1 1 THE WHOLE ART OF GOVERNMENT CONSISTS IN THE ART OF 1) KING HON EST. JEFFERSON. VOL. 12. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1852. No 3G. published by Theodore Schoch. TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2 cents, per year, extra. No papers ditconlmued until all arrearages arc pant, except at the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (six teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The Charge for one and three insertions the same. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. ID All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JOB PRINTING. Having a general assortment ol large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared to execute every descnptionof Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, niank Receipts Justices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, &c. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE .Tcffcrsouia.ii Republican. Lines BY WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. The May sun sheds an amber light On new leaved wood and lawns between But she who, with a smile more bright, Welcomed and watched the springing' green, Is in her rrn vr Low in her grave. The fair white blossoms of the wood In groups beside the pathway stand; But one, the gentle and the good, Who cropped them with a fairer hand, Is in her grave, Low in her grave. Upon the woodland's morning airs The small birds'mingled notes are flung: Butshe whosT voice, more sweetthan theirs, Once bade me listen while thev sung. Is in her grave, Low in her grave. That music on the early year Brings tears of angush to my eyes; My heart aches when the flowers appear, J , -r,.,., i nor wnen i uiiuk oi ner wno lies AYithin her grave, Low in her grave. teething, cool fever, satisfying thirst, and A Passing Thought. Rothschild is ' aliay fretfulness. Those who do not be forced to content himself with the same j neve an infant will become thirsty so as sky as the poor newspaper writer, and ' to require watcrj suoud try tlie experi the great banker cannot order a private j ment of gratifying their own desire for sun-set, or add one day to the magnifi-' drink oa milk sweetened with sugar. cence of night. The same air swells all lungs. Each one possesses really only his own thoughts and own sense, soul and body these arc the property which a ' man owns. All that is valuable is to be ' had for nothing in this world. Genius, ' oeautv, and love are not bought and sold. Ynn mnv hnv n snarVKner hranolpt W , j . :, i uu. weu u,ueu axxu w u. xm pwu , wnicn it snail vie. xne nenest banner on earth would vainly offer a fortune to wnto a verse niie uyron. Une comes into the world and goes outnakc tuu um6it iU wv ixo ui uit vx linen tor a snroud is not much. Man is a handful of clay, which turns quickly bauk 1 arrain imtn dtisf i am UPt? dUSt -v,.n,. , Those who love good tomatoes will lake pains to cultivate them so as to insure cusui near as may ue m uioii iuu pei- fechon. There is no other fruit that de-' i- j.t-: r.-vi nguui mure m air auu buu,xuu tuau iue tomato. They should have, therefore, a-' bundance of room, and the vines be sus- brush firmly set around the plants,answer the nurnose better than nnvothprmphhod. x J The branches have room to extend them- , T . n limua UA luu , brush keen them in their positions. Bv : uiib metnou me lruit is more iuny exposeu to the genial influences of the air and sun shine; whereby it attains a more delicious flavor, larger size, and comes quicker to maturity. 1 1 j xi j. a z x 1 1 1 i A man on getting out of an omnibus a ' purchased a portion ol the property the readily detect the fraud. The milling a fewdays ago made use of two rows of Slte aml tue ruins of tIie temple included. ' round the edge will be found brokeu,and mees as bannisters to steady himself, at the Paw-Knee tribe. The other a M, r.: c.v I wnicn the ladies took offence, and one ot J- was viewing tne temple tney ail came may be observed protruding from it, them cried aloud, 'A perfect savage! ; outf of their boarding-house from dinner.! The coin, too, is thin in the middle ' oaiu a wail maim;, -iie neioiips lo rri.:- 7 I , o , j.iiuii wii;i"ua3 herself unwell, sent for a dockland de-'la bclle France made me almosfc fancy clared her belief that she was 'pisened,' j I was viewing a ruin in an older country, and that he (Sniffkins) 'had did it!' 'I ( One group were gesticulating and laugh uidn t do it!' shouted Sniff kns. 'It's all , mn- over the face of one of the ornaments gammon, she isn't poisoned. Prove it, : doctor, open her upon the spot I'm wil hng.' A sick man was told that nothing would flllrn I,,.-.. . . O 'Then I nine A;n said he; 'I don't h H j out a pint." jt Letters to Mothers. In a series of articles, under this head Mrs. Swisslielm is giving to mothers many valuable practical hints, that are well worth their serious attention. In the following, she shows that she under stands how to treat the responsibility she recently had devolved upon her: We were not a little amused a few days ago at the surprise of a lady on learning we were in the habit of giving our baby drinks of cold water. She started as though we had expressed a determination to throw her into the river. 'You will kill her!' she exclaimed, in affright, look ing yearningly at her own pale child, just recovered from 'a bad fit of teething!' 'She looks like dying!' was our answer, lancing from the chubby, rosy face our water drinker to the genteel, sallow visage of her well cared for boy, who had a doctor to help him to get two teeth. The answer was past gainsaying. She was sadlv puzzled, and murmured, 'true 1 that's true but' and she could not mafc it out. The incident reminded us to re mind you, that as warm weather is com ing at last, babies, as well as other peopb will be more troubled with thirst thai they have been during the last five winter months. As water is very plentiful thi; season, there is no rreflfc reason whv nnriimes action is less body should be put on short allowance.- put ! Yerv few babies will drink more than half a pint in twenty-four hours, allowing -ifor waste au(1 ifc would bo worth while , to retrench household expenses in many 'c xr i i T. .regular, wnne on tne rums siue, uoove ways, if necessary, to afford the baby afi e,, t i i , , i an" below, tney are extremely irregular jinueh water as he would drink. Beside , n(i fnner.likp j water is the best mouth wash, and by put- j Mr. C. is now 4G years old, and has J ting a napkin under the chin, and holdinr ; been thus affected from the time of his j a glass of water to the child's lips, he:.1)irfh This.is onc of th.ose cur.ious cases . will most effectually and pleasantly washi?1 T f i T Si n T U - . j fects of mstense fright with the parents are jnia mouui m his awkward attempts to drink. This will prevent sore mouth. will relievo the gums when inflamed from Thti late Hormoa City, ZYanvoo. This deserted city of the Mormons once held 20,000 inhabitants ; there are now about 2,00,1 One half of the houses the Mormon left have been removed or nulled ! down, and the other half tpnantW TZnr.h infnn;.,i t n.: i. , , , , . -r . . , , lto aeserteu streets i started several quails, X11 M.t uiiusi ui iuu pupuiuus uilv. The mansion of Joe Smith is kept by his wife ; once his widow, but now aain a wife of another and a live man- -nan taven, Between tin, mansion and tne ...j m remains oi tiie liimous Hotel, which was abandoned after its walls had reached ; the second story; the walls are of the fine ' i i. i -n 1 1 -it -.i PrC8Sed Tbnck' Wlth luarWe door-sllIs and caps. Joe s storehouse is also standing. ! ThQ Masomc llall 1S a fine brick Duildj1fr. tiYQQ storifiS high j am fod that aU th(j I Arnrinnn. ,rprfl 1T1ncnn ! Lormons were masons. Thpir Inilanl was under fche jurisdiction of thc Lodge of tho gtato of Iliuois j o . am toW ini'tiated some f mothew j- ' churcb tlQ chartep frQm them and the lod elose(L Thc fronfc the vegtibul are aU ?arc ! - , , . ...... i mg oi tne acmevement 01 lanaticism, cal- m i 5 i- xi - led 'the temple,' which, as the inscription on a large stone, worked in the . ... inner , wail, lniorms tue visitor, is 'The House op the Lord, dutlt by the Church of Jesus Christ, nf Tsiffr Tin 11 . Saints, COMMENCED April Gth, 1541.' A company of French socialists have iucy number about tour hundred. While pect and clothing, as they grouped about the stones of the temple to i , t i i n ill smoKe tneir pipes ana lais prouamy oi whicli decorated each Column, which I cannot describe better than by referring the reader to the picture of a full moon, which usually ornaments the cover of a Dutch almanac. Madison III.) Courier. Thp strongest string yet known i.- .aid , oe i string oi mvm A Singular Freak of Nature. The Editors of the Gharlston Mercury say that they were visited a few days since by a gentleman named K. II. Cope land, native of Laurence District, S. 0., but now residing in Hard county, in this State, who presents, in his peculiar organ ization, a very remarkable natural phe nomena. His right arm and hand and right leer are intected in such a manner as to exhibit in every movement the nature and motion of a snake. The arm effect ed is smaller than the other, its muscular developments different, sensation much Jess acute, and its actions altogether be yond the control of his will. The motion of the arm seemed to be impelled by a separate aud distinct volition or an in- ofstiuct entirely its own. The character of the movements is shaped, to a considera- ble extent by external circumstances ; at any sudden noise, startling appearance or the like, the arm sometimes forms it self into a coil the head darting from coil as if in the act of striking; at other the times the arm and hand have the move ment of a snake under full headway mak ing his escape, the limb preserving the peculiar tortuous motion of the reptile. At such times the rapidity of the motion is truly astonishing. The action of the affected part is continuous. The mucles are never entirely at rest, though some- 1 . .i less intense than at , right eye has a snakisk jook, wiucn is not to uu seuu in tnu icii.. jntt in the iormation or lis teetu tne con frast is singularly striking. On the left side of the mouth, both in the upper and lower jaw, the teeth are well formed and regular, while on tne right siue, a Dove SCn in the unnatural organization of the offspring. An Awful Monster. CROSS OF THE MAX, DOG, HOG, AND COW We Saw this morning the dead body of one of te most singular natural cunosit ies which we have ever beheld. It was what purported to be the carcass of a calf but resembling in its conformations any thing but a call. The head which measured in circumstance, just above the ears, 3 feet and 3 inches bore a striking and startling resemblance to the human head. From above the eyes to the back of the neck it presented a perfect resem blance to the head of an old man tin uair anu iociJS Doing ot tne 'silver gray order and the whole bearing an exact resemblance of what an old man's head would be were ifc enlarged into Brobdig nagian proportions, xne iornead was smgularly perfect, giving a striking de velopment of what the phrenologists call the 'reflective faculties. The under iaw . . . ,i ,ii . - i . land SSbbto appearance, with eyebrows somewhat re sembling those of an old man. But the kdy was no less remarkable than the head. The monster, was of no sex and possessed the feet of a hog-the tail of a dog and a body covered with white hair like that of a grey-hound. Thus this remarkable curiosity has in combination some portions of the human, the hog, the cow, nl f Tin After species. It is tho property of Elisha Hull, of Berlin, who has brought it to tins city to sl0W it to those curious in such matters. Troy Budget. Gold Dollars. The. Philadelphia Pufc Ledf r gcs thc fol bwing caution to those who may chance to handle the may 'little jokers.' 'Split gold dollar pieces are rapidly multiplying, and caution can not be too often repeated to be on the look out for them. The piece, by some fine and ingenious machinery, is split in two, about onehalf of the coin extracted, and j the plundered sides very nicely stuck to- jgether again, the face of the piece not at ' all scarred or iniured. A little oaro will very generally a pewter colored cement 'Sonney, where is your father?' 'Father' is dead, sir.' 'Have you any mother?' 'Yes, I had one, but she's got married to Joe Duklin, and dosen't be my mother and longer: cause she says she's got' nuff to do to 'tend to his young uns.' 'Smart boy; here's a dime for you.' 'That's ye, sir: that's the Way I gits my livin'.' , 'How?' 'Why. by tellin' big yarns to greMiys like you, at a dime a pop.' From the North American " Young America" has triumphed, but atthexjost of its bold and energetic leader. Cass aud Buchanan have fallen, it is true, but Douglass fell with them. It was long since predicted by me that, much as the two great rivals hated each other, they both hated the new spirit that em bodiment of -a new era and a new ele ment still more. Manifest destiny, therefore, clearly exhibited to the vision of all but the willfully blind, that as soon as Cass and Buchanan were defeated, they would bur' the hatchet and combine a gainst Douglass. Time has fulfilled the prophecy. The epitaphs of the trio are written. They arc beyond the reach of rival, now or hereafter. The onlv com manding statesmen of the party have been kicked aside, because the' were promi- went and of national name. Their dis- notion was the active influence which pre- cipitated their downfall. Under the pres ent system, no man of conspicuous char acter, of elevated merit, or of public po sition, can be nominated in a Democratic Convention. None but a negative candi date, who has crossed no man's path; who has no history and no merit ; who has been retired from general observation, and yet known in local management, and who is convenient for every requisite pur pose, will ever be chosen. How can it be otherwise ? Gen. Cas3 was the manifest choice of the Convention, and yet he was discarded. Mr. Buchanan was nearly an equal favoririte, and yet he was overshad owed. Let such men affect to acquiesce as much as they may, it is a trait of hu man nature to rebel against such imposi tion. They know better than the country does that Mr. Pierce has superseded them, withoutservices,and without qualifications, and for the reason that he is compara tively unknown, and has no record in his Congressional life better than that of a thousand others of undistinguished equals. The nominations have fallen upon the pariy with a chill of almost universal dis approbation. It is difficult to realize that so larefaced and so whosesale a dispar agement of claims should have been at tempted. In no quarter, and in no in terest, is there satisfaction. Surprise and indignation prevail. Mr. Pierce is a man of Mediocrity, allowing him every charit abb consideration. He has done noth ing, and said nothing, that can be recall ed to his credit. His father kept a tav ern "down east," where he acquired easy anl jovial habits. He is regarded as what the world calls a "good natured fellow," of rather liberal disposition, but with a calculating nature, below it, which never allows him to be betrayed into mis taken generosity. As a soldier, he came j back from the Mexican war with little reputation other than that which the mag nanimity of the superior officers conceded in official reports. To their friendly feel ings he is more indebted than to his own achievements. It was his misfortune to faint and fall from his hor3e, at a moment of peculiar importance, when the enemy were in view, and when battle raged. Per haps it was a defect of constitutional or ganization. I do not mean to challenge his courage, but the fact is historical. Mr. King has been in public life some way other, for forty years. Good man ners, starched address, and thc careful cultivation of social and political propri eties, are his only recommendations. Ho nover was guilty of originating an idea, of shaping a measure, or of directing a movement. His career has been one of decent and staid forms. He is a follow er, and therefore has nevor interfered with others. In him the perceptive instincts of power have always been strong and profitable. With a contracted mind and a ceremonious deportment, as much stud ied as the tie of Beau Brummel's cravat was, he has attained more position than any equally unprovided living man. It proves the value of good breeding, and illustrates what limited resources are ca pable of accomplishing. This feeble ticket is another attempt of tho Democracy to demonstrate that little talent and less statesmanship are required to conduct this government. But such experiments cannot be repeated with suc cess. Mr. Polk was vastly superior in mental powers and in attainments to ei ther of the present candidates, and indeed to both combined. In adopting a Gen eral, our opponents hoped to overcome a threatened obstacle to surress. .1 hey blundered in h cting n pmllv dr-ti- tute ol deeds; and of glory. His laurels have not yei been won, nor are they likely to be upon the field which is now chosen for he contest. It was a consid erate compliment to "Old Fogyism" to adopt for the Yice Presidential candidate one who can count his three-score and ten years, and who is the very incarnation of all that i fogyish ; quite as much so indeed as a political fossil, with the marks of an antediluvian age. There are some striking features con nected with these events, which are wor thy of notice. Mr. Scott's thirteen res pondents were all brought down at one discharge. !Not a man of them survives. They were doomed victims from thc hour in which they consented to dishonor them selves and to degrade the chief magistra cy by pledges, thc execution of which would have outraged the constitution, and entirely revolutionized the government. They willingly engaged to employ thc veto, to overthrow the law-making pow er, and thus to establish a partizan des potism. It was an ingenious contrivance, that of Mr. Scott, to cut down the tall popies at one sweep of the political scythe, so that the heads ol short ones might be come vissible. He succeeded; and. as if to mark the design the more distinctly, it ' j was the Virginia delegation which, first ot all others from the South, adopted Mr. Pierce. Mr. Marcy lacked one vote, on ly, of carrying the patriots from the "Old Dominion.' While the nominee is thus obliged to one Scott for his present dis tinction, he will, before six months, be no less indebted to another Scott for his future defeat. There is an ommous sig nificance iu that name Winjteld, which the plainest can interpret. More than thirty thousand living soldiers of all the wars from 1812 down to that of Mexico, and their descendants and immediate kin, numbering one hundred and twenty thou sand more, scattered like so many mis sionaries all over the Union, hail it with enthusiasmand gratitude hail it as Con stantine did the glory in the Heavens under this sign thou slialt conquer ! As long as the two-thirds rule prevails in Democratic Conventions, so long will small and negative men only be selected as candidates. The effect is, therefore, to cheapen the Presidential office by invi ting a swarm of incompetent competitors. No aspirant of mark who has ever made a figure in public life can be selected. The absence of distinction is a positive recommendation. Under this order Cass and Buchanan were excluded ; men who, whatever he their political associations ; are identified with the history of the coun try and at home and abroad arc recog nized as distinguished leaders. They have been hustled out of doors, and pitch ed into a corner as so much old rubbish; while an invention of accident a mere skeleton of a candidate, without flesh or muscles is imposed upon the country as the exponent of a party ! They christen this creation "Young Hickory of the Granite Hills." That is the cry and the only recommendation. If "Old Hickory" could rise from the dead, he would re venge this insult to his memory ; and if he could have appeared at Chapultepcc, where the fall of General Pierce was sig nalized, he might have put it beyond thc power of party to wrong a name which he cherished as the symbol of his character. Thev are strange materials of which " Hickorv" is made now-a-davs. Mr. . j v Polk wa3 "Younk Hickory," in his fash ion. He made war, it is true, but took care to be out of the range of ik artillery. Mr. Pierce was in battle, but fell early m the engag rement from his horse. So it is for this prowess he is to inherit the title of " Young Hickory," junior. " Thc platform" is a characteristic af fair. It endorses the Declaration of In dependence, reaffirms the gutta percha resolutions of '93 and '90, which have seen such hard service for half a century, is silent on the Maine liquor law and tho llochester rappings, and exorcises the de parted sprite of the National Bank, which like some dark demon seems to haunt the bed curtains of restless Democracy. Those arc the standing generalities the old land-marks, as they are lamiliarly called. But it goes farther and declares that there is no constitutional power to improve our rivers and harbors, and that tho gen eral government should not lend its aid to protect that immense internal commerce in which the prosperity of hundreds of millions of dollars, and the safety of tens of thousands of lives are annually involv ed. Again, for thc benefit of Pennsylva nia and the manufacturing States, and by way of putting tho iron heel more effec tually upon the neck of suffering domes tic industry, already prostrated by Loco foco legislation, tho platform asserts that "justice and sound policy forbid thc Fed eral government from fostering" it. Af ter affirming a bundle of truisms which no body ever dreamt of disputing, and which contain a direct impeachment of tho in telligence of the American people, this precious document concludes with an eu logy upon the " justice and necessity of the Mexican war,'1 uit of which th .-"c ti "n;il rontror md litiwH "n gr' Upon the compromise, the platform is politic. It avoids all thc points of danger presented by Mr. Scott. Nothing is exacted but to abide the settlement remember, not approve it and to " ad here" to the faithful execution of the laws. That is to say, while the laws exist, they ought to be respected, as every good cit izen admits ; but there is no injunction a- gainst amendment or modification, except qualifiedly, aud no mention of the veto. This is the length and breadth of thc whole affair, and was designed for the accommodation of thc Free Soilers, Gid dinga, Hantoul, Chase, Cleveland, Preston King; and the Abolition wing of the par ty, under the name of the "True Democ racy," have attained their object and tri umphed. They can afford to take Mr. Pierce on their own terms, although tho ticket is balanced with an avowed seces sionist. Notwithstanding the admitted weakness of this ticket, it should be no part of our policy to despise it. A prudent General, in order to socure his victory should assumo the strength of the enemy to be at least equal, if not superior, to his own. The same precautions are equally necessary in politics. Our opponents have a facul ty of uniting their forces, even when most embittered by party strifes. Disregard ing all principle, they consult but the one object of regaining ascendency, and through it a distribution of the Spoils. A Whig triumph now will settle the polit ical complexion of the country for many years to come, and determine its legislation. A glorious and unprecedented success is within our reach. Shall we reject it or take a doubtful chance ? If we have reasonable union and concert, the result will be overwhelming. Gen. Scott's name, services and character offer a certainty which no other candidate presents. He will sweep the couutry. When Gen Harrison was nominated iu 13-10, thc whole South rose up in arms against him, and, although of Southern birth, he was denounced as an " Aboli tionist" and a " Granny." The disap pointment resulting from Mr. Clay's de feat at Harrisburg created an open schism r and feelings of indignation were freely vented. Tried and fathful Whigs declared, they would not support him. And yet hia majorities in the South were never ap proached by any other candidate before or since. In 1848 Mr. Clay was again set aside, and for the last time. The scenes in the convention of that year are familiar to all. Thc nomination of Gen. Taylor was coolly received by a large portion of the party throughout the Free States. Yefc he, too was triumphantly elected. These memorable examples are full of instruction. They show what has been accomplished under the most adverse ap pearances. Gen. Scott's nomination will rally the party as with the blast of a bu gle. It will penetrate every section. Ifc will nerve every man's arm. It will cheer every Whig's heart. It will bear along the prestige of that victorious name which never yet was tarnished with defeat. Ifc will inspire enthusiasm. It will wake up the dormant energies of the party. Ifc will rally to our standard tens of thous who have have heretofore gloried in Dem ocracy, and it will secure a-Whig Admin istration, faithful to the Union, the consti tution, and the country. Without desiring to disparage Mr. Fill more or Mr. Webster, can either of them give such assurance ? Can the party, in its now enfeebled condition, and with the power and patronage of a majority of the States operating against us, undertake this canvass with well grounded hopes, under such auspices? Thc very men who will urge these candidates in convention, arc those who admit the superior advan tages possessed by Gen. Seott. Let us reflect, aud then act. Independent. Wtat is a Fop ? A Mr. Stark, in a. lecture before thc Voting Men's Association of Troy, N. Y., thus defines a fop : " Thc fop is a complete specimen of an outside philosopher, lie is one third col lar, one" sixth patent leather, onc fourth walking stick, and the rest kid gloves and hair. As to his remote ancestry there id some doubt, but it is now pretty well set tled that he is the sou of a tailor's goose. Professor Ilanuibal, the colored lectur er in the Now-York Picayune, commenc ed one of his last discourses in tho fol lowing feeling manner: 'Feller Trablers Ef I had bin a catin dried apples for a week, an don to driuk- iu for a month, I cood'nt feel more swel'd up dan I am dis minuit wid pride an wanity at seein snob full 'tendence bar bis cbenin; an wen I refleck dat it am rite in de wite washin sceson, wen de bruddem am seen a gwain round de trects alookin like ole Gypshun mummies presarved in lime, an de sisters am up to dar ankle. in de skrubbin time, my heart yarns to wards you, like a peeco ob Ingin rubber nic a hot stobo, an I feel dat I hab an afilicshun for you dut notting can eatrai or vrin, I frrit now which; -c on' ',ia list "1 -im 'i-' ller. ono