her arms.
Important if True. One of the papers
of the "spirit rappers," is pretending to
be informed of the affairs of the dead,
states that Napoleon and Wellington arc
quarrelling about the affair at Waterloo.
This should teach people to get through
with their fighting and quarrelling before
leaving this world.
JS-Tlirce thousand Bibles have been
distributed by the Bible Society of War
ren county, N. J. Judge Robeson, thc
rresiuenc or tue oociecy, at tne recent
annual meeting stated that the county had
been thoroughly canvassed every cabin
on the hill-top, and every cottage in the
valley, has been visited. Of 5,036 fami-
lies visited, 412 were without a whole Bi-
ble, and 181 without any part of one
Jury liist Fcfe. term, 1853.
0f Court commences on Monday, the
28tli day of February.
Stroud Isaac Delong, Jacob Frederick,
John Delong, Jeremiah Shiffer, Samuel
Boys, John Ransbury
Hamilton Josenii Kemmnrnr. ir.. Uonrv
Terwilliger, Joseph Bittenbender, '?bel Sta-
pies, Jerome Shaw
Smithjield Abraham Gish
M. Smilhjield Andrew J. Coolbaugh, Da-
vid lianno.JJenjaminlluII, limothy Van why,
William Schoonover
Chesnuthill Joseph Brong, John
Peter Kresge
Coolbaugh Joseph Moyer
Jackson Jacob Setzer
Paradise Jacob Smith
Polk John Kunkle
Chesnuthill John Gregory, Jonas Bartold,
Henry Lawfer
Coolbaugh Jasper Vliet
Hamillon Michael Keiser, AndrewStorm,
Lorenzo IIolTcdditz. Charles Saylor, Abraham
iidinger, JharIes J. Walton, Charles L. Ter
williger, Henry Edmger, George Butz,
Sandford Ilagerman, Peter Snyder, Samuel
Polk Samuel Anthony
Jackson Loonard Engler, Melchoir Hay
Stroud Franklin Starbird, Joseph Drake,
Philip Fisher, Daniel Jayne, Daniel Hogen
shieldt, George Scyphers, John Frankenfield
John 7uston, Stogdell Wolf, Jacob Keller
Ross Will iam Srnael. 7enrv Altemose
Smilhjield John Casebeer, William Trail-
sue, David Shannon, Reuben Weiss
Pocono George Warner
il. Smilhjield Washington Overfield,
Charles Albert, Adarais Overfield, Jacob
Grupe, William Overfield, Adam Overfield,
Levi uffman, Joseph Stetler
Price Josinh B. Snow, John M. Price
Paradise John Vanvliet, Henry Heller
The best evidence that can be adduced in
lavor of the efficaciousness of Hoofland's Ger
man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson
is the unprecedented demand for ihem from
all parts of the Union; and although there
may dc many compounds prepared and rep-, 'ent their ciaims before the Auditor, or be de
resented as being worthy of a liberal patron-. barred fro : Baid f ,
age, yet we leel constrained to remark, that
the vast number of testimonials with which
the worthy doctor has been honored, by per
sons of the highest character and respectabil
ity, who found it necessary to have recourse
to his preparation, is testimony.sufficiently
conclusive, that a more ehectual remedy for
the almost immediate relief of those afflicted
with that direful malady, dyspepsia, has.nev
er been discovered.
January 29th, by Rev. J. A. Watson
r. John mouck, and Miss Margaret A
nr .
, Azer DQttl 01 Dirona township.
In Stroudsburg, on Thursday evenino
last, the 27th ult., Mrs. Sally Morris. S
of Jonn D- Morris, Esq., aged about 30
"Weep not for those
Who sleep within the armB of death
E'er yet the chilling wintry breath
Of sorrow o'er them blows;
But weep for them who here remain,
The mournful heritors of pain,
Conderan'd to see each bright joy fade
And mark griefs melancholy shade, '
Fling o'er Hope's fairest rose."'
At the Naval School at Annapolis, Mary
land, on Sunday, January 24, 1853, Alfred
Brodhead, son of Dr, John M. Brodhead of
the District of Columbia. He died of con
gestion of the brain,
pp TMTVrTm?
-Lv-CjVXJLo J2Xv O N U X lHi.
"J1IOTICE is hereby given to all legatees
and other persons interested in the
estates of the respective decedents and mi-
nors, that the administration accounts of
the following estates have been filed in
the office of the Register of Monroe coun-
ty, and will be presented for confirmation
and allowance to the Orphans' Court to
be held at btroudsburg, m and for the a-
foresaid county, on Monday, the 28th day
or -uepruary, at iu o'clock A. M.
The final account of George Butz, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Jesse Shafer,
1x f rnLi . , . , , '
late of Tobyhanna townshiD. deceased.
SAMUEL REES, jr., Register.
February 3, 1853
"Kg ESPECTFULLY inform the Mer-
nliJinfs nf fif rmnicimirr onrl ri'iinitv
that tb havc commence(f the manufac-
ture of
PiJS?F TAI ow r&wm ere
. rtPU E T L NDLE .
m the Borough of Stroudsburg, and will
kceP constantly on hand a full supply,
Avmch they offer for saIe at as low rates
as can be had atany other establishment.
CaIi before purchasing elsewhere,
Stroudsburg, February 3, 1853.
. nmnr -w-i - lni n-nminiiin
N.W. Corner Second and Mulbcrvy Streets,
At the Lowest
Market rates.
SPICES, etc. &c.J
Those commencing New Stores are par
ticularly invited lo call.
05 Attention given to Produce.
Philadelphia, January 27, l853.-3m
v11l1f1lc;, iJTmirt CJrtlf
' v-ifJljllu-J miu vuu
By virture of an order of the Orphans'
' Court of Monroe county, will be sold at
public sale on
; Fridaif, the 18th day of February
next, at 1 o'clock p. m. on the premises in
j Tannersville, Pocono township, Monroe
couuty, Pa. late the estate of Charles G.
t Nebe, deceased, consisting of a valuable
j Town Iot,
containing two acres, more or less, on the
North cc bouth Turnpike, adjoining land
of James Trach and Stephen Kistler, all
cleared, well tenced. This lot is a desir-
' able one for a mechanic or person who
1 wants to locate himself in the flourishing
' village of Tannersville, and will probably
be within
a snort distance ot the JJela-
( ware and Cobb's Gap Rail Road, which
: is now being located,
j Conditions one half on the confirma-
tion of sale by the Court and the balance
; in six months.
J. n. STROUD, Am'r.
By order of the Court,
M. H. DREHER, Clerk.
January, 27 1853.
n.. r m r'nlfiftn. finro-onn Rentier
UU Jf l 0lSOmJ Olirgeon WeilUSt.
All kinds of work in the Den
tal Art executed in the best and
most scientific manner, and war
ranted to give satisfaction.
Dr. F. brings the highest testimonials of
skill, and those employing him may be as
sured of his ability to perform successfully
even the most difficult and delicate operation
in the line of his profession,
Particular attention paid to plate work.
Office, opposite S. J. Hollinshead's hotel,
Stroudsburg, Pa
January 13, 1853.
In the Common Pleas of Monroe Co.
Jacob Deitrick, l Yen. Ex. de tern's.
vs. December Term, 1852.
Peter Groner. ) No. 3.
The undersigned, Auditor appointed to dis
tribute the fund arising from the Sheriffs
sale under the above writ, among- the lien
Creditors's, will attend to the duties of his
appointment on Saturday, the twelfth day of
C. " " a T iiw .ViflnVWlr a m' n.
offic in Stroudsburg, when and where all
Dereons interested are hereby required to pro-
Stroudsburg, Jan. 13, 1853.-4t.
JOAPS. fine scented Soaps for wash-
ing and shaving a'so the celebrated
shaving cream, for sa'e by
Stroudsburg, Nov. 181853.