THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ART OF BEINGHONEST. JEFFERSON. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1852. ' "1.- - rfS - VOL. 12. No 4L 3 j Bocs a ITIa is own Himself. Herbert Spencer, in his work entitled " Social Statics," refutes Proudhon's cele- 2'itbli.slictl lyy Theodore Sclioch . TERMS Two dollarspcr annnum in advance Two , ulars'and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid bo ore the end of the year, Two dollars and :t half. Those v ,;o receive their papers by a currier or stacc drivers ni7rySeex?S.p,1clo, wi" be cl,!,rBd 37 l' bratcd maxim, "Property is robbery," in, Clay : " The particulars of the duel are No papers ouconUnued until all an enrages are paid, rxrept at the option of the Editor. IE? AdvcrtiMnioiHs not exceeding one fquare (six-t-on lines! will be inserted three weeks for one dollar. twenty-five cents for every subsequent ins-ertion. Spencer, " then, among other conseauen i , rnaree for one and three insertions the same. , 1 ' ' & H"" ces, it follows that a man can have no , a mgiuy original and curious manner. " If all property is robbery," says Mr. a vm. uscount made to yearly advertisers. I.j" All letters addressed to the Editor must be post- ITIr. ClayInteresliiis Incidents. The Boston Journal thus alludes to the duel between John Randolph and Mr well known. The eccentric descendant Pocahontas appeared on the ground in a huge morning gown. This garment constituted such a vast circumference that the 'locality of the worthy Senator,' was right to things he consumes for food. ' at least a matter of very vague conjecture. ' And if these are not his, before eating The parties exchanged shots, and the ball Hsv.n? a general assortment of large, elegant, plain til em llOW cm thev become his it nil ? ; ot i'lr' 'L-A-Y nit tnc centre 01 tne Visible ZSZXSm I utL,. L. ... Object, but Mr. Randolph was not there! .,...,,U.,1U1,U1 ) iv& jjukku usks. tvnen ao tuey vcgin to ; mi " 1 1 j i: - JOB P It I IV T I IV G. d l Tim 1-iffnv hnn firorl in mr nrm lm- 'to be his i when he digests ? or when he-v.,;nfi,- ilt oT,.n f ci,fa , .Circulars, Bill Heads. Notes, Blank Receipts : , , , , i , , "J lw mB w.,u -rv. Legal ad other Binks. Pamphlets, Ac. eats: or when he boils? or when he brings walked up to Mr. Clay, parted the folds AT THE OFFICE OF THE Tef f!rsoiii:ui Republican. them home ? If no previous acts can . of his gown, pointed to the hole where make them his property, neither can pro-' thc hullct, .f thc formcr iad Pureed his i - . . , ,. , - , . coat, and m the shrillest tones of his gress of assimilation ao it ; not even their - , - i ,fAr fc ' piercing voice exclaimed, "Mr. Clay, you N ot long since a young English mer . ,-iut took hio youthful wife with him to II nig-Kong, China, where the couple v - re visited by a woalthy Mandarin. i Ic latter regarded the lady very atten- and seemed to dwell with delight t civ, p n her movements. When she at ngih ieft ihe apartment, he said to the husl.and in broken English (worse than broken China): 4 What you give for that wifey-wife -urs ?' inissioner, had died. I was guardian of his infant children, dolu ifisnraen, unu menus ior a I knew that ners in the aosorption into tne tissues. v Jicreiore, owe me a coat, vou owe me a coat !" to pursuing flic idea, we arrive at the con-j which Mr. Clay replied in a voice of slow elusion, that, as the whole of his bones, : and solemn emphasis, at the samo time i cnio oi.; rt i, ir. i,:u pointing directly at Mr. Randolph's heart, ' , ' t1 . . ... i" Mr. Randolph, I thank God that I am no extension, and r uum uu.uu.W. vu UuUUg,Ug i no dccpcr jn your debt!" a man nas noprojycriy tn its men jicsi, Another correspondent writes : and blood can have no valid title to him-1 " When Mr. Clay became Secretary of ; self has no more claim to his own limbs State, Mrs. Clay resided here, and was , , . r c ,i n i universally admired for her kindness and tnan he has to the limbs oi another and , , .... . . . ,. , alfability, and her evening parties were hs as good a right to his neighbors body rcudercd as agreeabie by her pleasing jis to his own ! Did we exist after the manners as by her brilliancy and spirit, same fashion as those compound polyps, I remember an incident that occurred i vhiVl, n nnmW nf hiflividnnls nra . vriien ne naa tne uuei witnd onnxvanuoipu. un, replied the husband, laughing at . As he was returning from the ground, he mgular error of his visitor'swo thous-- r o asked, anxiously, whether Blrs. Clay knew suor a wioory wouiu oe rational uuougii. , what had happened. lie had informed The question is now submitted to the de- her that he was going out, and had kept bating societies of both hemispheres, 'does it a secret. Just before his return, she A man own niMSELP " ! liaii near rom a servant, and, meeting Front the Pennsylvania Democrat. TO THE PUBLIC. In March last I addressed a private letter to William Searight, a copy of which will be found below. It was written in a friendly spirit and intended to induce him to do me justice in a case in which his oath had wronged mo out of more than 1600 dollars. He never noticed my let ter or regarded my appeal. He was su perintendant of the Cumberland Road and I was a contractor under him. lie is now a candidate, for Canal Commissioner and I am a Democratic voter. The letter being addressed to one famil ar with all the facts, needs some explana tion when addressed to the public. Before the contract referred to, was wound up, Ilugh Keys, formerly supcrin tendant of the Conneaut division of the E- fterwards Canal Corn- appointed We were the back of said order, and I then hand-! letter and the others which follow. I ed it to A. Stewart, Fsq., to receive the j look upon it now as a duty to the public balance, eighty dollars both payments to do so. I will therefore put thc origi charged as paid by said Brown, on the' nail letters into the hands of the printer, back of said order, in Brown's handwrit-1 with directions to print them word for word iug and said D. Brown says in his state- j and letter for letter. ment, after the trial, (which statement I ' have in my possession,) that it is charged ' Sbarights Feb 14 1840. to you on the books of the Stage Com- j Mr Ilugh Keys Dear Sir I will Jusfc pany at Wheeling, and credited to him, ' inform you that Mills has not brot more said Brown, on said books, together with Than two hundred dollars home with the necessary vouchers. The books of; him we have been to the bank he paid of uuuisuwmsnow tne wnoie matter, as ttiere. The intrest & has gave me a Judgment was only one order on that company, of, for Twenty five huudred which I have uii cum jurown, Jut sir, in tne case or Knternd on t.Jio flrmnf tt lnrloff. Via VlflS Graham against the Cumberland Road, ; C4on back to lirml rvhr h wts Tip. you presented an order and stated on oath : Can git not3 discounted that his Friend that the order you held in your hand was Sold negraes for in Orleans on a Credit of the order you gave me on Brown, and that Six andninc months and will return in you lifted the order and gave your receipt ' one month and pay of one half of the- 1U1 11j illul " oacK ior tins suit to ae-; bank if so the Judgment will be good feat me. This was about eight years be-! for thc ballens I have my doubts. But fore the suit was brought but you forget , as I wase gilty of forgery by siningyour that was the first time you advertised. ; name to his note and the penitentiary ell sir, it was included from the 1st day; Staring me in the face I thot' best to re of May, 1842, to the last day of April base vou from the bank and have taken 1843. Then I was charged with 250 dol-1 all the responsibility on myself but if ever lars, and the 2d time you advertised was ' I do such an act again Dam me. from the first of May, 1343, to the 31st : I presume he has written tn Cnnlan l irt i. .I'M 1 i o a nil . i i x tie ana iearigiit were part- yueiuoei, xaw. xnen you cnavgec construction of the Elk Creek Vith S233,95 cents and I have thes Ana ..11 ll, n T .1 1-1 Acqueduct, and that Keys paid down on" i ,luuvw m !! . uiuei, wmun . jjan uo wliat you pleas , . I w fcliu liVUUlllU uuu that contract upwards or 4UUU dollars. tv,') dollars.' This the merchant thought would ap---ir to the Chinese rather a high figure ; t he was mistaken. Well,' said the Mandarin, taking out - liook with an air of business, i u give hor to me; I give you jive thou i-d dollar'.' li is difficult to say whether the young : rchant was more ainased than amused; him, exclaiming. Oh ! Harry, how could s'pose ; Chi;istian' he is "bought with a price;' if you go without' letting me know!" , be is not a Christian, he is "sold to sin"' , mention these circumstances, in coi conse- ! and the Devil. Man absolutely owns noth- quence of the widely circulated statements, :ing not even the breath of life. All is latelymadeinlettersfrom Washington that - . , ,. . , , , , 3irs. never was inUasLw whereher given to him. He is but a steward-and mnstr" lmsbaU1 Bed farrre ortion ' r-z . T T TV I i t - . I l Oi it the very "rave and solemn air of the ouen a xer? oau one- tnouSn ue 13 ; of his life, and established a name that is 'hinaman convinced him that he was in ! onl-v a stmrd that does not rrant one Snored by the whole civilized world." : steward m taking from another the fruits ' A n asinngton corresponuent or ttie j Philadelphia Inquirer says : j "Itis perhaps, not generally known, that j Mr. Clay, upon his retirement from the ., ' State Department, at thc close of John W ? ?ber earnest : and he was comnelled. ib-refore. to refuse the offer with as much .Ui w"- i !a idity as he could assume. The Man Parian, however, continued to press his Fire Wells. " T ' Quincy Adam's administration, confided u iuuiu tnu nuuuicu uuis ugu, x . toGen. Jessi ed me 1 and vou for to Do Somo.thinrr for him T SO or-; have nothinrr to Sav in his favour vou your are relesed Truth is mighty and, from the Bank I tnkA if. nil nn nivslf will prevail. You also stated that the P,nf. T rl n tnnw flint 1o line firm mnro fnY- Mr. Searight drew 820,000 out of the; money was your own, as you never set- therparty now in power Then some man uuu-witu tne roau ior tnc same, but Kept that has got the fattest Contracts on the ltoacK ior tue purpose above stated. Canal and if he had the mens wood Do- ' Sir, it was the only order ever demanded more for his freands than Some that wood I of me. for I never thought of orders when foiin- T He refused to do so advised me to T saw the verv sum thnt I nlwfi' vpsovA v. : j let it go, that Keys was in partnership ! from the road master advertised in the Lose. with other contractors whom he named j papers annually, according to the act of i I mean mills wood help whean his friend that they had refused to divide with him, j State Treasury on this contract. For half that amount he was responsible to my in fant wards. I asked him to account for it Assembly passed for the purpose. 1 was in adversitv not Like Some wood be lucre are many other things scarcely freands that will hann- to the Coat tail. worth mentioning. Thomas McGrath and ; -whnn in nrosnpritv quarreling about the measurement of . I have promised to pay of the bank if i give you sewwtnousantt dollar, saui:medo a prench missionary in lou uiue em . i made the following statement in a work whilst Secretary of State China, 1 and rough drafts which he had written These were to The merchant, who had no previous 1 Kp0n China : "Just as we have well3 De usec aer n3 (eath in justice to his 4.wuu U1 UJB a,uv Ul Lue wuiiuoaiiijr from which we draw water, thus the Chi-1 . J:" rZi , T " , . eh he had taken out with him, wascom-jnese have welIs from tw draw "'T' h& Spke T h .. , . , x . . . . jet!nac wuis roui vuicii tuer uraw couid n0fc wnte. The manuscripts are - . ic-u. at length, to inform his visitor , fire In mtnj parts of China they have very voluminouSj fimng a large trunk and i' Englishmen were not in the habit of ,ut to ore a 1Ge jnto tie gr0Und, and ' a box. Their publication will be looked their wives after they once came hey have a flame strong enough to cook for th fireat interest." :. t!ieir possession an assertion which aD- thing by i The Wlsl"nSton correspondent of the . - k do. to believe.-1 UJJe sps of . sirai,ar hto -j merchant aiterward had a hearty , phenomenon in Persia and the same'is!ed like an antique cast. His features - zh with his young and pretty wife, and j observable in certain coal mines, particu- seemed to be perfectly classical ; and the kr that he had just discovered her liariy -m itVLj jn the Apenines, this state- reP05e of a11 the muscles gave the lifeless value, as he had that moment beeniment of p. Lemedo ,va3 rcgarded as onel. a qmetmaje?y, hardly reached by it i j ii r i. ' a living human being. His last request n-d seven thousand dollars for her ; a of the many apocryphal tales which are , was th;t his body mlght he buricd Zt in ry high figure 'as wives were going' in current about this little-explored country.. Washington, nor in Frankfort, Kentucky, ' :tia at that time ! But modern observation confirms it. (where so many distinguished Kentucki- NothingastonishesaChinamansomuch, Mr Pauthier in his excellent work upon ans sleep the long sleep of death,) but at ' ' T c"once T'fr mcrch,a.t China tllis IST" oL4 or Is? !Z" " Ic.cai pnenomcnon is very common in many phenomena accompying the sickness and and I ought not to ask him to do so. I would not take his counsel. I owed ; I a different duty to thc children of my old .' the stone on the road, and you Searight ' mills fails this sprint and that will Take friend and countryman, and caused suit ! measured them again yourself. If Mr. ' about all the mony I will bo able to Colecfr to be brought against him by Mr. Keys' j M(rath and I quarreled and you meas-' as it has to Come By the hardstyourfriend ,i,;;,T - ti . i , ! urcd tho stouc? 1 never knew it, or heard meguire its most Likely will fail in paying administrators. J his act has cost me up-; nf ;tw ;n vnn SonrJo-li ; iu i c , ,, .f? i o nn i 1- oreituer tin you fteangnt gave m your the money he borroed of me and that will wards of i2,o00 including costs, &c. It evidence above stated. M'Orath and I not be treating his frieands wall he got a was for this, to use his own emphatic lan- ;nevei' quarreled. M'Grath will show that bout all I ever got for our work and you guage, he 'put his thumb on me.' j Parfc and the ortler show for itself. , now I must have a goodeal to start that I had contracted under him for thc re- Sir fhU-h fJJ lasted of your four work pleas give my resects to my frieands . p . j-, i i 1 , .executions, and that you whipped me out Coplan and Flannanken. pair of the Cumberland road as stated. i in cverv thin and vou used mc with the j vnn lrn, - Uo5nonffnl1 v I had long been hi3 personal, political, ; worst of severity and wreaked your ven- j " SE ARIG-HT. confidential friend. I took his word for Igcance hard against me, I now state as a the contract. I was compelled under the nciShbor, that I neither wish to disgrace ; Upon these letters few comments are? , t v,. j. i , , ' you or your family. All I want is the ' necessary. Mr. Searight has in his pos changed condition of our relations to sue hard earnings and a3 far as j ain concer. . sesaion is oxm order fn my favor foono him. I had paid out besides my own ' ned, you may fall in the hands of some hundred dollars on D. Brown date Jan--services and that of my team, $1252 30 one else, by paying me what is justly juary 24, 1843. I have another in my on the contract, for which I have vonchers. coming to me. If you had taken the ad- hands iu his hand-writing, of precisely th& I paid for quarrying, hauling and break- j vice Esl' Senyou in mypres- same date, tenor and amount. Which ia that Mr. told you to vj by our countrj-men to their ladies, 'parts of China, rac zru tiie position wnion tlie latter are per- ' most different tt. i to hold in society. The very ser-riTi- express their disgust at seeing A " : an or English ladies permitted to ' t table with their lords, and wonder vijj men can so far forget their dignity ! Mag. and is used there for the . gradual dissolution of Mr. purposes oven Clay, was a for the species or second signti a living dream, I J .1 il. ? elting of metals. In Canton, he says, lI"yu P uoiiboiouanoaa t.hnf. it, vert a n. nrnnm. whinh hroiiorht. tr lua there are many houses in which such fire, bedside uot only the persons of flis living is continually kept burning, and used for ; friends, but also those who had departed- illumination in baking. The only trou-1 this life for many years. What a bless ble in procuring it is to bore a hole in !inSifc must have been to a man of such i i r i-i- i. ; warm affections as Blr. Clay, to be thus the ground, when, by approaching a light' , , , , J' . ', ' oc vitvmmHlnrl hv fill hf nvnn t.n nnvf tliA v Cl " c , . , . : to the opening, the gass ignites and you hi j about to encompass him, J :.f Slnnnfrin SnriotnlJir thtnL-c fltfrA is . ...... ' O ' . . X ; r jlJtve a ure varymg in intensity according surrender the dead, by the magic attrac -i - mistake about General Pierce beingj (hc size of hoie. The Chinese con-; tion of his departing spirit ! d. scendent of the Dukes of hor&mt&r- th- into rooms bv f ! The Washington Republic states that rland, and would infer from his feats i t i , I nomas H. Clay, Jisq., son ol the late u c hamboo canes and use it for illumination. 1r rn i i t i n ir n Mexico that he belongs to the Som- . , . . , Henry Clay, lias presented to Eev. C. M. case arbitrated and obtained an award for SI 600 and upwards He appealed and I consented to leave it the three road commissioners under whom he held his office. He was admitted as a competent wit- -also told me ' of the book-keeper of the good Intent pay -me, but, btate Uompany, ot which V JLJrown was stone at a few hundred perches, and at such a meagre price, as made my com pensation for the work only 533,98, one hundred of which he took ofrmc in charg ing me with the Brown order twice. He rvt' family. This light is entirely smokeless, and is I Buiier 0f the Episcopal church, an elab similar to our gas lights. Mr. Tonperte, ! orately chased silvergoblet, manufactured The editors of the Philadelphia Arms say8 that the loor in &e nter often borc ' ! GaIfc.& Brolher) bearing the following Ffpose to issue a locofoco campaign pa-' noles in the sand about a foot deep, ig- ins "P" 1 ' f n :,i "The Piercer." Wc should propose , te them with a handful of straw, and Sutler, as a testimonial of his esteem rall it the Candy-stick. ' Give its your Hand So do Z" Ev rtbody hereabouts knows George With then warm themselves at them. These for attentions to his father during his last holes, from wbich gas issues thc Chinese illness. June, 1852.'' call Hongsing literally Fire Wells. J5g The N. Y. Evening Post, having ' . - -w-. . .......... . .i.i. i i i r 'ral,who for years has been a working, JJtsgracejUl JJevtce. A 1 hiladolphian, boasted that a uozen mourners oi uongress, an in the Democratic ranks, and whoJbad-o .bad been indicted for selling lottery ." heretofore Whigs," would not support one that party good service. On Mon-! policies, failing in his efforts to buy his Scott and Graham, the Tribune thorough ly George met a demooratic friend who 1 peace" with the officers of the law, eluded , ly sifts the boast shows it cssentiaal fal- just returned from the West, and their vigilance by advertising his death, ' si ty and thus retorts upon the Post: Ytose first enquiry wae, "Well, George and inviting his friends to the funeral, " We shall not print the names of thc sow's politics v b : which was conducted with becoming so- Members of Congress "heretofore Demo- Pi . T, . , , . . L. r,. u, j crats who now oppose Pierce and King, George answered, -' I'm afraid we'll ; lemmty under direction of his bereaved but we haye fchafc thcy numb Sd Scott " 8 ' S f0F Wln" 1 widow," while he stepped over into New twenly-fivc. Some of them were in Bal-"..-n ' , .... Jersey. The ruse succeeded completely ,fjmorp. whiift mir Convention was sittinir. 0 -. santed his friend, " give,f;i rpninr nr f.wo since, when the nf RnMi. in nnln.. our hand on that, old fallow snrlo T" . ;c?f . 9 . , , , ,ir i ,t ' , guilty man yieiuuu um umuu w to insure Jrierce's ueieat. weKuowtnem 4 T -Cfarlafid Herald. i Philadelphia, where he was discovered j ., , .i it: 1..r.ln 'I think our church will last a good ST 0U e T? T ff 1 Z fhTT ;any years yet,' said a waggish deac?n to ! 0t rfeDfCr bm dUbtful l" minister: 'i see the supers are very dcutltr of the CUUU1DS r0 You may depend .upon it that he is a filTLE minds rojoioe over tho errors sien of genius, as the owl reioices at an "i - good man whose intimate friends are all good, and whose enemies are all of a char acter decidedly bad. very well, but will not subject them to annoyance and abuse by printing their names without their authority. They will proclaim themselves in due time." ffarrisburg) July 9. Thc Governor has to day issued letters patent to the Philadelphia, Easton and Water Gap Kailroad Company. you disregarded all of us, as you knew , agent, that there was but one order of tho better what to do yourself; but as I have . kind drawn on them. I got the money said before, truth is mighty. j on mine in 1843. How happens Mr. Sea- The order is before mc. and it is the 'right to have another in 1850 to charge genuine order, and without mistake and ; me with Jfc again? you know what purpose I intend to make ! What Mr. Searight is competent to do ness against me, and fixed the amount of of it, if justice is not done me in the above, m his private dealings, let this business of Take your own course, and if this prop- tnc jsrown oraer anu ins comession tnao osition is not complied with, I will take he had foigcd the name of Mr. Keys to a my course. What ever you will do will be , note to the Brownsville Bank, his pocketing: satisfactory tome, as I have often told you, : the advancements and profits of Mr. Keys that if Ilugh Keys and you quarreled, in the Elk Creek Aqueduct contract, an that was no reason whv von and I should ! swer. What he is competent to do if i ....... y . i i . i . 1 r i n r i.ii: I'x. did 'put his thumb on me,' and I cannot quarrel; for I did all that was in my pow-; cicctea winai uomm iiouer, ms pout- ! or fn TildK: Wlton T nnwlit fo have at- ical standard of excellence, which awards say as my countrymen is alleged to have , 0'Vn bushiest attended to ' the 'fattest contracts' to those who do tha said to the flea, when he put his thumb on UuJ pulHng (lown an1 buiIding up of your 1 most for party, answer as well? it I was there. j house, and you know what recompense 1 1 I The order on Daniel Brown referred got for the same, because that I had no( iiarri&burg, June xo, ioau. to in the annexed letter, needs some furth-1 written article about the superintending ; Sir: On to morrow I have to leave hero er explanation. I have it now before me. ! and k at ,Xour hum' Yu now hoT a .f "eral vififc t0T th? Sate. Works. It is in Mr. Searight's hand writing. you paid me, n any thing-and other small Idontknow when I will be m Erie, a things too tedious to mention, which have lew days ago I received a letter from, as EXURY 14t" 1So2- becirdone by you, but now will forbear, I thought the only friend I had in the Mr. D. Lrown will pleas pay to Hugh to mcntion. . world," William Searight, the purport of 3ferec0tfulirvCr WMU SVtCHT Sir, when you sent for me to meet you which is unnecessary to mention at pres- Bespectfully J M SLALIGlir. .n w q t , it is such that I cannot (in- . , , commissioner JMathias Frey, and when you told mc that deed he left me no room) have any inoro Un the back h the following endorse- j you am j W0ll(j (0 t0 r0 Keys' security, dealings with him, there is an understand ment in the hand writing of D. Brown, j ag h was then app0inted Superintendent ing between us in the 131k Creek job, I Paid Mr. Graham twenty dollars on ' 0f the ConneauMit extension of the Erie nave wrote him that I would give or take the within by D Brown. Twenty dollars ' Canal, that we could have what ever work fifteen hundred dollars, not knowing which January 24, 1843. Paid the balance to ' we wanted, by so doing and I did so ho will do, and it being out of my power A. Stewart by G raham's order- i and you and Mr. Keys, told me all your to g ollt thre immediately, I wish you to D. BROWN, 'secrets, then and afterwards, and that see him on this matter and ascertain what Upon the hearing of the case before the ' there was none to know that you and he will do; it is a good job and there will commissioners, acting as referees between ! Keys were in partnership in tho Elk he a good deal of money made dut of it, me and the road, I could not produce this Creek Aoueduot at Gerard, but myself, but wore I to make ten thousand dollars order. I had mislaid it. Mr. Searight : and him and you quarreled. I was good lua letter would compel me to take this produced an order of precisely the same ' friends with both of you onto the settlement course; if he should take my offer, and go date, for the same amount, allocincr it to 1 of ihn Auditors of Kev's accounts, which home, you must attend to it, and inform ' - - ' - O v . ' .. 1 T M ...... .1 . be the genuine one, and claimed a credit WUs so far from the way, that 1 under- mo " win resign ana go out to it my- ot the amount against me, alleging th he had intentionally omitted to embrace hat 1 stood you and Koys, and that I could not self, which course he may take will be bought. Then and not till then you satisfactory to me; one thing I must say, it in his report of expenditures made by put your thumb, as you said on me. But that 1 truly give him an interest m our him on the road, though he had sworn to sir, while I live the few fleeting years or former job, that, when adjusted, he will thc correctness of that account a3 publish- whatever it may be, I will never shrink find that he has lost neither money or ed in the newspapers, according to the from the truth let the consequence be as mends by me; but enougn, ! leave all to act Assembly. it way. 1 know all that ever happened nim, ana on rouecuon no win una tnatne l hp. lnf.fpr will Avnlnin flif. rnst. ' hrfvroTi hk flivrwv mid if srhln now and nf, will HOC rrain snvt. nnrr nv lua nrpsonr. a j a J " i 1 111. . i L 1 Selma March 30 1852. ; all times, I will tell it, let thc consequ- course, l am, wuu respect, yours trmy r. .. I nr, UUtJU U ua 111 U1V. J. CUiUIUtillUUll Willi i of the Cumberland Road, in . f ler anf , close witn tne oraer ana : - v - I SLULU 111 U1U1I1 IUI 1UO IIIUL X Will liau tllU Ul- IU tllU U.UUVV. n.lliii, im. JAlitiJ I"""' William misswuer Sir: About a month ago 1 lound tlie'""1 iU1 u". i'l"i order that you gave me on Daniel Brown in 1843, then agent of the Good Intent Stftiro eoinnanv in Unioutown, and the o 1 J Prom your old Priend, HUGH Gil AH AM To Wm. Seahiqiit, Esq. a.t nirni nstva inn rm Krnwn. I ftnnminftt on OI ill. OUiiiilTiiu luruu im uiaii. KJ lilj U1UU1 ,7VLi Q XJI t J on that company, it being for one hundred !nal Commissioner, is not sufficient ren-j y dollars: it now is before me, and the 20 son with me, for departing from my sng- A habit of stteuflor. i I . Vi dollars thut Brown pj. id mo, credited nn ' "" T f . , . -" T "'va'uti-,; I wish 3ou to show him this letter, and try and get him to decide what he will do in this matter. I wish to quit him now and forovor, he 13 an ungenerous, ungreat- HUGH GllAHAM. id appiia