LICA THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ART OF B EINGHONEST. JEFFERSON. VOL. 12. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1852. No 37 Published by Theodore Scliocfc. TERMS Two dollars per annnuin in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, -will be charged 37 1-2 cents, per year, extra. . No papers ditcontinued until all arrcaragesarc paid, except at tne opuon oi me iuuor. Advertisements not exceeding one square (six- J marry the happy man or the Wlhap en lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar, J J ""rlv j. ;ind twentv-five cents for every subsequent insertion teen The Charge for one and three insertions the same A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. K7 All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid " JOB PRIKTOG. Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared to execute every description of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts -TnsJices. Lenal and other Blanks. Pamnhlcts. &c. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable J terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE Jcffersoiiiaii Republican. Good Night. Good night! All the toil-worn now repose, The weary day comes to a close, Hushed are the busy not a few Till the morning wakes anew, Good night! Now rerpsc! , Let the weary eye-lids meet, Now how quiet is the street, Hark the watchman's hourly cry, Tells him time is passing by, Now repose! Sweetly sleep! Now may many a heavenly beam, O'er thy slumbers sweetly stream, If of Paradise thou dream, And its radient splendors gleam, Sweetly sleep! Beautifying and Preserving Hair. The scientific American gives the fol lowing directions for making a beautiful hair oil, which may be of use to some of our readers, I Take a pint of olive oil and bring it up to 200 degrees of heat in a clean pan, (not iron) and add half an ounce of pear- j Katie could not help loving Frank Mi lash and stir well for ten minutes. Take not, and he knew it. He was certain she it off and set it to cool; when cold sed iment will be found at the bottom. Pour of the clear through a cotton cloth, and put it up in a bottle for use. The ; pearlash combines with the margerin acid ' in the oil, leaving tho olean, this will be free from odor. It can be colored red, - .. with garancm, (a preparation ol madder,; but hair oils should never be colored. All the hair oils of the perfumers are ! either of a red or yellow color. This is to please the eye of the buyer, who mis- takes an adulterated for a superior article Hair oils should be clear and nearly col- orless. By exposing the olive oil, refined ' Frank had to depend, was the power he J elsewhere the affections you have met with as described, to the sun, in well corked possessed over Katie's sympathies and coldness ?" bottles, it will soon become colorless, affections. The " duke" although just j 'But it is wrong sinful,' Katie remon limpid as water, and exceedingly beauti- the man for her in every other sense, be- strated." ful. Any person can thus prepare his ing blessed with a fortune, good looks, I 'Yes ; I know it !' said her husband own hair oil. I ana common sense had never been able i fiercely. 'It is the evil seed. And who An article in the ,Philosophical Trans- to draw these out ; and the amiable, con-' sowed that seed ? "Who gave me a hand actions,' says that if the ashes of vine ceited Mr. Frank was not willing to be- j without a heart who devoted me to the branches are boiled in ren wine, and tins lieve that she would suffer mere worldly fate of a loving, unloved husband ? Nay, (the liquid) applied milkwarm to the considerations to control the aspirations do not weep, and clasp your hands, and hair everv evening it will prevent the hair her heart. I and sigh for I say nothing you do not falling out. A mixture of good ; trom brandy and olive oil is good to prevent wnen he Passed her to decide his fate : " Very well," said Katie, calming her the hair from falling out by applying it " 0Il Frank ! 1 am sorry that we liavc , sclf i "x wiU not saJ your reproaches are with a SDonge before going to bed, and A. C KJ I j brushing the head well. The head must be well brushed when these lotions are' applied. By washing the head with ai solution of borax, say twice per week, j those predisposed to dandruff, will find a rx. f Zi. i pexu ui xi iu a cr ur t .1 j. wuuV noctaw, Aia., a woman was cnargea with murdering her husband, and em- nloved a Wal gentleman, whose name it is not necessary to mention, to defend bxr, Katie," said he, then, with a burst of flUaU yU U mhlC' Wc promising him two negroes as his fee. passion, " I know you love me. But you, J3ut the world !" said Katie, trem He undertook her defence, and contrary are proud ambitious selfish ! Now if bling. to the expectations of all she was acquit- you would have me leave you, say the " be world will admire you the same ted ; he called upon her for the two ne- nrfj j t n i and what more do you desire ?" asked groes, when she gravely informed him' that the negroes belonged to her daught- j ( er. Not relishing the idea of being chea-, " ted out of the negroes, he instituted a suit against her for perjury, which she defen- j ded and mulcted him for the costs ! In ' a short time she gave birth to an illemti-! mate child; made oath that he was the ' father, and compelled him to enter infn bonds for its support and maintainance, tiful, tearful face ; then clasped her to his according to the statutein such cases made Wmn and provided. j Dosom' . j She permitted the embrace. She even Fbodfor SkhAnvnals. The American 'gave way to the impulse of the instant, Vctcrhixmj Journal states that an excel- and twined her arms about his neck. en t a moment her resolution came to charge from the nostrils, the nmh may her aid and she Pushed hml tonL h3r be put into the manegcr while hot, with with a sigh. a yiqw of steaming the iial phages 44 SfiaU I go ? he articulated. Katie Yale's Marriage ; OR, LOVE AND LUXURY. BY J. T. TROWBRIDGE. " If I ever marry," Katie Yale used to say, half in jest, half in earnest "if ever 2y one, if you please shall be a person possessing these three qualifications : 'First, a fortune. 'Second, good looks. 'And thirdly, common sense. ' I mention the fortune first, because I think it the most desirable qualification of the three. Although I could never think of marrying a fool, or a man whose ugliness I should be ashamed of. still I think one with plenty of money would be preferable to living obscurely with a hand some, intellectual man to whom econo my might be necessary." I do not know how much of ibis senti ment came from Katie's heart. She un doubtedly indulged lofty ideas of station and style but that she was capable of dnnnnr. better feelings, none doubted. r , 0 , At the age of eighteen she had many Rnifnrs ; but. as she never rrave a serious w -w j o thought to more than two, we will follow her example, and discarding all except those favored ones, consider their relative claims. If this were any other than a true sto ry, I should certainly use an artist's priv- ilege, and aim to produce an effect by ma- king a strong contrast between the two favored individuals. If I could have my way one should be a poor genious, and somewhat of a hero, the other a wealthy fool, somewhat of a knave. But the truth is Our poor genius was not much of a ge genius nor very poor. He was by pro- fession a music teacher, and he could live very comfortably in exercise thereof without any hope, however, of attaining : to wealth. preferred his society to that of Mr. "Wei- j lington whom alone he saw fit to honor with the appellation of rival. j liis Mr. "Wellington (his campanions ' called him the " duke,") was no idiot or humpback, as I could have wished him to ( be, in order to make a good story. On: 7. . J I me contrary, uu was a man ol svwvf uu- ucation, good looks, and fine manners. Besides this, his income was sufficient to enable him to live superbly. Also, 1 he was considered two or three degrees handsomer than Mr. F. Minot. Therefore the only thing on which However, she said to him, one day, ever me "Sorry?" " Yes, for we must part now " " Part!" repeated Frank, turning pale It was evident he had not expected this. " Yes 3es " said Katie, casting down her eves -with another Diteous sigh. " o , , . . ..... ;.riu arouuu uur wai&t, wuuuui ueeumg ner teeble resistance; he lowered his voice, and talked to her until she the proud TCnti wmf inf 'fWW uw mnrmnr ,rA, , I ' " "" ' J J g j " You have decided?" whispsred Frank. "I have!" . " Then, love, farewell !" He took her hand, gazed a moment tenderly and sorrowfully upon her beau- A feeble yes fell from her quivering lips. And an instant later, she was lying upon the sofa, sobbing and weeping pas sionately alone. To tear the tenacious root 01 love ou of her heart, had cost her more than she could have anticipated ; and the certainty of a golden life of luxury proved but poor consolation, it seemed, for the sacri fice she had made. She lay long upon the sofa, sobbing and weeping passionately. ixrauuauy ner grief appeared to exhaust itself. Her tears ceased to flow, and at length her head was pillowed on her arm, and her face was half hidden in a flood of beauti ful curls. Tne struggle was over. The agony was passed. She saw Mr. Wellington enter, and a- rose cheerfully to receive him. His man ners pleased her ; his station and fortune fascinated her more. He offered her his hand. She accepted it. A kiss sealed j the engagement but it was not such kiss as Frank had given her, and she . could not repress a sigh! There was a magnificent wedding. Splendidly attired, dazzling the eye with her beauty, with everything around her swimming in the charmed atmosphere of fairy-land, Katie gave her hand to the man her ambition not her love had chosen ! j But she was not long m discovering ' that there was something wanting in her own breast. Her friends were numerous ; her hus band tender, kind and loving; but all the attentions and affections she enjoyed could uot fill her heart. She had once felt its chords of sympa thy moved by a skilful touch : and now they were silent motionless muffled, so to speak, in silks and satins. In short, Katie in time became magnificently mis erable, splendidly unhappy. Then a change became apparent in her husband. He could not long remain blind to the fact that his love was not returned, He sought the company of those whose gayety might lead him to forget the sor- row and despair of his soul; and impelled by powerful longings for love, he went i i . 1 A T i uzuny iu wium ms xiuuiu uy a suaugu uru. Katie saw herself now in the midst of a gorgeous desolation. She reproached her husband for deserting her thus ; and he answered her with angry taunts. " You do not care for me," he cried "then why do you complain that I bestow deserve to hear." undeserved. But granting that I am the cold, deceitful thing you call me you know this state oi things cannot continue. " Yes, 1 know it." " Well?" Mr. Wellington's brows gathered dark- ly; his eyes flashed with determination ; ms "Ps cunea mm scorn- j haye ma(Je min(j gajd - "that we should not live together any longer, lam tired of being called the husband or the splendid Mrs. Wellington I will move in my circle ; you shall shine in yours. I will place no restraint on her husband, bitterly, "This marriage of hands and not of'tdarls, is mockery. We have played the farce long enough. Farewell. I go to consult the terms of a separation. Nay, do not tremble, and cry, and cling to me now for 1 shall be liberal to you. As much of my fortune shall be yours as you desire." He pushed her from him. She fell upon the sofa. From a heart torn with anguish, she shrieked aloud 'Frank! Frank! why did I send you from me ? Why did I sacrifice love and happiness to such fate as this ? Why was I blind until sight brought me misery ?" She lay upon the sofa, sobbing and weeping passionately, Gradually her grief appeared to exhaust itself; her breath ing became calm. Her head lay peace fully upon her arm, oyor which swopt her disheveled tresses until with a start she cried " Frank ! oh, Frank, come back !" " Here I am !' said a soft voice by her side. She raised her head. She opened her astonished eyes. Frank was standing be fore her ! " You have been asleep," he said, kind- Asleep ?" zvna areaming, too. l should sav not pleasantly, either." " Breaming V murmured Katie; " and is it all a dream ?" " I hope so," replied Frank, taking her hand. "I came back to plead my cause once more and found you here where I left you asleep." "Oh, what a horrid dream!" murmured Katie, rubbing her eyes. "It was so like a terible reality that I shudder now to think of it! I thought I was married!" "And would that be so horrible ?" ask ed Frank. ' I hope then you did not dream you were married to me " " No I thought I gave my hand with out my heart." " Then if you gave me your hand, it would not be without your heart." " No, Frank," said Katie, her bright eyes beaming happily through tears-"and here it is." She placed her fair hand in his he kissed it in a transport. And soon there was a real marriage; not a splendid, but a happy one ; not fol lowed by a life of luxury, but by a life of love and contentment; and that was the marriage of Frank Minot and Katie. Bisset, I3ie asaimal Teacher. Few individuals have presented to strik ing an instance of patience and eccentri city as Bisset, the extraordinary teacher of animals. He was a native of Perth, and an industrious shoemaker, untill the notion of teaching animals attracted his attention in the year 1759. Heading an account of a remarkable horse shown at St. Germain, curiosity led him to exper iment on a horse and a dog, which he bought in London, and he succeeded in training these hevonn all eynpetntinn. Two monkeys were the next pupils he c j r took in hand, one of which he taught to dance ane tumble on a rope, whilst the other held a candle in one paw for his companion, and with the other played the These animals he also in structed to play several fanciful tricks ; such as drinking to the company, riding and tumbling on horse's back, and going through several regular dances with his dog. All this, it may be said, was very ridic ulous. No doubt it was; at the same time, the results showed the power of cul ture in subduing the natural propensities. Bissct's teaching of cats was a signal in stance of this power. Having procured hree Kittens, he began their education with his usual patience. He at length aught these miniature tigers to strike their paws in such directions on the dul cimer as to produce several regular tunes, having music books before them, and squalling at the same time in different eys or tones, first, second and third, by way of concert. He afterwards was in duced to make a public exhibition of his animals, and the well known Oats' Opera in which they performed, was advertised in the Haymarket Theatre. The horse, the dog, the monkeys, and the cats, went through their several parts with uncom mon applause to crowded houses ; and in a few days Bisset found himself possessed of nearly a thousand pound to reward his ingenuity ahd perseverance. JLhis success excited Bisset s desire to extend his dominion over the animal, in cluding even the featherod kind. He procured a young leveret, and reared it to beat several marches on the drum with its hind legs until it become a good stout hare. He taught canary birds, linnets and sparrows, to spell the name of any person in company, to distinguish the hour and minute of timo, and perform many other surprising feats. He trained six turkey cocks to go through a regular contra dance. He also taught a turtle to fetch and carry like a dog. Woman's Voice. ' The voice of woman gentlemen,' said a romantic individual, in a late argument at the club rooms, 'the voice of woman, no matter how much some of you may be inclined to sneer at the sentiment, exercises a soothing, an in spiring, a hallowing influence, upon the ear of man ; comforts him in affliction, en courages him in dismay, and banishes from his mind all those troubles which, when she is absent, conspire to sink him into the deepest despondency.' 'Tom ! you rascal,' exclaimed his wife at this instant, bursting into the room, 'come home, you loitering scamp, and leave these worthless fellows to themselves. 0 ! when I get you at home, won't you catch it ? Well, I guess you will !' Hero Tom left the room abruptly, with his en raged spouse, evidently satisfied of the inspiring influence of the 'voice of wo; man.' By Request. Sympalliy.bclwcuu Teachers and Parents essential to the highest good of the Pupils at School. The highest good of a pupil at school consists, not in the accomplishment, in respect to him, of merely one thing, but of several things, all of which are of vital importance. His highest good is positiv ely secured when there is begotten or roused up in him a genuine love of study which, under judicious direction, shall impel him onwlrrd in the discipline of his mind and the acquisition of the elements of useful knowledge, however numerous and severe may be the difficulties he .must encounter, and there is implanted -in his soul a due sense of his dependence and moral obligations, which shall render him orderly and obedient, and give birth to those noble desires without which no one can be a useful citizen, and demean him self as he should, in his appropriate place, on the stage of life. Teachers and pa rents have a great and laborious work to do, and, in many particulars they must labor conjointly to effect it, to achieve the truly highest good of the pupils at school. A. passage from the Hon. Mr. Webster's 'remarks to the ladies of Richmond, Virginia, October 5, 1840,' giving it an application suited to the purpose of this short article, may here be introduced with interest. 'If we draw within the circle of our contempla tion the' parents and teachers 'of a civi lized nation, what do we see? We behold so many artificers working, not on frail and perishable matter, but on the im mortal mind, moulding and fashioning beings who are to exist forever. We ap plaud the artist whose skill and genius present the mimic man upon the canvas ; we admire and celebrate the sculptor who works out that same image in enduring marble ; but how insignificant are these achievements, though the highest and fairest in all the departments of art, in comparison with the great vocation of human' parents and teachers! 'They work not upon the canvas that shall fail, or the marble that shall crumble into dust but upon mind, upon spirit, which is to ' ksfc for and wLicL is to b for i .. -i i i i !i. j . ' ,t frnnn or evil, xnrou'iuoni us uuraiion. me impress' oi the parent's and teacher s 'plastic hand.' For the highest good of the pupil at school, it appears to be im- ! portant, as a means coducive to the end, that the parents and teacher should, to an extent, be acquainted with each other. If they are, to an extent, acquainted with each other, the parents may cherish a more intelligent confidence in the teacher, while the teacher may learn the temper of the parents, their interest for the wel fare of the pupil, their government over him at home, and many things in respect to the scholar which, as the child's teach er, he ought to know. The obligation to effect a necessary acquaintance between the parents and the teacher, as the two parties so greatly responsible for the ed ucation of the pupil, is perfectly mutual. Let the teacher truly seek to become ac quainted with the parents of his pupils, and let the parents endeavor to become acquainted with the teacher of their chil dren. Perhaps the first step to be taken in the way of the cultivation of such an acquaintance, should be taken by the pa rents. The child who knows that there is a pleasant acquaintance between his parents and teacher, feels that he is the object of an interest of no ordinary cha acter. There should be a right understanding and sympathy between the parents and the teacher, in reference to tho studies of the pupil. Does the scholor love to study? Is he thorough in his studies? Is he ac quiring good habits of study? Is he mak ing, not a superficial, but a real progress in his studies? These are important ques tions. These arc questions which will be often asked by parents who are alive, as they should be, to secure the highest good I of their child at school. It they would have an affirmative answer to these ques tions, thev must discharge the duties which in the matter, by an appointment ' higher than their own, devolve upon them i j . If the teacher is assured that the parents! of his pupils arc faithful in in respect to' the points which have beon alluded to, as touching their children, he must be en-, couraged in his work, he must feel that 1 his labors are appreciated, and that an. influence is brought to bear upon him,! to make him a better teacher. If the ' child is assured, that, while his teacher Is ' particular in respect to his studies, to ' make him love to study, a thorough 11 , , i e li i.-i. e i J P , scholar, possessed of good habits of study, j and to advance, by a reasonable progress ( in the acquisition of knowledge, his pa- j rents also arc particular in respect to his studies; on the one hand, he must be en-; couraged and stimulated to strive after honorable attainments, and, on the other, ' compelled, by an appliance, with which' for effectiveness, the frown, tho sharp word, and the rod, can bear no compari son, to put iortn nis exertions lest he should occupy a, low and ignoble rank a-; mong his fellows, and m the estimation ol : society. In reference to the end to be accomplished, or the means to be used to secure it, let not the parents end the teacher, if possible, be at disagreement; for if they are at disagreement, tho con sequences, upon the child, mwt be disat- strous, greatly, if not fatally. Let parent in order to show the interset they feel that their children should be successful in their studies, and their sympathy with the teacher in hisiabors to impart instruc tion to his pupils as he should, as fre quently as possible, visit the school and listen to the recitations of the scholars, It is to be feared that in respect to tho studies of the pupil, there is, in many cases, but little, if any, sympathy between the parents and the teacher. Sometimes, the parents find fault with the teacher, because, as they think, their child is not put forward as rapidly as he should ber and sometimes because he is required to study beyond his abilities. Most children are not fond of study, and with their wishes and views many parents sympa thize, rather than with wishes and views of teacher. Not unfrequently in reference to the studies of the pupil, the teacher is obliged to contend for the highest good of the scholar, against the wishes and de mands as much of the unreasonable pa rents, as the indolent, reckless child. There should be a right understanding and sympathy between the parents and the teacher, in reference to the govern ment of the child at school. The govern ment of the child should be essentially the same in the family and in the schooL No pupil can study well at school unless he is governed well. Let the parents as well as the teacher understand this. Generally children at home and at school are restive under restraints, and feel that they are competent to be their own mas ters. If the teacher cannot maintain or der or good government in his school, he had better, at once, abandon his profes sion. It is a difficult thing, in many in stances, for the teacher to govern his pu pils as they ought to be governed for their highest good. Let the parents bear this in mind, and give the teacher their sympathies. The teacher may, in a giv en instance, be worthy of censure for his treatment of his pupil, but in such a case let the parents be careful, lest they injure their child, by taking sides with him, and giving him their sympathy too directly and vehemently. The writter of this ar ticle has had the difficult honor of ac ting in the capacity of a school committ-tee-man. He may be allowed to insert the following from his memoranda of school-committee incidents. The mother of a lad, from eleven to thirteen years of age, entered a complaint against the teacher for mal-government of her boy. The teacher had punished the child for falsehood. The mother's anger was kindled against the teacher, and she knew that he was to blame. The committee-man promised that he would in vestigate the case, and let her know the results, at an appointed time, and that justice should be done to her and the lad. Upon a faithful examination, the committee-man found that the teacher had pursued a very wise and proper course in respect to the child. At the mother, with the boy, called upon the f?j committee-man to ascertain the results or his investigation. Immediately the fath er, in the presence of his son, flew into a passion, and while praising tho child cs incapable of doing a wrong, denounced the teacher as unworthy to remain a day lnnrrnr nf. flin lirirl of thn snlinnl nrtA fnl- Wi led him by all the hard names ho was a ble to command. At length said the committee-man to him, 'Sir, as a father do you know what you are doing to your child? Here he is listening to these your groundless and abusive remarks. You are teaching him a lesson for which, sooner or later, you will, I doubt not, be very sorry. Sir, your son has deser ved the correction he has at the hands of the teacher, and I most heartily sustain his teacher in his treatment of him.' The subject of this brief article is one of vast importance. Let it engage the attention of able writers A fellow whose countenance was home lv enough to scare the-old one, was giv- . somcextra flourishes iiva publichouse, L ' wnuu uu was uust-ivtm uy a aau0, nuu asked him if he did'nt fall into a brook when he was young, i yiiat a0 vou mean. you impertinent scoun(jrej ? 'Why, I don t mean nothing, only you've got such an all-fired crooked mouth I thought as how you might have fell in l brook wUcn you was a baky ana Vour , , , . mother hung -ou up by the mouth to . J 1 J Qrv : A new kind of tobacco is cultivated in some places in Maryland. It is named Persian tobacco, is of a beautiful color, and commands a high price. A Maine editor says that a pumpkin, somewhere in that State, grew so large that eight men could stand around it. This is something like the man who saw a nock of blackbirds so low that he could shake a stick at them. There is a story of a man who was so anxious to make a noise in the world, tht he had left orders when ho died to have his s; in tanned and made into a drum. II