Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 05, 1852, Image 1

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r " " i
VOL. 12
No 43,
Published by Theodore'SchocIi.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, hair yearly and if not paid be
fore me cna 01 me year, i wo uouarsanu a n;iu. rnusc
"I don't know how it is,'
lore ine cnu ui nic year, i n u ut.i;ir-mu i naiu 1 imai. T- 11 u, i i . -
who receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers : Hall, Mat SOUie people Can get along SO
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2; r , , , . .
cents, per year, extra. b ' comfortably on a thousand dollars a year.
No papers ditcontinucd until all arrearages arc paid, ,,r , - .
except xt the option of the EJjtor. , We can t do it."
ir? Advertisements not exceedinc one souarc (six
teen lines! will be inserted three weeks for one dollar.
"I'm sure I try to economize all I can,"
nnd tvcntr-nre cents ior every suuscqueni iierwun. i . -.r tt u n e c n
The Charge for one and three iicrtions the same returned Mrs. Kail, Sadly, for she felt
A. liberal discount maue to yearly nuvernsers.
and a half, and his boot black's bill, which
said Felix 'was w0 dollars. Luncheon, and some
cake and candies for the children, cost
twenty-five cents ; and a very pretty pam
per folder that struck his fancy, the tri
fle of twenty-five cents more. Here were
six dollars for the second day, nearly all
of which might have been saved if he had
liberal discount maue to yearly nuvernsers. ii.j. 1 1 - - 1 .1
it-?- ah inters addressed to the Editor must be nost- that her husband s remark was more than
... - - ! half intended as a rcflection'unon her. shavcd msclt and brusilGcl nis own b00ts
JOB PBINTINCr, ! T to do either of which- would have been
, -l viii) awu uuc 1111 1, uiiu xj uvuii y an i
, . . -- -1 .1 O. J I - - , , . .
Having a general assuriiuwiL 01 large, cict;ani,-piaiii .
and ornamental Type, wc are prepared niy 0W11 SCWlllg.'
to execute every description of ur , , tt-i -j r
Jl UUU l UIUUIU JUU, JL.UJ.11CI, saiuiui.
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts ! "" 11111 oulu uuu x -7"u
Justices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, Ac. ' work bird tnn hard- T often wish it was
printed with neatness and despatch, oil reasonable . W . "arQ t0 UarU X 0Ken 1SU lh WaS
terras, nncinr fnr vvn "Ruf. trlmf. pnn T do? 7Tv
. j - j
Jefferson Inti ICepubiicaia.
far more honorable, genteel and praise
worthy, than to indulge in the luxury of
a barber and a boot-black, and let his
wife work herself to death. On the third
day he hired a chaise and rode out with
The trupet sounds with loud alarms,
The Whigs and Locos fly to arms,
Their Generals martial up each train
The presidential prize to gain.
For Scott, for Scott the Whigs do cry,
For Pierce, the Locos make reply,
While rolling thunders far away
Proclaim for our old Chippeway.
.Let Loco Focos vote for Frank
Their voting will turn out a blank,
The honored prize they cannot draw
For it is reserved for Chippeway.
Old Chippeway's a first rate horse
To run upon the Union course,
A hasty bowl of soup he'll take
And carry off the highest stake.
He'll beat your Pierce in any weather
Though j'ou have dubbed him fuss and feather,
With every bowl of soup he takes,
You'll see the Locos get the shakes.
You think to fire upon his rear
And thus you hope the track to clear,
But you will find it but a draw,
The White House is fur Chippeway.
- I . . y, n. 1 1 r. 1 t ' .1
I salary is only a thousand dollars. And ) llls lamilJ altcr lie uaa lett Danlc m tlie
! yet that is all Hawkins receives, and he ' afternoon. The chaise hire was a dollar
ana a nau, nuu toii-gaies uuu reiresuiuoms
I bought the children."
"So much?"
"Yes. I had to buy for all of them,
and even cheap toys, when you have to
get so many of them, count up. But we
must indulge the children, sometimes.
I hflve spent, also, for cigars and tobacco,
the trifle of thirty-one cents; and for a
paper folder a quarter. And in cakes
and candies for the children, I may have
spent, may bo a shilling. Let me sec how
much all these amount to."
The items were soon summed up, and
the product was two dollars and nearly a
"That you see reduces it to five dollars
and a half, said Mrs. Hall.
"So it does," remarked the husband.
"How money does slip through one's fin-
paper, "a
"A few weeks ago," says an English
man sold his wife to a farmer
for ten pounds. As the seller could not
get the money, he would not deliver up
his wife. She became out of patience,
and told her husband she would not be
fooled about any longer, and that she
would go home with the Luyer, as she
liked him the best. She then packed up
her clothes, and followed her purchaser to
Lis house, whither she was escorted by
a train of boys beating tin kettles."
' seems to get along so smoothly, and even
! lays by, he tells me, a hundred dollars a . a11 fiftJ ccuts ulore- Already, in lunch-
j year." 1 e0D cigars, and one or two little matters, ! gers. I would not have believed it. But
"I don't know how they do it," replied fa balf dollar had been expended by Mr, j where is the balanc? Where are the five
Mrs. Hall, "I know that Mrs. IZawkins ! Hall in txQ fore Parfc of tue da)' so tnat . dollars and a half? Even that is too much
doesn't work half as hard as I do, though ' on tIie tllird daJ of tlie week tbrec. do1" to lose. Let me see."
her house always looks in better ordbr , lars were expended unnecessarily. Du- Mr. Hall thought for a moment, and
i thanmine. They have better furniture than ' rinS this time, for marketing, shoes for then his thumb-and finger gave a sharp
! we have, and I am sure Mrs. Hawkins' j one or tvro of his cMdren, and sundry crac aml ne exclaimed
j clothes cost double what mine do. I don't expenses incident to a large family, six "Yes! That's it. I paid my barbers's
'think it is my fault." j dollars melted from the hands of Mr. anfj my boot-black's bill, which added
i " I don't say it is, Harriet. I believe j Sail. together, make just five dollars and a half.
! you do your part the best you know how. j 0n tlie evening after the ride, Mr. Hall ( re, I declare! It is astonishing!
j But something must be wrong, somewhere. ' took out his pocket-book and counted his "Wc-ulu any one have thought it? How
j Other people can live very well on a thous-: moneJ- To his utter astonishment, and j money does go. I wish I could never
land dollars, while we are always 'owing alraost dismay, he found that he had on-)See a dollar. Money melts out of my
' bills to this, that, and the other one. ( twenty-three dollars and a half. He pockets like snow before the fire. I wish,
j Here is the quarter's bill for groceries, ' counted it over and over again, but could , in mj y0U would take it and see if
! amounting to sixty-five dollars, and I owe not make a cent more- Threc daJs te- you can make it go farther than I do."
twenty to my tailor besides. Then there . forc be had forty dollars. Where could j Mrs. Hall did not reply for some mo-
lis an unsettled bill at the provision store slxteen antt a "alt nave nown to Jie mentSj and then she said
' of fifteen or twenty dollars, besides the liad never sPent lfc5 that to bls miud was
i rent, bread bill, the milk bill, and I don't Perfectly clear.
, know how many other bills." j " Have Jou talien anJ monc3r out of
j " I wish these bills were not allowed 1UJ pocket-book ?" he asked of his wife.
1 to run on," remarked Mrs. Hall : " I am j certainly not," she replied; "what
sure it -would bo a great deal better to ' snould 1 takc monQy oufc of your Pockcfc
pay for everything as we go along." j b00ic lor lou gave me ten dollars, and j0btS) or ict me a0 it for you; and also
f " So it would, but we havn't the mon-' 1 have eiSht and a half of ifc left" take your luncheon from home, instead
!eyto do it with. It takes nearly my! ""Well, something's gone with about 0f buying it: by all of which about sixty
whole quarter's salan-, regularly, to pay , ten Uollars- 1 have but twenty-three andj dollars a year can be saved."
off the bills of threc months ; and then a nalt and 1 uad lortJ tw0 or three Uays
there is no way to live, but to go on trust aS- 0f course, I havn't spent sixteen
for almost every thing for three months dollars and over in three days."
lnnrrnr TVs oori CTOfn, t t,r, i,,, I " Certainly not. But where can it have
there appears to be no help just now."
And in the full conviction that there
By extra exertions, and a.system of al
most pinching economy, Mrs. Hall mana
ged, during the second quarter, to pay
the rent, and a few small bills, and got
through without asking her husband for a
cent more; so that when the salary became
due again, she had a much larger sum to
start with. From that time not even a
bakers bill was permitted to accumulate:
and even her milk bill was settled once
a weeki
Mr. Hall sometimes complained a little
at his wife's "short commons," as he cal
led them, and at being cut off from all
pleasure-taking; but she consoled him by
telling him, good humoredly, to wait a
while, that there was a better time com
"I will do so, provided you let me man
age things my own way for a year ; and
also, provided that you will be content
with five dollars a quarter for your tobac
co and cigars; also, provided that you
will shave yourself and black your own
TT .
gone nave you counted right
" Oh, yes !" and Mr. Hall went over
was no help for it, Mr. Hall drew his;tue money aSain 10 see 11 tnerc was no
f mistaivc.
j " It's too true. I have':but twenty-three
dollars and a half."
j " Are you sure you havn't spent it for
quarter's salary of two hundred and fifty
dollars, and went and paid off bills and
How terrible is pride, to be sure. A
wealthy and fashionable young lady in
Philadelphia, is dying from mortification borrowed money debts
at the recent accidental discovery that two' hundred dollars.
her father was a soap-boiler! m. . . , . ., . , . 1 sometnig ? suggested Mrs. Hall. " How
"Sixty dollars! It don't cost half of
that sum, Harriet."
"Count it up for yourself, Felix. Why,
a shilling a day for lunch amounts to thirty-seven
dollars a year."
"So it does! How little things do count
up. Well, wife; if you'll take hold in
good earnest, I'll do just as you say for
one year, and if you bring down the cost
of living as- much as a hundred dollars, I
will let you manage money matters ever
"If I don't bring it down three hundred
dollars, I am mistaken," replied Mrs
The year for which Mrs. Hall had un
dertaken to manage affairs at last came
to a close, and one evening she said to her
"Here are my accounts for the year.
They are not very neatly kept, but I pre
sume you will find all correct."
"Accounts! Have you kept accounts?"
asked Mr. Hall.
"Oh, yes; to a penny."
"Well, how stands the balance?"
"Something in our favor, I think.
There isn't a cent owed anywhere, except
the balance of your tailor's bill, and you
know I had over a hundred and fifty dol
lars to pay when I took the management
of things."
"Possible!" said Mr. Hall, opening his
"Yes, and what is better, I have about
fifty dollars on hand."
"It is true."
"But how in the world did jou do it?"
"Not by starving you all, you will ad
mit." "No, certainly we had plenty of good
wholesome food to eat; though I must own
to thinking, sometimes, that you indulged
us in little seasonable delicacies rather
Tomato Fa.
The folldwing is the method of preser
ving tomatoes in Bermuda and thereby
manufacturing d sweet preserve something
like figs:
"Take six pounds of sugar to' one peck
(or six-teen pounds) of the fruit, scald and
remove the skin of the fruit in the usual
way, cook them over a fife, their own
juice being sufficient without the addition
of water, until the sugar penetrates and
they are clarified; they are then taken
out; spread on dishes, flattened, and
dried in the sun. A small quantity of
the syrup should be occasionally sprink
led over them while drying, after which
pack them down in boxes, treating each
layer with powdered sugar. The syrup
is afterward concentrated and bottled fof
use. They keep from year to year, and
retain their flavor surprisingly, which is
nearly that of the best quality of fresh
figs. The Pear-shaped or single tomatoes
answer the purpose best. Ordinary bro 11
sugar may be used, a large portion of
which is retained in the syrup.
Fattening Youn" Ladies in Tunis-
a 1
Or tlOiJL
girl after she is betrothed, is cooped
in a small room with stackies
and silver upon her ancles and wrLt. It
she is to be married to a man who his dis
charged, dispatched, or lost a former wife,
the shackles which the former wife wore"
are put upon the new bride's limb3 and
she is fed till they are filled up to the
proper thickness. The food used for this
custom, worthy of barbai-ians, is a seed
called drough, which is of an extraordi
nary fattening quality. With this seed,
and their national dish, cuscusoo, the
bride is literally crammed, and many ac
tually die under the treatment.
Planting Fruit Trees. The Spaniards
have a maxim that a man is ungrateful
to the past generation that planted the
trees from which he eats fruits, and deals
unjustly towards the next generation un
less he plants the seed that it may furnish
food for those who come after him. Thus
when a son of Spain eats a peach or pear
by the road side, wherever he is he digs a
hole in the ground with his foot and cov
ers the seed. Consequently all over Spain
by the road sides and elsewhere, fruit in
great abundance tempts the taste and is
ever free.
Let this nractice Le initiated in our
"It had to be done, or else I condn't I countrV. and the verv wanderer will be-"
have got along on the reduced income of j kiest aa(i wiU bless the baud that minis-
little things "vitb. be started, under a feel
ins of discouragement, on a new auarter. I " Some one must have Siven me wronS 1
which ;v,th but forty dollars in his pocket. m I gave the carriage-driver a five J HalIj in a confident, tone; for the light
' ..... - r? nil rtr Villi T.ftf- Tn n cr Wit r, i. . '
Mui. iitu mv; otu. ii 11 a u uuaiiiic 1 1 1.1 1 1 : .1
note and 1 j rpjie account which her husband had giv-
Let me see.
The Editor of the .New Orleans Pica
yune has lately seen a handkerchief made
from the silk crasa 01 Jaondurai
for fineness and xlurabilitv. far exceeds Although he had paid two hundred dol
anv linen he had ever sfir-n. Tt onp. lir? nf ilpV.t fl.n c ol,,, 1 ' la ue give me It was a
TtJ ' "'-wk- 5 IT UiJ UllllUuU UU CU Licll
-r 1 Tj- r. .i.'A .'ii xi .in it
01 a numucr maue m o.ouqou mm a amotmt stiU hMging 0Tcr him. I " r uirco uouara. cn of thtce d dispensatioI1 0f moncy
A'&rr,3bdv! M.Ha.lacierkinabaok.ol..;' - under his showed her where the
the gentleman who exhibited it as .in ox- be was engaged, regularly, from eijrht o'- ' L)K-U(J' ; leak was
periinent. The grass is a finer variety clock in the morning until about four o'-l lcS' heres a tliree-dollar bill. He
of that from which the hammocks in Cen- clock and sometime fi ?n th nft.nn mc th0 nSnt change."
"Here are twenty dollars to begin with
all that I have left from my last quar
ing the
specimen ot a double human being, much f0rtv. He also indulged in one or two
more curious and interesting than the far- espensive brcast in and before h& fem. i spent ?" suggested Mrs. Hall, " an
lamed Siamese twins. Ihe latter are u- .. , , , A , , , , ' how if exactlv Perh.ins von
nited by a ligament in front-thc singu- had bccome as large as at present, had , Cy' 1 Gr?P.S ,
J w fc w n . 1 Inifl nut mnrn thin rnn K-rilr '
wjji. uuu isuuiv;tiiu--o uvc 111 niu Ulturnoull. I - 1 all tuuu i uuvu iviij iiuiii jiij lasu ijuai-
tral America are made and it is thought, He Hved in a ll0USe for h WJ Mr. Hall's mind was in great perplex-1 ters sala after k ; three dollars
export. """".from a hundred to a hundred and fifty ' aBWB,e wab amau enouS" com-; and a half for my tobacco and cigars dur-
! dollars annually. He carried a gold le- l'aia" 10 mb xPenfcesi anQ wierciore to
fiWe saw yesterday, says the Rich- ver watch that had cost eighty dollars .y--uu uouan,, ne xei, to ue no
mond, (Va.) Enquirer, a most singular and wore a chain for which he had paid j tnninS mattcr.
" ouppose you count up wnatyou nave
and see
think for.
half of sixteen dollars.
But we will count up."
In the first place the spendings for
lar little creatures we saw yesterday, are sPc-it a good deal of money in jewelry ! im , . , . "
inrliocnliilir -mmnnt- 1,-' n f.rtT-,rt ff Uia TJ.,. 1. A : t C -t VC DOt laid OUt halt 0
In all other respects they are separately child after another, until the number grew
cUdren wot1 Ji to interfered with these little indul-
children were born m Columbia Co., N. .
C, and are about twelve months old. . Sences very materially, and called so
; loudly lor selt-denial that the appeal could
next three months. When it is
gone, I will borrow as much as you want
to carry you on until I can draw more
At the rate Hall was going on, it would
have taken little over a week to have en-
this year reduced by the necessity of
paying off so many little old bills."
"But how have you done it, Harriet?
You haven't given me the affirmative
"By following this simple rule, Felix,
never to buy anything that was not wanted,
and being very careful when a want pre
sented itself, to see whether it was real
or imaginary. Hereafter, I hope you
will follow the same rule, and if Tou do,
you can keep the family on as little as I
have done."
"Thank you, Harriet," returned Mr.
Hall, smiling ; "but I believe I won't su
persede your administration of affairs; al
tered to his comtort aud joy. We arc
bound to leave the world as good or bet
ter than we found it, and he is a selfish
churl who basks under the shadow, and
eats the fruit of trees which other hands
have planted, if he will not also plant
trees which shall yield fruit to coming
Dissension among the Mormons. Alia
June 15th. The Salt Lake mail which
arrived in Sacramento a few diiys since,
bringing advices from the territory of ti
tan, or Beseret, as the Mormons delight
to call their Zion. a3 late as tnc first of
Ma v. hao also furnished Jt.Datciics of an
though I shall insist upon one thing, and interesting nature eoncerniur the social
it is that you get a stout girl of thirteen ! condition of the Saints on the borders of
or fourteen to assist you."
" W ait until next year."
"No. It must be done now. We can
afford it. But, if you think we can't, I
will give up my tobacco and sigars in
order to help meet the extra expense."
" Oh, no. I won't ask that of you,"said
Mrs. Hall.
"Then you must get the extra help."
"Very well, if you insist so trongly up
on it, I suppose it must be done."
And it was done. Three or tour years
have passed. Mr. 'Hall is quite as well
dressed as before, and his wife much bet
ter. Several articles of new furniture
1 One of Mrs. Hall's first acts was to buv
marketing, shoes, and the sundries that , Hacking and brushes, and discharge the
went into the family, were recalled with boot-black. T7or ft wonlr sl,n hrnshod W
tirely emptied his pocket-book; but it was. have been added to their house. Mrs.
a month before his wife asked for a fresh ! Hall keeps a cook and a girl to help a-
bout, and has a much more cheertul and
less broken-down appearance. She doesu't
work half as hard as she did. Add to
all. this the fact that there is not a cent owed
anywhere, and from one to two hundred
discovered that the boot-black had been
JSSTThe new school PresbyterianChurch not be entirely disregarded. But the self- ' Somo effort a"d the sum of six dollars husband's boots every morning, before he j d-lars always lying by, and the reader
now comprises 140,GoO communicants be- denial was practised more by Mrs. Hall unalv maae out.
ing an increase of 57G during the last year. ' much more than by her husband. She ' " That'S onl six dollars you see" re"
The number of churches is 1,002, minis- denied herself almost every thing, even marked Mr- Hall "leavng.a deficiency
ters 1,527, licentiates 130. j sufficient rest for her over-wearied bod y, : of ten dollars and a half"
! while he went on, in most things, about the ! Bnb ?ou forSet the carnaSe hire"
same as he did when he had
will agree with Mr. Hall, who has quite
fili.incred his mind on the subiect. that a
dismissed; then he accidentally caught1 mau can get aiong on a thousand dollars;
her in the act of brightening his leather j that is, if he has the right kind of a wife,
understandings, very greatly to his sur- and is willing to let her manage things
prise. After that, he shaved himself and ! th Pdence and economy.
fhat was two dollars making w k d j.- own botg ith t f di him.
self in the least degraded thereby.
Five dollars a quarter for tobacco,
Pearl Fisheries at Panama. The
Panama -Herald ot a late date, gives an
Ihere are hundreds ol people who be-' . v, . , , , , "True
t i t..i same as he did when he had naid crhtl
uume very religious wuen mey iiuui. uaug-. x-- o pihf dollar "
ernigh. We know of a man who fell off dollars aeek for their boarding, and had, wgu"ar"
a oridge across a certain river, and just just me same income tney had at present.! , J , ,. , ive dollars a quarter lor tooacco, ' t fci U(T account of the pearl fisheries
ue lounu tnat ne must go, and no Jieip uut let usloolr a little more closely into his . v V,U"U11'"' iJU,u j cigars and other little nick-knackeries, in Panama Bay. About fifteen hundred
for it bawled out at the top of his voice, of doi tLi and se if Jfc j Qfc j keeper." Mr; Hall f) d tQ be rafcher a Hmited in persons are engaged in tlie business, and
u.uuiub uu4uu. ;possible t0 discoverwbat appeared sogreat1 MIdid. Let me see how mu,ch I paid , come; but as he had agreed to meet his ex- j the vame ot tne pearis ontameu varies
a mystery to him.
exactly. J ust fifty cents to a fraction."
" Then we have eight dollars and fifty
A nerson in Detroit lias inrflnfced a
plaining machine, canable of finishing On the day after Mr. Hall had spoken
smoothly, (like the finishing of a hand- to his wife so despondingly, he spent for cents accounted for, which leaves eight
piane,; and of even thickness, 3,500 feet for tobacco and cigars eighteen and three-, dollars deficient. Think, now, what you
ix is remarhahlu cn)-ii
-rv uv. nrtor npnta tor a inTicllGOn and a f-laSS ' ouvuu ivi vuuicuii, vcoiauuv uiiu mw uay
1" " ' o j - ?
of wine-sangaree, twelve and a half cents . before."
an hour
T.1ff.? ani. nun V .
r--i - v uo usuu 10 aavantage in a
very hmited business.
A letter from Iowa says that the fires
burn brightly on our prairies for the no-
more ; and in toys for the children, fifty
" Not eight dollars, nor eight cents.
But let me see. There is my luncheon
He also bought a bottlo of wine, for every day for three days just thirty-sev-which
he paid seventy-five cents. These i en and a half centg Truc j And there
onM in n fi nr fl nav. ? q.
111 R I 1 1 ri I Ur -WW-'
in nC0' Mer0 osi items amounted to oBe dollar and fifty
u au the other nortions of thft orMi'siv
vvjBt, Gen. Gcott was the choice of the j On the next day. he paid his barber's bill , seventy-fivo cents. Yes, and now I re-
uigs ior the Presidency. j for three months, whioh was three dollars member I paid half a dollar for the toys
tra expenses with this sum, he felt some
pride in doing so. In order to accomp
lish it, however, he had to abate many
glasses of wine and mineral water, and
limit himself to a certain number of cigars
At the end of the fijst quarter, Mrs.
Hall received one hundred and seventy
dollars from her husband. Eighty dol
lars she had received before, and as t his
had been borrowed by her husband, he
kept that amount from his three months'
salary in order to pay it back.
'from 880,000 to $150,000 per annum,
seldom le3S than one hundred thousand
dollars. The best divers remain under
water from fifty-eight to sixty-two seconds
and generally bring up from twelve to
fifteen pearl shells. The price of pearls
varies according to their purity, shape
and weight, say from ten to fifteen thous
and dollars per ounce. From five hun
dred to fifteen hundred are very frequent
ly paid in Panama for single pearls not
weighing more than three-sixteenths of
an ounce.
Salt Lake. From a very reliable source
we have assurance that the rule of Brig
ham Young, President of the Church,and
Supreme director and dictator of all tho
spiritual and state affairs of the Mormons,
is growing every day more unpopular and
intolerable. We are informed that a rap
idly increasing disaffection exists among
the people of Utah, and that the feeling
of opposition to Mr. Young, is very strong
in which many of the Church unite. He
is represented to have become most des
potic and arbitrary in bis administration,
and to have practiced the most ungodly
acts, setting all law, human and divine,
at defiance. Young has called arounnd
him a set of men as unprincipled as him
self and it is said, has given loose xAu
to every species of depravity and lust in
his kingdom.
The whole number of blind persons in
the United Statec is
Live and Learn.
Sir J. Perry says -it 3 qvftte a mi -taken
idea to suppose that sjar injure: tuCi,
fnnfl XT-. f.,r .-r.i t.r.r
lVy I'll J.1V J O J. --I J UUItUi v --,
the negroes, particularly during crop i
T"" 11 .
anu it is enuauy aDsuru to suppose iu
the use of sugar produces worms in chil
dren. Worms arise from an insufficienj
cy of salt and bitter3 in the food of infanta
provided these tonics be given, the more
sugar is given to a child the greater will
be its health aud strength.
The New-York Democrat publishes a
Pierce song of which the following verso
is a specimen:
"That same old coon that looks so fafy
JTow often have we slain:
And when we think him dead tmd gone,
Then up he pops again!"
Well, he does!
To Protect Ham from Flies ano
Bugs. Grriud some black pepper fine,
and put it in a box, and as soon as the
hams are thoroughly smoked, take them
down and sprinkle the pepper over tho
raw part, find hang thorn again ia the
smoke house. No tly or bugf will touch