t V 1 -Iron and Elrass Etocizail.ry. The subscriber takes this method of informing the public generally. 4jnd mil lers and farmer.?, especially, that having purchased of Mr. Samuel linden, late 1 i .1.. C 11 T. .-. ..-r.-.:... nf flin Sf.rnm(QlnirT I'linnnrv l all his Patterns and Fixtures,' he has re-'! 1 .i : x- 1 . 1 J. m 1 narsville, Monroe co., Pa., and having in- I - lncLitflie is prepared to exceute all or ders in his line of business, in the manner and witlLdespatch, and th public. He will manufacture cast and-i wrouirht iron work of all descriptions, in-i eluding Mill Gearing, for flour and other mills, mill screws,:, bark and corn mills, together with east ings of every . description turned and fit ted un in the best possible manner. As particular oare will be taken to employ J none but the -best workmen, and no pains will be spared, he feels confident of be iiisr able to give general satisfaction. Al '3 o SO made to order. BRASS CASTINGS such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon Boxes, Aie., wilL:be made to order. Uuj copper and Brass taken in exchange at the highest price. Patterns made to or der. Threshing machines' and Horse rowers of the most approved construction, will be furnished "to order at the shortest n tice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves &c., on hand or made to order, for sale whoioale or retail. of the most approved plan will be kept on hand, and every variety of plow castings on hand and for sale. Wrought iron mill work will be done on the most reasonable terms. The best kind of sled shoes and-polished wa gon boxes and hollow ware will always be kept 6u hand. JACOB STOUFPER. Januarf 1, 1352.-ly THIS IS A G n K A T C 0 U NT R Y, AKD MANYTsYSTERJSS IH IT I IfJtolcsale and RelmlJZool and Shoe Store. F" OH I'? Subscriber takes this method to m JL Iwnn the public that' lie has just re ceived at his Store, opposite Messrs. Miller & Brother and nearly opposite T. & P. Mis sell's store, in Hamilton street, a large as .'itmei.i ol Boots anh S1)C0, decidedly the largest, cheapest UiiU CCOL. HUH HI UdSlUtlf a l.e is selling for cash, and is de termined not to be undersold by any other establishment, accor-l uiiii: n nit: tim.it. His asortmeut consists of Cn"res Gaiters, .Women'c Gut s Hail Gaiters, Jenny LinJs, Slippers, Bjsliins, anl a large assortment of children's glUPfi. &C &.C. m ALSO. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots, nnd S!ugs of every variety, all made of Hie t est materials, and experienced workmen (.indt-r his own superintendence.) Orders for work to be .made by measure, and lepaiiing of all kinds, promptly-attended tn as heretofore. A continuance of he fa vrs of a libreal commor.'.ty respectfully so-lR-ited. THADDEUS SCHOCH. Easton. May 7. lS51. Cure of Consumption. Liver Comfdainl, CoUls, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung Lom jdaiuts. have published a brief work on Consum ption, which. contains an invaluable recif lor the cure of these prevalent dseases.bven 111 their worst stages, when friends and phy sicians have given up all hope. The Lung balsam prescribed in this work Cures without the expensive aid of physicians or injurious use of patent medicines. In adopting this Sys tem of Cure the patient knows what he is us- Unows that he is not shortening his days by the use of anodynes or mercurials, wiiit h may seem to Re lie re but never Cure. lie knows when using this Life saving Bal sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, uffica- cuus remedies, such as ftrtture prescribes for the ills her children suffer. The ingredi- j ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain- able (cheaply too.) where ei consumption I exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote., Consumptive patients may Rely on this receipt ; (all Lung Complaints are removed by its j use) -"I would not attach my name to it, had ' 1 doubt of its efficacy. The directions for i preparing and using the Balsam are perfectly ' plain. 1 preler selling the Kecipe to matiing the Balsam, as it enables people t Make their own Medicine at a Trifling Cost. 1 wil imparl the secret of making the Balsam, and the Family right to use it, for 1, but in no case will I sell it for speculating purposes. Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Doct. S.TOUSEV Sir: You wished me j to let-you know .what effect your preparation of Medicine for Consumption and other dis- ; eases had in my family Alter the ttrst ten days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved her couch, changed her countenance, and all appearances were better. My family would not be willirjg to do without'it. 1 is a med icine much needed in Jackson there is many cases simular to my wife's'. The Rev Mr. Blanchard will write you for a recipe. Res pectfully yours. O. F. POOL. Address, post paid, (enclosing Si.) .Dr. . XOIJSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York. The work goes by mail under eeai. Ottober 7, l851-0m OLD.DF?. JACOB TO Wi SEED'S "SaHSAPAKI-LLA. A fresh supply of the abore atricle, just received, nd for sale at this Office, by ' TH'EODORS SC110CH. . job work: . IS'ciivlv executed at this Office. U 1 gllUlUU URLU MUi,v,. , !J.abelh St., STnoi.Dain.r-G, Pa. 7 1 rl.l,, n,l,.roi,.iPil rPvtrl UllV III forms his friends and iho public gener- .:illv. that he has taken the above Hotel, known to the travelling community as -Shive- ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by tieo. 6 wart wood. The hnusc i large, with evor convenience fnr ir1vil'prs and boarders. . Ttiovanls ami stnbliiirr are extensive, and j .. : : .. ........ u.iei rJnr (7.r llrnf law - - - - comodaiion ofiravellers and others. , J in.- ....II t nrnrv n lurt In havp. ' hi. table, chambers, bar. and eveiy depart- UUt UJ W wwmw I r tArtr - oo ttwmrn ihft rinuroonuon OI U S cu&io- Persons wishmc to go or setfd with the a 8a8. will ptawe lwvc their order: at the. Indian -Otietiu Hotel These lines leave this Hotel every Mou day, .Wednesday, and- Fritfny morning at 1 JOSEPH J. POSTENS. Proprietor April 4, 65. " pQ XNKEEPERS, Ats! it) nil wEious ittissty Concern: ! HPHLO Undersigned embraces this method "I tt 1" I " , i'-Z .! in i 1 rr n rc in . i J. W IlllUriU 1113 iriCUUM UIIU luaiumuiu ... j 3 III t DHrticular and the public in general, that he : hks added to his former stock ol UTocenes and 'Varieties, a generl assortmen of Consisting of the best refined Rye Wl.iske pale Hnmdy: Holland and common Gin; N. O. Rum; LisboTi .ind port Wine, of the pur est and best qualities, and oilers such for sale by theb'arrel, keg. gallon or half gallon; at the lowest cash prices ; and wibhes the Tavernkeepers in the country to give hiina call before purchusing elsewhere, as he lsde termined to give satisfaction,- both in quality and price. He also keeps cbnstnntly on hand, or In keepers, Wimc Uirrtcas, Pkitcumint and WiNTtfr.GREEN, also Lemon Syrup. ICPProdure of all kinds taken inexchange. SAMUEL S. A 15 EL. Stroudsburg, June 5, 85. I;sZiKieIii3ti:i Type Fcmsclry, .Yo. S, Pear street, Near the Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. TIIE Subscriber having made great im provements in his method of casting type and mixing of metals, and had a thorough revision of his matrices, the faces of which are not ex celled! in beauty and regularly of cut, by any in the country; flatters himselfthat by a strict personal attention to business, and employing none but the most skilful workmen, he is en abled to offer .4 Superior Article, at greatly reduced Prices He s constantly adding to his stock all that is new from the bcs,t workmen ol this ana oth er countries, and having' lately po'cured from Europe, a great variety" of NEW .FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of Printers thereto. Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order. Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, Gal leys,"Brass R'jle, and every other article nee ded to furnish a ompleie Printing Office, -supplied at the shortest notice. ' , GERMAN BOOK Kit D JOB TVPE. Of the newest style ami of all sizes, carefully put up in fonts of correct proporlion. 1 1 t.uri vnnn nnnn januarv 0, S i L. Cj-Y.- U It. KUDD. !5ocfor XcmrscEf fts 2 S, Cits I By means of the Pocket formations of the gener- aliye systems by wm Yot';;p, u a The time has nvw ar rived, that persons suffering from secret dis- eases, need no more oecome me vicunx oi quackery, as.by the precautions contained in this book, any one may cure himslf, without 3 hinderanre to business, or the knowledge of xne most inumaic -menus, anu whu uiie -emu lhp-uciial fiXDRtiss. In addition to the oen - eral routine of private disease. iully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on rparrrage-besides many oth- er derangements which it would not be pro- per to enumerate in me pumic prims. lETAny persojisendmg 1 VVRiM -FIYE couts enclosed in in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by ma;l, or five cop- ies will l sent lor one dollar. Address, -iBR. -VVM. YOUNG No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. KP DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his dif- ferent, pubHcatmas, at Ins Ufhcc, Io-2 SPRUCE Street,- every day beuveen 9 a 3 o'clock, Sundays excepted. Januarv. 30. Kr y. StfOtEhSjl-iru iSau.h Ciktink Mni I L i n e o f S ta gc s . This line leaves J. J. Poslens' Hotel, (In dian Queen,) in Stroudsburg, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, nt 7 o'clock a. m j via PpriMfiTRville. Shafers P. O. Kresneville. Weissport, and Lehighton to Mauch'Chunk, where it armes at 4 o'clock p. m.. atid con- nccls withjines from Pottsville, Berwick and olhnr nlars. I.filnrnin.r.,lf!aV(. C. Connoi's hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday, Thursday-and Salurriay, at 7 a. m. and ar rive in Stroudsburg al 4 i. m. This line connects with the VVilkesbarre and White Haven stagesnt Shafers P. O. Monroe county, and with the New York, hasten, Milford and. Honesdale-stages at j Stroudsburg-. 1 FARK From Stroudsburg to Mauch Chunk 82 00 j White Haven 2 00 N llkesbarre 50 W - J. STOUFFER & Co., February 6, 85. Proprietors. Country Produce. ButterrXiggs, &c. taken in exchange for' any goods in my line of business.. r j B L A NIO'IORT G A GES For sale at this Office. mm t.nc- r" a" - 1 t- y-., 1. formed bv Sherman s Jiaisam, nesent at b0Su The StaEe office for the Easton, M. Chunk, m 0 11,1 V "J ' ' . erefore ! Wilkes-Barre, White Haven hi,d Providence j tu o ciock ac iiigui, i iu r,f tl,n ! elnf,p Wiii herVafter be at the above Hotel. ' Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated scuiapius, or ivery j urff 3ush-j .m(i Dinman's Ferry and,ndehm,e Perlocl and actually served one it greatly to their advantage to call and BsSmk Mupwardsofahondreden- t)0 nncs. Returning, eave SamueZ Dim- honorahly discharged in consequence of dis-, s .laiSeand e 1 selected stock or j rfE Election reiurrs being new a" F-?; .i$'rf aS'X ri.T3finra chr.vitm nri. i n.i7-Js TTn.nl "Milfnvfl ovArv Tiiosdav. ;n ti.n .rn,, u rt.-.ll .,on.r-r. il.n CxOOUH. coId Wholesale and retail, Su a tlif npnr !p are he innir.p tn li.in ''.( 0 W&d9Jt&iM va,e uiseascs i every j Thursday and -Saturday and arrive in ! mount to which he,would have been entitled Burke s old stand, by attention m other matter, and to siippi sift "jrXSJp shape and form and mal- T.a;tnn flrn nnif i.iv. if he had served the full period for which hs : MILLER & BROTHER. of their most imcorianl wai.ts, we have jW fornianons of lhe 8er!fcr- ' Fave from Easton to Stroudsburg 81 25 j had engaged to serve. ; Easton, April 24, 1851. WJt-r.- .W atiyc systems i , t:wj o o-r Under the above act, and the acts of Con- ... V&SSmtLjOiBy TIV VM VnT.I.f.. SI n I " i nroce nnnnrnl . . tlid .iihpnhHr nfTprs his Sfif. I 'Trrara. - nr t ' ' at t a ii .. r i -"- j,...-- X Afh (tonsianutimfrMfm the side and , J : ' i ur . ; i tiishtstreais. Asthma, Whooping Cough, . .-- i . valvitation of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis. and: all diseases of the) throat, luno-s and liver cured by. bher- man's Ul-Henlinn- Balsam. RAISING BLOoS & CONSUMPTION Mr. Minc, Buifdor, in B,Wn, was attached with raising bood, fo7owed by - ' a cough, pain m tne siue, aim mo uiu u sua symptoms of consumption lie cm vrTirl trn lllfi DGSt UllVblCians; III did him no good, and tod luin lie could , cures pcrr like a charm, stopped the bleeding and courh I Before he had taken one bottle he was able to.be about his work. It bad saved liis lile. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, ! living in Tenth, near South Fourth St., says That she. had been troubled with a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for a lonir time, which at last become so bad ! that she was obliged to give up her school for more than a year. She then com- " . , 1,7 ,1 -ill TT. 1 Tirt mencea tay.mg rue .u-xxeuiiug whichsoon alleviated her sj'mptoms. She is now fast recovering, and has re sumed her laborious occupation as a teach er. 14 years Mr. John 0'2sTeil, 10th are-, nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side. Ho could get no relief til he .tried ,the All-Healing Balsam, which, drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had ta;en three bottles, was entirely cured. PLEURISY AaD COX SUMPTION. Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, "re siding S8 Sheriff' street, has for yearsbeen subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Raising of -Blood, - severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and various parts of her boffy. Her friends believed past .recovery. The All-Healing Balsam relieved her at once of all her alarming symptoms, and now she is able to attend to her work. ASTI1.UA and WHOOPING cough. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 05 Christie St.; L. S. Beals, 19 Belaucy street; W. II. Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of tj3 nrreat remedy , r isk for sherman's All-Healing; Bal- sain, and see that his.writ't'en signature is on each bottle. Priee. 25 cents and 1 per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough Lozen ges for sale at this office. ' May 8, 1851. r -,!-, T, -h - ftSton & ilSlIftWd lllail L.lt i.l o x nuu JJOiJUivu. j Passengers in this inc vill eave J0- i tt u i t c ii seph Hacenbuch's Inn, sign of the! " Bac- Horse-" Easton evefv Mondav iau iioic, ijaiioii, i-Liy iuuima , Wodnesdav and Fridav. nassino- throucrh the foowinir ruces. viz: Richmond, j - - - 7 r . O C ! Centrevie, Wiiamsburg, Bis' Perry, DeawareWatcrG-an,Butotsburc,Strouds- ovners. WILLIAM DEAN. , Stroudsburc, May S1851. j J . j A itcUiry Paper for the People. j - a v-, -?-r a rKT ' S Ma KOOll tRADt, j A Monthly Record of New Publications and j Literary Advertiser, j j At 25 Cents per A.nxum in Advance. ; . WILSON, Publisher-, 49 Ann St., N. Y. ; j T!lC Second Volume of this Journal com- meiiced ir) August, 1851. Back numbers i-.,.. hp ..nnnPCi t(, iimitpd extent. ! j Each mlnii,er consists of from twelve -to sixtcen large quarto pages, printed on new j type and excellent paper; forming in a year a volume of from 150 to 200 pages. ; I& cmilc,ns are: A list of all works pub-. hisjie(j m the u. States in each month: Liter-' arv i,elHoence : Reviews of New Books!! &c"&c, occupying about one half the sheet4 TT -P ll.. .n.ilnKl the remaining half is devoted to selections ; T testimony in its favor is over irom the best literature of the day, and to a , . . very interesting miscellany. 1 whe'mtng. The proprietors are dai y in It is the object of the publisher -to render receipt of letters and certifncates, going the 'Book Trade' agreeable to the taste of to prove its remarkable efficiency to all f the ceneral reader, while it conveys intell!-" I . i.-.: r Ir . i l .1 gence oi wnai is going lorwaru in ine wunu of Literature a species of information, which ( ... . , - . , it is presumed, is worth more than the sub- ! ..-r.iilirn In orftrv infplHaprit nprsnn. .v.....-.. ... .... ...i,. All communications by mail, must pre-paid A great variety of Toys on hand and nA- for sale cheap at the variety store of SAMUEL MELICK. r f 4 T T T T I .1 I TIT-TIT T I T r Stroudsburg, G, May 1852. Notice is hereby given that the partnership . worms. Any person doubting this may heretofore existing between the undersigned 1 apply for further information at my vesi in the Foundry business has this clay been ' dencc corner of York and Jackson st's. dissolved by mutual consent. All persons . iwii?? lUr-P PT?P I? V indebted to said firm are requested to make 1 7 7 J A.n -at i o V i immediate payment, and those having claims ! Boughkeepsie N. . March 2, 1844. or demands will please present them to Chas. j I certify, that I took two vials of B. A. S, Palmer, whb is duly authorized to settle'j Fahnestock's Yirmiluge which I found the same ; to be the greatest cure for worm's T have , JOHN G. TOLMIE, ever used. I have been troubled with OH AS. S. PALMER ; tape worms for a number of years, and I Stroudsburg, December 23, 1851., j liave noyer foun(1 gQ good a meilicie as The subscriber, thankful for past favors,! B- Fancstoek's Yirmifuge. I there respectfully announces to the public that he ! fore rocommend it. has been at considerable expense in procur-j MARTHA CLIFT. ing additional machinery, and is now pre- The public is cautioned against coun pared to execuie orders of all descriptions, torfdta and spurious articles, and to put and will continue the business al the old s fi , Rfflfnniotl. . 4 Tr btand. .Tha niefibatiical operations will re main undejtho sjiipejijilepdonce of, John G. Tolmie, who will bir aided by experienced workmen. January 1, 185. C.ANDRE .ULTiniTT -T1 -Tt r TT. i wi i . v. n t- 3D r v l XV! HI f UH. f M b a a M tt j. v v vy v jl AX liOw K. & aces. ; a - -vr ",, - 1 STROUD & ANDRE havioR t.Sken that; ij,r.e and commodious Brick Store House, (formerly occupied by Dr. Stokes,, call-the j "'T puWiC j B. !g3 j (Taa ton unonps mtilasises. mackerel. smoked and pickled meat, coarse and line salt, lire. etc. CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails, wooden Howls, half busheniearts, ic. Locks, screws, butt "hinges, grain and grass scythes, straw knives, door latches, bolts knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws, chisels, hatchets; augers, trying and bove, squares and coffee mills. CROCKERYA splendid assortment of Teas, plates, &c. New style Jenny Lind, in sets of 40.pieces. FANCY CHINA-Mai- ble, neatest and. latest stylo extant. BOOTS AND SIlODS. Mens' boots and shoes, boys do cheap. Ladies silk lasting gaitsrs.kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds.slip- pers, misses1 slippers, and childrens' shoes. D II Y U-OOIJb, of every style and cobr. Black, blue and brown cloths. I ancy cassimeres; black doe skin do. summer wear of all kinds.-i-Fancy prints, aipacas, linen, nnen msires, i rencn r . l t Til 1 nnri iifimpstir- ninohams. hareof. barnR b" ' o 1 n laine, black and fancy luwns, paper muslin, e common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new J.'lf.STROUD style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la-: fastenings ; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ; ces, ribbons, sattin vestings, cambrics, bifeach- i plastcriuo- and mason's trowels; hammer ed and unbleached muslins, and a lull assort-, cj s; brass and iron Kettles; shovels Together with a complete assortment ol ' hardware, too numerous to mention. goods generally, all of which they offer at ye- j The assortment will compare with - with ry low rates. j any in this place in quantity, style and Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country urice. . I '1 A prouuee taKcn in exenange, anu casn never The iale Law havinc made the'ready pay sy it .1 . . r . " acop a 1 am know we can offer eoods will induce you to buy, lor Our Goods are cheaper and as good As any sold since Noah's flood, To buy of us it will be your gain, And we'll take our pay in Cash or Grain. Call and see no charge for showing Goods. STROUD & ANDRE. OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers5 IL-asad Warraisis. j By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, ' That each of the surviving, or the widow or i minor children of deceased commissioned and ; ! iHWK'onimiiiiiini'd nfnr'firs- musicians, iir nri ' val s whether of regulars, volunteers, rang-' ; ers or militia, who perlormeu miitt3ry ser j vices in any regiment, company or detach-1 , merit in the service ol the United states, in j the war wiih Great Britian, declared by the j United States on the eighteenth-day of June, ; 1812, or in any of tne Indian wars since 100, and each of the commissioned officers wlio was e ed in the i:Mlllarv service of the uiiueu ill inc laiv nun mt.uLU, and shall be entitled to lauds as follows : 1 hose who engaged to serve twelve : i 1 m , 5 . ii y serrecj n,ne months, shall receive one huu - t aa civii "r.ioC- .fl thp ivhn cnnaoprl , uiou uiiu ; -.o. ....v. . ..u. "r.o"-" id sixtv acres: , to serve six months and actually served lour i. ii. i j months, shall receive eighty acres; and tlmse wno engaged to serve ior any or an aeent to nrocure iand arrants lor ; those entitled to receive them, as above spe i cified. He may be found at his office in j Stroudsburg. S. C. BURN Ell i October 27, 1850. h v$r mim ' 1V. iin.uw:i r l r - v- r , u . - f'j'.." ' 'fT A- 1. iP - i I cases of worms, both in children and a - . ' . . . . . ; (,r.fq y ho re'ief jriven and the lmracdi- improvemcnt of licalth which follows . i 'to, I siem ooiigatory upon an, we inereiore uavu wauci auie, luiAuu, xuai, x ncu, -winch payment no subsequent lax ted it, anu intend to sell lor small proiits . ton: featmcts: a lull assortmenu ot Cas- r ffirtaii nvpnnt in itm-nr nc. t.ua oss or nd make ouick returns; which will be a sav-: RimrnB. A Inrrrn .issnvf.niotih Laflios' 1 .1 v... f.,,mnn mn.. ng of 120 per ct. to the buyer. Call and ex-, D G j Wack gilk Wack silk t J . ' me belore purchasing elsewhere. v e - , ' lnwna nU:n m, J .... ,. o4 , ii i ji ii i c i scrioco in uns won; win cure mm ana in use, has called the attention of physi- LrftnsG his marl;c. vnllie. bes5des roiieviim . , ...! crans to mis anicu, aim uiy nouiy iu- commend .v prescnue it in tneir practice. ' The retail rice is 25 cents per vial which 1 brings it. tvithin the means oj all. I T Brooklyn. L. I. January 1G, 1847. I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A.Fahnestock's Virmifure tomv child, ' and in seven hours it passed 23 large no confidence in statements that ' Kolm- etbek's,' and S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, are the Bame or as good as the only gen uine article, which is B- A. Bzhncstock',s Vermifuge. J For ' sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch, i H A E l W A R E , . iry'Ctooiis &'Croccry Store. .m mrRKE's OLD STAND.") -. - T fTnmiJtmisL. Easton nearly on. . , Whitr FTarse Tavern , PHETJIIOMAS T. & DErUE O. MlJLJjllilt pressed or lront, and cornice micu 01 uiner JL .rtni rpsnpf fnllv announce to their ent kinds. Said Hrick aie composed of ma- 11 n t lr 1.. ilm oiu menus in .uonroc cuuuty P"" ho generally, that they have tatcn tlie above establishment, and olier tor sale a large and well selected stock of Hard - ware. Drv (ronrls and Groceries, compns- ing the following j 50 doz Piim Locks, with white, brown and brass Knobs. 2000 gross Screws, assorted. 200 doz Butts, assorted. 7 50 " Pulleys, Blakes & Westviile's manufacture. . GO doz Till Locks. 500 planes assorted; the celebrated M. ' Copeland's make of Planes are amongst this assortment. j 20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and the celebrated London spring Saw, j manufactured by II. Bisston. Also, Bis- j ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine;! circular and cross-cut . do. Broadaxes, ( . 1 . ! hand and cooper axes; natcliets; compas-. , s . ; . '!M,PS! R.ofti. rrm,js I ' J .i , , LIT .1.. t . anu,cooper cross Also, a lot of Macke- , rel & Rickardson's celebrated v,'indow j CX i? r IE) S) j Cloths. French blue black, blue, brown i t.. va n i fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, cVc. Bed j nvivmu, ih.vij.h. .111-1 uiu" " i en plaid; coatings; checks; flannel; hoes;! buttons; thread and silk. A full assort ment of GROCERIES. 10 hhds Molasses. 20 bbls N. 0. and Trinidad Molasses. 5 hhds Suirar. 30 -bbls do. white and brown. 15 " sperm, whale and lard' Oil. 25 boxes soap. 20 do. candles. 3000 lbs Bacon. " 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do- Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young liysou .Leas. UrSSTSFa Rice, starch, chocolate, Indi- hSM, go, Madder, allum, &c. Bned apples, peaches, white beans. 100 sacks of Salt. 50 kegs white Lead; window glass and j "putty. . 1 1(,nt- i , iUU Kegs nans. nil nn s. inri in r nnii nr. nn s . acK- r , nn 1 1 T 11 If 1 Ml If 1- erel. ; All persons visiting easton, win nnu SETS chisels-Butcher's, Beat ty's and Allen's, with a Ibt of F. H. Witherby's extra new style to throw chips... The undersigned takes pleasure ! in calling the attention of Mechanics to i.:a!. c.;n .,,..1 LliiCU fllI-3UIf5j t Jill." .3U1 L lllliU IUWVa . , x ui cviiu u y . MILLER, & BROTHER '-Easton, April 24, 1851. ! . HORSES MADE SOUISD ' n' THE "Horse Owner's Secret, Being a new and certain remodv forthcspecJy Diiae oi' Heaves, Bj- Sir James Lyndokton, Principal Iarrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. ' FipH E great discovery contained in this lit- JL tie work procuredir James his Baron etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. Itprecribesa Cer tain and positive cure fort he Heaves which any person can prepare. The remedy is better and cheaper than any advertised Heave Pow der, and is perlectly sale, as any one can ' know who tries it Horse owners know that , ,, ii4 i i..ir .... many a vaiuauie nurse loses nan us price h' this prevalent disease. The remedy pre- i the poor beasl of a horrible complaint, stini lar lo the Asthma in a man. 1 he public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James arc all cheap and can be had at any store. To prevent imposition the work will be sent in sealed envelopes. English price four shillings and three pence sterling. American price, $1 per copy. Pursons or dering Sir James' Work, are expected lo con fine his instructions to their own animals. It will be sent to none others. An American Horse Doctor approoves of the above bystem! Read what he says: Appi.eton, Ohio, July 21, 1S51 Mr DuNiiGitTON, have tried yourSecrot for the cure of Heaves, and approve of it very much. Yours, truly, Witness, G. Long. S. Laick, Horse Dr. To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, post paid, JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secrot, New York Post Office. The Secret is sentby mailat letterpostage. October 23, I851-6m 0 APS. fine scented Soap3 for wash ing and shaving a'so the-e'eebratod shaving cream, foivsa'e by SAMUEL jSIBLICK. at such nrices as ? uww, uwumv, y, - xno nciii prouis arising num linciv-: 200,000 BRICK, Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber- Phese brick are of a large size and of a su- Peor quality, and will be sold 33 low and lower, according to quality, than any other brick in the County. A portion of them are ICIia thus answering Tor the purpose of buildin? bake-ovtiis,&c.f all of which will bo retailed at the follou'ing rates: . Pressed or front brick at $1 :50 , per hundred Best common hard buck J0 do do , Best salmon 00 5 do do Best soft do 50 do do Fillin2-in-brick 25 do do N. B. All kinds of grain, at the Inchest market price, taken in exchange for Brick, and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE.' Stroudsburg, November 30, 1852. ATTORNEY A T L A V . Has removed his office to his dwelling house, first door below the office of the "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo site S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth street, Stroudsburg, Bee. 19, lc 1650. MO X ROE COl NTY ITajilcsal Fire Iiissarnsire Cciun'y. The race of Insurance is one dollar on , , the thousand doars insured, after j or otherwise, wi be ascertained jcarA 101 which uatu liiemuci m jiiuiiiuuu i -his iier 0r their deposit, wi have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will be a mein- I ber thereof durini; the term of his or kor poicv. The principe of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroughly tested ha beeu fa-ied b the unerring testof experi ence, and has proved successful and br come very popuar. It affords the great estsecuritr against oss or damane Y I fire, on the most advantaeeous and rpn- sonab'e terms. J Applications for Insurance to be ma. j in person, or b' letters addressed to JAMES H. WALTON, Su-'y. MANAGERS. Jacob Goetz Michael If. Brelur John E dinger James H. Vv a I ton Edward Poston Robert Bovs J acob " Frederick Georce B. Keller Peter Shaw John Miller Richard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker. Balar Fetherman. JACOB GOETZ. President. JAMES H. WALTON. Treasurc-r Stroudsburg. Janurv 31. 1850. received and olfer for ale at our tti:re . Stroudsburg, a very large assortu.er.. READY-MADE - i Including Overcoats, common and fine at pjices, from $5 to $15; fine dress and Im I c0, business coats. &c; a large assonn.p. l of pantaloon?, cloth, casstmere, saitiM- corduroy, and of all varieties; a good as. r ment ol vests, of a great variety of p-.tier, -cottun shirts and woollen under-sh'r's drawers, &c neckcloths, x TAILORING A large assortment of -cellent bioad cloth and othei stuffs, on l.:n i jfWlurh will be made up accoiding to oi Jer. short notice, and m trie best style. DRY GOODS. A .so an excellent asso ment of dry goods of various patterns, nr domestic goods. WMlen Lawn Sl.iw Calicoes, Merinoss, &c. Sun kms o. stocking yam. Trunks, valines -carpet L.0 &c. EFAH kinds .of produce and lumber lake inexchange lor gioda, and goods or ta paid for all kinds of furs, sheep "skins, ar call skins. HIRSCHKIXD & ADL1 ' Stroudsburg, Oct. 23. I Sal. TO yy &n -tl -J. a 3 Attorney :tt Law. STR0UDS15UHG, MONUOE-"COUNTY, V Office on Elizabeth streot -formerly cupied by Wm. Bavis, Esq May 8, 1S51. . ItEMOVED TO No. 144 Race Street, (Hereon Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crown s WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the growing demand for HOVER'S INK, whica its wide spread reputation has created. This Ink is now so well established in the good opinion and confidence of the American Rublic, that it is scarcely peccssjary to sav anything in its favor, and the manufacture: lakes this opportunity to say that the conli deflce thus secured shall not be abused. ln,addition lo the various kinds of Writing Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Cc ment for mending Glass and China, as wel as a superior Hair9)ye; a trial only is neces sary to insure its future use, and a SealtfZ Wax, well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers., at a very low price, in large or small quant Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. II0 EK Manufacturer, No. 1.1-1 Race Street. Between 4th & 5th, onposite Crown St. 1- PHILADELPHIA. BLA;NK DEEDS For sale at this Office