Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 08, 1852, Image 1

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VOL. 12.
""No 39.
Published ly Theodore Schoch.
TERMS Two dollars porannnuin in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearly. and if not paid be.
Jr&Shvctrii; S
employed by the proprietor, win be charged 37 inconceivable how any of the earth's deni-i
cents, per year, extra. j j t
No papers dUcominu been disciplined for the
and twentr-fire cents for cveiy .subsequent insertion
The Chanfe for one and three insertions the same
A itUerafdiscutlnl made to yearly adrcrtisers.
IE7 All letters addressed to the Editor must be post,
luring a general assortment of Uu-ge. elegant, plain
ana ornamental iype, we arc prepareu
to execute every description of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blrtnk Receipts ! . ' . . " 'i , . , . , i.wi x
istircs, Legal and other Bmnks. Pamphlets, ic. , had become united m him. His siu was business doing, many will be heard to coni
intcd neatness and despatch, on reasonable , a national point of plain of hard bufc jfc ig equaUy C(jr.
Jeffersonian Republican.
Our Nolile Scott.
AIR" Our Native Land:'
Our noble Scott ; our gallant Scott;
Oh, tell me where, in North or South,
Can that great name be e're forgot,
From Maine to Mississippi's mouth!
Though other men our praises claim,
As well beloved in hall and cot
We find no fault, we will not blame,
But yet, oh yet they're not our Scott.
The warrior brave the partriot just
The bitter foe to tyrant's plot
The noble soul we all can trust,
'Tis him we love Our Noble Scott.
He knows no South he knows no Norlh-
But loves his country as a whole,
Then let the ringing words go forth,
From sea to sea, from pole to pole,
Proclaiming loud, how well we know,
With hearts sincere, with visions keen,
The debt of gratitude wc owe
To him who our Defender's been.
Then chout it forth We love our land
We love the men who for it fought;
True Whigs, united, hand to hand,
We all revere our gallant Scott.
Yes, while the lamp holds out to burn,
While mem'ry lasts, while reason's left,
While, like our sires, we tyrants spurn,
And are of freedom not berefit
When'er we hear his glorious name,
Who lived but for his country's fame,
Our souls will burn our spirits yearn
True to the land we love and claim.
The high, the low in weal or wo
By whom our Union's not forgot
Will find their hearts with pleasure glow
At mention of our noble Scott.
Baltimore, June 19, 1S52.
Advent of the Arts.
Man has everywhere made his debut
ia the character of an Orson. Soon as
the curtain rises, behind which there is
no peeping, as an untamed animal he leaps
upon the stage, and as such goes through ;
the oneninff act. The annals of all the i
people of old began with their condition
is savatres. Those of the Jews form no'
exception; their earhest progenitors are
represented as being at the foot of cmli -
zation's ladder, both in arts and morals.
Of the present occupants of the earth, the
records of the enlightened trace their
forefathers to various phases of the same
i j... i j i i .i i
iuw conaiuon. dbvoqu wxucu a iarru nur-
wu wt uiautuuu. uaa uuu jcu au.umu, an tune in a oar-room, or m places or tash
indication of the infancy of the species, j ionable resort, with a cigar in his mouth,
Man's physical wants first occupied his j to you jl better be scul-
attention. In the dawn of his being, he 1 nn your faa
as as ignorant of others as his wildest j when I see a VQin man talking loud-
descendants are now. In common with
wsaiures oeiow mm nis necessities were
Monitors ; designed by his Maker to mi-
tiate him
into habits and awaken impul-:
j . , -
?rere to become distinguishing
wwc.uw " J -
Cnf 4- A 1 J it
. . ... ' 6 . self, of course,) if you have a boat, you
traits of his race. He was to be a think- lvad jj. scuu
and worker. AH creatures act more j :( When I see a person prying iuquisi
or less from reflection, but in him these tively into the affairs of others, guessing
qualities were to be pre-eminent. He
,., . , . , . x j i x. i
-wv 0 uy 6-""" "t
according to a law from which no order j
f beincs on our globe is exempt, and
QostlilroWon ka rthnm. j
It is irrational to suppose that happi-
5S3 of any kind can be realized, except
5 the reward of efforts to attain it. In
this respect, ants and angels are proba
fly ahke. Every livine thins is furnish-
with -organs adapted to its nature and ! saying, Madam, your boat needs sculling
tb theatre of its existence; and on the ry mch, videed
T . "- When I see a young man mortgaging
proper apphcaUon of these enjoyments the. whole or part of his farm, or other a
nd their augmentation are made to de- vailable property, to get money to pay as
pend. Knowledge comes not to us by boot in trading horses, or stakes lost in
Mnuiuon, and the tenderest insect as well'gaming 1Jeel' venJ ceruLin um 607,1(1 u,w
stho mightiest quadruped, perishes, that! f"? W? fU$ 1 i
es not the means given it to live All h.en 1 se? Pons a
aifina 4i r , regular business of tattling, gossiping,
ordained to preserve life by the dili- talebearing, mischief-making, backbiting,
EM employmo-nt of their faouities, and scandalizing, defaming and slandering
urgod thereto by the most pressing of, tneir neighbors, on every occasion, and
r..i.. i . . O I , ... ii I.
urai XGaairenieotfl. Th r i
. vwi Alio CHllh Ui lUe
Ruction that man should am his bread
h th, , T 71- Z a
i w sweat of hiB broWj waS therefore,
nothing new since it had been imposed i
as a condition of life and of the enjoyment
of life from beginning. Indeed, it is not
rk assiSd them, had not their ener-
! vations. Man certainly could not, as Jng year whenever the moon wanes the
the story of Eden proclaims; philoso-! night will grow dark. On several occa
phy and experience unite in declaring sions, during the year, the sun will rise
ituat ad he been encircled with perpetu-'
al ease and abundance, the sloth and the
, . . ... i . . . )
i 1111 11. 1111 11 VI Llil IIIU 11 .J tiUUUU V LVdi
nrinn--n tr-iti, n nunri fni-nifi ne jnnrvhvtns
j that includes all others; it is one for which
there is no forgiveness can be none.
ed and half-reclaimed descendants to this (
day,toliveonspontaneous food rather than
earn it by labor as commanded; hence it
was a blessing to expel him a curse to J
let him stay. Had he been permitted in
loose idleness to live
" With brother brutes the human brute had grazed." , Jove H think Ms mistress a perfect an
No one doubts that at his advent am-' , and wiU w find t th truth f his
pie provision was made for him-else he ;
had perished in his nonage-and that it
. was continued till by increasing numbers !
, the species was established.. He was then
uiau tu iUuiC iium a wwuuu meiui iu-
tended as the cradle of his infancy a nur-:
. .1 ?I l . i-li i ,
sery in which he was to grow till
enough to provide for himself. His very
i nature and organization made labor ne
cessary to both mental and bodily vigor,
but in the midst of plenty he had no mo
tives to activity nor useful pursuits.
Without it the race must have become ex-
, -r . 11
tinct. Even now, with all our experience
,tl , ' , . succession, it wm ue a sign oi someming;
of tho value of science and ar were the .f dreams rf four a QJ
earth to boS forth vr.thout culture, food . toothache) H to sho be ;
"toit.:atiMto11rf ou
dace ,t mankrnd would Ml Dinner8 and entcr tainmeats
mt0 Diirtiarlsm. i :ii v. ln ii.-.. i, ,,!, .t
, . , , . . :
m aD' S terrtml j
creatures, .one eamo f l the earth was j
ready to receive them tvery genius had ,
ts Eden n wh,ch A first representa ives .
burst into bemrr. and were nourished till i
, ' .
strong and numerous enough to migrate
They, too, were driven out.
jj, tnereiore, wanis naa never been leit,
Ti iV f i 1 1 1 . !
the arts' had never been known, and
without them there could have been neith-
r cm nflnnmf nny. mnoic tt
pily, then thrice happily did sterility
of soils, inclemencies of seasons, scarcity
of game and other food, force men to re
flect, invent and construct to become an
artificer and thereby to clear the way
for the unfolding of the higher qualities
K gjj Your Qm
tx v.- : .i
i uunuvui duuuuawu iuu aumomeu sai-,,
casms may be for ,ve think we have en-
, countered them in print before, they are
!none tlie worse for their iongevityj ana,
j jjjg an almanac, they will serve an ex-:
tensive district : j
When j 6ee a vounr farmer. Mw
. . " ' i
, ny nfncemni mnn i,; '
j about government and gin, colonels and ,
cogniac, corporals and cider, and giving
evidence oi his knowledge ot them by a-
" " O J 1
busing the former and frequently tasting
the latter, I cannot help saying (to my-
f ' :e l. au?.
at what they do know, and putting an,
untavorable construction
unfavorable construction on the whole, I
sav ScuU vour mtm boat
when I see a farmer at night patch
ins up the fence by the side of his corn
fields, and hear him the next morn'msr
1 .1 . 1. Ail i iT i r 1 1 t
ariviu!T ins cuuie irom tnnt snmfi nfi n.
j thinks I to myself, his boat wont stay
sculled M
" When I see a woman going about ad
vocating Woman's Rights, with holes in
o O I
the heels of her stockings, I cannot help
w every. dossidig manner, w uu auuu -pui-
' ,T ..1 1 ' 11- J L
each and evry one individually and i
ticularly, I say, scidlyour own boat !
each and every one indiyidually and par-
Predictions of the Year 1852.
According to a new Almanao, the year
of our Lord 1852 is to be an eventful one,
We extract from said Almanac the fol-
lowing sagacious predictions, which will
doubtless be fulfilled. J
Through the whole course of the com-
before certain people will discover it, and
. , ,
set belore they nave hnished clay's woric.
- rI. i iM-v i'ii i xi
i it I. mnro nimnj r nr. wnnn'rn is 1111
MMl.v amw Y vmmw wmw-w -
tain that all who hang themselves will es-
cape starvation. If bustles and hoops go
11 lU
more than three ladies. If dandies wear
their beards, there will be less work for
the barbers, and he who wears mustaches
will have something to sneeze at. There
will bo many eclipses of virtue, some vis-
Uble, others invisible. Whosoever is mi
suspicion by getting niarried. Many
deHcate kdieSj whom nQ one would sus.
bfl kissed without telHng their
, There be more bookg DubHsh.
, fi d nurcnaserg morc rhVmcs
ha m find rQad and more 1
' .
Viills Tnnrlr r.linn will finrl nnwrs.
If the '
iucumbant of a fat officc should die thoro ;
will be a dozen feet ready to step into one,
pair of shoes. If any young lady should
VL.ct, t, v j. i ,i :
uacu iu uiuou, ouu ma uu upi iu juua iuu i
in the face, without the use of paint; if she
dream of a young man three nights in
..... . . .
J O O .
. ... .. . , ... - , .
" to" ' w" o
home and the poor will receive much ad-,
dcbt3 rf diat; gtat05 1
hard bo ad and same ;
... . , . .. , . . :
will very probably attend private con-
tracts in this latitude. He who marries ;
this year will run a great risk, especially
if he doe3 it in a burry He who steals ;
a match, gives tattlers occasion to gossip, i
and will be apt to involve himself and
bride in disagreeable relations- There
1 tTTi 1 1 r n rnnf tiaicja nil rTrir fhn
will be a great noise all over the country
when it thunuers, ana a tremendous dst from the NUo.rclatea the Mowing account "lego, held in September, whilst the cus-
will be kicked up, occasionally, by coach . . i r
horses. Many young ladies who hope I ol incldcnfc wLlcU came near putting tomary collegiate exercises were perform
for it, but little expect it, will be married 1 an end to his travels : j mg, the trustees were accidentally infor-
and many who confidently anticipate thatj The men were about to pitch my tent' md that Gen. Scott had that moment a
gkrious consumation, will be doomed to ncar some SUSpicious looking hole, but I . lighted at the opposite tavern, on his way
wait another year. hinrl itmnwrl tn Mnnr nnnn Cnoro nf to Baltimore. It was instantlv nronosed
Finally, there exists little doubt, this
11 be a 'most wonderful' year, surnas -
. ' - .
in interests all that have preceded
Politicians will make fools of them-'
- ,
svcs5 ftoggevs will make tools ot ,
10 Th?world wTll ''
g0 round as usual, and come back to the'
place whence it set out, as will many a ;
man who engages in business. There will ,
be a great cry and ittle wool both at the
sneanncr oi pics ana ino mcetinr oi uon-
w "
JST" What did you hang that cat for,
Isaac ? asked the school-marm. The boy
looked up, and with a grave look answer-'
ed For neiv-tmy, inarm. He had fifty
marks immediately put down against his
22f Wood is the the thing after all, as
. . .,, . t , . '
tneman witu a pmeieg baiu wnen the mad
dog bit it.
Attention the Whole."
A maior of militia, in Pennsylvania.
who had recently been elected, and who
was not overburthencd with brains, took
it into his head on the morning of the pa-
.... .
rade, to go out and exercise a little by.cuangmg giances, ana turning up meir
himself. The ' field" selected for this heads in a shrewd manner, which plainly
purpose was his own 'stoop.' Placing said, " No you don't old fellow ! want to
'himself in
n-riTj-ri H vn vrrn
onyiu uiuvu
the whole! Her
and he tumbled down the celler.
His wife, hearing the noise accasioned
in falling, came running out and asked
" My dear, have you kiled yourself ?"
" Go into the house woman," said the
major, what do you know about war ?
An m allele cntcno-, so for as ,t goes j ft fc M off thl.MgU
TJia,??d ',n.n' 'Sa.0lea.nJ..ffiU!t5dlot-r1tI'ir, its scales glittering in tho sn a3
If that is in proper order, you may be
sure that the beds will be well aired, the
sheets clean and all the et ecteras proberly
looked after.
A western oditor, in speaking of a con
temporary who is down with the fever
and shakes,' saytf tho doctors have 'given
him up,' which is just what his bail did
two years ago, when ho was indicted for
horde-stealing. Singular ooincidence, bo a good doal such a sort of man a9 I President, who concluded the list of liter
isntifcj itake him to be. 'ury honors, by announcing that the hon-
Woman A Comparison.
The National Intelligencer is publishing
a series of letters from a citizen of Wash
ington, who is travelling in the Old World.
In his last letter he thus compares the
women there with those of his own coun
try. In my rambles about the village of
Baalbek, I was struck with the beauty of
the children, and the extreme youthful
ness of some of the Arab mothers. I saw
several young females, not more than
twelve or fourteen years of age, with ba
bies in their arms, evidently their own ;
and I was told that this is quite common
throughout Syria. Many of the women
are very beautiful much more so, I think,
than either the Circassian or the Turkish
women. It was quite enchanting to see
their fine .complexions, dark eyebrows,
and flashing eyes; and for regularity and
delicacy of features, I have seldom seen
them equalled, except in other parts of
Syria. In Nazareth I saw some of the
best formed and most beautiful women I
have ever seen in any country I believe
it is noted as much for the beauty of its
female population, among tourists, as for
its historical interest. But at no place
did I see what I really thought approach-
ed the pertection ot beauty m so high a
degree as in Bethlehe m. The women of I
. ....... '
Bethlehem are absolutely bewitching. 1 1
never saw such perfect profiles, such eyes
and eyebrows, and such delicate little
hands and feet. Not that I mean to say
that tliov arc at all to be comnared in all
tto higher attributes of beauty to our own
fair country women, for that would be sac-
:i rpi. : ii. ix
riin Ti. ; fi, -Rnct
o - - o - ,
in Europe eithor or any wboro eIse, that
I hl CTer visited; to comparo witb the
ladies of Philadelphia, Baltimore and :
Washington. Talk of Parisian beauties !!
Lively and vivacious they are, to be sure
- -
1 not dignified, not queenly, not gen-
tle ana modest. Talk of B,lglisll ioauties:
Grand enough, fair, but not graceful, and
m buokraln. ItaUan beauties-dark,
j..n n rtfl:.i rn
SlJ- cimau lauuunu. - - -
Kish-tallowy and buttery. All weli e-
nough in their way; but Mcshalla! it won't
do to mention them in the same
with American beauties
A Narrow Escape.
Bavnrd Tavlor. in one of his
!" , " , ' M"ww
' far distant. In the morning, as Alhmet
' - i t, n: u i a
w a "uuuu mug up my mannjss, uo suu-
denly lefc, fc droP rushcd oufc of thc
.'fni. ,.! ,: uni n
your bcd !" 1 lookcd) ad uc enough,
the?c was an nSlJ spotted reptile coiled
UP in tbe straw Iliatting. The men heard
tUe aarm and my servant Ali immedi-
; n l""."1 1 f l' ' ?; I'
" w-w i.n,
to me, and with one blow I put the snake
beyond thc power of doing harm. It was
not more than two feet long, but thick and
club-shaped, with a back covered with
Srn, brown and yellow scales, very hard
i and "right.
! The Arals, who by this time had come
to tue rescue, saw it was a most venom-
ons creature, its bite causing instant death.
AUah hereon "-(Gtjd is merciful !) I
exclaimed, and they all heartily respond-
ed :-r" God be praised 1" They said
that the occurrence denoted long life to
me. Although no birds were to be seen
at the time, not ten minutes elapsed be-
, fore two large crow3 appeared, and a -
Righted near the snake. They walkod a-
iLuvvu uui wu a. y n uiauu o-
I i . f . ii
round it at a distance, occasionally ex -
i ; i j ii
suddenly by the tail, jumping backward
, two or three feet, and then lct it fall. He
looked at the other, as much as to say, '
I " If he's not dead, it's a capital sham !"
They made a similar essay, after which'
thealternately dragged and shook it,
and consulted sometime before they a-
it dapgled downward.
ITp An old woman was asked what
she thought of one of her neighbors by
the name of Jones, and with a very know-
jng look replied. Why, I don't like to
say anything about ray neighbors, some -
.times I think, and then again I dont know
but a'rter all, I guess he'll turn out to
From the State Gazette.
General Scott 38 Years Ago.
In looking over the pages of the jthia
lectic Magazine, published in 1814, we
there found a short biographical sketch of
Winfield Scott, and thought it might not
be uninteresting to extract from it at this
time, as the claims of Gen. Scott arc now
being set forth by his friends for the Pres
idency. From the description of the battle of
Bridgewater, we make the following ex
tract; and as we quote from history, this
account of the noble daring of Scott in
the cause of his country will at least have
the merit of truth, and cannot be called
in question as a spurious political coinage
to aid his election to the Presidency:
'About the time at which Gen. Brown
says he saw Scott for the last time, Gen.
Scott had, at the head of his column,
twice charged the enemy. He had,
through the whole action, exposed his per
son in the most dauntless manner. He
was finnally disabled by a musket ball'
thro' his right shoulder, which he receiv
ed about half-past ten, just before the
final close of the action. He had been
wounded two hours before, in the left side,
had lost two horses, killed under him, and
his aid, Lieut. Worth, and his brigade
major, Smith, had been wounded by his
side. The total loss of his brigade was
490 in killed and wounded out of 620,in
cluding in this number more than thirty
officers. Dunnp: this engagement the
i i t , , , . r.
uiuuu buonc ungnt ana ciear, out tor more
than twQ hourg fche hosdlo Hneg were
in twenfc ds of and gQ
, w 7
. v ii uuu Y TUiutJ VI UUbli Utugit UilU OV
: J. ... '
frequently intermingled, that officers,
of Bridgewater, as
ft j, cal,ed Bt why of Bridgewater It
was fought near thmight7cataract of
x,; ,, ;,,: ,i, ..., .f .... L,..
iiiujjuiu uu luiutu uuu ovuuu Ul 119 IUUU"
oer3 Lct it then bo llsd h b , f
, Hboro 'mms a soenat princet(m
j at that t; wh!ch sbows
, ' '
j mati0n in which General Scott was held
in his carlier Qf his pasfc hisfcory
; we need notbin for hia late bcroio
deeds great and achievements are as fresh
and green in our memories as the chaplets
that now adorn his brow:
'At the late commencement of that col-
to invite him to the commencement; a de-
i ii? .f ii. l l t i
putuuon oi me irusiees was accordingly
' sent over, who soon returned with the
General. He was respectfully received
b? the trustces and seated amonS them
onthestage; the audience expressed strong
symptoms of a disposition to break forth
jn tumultuous applause, which was with
difficulty restrained, by a sense of deco
rum due t0 tho Place and the occasion.
The valedictory orator now ascended the
' staae; it happened that the subiect of his
' oration was the character of a patriotic
j v . h(j had in,
, trdced an apostrophe to an imaginary
personage, wnom nc acpictea as a ongnt
'example of military virture. With ad-
; mirable esence of mind and t ele.
,. ,
! 6ance of manner' tbc y0UDS orater sud
denly turned and addressed this to Scott,
j The effect was electrical; bursts of long,
reiterated and unrestrainable applause
; br()ke forfch on all sideg
L , . ,'
Even grave and
i. .... , .1 11
n irnn i 111 vmi!s. 1111:11 w 11
.;. ----- - i m
hife nfmind morn litflrtin nniann with Tffl-
ings of this nature, were hurried away and
overcome by the animating and kindling
ause was
hushed, and the President rose to confer
the doctorates inlaw and divinity, and
otuer honorary degrees.
In fcho meanwuiie one 0f tne trustees
, , unnnro
had proposed to the rest that an honora-
ry degree should be conferred on their il-
. Utern hemmt3 mn
. . ... '.-. aDDr0.
such as to render this complfment appro
priate. A gentleman from Virginia, to
whom he was personally known, replied,
(as is the fact) that beside possessing the
( general information of a well educated
man, he was remarkable for his accurate
1 and extensive acquaintance with English
literature. The proposal was instantly
' assented to, and communicated to tho
orary degree of Master of Arts was con
ferred upon Major General Winfield Scott.
It is unnecessary to add that tho build
with the enthusiastic ap
plause of the audience. This compliment
so spontaneous, so appropriate, so well
timed, was worthy of a college which can
boast of numbering in the long list of her
sons many of the most brilliant and dis
tinguished men of their country in every
walk of public life.
T.Uiii- it Coolly
The Detroit Advertiser tells a capital
story of an easy, good natured old Ver
mont farmer, who never suffered troubles
to perplex or worry him, and found a
" silver lining in the darkest clouds."
The anecdote is quite refreshing in this
hot weather, and so commending its phi
losophy to all who are plagued with world
ly vexations, we copy it :
One day, while the black tongue pre
vailed in that State, one of his men came,
in, bringing the news that one of his oxen
was dead.
" Is he ?" said the old man, " well, he
always was a cuss. Take his hide off,
and carry it down to Fletcher's, it will
bring the cash."
An hour or so afterwards, the man
came back with the news that "Liueback"
and his mate were both dead.
" Are they?" said the old man, "v,-.-" I
took them ofB to save a bau debt
that I never expected to get. It's lucky
it an't the brindles. Take the hides
down to Fletcher's ; they will bring the
After the lapse of another hour, the
man came back to tell him that the nigh
brindle was dead.
" Is he ?" said the old man ; " well, ho
was a very old ox. Take his hide off and
take it down to Fletcher's: it's worth cash
and will bring more than any two of the
Hereupon, his wife, who was a very
pious soul, taking upon herself the office
of Eliphaz, reprimanded her husband ve
ry severely, and asked him if he was not
aware that his loss was a judgment of
heaven for his wickedness.
" Is it V said the old fellow. Well, if
tfiey xcill take the judgment in cattle, it is
ilie easiest xoay to pay it."
Kecipe for z Sores.
A writer in the last number of the Gen
esee Farmer, who signs himself "E. R."
ana dates at Centre Lisle, New-York,
gives us the following recipe for curing
Take two and a half drachms of blue
vitriol, four draohms of alum, and six
drachms of loaf sugar; or, we willsay,bluo
vitriol the size of a walnut, alum a size
larger, and sus;ar the size of a hen's egg.
Pulverize and turn into a glass bottle.
Add one pint of good vinegar, and one
table-spoonful of honey. Cork, and shake
the mixture three or four times a day;
and when dissolved, it is fit for use.
This wash will remove film from the
horses's eyes; will cure king's evil and
most kinds of fever sores; will destory
proud flesh, and cause the sore to heal.
It is great for hoof-rot, in sheep, and may
be applied to any sore with safety. Tho
sore should be kept clean, and washed
twice a day with the mixture, till com
pletely healed. For thc eyes it may be
diluted with soft water one-half,butshould
in all cases be used as strong as the pa
tient can bear. For hoof-rot in sheep,
add as much gun-powder as vitriol; pare
away all the affected part of the hoof,wash
freely every few days, turn tho sheep into
fresh pasture, and you have a cure.
A Model Wife.
There is a woman in Indiana on the
Wabash river, who takes it into her hoad
and sometimes practices, (while her old
man has gone to town,) plowing, nursing
and fishing, all at once. She first yokes
an ox and her cow to the plow then puts
her twin babies into the corn basket and
suspends it on a tree then takes the bell
of the cow and attaching it to the end of
her fishing pole, which is stuck in the
ground at the water's edge; she then com
mences her plowing around the field, at
every revolution sho gives the aarial cradle
a send, which lasts until she gets round
again, at the same time keeping her ears
open, so that when any rash member Qf
the fiany tribe swallows thc hook she may
cear of it, for under her arranguments the
calamity is announced by tho ringing of
the bell.
Our informant saya that she is a pat
tern of the kiud they have there.
Uj3 A Frenchmau stopping at a tav
ern, asked for Jacob. There is no such
person here, said the landlord. 'Ti3 not
a person I want, sare, but de beer, warmed
with de poker. Well answered mine host,
that is flip. Ah, yes, aare, you are in de
right ; I mean Fhilip.
j" A down East editor, speaking of
the wonderful virtues of a wonderful hair
oil, says a few drops put upon kitiens will
make hares of them immediately.