Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 01, 1852, Image 1

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VOL. 12.
No 3S.
Published ly Theodore Schoch.
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Scott and Graham.
Tune "Dearest Mac."
In Baltimore the Whigs agreed
Upon their candidate,
And mean that he shall be the man
To guide the Ship of State:
He bears a name that is without
A blemish or a spot
A partriot, hero, statesman, sage
Who else but WINFIELD SCOTT.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Scott, the brave and true,
Who never yet has lost the fight,
Nor will he loose it now!
Two Generals are in the field,
Frank Pierce and Winfield Scott
Some think that Frank's a fighting man,
And some think he is not
'Tis said that when in Mexico,
While leading on his force,
lie took a sudden fainting fit,
And tumbled off his horse.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Winfield the undaunted,
Who never on the battlefield
Surrendered, fled, or fainted!
But gallant Scott has made his mark
On many a bloody plain,
And patriots hearts beat high to greet
The Chief of Lundy's Lane:
And Chippewa's classic ground,
Our British neighbors know,
And if you'd hear of later deeds,
Go ask in Mexico!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Scott and Graham true,
They are the beys to lead the fight,
The boys to win it too?
Now, boys, we'll go the nominees,
And whip out Pierce and King;
From Maine to California
We'll make the welkin ring.
We'll give the Lokies good Scott "soup,"
Of which so much we've read,
And if they should't like our soup,
We'll give them Graham bread!
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah,
When e'er the chance permits,
With warm Scott soup and Graham
We'll give the Lokies fits.
Then let us enter on the fight,
Our cause is just and high;
Let's show our foes the "fuss" we raise
Will make the "feathers" fly.
The gallant Scott, who leads the van,
Is honest, faithful true;
And he has got the people's heart;
So we say vhat say you?
Hurrah! Hurrah ! Hurrah !
For Scott, the brave and true;
He's got the honest people's heaut,
So we sav what say you.'
Our noble Scott has never failed,
Wherever he might bej
On Cerro Gordo's blood-Etained heights,
Or in diplomacy.
He calmed the angry border feuds
Upon our Northern line,
And cau6ed,where War's black clouds arose,
The Star of Peace to shine.
Hurrah! Hurrah ! Hurrah !
For Scott the brave and true;
The man who never lost a field,
Will icin this field for yon!
The locofocos brag and boast,
And show themselves quite fierce;
Tbo' all the capital they have
Is General Frank Pierce;
A man dug up when all was lost,
Buchanan, Douglass, Cass;
A sort of "Compromise" between
A race-horse and an ass.
Hurrah i Hurrah ! Hurrah !
For Scott the brave and true,
Who never faints on battle fields,
But fights his battles through!
Then, boys, hurrah for Winfield Scott,
Who leads the great Whig troop,
And only takes what duty calls
"A HA6TY plate of soup!"
Who never counts his enemies,
And never knows a fear,
But gives his foes a raking fire,
In front and "in the rear."
Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah !
For Scott, the brave and true,
Who never faints on battle fields.
Who fights his battles through !
Now if you'll work, you gallant Whigs,
For Scott and Willie Graham,
We'll only let the Locoes tell
nonu ,i - i it 7 1
aj f . . e re-we.6na""?y em' .
u wnen the "hunting" Pierce boys talk
vJl "leathers"
Just let them know in Scott's war-hat
There ib not a feather while.
Hurrah ! Hurrah i Hurrah !
For Scott and Graham true,
They are the boys to lead thc fight,
The boys to win it too !
The man in jail who looked out ofthc
window of his cell, and exclaimed: 'This
wa grate country!5 is now generally ad -
muted to have Bpokcn within bounds.
Life and Services Of Geil. Scott.J companions. Scott was repeatedly coin
Winfield Scott was born near Peters-' manded to go below, and high alterca
burg, in Virginia, on the 13th of June, tions ensued. He addressed the party
in the year 1786. lie finished his stud-! selected, and explained to them fully the
ies at the College of William and Mary, ! reciprocal obligations of allegiance and
1 anj was atlmitted to the bar in 180G.
i After practising law in Virginia about a
: i o o
year, he cmurrated to S. Carolina, lant andiaithtul soldiers; and hnaily
J J , . ... ... .. , ,
Our difficulties with England caused pledged himself m the most solemn mau-
Congress to pass an act in April 1808 to juer, that retaliation, and, if necessary, a
to increase the army. Scott applied im-
, ... - ..
mediately tor a commission in one ot the .ioiiowtue execution oianyoneoi uiepnrty.
regiments about to be raised, and in May, In the midst of this animated harangue,
1808, was appointed captain of Light Ar- he was frequently interrupted by the Brit
tillcrv. ish officers, but though unarmed could not
War was not actually declared until be silenced."
! .Tiinr. 1S12. The interval between 1808
! and the declaration of war was one of j to England. As soon as Scott was ex
; great political excitement. Scott sided i changed, he proceeded to Washington and
with the Democratic party, supported the .reported the whole affair to the Secretary
I election of President Madison, and ap- j of War by a written communication.
j proved, advocated and wrote in favor of: This report was transmitted to Congress,
' war measures. and Scott, in personal interviews, pressed
j In July, 1812, Scott was commissioned .the subject upon the attention of meni
! Lieut. Col. in the 2d Artillery, and pro- bers. An act was accordingly passed on
! ceeded to the Niagara Frontier. In Oc- j the 3d ot March, lbli, vesting the ITes
! tober of that year Lieut. Elliot applied to j ident with the power of retaliation. In
j Scott for assistance in men, to capture the I an engagement soon after, Scott captured
j Adams and Caledonia, two British ves-; a number of prisoners. True to Jiis pledge
' sels of Avar then lying under the protec-! given at Quebec, he immediately selected
tion of the guns of Port Erie. The ves-, twenty-three of the number to be confined
I sols were both captured : but Elliot was j in the interior of the country, there to a-
compelled to abandon the Adams. She
got aground, and the British attempted
to re-take her, but were repulsed by the
I galantry of Col. Winfield Scott. This j The result of this firm resolution on the
i was the first time he had met the enemy part of Scott, and of the legislation con
i and here, as at every subsequent en-1 sequent upon his efforts, was, not only to
, . . , save the lives of the twenty-three Irish
jrajrement where he was first in command, ! . , . , , ,
Je c m . ( prisoners, but to compel England through-
j he was victorious . j ouit e remainder of the war to respect
A few days after, was fought the mem- .the rights of our naturalized citizens, by
j orable battle of Queenstown Heights virtually abandoning her claim to per
I Scott was the hero of the dav and covered ' Pet"al allegiance.
mmu uu Sium. imuiu xi iui ;
many hours, and was fought on the part j
of the Americans with most fearful odds
against them. The British army having
i ir . ii. i
I ttrk hnfttA I n cf nil toi 1
been re-inforced numbered not less than
. , , i-i.i -
thirteen hundred men, while the Ameri
cans were reduced to less than three hun
dred. Finding that the militia on the
opposite shore refused, or were unable to
cross to their aid, and that succor was
hopeless, Scott's heroicband were at length
compelled to surrender. But their gallant
deeds upon that day carried inspiration
to every American heart. The disgrace
of 1Iu1Ts surrender was wiped off the
taunts of the enein checked the char
acter of the American army redeemed.
Scott was carried a prisoner to Quebec.
While he was there, an incident occurred
which had a most important bearing upon
; the future conduct of the war, and is de
5 serving of particular mention.
At the time Great Brittain denied the
i right of expatriation. In other words, she
denied the right of any of her subjects to
become citizens of another country, con
tending that ther owed to her perpetual
According to this doctrine, 1
a native of Ireland, Scotland or England, j
' ; i
wno naa emigrated to tne umtea States
. and become a naturalized American citi-
i zen, remained still a subject of the Brit-
:ish government, and forfeited his life for
treason if found in arms against her. -
i - i ,- , - ,
jibe 1). States denied thdoetnne her
-niaUralization laws being founded upon
the opposite theory.
- i
While Scott wa3 a prisoner at Quebec,
,i u i n i a i c . i j, ;
the British attempted to enforce their doc-1
; tri"e of perpetual allegiance in regard to (
certain Irish prisoners found in the ranks '
j of the American army at Queenstown.
SThe following is a description of the
"Scott being in the cabin of the trans-'
I port heard a bustle upon deck and has-
itened up. There he found a partv of
British officers in the act of mustering the :
s -j . , i
: prisoners, and separating from the rest,
such as by confession or the accent of the (
j voice, were judged to be Irishmen. The
1 object was to send them in a frigate, then '
alongside, to England, to be tried and ex-'
j ecutcd for thc crime of high treason, they
I . , . Jt . . ,
1 beinrr taken in arms airarhst their native'
o ;
nlWiance. Twentv-three had been thus
j set apart when Scott reached the deck
t ' , . xl , ,
The moment Scott ascertained the object
of the British officers, he commanded his'"7 a i T- u a
ui u wii i the fight. American valor again triumphed
men to answer no more questions, in. or-! over tlie venteran regiments of Brittain.
dor that no other selection should be .
made bv the test of speech. He com-,
landed them to remain silent, and they
j strictly obeyed. Thi3 was done in spite
'of the threats of the British officers, and
I not another man was separated from his
I . -i-r .. 1
States would not fail to avenge their gal-
, . . ... .
refusal to give quarter in battle, should
J.n ii i- rii. l
i The Irishmen thus selected were sent
! bide the late ot the twenty-three Irishmen
j taken at Queenstown and sent to England
for trial.
erftl gcoU wag walk;nff alo one of the
wharves 0f New Yorkhe was hailed by
his old Irish friends for whom he had
interfered at Quebec. They had just been
"leau xmgiisu pribonb aim
now rushed to embrace him as their deliv-
At the capture of Fort George, on the
27th of May, 1813, Scott led the advan
ced guard. He landed on the Canada
shore of Lake Ontario, formed his com
mand on the beach, and scaled the banks,
behind which the British forces were
drawn up, fifteen hundred strong. The
action was short and desperate, but en
ded in the totol route of the enemy.
Scott was the first man to enter the fort,
and hauled down the British flag with
his own hands.
On the 10th and 11th of November,
1813, Scott defeated the enemy in two ac
tions, one at Eort Matilda, the other at
Hoophole Creek.
On the 9th of March, 1814, when only
twenty-seven years of age, Scott was pro
moted to the rank of Brigadier General
A few days after the promotion, Gen
eral Brown, the chief in command on the
Niagara frontier, left Scott at Buffalo, to
instruct and drill the army, which was
then concentrating at that point. Scott
had entire charge of this camp of instruc
tion for aoout turee months. The re-
?l m? apiino ana spirit winch his
fftnlnnnrc novo intncfwl infn I hn iVrtvflmvn
armjj -ere goon to be devcloped on the
fields of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane.
The battle of Chippewa was fought on
the 5th of July, 1814. bcott with 1900
1' U oiff Pj an rou-
ted with the bayonet 2100 of the veteran
troop8 of England the very flower of the
. armv. As the two armies annroached to
j rt
close quarters,Scott called aloud to M'Neils
battallion "the enemy say we arc good
at long shot, but cannot stand the cold
- . T ,, ,i i .t - .
iron ! I nnll unnn f.hft nmvnnt.n insr.nnfi v
to give fchc lie to that siander! Charge?"
They did charge. Before Gen. Brown
'could come up with the rear division of
' thc Ainerican army, Scott had already
wuji uiu UV) uiiu tvus in nub jmi&uib ui
1 the flvinn' enerav. f Iig British had
Deen beaten with their own boasted wea-
pon the bayonet
of the Boy-Gcncn
The valor and skill
General of twenty-eight had
vanquished all the boasted prowess ot her
world-renowned veterans.
Gen. Br0WD in bis offioial report of
this battle, says: " Brigadier General
Scott is entitled to the highest praise our
country can bestow. His brigade cover-
ered itself with Slorv"
Thc atle, of Lu"dy's (or,Nia
ara as at is frequently called, was fought
okj. -x- t..i ioia -..l
on me -coui oi uuiy, xoxt, ju&u uuee
- n - noW nfw tw. nf nin nnnwi I h int.
tie commenced about forty minutes before
V , f f " , 7
sunset and continued until midnight.
1 T-Tn nrvnin C2,-i4- woe rn ncf or cnlri f r
Scott had two horses killed under him,
was wounded in the side, but still fought
Vll till lllV UJ. M1U UilLbU., 11 ucu lie r u.a
prostrated by a wound in the shoulder.
This was the hardest fought battle of the
war. Our limited space will not allow a
more extended notice of its details ; and,
protection, assuring them that the umtea
. A ' . .
indeed, it would be superfluous to reca
pitulate the events of that glorious day,
familiar as they are to every American
school boy. Where so many have gath
ered imperishable laurels, it was truly a
proud honor for the youthful Scott to be
hailed by universal consent, "the Hero of
Lundy's Lane."
For his gallantry in these actions, Scott
was soon after promoted to the rank of
Major General. On November 3d, 1814,
Congress passed a resolution awarding a
gold medal to Major General Scott " in
testimony of the high sense entertained
by Congress of his distinguished sen-ices
in the successive conflicts of Chippewa
and Niagara, and of uniform gallantry
and good conduct in sustaining the high
reputation of the arms of the U. States."
Soon after the treaty of peace President
Madison tendered to General Scott, a
place in his Cabinet that of the Secre
tary of War. This complimentary offer
was declined from motives highly credit
able to General Scott.
Being still feeble from his wounds, he
soon after went to Europe for the restora
tion of his health and for professional im
provement. He was also entrusted by
the Government with important diplo
matic functions. He executed his instruc
tions in so satisfactory a manner that
President Madison caused to be written
to him by the Secretary of State, a spe
cial letter of thanks.
In 1832, Scott was ordered to take
command in the Black Hawk war. He
sailed from Buffalo for Chicago with near -
ly one thousand troops in four steamboats,
On the 8th of July, while on the voy -
age, the cholera broke out among the
troops with fearful violence. On the boat
in which Kxcn fccott saneu with two nun- oi the highest talents as a statesman and
dred and twenty troops, there occurred in ; diplomatist. A war considered inevita
six days one hundred and thirty cases of ble was prevented the honor of the coun
cholera and fifty-one deaths. After Gen- j trr preserved and Scott returned with
eral Scott had proceeded from Chicago . fresh laurels upon his brow, and " the
to the Mississippi lviver, the pestilence a- hero of Lundy's Lane'' was nailed on all
gain broke out among his troops. Du- sides as the " Great Pacificator?'
ringthe prevalence of this terrible scourge, ! The services of General Scott in the
his devoted attention upon his suffering Mexican war are of so recent date, and so
soldeiers excited the admiration of all who fresh in the recollectiou of the American
were present. In the language of a let- people and the whole civilized world, that
ter written at the time by an officer of the it is useless to do more than make a pas
army: " The General's course of conduct sing allusion.
on that occasion should establish for him j On the 10th of March, 1847, General
a reputation not inferior to that which he Scott arrived before Vera Cruz. On the
has earned on the battle field; and should : 14th of September, 1S47, he planted the
exhibit him not only as a warrior, but as stars and stripes over the National Pal
a man not only as the hero of battles, : ace in the City of Mexico. Within these
but as the hero of humanity." six months San Juan D'Ulloa, the A-
After the termination of thc Black merican G ibralter, was stormed, and the
Hawk war, General Scott and Gov. Bey- battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, San
nolds were appointed by the U.S. Govern- Antonia, Churubusco, Molinos del Hey,
eminent commissioners to treat with the ' and Chepultepec, were fought and won.
North-Western Indians in reference to all With less than ten thousand fighting men,
pending difficulties. In the various con-; he attacked and routed again and again,
ferences held with the deputations from thirty thousand of the best troops of Mex
the various tribes, it became the duty of ico, posted behind thc strongest fortifica
General Scott to conduct the discussions. ' tions, and fighting with the courage of
This he did with great ability and inge-; desperation. Nothing of military aehieve
nuity, and the result of the commission ' ment recorded in ancient or modern histo
was to procure a treaty, just to the Indi- ry, can excel the glory of that march from
ans and highly advantageous to the Uni- i Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico !
ted States, the Indians cedin"- the title I Such is a brief sketch of one whose
to more than ten millions of acres, being life has been devoted to the service and
a great portion of the lands of Iowa and glon' of his country and whose patriot-
After thc termination of the Black
Hawk war, and of the treaty with the
Indians, Gen. Cass, then Secretary of war,
wrote in reply to Scott's official report as
follows :
" Allow me to congratulate you upon
this fortune consummation of your ardu -
ous duties, and to express my entire ap-
probation of the whole course of your
jmi.cuuwgo, uuimg u. amies ui unuuuwua
requinng higher moral courage than the
operations of an active campaign under
-f.-i; r c
Directly after his return from thc Black
Hawk war, Gen. Scott was seut by Fresi-
dent Jackson on a confidential mission ot
great responBibility South Carolina nul- do f lfaj hcw tfor? gurol not bccausc
lification then threatened to embroil the
nation in civil war. There was imminent !t 1S conducive to health, for common ev
danger that the strife would at once be- eryday observation, as well as the exper-
gin between the citizens of Charleston and
the United btates troops stationed there.
.11 ' ,, r, j , n L
the laws ot tho Federal Government.
Q .., , 1 v ,. , .,
bcott s moderation and discretion while
. n, , , , ., . ..
at Charleston, saved the country from the
, n 1 in .ui-, P
horrors of civil war. The full history of
i 11 - ,1 .
ius valuable services on that occasion.
, , ,
oannot now be written, as much of it still
remains under the seal of secrecy. j
On the 20th of January, 180G General
Scott was ordered to take command in
the Florida Avar. There he did all that
the greatest military talent could accom-
plish. But the malice or envy of a brother ,
officer, by misrepresentations made to the '
President, procured his recall, for the .
purpose of having his official conduct sub-
jected to the opinion of a Court of Enqui-
ry. That Court, after lull investigation,
pronounced the charges against General1
Scott unsustained, and further that 4 lie
had bpeu zealous and indefatigable in the
discharge of his duties, and that his plan
of campaign was all devised and prosecu-
ted with energy, steadiness and ability. ;
Inl838,Jjeu. Scott was sent by the
resident to the Canada frontier then;
President to the Canada frontier then
aii. ii c .xl l ,i x-... 0 and stupifying to the
ouun iu ouum uarouna ac 1111s ume, was ... 1 1 1 i e
, :e mi- .... i- ..x . it is palateable. tor
tu iiiuvuiit., 11 uu&biuiu, any uirecb act oi - , f,r 1;
in a state of fearful excitement on account the times, are Christian Charity and Po
of the burning of the Caroline within thelitical Integrity.
American territory. The whole popula
tion of Northern New York seemed about
to march into Canada to avenge the wrong
which had been done to the national hon
or. The object of the administration was
to preserve the peace between the two
nations, until pending difficulties could
be settled by negotiation. For this pur
pose Scott was sent to the frontier. There
he labored night and day, passing rapidly
from point to point, superintending and
directing the actions both of the military
and civil authorities, and frequently, a
long a line of eijrht
hundred miles, ad
dressed immense gatherings of the excited
citizens. He succeeded in his mission be
yond theexpeetationsof the mostsanguine.
The peace of the country was preserved.
During the same year he Avas ordered
to the deliqate service of removing the
Cherokee nation beyond the Missippi.
Here he displayed at once the highest
degree of energy, sagacity and humanity.
The leading journals of the day were
filled with encomiums upon the conduct of
Scott in these services. The National In
telligencer of September 27th, 1838, says:
ft The manner in which this gallant offi
cer has acquitted himself within the last
3'ear, upon our Canada frontier, and late
ly among the Chcrokees, has excited the
universal admiration, and gratitude of the
whole nation."
In 1S39 arose the North Eastern Boun
dary difficult'. The disputed territory
was about to become the battle ground
betwen the troops of Maine and New
' Brunswick.
War was considered inovi-
j table. In this crisis, General Scott was
' again deputed by the Government to calm
' the rising storm. His able services on
j that occasion showed him to be possessed
ism is enlarged enough to extend to the
whole country. Born a Southern man
reared and educated among Southerners
he has fought and bled alike for the
North and South and to suppose that he
; could be willing to do injustice to either,
would be to declare the last forty years
1 of his life but a lie !
Wh Mm hcw TobacCO For?
. Tbis is a questiou 0ftcn asked. It is a
1 bifc d h U1 t00
, terrible hitny hamt ana now man, 100,
,.:if r.euz ,..,f;,.n' TKr rl tl.n
middle aged, the young, thc pooiyind the
rich, are alike guilty of this outrage upon
COmmon neatness and good health. What
ionce of physicians, prove that tobacco isj
hihiY injurious to the physical system,
mind. Not because
all the tobacco-chew-
overcome the sickening, nauseating ieel-
. i i 1 i?I rti,i ,ncfr
nirr produced before they could master
lt 0 1 ., , , (1 n nntinr.n fi,n
the gentlemanly habit ot bespattering thc
fo J. , i.t,. n.AAn
floors and carpets with the delectauicjuicc.
, . vrwTI,ir nnnw
Every one has to serve a regular appi cu
t. ,J. ... iv'1-.,vfn,S 1,0 t.q
ticeship at thc business beloie he can mas-
, .. 1
tor it
Th; besfc aMwer fco the quegtion pro.
3ej that wc have ever hcard,was given
b one ot- tjlose venerable meu not quite
jn tueir tcens,' in answer to the same
That does I chew tobacco for? why
t0 get tlC juice out oiCt why d'ye think?'
jf the mosfc enVeterate tobacco chewer
eall ;ve a better answer to- this ouestion.
wo sh0uld like to hear it.
A distinguished writer says, 'There is
but one passag0 jn the Bible where the
;rls !irf. nftmninniiftCi fnlrJss the men.and
that js the g0jen vuic Whatsoover ye
wouW that men should (lo unto you d0
SQ tQ t ,
Among the most prominent wants ot
Btiying on Trustt
Among the various customs which have
prevailed among mankind, there is none
more pernieions it its operations, more
unjust and oppressive than buying on
trust, and then letting it stand for days,
and months, nay, often years, before it is
paid. And in no place to which our ac
quaintance extends, is it so common and
general as in our own towns. It would
require but little effort to show that the
principle in itself is unjust. When an
individual sells an article, he expects to
realize an advautage thereby in an honest
way. But where is the profit, if he ha3
to wait six months or a year before it ia
paid? Is he not then robbed of his just
dues? But the case becomes more op
priessive still, if the person selling the ar
ticle is in limited circumstances, and de
pending on his income for his daily breads
He needs the monoy, and yet it is unlaw
fully withheld. Or suppose a mechanic
makes an article according to promise for
his customer; it is finished nnd taken away.
Now, the mechanic is in moderate circum
stances, and has a family depending up
on him for daily support ; he works hard
to meet the wants of his customers, sup
ported and encouraged by the hope of
obtaining the reward of his sweat and
toil; and not possessing any means in ad
vance, he hastens to complete his workr
J hoping to obtain his pay in order to buy
hj3 famiiy bread. But lo! the work is
taken awa', and the poor laborer is dis
appointed he must trust, he sighs in pain
not knowning where to obtain the neces
saries of life. Is there justice, is there
humanity in this? Can any man profes
sing the principle of common honestyr
pursue so disreputable and oppressive a
course. Is not this, for a time, robbing:
the honest mechanic of his due? And by
what right is it withheld? Has he not
earned his money? Who will withhold,
that which is not his own, and yet profess
to be an honest man.
But unjust and ruinous a3 it is to the
person who is thus deprived for a time of
what is his due, so injurious is it to the
individual himself who withholds it. It
must be paid at last,. and perhaps at a time
when most unsuitable. Besides, it multi
plies debts, increases pecuniary difficul
ties, until at last he finds himself unable
to meet the demands of hi3 creditors, and
becoming a bankrupt, many a poor honest
mechanic loses his all.
Take it then as you please, it is an un
lawful, unjust, disgraceful and inhuman
polic'. It has not the shadow of an ex
cuse. It admits of no apology. It is a
relic of barbarism and unbecoming a
christain people. Why purchase that you
cannot pay for! Why get an article that
you must purchase on trust? Would it
not be better to suffer, than buy on trust?
It certainly would be more honest. We
go against thc whole system from begin
ning to end. Tho only correct principle,
' aud tliC on ll0nest P0UCJ i3 casJl- True,
a single niuiviQuai caunoc arresi uie aim-
culty. As others do not pay him, he can-
j , A
not nav tor what he purchases. (Jne
forces the other into this unprincipled
course. It therefore requires a general
movement, the united action of the com
munity, and the general adoption of tha
cash system. In this manner this mon
ster evil could soon be remeved, and with
it these ten thousand evils which prey up
on thc vitals of social tide.
How can a man feel like a gentleman,
who is wearing and using things that are
not paid for? Does it not degrade him
in his own eyes? Does it not make him
feel a littleness, which an elevated, gen
erous mind would not bear? now can a
man feel his noble independence, who is
conscious of his numerous pecuuiary obli
gations? Let us be honest; let us be generous.
Let us frown down a system, however
general, which is sustained by the sweat,
and tears, & groans of the oppressed. We
go for Cash because it is honest & right
because it alone is consistout with tho
principles of morality and truth. Make
the effort! It can be done; sooner endure
privation for a while. When once over
come, you will feel that you are a free
and independent man, and that no mau
can accuse you ot haying wronged
honest laborer.
Once more we say, we go for the cash
principle, and shall use our utmost en
deavors to remove a policy that has
caused more tears, more distress and suf
cring, than any other existing evil owe
no man anything; do to others a3 you
wish thorn to do to you. hxkuirgc '