Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, September 02, 1852, Image 1

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    - c - - -- ' t - a s 'vv. - j-lu U(i
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Win AM" 'v RKPf IMIfTl Y .1
' l f"5..'-. - 1.31 ' t . rrtTTTTt r rinr n nm - --i nrnmniiTHrn nnVPIPTC" T AT in'tr i.i , f i1 ! 'mJ
i . - v i ; ' Tvr.i;! JURIS
No 47.
. . - - . . . .. Sv
Published Iy Theodore Schoch.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
II .. - I I . .
SS yi:Cex?rapnetor' "m e - rsua - K
iso papers oiiconuimea uuuiaii arrearages are paw,
except at the optibn ofThc Editor1. : 1
UZf Advertisements not exceeding one,$.quare (six-
teert lines"! will 6e inserted three w eeks 'for oneidol Jur. .
and twenty-five cents fpr every subsequent. ipsertiou. ,
The Charge for one; and three insertions' the'sanic.
X liberal discount made to yearly mlvertisers. . 0
iryAiriettcrs addtcsscd to the Editor must be post-
Paid-., . ,. , i. ' :
..JOB P Jt J NT JL IV. G. .0?. . .
Having n-general .assortment of largc,.ele(gant, plain
' ' andornarriental Type, we are prepared '
to execute every de&cnptiou of .
dollars And a quarter, half yearly and if'not paid be-,
lore the end of the year. Two dollars and a half. Those J
who receive their papers by a carrier7 or starre'drivers
SSSfe1'' ' Uld bU'- tCtUrn ear-Il'-T wo"ld oer'of small globules of fal of different town-ship, or; borough Auditors, the dis
.DiiiYleads cikWpis dT . ' ..." ., ,;. '.sizs suspbndcd in it, they can only , tfict Treasure's account .may be settled
Cards, Circulars
Justices, Legal and. other:. BiKiiKs, Pamphlets. Ac
printed With neatness ana despatch, on ied.onablc J
ternis, ;
Fef fersouiiiii Itepiibliczm.
From t3ie Delaware Stale Journal.
The Bopm-A-Laddic.
Tune." Kelly Bhj."
Franklin Pierce, Franklin Pierce,
Neversaw a tent ! :' '
Polk dressed him up in uniform, -
And a soldiering he .went,! . :
A sword he had, and cpauletts,
A plume and broad chapeau ; .r
Accoutred thus, he starded off,
To Scott in Mexico ! 5 ''
Heigh Chippy! Ho Chippy!'
Listen now to me, . . ; . 4i
Til work for you, vote for you,
The Preiident to be.
Chippewa ! Chippewa, vi t J , n t
Thought he look'd so fine, ," .
He gave him a brigade to lead,
In the battle fighting-line :'B
Among the troops he sent- them 6fl? i
To mingle in the camp, :
To learn the rudiments of war,
And hear the soldiers' tramp ! , ;, ,
Heigh Clripp3' no Chippy ! .
Staring long! gazing strong ' .
He said he'd like to fiirht ! . . . ,
When prescntl' a chance appear'd.
On Chevubusco's height !
Prepare my boy's, there's work'toMb,
-Said Scott unto his men,
To-day 111 lead you to the . charge -To
victory again !
SfePPJ" Chippy ! Jr
Onward march ! onward marchl iu
Old Chip the order gave, .
Drive back the foe from vondeivhill
Or fill a freeman's grave ! '
Defeat's a word my countrymen ; r
Have all Tefus'd to learn ;
Come let -us chase them from the ;ficld,
Or never home return ! -. .
' Heigh Chippy, Ho Chippy ?
On they "go strike the blow '
The conflict rages fierce ;
Each man is at his post, except
Polk's boom-a-laddie Pierce !
The fire and smoke, aud cannon balls
He didn't like at all,
And so he thought he'd better halt, . - ;
And from his charger fall !
Heigh Chippy, Ho Chippy !.
On the ground he was found, v
Jb Tightened half to death, r S,?T
For fear a ball should roll idong,,t.,; ;
And take away his breath ! -Said
he, is this the glory, that -. . ; ,ff. .
Those rascal poets paint ? . .
If, so, 0! take me from it sopu3 ,
Or cer.tainly 111 faint !
Heigli Chippy, Hp Chippy !
Home agam.home again.
This boom-a-laddie came v
A specimen of noble' pluck ' ":r r
A seeker-after . fame ; -,J
Behind he left a gallant band, , ,v
As ever trod the plain,
And yet he would'nt stand theifire',
. For fear he d faint again, .. ,
Heigh Chippy, Ho Chippy h..
Gren'ral Pierce, Gen'ral Pierce, "
They call him now, I be'lieve,
And with his military feint,
The people would deceive ! . ,
He shammed the soldier in the; field
He was not firm nor true ;
And if he gets to Washington, "
He'll sham the statesman too ! ''"
f Heigh Chippy, Ho Chippy 1
We Winfield Scott .1
A Hero an command.
Al V'J
Wliojias the strongest armiesrumt,
A J li l.lll 1 ' 1
Upon 'his brow no -stigma rest's
He-s 'truly brave and great; ' 'e
Andjust;the man the natipn grants; '-i&q.
To guide the ship of State, r; ?
" Tieigh Chippy, Ho 9hippyjfi
Loky boys, loky boys,
Ston'votir riokinor fun , M usriiff
BftCftUS vnn lrAWif. wf J'.KaZ
r j x- o )
You JSrsfc preferred to run 1 &XT REpCY"A"S0'n of justiar- ; can bp yayf?d so as to liave a change ev: j theJ I)ire6to fb visit the school at jiny
Wo will try to giye him, though, ' ;i'ived in this land of. plenty, being in want, 1 ery AyQC Every farmer should have a ' time,Jn ojger to see. whether it is con
A safe and pleasant trip, 'v; ''-Ventured to solicit aid from-a person whose steaming apparatus, in his barn yard;and j duoted, iti, conformity with the common
PTOle we hurrah Oh' ' " 'e?ternal appearance seemed to' indicate 'plenty of pure air and good drinking- wa school system, so far as the same is ap
HfiigHhpyToSnippV'W j that be could afford it. . He was however, 1 ter as rieeggsary as go.od food for "the plicable i -thereto." Tlic law docs not de
Listen.nDw to me; . : . J repulsed with a "go to h-11." Tatllooked beA,b of.milch qdws,and the. production j sign 'that' they shali have anyfurther cqii
PU JvjorkJor youvotafor you, i at him in such a to ,fixf his attention, 1 0f a 'superior quantity of good nlilk.- :trol oyer 5Qnowcd;ischopls than is. expres
- iCb.e'Pjesiaent M. bed - -InSai Und tijen replied',: 4 i: .J. . , ;." ; Scientific- Asmr.kan: ;f.-. .1 sedriiictho; foregoing. But they can hot
KT -OolSahlWitT Bless ;yourlhonorrf(r3yWclvjlity;for rm . - - - ; -u.; be rd;;(thay are' merely auth'orizetl)
of -the Farmers1 and 4,MechanuisJtBank-of ye?r;e rsienflenjan;th"iltf8 invite1 ?-TEe' census of Detroit has :jut tor"apj)ropriate so much of the district
Easton, was sold a few days since at an ' me to his father's House since rcariie'toj been taken , showing, a )popidattoji( pj fi2 (endowed) school as
average ps 33 28 per share. ' (this land !l ' ' '"" ' " ' " ' "lb. 1850 it was 21,027.J " " jth?yVay think just 'and reasonable."
Froiu the Spirit World.
The following is reported as a truemes-1 This Liquid is secreted in special or
sagc from a certain individual now in the . cans of "the female mammalia, for the
, "Spirit World," as we have been told :
Rapper John Jones !
Spirit of John answers by" two ;vraps. f
Rapper Are you happy ?
Spint-r-Yes, in all but ontf th'ing.
Happer What is thai ? .
'Spirit I left the world without calling
on the, Printer, as I promised. 6h; if 1
Kapper Do what 1 ;v
Spirit Call '911 the poor" Printer" and
pay him them lour dollars; duths too per cent, ot the wnoie, are tue pnospuate tion schools to be taught in the school
late. i of lime, phosphate of magnesia,- phos- houses owned by the district, when not!
Rapper No send a message to your ' phate "of iron, chloride of potassium, 1 needed for. the use of the public schools,
once fond dear wife to pay it for," you,and ' chloride of sodium and soda. The soda They may also permit Sunday schools to
then j-ou will be happy. . , ; j holds the casein in solution. ' Pure casein be "taught in them. In such-cases the
Spirit Yes, yes, tell her if she wishes ( is scarcely soluble in, water; its combina- person, occupying them, are responsible
; me to enjoy eternal happiness, to go at tions with the alkalies, however, are very for anr.;injury the school houses may sus
' once and discharge that debit, and ever- soluble. The addition of a small quan- "tain durinsr or in conseauence of snrh no.
lasting bliss is mine.
Rapper I will do as you bid me.
A message is despatched to Wido3v
Jones, lniornnng ner or the suuenngs 01
thc spirit of her late husband on account
of not making peace with the Printer.
She answers that she will 0 at once pay
the man of types, and aslc'him his "for -
giveuess for her poor dear Jones.
Rapper I sent a message as you bid
me to your wife, and she is, ere this, on
t her way to the friend you had forgotten
whilst on earth.
Spirit 0, joy unspeakable. t. . ; of milk, is easily converted into lactic a
Rapper She has seen the Printer and cid; it is owing to this quality that the a
paid him ! . , . , eidity of sourmilk is due.
Spirit Happy! happy!! ami!!! ,' ! 'It has been found by experiment that
iVbta Bene.-
-The above is a-warning to
all who will not heed the call of the "man
of tones." You may. like Jones . 'die
without cancelling thc debt as he dfd, and
suffer the same pangs of remorse. If you
Wish to en OV " everlastllirr b 15S"-hereat-
ter, make your peace with the Printer.
To Prevent Pittiiigbj thc iual!
t . t. : ? i 1. : il.
auitJS. uere i3 51 rco,Pu w:iucu la wo,l
a fortune to you, if you ever happen to be
f i v ,
so lortunate as we have been ; lor a pre.-
ty face, provided there is a good heart
with it is always a lortune lor a laay.
, ... . , - , t I
and it Gives me real pain whenever I see ,
L.i. u ,4 nA i.iu ,
ouvii 4i uiitj uii oi.aiiuu iiiiu Miuitucu ni bit l
tlif. iinrl-q of C5,nll.r.v Ymi nm nm. i
vent it for two shilling Mv face was
covered with the deepest and biggest kind j
of pustules, and would now -be a ghastly j tter than .others for the production of ( be enforced under it after the expiration
sight but for care of one of the blessed ' b m"k- We believe tbafc tbis subject, of that year. The district, however, may
ones of your sex, who applied the remedy, ' of good grazing grounds, has not received bring suit against the delinquent tax-pay-and
saved what little beauty there was as ' tbat attention whicy it demands. There , ers aud collect the tax in that manner.
-ood as new. is 'certainly as. much difference in the All property acquired by a widow in
Get from the apothecary a little vial ,grass, herbs, &c.j in certain pasture lauds, our intestate laws, thdt is otherwiso.sub-
of stuff called "liquid cuticle," and as soon
as the pustules are fully formed apply a
little of the liquid with a. little brush tne result ot lt becoming aci.dul-j
feather to each one. As fast as they get( 0US1S a complete separation of tho casein ( the schools of each district "shall be put
ripe, remove the scab-and, wipe away the, from the other-parts, it has been sugges- and kept in operation" "not less than
matter clean, and apply the liquid again. tcd tbat tbe addition-of some alkali, such three months" in each school year is per -If,
any of them fill a. secomi tiuie, you as soda or salaeratus', might render sour 'emptory; and if neglected, tho directors
must remove the covering.and repeat the,ulllK sweet- ' J-he truth is, that the addi-
process. It will smart like fun fpr a mo- tion df ab extl'a quantity of alkali is justj
ment, but, my word, when you .re
cover you shall not find a mark upon
rlfcit pretty face of yours to prove you ev
er had the disease.
I am told the article is made of gun-
. cotton dissolved in chloroform. It forms asli De aiBS01vcu ln warm water, ana school honses, is neither an excuse or ex
au artificial skm over a wound just .as some Pure swcefc olive oibbo Poured iDto , tcnuatidn for the offence of refusing to
good as thc real one. It is a valuable ifc and wel1 st5rrcd tbc li(luid wil1 iconic ' put and keep thc schools in operation-7
: '; remedy, 'and I expect the Ladies Depart- thick' white aud milky in appeapance; and for at least tho shortest time designated
ment of The Plow will become immense-
ly populor fgr making, it public. j;
thiukthe manufactures of the article ought
to send the editor a sufficient supply to
givfe every lady subscriber a bottle for this especially in the State of Maine. It is of the Directors is to give every child an
gratuitous puff. , stated that the hay is ony half a crop, ' opportunity to attend school for the length
Be Vaccinated. If you have been, be and that farmers will have to sell a great j of time required by law, and then to build
so. againj for it will protect you. for a long deal of their stock before the winter sets appropriate school houses if they have
time, but must be renewed. It protected in. Those of our farmers who have milch the means, and if not then to rent a suit
in e for forty-eight years, and as ladies 'cows should useless hay for food than able pjace in which to teach their schools,
never reach that age, they will bdafe if do. Cabbages, beans, linseed,'. .Djr'ectprsare authorized to appropriate
1 " B "
nourishment of the Toung, arid it.necesa-
rilj contains all the ingredients required
1 for'this object. It contains insoluble mat-
' teriheld ih mechanical suspension. It is
a splution, of a, small quantity of different
saltSj with ay considerable proportion of
sugar or milk, and a,vbitrogenous sub-
starice nanied' cheese of casein. ' A' hxm-
.be discerned by the microscope, l he
salts of milk which amount to about one
! tity of acid sepratcs the soda from the
' casein, and this makes thickened milk.the
; curd being no loger in solution with the
alkali. Uasein is the most abundant suu-
stance in the milk. , - .
After the- casein is precipitated there
is a sugar in the remaining liquid ovivheyy
' this is the reason. why it has a sweeter
.... . . Al , , . ,
This is the only sugar generated in ihe
' process
or animal lire. it,
three parts of boiling water and twice' as
. much cold water to dissolve it. The sugar
a cow
yields a. .greater
quantity of milk than if fed upon any oth
' er food. So far as a series of regular ex-
; periments afford any data for conclusions.
tfiat ' kind of food which
i ; , . miant. f.v nf n frnwn. nlwnrs-
Uields the greatest quantity of milk, 'and
l" - - X J- I
X U VilVWi Mil UlkJ
the best kind of it for it also contains the
. , . V"r,nnnt;fr i'niii4T0i.nr1 fine tint vruuuV U1 uuuw),.utm,Wuv,
n iff o !liifrn nr nr hnttor rmitnin 111-
1nSen' no, a gooa ptan co leea cows
1 on a uniform diet, tor experiments have
proven tbat the yieW of milk, by such a
( system of diet, gradually diminishes, it is
mererorc a gooa ruie 10 cnange tne looai
of milch cows frenuentlv '
OI mn los ircquuuu.
The milk obtained from cows in the!
morning is generally richer than, that ob-
tained at evening. It has been found
tba certain pasture" grounds are much
a3 tbcrc is n different kinds of food, '
As a"d is the cause of souring milk,
- j
about as grfcat an evil
as an excess of a--
It is the perfect solution of the fat-;0f
ty parts of milk with the alkali in it, which rectors cannot legally authorize itsscollec
imparts that fine flavor t'o it when newly tioh. The fact that the Directors expend
taken from the animal. If some pearl- the money of the district in building
also possess a .-flavor much like that of
sweet milk. .
In some parts ofjour country there have
been very severe droughts thissummer,
barly, potatoes, and hay, should be given) a portion, of the public funds to tho.Hup
Solon Robinson. 5 to every milch cow during our winter portof endowed Common Schools, and, if
SCaOHS atthC north. lhese liindS 0t tOOd ,
ccision of the Super
School Houses with a con'vepient lot
aud curtilage, are dedicated to public use
( for public purposes, and no law authoriz-
ing the f laying out of. a State road
could be construed so as to warrant the
interference1 with the School 'House lot or
curtilage, unless by the clearest' express'
terms. , ,
Where there are no cluly qualified
by the board of School Directors.
j School Directors may permit subscrip-
1 cupancy.
law onft who carries on Dusine,3
of farming a cultivator of the soil on his
own account. The owner of the land
mjiy alarmer, while Ins tenant
. . , 1. - .....
A 'f.'iv.Tinvpr nhnnot bf rliftvnr1 frnm
the payment of a tax upon property,, of
.: ; - . . , t
J . ' J. '
erty. He is chargeable for the entire j
1 year, and the fact that he has at that
time, the proceeds of the property so sold,
' without any tax upon such proceeds, is a
sufficient reason why he should be requir-
ed to pay on the original assessment.
As to tbe Proof that should be squired
b' thc Board ot a transfer of Pperty,in
.1 1- ...i; .1. .i j?.
oruer 10 relieve iiig party aasesseu irom
LU"J pay"""" Ui guuei-
il. i ll. 1 11.. 1
: al Prop'0tion shows must be confined to
I p . f. , . . i
' transfers before the lying of the tax.
rPlin ctiffiotriTtoTr n? nrnnf olimil1 nrnti.
XUC SUmCienOr 0i SUCH prOOI SIlOUlU prop-
,. ... .. " -
"J -"- "u uiuwu i
erly beJelt to the sound discretrc-n ot the
t,.- t. ;1,i t u...4
- u ;1U
stances, to apply the strict rules of legal
' evidence; ex parte affidavits of the fact
mm s . fct in mQsfc in
, , .
stances be satisfactory.
The warrant of the district Treasurer i
to the Constable or 'Collector of School
; tax does not extend beyond the year for
which it is issued, and collections cannot
ject to taxation for school purposes, con-
tinues so to be in her hands.
'Tha requirement of the school law that
render: themselves liable to be dismissed
from office: . If this requirement of tho
law is not strictly fulfilled,, the collection
school tax cannot be enforced the Di-
jn the law. One generation cannot, be
required to build school houses for anoth-
er and bo thereby deprived of tlncbenefit
of the common schools. The first duty
lueyuo SO 1116 law rciS tuy iiuM i
They are not required to appropriate any HjPA queer looking customer inserted
sum wliatever, and, therefore, unless they his head into an auction store, and look
are, entirely satis fiedwith. management. of ing gravely atthS Mknighfcof thp; ham
the school, may arbitrarily refu3e;;any- as- i mer," inquired: .
siatance. ',t "Can I bid, sb?'J . ,
"Certainly, replied; theyVuctioneer,
Receut-Discoveries. "you can bid."- y--- -
Everything in the "world.seems ordered j "Well, then," said the wag, walking off,
for the best,, and. new discoveries areiiiTKM.j-u
made just about the time when they are
neces3aryto supply wants which cannot
be supplied under the old system. Thus, -
whe.n America was discovered, firewood!
was abundant, and the produce of the i
forest was sufficient to accommodate all.j
who. wished to keep warm. But the in-,
thinks the Brother Jonathan rendered
it probable that; in a few years, there ,
would be a scarcity of this important !
material At this period up turned coal, '
in regard to artificia! ligll. When wL.alo ,
were berrinmno- tn o-n nnf ime Lmn fn
Z ;7TO f..i! USan
n i- ii, . 1 i i n ,1
ted at the prospec xoshed forward and ,
L010"??,1". T,her,C1S a -
wiii& in, uuu j. iiiijy iucu ueuumiDff exci -
Til " " ' 1 rr1"11;;
compensating watchfulness in the decrees
of Providence, whifili vio-ilnntlv nrn'rlne
.1 J " ' ' . jm.v I
(for the want, of man, and substitutes new !
benefits Tor those no longer available. The,! f tbeir aotlon on thc nervous 8J9tem
farmers of the present day will, ere Ion,
universally acknowledge this truth in the
character of their agricultural labors.
Formerly they plowed, sowed, reaped and
laborer'3 materially interfered with:
i rural enfionmnv. Tn nnnsprnmnnp ?f. lmc
Keen as much as many agriculturists, in ofold Jamaica from his pocket, and poured
various parts of the country, could well down its contents. He soon after fell a
do, if they were able to harvest their grain' sl ndcra trce and to hia agreeable
leaving some grass crops to perish through! 1 1 , ,
inability to cut them. There was a want , SurPnse' avroke allJe and able to Proceed
which was sadly felt, and it is now de-' on U1S journey. Syracuse Slar.
monstrated that the remedy i,s at hand, in "
the shape of a reaping and mowing ma-. Do so again. A gentleman of
chine which, in a lew hours, with limited
; assistance, will do that wliirth wniild
. ' . "
, , , "'""j ...v.a. ,.1.-
nI A m!1.j,:n. Jnffn ton v
j twelve acres of grass a day, shearing off
I il.. j. 1 . .1 .1 i.i. '.t it
1 l A. UlfrkUa
. the tangled and postrate grass with the
same dispatch as if it stood upright.
.au n xu auwu uiiguu.
. Steam n nws. stnam harrows, stnatn rtsn -
! r--, : r
. , ... . - ,
y ? a.iu.sam iiiu win iiiuiee iap-
id-Iy, until the husbandman will become
engineer, ceasing toil with his hands, and
looking on whilst Farmer Machine culti-
vatos. the fields, keeps them to order,and
secures the final crop.
Parson Brown low on Pierce.
The eccentric and erratic Parson Brown-
low has been quoted by the Locofocos as
authority against, Gen. Scott. We will
quote what he says of Gen. Pierce:
v nen n unc tension ma oj was
sent to the benate it was opposed by the
"strict constructionists," and the cold
blooded. Ya?ikee7 who now aspires to the
"When Gen. Pierce was first elected to ,
Congress from his own State, he was a
"drag" upon his party., It wa3 in 1833, '
when the General Ticket system prevail- j
than three thousand votes below the ave.!you ?" inquired a little snubbyinosed nr
rage vote of his party, and if the parties. rchm of his material ancestor, the other
would have been any thing like divided, day.
he would have been shamefully beaten." ; To be sure, sonny, why ?"
' , , c', i-l "Wal, I guess he loves the kitchen girl,
"Much may be known of the mau by P T , . . . . . ... f '
ii i ti'n. ti too, tor 1 seen him kiss her morn fortv
the company heTcccps. Pierce is on the
most iutimate terms with Brince John times last bunday, when you Was gonetb
Van Buren, and is as he ever has .been,1 meeting."'
the. .fast friend of Old Grimalkin of Kin- j '
dcrhobh, whom he styles a truly PURE . Spurious Gold Coin.
and great man!'" nmn has been arrested inrew York.
! for passing upon an emigrant, spurious
We cannot support such j map until; coin3 pur ortil to bc $5 and g10 ie&
principles with us become obsolete:1 , ir . , ri er 5Tr .
If Brownlow's opinion of one candidatoJ bavinSononcslde alikenessof Gen.Wash-
js worthy of attention,, so is his opinion of
the other. And as tne jjocoiocos com- j .reverse the represontationoi an eaglo be-
menced by priuting one, will they also ncfttb tbe worf3 "United States." Thero
print the other? , j are aJs6 otb(jr p -Qaes in tbe lofcj a coafc
BrA cleriryman who was consoling a'' Qf arms, and the word 'California in prom-young-
widow on" the 'death of' her hus'.;jnont charactera ,wcll calculated to deceive
f . . 'the unwary as all of them have the appear-
band, spoke in a very serious tonero- ance Qf g0,dj aUhough tbey are &Qt
marking that lie: was Cone of thefew. ujanufactured of brass and copper.
Such a jewel of a Christian. You caph'ot j We were recently shown a counterfeit
find his equal, you know." To which, the dollar gold piece. The appearance wa&
tt- r -iviti, nn nimnct' not so distinct as the genuine but such aa
Bobbins far one replied, .With an aimosc . . . , . ,
, ; , T i n i i.T-ii i ; was well calculated to deceive the un3us-
broken heart, "I don't know, but 111 try." i-pting. 1
JIather C.URiOTS.-iu. the very!: tow.ii j A Xo. Walk. A great feat of pedes
of l-Iills borough, New Hampshire, where trianism is to come off at Hoboken, N. J..
thd great Locofoco gathering was!held iti ?
"lorification of Franklin Piercc and his
Influence, the vote for abolishing the .re-!by
'-, , c xt
ligious test stood, Ayes 15: Nays 101:
BEyARE of Counterfeits, Counter
feit 8-1 notes of the State Bank of North
Carolina have" recently- fouiid their way
to Petersburg; Va. They are distinguish
'able from the genuine ones by the signa
ture of the President, D. Camarou, which
is a lame fac simile.'-zn& - other features
- v,
'nf tl? vtv
eter Bankeri of Schenectady, N". 1.,
as takon measures to secure a patent
for an improved mode of jointing boards
for roofs. He forms rebates or recesses
receivc projections that are covered by
caPs tu screws. The high prices of
shingles, and the great amounl of poor
sawed'oncs in the market, will soon lead
Jf .v
1 ven one-hundreds of the fruit are water!
, mw: a ,1
TKs is more than the watermelon, which
J-"" 10 ujuiu muu iub ware
contains ninet four ara
melon contains ninet,?
The musk-
Rattlesnake bites prove fatal by reas-
B3 administering a powerful stimulant,
their effects may be counteracted. A
traveler in one of the new sections of our
ftftlinfrr wi th mirntnnn na
by 0ne of tteS? rePtlIe3- termmed to
have an easy death of it, he took a flast
boston chanced to hnd himselt among a
jiuuji ui muiw, an.u uuu uasijauu wuiw
fh OT1,nrmnnf nW bnninl n nt. tin
less1 Placed hia arm afonuA e-waist of
'lO T-IT-of f TT o l1m!il or? fnlni n.1l liMlnl
' as pretty, a damsel as Maine could boast Jy
' of. when she started and exclaimed. "Be ffiM
w., u uuv awllCu auu wa.liicu, iio
'j. :,.n t; rp n
t muinuB ; iub geuue-
ma aiJ0iogiZed for the sccmino- rudeness
' am&PAMr nA fcl
and assured lhe haU ofteildcd fair one ho
dd not intend to insult her. " No!" said
, she archly, " well, if you didn't, you may
i uu
so again.
j J. lie luuuniu OjJlllLUUi 11UC3 rtlU 11U11L
the Chelsea fMass.) Telecranh. issued tho
dav Drevious to tbe onerat;0n nf th. nr
. liquor law If suck be an cffusion in an.
j t - - I-
ticipation of tho melancholy event, what
can it be after ? Wo earnestly beff to
' . '
j 10 Jcnow :
Lay do;vn the pitcher and the mug-ag-tig1,
And hang up the pistol and the jng-ug-ugr
For there's no mnre rum for old Uncle Ned,
Cause the licker law comes.downfike light
ning on a June bug !
" Does Pa kiss you because-he loves
ington with the date-1852, and on one tho
to continue ten weeks, two days and six-
Keen hours. The teat is to be performed
F' J SrtSS?" PeTdrCS
wager of 3000 a side. Ue
,tbefefirst placc ii250niilcs in
1 htr K H fTih.?nn. thn Tipdnstrian. fnr a
is to walk in
in 1000 hours.
then 1,250 half miles in 1000 half hours,
and lastly 1,250 quarter miles in 1000
"quarter hours.
j. Miners wanted Miners are be
coming very scarce in the Schuylkill (Pa)
poal region. One firm. Messrs; Rogers,
311 , Siniiiokson &Go., have'advertised fQr 106