Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 27, 1852, Image 1

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-it. a
No 33.
3 i I1 IMnnW.l
Published Iy Theodore SclrocU.
terms Two dollars per annnutti advance-Two
tvho receive their papers by a carrier or stage drivers
ompiojcu we propnciui, m uu vumgvu -i
i.-Snril !iniini mjiiln in vpnrlv silrrrUscrs.
printed witn neatness ana uespntcu, 0:1 reasonable
.Tcffcrcouian ESeiMiblscan.
Gentle Words.
A young rose in. the summer time
Is beautiful to me,
And glorious the many stars
That glimmer on the sea;
But gentle words and loving hearts, ' .
And hands to clasp ray own, ;
Are better than the brightest fiowers; "
Or stars that ever shone!
The sun may warm the grass of life,
The dew the drooping ilowcr,
And eyes grow bright and watch the light
Of autumn's opening hour;
But words that breathe of tenderness,
And smiles we know are true,
Are warmer than the summer-time,
And brighter than the dew.
It is not much the word can give,
With all its subtle art
And gold of gems aroiot the things
To satisfy the hart. " '
But, oh! if those jvho cluster round
The alter and the hearth,
Have gentle words and loving smile?
How beaulitul is earih!
. , . ,
Haven papers a notice of the death of Mrs.;
Emily Norton, from the inhalation of this
powerful anajsthetic, administered by a :
surircon dentist. When it is w well knoVn '
" io Ail letters addressed to the Editor must be-post- ; f " . 7 .
' - ;'1,as taken the
JOB PKISTBSG. i during which time he had paid our ac-
Having a ?encmlTisor)nent of lnrge,P?nt.pkni.. count 0 dollars, ditto cents! 'Halloa!'
and orjaiiieHt;ilTyi)ewWcnro prepared , ,
to execute every dtfccriiition of . thought. WC, 'here .S a promise to, pay 0)W
, r w o . r ,
JLlvyc I.jt.iUwI J. JijWJJSi-a l qf these dnys.' A mistake as the conver-, OircuUrs, Hill Head". Notes. Blank Iteccipts .
justircs, ioctI and other Htanks, Mmphicte, &c. ; sakon proves:
u, mf.ntl,r,-n,Wfnrm onntionld country. For what
not a particle of oxygen, and that
.1 J
number of deaths from its use, as boric Editor Two years and six months
out by Hospital statistics, amounts to sev- five dollars. -
oral hundred, it is, surprising to see the Irishman deposits a yellow coin bear
temerity with
some of them still
-ling to
it. me uoctor was exc
entirely by the coroner's jury, instead of.
being imprisoned as he richly deserved, wears a-brilhant hue even the rat
Repeated experiments have proved that tHng of the sleet against the window
,iv. ,1 , ... panes has a charming sound. By Jove,
fulphunc ether, though slower in its oper- , . ,, -yTJ T , '
. , . another knock! 'VY'alk in!' May 1 be
ation, produces the same anaesthetic effect ghot if it ipn?t q. another fourteen dollar
and is perfectly salb and innoxious, and
if men will persist in using a highly dan-
gerous agent to produce unconsciousness
when the have at hand one that is-just
rr - i , t , f , -, -
as efficacious and not a, all huruul, it is
lime that Uie law would take the matter in
One of the Women.-
-The Rhode
and Tempersnoe Advocate, tells the
X4 V i i Jii4 If k
lowing good story of a woman who 'is
worth her weight in
' Tn "Knster. iharn vmR .Th intemnerafce
man who had nromised his wife that he
wouid vote for the Maine Law candidates
for the Senate ana Houec. On the morn-
ing of election day, he was enticed- to the
tavern, and treated by his anti-law asso- J"m your conscience to our pocket. j leven months ld. This little wonder is
ciates till he was drunk. His wife heard Editor proceeds to enter a credit, and ! owned by Mr. John M. Buttery, of Lew
of it, searched him out, and got him home. I sings 'Oh thus may it oyer be' when j istown, and has never had a calf. At two
Here she gave bun in -an emetic, and got the song is cut short by the entrance of a' months-old it commenced giving milk, and
him sober, and then borrowed a horse nnd German patron. j at six months produced sufficient to yield
wagon and drove him to the polls. He German subscriber Yell, we gates, ' a quantity of butter. We have assuran
votcd for the Maine Law candidate, and Mr. Brinter, heh? Owe you for terbapers,' Ces of these facts from Mr. Bristol -and
his single vote preve:ted the election of a
rum Representative
that we get one, and posei
Law men from that town
A'cwk boy Wet.
A gentleman crossing one of the New
York ferries was accosted by one of those j Editor Squire your bill is only five ly occurred. It is certainly worth the
peripateic venders of cheap literature and dollars. , - j notice of a naturalist, and is strictly true,
weekly newspapers, who are to be found German subscriber Five tollar ; tat beyond a question. A sample of the but
in shoals about all our public places, with ish vor be hind, and five I lays you ahead ter is in our office, and may be seen by
" Buy Bulwcr's last work sir? Only one 1
. . . . . . i
n'." The gentleman willing to have j
gh with tjie urchin, said, " Why I
a lau
am Bulwer myself' Off went the lad, :
and whispered to another a little distance,
exciting his wonderment at the iuforma-!
tion he had to impart. Eying-the pre-1
tended author of Pelhem with a kind of j
awe. he annroached him timidlv. and J
holdinrr out. j. nnmnkw. cii m?Astlir j
"Buy thc Women of England, sir? You're .
O iwMiiMivtt 1M JllVUV , w r
not Mrs. Ellis, are you V
Of course the
proposed sale was effected
A writer gives the following advice to
wives: -.', , . :,e .
'Should -you find it u'eccssar', as you
undoubtedly will, many of you to chastise
your husbands, yow should perform this
oifeoiioBate dutyAw&5e soft ond of the
broom, and not witfe'.ihe4Minkf'
i An immense time. in the Sstiactemi
B day or two since, while seated in the
department of our establishment
delinquents, and showering left-
mi hv fiir nnfr-i nrf nF n sn lsmnpr- irhn
, ci,BnPnr TFr Prlnfor T IUnvr, T
have taken your paper about let me see
, , . i 11 ,i .
-ah, yes, about seven years, and all that
tuncj too, I have lived off the Portage
Road, how you have lived, I do not know,
but precious little of my money have you
: fingered. However, make me out a re- P"y s ouier 5 dosiqcb x Know you
. . , , have much the largest circulation m this
, ceipUiow, and here's your mony. I vicinity ; and itf.short, I know what's
; Subscriber deposits $14 on the table what.
; which the editer grasps nervously for fear j Editor Good. Your bill is nine dol-
the subscriber's mind will change, and , lavs-
fills out a receipt Exit subscriber. . S Paf hand,s 0TCr a new adver
. , 1 . , tisemcnt and leaves.
jxs migltt naturally be supposed, the j Another knock! JiWalk in,
thermometer of tire editor's feelings went; Enter a lean, long, lank, cadaverous
, up into sunslfhie 14 per cent. Another looking, middle aged gentleman, dressed
. rap tit the door j in black, with white neck cloth. Editor
'Come in!' takes him for a preacher, and bows def-
t Tall countryman enters. j erentially.
Countryman-Well, Mr. Nevrspaperman j Stranger I am the travelling agent of
, how dy e do .been taken your paper a
, dignation while, and its a long time since
I paid anything. Would nt be without it
no how as your list of market prices ' paper.
; saves me fifty dollars a year. Really too j Editor lights a ' segar, cocks his legs
bad that. I havn't attended to it sooner. ' Up on the table and feels veryjndepen
i How much is it' 'dent.
Editor (running his eye over the ledg-:' Editor We don't advertise quack medi
: or) Oh, here it is two and one's three, cines at this establishment unless paid
, and two'are five ten dollars. i in advance.
, Countryman deposits half a saw-horse ' Travelling agent Excuse me, but this
takes his receipt, bids editor an affection-' js no quack medicine, but one highly re-
ate good bye, and vamoses. j commended by the facuky. What "are
. AllOthci rap! What. llOb-another CUS- ! Yonr terms for hnlf n onlumn n vnnr?
tomer! As l live it is!
Enter, Irish subscriber from the
irishman How are yees? Bad luck
to meeself, but its owing this paper-for a
long time I am, and sure a good wan its
sorra a bether, barrin, thim from the
am I endu
( Editor refers to the book.-)
the impression of the A
American j
'eagle,' pockets the 'rysait he calls lor, !
and is oit.J
Sanctum becomes pleasant, everything
, debtor. Oh, if can not be possible that
rhe is going to pay. Yes he is! by thcJ
beard of the prophet, he jerketh his calf-,
Wn: - j
C Wfill' old fallow, von havr dnnnrl
- 7 j i
yie pretty ofteQ) bufc of eonwo j couldn't
begin to blame ou for it. I determined
to put it out of your power to dum me a-
' gain f'6r a while when Captain West made
his payment. Let me see, fourteen dol-
x I
lars 1 believe you said it was, ch
suitor runomg ms lianas witngiea;
t T i. i T-i . I - i l r .
Estfctly, which pays up to the loth of i
next April.
-Here's fifteen dollars iust credit
me a dollar in advance
(Exit subscrib-
Editor (soln) A' weight transferred
heh, how much? Can t reat moch, mine-;
inian subscriber, who is something ofa
pia, OHUC1UU2, auu Hnw uiuuitu. . s
in the ribs.) t '
vich makes den
i i
stocking, and
German subscriber pulls out an old
counts down out of it twen-
try bright hait-aoiiars. iiiditor's eyes
dilate, he becomes exceedingly nervous,
and shows symptoms of flying off the
handle! Exit patron.
The sky is clouded, but it never looked
better the light was never stronger.
Thp horrors of a lonsr winter are forsot-
ten, a
' I -
nd sunshine reign in the heart.
Even the accordeon in the bookstore un
- - - . .
derneath, which a few moments ago made
an execrable noise, is now making passa
ble music. In the exuberance of his spir
its he could have shaken hands with his
bitterest enemy.
(A .heavy step is hoard on tho stairs
What! est il posipctt The streak 'has J)ech
so good that it imus'tfbe- aca1!! on the oth-
The result ot it is. sell, out nime emiaren say ter musut nav habitants ot Lewistown, and can vouch insure a permanent organization ot
bly two Maine ter bapcr, and I gess lfteymusht hav for their accuracy, notwithstanding their company, Ho that subsequent legislation'
jhini, ter old man musht bay, uenr 'uer- remarkable nature. Nothincr or a sum- cannot repeal nor annul the powers ves-;
cr aa.
Door opens, enter J.
I Jerusalem! If he pays, the millenium
is at band, and tD0 next sound will be a
blast from the final trumpet
T Wnll Hi tt Lnnvt
COeded m collecting some old accounts,
I Editor (strongly impressed, with the
j tbc language 0f Dummy Allen.
'Happy to meet happy -to part and always happy
to meet again.'
rT i, x'v, ii A n
LJ deposits two As on the table, sees
the entry made and leavcs.
17 v, i ' i i i . r .
I Editor has reached a state of perfect
l)IlS3 and whistles VolW Dav. with varia-
itions. when sanctum opens, and a
prominent whig enters,
WhigBeli Jve j owe .you Locofoco
printers a small bill for advertising.
Don't like the principles you advocate,
! ut I would just as soon do business with
Doctor Julias 0. KillemoTs Unversal
j Regenerating Dupurative Resurrection I
' Svrim. wliieli T wish to ndverHsp Jn vmir
Twenty dollars.
i PAirent does not annear to be a bit tak-
en back, as is usual on such occasions,
but draws his portmonaie.
Agent Here's five, and five are ten,
and ten are "
' Scene suddenly chancres: editorial
room and lank agent fade away; editor
hnds himselt at home in bed; wife shak
ing him. '
Wife It's six o'clock. Ain't yon go
ing to market?
Editor (slightly riled) Everlasting
perdition seize the market. Didn't I tell
y0U last night I had no money?
Editor turns over and tries to contin
ue the dream, but the charm is broken,
the spell is gone, and all that remains is
an tuieasy doze, which is interrupted by
the junior of the family bestriding him
for ahorse, and clutching his hair for a
bridfif rein. '
Scene changes at the breakfast table-
Wife I should like to know what vou
were dreaming about this morning
Editor Why?
W;fn 7oc ,,-1.,, T
ir ui,i.uui3t nuvu a a iiu v ju,
you continued grumbling in unintelligible
lanuae. "The only thin" I could under
stand, was, 'it's an internal siiame you
didn't wait until it was a hundred o-
j nough to buy paper.'
Editor gives a ghastly grin, seizes Eis
hat and rushes out of the house, goes to
the office and works off the outside.
r '
A Prolifc Calf. We have received
from Mr. W. II. Bristol, of Lewistown,
Niagara co., a sample of good, sweet but-
tor, made from the milk of a calf not e
many other creditable and respectable in
'lar description, has ever before fallen
unucr our ooservation, nor are we aware
of such a singular event having previous
the curious m such matters. I Uui. lie-
The Muscatino (Iowa) Journal tells of
a couple pf-romantic looking females, who
were, with their husbands destined for
Oregon. They were dressed in the Bloom
er style, or rather in the Far West Bloom-
er style. The dress consists of a pag; ol
pants made of cassmet. and loose sack
;coat, " all buttoned down before," with a
standing collar, a pair of boots, gloves and
a Kossuth hat with a fox's tail stuck in it.
A Western Editor, in commenting up
on the .statement that diseases maybe
communicated by bank notes, remarks
very coolly'fliat his subscribers need not
neglect to 'pay up' on that account, as he
is willing to run his risk- of 'catching', any
thing in that way.
Philadelphia, New To rk and the
Lehigh Valley.
The race of rivalry between Xow York
and Philadelphia, for the trade of the
Lehigh Coal region and the northeastern
portions of Pennpyivania and northwest -
crn Jersey, must .be carried on with more
nfi. ,'r -t- 11 . , :
spirit bj our citizens, it thej- wish to se-
cure, the advantages. The Central New
Jersey Railroad, now4 completed from
New York city to White House, a dis
tance of about fifty miles, will in less than
two months, be entirely completed -to Eas-
ton, and bring the seventy-nine miles be
tirnrni tl.i f. tn,:: 1! t
travel. A eornwnnmW. f fl.n rw,
calls attention to these facts, and says'thc
Trenton and Belvidere Railroad will
never serve the purposes of Philadelphia
as a rival to the Central New Jersey Rail
road, tor the trade of Easton and the I
t "rrn r ii .1 1
amgu wuiuj, iui uiuau, among otner
reasons : It is no shorter than the road
n 1U pa6?.oti
track wiU render inevitable a tranship-1
ment at Easton ; here will a ways be de-1
Jp TnD 1 ?iCP ri rft
and Camden are both alike of difficult I
and inconvenient access ; the road is, and
always will be, under New Jersey man -
agement, un the other hand, a direct)
tithe other hand, a direct
railroad trom
Ihiladelphia to the Lehigh
Yalley, wholly
y within our own btate, will
. . -r-.
be much shorter, and will, besides become
ward along the Delaware through the
Water Gap, and thence onwaitf to infer-
sect the Cobb s Gap and New ork and
Lne Railroads. 1 here is nothing vision
ary, nor enigmatical in all this ; it only
requirts information of what is actually"
ranspinng, to satisfy the most incredu -
-"p-g"u aim kccu-
witted New Yorkers have long had their
eyes on northeastern Pennsylvania. From
r" , . " o , . r,
into her rich valleys to draw into their
own coffers a profitable trade, which has
3ai to ear extcnumg tneir iron r arms
Philadelphia has no railroad communica
tion with any yalley east of the Schuyl
kill. Business men will go to whatever
market affords thc most facilities ; hence
it is not to he supposed that . the. people
of the Lehigh Yallc- will occupy an en-;
tire day in reaching Philadelphia by stage,
across thc country, or by railroad via
the Trenton circuhbendibus route, when i
they shall 'have opened to them a direct!
railroad passage of three hours running
time to New York.
Our last Legislature passed an act to
incorporate " T4ie Philadelphia, Easton
and Water
uap ltauroaa Uompain-,"
.t-1;t. xi. i .i- i-
railroad from Pbilnrlolnlui, In nv mnf.'
in the county of Northampton, with a
right to extend northward alon" the val -
ley of the Delaware to the northeast cor -
ner of the State, to make connection with
other roads, and to build lateral and branch
roads any where in and through the coun
ties of Montgomery, Bucks, Lehigh,
Northampton, Monroe and Pike. Itis
also made lawful for municipal corpora-,
tions to make subscriptions to the capital
T. . ! ;r s J the Susquehanna ; and a letter from an , VulLi " , , " 1 , c"a"1- -"-"
lines diverging at the mouth of Sauoon cngineer infornl3 us that a s be lasted tor about half an hour, and most
Creek on the Lehigh river ; the one tra-, made the t geaSon . of us had returned to the shore and were
.versing the yalley of the Lehigh, and ; ;,, fon 11Sfilf nf ihtl R. .. . nf dressing, when a new feature was given
u. uvux u m lWM uuuaitua, u. m aiflerent counties of the State, will read- lo U1? fc0une yone01 toe numoer, saying .
Wyoming Valley, the other passing up- ;i,. .,atini,,i fv i, that he was going to wash his shirt. Now
i., e.. 1 ii.. - "w -.ww w w.w . .
stock of this company, which is destined . t .. , , , r . T , . , , way. We ran some distance, and, reload
to enlarge into the magnitude of a colos- ! A ell said M.vnhecr ? vants ten do1' ing, stood ground. Up to this time we
sal enterprise, of naramount imnortancn lar vort.' t had not thought of the condition we were
i i. t
i .,.,. :i.. i ...i ... .
tu niu uusmvsa iiiLuiusfc.i aim uiiuuriiig.
prosperity ot our city, liie time when
present year, its necessity will be made
manifest and palpable to the understand-
Viu lUUUllit V i.lllVLOLl.lJlIl(t:i. Ul 111 i i
mg as well as the pockets of those of our
merchants who have so long enioyed the
pruuui oi ii large juenign ana jaston iruae.
In anticination of u comino evnnts. wln'nh
cast their shadow before." it is said that
some of tho intelligent gentlemen named,
as Commissioners in the act of incorpora -
tion, iind forthwith to take out letters
patent, organize the company, and then
bide a fitting dav to berin the work. To
3 o
ted in the stockholders by the character,
m oiy require an. aggregate uoscnp-
tton ot three thousand shares of stock, at,
flnllnrs nm.V, .onrJ tU Tm,nf nf
five dollars on each share.
Now, if we look at the geograpical pos-
itipn of Philadelphia, as this correspon-!
dent shows, it will be found such, that if,
she be true to her own interests, she can!'
Torcver hold in her hands the dead-latch
to tho rl.i.r, tho fionntrv h'nvond. 1
Easton can" be brought by railroad to
within sixty-live
and the coal, mines
be lirought nearer
Pottsville. It h
Philadelphia, Ii
ltailroad Company, has lite right to con
nect with any railroad that occupies any!
par.t ot any route covered by their broad i
charter. Thus, from a point on the Nor-
"J "
ristown llnilroad, a route might ascend
the vallev of the Wissahickon, thence to
1, l,n,l-Lfftv. nf on.tevn l,rnnl. nf
tne onucoit ureeic, anu uescunu to me .
. r i i i ,i x il
Saucon Creek and descend to the
LehiLrh at Frceniansburg, ten miles from
fasten. Tne new company, ny tnia, or
some jiiimlar arrangement, yould have to
miles ot Philadelphia, ,ave a settlement of, our littte accounts , IMa,,u uai''-
at Mauch Chunk can between us. Pay me what thou o west.' succeeded in gaing tac uay oy urivmg tne
as bccnshown that tho ' flirn;n on his heel 'rdision is religion, ty were woimded, but none killed. jot
laston and Water G an 7c,Wc 4 - , so with the British. 1 he dead wore -scat-
build only about Jifly miles 0 railroad; to !
Acf.lV.Kol. . F 1 I
lauiicu ,1 puncct communication wun
the Lehigh region. The route would pass I
through a country that would furnish
much local travel and trade, while the
! T 1 V D 01 cn variety
J"? "isnitude that tUe si could not
ilail to be made a most profitable invest-
men, TIm T,. , Vn v T " Si
I ,
be commenced tins year, and as it will near iac nnau lines, cc to avoid Demgta--be
built of the Pennsylvania guage of ken, and also to save a wide circuit of miles,
track, coal cars from the Mauch Chunk We resolved to encamp in a secret place
uuu upper Li enign nunes, can pass aircc-1
tly to our city witiiout transhipment or ,
any hindrance whatsoever. The distance
foaaueh Chunk to PhUadclphia, by
canal is one hundred and twentv-four
miles. By railroad it will not exceed nine -
ty-miles, making a saving in distance of
fchirfcv-TOnr mill's. All (inmmiiTunntinn
between Philadelphia and the counties of
Northampton, Lehigh, Carbon, Luzerne,
i Mollrof!. P:kn wnvirp.
iie, Susqueha'nnah and
Wvomi ' ' ld L ' er ti10 wassahi ,
on and Saucon route. These nine coun -
ti b tUfe last censu contahlcd 224
85G inhabitants and 1724 manUfucturing
establishments, an aggregate of souls and
t cxcce'dh meof the States of
V fc
1 t t, t . f L Gisl!ltnr
L1Ir,w;rv WflQ fllo ipi,;; i,;. J
nfi,:f,r : (Tu:: t.: A
. x- tll tj' ,1(1i,c r;i0j n .J
ui JUi (.billy 11 llillliuau VJW11I llilll V Ltf
build a road fromthe mouth ofd.;
fov rJin cnn,lTT noi0ui;.i,mi e a
intercourse, between this city ond the weal-
th populoua and prosperous northeast
J quarter of thc StatJ Between the Wis -
, Rntn-f.i-mi nnri T.MnVl, rniimn M,
be bl -u a, muah lt!SS ' r ni:1ft :han
, n railroa d cyer construote5 noar Phila.
delplia. Eesponsible contractors can be
; fmifirl wllrt u tnl,a M. nn. n.m ,
r .1 ...i i no. i f
the amount of their contract in the stock
i inniwi iv un irnmii r i mrT' rr n n ti m m r
ot tne uompany. v lien built and equip-
' d the road ould at once earn revenuc
L a--.a . i
ofthc Company. When built and equip-
the whole cost.
it could never have a
rise to the diguity of a
T . it
rival that would
competitor for the travel
iTirl fnnnoirn
that would pass over it
Will Philadel-
fl (111 t.lif T,fllfrl tn W? 11-ncTinf r-n rvT
phia awake to the importance of the move- f ocoiiecteu iuKno,raungaroni iteur
mcnt, and act beforj New York snatches J f as thc day thc w5 borV
the rich prize from our graspT . n fact' a" .hoPW as lollows could be with
o . . but one shirt, and that drying m the sun,
Oealtlz Eissijra jscc
A,, -t 1 1 f
thin, cadaverous looking G-erman,
3 to . '
about o0 JearS of f
aze, cuiuruu uiu omcc
of a Health Insurance Company in India-
na, a few days ago, says the Dailv Couri -
' or. .d innnirnd
. ' 1
, ,-r 1 i i -1 . J-
xs" 10 ,,1!lu l" v1' '"" uu P1
holts?' . "' j
1 The agent politely answe-red, 'I attend :
' to that business, sir.' '
; .yj j vants my beit3 inshurcd v'of
1 " '
you cuarc-
' 'Different prices, answered the agent,
'fromjhrec to ten dallars a year; pay ten
dollars a year and you get ten dollars a
y.eek in case of sickne33.
' rnt.
an-ent inquired his state of health,
I, I ish sick all te time. 1'se sbust
tree hours a tav, untte,
dctor savs ho can tdo dotlung morcgoot
for me.'
'If that's, the state of your health,' re-
fnrnofi tht nffnt can't insure it.
AYo ohly insure persons who
are in good
ca"H- . . - .
r At thi3 Mynheer bristled up in- great
' aii"er ' -
' rYou mUst tink I'm a fool ; vot you tink
1 T . n.,' i'nro ro v
T comc Pa you ten dollar for inshiuc m
i , . , T .., )
ncaitu, ven x vpa vui.
Pvjr lliimn 'tt TVature.-
In a late reli-
, . -j i n
ious excitement mBoston, a person met a
iuu.7 Kaviuu-uv" ; r -
. . w - - t i
n, . . . , , . t k u b thc
, .. -
-haufiand besought him to go to one oi
I those meetings, and become a Christian,
I have done so, said ho' 'and have got
reliiri f am at last a Christian.'
" ' p. ... n . nnpp ,
'You are a Chntian then all at once,
said the other.; 'you protess to act stnctly
nn niirifitian nrinctplos. lam clad of it.
' t nrrrntulate. vou. Sunnoso we now!
A. i I A !
Red Coic's Milk. On the sign-board
i e i - :.?! ti j cu ,
01 a - uuu oi-. u-
d rows, (iN. U.) is painted tho louowmg:
1 "nefreshmpnts and cod neti oou'sMilk iich nwi
Requed to call in and sec . .
I I . I 11.1 . I 11. . - .
a person wno caneu at mu m u-wuuj,
fora glass of ,the MP a, Upw s iiuir,
o female in aRendencc? gave him
ana tne
than the mines at; N0 said the new-born child of gbec, ' iintl lrom he u. several oi our par
ftke Shirt Tail Fight.
! Said my grandfather one evening
, About htty ol us had been engaged tor
several d s ;n porforining a secret dutyr
, J . ,tT ? , J
returning. We had to pass very
J il Ti V 0i 1 1 . 1
we knew of, through the daj', and under
shadows of night pass unseen on this di
rect course to General Morgan's camp.
The dav was beautiful, and the snot we
' chose for onr resting-place was one of
those grassy nooks, shut out apparently
ts J J 1 r J
from the resl of the world by lines of hills,
: ""PcnetraDie unuer-Drusii, and a gigan-
UB lulMla,au. " , ulBai "u UUT
stream pan by it, and the sun was at such
f Nation as tot hrow half of the lit-
tie spot in the shade We laid down
' our, armsP r?lieve,d ourselves of knapsacks,
and sPreadf the scanty store upon the
grass ate with a good appetite, refreshed
ourselves from the limpid waters of the
' stream, aud then each amused himself as
he could.
"After resting a while, some went in
to bathe, and one by one, as the pleasure
! .1 1 ; ... I'll .1 ii.
seemed to
increase, lollowed, until the
most of us had worn these peculiar gar
lnents two ,r thvcc a.nd four ck a.nd
fome cven loW without their having
' bf ? ?nce wjl.sljC? and ther ls,no doubJ'
' of their needing it 'very much ; for, mind
you, the man in those days who could af-
lord two shirts whole smrts was a curi
ositv. The idea, therefore, was a good
one. and manv immediatelv beran disro-
i - -
' blnS themselves again and soon were
""J? s asn women, rubbing away nice
liilllll-llllllO. 11J Llll IJIUUO IW1 IIUIOII-
nil i ii t T n fii'n iimui in T ii n nn nn rna im n
-J i 1 1 til i 1 1- 1
ot trees,or spread out on the grass. Many
were still engaged at their washing; some
- ,i.. .i. i i ... ii , . l - J
' vtJle JSUtJtUUtiU Ull tllU yruilliu ill tt UtiCU
s'cep some wcvc wrestun? some jumping,
and but a morsel in tne Knapsact, wncn
we were startled yes, indeed, really inght-
UUUU, U V (I jul- Ul UlUlVVJll , tUU Uilll
- . , J , . , , . J' ,
, ot winch whiateled by us, tortunately, on-
,- -i 1 1. n ..i-vllr. i' lti 11 1-a! ! I' 4-lir. Vllo
i mo r nA rrt. cKi,f flAU .Trnmc
" The sound of musketry, although it
1 J o o
' surprised us at first, we were too much
accustomed to- hearing, to remain long
under a panic , so the next moment found
, Gach man of us in the nossession Of his
musket, and himself covered by a tree.
Are had not long to vait before a large
body of British broke through the under-
brush, which had before concealed them,
and rushed with fixed bayonets upon us.
But their progress was suddenly checked
by our wbicb iajd a forge uumber of
them dead before us. We had not time
. to reload, when the enemy again cnarged
i down upon us and we were lorccd to give
in-, when one of the officers, all at once,
' cried out, 'Boys, will you lose your shirts?'
. , ... . " ,
gave a shout, 'Now tor our shirts!' and
vushed fonvard likc s0 many nalced devils,
As soon as the Biiti.-h came to our view,
we ppureu m a weii-uireciuu nrc, aim im-
mediately .charged with the bayonet
moiiiateiy.unargeu wiiu tuu uayouei. oo
, ... '.
. r ri:i iinr mi niwisi'ii i h . tm. uim n i i
I riming the other wa-, they were com
plcfely surprised, and then came their
j turn to run- Affccr thcm .we sboutea still,
with our new watch word, 'Shirts !' The
i ofllccrs of the C1,cm.v havinS at lcnSth suc"
ccedcd in securing the attention of the men,
, ,1.1 1 . ... i v
1 wneeieu tuem, anu gave us a return nre,
which killing, a1 wo supposed, some ot our
Pai'ty, we again took to our heel ; and
-. - . i r . . .
t ie red coats, taken up our cry or 'Ohirk?.'
, . . , ?
io inn nnl I iv.-il I ciltni no it irmn v. n tnw,i
r ZlZ:'l 7i i .
v.Ltiio iiiii iiiiiii uibii n-'j. j,A.itiii .1 w i.ui it"
u uuu UIWIguu luu duusu iiumuig, uiuy
turn, again charging upon us, eaoh
party shouting 'Shirts,' until it finally be-
camo a regural shut-tail fight,
" lc"f h becoming somewliat exas-
porated with the gamc,-aiid constantly re-
minded of oar shifts by the en9niy scream-,
h,g it iu our eaiv, and recollecting, too,
that we. would not cut a very protty fig-
urc returning to quarters culofks, o
I lered all over thc little green space, and
1,1 1 il J- . 3 iiT -
lUiougii tiituvuuua ; uuu putting oil our
garments, and, leaving theTlcad to be
r , t " , , ,i
ouriea by tneir own people, Ave tooK cue
circuuuous route wniyu weuau avoiuou
in the movning, (thereby having been o-
bU d to fiffbt a-HtUft battle) and ronched
it 1 t 1 1 I 1 . v . .1
tne camp.auout iuiuiugnt.wiicre wuuausuu
no nttio meniuont, aim oue iuitTHaruM,
as we related our adventure of thc 'Jhir
n il A in.. . I i-v , i n 1j ll II vV 1 rl (inAllt