JBPFK1S0MIA1 -," id - lffc'itCl Is is. i iu is THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ART OF BEING HONEST. JEFFERSON. VOL. 13! STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1852. No 8. iihIUhud by Theodore Schoch. TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two lollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paidbe lore the end of the year. Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by tlm. proprietor, will bo charged 37 1-2 cents, per year, extra. No papers ditcontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (six teen izncs i win oe inserieu tnree weeks lor one unuar. and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The Charge for one and three insertions the same. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. lO Allletters addressed to the" Editor must be post paid. JOB PISIIYTIKG. Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, w e arc prepared to execute every dcsciiptionof Cards, Circulirs, III II Heads, Notes, Blank Kocefjils Justices, Legal and other Hunks, Pamphlets, Vc. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE .Ye f f e va tt la : ;t 11 lie p ii i t vim . Tuq Merry Days of Youth. BY G. L. BANKS. Oh, merry is the sunshine, And merr is the spring, And merry is the wild bee, Forever on the wing . , But, ah ! of Natures mirth fulness1; For perfect joy and truth, There's nothing half so merry As the merry days of youth. There's freedom in thc soul "When the life is green and young, There's rapture in the heart, too, And limbic on the tongue; At every step the light foot falls On groupes of thornlcss flowers, And hope, a fairy, dances, To beguile the pleasant hours. - The merry days of youth, Too soon do they depart, By worldly care and sorrow chasj&fl From the impulsive heart; Yet still will linger in the mind The seeds-of love and truth, "Which the spirit saved and gathered Iu the menry days of youth. Esonomy in aliening tt 3-a 17 TIto-f!llowinS experiment iu ft!ta.inK hogs with Sro,U ,nd uSround com, would seem as far as a solitary expen- mcnt can, to settle the question of econ- omy as to the best mode of feeding hogs, It is an extract lrom a communication m . the Patent Office Rejiort for 1S50-51, by . . Mr. J.E.Dodge, of lotosi, Grant county, Wisconsin. He says : : "In October last, I selected from mv stock two pi- ofthesame iz and np-' siock two pic.., oi me same uz, auu ap . days ; then they were again weighed and slaughtered, lhe heaviest was led with ; i imicuujj uii tuiiii.y , u-, iiu w i , gpj and their dreadful malady is perpet-1 oy th at blackguard clerk, and now one of further than to say to himself that at at what he saw there, and he read on and gazca in wild astonishment on the scene weighed 2G0 lbs., the other 247 lbs. Im- j uated from generation, and the groans of his hired bullies has challenged me ; no, ' most they could only destroy his body, on. He had never heard such things be- before her. mediately after being weighed they were the aged and the dying are mingled j m fint his clerk first, and his bully af-. but were not able to kill his soul. "If 1 fore' conscienco waa awakened and j When her emotion had somewhat sub put in apartments of the same house, kept jrhh the feeble : wail of the young that are M h(J ht T hfc tQ the hfe he had Utad aP . ai .ded Dr. Cadwell inquired if she saw rr nnrl imrm f,i nnt or fv .in brought forth branded for life of misery, j ti 0. , I Tr ' , . darkei to his mind, lie Decame uneasy, him. "Yes," said she, "I see you. Ohf Uourt to J uror. bir vou are challcn- Heaven; and there it is iar better than "TCverv dav he senarated from his com- i, ri,;fr irtrti-i sVcnfi- .1 "j v ,i - n. i lwavl'u''! uuuuuu uiciiuvuuu ui t t X J lCUl UULl uuuuiw uva u com meat, mixed stiii with cold water; the ings. other with shelled com, with pure water!. Among so many, there must be soinej fnr rlrinl- Tlio nnfi fo,l wifli mr.nl onn. ! sumed lbs. and gained 06 lbs., live weight; the pork after dressing, was 297 ; lbs. The other ate 308 lbs. of cor,,, and uiiu ifu iuuuu w uavu "umtu uu aus. mu, . , . , - i . ,,, 00, n 1 weight; his pork weight being 231 lbs.- . Uy subtracting the pork weight from the weight. If one-fifth be deducted from the ; j i . . i x ainoum cacn pig gaiueu, nave uie irue ain, in pork weight, produced, which ' was 0 pounds for every 65 lbs of W, and 5 pounds for every oG lbs of "T in nifTQ ivori u ornss npt.woon lho . r-c" " Gain pf the hog fed on corn meal, G3 lbs. it it com 33 ain in favor of feeding on meal, 30 lbs. ; j"The following question is now be ing debated by the Tilletudlum Lyceum; 'AVhich will soonest make a person wealthy attending to his own business, or letting other people's alone.' The decision, when it arrives, will be issued in an extra. Two live mice, says tho Lowell Courier, lately came through the mail, en closed in a sealed letter from North 15:1 lerlca, to a gentleman in the city. They were delivered " in good order and well conditioned," and are doing well. This can hardly be considered as coming within the post office law defining "maila ble matter." It is what printers would call live matter." If the secret agents of the department go to wwws-ing into this case, the post masters will probably bo subjected to a categorical examination which -must greatly a-jnctv-JLhe. public. live weight, the amount of ofial is ascer- unavailing aspirations, a thirst for action ; Sheriff. Oh 1 nothing, vou can cat with utor through bone aud marrow. Soon ",nscV out ,l7 . !nu1 1 m; thing it is; both sides are not alike." rino i,, ihn oorimonf r,mrr1 that bums within unceasingly, vet never ' .i . . . i i i.:i.i- ii.: r. ' lliey hasteucu togetnei, in cue nope mas Wc may add that the young lady's siffhfc """"j ....w w..r i r.w 0 , wim me anu bleep in my room. several iiornuie-iooKing luruia uaiuu uui , (, ion,i fl1Am (tnin nn i -i , " , , - , ,f 4v w i.nn ,;. r n.n i:,. can be assuaged ; all the ruling passions T 1 , , 1 , , . , ; he was going to lend them out again on 13 daily improving m strength, and that axraction less than onejtjm oi the me . ;mLu ; m, f It ' Juror. You are both savage and kind, of the thicket, surrounded the adventurous somQ profitable exnedition. But they Oi10 rofrne,l to her house in Mlnl,M xjyeucia and jserksmre, tne oesi; anu most upon my min(i, that time cannot efface.- and his bully, and everybody else. Whv "to bring vou the word of God. and to profitable breeds. The corn, yellow-dust, -1 passed when the rays of the sun were j am a going to be marricd to-night, and ' warn you from the path' of ruin; before to ki" in ' cold and the lirrht was dim: and thnro . 0 0 ' ; . , . , can 1 or U4 v.wuua,, uuu .u6.vU, o 111 have liltccn miles to ride. the judgement ot uon urcaks over you. nf mu,j iMmii our. or fho tp.p. In nor hovp.lti IpnrntiQ 1 J 0 J OI d lOOJtri fppm." The Lepers in Jerusalem In my rambles about Jerusalem I pas- scd on several occasions through the quar- ter of the Lepers. Apart from the inter- est attached to this unfortunate class of beings, (arising from the frequent allusions made to them in the Scriptures,) there isj much in their appearce and mode of life to attract attention and enlist the sympa thy of the stranger. Dirt and disease go rcvoltingly together here ; guant famine stalks through the streets ; a constant moan of suffering swells upon the air, and sin broods darkly over the ruin it has wrought in that gloomy and ill-fated spot. "Wasted forms sits in the doorways; faces covered with white scales and sightless eyes are turned upward; skeleton arms, j distorted and foetid, with the ravages of ' leprosy, are outstretched from the foul, moving mass ; and a low howl is heard, i j the howl of the stricken for alms; ho stran- ger, for the love of God ! alms to feed the inexorable destroyer! alms to prolong this dreary and hopeless misery ! Look upon it, stranger, you who walk ; forth in all your pride and strength and breathe the fresh air of heaven ; you who have never known what it is to be shuncd by your fellow man as a thing unclean and accursed; you who deem yourself un-1 blest with all the blessings that God has ! given you upon earth; look upon it and; learn that even the Leper, with death ' 1 and learn that there is misery beyond all ' prisoner's counsel to his feet, who was is true they were not armed like the rob- the murmur was hushed. The robbers ; maue DJ aweii, m ianaua, a iew i , , . , . , . 1 . , . , . . , . , . , , i l i . , .i days ago. Our contemporary savs that . that vou have conceived in vour gloomiest going to argue that the manner in which bers with -pistols v.na such murderous uegan even to ahow respect to the courage-, A- j o..Wlu fti,a i hours a misery that can still be endured; the juror's last answer was given, was a weapons; but out of their wallets peeped ous ari. Many a heart might have township of Malahide, restored to sight gnawing at his vitals and unceasing tor-,ped tures in his blood, cast out from the soci : ety of his fellow man, forbidden to touch : in friendship or affection, the hand of the untainted, still struggles for life, and deems each hour precious that keeps him from the grave. The quarters of the Lepers is a sad and impressive place. By the laws of the laud, which have existed from scriptural ; j times, they arc isolated from all actual J cmtMt their fellow men j yet there . CurfJ.;,80 j begging by the road-side. Near the j gate of Zion, on the way to Bethlehem, I saw many of them sitting on the rocks, it.: i.:.i . r .i xi g;1, Thci? j, ' ,.ji r,.,1 T' ti j stones, seldom with more than one anart-1 ment, and this so filthy and loathsome that ' it seemed unfit to be occupied by swine. 1 1Ie'e theJ H and propogate, whole . - ... icumucs luciiiei . uuuuuu uisiiuuiiou oi tVinnrrlif o the Contemplation of the sad condition and probable destiny of these ill-fated be- iniTil:intofl : Wo fnr wnmnn in if nnrnot. . 111 M 'UU3U uiuoata tu punui ui iruu lovu is Bense for offspring, for all the endear-! ,Cnts of domestic life which the untaint- ed are eapable of feeding , t doomed . perpetuating the curse; some, too, in whom , hQQQ of m'ind unknow savc to themselves; ambition that corrodes nohie purposes, never, never, never to . 11 7 . . ' ' . . . . n nntiri in mon rnr n-rnof give 0ne moment's pleasure unmixed with the perpetual gloom of that curse which 3 ln iteuhlog , th . . 0 . . . ' . ivisiou or human misery was impressed men iraunt with famine and thev barred ' their hideous bodies and howled like beasts ; and women held out their loath- ...... 1 nmo finrl !ifoiircorl lifilioc oiwl irn anTn) thft .. thafc eornrflf1 t nnA nn;nf:n; to the shapeless mass shrieked for alms. : We find in an "old paper," the follow All was disease and sorrow wherever I method reoommendod to aged pe0plo, went; as I passed on, unable to relieve a asba means of enabling them to preserve thousand part of misery, moans of despair their evesi bfc or to r h aftJr h hag and howling curses followed me and lep- fajied ?T3 : crawled I back into their hovels to rot E; morni wben Hto&J mllcd- elf, dip you faeelnto the taf, V Are you kind to your Mother 7 Who 1 guarueu you in ueiiiiu, uuu cumiui yuu. l-.i i.iii. j ri.,i wueu iu l tmo uuug over juui w ucu when you were fretful, and put the cool- in" draught to your parched lips ? Who taught you how to pray, and gently help-1 ed you tp learn to read ' Who has borne with your faults, and been kind and pa- 1TT1 tient in your childish ways I Who loves, you still, and who contrives and works and prays for you every day you live ?. Now let me ask yo "Areyouiind to your mother' Scenc in Courts A trial for murder in the first degree, or as sporting men call it, a race for life J and death, came off a short time ago; with in less than a hundred miles of civiliza- tion The accused was a big negro, shining black, with hair as stilt and coarse as the teeth of a carding machine. Clerk. Prisoner look upon the juror juror look upon the prisoner. Do you challenge ? Counsel for the prisoner. Not peremp torily, Clerk. Ilave you formed or expressed an opinion with regard to the guilt or in - , nocence of the accused 1 I Juror. "Why what a question. How should I? Clerk repeats the question. Juror. Why I never seen him before, Clerk answer the question, yc3 or no Juror. No sir-e-e. Court, a matter Clerk. No sport here, it is too serious . ; Have you J any conscientious ! I have a few left. j ; scruples ! J uror. Clerk. I mean about inflicting capital punishment. , Juror. None whatever, I do assure you. This emphatic declaration brought the-: good cause for a challenge, but was stop-, by the Court. ! Clerk. Are you akin to the prisoner ? I Juror. What? I Clerk repeats the question. i Are you akin to the prisoner ? ! Juror. Who do you take me for ? Clerk. Arc you akin to the prisoner ? Juror. Your face is blacker on Sun-' da-s than mine is on week days, and hair is wooL Are akin tQ tho i . , C. Answer the question. Juror. Akin to the devil ! my family are respectable white people. Here the cloudy brow of tho court in- ' dicated thafc the conferencc should e out Ulmrf. nn.: tlm nrnnor's nnnnqclTinrllnrr nn ' frood from the iuror's contemntuoH onin- jon 0f his client, challen-ed tho juror for ' , , ' , r ,, r7 .7 i- i f TV-, Juror continues. W hat T nm lnsnltorl that he did not trouble himself about it ..o uuw I ' - J 1 UU 1 tl UllL IUU LJJ U. LI W nil) ged, you may retire. j Juror. I never turned mv back on friend or foe I'll not retire. i . rt . . 1 twenty-four hours for contempt of court, Sheriff, take him into custodv. I Here the sheriff, who was a resolute ' off arm in arM ! with the nrisoner v Juror. Why, sheriff, I voted for you, what are you about 1 Mr. Sheriff; I refused to vote for your ad- . . i versary, because when he was Sheriff, he never summoned me as juror I thought ' he slighted T am the f , were elected, and lam in m -1-4 ,1 . . . , , i n you, ine court, tne cleric, The sheriff explained matters to the . court, and tho sentence was commuted to one hour's custody, - Itttcrcsliitu to Old Puouic. your eyes and keep them under the wa ter, so long as you can hold your breath. This strengthens the eye and cleanses :l r i i ii.. 11 liuin mu i iieum wuieu ueuueiui me wgumuu euuaiuemuiy uueew tao uan. A gentleman in Maryland, by the name of James Calden, after using spectacles for 25 years, followed this plan, and at j the age of 70 recovered his sight so as to see without them. Dipping the crown If. 111. 11. ' or tne neau into cold water, every morn- uourt. air, you are committed tor.tnese rouoers should he saved r oo ue mg, Doth winter and summer, is a. pre-, . , T , ,, ., servation against the head and ear ache, ' Certainly I know you," was .tho an and will materially assist the other oper- swer. "You-are the wickedest of fall the i i . . . ially opei ation, in its effect upon the eyes.'' The DiMc-Bistriimtor among Rob- uers. During the revolutionary troubles of the year 1848, a band of robbers had established themselves in the great man- ufacturing town of Lyons, in the South of , France. They were rough fellows, with jiaces that looked only fit for the gallows, and hearts as hard as thc street-paving of the town. To judge from their appearance, they would think no more of taking away u liiaus me, man oi blowing out a rush - light. 15ut nothing prospers in tins world 1 without some sort of government, and these robbers knew it; so they chose one ' of their number for a Captain; and in this case it was the one most accomplished in all kinds of robbery and murder. And , then they raised their hands to Heaven, jand swore that none of them would ever,eyes glared with rage; involuntarily they leave or betray the band; and that if any should, nevertheless, break the oath, the rest would pursue and kill him. And they went forth to plunder and murder; and all the people of the neighborhood who, besides their heads, had temporal goods to lose, were full of terror and dismay. At this time there was assembled in Lvons another band, which, like these'. robbers in the forest, sent out their mes- sengers in every direction, and so haunted after all sorts of people. And where these appeared, many a one has trembled. It large and small books; and when the messengers read out of them, it was to many a listener as if a two-edged sword . , , ... , . , pierced through his soul. For in the books was much written about the holy God, who brings sinners before II13 tri- bunal; and about the Saviour Jesus Christ who so mercifully takes upon Himself the sins of those who heartilv repent and seek forgiveness from Him A 0ne of the Missionaries of this Society ,1,1 ,.,l,vt, m :m tl. f.t ,j ' the rohhers; not, indeed, tht he ,ight "become one of them, but, with the help I of God, to put an end to their unrighteous profession. It was truly a dangerous thing to do, and I really begin to tremble Tvhnn T f.liinlr lmw tho. law-loss follows in the forest vondcr will handle the noor! man. He might well think about it, too; , . anA , nn hrnr.n iinnrf Crt in this poor world, & especially in France, And would not if, by the won ii ii i iii inn n i filled his wallet with Bibles, aad stepped awav bravely into the wood.- Soon he was lost in the thicket, and after a few miles he eamo upon the outposts of the camP- m "Who goes there?" cried a rough voice, which seemed to pierce our Bible-Distrib- intruder, and scrutinized him with curi- . . ... . ous looks. He had meanwhile recovered courago to meet their wild scornful faces. Jm fellmv,); cried the robber, 11 l? i 1 . . n "i come, repueu no, witu a nrni voice, A wild fiendish laugh interrupted the; address. "Hal ha! ha!" cried tho com- U-ir, ii,;a ;0 o fniw ;good roaat for our Onptuin! There you ' v, TfS i8t wh,. he j 117 iijves, iinu im 11 ruwiiiu. juu iui il. j. ntu uo vour books: over vonder vou'll do 1 , ir 1 1 o 'i in more business! March! On with you! ' J w.vl Ai .1- 1.1 ii A. mu cueae worus uiey uuuau nun iui- toy-guns, tho stoutest heart might have :i..i. -c r . .1 ..1 1 (pnuicu; out our uiuu ui uuu aiuuu uitun.; "What do you want, tellOWl aSKCd tne Captain haughtily. ,.r ' , . ,, , cn i 1 como to br.inS ytt the worJ C Gq(1 replied thc Missionarj',- firmly. "Do you know who we are! Do you kow u37 ue asketl aam. wicked j-'tho most d-.ir ingo'T Sin tiers. ou my life be amply repaid tnem sucu conuueo appeareu somewnac ro0m. and inquired what they were. On I of God the .-oul of one of SU3P1C10US aud tbey boSan to whisper a- being informed she was incredulous. Tho ward and brought him to their Captain.- reneted, and urged them earnestly to rTaT v V- , ., . , , , i r. Vn- i i. V ,. .if- e , ), the less difhcult to bear than it is untried At the sight of such a body of ruflians : quit with hint their life of sin. the " i. , , rt nlnvJnwWli ilo;r ninsL-pfM -i-i if iIipv were 5 leaven worked. Soon afterwards fhe or ridiculed, itsaj . ..... piamgwitn then muaketa ad u tuey weie - p ' " The cause of corns and likewise of are the terror of the neighborhood; but the anger of God will burst over you, and , destroy you before you think it lie is a ! righteous God, and will not leave the kicked unpunished." As before, the fearless speaker was now interrupted by a burst of laughtcr.- A floocl ot sneers and curses was poured ! him; but he did not allow himself to disturbed, and only raised his voice , the louder. ! -penu ne cneu: -even lor you;tucm asaregUlar Baptist Church of Christ, , tuere is mercy and lorgiveness; even for ' you IS the Saviour, the Son of God, come , " vou repent and be converted. Now is tue time, is love has sent me here; the ' arms of His love arc opened to you."- , laughter was stilled, but instead a lw murmur was heard. The wild I pointed their muskets at the daring Mis - sionary; but a glance from the Captain, ' anU 1,0 would have paid for his boldness ! wtu his life. But the eye of God watch-1 ' e(1 over mra and courago was undis-' turbed. ! "Do you know," shouted the Captain,; "tnat yur lifc is in our hands?" i "Without God's permission you cannot toucn a hair ot my head, replied the m . . Missionary, raising his warning and ex-: hortiug voice still louder, and distributing, his Bibbles right and left. By degrees, trembled at the moment; but the devil "ad bound their chains too hrmly. ihey had taken that tearful oath, never to i , j j. n t. u i i leave the band, it couia be broken only death. Presently the Captain ex - claimed, "Take the man away, but do 1" no harm!" He was obeyed; and, , with oaths and curses, they led him out of the wood; and he praising God in his heart, made the best of his way back to Lyons. HToir.' manv of mv readers mav tlink'tioM of the young lady when the first the Biblo-Distribu.or .night have spared himsclt this troublesome journey; for the ' robbers will be robbers still. Have pa - ' tience! The word of God never returns , "void," but will accomplish that which he " pleases. But to proceed: The Captain had himself received a New Testament; and, as ho was one day strolling through the wood he took the book out of his pocket and read it, to tu t TTo n-w ncfnnJaliorl rades, and wandered about the wood. To dav more alive to the misery of his sins; the iucrdmenfc of God was to him fearful, ' and the love of Christ burned in his hard hearti hc could n0 loncv bclonS to tho , ttlT uld he run away.' JNow we should not think it wrong; but our captain would not break his oath even with robbers. 1' or a long time he struggled tnus witu were not a little astonished wheu the Cap- , ii. i.i r.ii . tain auuressca mem as louuwa. ! "Comrades!" he cried "hitherto I have been your kader; henceforth I am so no are on the way to ruin. A fearful oath 1. 1 1 .. resli,t;rn ic uouuu me lu juu. uuu w.j '""'""y 1 am 111 youn auu,. xi u 10 vou can do it; but never again . .e . . ' 1 nnranAy,rn ing myself to load the cursed life In mute astonishment i the comrades e A murmur of, nscencu to tueir ieauei, 1 .i i ii . v.. .. nn : rage ran tnrougn uie eouinaiiv, uuo auyu f 8 Z, tWv e me to the'dc n.?:rJtat 'I, m Tr. 1 1 ! "1 Iwl UllllilLluu ui ICU1115 "1'""" b quieiiy uwiiy. vjuw muu w iuu-w ju '. warning voice to his old companions, re- I mindinf them of the wrath ot God, whose ' U1U1110 "l,u Ul 11 , 1 ' unnimniiilninnU tnov inn broken, and ot , t,uiiiiHHu...vu j - , - thc reat ovc 0f the Iledeemcr if they , , ' -,nd were convert- I -1 1. 1. A I . rt -v C ifj niAtn rrviJ owed their Gaptain, and were convert- and the Society which first sent their i i i i . . i missionary into the woou nas receiveu i i ii f;(j i several ot them as companions or its, la- i t r i) bors.-Ijerlin 1 aper. , A Greek maiden being asked whatpor- tion she would bring her husband, replied, 'I will bring you what gold cannot pur- chase a heart unspotted, and virtue with- out stain; which is all that descended to, me from my parents. -".- -" j luuua w uiuii sue iui tutu ui u uuuuic- From the New York Recorder. Rccognifiont Agreeably to the call of the regular Baptist Brethren, living in "West Union, Fayette county, State of Iowa", Minister ing Brethren Elder Thomas Ritchie, of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylva nia, and Elder G. D. Farnsworth. of Coles- bur(T. Delaware nonntv W.a. wp.tp. renues. ted as an advisory Council to sit with them to consider the expediency of recognizing saJd mcetiair bavins been appointed to be hcld at the house of Brother Thomas "Woodle, in "West Union, and was held on the 23d of October, 1852. After prayer, W W A. A i said meeting having been called to orderr Elder Thomas Ritchie was called to iL chair, and Brother Friend Dayton was chosen Clerk. After due deliberation the ' Council agreed to recognize them as s ' Regular Baptist Church of Christ, in thff following order : Elder C. D. Farnsworth preached the recognition sermon on the following day, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and after prayer of recognition had been made Elder Thomas Jlitchie delivered thff charge, Elder C. D. Farnsworth presented Dana 01 leiiomp, ana concluded tne i wit n nr i Mini im iimiwiii iiTinn i.l. J 1 -1 x ! - 1 pnT-pvy) DAYTON" Plerk. gjThc Woodstock American furnishes an interesting notice of an experiment almost instantaneously, and then goe3 on. to remans: v pvxiewy unuu,. antl is now twenty-one years of age. Dm.ing tWs long J comw se had , not the slightest comprehensions of tho appearance of any object more than the could acquire from the sense of touch. w first beS 1; , . . tho cnn on , f. nnnani.Qnn 0f an the things around her. Our con- VUV 4 A &4 W vA LttU fcJUU MUM VUV UU UiJ W ! fpmnnrnrv snvs Tn fletsrcnhe f rie nencn I XS 0! e In au instaDt. as if by magic, tho ' idea of material things which she had cherished for so many years, through the sense of feeling, were entombed in memo ry. A new and bright world, full of light and life full of wonder and admiration f oi-riMo Wnnso liirWfn nntnnwn in its realiZed beauty and grandeur arose before her. She looked and trembled; l. v- " " " sllc sUook from head to foot, like , i ...x. an aspen ieaT- ana unaum to uiier u word, she- vou iook!" ouDseauentir 1 . noticed a pair of brass candlesticks in the Bf:-lr WPW fr different from tWo hior, i,nr n.lrn cirrlif onnvuvoA The can- dlesticks were brought to her. she hand- led them and exclaimed. "Oh, yes, they S? T)n Cadwell showed her his crold watel. anr inquired if she knew what it was. giie answered in the negative, and or being informed she said. "AVhataqueer fewdays since, rejoicing in the light of i J ' " : je. j oao JUIHwU iiwi wiaaa. "I don't know " said he. , , Yon nn-hf, to hn asTi.m. ,f . . a . cd of yourself. A boy fourteen years oldl . . -n-'w,, -p;n 11 II J lUUIC O llbllb Jr Lis XilbUU JO ouly three he can tell l dare say. z. J i t- t i j Come here, Dickey who made you!" - , ,. J -r0U uspea tne luiunt prouigy. "There, said the teacher tnumphant- V . "I he wol,!d L "Well, he oughter," said the tho stupid V.-Vrr Hain't but a little while ago siucu n Rg mado y" No More Corns. Chambers' Journal discloses a secret which it avers will re torture they occasion, is simple friction j --r- - ' have only o use your toe as you do m likp eirouiustances vour coachwheel , - . : .. -i . 4 lubricate it with some oily substance. . . . The best and cleanest thing to use is a rubbcd onthe i part (after thc corn is carefully pared) with the finger, which should be done on getting up in the morning, and just before stepping into bed at night. In a few days the pain will diminish, and in a few. days , it will cease, wheu the nightly application I may he discontinued." ii