m JTcffcrsoniciu Bcrmblican. Thursday, July 29, l52. For President GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT OF NEW-JERSEY. For Vice-President, WILLIAM A. GRAHAM OF NORTH-CAROLINA. For Judge of Supreme Court, JOSEPH BUFFINGTON OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. For Canal Commissioner, JACOB HOFFMAN OF BERKS COUNTY. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL, . E. Crown. JamcSs Pollock, Samuel A. rurvkincc. REPRESENTATIVE. 1. William F. Hughes, 2. James Traquafr, 3. John W. Stokes, I. John P. Venee, 5. Spencer McIIvairie, 6. James W. Fuller, 7. James Penrose, 6. John Shacfler, I. Jacob Marshall, M. rhurlcs P. Waller, Jl. Davis Alton, 12. M. C, Mercur. 13. Nor Middles arlli. 14. James II. Campbell, 15. James D. Paxton, 1(1. James K. Davidson, 17. Dr. John McCullock, 1. Ralph Drake, ID. Sohn Linton, 20. Archibald Robeitson, 21. Thomas J. Ingham, 22. Lewis L. Lord 23. Christian Mevcis, 21. Dorman Phelps, fig?" We would direct the attention of Rebuke, of a Kase Calumnj;. During the Mexican war, in' thelmidst of excitmonts produced by GencralTay--lor's brilliant victories on tlic llio Grande, a popular meeting (the New Orleans Delta tells us) was held in the Exchange, in that j I. O. of O. iThetfSloTng Itatilties of the order of t .-.vGaSlaut Scott4s Our -hoIc The. 1 Star Spangled- 'Banner.' ft TUNE- From the pine-covered hills, where dark Aroostook. (Idd Fellows varf! eoriinHed from the nriu- v .- - "- --. A - - flow teu Droceouino-s or. nie .uraua JUOUre oi. n' n, nni,i.,,ii nn:R. u,.;,),: X O ,T W 1 " C utiwtwo UiUU 1 Itt 1 lip this .State "Where the Mexican Cactus and wild'Dahlia grows . . ! Wheieo'erthebroadprairieriehcornfieldsare waving-, 1 here exist, at present, 4oo lodges in comes the glad pealing shout city. Alter the particular suujeob, lor , gi 51 there Werc initiated f while our proud flag is iiung, in the we.kh, to flout, the consideration of which the meeting 1 yilGo0members rejected 335 ; admitted j And ,l!mmious prpc:Iai, wiUl thuir lou,t boomf"s was called had been exhausted by the ' ou car( 31 3 ; withdrawn by card, 07G ; That the veteran in war, gallant scorr, is our choice. speakers on the occasion, some individual, 1 reinstated, lu; suspended, i,iy ; ex who wore an undress uniform, and who pelled, 62 ; deaths, 215; Past Grands, , ,1 . . . ! 5,032 ; members, 42,568: receipts, 110.- was, at the time, raising a regiment to 1 ; ' , J i- ' j ' ' 1 1 293 04 ; number of brothers relieved, 3,- proceed to the lho Grande, saw fit to ; 445. munber of widowed families relieved, launch a phillippic against the character 1 G72 ; number of brothers buried, 153 ; of General Scott. He accordingly as- amount paid for relief of numbers, Se conded the stand, and. after a few Tire- : -p. "l Kr,l?LlV rf.lHOvl'C T-i y.-.-nntl A f n on-,- fLnf 1 "-ul4 1LIU1MU1 , 1U1UU4AC. 144 JJMAX1JL IV .fcV w " I u , . n o e : 1 ! 1 ,1 , i he was going to attack infield Scott, S9j879 40j total amount, 58,018 10. and, taking some documents out of his , j pocket, said that he should exhibit the; Quick Work. Hussey's Heaping Ma- J proof that he was a coward. The word chine, in a recent experiment in Mary- j the infamous word had hardly escap--1 land, among a company of farmers, cut ed the lips of this rash man, when the as- twenty-live acres of wheat in a day, re- sembl3r, in one loud, unanimous, and deaf- j quiring twelve binders to keep pace with , AmUhccannons proclaim, with cning voice, exclaimed, 'It is a lie;' and it. The "Wheat operated on was about That the veteran in war. gallant s then there was a rush, as of a tcmpest,to- j five feet high, and very thick and heavy. wards the stand, and the reckless speaker was swept from the platform, and hurled into the street, where he would have been irrrn im n i n n fJ ' nrn MrtwiMiinniwuii'' XT- "-nwiaiinnrirfiiri imi tnr r--ii-nMiJlMI J . Facts for the People. : ( itkforflhcham Deiuocracv -4 f,c -foxing isa brief andcbncijse .JmhfLonUdn ll$lcs, in ah artieloV s atemen or. some 01 . ue results the4 fiomiVa&n ofben. Scott, i"1? The laurels entwined round the young hero's name, The old man icviews with a patiioi's emotion Youth kindles its torch in the blaze of his fame. And each true-hearted Whig hails his star with de votion. That star still shone bright In the fierce Mexic light, And is destined to reach a far loftier height ! ith their loud boomine 52; amount paid for relief of widowed Fur the cannons proclaim, w ilies, $3,604 16; paid for education of TJJ;ctCRin m v,ar,g:iUiin in; the Plough, Loom and Anvil by;'H, C. Ptcterence-ior uen. fierce, and its arltnt Carey: " . fiopes for the success of the so-calk-1 UNDER THE TARIFF OF 1842, i Democratic party of the Union, in Z We built mills and created machinery following explicit terms : ' that enabled us, in less than six years UTn fa the ad e from the date ot its i enactment, to incroaao nainc to Democn and t, lle the consumption of cotton from 267,000 vant of Gdn ScotJ,8 e Jba.1. to more than 600,000 bales, and to in- AY hig's were both so generally rcco; crease the cousumption per head from . that the latter was sironoswl frt v. r- to 13 nounds. with everv reason to ex-. n i mm L. . iot ; . j j'illl. uiiaiiuc. mt SCOTT, is our choiee, In the councils of Sages in peace, as in w ar. Who cuib'd law less faction.' w ho tpiell'd wild disorder? Who like SCOTT, with his eagle-eye, -glancing afar. Had the prudence and nerve to control the'rudc bor der? In the people's big heart He will aye have a part. For he vibrates a chord, that's ne'er reached by meie art I their loud booming COTT, is our choice. pect that it would soon reach twenty pounds, to the great advautage of the pro ducer of cotton and consumer of cloth. We built mills and created machinery ; that enabled us in six years, to increase A he. verv last t..i . message that arrived before the Convcn tion had terminated its labors led.usY suppose that the nomination of Fillmore or Webster was certain, lhit in a Dcm! ocratio Convention, as in a conclave m ot uaruiuais, notning is lost as loni: as cloth from fifty-live to eighty-five millions thc balIofc box cun be j. t . n 1 i L" ,1 ' r i'ojju ium tuv: i ifMuwii ot me L mtcri States are the two principal elective ru lers of mankind ; and, though thc con stituencies differ, the mechanism of Par ties is not dissimilar, and the result jnv as capricious in one case as in th( other Rut in the instance) we doubt whether aiiy nomination would have materially alt. ed the chances ot the Whiff candid , Many citizens of Burlington, New Jer- . sey, during the last few months, have been .j massacred by the most excited mob we , swindled out of thousands of dollars, by a , ever saw if he had not slunk off covertly, j person who arrived there from Europe, a , winie the cannons proclaim, 'with their loud booming' The assembly roared and heaved with in- j short time since, and located himself. tense excitement. Fifty persons mounted i He purchased Then esiiltingly fling your proud flag to thc breeze. Inscribed ' Winfield Scott !' a name famous in story ; And the motto we borrow from over the seas. " We hope in God" yet, to emblazon with glory ! Success and applause To the gallant Whig cause- To SCOTT and to GRAHAM, Ihe UNION and LAWS, voice. a beautiful residence, furn- That the veteran in war, gallant SCOTT, is our choice. Foreign News. the reader to thc Card, in another column, crowd in a most'excitcd manner. of P. L. Garisou, Surgeon Dentist. j The revulsion of feeling in favor of Scott, produced by this base and false as i sertion, fsavs the editor of the Delta.) Thc Baltic, from Leverpool. arrived at j was 011G of tho most striking exhibitions Xw York on Sunday last., with dates to i of tre American feeling and patriotism the 14th inst. Hour had declined 6 to 9 ; we bave cycr witnesse( The national pence per bl., wheat 2 to 3 pence perbush-, bonor had beeu insultedj our hlstory out. el. Cotton was without change. raged by an imputatioa on one of it3 most Thc election so far shows 117 Minister- j distinguished soldiers. Immediately all ial, 190 opposition, and 42 neutral mem- , hisfaults were for.0tten. and naught was O 7 T5 remembered but his gallantry, his pat- the stand at once, andwero addresing the Uhri it in style of grat eleganee, bought 'Zoi to ouset the money. giving bcrs of Parliament. There is no other news of much inter- i riotism aml bis J d est. eeds. Then it j was that Major Mountford, a veteran fel- Trcie anil well Timed. ' ov soier of Scott, who from some per The X. Y. Tribune well says that the sonal difference had been at enmity with very men who have hunted a great soul tue General for many years, took thc through life with every vile, opprobrious stauc aud addressed the excited crowd as epithet that their depraved imaginations ' follows: could suggest have made the ignorant 'Fellow Citizens: I am no personal regard and abhor him as" a corrupt be- frion(1 of Winfield Scott. I havn'tspok traver of the highest public trusts for the en to him for twenty years; we quarreled basost personal end have defamed him au(l separated. But 1 11 say to any man j Religious Tests. A Pierce paper . 1 , 1 ! mJ r...r asl',u"UIU i,au UL "ua 'l ( of all who arc not protestauts in General and 'fared sumptuously7 every da', at thc ' Pierce's 'Democratic' State, by charging expense of thc leading citizens of the place j that Whig Xortu Carolina (Mr. Gra from whom he borrowed large sums 0f. ham's State) did likewise; but The Chi- his notes, and renewing i , c 'Xorth Caroliua originally had such a clause in her Constitution, but tic Whig -party, of which Mr G iiaiiam is a leader, being in jmver there, struck it out. 'Xew-Hampshire also had such a clause in her Constitution, and the Loco-Foco party' of which Mr. Pierce as leader, be ing in power there, still retains itJ of pounds t We opened mines and built furnaces ' that enabled us to increase the domestic production of from 200,000 to more than 800,000 tons aud to increase the consump tion per head from thirty-eight to ninety -, eight pounds per head. AVe built rolling mills that enabled us ' to commence the manufacture of railroad ' -i .1 ri . ..4. l. c . i ivrtn jinn rn rri:iiii ir. in f, 1 in nrn'i t ., , . - x anu SQ lar ag tnc gCneral mtere-t of tL ! to almost 100,000 tons. Union aud ils fdnLions v:dh 0, s, ,r.$ r ve nave increascu uic p ouut- ion u C0HCQnicd Gcn. Fierce has our Ust lead from 580 to 800,000 pigs; that of f(Jf jh ; hemp from 14,000 to 00,000 bales; and 4t ioa for thc y that of wool from iorty-eight to seventy States in this election, is the , . minions oi pounus. The manufacture of corn and hay into pork and beef, butter, cheese and lard, was extending itself at a rate unexampled in the world; and the value per ton of the them when they become due. lie fiual ly abscpiatulated, but was arrested and put in jail. Whiskey-Fed Horses. Some of the horses emplov-ed oirthe Harlem Ilailroad, New York, have a peculiarly 'hard look,' and a few may be considered as regular ly installed into thc fraternity of 'bruisers.' Thc cause of this ma' be interesting to temperance people. It appears that dur ing this very warm weather they are each in the habit of taking their 'drap' of whiskey and water, in order to better qualify them for labor. This mixture is regarded as au improvement on the usual beverage of horses in its native state, and as protecting the animals from the effects i of the sun. " S'acl AccosiEBtubsiity." " Gentlemen you must return to rigid system of accountability, and hold thc public officers responsible to the law, aud confine the expenditures within thc limits of thc appropriations previously made by Congress." So said Stephen A. Douglass in his Washington speech, of an argument in favor of the election of Pierce aud King. To show what is the " strict accountabil ity, "ol'Locofoco administrations, to which Mi" Douglass is so anxious to have us re- i tarn, we annex a list of some of the Pub- A correspondent of the Boston Atlas lie Defaulters under the two Locofoco Martin Van Bureu tion aud inviolable eUvblish incut oj thc p,. . ciplcs of free trade. For though no con:., try is more interested in the adoption a: extension of those-principles than the A inencan union, ;nc ngni nas nitii-r exports from the East to the West was been can.icd ' illstthc avoued 3Ir ions of the Executive Government. Fillmore's messages and Mr. Corwin t . ports have continued to avow protects . it doctrines worth v to rank with L .. that ever passed mortal writing from Maine says, that while the administration? of : saw him at Fort George Whigs' of -Maine are muted, harmonious' :iUfl J:imcs K' rlk : m - .... i for thirty years as a murderer, gambler, wo dares to charge him with cowardice j libertine, aristocrat and purchased tool ,at n his foul throat he lies he utters j of gigantic corruption the moment they "ie biggest he lips. I mvself rouud and set it afloat on a river of their amid a tempest of lire thc crushing aud j and enthusiastic in their support of their crocdile tears ! Glorious age we live in ! falling of stones, timbers, and other ob- . most acceptable candidates, both State Great country this! Magnanimous people jeets, produced by the explosion of the ; and National, their once indivisible oppo- J Ur Clark Pa' ours, who always stop slandering a man maganne. l saw lam tiucn and there j neuts are rent in bitter and furious factions, II. Warren, Plymouth, when nothing more is to be made bv it ! tear dowu tue- British flag. I have seen J vairring upon one another, with even more b- b- -le; Bristol, - . i him, too, on the other occasions when he J animositv than their political adversaries. HX Ihe U lugs of A ermont have ' AVas ever in the thickest of thc battle " clialleugcd tue W lugs of Kentucky to where none but a brave man would be Jamcs K- Wilson, formerly Sheriff of IVanes of Pliutdcrcs. I. F. Wiugate, liath, J. 13. Swanton, do. beat them in the way of a majority for found.' Seott and Graham Kentuck accepts the challenge, and Prentice bids the Ycr-1 'They're Going In' auouters to look out Butler Co., Ohio, and alwa3s a Democrat j was one of the Vice Presidents at a late D. Muse, Tappahanoc, A highly intel- Scott demonstration in Hamilton county. J. Smith, Ya., f . .Swarwtout, N. Y., Jesse Hoyt, do. llob't Arnold, Perth Amboy, X. F. Williams, Baltimore T 1" . - 1 1 4 , "1 ritzgcraiu, juexanana, for their laurels. lSeiit aild influential farmer, who resides ; nc declared his determination to support Asa Rogers, Camden, J i" a neighboring township, and who has j the Scott ticket, and says that there are ' loofdoroo, Wilmington, very fatal along the voted the Democratic ticket for twenty . large number of Democrats in old But- j' it'i,,' m.,SL ' jjfThe cholera is .Mississippi, and tnere liave been several years, called at our oliice thc other day, . lCr who will do the same. ! and informed us that he intended to vote i cases of it at MifSin, Pa for Gen. Scott. Twelve of his neighbors, ' Ed. Monger, Savannah, , Kich d. Wall, do. Singular Cnc. 'A.B.Fannin, do. Scott ill Western PeilllSYiVailia. I he said, all Democrats, had enlisted under j ni0il S111g'ar was detailed to Andrew Erwme, Tenn., The Pennsylvania Inquirer' says : 1 ' the banner of 'Old Chippewa,' and would . us yesterday of a man who has been suf Bright Prospect. We yesterday conversed ! not only vote but work for his election. ; fcr,nS U5;d a lonS Ct of sickness and who ntl fvn, V,,h;n.r,nn n.,. ' Everywhere throughout old Daunhin. the was at the tl5ne partially deranged, visit- v.inwunti uuuiuuii UVUU- - O i 3 1?, tr. P.i. ivlin rrnvn ns fl.omnsf (rlnwiiifl on. ' PC01)le are 'going in' for Scott, and his counts of the'prospects of Gen. Scott in Prity in this county will exceed fifteen ' II f cms hs TOJ to bcd afc iin earl hour, that section of the State. Lie says that . his popularitj' is unbounded, and that he will receive larger majorities by many hundred!- -Harrisburg Journal. 5cni. wall, do. W. Brown, New Orleans, P. F. Dubourg, do. T. G. Morgan do. II. B. Trist, " do. Thos., Barret, and sometime during the niht "-ot un - Hopkins, St. Louis, ing a gambling house and winning $263. JGST A strike for hghcr : and weut into a place where " faro'' was David Duncan, Mackinaw, i being dealt, he bet S'5 on a card, then let Nathaniel Denby, Late Navy wages took it lay until he had won the above amount. agent at Marseilles in France, Amount stolen. 810,030 13,86 1 277Q90 18,:330 20,037 1, 200j000 247,500 77,005 3CS,148 30,072 33,249 11,093 31,321 22,527 184,817 16S,S72 17,924 114,873 43,506 5S,937 22,325 107,011 30,921 212,232 0,531 70,000 22,063 30,000 steadily advanciug We thus made a market for more cot ton, and yet had more to export; and the tariff of 1842, that found prices lower il .1 1 1 1 1 1 Ci . t uian ney nau ever ueen oe ore, iciLuiem Gninl) ,spoitic;ti economy, and Mr., already advanced one-fourth, with every R Young's statistics; and thc coui.tr reason to expect that they would soon be has on d tbe imp0dtiou of m ; permanently fixed at a higher standard rcstrictiv0 autlos bj thu fact th:d than had been known for twenty-two prcseIlt American Government ha, ;, . t 'cay- . possessed vl majority on those nut tio , AVe thus made a domestic market for -u thc 1Iouse 0f Bepresentativt. TL food to be consumed by the growers of tl.imnph of the candidate of the D-I!;. wool and of hemp and the producers ot cratc t brought forward by th- u cloth and iron coal and lead, to the an- ofthc Sout, win secure, probably f nual extent ot more than one hundred ever thc ascendency of liberal co.L .. millions ot dollars, and yet our exports cM principlcs. aua if Lord Derbv -L.u.. rose troni fourteen millions in 1341-2 to next be d- .posed to take thJ Am f twenty four millions in 134o-b. Qan tJriff for Li3x modyl Uu havc j .., e consumed more fish and exported douU that .fe servc. to rcmovc . more more rice and exported more, more lagt illastribus of the protoctiv.. ..... naval stores and exported more and the tem from Ma iuind In tW. r&,? prices of all these things rose, the tanfi aud on tbis jnt we tul-e 0pm,ral ,;, ri,; ot 1542. leaving them all much higner to be a fair representative of the oi iia, . than it had found them. ( of Calhou1K aud :IS fiu,h (t ;. ,, V e produced more and consumed more lkaL alh !o ' the COIAmen :u 1(Jl, , of everything; the condition ot the people s c-0untr' " " ' steadily improved; thc credit of our banks i ... and that of the State and general govern- j Vc commend this extract to the taruvt nient were restored; and There was a dc- ' attention ofthc American-electors, who in grcc of quiet prosperity such as never Xovcmbermext, have to decide on the po: - had before been seen in any portion of Cv of the country. Thc leading journal . 1 the world. Confidence ire the future pre- , - 'n o ., j i , ,, 77 4- England raises its voice against Gen. b'-vr. vailed throughout lite whole ranuc oj soci-: f . c Cly " , and m favor of Gen. Fierce, becatw l!.. cndek the TAiiiFF of 1846, , hitter will be a Vtduablc irfy to tnc (' - We have closed cotton mills, and driven mercial pdiry of JZny.hind, while the ft down the manufacture of cotton from 600,- luei. iH oppose that policy aud consult tk 000 to 467,000 bales, and have, in the 1(. - - . - A , i , , ., ' , ' , , ' weltarc. or his own country, and th"1 pr.i- last tliree years, decreased the consump- . . ' r . tionof cloth,foreign and domestic, per head Pcn.v oi lti :iHionso.Tsortiui-uien. ' n twenty-five per cent. farmers, its mechanics, it mint rs, ut l.1 We have closed mines and furnaces, its people. The commercial puIt- : and have diminished by fifty per cent, the j.dirialld jato obtain absolute control "oftLc production of iron; and the consumption of iron, foreign and domestic, has fallen from ninety-eight to seventy pounds pr head. We have closed rolling mills until we have almost annihilated the manufature of rail-road iron, and destroyed the com petition of the sale of an article so ucces- j sary for the cheap transportation to inar 1 kct of our products. Ave have diminished the export of lead thousands m the aggregate, than were ; place among the Irish laborers on the i when he took it up and returned to his Major Scott, Navy Agent, at given to vren xay or. iiegueny coun-; Morris & Bsgex llailroad uear Stanhone. hotel. A friend called on him next day 155,000 ty, he predicts, will give five thousand ' majority, while ashington will do bet ter than any former occasion. The feel ing of enthusiasm on behalf of Old Chip, is, he assures us, not confined to the Whigs, but extends to many Democrats. This is altogether encouraging, and corresponds with our advice by letter, as well as by public journals. Iheresponse to the Balti more nominations has been 50,000 i N. J being made, several of the ringleaders were arrested, and- order restored. 1 . .1 aitogetner cordial and heart-warm throughout Wes tern Pennsylvania. There is not a rip ple of discord or disunion. The party is united to a man, and the utmost confidence is felt, that a signal triumph will be a- chicved at the struggle in November. Scott in Indiana. The following is an extract from a let ter written by a friend, formerly of Lan caster county, but now a resident of Indi anapolis, Indiana. " The political contest is going on in fine style. Pole raising, in our town, is the order of ihe day. We raised one on Sat urday of two hundred feet long, at a cost of about 300. Old Scott is sure to knock the persimmons. Great Massmectings are held daily throughout the whole State, and all will be right in November. Do your duty in the Old Guard send us such a majorityas willmake every Locofoco faint." JJj'A meeting of the old line Democ racy of Lorain county, Ohio, was held on thc 6th inst., and the nomf3utions of Pierce and King repudiated. BE4IUTIEUL and Affecting Scene. As the steamer Benjamin Franklin pas sed the town of Bising Sun, Indiana, on its way to Louisville, with the sacred re mains of Henry Clay on board, thirty-one young ladies, representing thc different States of the Union, stood in conspicuous view on the wharf in front of the crowd of citizens that had assembled. All, save one, were dressed in virgin white, their heads covered with black vails. The one excepted, was robed in deep heavy mourn ing, and represented Kentucky, and oc cupied the center of the line. Cincinnati ptapcr. ' Washington D. C last week. Biotous manifestations f &nto him upon his luck when Eli Moore, Marshal of the , . , , i he was informed by the person that he Southern District of N. Y. had no money that he had visited no Patrick Collins, Surveyor of gambling house. Ife was told he had, the Port of Cincinnatti, and search was made for the money which Pension Agent in New was afterwards found secreted in a ecu-, England, name not yet tretable, which stood in the parlor, where . transpired, the person no doubt had unconsciously ; placed it. lie would not believe it when , Grand total, lie was told tbe money belonged to him,' iotal, f J,o, 303 : This is apart as he had not the remotest recollection of of the amount of thc public money plun ever having had it in his possession. The dered under the operation of the same above is related as detailed to us, and if " strict accountability" system of which it is not correct it is no fault of ours. O- the Loeofocos arc still in favor. If the 40,000 16,000 13,000 industry and finances of the world, to r -der herself the manufacturing nati'-nu.i sell others producers of fuod and raw iu-s. rials alone. Thus they will have t to her to sell and to buy, and shr , able to dictate to the in the term; at uA they must do both; and they will Kc ... ! weak, poor and dependent, and -he ric . powerful, supreme over all. That U t gland, now as it ha - I c la, from 800,000 to 300,000 pigs; that of l10i:evofEn l.ninn frnm fifl (Iflll tn lOfinil l.J.w. .. ,wl 1 the products of wool at least 10,0iJ0,000 WW oncc. shc euforced h violent- pounds. The manufacture of corn and hay into pork and beef, butter, cheese and bird, decline daily, and the value of export from the west to the cast has fallen from sixty two dollars per ton in 1845, to for ty dollars per ton in 1851. - 3,387,303 The Postmaster at Hillsborough, Dele ware, has boon arrested on a charge of robbing the U. S. Mail at various times, for six months past. "A large amount of stolen money was found in his possession. " Thc Sun is very well," said an Irish man, " but in my opinion the moon is worth two of it ; for the moon affords us light in the night time, when we really want it; whereas, we have the sun wittb us iu the day time, when we havermoroc- .casion for it. . : hio State Journal. people want some evidences of what the ,' Loeofocos mean by strict accountability' Wc have thus diminished the market for cotton, and have placed ourselves un der the necessity of exporting more, the consequences of which is seen in the fact that it has fallen below the price of the revenue tariff of 1841-2, then thc lowest that had ever been known with a certain ty of great further decline, should the crops prove large. We have diminished the domestic mar- now she attomnts to enforce bv what i 1 - calls free trade. That policy the D u eratie party and leader are pledged sustain and extend, and The Ln. , Times cordially hopes for their snc ' Let Americans judge whether th ir ought to be given to increase the u . . of British merchants and their coutr ver the world, or to sustain the indu-t and the power of our own country! L them decide between the British and American candidate! Tribune. (KrGcorge C. Washington, of Ya., ,i relative of thc Father of his Countrv.hvhu .atiu out of cloth and of iron, coal and lead, and and declines the honor, avowing his prt that diminution cannot be estimated at ference for Seott and Graham, andprom- les than fifty millions of dollars per an- isiug to give them his cordial support. kct for food to be consumed by the grow- was recently nominated by the .ai ers of wool and hemp, and the producers Americans for A'icc President, comes e j num; and yet our abiliy to supply food Of the Whig candidate for President, Mr. Singular Encounter with a Chicken- in public officers, they can have them to hatch: On Friday last, Elias Dic'rolt, re-1 order by electing Franklin Pierce and siding in Berks county, Pa., encountered t William II. King. a chicken-hawk, in the act of carrying off j a rabbit. As he approached, the bird ; The British press is interested in dropped its prey and liew at him, evident- the result of the pending Presidential e ly intending a hostile attack. With one icction in this country, only so far as it blow oi his stick, the boy broke thc win" a- l i 1 v ? -i P4ii- i i i v li i "9 may afreet the present policy of admitting of thc bird, and thus disabled succeeded , n J L o in killing it. It was a very large bird, '. ntlsh g00tls afc h a rate of duty as measuring 4 feet 5 inches across thejvings. ! -shall render American competition im- j poss;be a blte number of the Man- lo jsiaue musquitocs Uiavc. Tie a piece of flannel or a sponge to a thread made fast to the top of the bedstead; wet thc'fiancl or sponge with camphorated spirits, and thc musquitocs will leave the room. 11 Good Hint. Always do as thc sun does look at-the 'bright side of every thing. It is just aa cheap and'three times as good lor digestion. - - Chester JSxaminer says : "The election of General Pierce will at any rate prove that the Democratic jiiajunij, uiiiAJvci "lay uo tneir otner to the world declines from vnnr t.n wv Washington savs as the manufacture of corn and hay into have been on terms of frieudly in pork, beef, butter, Cheese and lard, de- tcrcoursc with Gcn. Scott for twenty year-, clincs, as we become more dependent up- esteem him for his spotless character on foreign nations for wool and hemp, and his frank, manly and courteous bear lead, and cloth and iron. ig- I respect him for his talents, which The import of fish now exceeds the ex- have often been severly tested, but wbicli port, that of rice has fallen in both quan- , "over failed him under the most trun tity and price, and that of naval stores circumstances; and I admire him for his has increased in quantity while it has de- military services, by which the character dined in amount. ot his country has been elevated at hoim We produce every thing, and the con- amt abroad, aud which havc been tqui sumption of all articles of necessity is h-'d by no man living or dead since u gradually declining, providing a steady :"uays ol the lvovolution. lie freely sin a deterioration in the condition of our neo-; his blood in .maintaining the honor of 1 ! pie. AYc are running in debt to foreign country and her rights. His patrieatio : nations for articles of luxarv. Snccula- devotion to the Union, aud conservative diflerences, are unanimous in their testi- j tion is every whore, confidence is no ' principles, and his' firm mony on behalf of a liberal commercial ' where; for every man feels that the events , Compromise measures, cr poncy, aim any urovcrumcnt lie may form will bo one on which this country may re tyfor effectual co-operation in reducing, j ble the: period of the revenue fVrifB of wherever practicable, existingimpe'dimbnts 4 - 4 i.: l 4 . - ,i iu luicruiuiouai lmercoursc. 7 - ' support oi cannot, m my DC- of each successive year are bringing us ' h bo questioned without doing him nearer and nearer ,to a convulsion simi- great-wrong and injustice. lar to that whioh has rendered mcinora- Tlm whole number of insauo per.-ons iu the United States, is 15,7 05, i 4