IS 5m i. THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE A:RT OF BEINC HONEST. JEFFERSON. .1 mauu VOL. uw ..,. ;STvROTTns"RTTT?-(r-J MONROE. COUNTY, v RAr.. THURSDAY- SRPTP.M.r . i" qV . (, , . ; -r. ...-.f'l. ,-..;s( ""-! - - - ' j - ' ' - , - "xju uv.'i'"V- j) . , . . '"'im m !"" ', . : u .;,Teib mii. -.":? , ' J'' '' "H'T. ' ' ' V I'.,', mi,7' ' - ;-, 'T- . '..'J ..-f, ' v - Published by Theodore Scltocli TERMS Two dollars.pcr annnum in advance Two dolIarShnd aquartdr. half yearly-ami if not paJdbe-, o1 " a o 4oihe cndofUieycarfTwooii:irsandaha the former is quite as de"structivc to the and would do as I agreed' accepted to j who recdive their papers by a carrier ttr stage drivers ' i i - r - employed by the propnetor, charged 37 i-2 success of the business man as the latter. 1 proposition to go security for me in the No papers ditconlfitued initilall arrcaragesaro p;iid, j 5tll". Ztt JlOpC Wcdcmitltitc, bill l)C liol . purchase of the.JiluSem collection, he ap except at the option or the Editor. " x , . . X ' ' id; AdvertjsenibDis not exceeding one square (si too visionaru. JMaav nersons are always pointing .a monay-takpr attlyj dpor. and, tccn lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dolinr, i .J, f t J & and twenty-five cents for eyery subsequent jnsertioiu kept poor because thov are too visionary, crcditinii me, ; towards the purchase, all ThelCharge for one and three inertions the same. r' . - J 1 , ... - Ajiberai discount made. p yearly advertisers. : Everrproiecti looks to them like certain . the money received after pajung cxpen- IE?" All letters addressed to the Editor must be post- . J J I . n' V' i Pd. ; : success, and therefore they keep changing ( ses, allowing me fifty dollars p6r month, J o B PRINT I -TiiGi ' from one business to another, alwiiys in ( on which to support my family, consist- Haying a general assortment of largc.eieganti plain liot water, and always "under the liar,- ' in of a wife and three children. This and ornamental Type, we are prepared - ' J I -r toexccuteeverydesciiptionof : row.'' The plan of " counting the ohick- was. my own proposition, as I was dc- eus before they arc batched,'' is an error termined so to live, that six1 hundred dol- Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes. Blank TSeccints ... -i.ii-. i .. i ..Aj .ir' n xi ', Legal and other Blanks. iMmphlets, ic. pnnieu terms, with neatness and despatch, on reasonable AT THE1 OFFICE OF THE lE-epiibliean. Jenny Liiid. Jenny Lind and her husband have ta ken their departure from Liverpool, which seems to be stirring up the "sentiment" of the poet. A correspondent of the Xew York Sun goes off in this wise: Oh, Jenny Lind has gone awa)', The people loudly hollers, And from our purses led astray . A mighty sight of dollars; But in the place of these we had A precious sight of notes; But whether good or whether bad, , There has been a great diversity4 of opinion, so that it is impossible to come to any conclusion until the Presidential question has been settled by the people's votes. Extracted from Freedlcy'i practical Treatise on business P. T Barntim's Rules for Success in Business I can scarcely expect to offer anything new on the subject proposed, but will name a few rules that I am convinced, from, ex perience and observation, must be ob served in order to insure success in busi- ncss. 1st. Select tJic jlind of business that suits aour natural inclinationsamltcmpcramcnt. Some men are naturally mechanics ; oth ers have a strong aversion to anything like machinery, and so on j one man has a natural taste for one occupation in life nd another for another. " I am glad we do not all feel and think alike' 'said once. I. never could' succeed as a merchant. I have tried it unsuccessful I3' several times. I never could be content with a fixed sal ary, for mine is a purely speculative dis position all should be careful to select those occupations that suit them best. i t 7 17', r 7 2d. Letvour pledged word ever be sacred. T)ir!r TTnmocniin fnr if rf Hid' ovpn body would think my gal, Sukey Snipes, your occupation or calling may be, it it y ' """" ".ality, whicii renders dem 'scptabie Q:read . 3 - - 1 n .1 " . 1 T Til 1Z .1 zt. the sweetest creature in aU creation, and eus support irom tne puDiic, aaccmsc t T "'ZT TZ lj ' .... ,, nnnncni- n -n r. ,1 cn c on1 ml fnnl if i rfi-nnf Tnflins. 1"ii t. m v si i ti o" v TV fins . 1 warm 1 J .i ii -ii i . . , . .. .it tiiorouo-hiv and in snmn ummi wuwmo, uuu i :? r. ' r . I mi.. mey wouia au dc iryinff to court ner at o 7 , .1 tn Never promise to do a thing without per- It needs no prophet to tell us that those j rf ' pa in all ' eMes th ters feeling, in dp back, ob dioi necks; for?:, educated iji .convents by.;nuns,' Lwho are forming it Vith-theiuostTigid promptness, who liye fully, up to their means, without ; )' . 1 ; 'y " ' J It am dis bump whar all de sclfishnc&'s. top often ignorant, prejudiced, and, bigot- , --c r . a- n't r -it will; be surprised at the pleasure to be de- , . , L , , , , T ". , A , e . Jothing is more valuable to a man in any thought of a reverse in life, can ncv-j -t tl dd" t th " lt a wickedness ojinankind lars; and 1 ed, and, perhaps less fitted for the import business than the name of always doing or attain a pecuniary independence. A'"7,, J.0. " y , ID,: ,. Glr I would say a word, to dem fellers as hab ant task of forming, the female char actor J . . - . . . 'tip. " mlfi." ns Wftll .1S frnm nil flin PO.n. rwf nn nr nnnnhtv it. T.nnl.' nut. '. ' 1 ' . ' " ' as-he acrees, and that to the moment. A "strict adherence to this- rule gives a man the command of balf thespare funds i ' . , wUhinlhe ranee of his acquaintance, and . b . . .. V .--J . always,encircleshim with a host offriends, , J . , , , . , ' Wndeiv-atle emergency" . 3ft:Wtijafacryoudo;doirifh Wor 'at it ff Jicccssarv. early aiid and Jse'aifitsBrtl ineia.'6tonennturneWfid nfeyer,tdcferxiriC .-..- w for a' single hour fhat-wbichah .just -as 1 1 J It) ;. - 1C hit. i iJ Li full worth Many -i mg-ins Dismess"inorouu7, wnue ins neighbor remains poor for life, because heonlyoibisbusiuc.u,Ambition, energyndustry, and peVsy.ewpce,.-are - -j JL-i -.-j. r .i mdispefable rfcquiBites for suc.tfesgin.bus- ineis.'-fij - ' -i lir. ith.j&bl&tyi ' IketfWttlcscriplwnofi'it.- tdzicatingidri?iJ(S.- iA$ro m-m. c,an . jup,- ceedinuimessJiiDle?& hehas,a;tp , i , enablehlw.tUy:hplan,anair guide Hmiin their.-jeXoeutLOB, o,jnoj mat- ter'hoV bountifully a man nlaye Hlessr ed with intelligence, if his brain isW-' "tt? ?uw , P uuiucuu .a?u i u iSwg!u.niiSj ' 13 impossible ipr. inittp arryfeon business su6essfallyi;iH'owimdny gdSd?bpf)oVtutfit5eS have passed, 5 neveryto iPpiiSh pargainyhas beep, made und.er0thp -1 inntfCtfce of .tbo tilervinc, whicb. itempora- tlleii-MmUi 'Howhrtv o'ff- JJL r. m iAj-iuuriuivt auu inuuct; lorever, ueuuuse q frjilli.andeauing bgi as five hundr.ed dolla.rspqr day but ; pleaure . of 'paving. (i'f ; ;': . rdoing Mall, is -worth... doing well.l' l'thought very lUe.of tryjn to lPjy71up . , xnouaanu? ft mciare Kept, popr,and a acquire, a fortnne b.-d o, 1 1 ejulB oagj, ,papao)ft -sTS ddcdsfd,.Joble The use of into-.itin- drh.l-., 310 ' nJXMti (fitlf.-ffivin'ir (fon.1ulUcl 1-hiFneTfo'r tlicv'fSrnitui?e5Yna? a n'cw one . . 1 crage is as' much an infatuation as is, "the 1 myareferenccs,. who all concurred in telW was built "to correspond." with, the, sofa kreep kaushislv '1'cW do Tonon fill rW tl c,rtu:n nf nnimn hv tho Chinos mr1 01 ancient aa.te, UUC It C10CS noc seem to improve, by ag'c. , . ' pauses of my family until I paid fpr. the I Gth. JJo not scqttcj- your poitiers., ;En-' Museum ; and my treasure of a; .wife (and, gage in one kind of business only, and such a wife is a "treasure") gladly asscn stick to it faithfully until you succeed, or ted' to the arrangement, and- expressed1 until you conclude to abandon it. A her willingness to cut the' expenses down constant hammering on one nail will gen- to S-100 per annum , if necessary. One. orally drive it home at last, so that it can day, some Six 'months after, I had purchas be clinched. When: ja , man's undivided ' ed the Museum, my friend Miv Olmstead attention is centered on one-object, his . happened in at my ticket-office, at about mind , will continually be suggesting iui- j 12 6 clock, and found me alone, eating provemcnts of value, which would escape ( my dinner, ;which, consisted of a few -sli- him if his brain .were occupied by a do-, ccs .of Worried beef and bread that I had zen different subjects at once. Many a ' brought from home in the morning: fortune has slipped through men's fingers ! "Is this the way you eat your dinner?" by engaging in too many occupations at he inquired. ( ; ouce. j "I have not eaten a warm dinner, since 7th. JEngac proiicr employees. 2sTever I bought the Museum,, except on the Sab-. emplov a man of bad habits, when one! whose habits are cood can be found to fill his situation. I have generally been extremely fortunate in having faithful and j competent persons, to nil the responsible - ... situations in mv business, and a man can , , " ' , , , . s.carcely be too grateful for such a bless- mg, "Vheiyou find a man unfit to fill his station, either from incapacitv or ne- . ..... cubanty of character or indisposition, dispense with his services, and do not drag out a miserable existence in the Vain attempt to change his nature. It is utter- ly impossible to do so. " You cannot make a silk purse," &c. He has been created for some other sphere ; let him -.0,,. t . r find and fill it. Sth. Advertise your business. Do not hide your light under a bushel. Whatever I slifinn nr nfli-r fnf. vr?ll nrrosf. niiWi. nf- ' tention. I- freely confess that what sue-, cess I have had in life may fairly be at- tributed more to the public press than to ' nearly all ; othercauses combined a ' v n . j j 9th. Avoid all cxtravaaancc. and al- xcays live considerably icithin your income v 7 '41 1 7 4 4 4- , 1 you can do so witlioul absolute starvation! t brief reference to my own history may, ! perhaps, serve to illustrate this part of the i subject. By the death of my father in , T ,, 1 1 , ,i 182G, I was thrown upon the, world at the , ' . . , , .' , , ; age ol sixteen dependent solely upon my : - l t r j any ifficully in making moneys but the thought did npt. occur to, me (during fif- teen years), of trying to save.,. At one tm9, when lotteries, were 'lawful in my native State CGpnnecticut), I was exten- . - V- .i ! V.. ,'. - , siveiy engage in tne saie. or ticKCts, and it rv-wrvliota n-nrn nnArmniio cnmafimic. na ,Vj u..-,- ..v ar , tbehl' well 'thr6ugh life, in consequence -of, In 1041, I. purchased' the American lai'ing their plans of living on too expeii- Museum in New Irork, without a dollar j Sive4 plattorm. bome famUiesm this, for:I was not worth a dollar in the worhi. county expend $20;OOD apnumand; t 1 t "'"-"i i j t i om6 much 4 more, ind uld scarcely, Bpp I Vas.jiev4$r ..disheartened.: :Ialways'naw n6w w jivtf '0y a- gajf-'siiJ? felt that, I could. make.uioneyfast enough, TVosnentvisa more severe ordeal than ad" if I, only,min, it., .Irempmb.qr versify, especially sudden prosiierity. meeting a friend in Broadway p,fe)rnveks , "J5asy cbmj easy, go' isan,6ld true before I came in possession, oCheM'P1':. PfmmT rT ' - - ) is 4;he great undying canker .worm which seum. ;-- j gnaws tlic' very vitals of. a WanV wWlly iidf-WellsaysI', - Mr.. A., . I ainf going po'sseskions, let tlieni bq' Ismail" TorJ grcatj. io'uy'thcA - meKcanaruseum : huiidi-eds or millions. Manj persons, as ' 'H:,i:J.L hnwi had ' 5ft l' nn - property ingi'ithl! l( ' cu Simps( of nM-NjbM dbwifl to. M&mtii&sMithikwdHhcW . Jiat. dp y,ou4ntend buy.- sh6rt.time their expenses swallow up .their. 't. -1 i i. '". j i -nl ;i jnicome, and they becoine .ruined in their T fn,!ii i'Ajl 5 ridiculous.attempteto p' 'up. a'ppeaija'n- sfa'i Everybody wlio flrdvvUeh hefirst bejgan to prbiSjJerji his i-jhO tiUkt&M ;Tv.;w. ' m tcWnatic & new and' elegant'; sofa'.' n. Hf,ii..f ; 4'i " That-Sofa," he says. " cost me thirty ..piW,Dusjness, firo,m ;um ( tii6an Tllb Vrd'dleJ tbul inaiiagr-ofilie -Old. Park The-1 eipfdine'dr" When ih'e 'sdfa 'neaclipd Hie f il 11 AT.. n Mt(i6Vnntl , VW'VSl... HW;i "i"" "'V. "f". I ' ntr. Iiim Wiaf; TiwaSin. " frood showmailv tars per auuuui suuum ueu uy uji iuu.v bath." 1 replied, " and 1 intend never to cat another on a weekday .until I get out of debt." ; " Ah ! you , are safe and will pay for ,i it .1. i. jj l. tne museum ueiore uie year t out,,- ue replied, slapping me familiarly on the' , " ' ' Vi . , shoulder, and he was right, for in less than a year from that period I n ao xii full possession or the Museum as my own , , - i , r , , n : property, every cent paid out of the prof-' fits of the establishment. Had I been less economical, and less determined t my expenses would have kept pace .with my income; I should have lost much valuable time in going home. every day to mg,din- ner; and my present situation would , , , , i - ,. . . probably have been very different from ' wat IS- -, ; - ; ; Men and women, accustomed to grati- SClt denial tb 11 VC 1U a Smaller 110USC tnan - i.i- 11 1 . 1 ey have been accustomed to, with less expensive furniture, less company, less Costly clothing, a less number of balls, ; ! parties, theatre-goings, carriage-ridings, 'pleasure excursions, cigar-sin okings, li v ' ' , quor drinking, &c, &c, &c; but after all, ! if the'-will try tlieplan of Ia'ing by a , . , , , - , r w ,' Qf tbis liar pleasurc 'The oldtsex, kase' when you fall in lub disump ' ' , i ; , J swells to such an 'xtent dat it obefwellms sun01 ciolucb, aim uie oiu uonnet ana i , e , ; dress; will answer for another season: the ' and ' , .. ' Groton or spring water tviII taste better auL W1 auubuw iasun, mi. more eshiling than a ride in the 'finest coach; a social family chat, an evening's reading in the family-circle, or an liour's f 'hunt the slipper,' and "blind man's yvxau mw . :n l. c. i -. .i .p. or. a uve uuiiui;eu. upiiar party, wnen; tno rcfljec'(ion 6n.,tlie difffqre!rice in cdst'js 'in- J..1.J, h' ; 1' 'i' .if. t.-: i; 1 il -. .1 ' AWA. kJtl . U11V4 il. . 1 - 1 til' ' 'll1 ' 1 ' ' '' '' L know, geutl'dman of fortune, wlio says thC:jnost' house, it .was found heces'sary to get chair's ay,'.Icn'ew i " to nmfch," n side-boards, carpets, - Jil !Oi t"i onrl trfhle 'fn n'rivrosnnhr " with t.hfm. I and ccctfas ; " thus," added my friend, - running up an outlay of S30r000 caused by that single sofa, and saddling on me, iifthef shape of servants, eqipage, and the necessary expenses attendant on keeping up a fine "'establishment." a vearlv oti ljy of, eleven thousands dollars, and. a! uuu pmcu at uiai,;.yncrcas ten, years a go, we livcd! with much more real com fort, bocaus.e with much less care, on-a's many: hundreds. " The. truth is," her.con- tinued, "that sofa would have brought me to inevitable bankruptcy ' had not a unexampled tide of prosperity kept r most me a bove it." 10th. Do not depend upon others. Your success must depend upon your ,pwn in dividual exertions. Trust not' to the as sistance of friends, but learn that every man .must be the arclutectofjhis q.wn;for tunc: and with proper attention- .to ; the foregoing rules, and such observations, as a inaiL ui sunau yiii experience, the road pick up in his own to cbmpctencc will ClCUlIiiC Lecture. iiY prossoii (?aesar HANNIBAL. m Suspected Hearers. 1 shall dis ebenihg rebound on the great siancc ob! E11EE0L0GY ' Ereehology am'one ob de; moss- anshent . ' . - . , . .... . ' ' ism. v reeuoiogy uousisis ui gnun uuiugu f i : I ii. i i free, like y ou am dis cbening; it -was fust discubered in de free s'chools, and was al - ways looked 'pop by de. lamed as beiu closely connected wid "E plurabus Tjnum." - In order to fullv 'snlain mv self on 3is t , t . . -11 i , . , portant siancc, 1 went to de slawgnter House, un in Ulinstv street, and eot dis: 1 1 r j i o , , , 7 . , , , . TT fa ., . " J r j hab to usc ais sheep's hca(i which r rtnn f Tri II on C it1 t f no rvi r rTvvr&t 1 1 'kase it hab got de wool on. De fust pumb in a cullered man?s,hed and it taint no use bodderin 'bout enny odder man's bed am siterate on de top and called by the sianfifik cokanutbump; ! not, l'tnmic, usually De touna a dimcunV tor a plate ob pork and beans," : one. it ... : P: T., I3AHNTJM. ; it most . all porkj-and :a good .KlDGEPOUT, UON.'., June 28, 18o2. j beans," .to, top. off,, wid. Icalr . . eatin hocr. disbump . lays. 1a a triangular form ober! . m, ,T , . ,. 1 v -"iT- 1 n ' i ' f ' scnniu. lbc Neapolitan ladies are more de bump ob don t-care-a-d nahvencss, , , which ebory black mail's bed am fully ry blacK man's lied am tuny blossed'wid; some ob de lower order ob j cullered men hab got de bump ob ori - gin - stop dissliug business, or else you will sling yourselffs into do place whar; de', their chjldrbn, or attend to their cduca brimtQue ijietchcs am made. - i tion. . The; boys, are, instructed at home pebump.datam.inosiltiwted i b dbniefet3c chaplain or placcd iri cullered man bed, am call d on Jbowler & ',-. . . mf ' r Wells' map ob de brane, "Amativeness.H- Public seminaries. The girls are cither Dis am the bump dat plays de debil 'wid ( brought up at borne, where they have no de fair sex, bekase dat am whar Kupid pr.oper.'govcrness-iiM.their'mothers are spnngs,from; dis bump lays in de back, ob de neclc, near the coat co lar; at am cal- , ,7 - , . , , 1 i ' n , .' t - e i ; 'a a , , i i i de hole brane, common sense am Kicked ,,f,.;,,,,, nA lni, rn;n icnMm' v" - , - , till ebery abenue leadin to de soul am o out ob de cranium, and lub ram 'spreme am 0 - rtH rwJ tl xnt Hn rm 1 L- rh .hum t n IrmtrmncQ What all de sister? lafiin 'bout? You better insult your own kdnshuncd and1 see ef you hadn't better iaff de odder side;ob your iuouus. ciuu liupuruueu iu iiiuuiiu x nebel did e6S'- dfniiand dis)UPtbWiftl 'de ehr3; alti"Wh'a'r de diralr .i. i:.i-r. " A j.L Tiii' iv.vj.t ue lorciiuu'itiii nuiiv us uy juui-au-ituiu-us,' ui nuiiu .ui ww. .v, ,j m . . 1. and in de front 5 ob de htid', whielV fully" for-de-niggevVhed-bein hard 'miff, 'counts for tp butt q.'jV thp jtfinp fpnee. , Supplde ' nretenderq to dis aianco had 'sorted dab PWehuergiancp, pau i,teu pqB .... :..i: ni t.,,,1. Kf iy u.vuiuaiuLiu uu tfiiixj -yu. yum iu, I may be inistaken, ajid when de sasser goes 'round de fac.wil probojtseft. "Uombataveiles's",am'touhd mity big in de oUllercd- .yaceV - It lays 'lohg'shle iob (TI- j: 11 1 1 1 !.. ..... de frijip,by, idq jpckass; whicl sppw much easyor it am tOiCoax d HQine people had 'got piggcr much easyor it am tpiCqax dan to oome people nau cot P,.i;!;i't uum nrlrlnW-n't rill Km le'wav- vou will find ifroutsrioze you ha;d a kqUreU'widn-a dnt 'voii call de iffah 'a'lair 'yotf fihdoui-ff " r sdff'-n; rolling fn-darguttar wid- yonr noso- jp pHtfopeii. y0irttay .iiukft PP!YQr m'wA daijj.t-o;it.oqvdat,!nan hpd.o Ijig, you .can hang your bant on it., .'nanf mimnow'' urn linttv well enwellou- dcy lSS'B? rfmnloleofiila j -1 Ee,rriexfacfc ddt f will call Voiir 'ferition', Wam-afef-'-'By he'd obman,' liktfd'e foot' roadyji db dg'Ifdg1, am diwided into two 'pai'tsjidc1 ladies. iront nart am wiiar ae mrciiecterai orffins man and, vourcall- him, a liar, and' be ,sjl, jit unfortunately happens that tire.class.of 1.11.. 5 -H " -l , . Till 1 ' 'i! -ir.' Jj'.'.'.Otl P1 )Jti,.1 X "..A. '.if i X9i?AjlF?off .twice;mor(e, ,11,51., wco in Italy, arc too violently conibatavcness i.pall, but moment .Qfll Wi.-.f- .1 ft rb 1! IV 'Ion? do fence till deV rite under whar he am "settinl on a rale," and den wid telcgrofick quickness he sezes. mm py tie tail and trows him on de ground, Dis facjias 'spired da poets to rite songs 'bout it' which you all ribe by heart'. hSelf 'steem" am sum in de race like wise;1 also, as der horror ob swosheatin wide de with trash, and de manner in which dey "steein up" 'kasionly fully probes. '"Iinitati'qri"'is conshipcious 'mbng dem too, butdc monkey beats dem all -holler indat bump, which I 'sider no disgrace monkey tribe; butfpne ob de biggest bumps found in, de hole head ob be de ccntrs ob de African race, 'corden to de work of liruddcr. Xapan on. Elective Eranchise, am call'd "Alamentiveuess.'.'r Dis am de bump dat "enables a feller' to tell wat aiiigbod to eat, and how much he o rt-to gormandize at a time; for incstintk, you. go in de seller by. Caferine Market, and you see a man call for a plate ob raw clams and a plate of sassensjers, but call and want deal ob dat hon And now dat I see I got you all in de i o&uun od catm. l will 'mis you, so you ! n Wt ll0r? andSct a cole bitc' and :vile .rudder - Lcm C awson passes round de saserJL remark dat, I don t want libbody ' ? I:ingf ,m uew frce ceilt Piefes 011 r don't take em for sixpence no how you nnn iiv if . " " . w ' m nanan u vumiu Miss. Eaton, tryoung English lady5 is the author of two entertaining volumes 4 entitled, llome in the Nincteeth; Century,' P ., . irom wuicn wo copy xue ioiiowmg melan- . d i-.- ? v,- . . ! uxiioiuur uuuuiuus, vuvj. lull -JLuauaiia ' ' , nt , m T fin accoinPlbments. They aa occupied with pursuits of the most puerile vanity, they carry their passion ( for dress to. the most ruinous extravagance nrui rrt ,;(;mo io.. a, auaicceu to gam wing tnan tne itoraans; though there are some here cntirel' given 1 up to it, and on whose countenances I at the nightly faro table, the dead- passion of their souls. J-ue xtanau latuea scarce ever nurse Italian ladles scarce ever seldom qmilified, and still more rarely di f . n; . ', ' posed to fulfil the ofliac or else they are than any other class ot, women;, , hey. . ca?c .fromthisglQomyjprjspptp .thcorld, 'without having formed a. taste fprany'ra.-, i ,. , ., , - ,. , ttonal,pur3uifes or domestic, pleasures;. are 3 : .V. -..a-. ... - ,11!,rr:nri A CAinn Tn i.Q fnr tl,n.n l.Tr 1 , , . . j , , ,i , ' - . sequently be indifferent and what bcijter. can be expected from them? ' TlQ Qxclusion 0f. young unmarried wo- men from socioty-in-this-oountry, deprives it ,ofionepf hi greatest ohanmsi 'dam 1. , xi.t-. ' ndced: to. own-, that too 'many young just come out, weigh at timesomci4 . what heavily-orra-p:aTty-iu'our bwn coun- , ia..iWl ji up f :..s , i r w;S?&5 sfiilc'e of tli'e whole "would blank the ab- niatcc a'il'd' you . .V. rr7 ' ' ..'. . , 'i., . . inte'r& ahdf mnWpu'thVy iJto' J '! ' ff V.iV anin. , "uq: Thcnidi tlie'fair sex in this country are, C3 f J - - T'lU.. ! niversity have oiten, botltin past and pros- .! ;. fi j '.JI. 1. ! V. AI. ' ) I! . int. t mos hi.nn fillnd hv tenia e nrolessors. t"f " '.". r vi 7"' T . f ' if : ;Sianor;vTaiiibroni; latePr in jie XTniver-iity of Uolpsna. only died, li:Vi-' - '.' .i.V' ,.' WllUlIl Liieau iwi iiiumun, uiuui;u oiiu it-f tired froniJic.tituaiioji. (LfgiY. years ago; 1 ,! With a few"(brighoxcepti6ns, hoWeyer . Frni !.hJ r t-e isnbLgeaerally.diffuejl and inter- ngledhrith,' ,tur puram a&''iaiconfined.jto a' fewa'ud reigns iTUheni withduti'cdntfrol Rdocs the love of letter?, excludc'fhe- love11 grenefally cxli-emoly .ignprajit, -there are. V. xmv )ffli.-tf-f 'U b ;1 4 w ; -rB f, oJ(l-. W ; .rbavo been, dug while the , gcound and. p how. iior.was slid less remancaDiOiipr nor piqty .';p.H' WsWt .1-. .V 'r; , . itio i..- t Jtn.l Intlf tfitli n.nian nhnnt civ ianilk"-tto' t " h.t pa Utvu i;;.,i.J. . .r, -:a,. , , - .. . . . 1 . . f v. . ,-. : .11 . f it r-r-TT-iv X y$TT If "'f',.. of adulatiou. Tlidir vanity is of d' differ ent cast, but not less insatiable, than that of the otljcr fair. Italians. They entertain you too much with talKing or their worKs, or repeating mcir own composiiiona, uuu their hoties..are generally infested by a herd of male scribblers who make large demands on the patience and applause of their auditoio.iby, reading or reciting their various works in verse or' prose; and be praise each other, that they may be prais ed themselves.1 ! The women of these (the middle) clas ses arc indolent, useles, and vain. They never seem employed about domestic cares; in fact', the small matter of. clean-' ing which is bestowed upon a House is generally done by men. It is they who make the beds and dust the rooms. They cook; they clean, and sometimes even make gowns. I never shall forget my astonishment it Naples, ,in sending for a dress-maker, wheiij-amanappeared ; but he professed, his capacity for the under taking. I was in haste, and he stitched me up a very superb ball-dress before night. la Rome, however, I think the dress makers, and all the washerwomen are of the female gender. 33ut the Iioman fe males arc really generally a useless, in dolent setslovenly and dirty in their per sons and dress at home, and-tawdrilly fine when they go abroad. Their virtue, I fear, cannot be much boasted of, and, liko their superiors, few of them are without their lovers and their intrigues. I know the handsome wife of a substantial shop keeper who, with the consent of her hus band, has been the mistress of three suc cessive noblemen, Italian and foreign, and lived with them. The last sent her back in disgrace, on discovering, J that, even in his house, she had contrived to receive her own favored lover. The husband took her back, and they, are-now living together. Another tradesman makes over his wife at this moment to a nobleman, for, a cer tain annual compensation, and yet these men do not seem to be despised for it. These facts I know to be trufe, beyond the possibility of doubt; and, in spite of their grossness, I mention them, because you cannot otherwise conceive the state of mor als in this country. The celibacy of ..the clergy 'is another cause of the want of virtue, among the women; fpr by the perverse and unnatur al institutions of the church, those who ought to be guardians, are too often in secret the corruptors of morals. They thus strike at the root and bond of alL mortality; for the virtue of a community will always be found to be nr.prbportion to the chastity of the women.'' ' Diggiug Potatoes! The sooner potatoes are dug, aftr they i uiuuiuc .ikiiuii uuu )Laiuui io tail, auu ' 4-Vir vmiii I l r t tlun lijcc? linVrtla f T r ir aa fv rot.,t-After digging let thqiu lip on the sur face till thoroughly dry, then secure them in cellars, sheds or barns, as may be deem ed best ; put them. in broad, shallow bins that they may be exposed, to the air to prevent heating," and convenient for- in spection.; . When potatoes arc inclined to rot after beiiiir put in the celler, ,the rot I may be checked, in some measure, by strewing lime or plaster among them. Or. Ilayc's plan ol lumigatiug with brim- stone uol nut sucuuuu nun. xuu nuwwj ( . 't-j-1 ,m. 1.1 i ' g(Jm gtibus and tf a'-moderate or small-' extent'ih' Irfthera-j' ahd'welravc na doubfc- thhtif wd have abu'mlance of rain and P waiun wdathor, which has .a tendency to- i i .i i- ii.i !i n . m i l ii ,1- jt i ...:n ;i . ,i o rrrnnt.ovtnnt n5 ln.tirnvi nil's, vents. I hfrp- . ?0?slVmcw sPouff take eJ?y possibie fo?'1S?PJl5?S- : precaution to guard against vL ) l.... . 1 ,1 xl Sljr! uuviutp iu uunvy ruins, Well : wfiile'totber3 tii7m lrfteru the season af- .. i ii n. .i tor wet weatner, nave m?;uiy au tuuuu, r-4l-.u ;.-AYWAiil:ti"lnf.fti-lio'n'YVnAin bi-..v- r- : --.. r l onllor Am vA:KftvA-hhil:jiAV( gtancM of thfc kind in ourown cxperinco . A' i TAlirt- nlli.mA wla- nf WJaiAf firt flfinllt. eroctiilg; a.iypimiivcnt.tol,an old "baoh.elor,. kiss-hcr. Prompt xctiox. ihe membera qt the las Opqgress passed spuiQ , .bills YiHbA h'b bill '"passed wftlWdl al woirdifdoUakn ' .1 ' :'rg$ A J . ' l '' Mmtted htm-to have got -near enough to 8 4 Hi q rw i V liVx vivvu ' v -v W K