i ivimim M AMI I '-4. .hinS,-:& 'v.- , - THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ART OP BElNG,IIOSBSffc-.J EFFERSO, : --r- ... ..p. irTr ; TROUbsBURGV MOISTJFIOE COtJNTY, PA., -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1S52, . ' VOL. 13. itbliahcl toy TlieoilOrc Sctiocli. 'in three days, jso as to be perfectly man- '- terms Two dollars jeraAnnum in ndvahcc Two ' useable and kind at all times. New Eug i..lUr and a quarter, half.yearljr and if.not paid be- -,5L -i T7rn,rtV tnethc end of thfeycaT,Tw,ddollars.nUahalf. Those land warmer. who receive their papers by a parrier orstagc drivers ) employed by tle proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2 4erS a Gallant Soldier &n8.w.. who served under Gen. Scott in teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar, i MfYlfn and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. 1 iuiaivui The Charge for one and three insertions the .-afnc .- Rp. rsTT a t?t ;;nrT A.TIOV A Jiber.il discount ratfdc to yearly advertisers. J-Ui-fatOTT. .LIFi GUARD AaoObXAXiu-. ' ICT All letters addressed to. the Editor must be post- Tq Qj y DaUy Tmes f IC U 1T I.. Turn. EiOJV it uuntsiiuiii We commend the following extractfrom an article in the N. Y. Tribune headed "Who pays the Duty?" to, the candid con sideration of both producer and consum er : Two years since the price of railroad iron in Wales was 22 80, or i 15s. per ton. the duty on which was . about 87, JOK PRINTING. MJ ...... 1 whereas, m 1H40. wtien tne tarm 01 tuac Having a general assortment ofiarge, elegant, plain a paper entitled the National Democrat, passed, it had been about 18 ' published in this city, in which the writer , . rj d th c;rcunistances. an- r ' plication was made to Congress to fix the duty at what it had been at the date of and ornamental Type, we are prepared to execute every aetcnplion ot MWW&M, ' ' tries hard to misrepresent a plain matter cards, circuWs, Bin Heads, Notes. Blank Receipts 0f fact. He seems to'bc particularly anx- printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, THE OFFICE OF THE AT Teffersoissan ious to make pocple believe that the New jtnQ presenfc revenue svstenjj 0r York Volunteers are not the friends of ,a(M gi or . hfc to tL at least to the amount Citizens of Irish Birth iu New York, Brooklyn and Williams burg. XQ THE PUBLIC. We, the undersigned, residents and vo ters of the City of New York, Brooklyn, and Williamsburg, natives of Ireland, have seen, with some surprise, the at tempt made by certain parties in this City, who are neither citizens nor voters, to dictate to us, older, and we presume, quite as well informed residents of this Metropolis, how we should vofco at the coming "Presidential Election. We beg to say that we place no reliance in statements put forth by one who is not Republican. Gen. Scott, and has the bad taste to drag j j yi , . . h t thirteen or fourteen even himself a citzen, speaking through Huzza, for the SCOTT and the GRAHAM Three cheers for the brave and the true! the name ot general i'liiow inio uns mng ; ,,,M nar, . nnnrrrocc TC?,a f.r,fn told KCU V IlltC and llillC. ! at the men who senved their country un- Kg , domestic comnetition is main- , der that brave old veteran, whom ttie ; . ... " Scott Life Guard Association" were or-J mea, we mi euauieu w Tl.k is njirfiniilnrlvimnrove our machinery, and iron will not On our country's bright Hag we display 'cm, .rfortunate for thc causc which the Na-! only continue low, but there will be a IIUU Willi LUC 1CU WllllU UllU UlUC, For our SCOTT neverainicd in battle, He belongs tq the brave-hearted crew; And where thundering cannon's did rattle He led on the red white. and blue He led on 'the red white and blue, ccc Let Niagara's field tell the story, . ; Where our brave Yankee boys womtheday Where oU England's Invincible"? glory, a "neutral paper,'' whose columns have been purchased for the purpose, and im pudently assuming to speak for the nat uralized citizens of New York. Now, we beg to say that we will vote J tiohal Democrat is laboring to advance. I jsteady tendency to fall in price: but if, for Wineeld Scott, and against General ,was my.eii in iu.u, u u 1 h E liah iron mastcrs be permitted to : PiRECEfor the following among other rea to ne a participant m all the battles fought , , . I ... . ' - i . ' there, under both Scott and Taylor, with ' destroy our competition, the price of lorn ( sons, which are so plain as to eommend "the single exception of the battle of Bue-1 will go up, and the, money that should go . the approval df every citizen: - . ria Vista, and therefore, had abundant op-, into the Treasury will go into their pock- j Win'Iieed Scott is in favor of princi- tporiunity to see and hear thc opinions ofcts, To all tnese representations Con-' pies laid, "down and advocated iu Ireland ,thc army, both regulars and volunteers ; j a deaf ear, and the conse-fby..such men as Lucas, Swfft, Grat- and J assure, you there was no man m'b ' . r J ' Mexico so universally execrated and ' quenco uas ueen mat btup uy step uui i- iAa,u uau auut.u.Aoii.u, m tavor Queries for Thiiiliing Meui Are you a mechanio engaged in the manufacture of articles which can be made in any other branch of handicraft ? If so, are you prepared to meet the full tide of foreign competition, which free trade will throw upon our shores, flooding the market with the productions of pau per labor, at prices far, below, those ob tained by our manufacturers, thus redu cing your employer's profits, who in turn cuts down your wages, a trifle at first, but these trifling reductions must come often, until you are barely able to earn a subsis tence 'I Would you see your little stock of com forts gradually diminished, until all is gone, save absolute necessities ? You, perhaps, cherish a laudible ambi tion, some day, to have saved enough from your earnings to commence in business for yourself. Would you, then, see at Pennsylvania Elcetion--0iIiciai. ' - Canal Comnds'er X Counties Li1 i Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver - Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield Clinton. Columbia Crawford . t f. .as: i uie uuu oi eacn weeK tnac every cent oi , Cumberland your hard-earned wages is gone for what 1 Dauphin mere nature demanded I j Delaware - ' Would you return each day from your , work-shop, worn out with fatigue, to find ! 5 ... layette your wife still toiling over the washtub, j PrQlin pr with thc needle, for a scant' pittance Pulton to help keen up your existence 1 Greene . till 'ii" .'5 . - tr V A: 'i if '-'rt Vs the miston our hill nass'd awav - despised as this same Gideon J. Pillow. , ron masters have been ruined, ana tneir ol Jfrotection to llomd industry; wnaoj Jo you wish to see your children halt ufu"ou,;u ' ' , tt; . . ii j: : t:, : . . , , i . ... . i. xi. t1. -n ;J. c .i;i . ! i . .t , i i- f .1 'Indiana There SCOTT lite the sun in his splendor, nis unturcu unuu-uiiu-j' uiajuuu yorics uave passea mco me nanus 01 iuu uka.niv. rimuL is hi iavor oi me uou- ciaa crying ior Dreau, looKing as tr tney Tcffer:0ri When he chases dark clouds from our vieiv, ,jilai;to tne country.1 I Sheriff. Essex County, but lately the trines of The London Times, which would j had never smiled, and growing up with- TnniiK e.... , ru -f II i... KM there arc a thousand othciunatters t . . . , . 4, n,t A , . , 4. f...f ! nniat i sum Ui. ii luriviiin uiuuumutui , 10 uutr x- iuiiuy tat; . vmuui iiy uuu -uuuiieu uui uuucuuuii, .cy ue uriveu iu uuru lauur, Jjancaster Wlule the starrof Golurabia.'are.shiniii'r, And her eagje soars proudly and true, Shall bcaniy 6 wreath still be twiumg, To honor tim red' white arid blue Then huzza for the red white and blue, &c. Irnnvn fn fho urinv tvlnch ?nnlr t.hfi nnmft i-vr.. Tii.'- 1 .1 : 1 :!i mrnt nntivnlv silAnt. Tnnton has' been ' frnnv hni'sp. nnrl linrnp...frntn thft Tslnnd 'of fvtTi hpfnro t.Jov hnvo r'-ntnroi nnnn flioir BawrenCO iui iur. xoiJvp urouiur-in-iaw ami juivl-i - j 1 - 1 : j r r 1 . j ijCDanon , :: ir may not be heartless. T ' : J ' liuzerne money invested, he devotes Lycomin '' and attention to business, ; M'Kean only succeeded in xixcmr of Jortij out oj Jorty-two Jurnaces, twenty make hm sustain the very policy "which and he will have some return or close his fiercer him where; he, belonged., But';I will not, of which will shortly have been sold by had hunted" him from house and hjdme. establishment and thus throw you -out of '-- j waste, time with, a name that, is now 'a bj--1 tue Sheriff within a period of twelve Because Wixfield Scott is in favor employment. When you are narrowed ( j.r .'l . 1 word.ln.thcrarm'y and, a reproach on eve- . e 1 1 t, 4t, i ' - , 4 T, . ' . I , " , . onioumciy ' v -1-.T1 . t Lt. months, ouch has been the case in al- of, and Juanklin Pierce is opposed to, : down to the last extreme, with no provis- Montour ,rv Amcncau touaue. What 1 want to i 1 ' ir ' ; , u uul ' sa" "is that there Ts such an oro-anization : most ever7 portion of the Union. Jbyery- Internal' Improvements, by wliich the la- ion for sickness, not a hope for the future, Northampton as , the 'Sbcott -Lite Guard '".'iff .It. ' fej -1659 6530 1S91 1602 2045 7372 5403 2176 5 1923 .1238 2753 -4959 1353 11S8 1974 2GG8 2974 2521 '1544 , 2180 3594 3107 774 2241 ,1661 ",1464 S1 2197 714G 1447 1555 202C 3748 4810 2431 1190 074 1717 5588 753 1002 993 2175 2745 3165 2020 Or to rttn from the red white ami blue ur to run irom me rcu wmte ana blue, iV.c. (jie eJ,nation 0f thc aoldiew who were . sold for we think one--fifth of its cost,, and , his , birth intohi's country, and here, be-! youthful days ? For his foes ho was ever found 'rca'dv r'' inGre to see and jkupwjthe man. While itis after having' distributed three millions neath tie very wings of thc American: Your employe To 'Uhftihnds he has" ahv'aW'be'en'irk l-nLflou1s T' 11 t' of dollars inwages. Armstrong and Clar- Eagle,; make him . a machine for consum- j but he has Then close ujl.your ranks and be steady u the events of that warj so far as he was ' lon 0unties have "witnessed the downfall ing Dnhsh manufactures, and thereby ; hi3 Whole time Uliarge for Scott and the red while and blue; concerned have as U t(Ac 1243 . .n5683 ,1043. 1752 3183 '4894 23G3 tv. id a. " A' OCT We copy the following lines'from thc 21id t'tiat its object is to aid i "Analvtic Jfagazine", pubitoliedljn Jliila-1 .liou of General WinSeld Scott; delphia, in 1814, by Moses Thomas. ' 0 for one hour of Gains's might, Or well bkilled Scott, to rule the .fight;'. And cr our country and our right.- ' Another sight had seen that day, That foul disgrace "been far away And Bladenbburg been Chippewa." to thc Pres ideney ; and furthermore, that it .embra ces amon2 oiainzaijoii . r - - - j j . j v 1 7 Association," j where the men who were engaged in es- ( borer caa-make money vith which to com- j yourself and those dependent on you quaf- Northumberland in the elec- tablishing competition for the supply of mence tie world; and of such a dispo'si-! fin" the drejrs in the,cup tof bitter, unre- .ff. . ; the world -with iron have been ruined and-tiop of the Public Lauds, as will : s'ecur'e j lenting poverty what have you left? .pifce : '- " iV ' mmW nrV oUfl.n T-Jth2 domestic make of iron has now fallen 1 comfortable, free and. independent homes' Where can you go? Perhaps the chari- Potter . a;n nnn i; i;n nnn 11. . 1 L i. 3257 2692 3423 649 1227 2095 1942 1047 998G 1635 2344 2482 3141 1912 2079 1253 220 41G3 787 2174 1392 1172 21233 83 iYork volunteers, together with, many oftfrom 850,000 to about 450,000 tons when' for the honest laborer the surviving veterans of 1&12. I have jit might have, risen to a million and a halt That Winfield Scott has been for forty further good reason to believe, that with , 0f tons, and would have done so but for years before the public, distinguished a- Tiie Point Settled. some two or three exceptions, every man l who ever served under. Scott, now in this I city, will, on thc 32nd of November next, j caat their votes in his favor, though some , few. of them are so situated as to prevent . their takincr an active part in the canvass. Geo. M. Dallas "13 said to have been the These men have seen Gen. Scot and know hrstto introduce the question. 01 the rres- ijim wciir The, miserable slanders that! idential candidates religious opinions.- are put in circulation by unprincipled Since that time "this delicate subject has demagoues,get the lie from everyone who been made to play an important part in "uas ever been with . him be his politics the political drama, and parrizans have what thc may. His officers and men love used it in every aspect to injure our can- ujm as they would a kind' father. didute Owing to the many misrepresen- T shall never forget thc sorrow and in tics of friends, or sonic kind providence . Schuylkill may enable you to remove to the far West, Somerset. -where, on some terms, which the greedy , Susquehanna UU114 W rrn British free trade. I like in war and peace, the great b.enefac-. land-speculator will dictate, you can man-. rp.j0 buch vast destruction of propertyshould tor and most beloved of soldiers, both by age. by the severest toil, to make a living: Union have been followed with benefit to some- naturlized and native citizens; while but even t'ho' 3-ou in the end possess a por Venango TTf body, and such has certainly been the case j Franklin Pierce has never done anything tion of the soil which God has giyen to all , -j11 t: v but to whom ? To the people of the U- j to' endear him to thc country or to its cit- .men, asa free birthright, you cannot hope r!yne '" 1 ': nion? Certainly not for their production izens, either native or adopted. to profitso'astogain a competency ,for there Westmoreland ' 8 71 of iron is far less now than it was fourj We shall vote for Wiuficld Scott because "will be then no paying market for your Wyoming, v --7-' years "since," although: in the interim we he has proved himself the friend of his produce and thus you live on a few wea-, York 1807 3675 '1974 ' 2470 3747 2389 1349 2555 859 3740 813 1349 4599 ) 3445 1 have added four millions to our .pbpula-, country and all its citizens, no matter on tion. - To whom then ? To the British what soil they were, or from what nation iron, makers whose prices have, risen pre-1 they came. . tations which have been circulated, the ,diguation esprrfssccLby the whole army : cisely as our furnaces, and mills have been His noble conduct on the prison ship at following letter from the distinguished Jathe; City of Mexico, on the niornimr closed and who now putin their jmcJcds Quebec, when British minions assumed 'm r r r 1 nnn c 1 .nnvmi iu itmnfrrnTi j . a- ji i 1 ,t t 1 , . the right "to execute Irishmen for beinir ry years, and go down to your, grave tun-1 wept, unhonered, and unkown," savo by the loved ones who have shared your sor rows, and, possibly, your joys. Do you court a fate like this 1 ' In a word, would you descend to the Total 153,077 139,263 The Boot and Shoe Trade. .The Boston Shipping List replying to j an article in a Philadelphia paper which ai democrat mat when, tne proper time ar-: addition of S4 80 and thus the WW ntua tt; ne,Un nii,i Rtfoa s Wi ViVUO UUiL.U MM, . r ' t "3Iy Deat Sirt-I have Had the honor of ken from .the head of the army by the di- yearS Since tn0 pnce was as we.have.sta-: lj: endears him to every Irishman who intimate acquaintance with general bcott rectionof the politicians at Washington. I tea, 10s in W ales. A. year since) it . has an honest heart in his bosom, for twenty-six years. Daring the first moreen an one hardy fellow shed tear3. had risjen .to. 5 5s, being an addition, of Who that claims to be an American three, and the last eight of those year?,he at the, par tinSi and I can assure the Nation- j $2 40, Now, it is 6 5s, being a further 1 citizen does not point with pride to.' that www. - j o o uixr(.juiji.iuij Lnti.u nii;ua,m;nui:i liiuc ui. I hope-,' then, that these eleven years of rives, these men will, by thefr votes, vindi-i oihcial relation-iviil give some weight to cate their chieftain from the calumnies that my postive contradiction of the"' rumor to ..ha.ve.bpen unscrupulously neaped upon his which you advert in" your letter;. 'Hrnov head. While, we dory jn his brilliant tri- that uen. ocott is mucn axiacnca 10 tne unnihspn the battle ncid, we loyc Wantield Prnlpsfnnfc EniSCOrial (JhUrch. I knOW Scntf fnr Ins lmnosf.r Tlnrlnff tlinworwltli . - ... . . . that ho ibUe b,t the mtpeno. W tTZlmZ I ,..?0t . btt 03 , lo '" safety in hot lour i r ' . t : : . : mention nas aiminisnea tneir Dnces iLave' i - -i , .,: - . oicnai found in arms against England, especial- -t level of the working classes in Europe, in - J . . ' fa" ' 1 . i. tMi,T' i distributor of boot, and shoe.manufactures, .. . nrice has risen to Hip. whnln p-rfonf. nPflio i i i ' "a? ! ttiat w- v.w mauu jxuijiuus uy tuc wuiiiu iiuu uiaiu' w" seven dollars that. wastthen asked to be i-rv of the faithful soldier. mf - all' their abject servitude, wretchedness, and despair? We answer, vote for' Franklin Pierce, Free Trade, Land Monopoly, and destruc tion to e very interest of the working .class- added. In 1850 the British iron "masters paid For. ourselves we feci that it is .only to such men as Winfield Scott that thc ua- and that its business in that line is not one-tenth that of Philadelphia, says: . , "An assertion of this kind" must pro voke a smile among parties acquainted w,ith this trade. In every town and city of Mass., the manufacture of Boots and Shoes is carried on to a considerable ex tent. The statistics of our population : 1 .. .,n,..ni UtB D(finnnn imnn . - 1 ... 1 T Diijr c.ci pio uuto "17V" entflpcabioiw ju iue uosmiai. ana i assure ;riP.rnRfl i nnr1 nnw u :B i10 nQnmor TOurt ihe worship of that Church on every re- JpUji that on. these occasion's I saw raorelDav.th-e JntJ . anntv;. - . .his ? W ?.e ?re ' ces will raisb' dgain, and it mustbe reJar- Eng gnuuuuioi.us vHMY"-.seei m uio ixcnerai. to Aqimrp, ,qisun-rjPfl flR nn:te fivt.i.ftffttr ;f rf f. ' and danger a man whohas proved prowess by coping successfully with land in her day of pf ideand power, whose life ha, been devoted , to the tcsifjy how admirable an chample he gushed as had beep hi servicas gives decorous ana-aevout attention to j,b&.butte was. o,v the public services. 1 -was. to sec that i T- J J2"r". " T- ' rr fwpyr-" wh ch it stood when Congress war 'nrrad partmpoimcs. rconsiacr this statement tall form pasng from man to .man. du- to interp0sb and prevent them from1 de-' pinions of those .wiwhom he camein .oiv s power, .and ju ars of 'all creeds wi ''"'" see iron no up to: seven or eurht nound??. 1 f er. his first duty always r:r: L'S..' ''i'JLZ .,r. Ui "? vvuwwj. :he wounded, and dvin " vu Pung uiuoie We will vote for Winfield fiue uu.a aiwaya ruspeeieu tue Scott' because relisious, o- a'mejo act of justice. 'r ''Ii haY' Ihe diofibr .tr.uly jpur.-friend and .jserv; rnvnrv . W4Xlf'- i- 6 J wvvm- etroymg alLonr own turnaces forges and tact, and .always used hi ' tO remain. VCrV fnrttnr rirnvirlimr nnrl f.nrtnrr fnr -t:hfTr n- 0 w o ; - - W , J 't.'. -.c",. '." tliueuce to protect the alt bMlTH PXJTE, lrencral Arders.to see hat all the: wound- ' itl-l i- i ' , 1 trom desecration, luthis - r t j i rz , i r 7 . - - - . . - r - - r r. 7 i ' ri- i i i n v ni tti f m tt noor ttriinr i c run . -. ... - ...T , . uPd and dyipg7.1w,cre. prqpprly. taken care L.,.-nf f.?, tVV W"' V'"'1 V' 1 ". "a i f Winfield Scott stands -Horiiiug wiusi. - oj. , ; n j ...f j i.Ob, what a disgrace!' - - " Tho cow is seldom subjected to the He personally looked after each,, man i Wiv wh-if. diTrnPP.?; - ' ' Eurveuiance.oi meyoite. luvitiup" - -.Mv jv " Why i have opened, one j of your Ie "Whv.'more ffian the mare, she sTiould bo sit tins .pa-the Mfci&e of-spme.pqor, dying lV- v, ' in' -'atn:nUr Considered eritifled to this exemption; is: a arl"s aAar!jriooked m'6rl like Mrs. than Miv ' l -quesuonpoc easiryso ueboiveu. xu-mau; -.'?i"fj" wirt" -"r-K ; is that all what harm is there in a -cases where cows hAy& foifin molleriitely waste. tm.lein. ppiuting o.ueasqp why the ' jfe,? openin(T i,e, worked,-they have nofe been,aa)l injur sqidrs who seryeujinar ottaxfi' ' 0 hiCtm in' j thereoy, and have produced nearly if not his friends. There are too niany giving wit- such disace: C quite as much milk a wheti suffered to "esses scattered all over .the Union to re-j (j;g theVanyi . ii. r i ii t c ir - n nil l fin v sup pyti nfiririnii. i iirsf mnn i . ; i - j r : i ' ' . ' cii."flioy meir iei&ture on T-ne Dest, oi leeu, .-.v- pjr rx.y,, w .v . -no. it is couched in the most Ma. ComAS, iu hU'-Buropwnur,.? " B -wn ;f I snectful and chaste, ) a nTuIge, - .But, ,ftKp:n2tanoawherea1uaniniSus- lae,atipnal ' - rsex.,Eucland. who CSlUvaa smalt larm Hceyanuu wu -S" whh- Herehe wifebuncd her' fdceiht m oi lour acres, Ana Kept tvro cpaw, wjornea .f-yY yfT' "" 'nanoKeremer; and sopoe.d aiounrvwt one of tho cows .in a cart, bv which he sign .to supppw. .p?twPT r.esj-: husband' eicerly 'allgHl; the-MJr4. . . . . . '. ' i i ,7 . . -.v. .t v-,.nT,i.n lol linn Will .tlnt. . ... . . '.'7.- i it .-rf f Correspondence. of tlie N. Y. TribUne. Pennsylvania Irishmen for ScOtts !show that onc-twelf of them are engaged in this business.. It is emphatically the leading branch 6f our industry, the value of the goods' '"manufactured exceeding by several millions the value of the cotton goods manufacture, or the product of our 1,1852. icn n'd yoari2oLwittandiiig-.the.co.w wa.s mrk- PaPer filve PS.JUS naBiea. he soldiers (been'the meanS'pF nearly brekmg,,ljis edj she rmadi! eight pounds Qfihutfe$r.t PPP9?e 8$m& 0t ifn- week, besides liirnisJiiDg-.Some ro.UKtQr .ao.tswffft.Vw1 wvuw&w tho fainilv. In. Massadhuaetjamaji -h.4s m. i : W- ?Tfi aW. flfl; tqemciXeb performed ainiis ifarui dsk witj; A they 4ccm U&iu at;acj; rhyi.pf JMotheri-said:an- rnisitiveui-cliih'-a -2LxT.. mi . rr . . 1. - .:. 1 . .T . x as iHtkioxon. The.ooswTwafcwad'eflf fe dategSem'itEeglfe.USrArtUieryi brolation.ftoratjtather- hadn't' married k, Tua-Dopt.Jaooai iu jyour wmw old whwrirefeokedysatid 'K,srebrokein, New York, out in bold rc lief as- compared with the narrowniinded bigotry of. New-Hampshire,, the. native ! State of Franklin Pierce, a. State always unuer uie aominion 01 nis party auu pui itical assdeiates, and wiiich is now1 the only 'S'tateHin the Confederacy where men - r. . - tJiusband's letters'!5 , ' I ar0 proscribed on account their roigious t'self ; but the copents j - e . '1 - ' ; h such idisgraoftf wlU f n M for.tbj fnenfe qf Pierce hiug aisrcspecWul in.it V , fc Jf .ttafc be fTO 1D ?a'?ri ,eunS tllg'tion of the1 State. Thfe evidehefe df his'la'- bors so to do is wanting. ' Hugh McDonnell, No. 63 .Greenwich, st. John Carpet, No: 121 White st. Mi'dhcal O'FIicrty; Np.' O Laurcns" Thpirias rcGliire, 'NoVWS'lfet'ay. " ItifdePaYk, Luzerne Co., Pa., Oct As an Irishman, T am proud to have to say that my countrymen in this Coun ty are, by "a long pullr a-strong pull, aud ). . . .-, . 1- - 1 1: j-," a pull altogether, - 'succeeding iu uurauug - halp fisberic3. We nQt like ,tllQ the.chains that pouna mem w ouu u- North American counfc our workmen by coisui for the last forty years, borne or hun(li.eds but by thousands; the number our Democratic young "men eloquent 1 cm q cd in ,tho business being up havetriedharddunngthelastthreemonthS(ward o males ahd females, and to galvanize the a d chains, so that thcy , tho yearly, value of thc goods about 25.--might at least hold out during the present qqoouO, It .must also be considered that campaign; but .depend-upon.it, our-ch ains i Qur nanufacturers do not limit thqr op. cannot, be galvanized, again, our heads , -A.:- . o.., tu ka respect the life v"i . "r" , meht forthonsauds of workmen in Maine, . ...ii fo the so-called Democracy. c have Wom rTnmn,llirft nnj 1, J are em- wife's Bear't. It wa3; abill'frbrii tlie'rifi ter 4f6r nitie- years subcrrp"tlon:!x, 1 ' ; Lawarencc Duifjr, No. 541 Washing Peter KinrrNorI02 Gjeuc st , 65 others. Joseph MUrpDV.Nb? PrinSo !si L., ItUU fo the so-called JJemqcracy vc najo Nbw Hampshiro and Vermont." We civcti Hie Democrats a long, patient and r fnn i impartial trial;Jbut a verdict ot guilty MS, ,n anr) nBrsnnsin f?tte been rendered against them, and the-y , cutup and forwarded hlust suffer the retributive consequences. fco tlie worknVen in these States, and comes Therefore I. have no hesitation tn saying ck tQ ug Jn th(j sh of boQ shoe that one thousadd Irish Democratic votes , d b thafc-Boston is not on wi l ho nnl ed in this Countv-in favor of ., , J . , , . . -.t... t-..t.j r- Scott and Graham, next November, Cornelius Waiid. V ii' . ' - .-.Quinoe Love Salt.- Tho quince treo the centre ovtlus trade in Diasaachusetts, J but, also draws largely upon the labor of If the ne'j'gliboring States, to keep up a suf- k ficient supply to - meet, the wants, of hej nvfnnaiirn mot seems to-have a constitutional foundness jin aR directions . JSTorth anc .Soqth, East fqrvsalt. We have never seen says the j and,West, includingsevoral.hundred cascft " Borticidiitrixi, such" superb' specimens of evory week to Philadelphia, to s$U, &ec&ndr ,a ,.,ni, ,.flnni i,rinni, handed, to tier bouuicrn and western -j - i pf q .trqq, -as a,t New Portj qn ,tho sea Q.Qasts:. ji gcntlqniaq. whq noticed thistact, sevoralycars ago, fold us la'te) that ho had profited by tho bint, in giv- ng to eacn oi ms tree3 a top-urusaiuvi !wb .quarts of coarse salt every spring.- traded two .quart efer to" Voq'ts, but makefbatji f61iag?a U wig-' rTrue sir,' fruit much 'more healthy; j'but an "empty barn r A'cb'untry burgeon "who was bald, "wm( -on a visii to al rjend's houao, wKose ser- yant worer a wig; After banterig;tVrith P him a'considerabtim'ej'the doctor said 1 "j am .Imd don t wear replfod the seraut. equires no thatch. Hi i r