Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 20, 1852, Image 1

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VOL. 12.
No 32.
Published by Theodore Schocli.
TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Two
dollars and a quarter. halTyearly aifd if not paid be
fore the end of the year, Tw o dollarsand a half. Those
employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2
tents, per year, extra.
No papers ditcontinucd until all arrcarngesare paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IE? Advertisements not exceeding one square (six-
teen lines, will be inserted three weeks for one dollar.
and twenty-fire cents for every subsequent insertion.
The Charge for one and three insertions the same.
A liberal discount made to yearly adtcrtiscrs.
iDAiiictters-addiessed to the Editor must be post -
doriianientai Type.
to execute every description of
Cards, Circulars, Dill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts ;
Justices, Legal and other nisnks. Pamphlets, &v.'
printed with neatness and despatch, 011 reasonable ,
.Teffcrsouiau Republican.
We hsv seldom seen anvthinn-of tliR kind
as pretty as the following : Louisville Jour-
. To Itfiss 31. E. C.
" la petite."
As men, when making objects course and
...... U
Of tawdry, tinsel, gilt, cr common stuff,
Give all such things a mass and size redund
ant, Showing they had materials abundant,
But, when at work in silver, gems, or gold,
Make such fine articles in smaller mould ;
So Nature found material was not granted
For making you the full size thatshe wanted.
She would no doubt have made you five feet
Tl,n kr;l,f ,., i j nt
i lie enus height,) but could not quite con-
To gather raw material enough
llifct- - I
Without admixing some of common stuff.
o-xt iCu .,fJ "
oaiu naiuju one anu.ii uw a ursi rait; aniciu--
Soul, mind and person shall not have a particle
Of substance that is not divine, ethereal j
Y a. t- 1 5 r . 1i
iul wnere me aeuce loei enoufrii maieriaii
o a i j O A vv O
It can't be helped I cannot make her tall PIace. When the vault was opened he re-. us protracted days. There are some ca
ril make her precious, but she must'be small.', membercd the circumstances, of her death, , ses, it is true, in which a weakly consti-
The Farmer.
Drive on, thou sturdy farmer,
Drive checfully o'er-the fields, "
The pleasures of a farmer's life,
2vb other life can yield. "
Thou risest with the morning sun7
To till the fruitful earth,
And when thy daily task is done, .
Then scek'st thy peaceful hearth.
Thou lovest not the gaudy town,
Tik its tumultuous roar,
Plenty and peace thy fire-side crown,
And thou dost ask no more.
Monarchs in robes with crimson dj-ed,
Arc low compared with thee,
They are pampered sons of pride,
Thou art God's nobility.
Go on, thou sturdT farmer,
Tread proudly on the sod,
Thy proud and goodly heritage,
Thou chosen son of God.
Worth Knowing.
It is a fact, perhaps not generally known hate. I like the thermometer at seventy ;ea notninS Dut somo larch-trees to con
to farmers, and which at this season isiin- five degrees, which he hates. He likes to , struct his vessels. But though the iron,
portant, that there are two parts in the liave the children brought up at home, in-, the cordage, the sails, ami all that was
. ' , - , . t 1 , , . -, stead of school, which 1 hate. I like mu- necessary, except the provisions -for vic.-
Potato, which if separatedand planted gQ he tualHng them tQ be cafried throUgh
at the same time, one will produce pota- jiates je roast porijj j iiatc. the immense deserts of Siberia, down riv-
tocs fit for the table eight or ten days soon- and I like minced veal, which he hates. ers f difficult navigation, and along roads
er than the other The small end of the There is but one thing we both like, and almost impassable, lic thing was done ;
potato, which is generally-full of eyes is the that is hat S?nn? b.oth thoudi , for the command of the sovereign, and the
1 A ' . , , , x xi we are always trying for it the last word, perseverence of the people, surmounted
part which produces the earliest; the mid- j had bad uck Jnoth(iT for two such every obstacle.
die or body of the potato the late and large 'huge, selfish, passionate, unmanageable! w impossible " said some, as soon
ones. boys, never tormented a feeble woman' as tQey heard of a scheme of Oberlin's.
' j since boys began. I wish I had called To rescue his parishioners from h'alf-sav-
-!VFr -Rr.. T 1 rrr.irm m ' tlQm ain- ' tllis moment, they have age state, he determined to open a com
Jlv Urown, 1 owe jou a giude, re- quarreiie(J over their marbles. Mor-' munication. with the high road to Stras
member that t:mer j. as torn off Qrville's collar, and Or- : bourg, so that the productions of the Ilan
'I shall not .be frightened, then, for I villc has applied his colt-like hand to ' de la Koche might find a market: Hav-
nover knew you to paj anything that you
owed. ' '
. !
Women that are the WM1 am '
not unfrequcntly the most modest ; and
we are never more deceived than when
we would infer anv laxity of princinle
from the freedom oF demeanor that often
arises from a total ignorance of vice,-
Prudery, on the contrary, is often assum-
ed to keep off the suspicion of criminalit-.
Question for debate. Ii the milky way
was composed of real cream, how many
cheeses would it make at eight cents a
WJiat ought. to bo done to-day, do-if,
for to-morrow it may rain.
Children's M.The'acid contained
in jpk is tenfold niore injurious to the
teeth than are the sweet things so often
complained of as destroying the teeth of
children. Schoolmasters should attend
to this, as nothing is more frequent than
for their pupilk to.drawinkyipcns through
their mouths; ;
- Premature Burial.
The Albany Register, in the course of an
article onttis subject, relates the following
: instance, ot winch the i-ditor was perfectly
I uufa
, . Some years an-o. we were Derfectlv con-ni-
j-o "0u, t- wurc ptnecuy cuhi
Zant to an occurrence of this kind, which was
of the most heart-rending' character. The
; wile ot a gentleman was taken suddenly ill
' in church, and was carried to her home in a.
state of syncope. In a few hours she partial-1
recovered, but immediately relapsed, and
. - , J
never again suowcu any signs oi 'conscious -
i , . . 4, . " , a
Javs hafflinn- tho skill of tho nhvsicians and
- S' DannnS ine SKm 01 lue P'l5icians, ana
then, as It was thought, and as there was al-
most every reason to believe, died. .No signslgardcd among all nations as typifying the
' of breathing could be detected, the limbs be-
'came rigid and cold, and the eyes remained
nnon. tuifli fiyoA nnd rrlnssv starn of dnnth:
, -r " ) o .
but there was no change in the color of the
I ...... m, , L.T. i.i
, stan
for supposing that dissolution had not taken
, place. The poor bereaved husband, almost
frantic at the loss of the young and beautiful
' . . . . . -
wife whom he almost idolized, clung with f at three score and ten, would be a purga
desperation to the hope limned in her face, j tory on earth. To. survive all our friends,
and long resisted the unanimous decision of even if we preserved our youth, would be
the physicians, that she was certainly dead, j1 living several lives, and enduring all
They told him, what is doubtless true, that it their Zncfs hen. 0 sorrows one
... . . ,. Jare enough generally to bear down the
.w-fa.. .-.-v,..-rr-..-
mere is no oiscoioraiion ior aays ana even
weeks after dissolution has taken place. But
still he resisted, and it was not until three days .
had passed, without the faintest signal of,
ciian'je oi or sitju 01 inc. tijat uu iniani give
. e, , , , &C,I
.,.. ... f ,1
, nn nnd cttttnnnf rnn hnrtn in .o rnn inn p
was entombed in vault. Months passed.-
UU UIIU UUllUIk.U w wuaM vuw w wv. Masw
' A cemetery having been laid out, the husband
:i.M.n iw...., it
f"4 t,""-'u "u "-.u.mi u, v. v. v.
elegant monument in it, and when all
ready, superintended the removal of the bodv
rtPliii? ttr fV rn m tlirk tii1t f rv tt? fifinl rncti r rr
iiwm .w "uu iwuhk-
above detailed, and a desire suddenly seized ;
! him to once more behold the corpse. By his
1 I
direction the coffin lid iva removed. The .
J 1
spectacle which presented itself was incon i mmd, methodical habits, and steady oc-j the quitest, patientcst, iovmgest a nininnals dangers no refreshments were to be ob
ceivably horrible, for it showed that she had "Pf? nearly certain to produce : in existence, when they get all they want? tained, than they roared with rage-but
- ' , Aflfr llti Klir niccmntinn wrtnr?c,-r nn I I till T-.111 nrot CAn n H'AIll -1 11 en n vl T . 1 1 l-llirvnlir .r-nr. .. L. A II a I
1, 7 J 7
w.v;n w? ttru u
5he had turned quite over j
upon her side ; she had clutched her nails in
to the coffin until her fingers had bled, por
tions of her grave-clothes were torn, in her
horrible struggles she had contrived to carry
her hand to her head, and had plucked from i
it a ma'ss of hair, with portions of the cap that !
r 1
The poor man was borne away senseless,
I and for the rest of weary life was an utterly
broken and miserable being.
At a celebration in Charleston, on Wash-
, ington's birth day, the following toast was
given : Woman Her natural place between
angels and bloomers without wings and
without pantaloons.
Pleasures of Matrimony.
I was married far my money. That
Til --- -1 rm t . . r I . liny I. n .. linnn
I uvu jtuiD aa iuuj iiu t ui;uii
ten years of purgatorv. I have had
bad luck as a wife, for my husband and '
1 nave scarcely one taste in common.
- , x i- - xi x 1 i t
He wishes to live m the country, which I ;
Mortimer's ribs ; while the baby, Z.
lies in my lap, who never sleeps more
than half an hour at a time, and cries all '
tlie time she is awake, has been roused by
tbc.r to gcrcam in chorus -L have
had bad ag a llousekecperj for 1 nev.
er cven keep a chambermaid more than
three weeks. And. as to cooks. I look
a bewildered, on the long phantasma-
gona ot laces ilittm" stormily through my
as a marin remeibers. a 6rapiJ
successjon 0f thunder gusts and hurricanes
in the Gulf of Mexico. My new chani-
bermaid bounced out of the room yester-'
day, flirting her dusters and muttering
:.k7 . . , 0 . , . . o 1
" Keal old maid alter ail I" just because ,
showed her a t.aDie on winch 1 could
write " Slut" with my finger in the dust.
I never see my plump, happy sister, and
then glance in the miror at my own ca
daverous, long, doleful vissage, without
wisfung inyself an old maid. I do it ev
ery (lay of my life. Yet half of my sex
marry as I did not for love, but for fear
for. fear of dying old maids. Mrs. E.
I), iiall.
A man who goes to church to chow to
bacco and spit upon the floor, ought to be
taken bv the head and heels,- and ecrub-
bed- upon- the, soiled -part -until at is made
j clean. ? - - T-
The Elixir of Life.
In all ages and countries the search for
an Elixir of Life has consumed the time
of philosophers and impoverished their
wealthiest patrons. And" yet few persons
even if they could, would choose to live
forever on earth. Our happiness here is
so involved with that of others, that he
who survives his family and friends has
little left for which to live. Could a man's
existentCJ do protracted to hve hundred
years, he would spend at least the last
1. i -
1 j 7 ., , -,
j four hundred years alone m the world,
with no companionship of wife or children
I to alleviate care or sweeten pleasure.
mV TltiVIUr "w F5'-
The legend of the 'Wandering Jew' is re-
j most awmi penalty which it is possible to
suner in this world. Ihe desire tor an
j elixir or lite is a weak tceling, opposed to
11 n 111
. GXPencnce and to all
I springs from that n
correct reasoning.
, mal natur(Jj and is-not&sanctioned, in this
its exeesS) by either the soul or tlQ intel
;lect. To live for centuries yet "row old
I . r J y o
! nvictnilfiA irhinh hn nnvc - 4- K -v i n
-UtJt.lIV 1 AAA V. 1A WUlVliilO (,u tuc IIIULIC it 111
; stoutest heart,
The happiest lot, is to fill the usual term
; of life, and die in a ereen old acre before
wc are left entirely alone. Few, however,
do this. But the fault is theirs, not na-
i i
A 1 Ti? 11 Ul- . .,
, i"i- un iwum ne auwiuiu iu me
l1oB . ,
iui d vi tuuii uciLiLf. 11 u i u ; 1 1 . nit
. C" J "
nearlr alwaJs extended to seventy. But
UUi oursenes ro.Qeam .u,r
passions, i,r wear our existence out with
, nifru. we renroacn Jieavfin with unt, mnn
tuuon is innented trom parents ; with tins
exception, we all have, as it were, a long
1 i l?f i ! 1 k , .
i .1 ? . i 1 1
. suo" me ai our aisPosai- cneenui
jip ocinnntf tprnTinr onrl nil otlior
J X m.w ' X W
!.... O
, m medicine, therefore, but in the proper
ordering ot our days. There is not an
U0UF n our """hole career, when we may
i .1 xi- -xi ji.ii.
something either to lengthen or
shorten our lives. Yet how rarely do we
reflect on this! How little, when enrra-ed
in the pursuit of pleasure, do we regard
this great truth 1 How frequently, when
seeking fortune, do we openly violate it!
To live long we must avoid excesses, wheth
er of body or mind, do our duty to our
fellows, and'
take air and exercise : and
thus, with
a mind at ease and a regular
e, we ma3r boast of having found
mode of life
true the elixr. Phila Bulletin.
"ft is Impossible."
"It it is impossible?" said some, when
Peter the Great determined on
a voyage
0f discovery ; and the cold and uninhabi-
x j : n i 1 1 j u
ted regions over which he reigned furnish-
, . . 0
ig assembled the people, he proposed that
they should blast the rocks, and convey a
sufficient, quantity of enormous masses, to
construct a road, about a mile and a half
m lengtn, aiong ine oanKS 01 tne river
Bruche, and build a bridge across it The
peasants were astonised at his proposition,
and pronouced it impracticable ; and ev-
cry one excused himself on the ground of
private uusiness., xie nowever reasoueu
with them, and added the offer of his own
example. No sooner had he pronounced
these words, than, with a pick-axe on his
shoulder, he proceeded to the shop, while
the astonished peasants, animated by his
1 x xi. j 1 x
axampie, lorgoi, uieir excubes, auu uuaiuu
cd with one consent to fetch their tools to
follow him. At length every obstacle
was surmounted ; walls were erected to
support the earth, which appeared ready
to give way; mountain torrents,, which
'had hitherto inundated the meadows, were
diverted into courses, or received into beds
sufficient to contain them, an4 Hie thing
was done. The bridge still bears the name
of the " Bridge of Charity."
" It is impossible " said some, as they
looked on the impenetrable forest which
covered the rugged banks and deep gor
ges of Mount Pllatus, in Switzerland, and
hearkened to the daring plan of a man
named Kapp, to convey the pipes from tho
anxieties about wealth, or rtonsnrrm our ' an extract irom Blackwood, bv a German dian corn and a rmnntifv of lonve -trom
vvas nnwWS in tho firo of JntomnorJ Professor bv tho nnmft of Stahr. in which, still smnk-ino- on .rm, i,fnnnn, and the soldiers did not at first compre-
r ate living; and then, when death draws after commenting most severely upon the to a cinder, and swimming floods pf wine,' ncna e iuu horror ot their situation
. . v i i 7 .., ... -i i i' x " xt i t r. r .i .i i . , . . . but as the poison, operated the Snamarrl
top of the mountain to the Lnlre of Li
certic, a distance of nearly nine miles.
Without being discouraged by their ex
clamations, he formed a slide or trough
of twenty-four thousand pine trees,
Vlf. V.rnnr1 nnA A...... x -x x- x
deep and tliis slide, whw.l, .. ,,ifif,i
www tv-k. V u. X UJ-1U. 11 Mill I If I I'M I I 1 VJIV TilriT
iw r 1 A KM
in 1812, and called the slide of Alnnach.
was kept moist. Its lenfrrl, wn fnrfv
S. lsecf-
f t . . i ti . O . . J
CUUU7U vur rocjo or along tiieir sides, t M" j f thtf DaeLss FAhrnnn5 tbe lieutenant, she empted it without hes
or under ground, over deep places, where iAcmom f tiie jJucaess Abantcs, itation
lake with wonderful rapidity. The larger
n;nM .i,:i, OM i,. ,
I pines which are about uliimrlrpd w inn,,
ran through the space of eight miles audi!
third in about six minutes. A gentleman
ran through the spa
third in about six m
who saw this great
was tne speed with, which a tree of the
WnsfcaVfi nnv mvn ;f
hcWd only strike it S
iiL touiuoniy suii.e it once with a stick,
as it rushed by, however quickly he at-
tempted to repeat the blow
Say not hastily, then, "It is impossible."
It may be so to do a thing in an hour, a
day, or a week, or by thoughtlessnes,
indole-co; but to aCt
carelessness, and
with wisdom, energy
"His Character is that of a Wo-
" itiri 11. J
.ii Ar oi i i. it ?
shakes Mr. Starhr by the ears, for remar-
n Irnc il l Sfor hr hi- t in novo -t-r rnmor.
1 t i . i r
, KmS men. bhe says :
, i u 1 , t" V t T
, body to hold me! I've just been reading
AS fhft nirli of tlm mnffor intn tl,i nt.l,oll
"But no reliance can be nlaced on him;
t . ,i i c1. .i.. t-
man !" What do 3-011 mean by that you
un .1 o - ii
, oiu u-ermaji curmuugeon : -lin t women
I her nursn was nronorlv snrmlirui smd slin
XT - X W r 2 mm.v-
; back the wrong way you must expect to
! get scratched. W omen alwaj-s know what
' they want, -and that's more than half the
! J .1 11 j :x 1 11. ..!.
men do, and they want it when they ask
' for it, too, without any hem's ha's or if !s
or buts. Ain't they full of fun, and smiles
- . . '..
oW nwenvnn ii. Loiuiis uaneu up even m tne breast ot wn. , ..
stacle. awZ thin ma ,jm luen and the ruthless acts perpetrated bv - lllea, Jt
, l"st M-"y- o m,m,;,, nu.- . wimout aanirer
nr cnaracicr oi jjouis ianoieon. no comnress- inainaa strnnirinri trom n;it lore ririo -n-hirih . ,A . ' . . L
I i X. wv..w. ....nun n rlnnlnnt;,. r, U:U1 i 1
and capers betore they re married I and 'here is a woman we have found sitting 1ULO 11 morai numau Deingj unyhuoum
what do they look like afterwards, with beside an old one, who is past speaking. it be requisite to curb thi.s propen.-ity,
their long faces, swollen eyey, and calico Question her a little.' stimulate the other sentiment, and by ar
mor ning gowns? crawling around the house She was dressed in the peasant costume, tificial aids mould the mind into eome
like dyspepeptic caterpillars. When of Sorin Quioja mountains, and was pale thing different from what it would of it
they've been worshipped like a divinity but not trembling. self become' Is not there, then, an an-
for six months, or more, you expect th
to hop right off their pedestal after mai
mony, and crouch down at your feet like
a whipped spaniel, who dare not even
growl to himself when his ears get cuffed
" Character that of a woman !" hump !
As to Louis JNapolcon'he is'nt a man to! in the presence of a Frenchman :I staid ingprtraining. The iusectpasses through
my taste nor 3'ou either? Did you ever: to take care of my grandmother.' its several transformations and arrives at
see a man that had half the fortitude of a , 'Why have j'our neighbors deserted , its final form, possessed of every ncedfu
woman? Ask the doctors about that, if , the village?' Sf ' 'capacity and instinct. No coercion w
you catch one that tells the truth. If aj The Spaniard's eye flashed fire. She needed to make the young bird or quad
man gets a. scratch on his little finger, the , fixed on the lieutenant a look of strange ruped adopt the habits proper to its future
wnqie iiouse is put 111 requisition ior suck
ing plaster, opodeldoc, Kussia salve, and
mercy knows what. Then here ain't a
savager man in existence than a man when
he's hungry. Go ask a favor of him some
time just before dinner, but don't wait for
an answer : and if the razor don't work
right when he is shaving in- the morning
catch up the children and clear the coast.
And as to pin 11101103", although all a man
can earn would not pay a wife's wages,
yet if you hav'nt any affectionate pa, or
big hearted brother, or an accommodating
brother-in-law heaven help you.
Did you ever know a man whose wife
was sent to State Prison who ever made
her a call at that interesting institution ?
And did you ever know a woman even if
she'd had a dozen sticks spoiled over her
head, who did'nt bribe jailors and stone
walls till she had got at him, some how or
other, to tell him how she loved him all
the better, the wickeder he grew and the
more people hated him ; and how, if he
had abased her, she daresay it were more
her fault than his'n. And what did Kos
suth's wife do for him, you stupid old fool?
and what did the American women of the
Revolution do for their husbands? and
what will their female descendents do for
you, you beer drinking, phlegmatic, tobac-
co dried old German if you dare show
you phiz-niahogony this side of big pond?
Of all the annoying men in this world,
-1- 1 t . 1 n i.i '
the Lord preserve us from him who thinks
himself more righteous than his neighbors
who imagines that his way to Heaven
is the only true way and that those who
won't believe in him, disbelieve in God.
AST A stranger, in a pfi tiling office,
asked the youngest apprentice what was
his rule for punctuation I Said be, 'I set
up as long as I can hold my breath, then
put in a comma; when I gape I inseVt
a Bemi-no-lon : and when I want a chaw
of tobacco, I make a paragraph.'
The S'easaul's Sacrifcc.
Although histories and Doets have from
j i "OF
all times depicted in glowing colors the
horrors of war, yet few persons have anv
1, 1 . a - J
adequate conception of the social and do-
J110?10 mi? 7 lt V, particularly
111 are-tne scenes ot
: fmminirrnc 'I'Jin 4v-.ll-.T,.;vin. i
rSand accepting thefuess glass offered by
Ll' ui ., . . r
given m the words of the authoress.
legiment was sent Irora Burgos
a UerUIa Paj unde the marquis
! tlt nd order!d to the
:ork says, that "such ; fT";. 1 ngorons seven- h'er infant, Vembled--whieh
i trPP of r!,n,fcy esPlciallJ the inhabitants of Arguno, m, inia?ls ."Pa- ner nana tiemdiett.-
ttiiicn d, tree OI tllC i i:,i ., o Ihe motion. Imwn.rnr. -a-nt nn-nfirpmvnri
KfVi Ti ui guuu,
! a llttle vlllaSe near the famos forest of
shades, intersected
i . fnn5,ii.a '
J at'cre the rc'
A principal feature of the whole Span-
ish war wis the celerity with which all
our movements were notified to the insur-
, , . f , , ,i:ffiifTT
dangers. Thcv reached tlm ,niinn
! perceived no movement, heard no ni.
- O vfmvoi
in command, suspecting an ambush.
, dered the utmost circuinspection They
I ana arrived at an open
ing, where some bundles of wheat and in
l.nrl Unn ,e1 lA it,
visions hd hnon inrnf Ut A-iV
a.ii: 1 i T .'I ? w7 '"w"
falling into the hands of the French.
i No sooner had the soldiers satisfied
ii 1 ., . o. .... . ...
tnemscives mat alter ail their tols and
inlinliif:nf; hrr flnrl ?n,n fl,fl Cwnf
m.uu W A lib V bliU IVlUCVi
the hope of discovering some food or boo
ty. lhey proceeded from a young wo-
man, holding a child in her arms, whom
xi. -.u: j . 1. .1
the soldiers were dragging before their
lieutenant. .
'Stay, lieutanant ' said one of them.
,.. .
! 'Why are you alone here?' said the lieu-
'I stayed with my grandmother who is
paralj-tic, and could not follow the rest to
the forest,' replied she haughtily, and as
. if vexed at being obliged to drop a word
import, and answered
'Jtou know very well were they not
all to be massacred?'
The lieutenant shrugged his shoulders.
'But why do you burn the bread and
wheat and empty the wine skins?
'That you might find nothing. As they
could not carry them off, there was no al-
ternative but burning them.
At this moment shouts of joy arose, and
the soldiers appeared carrying a number . al constitution which fitted man for his
of hams, some loaves, and, more welcome original predatory state, dfffcrs from the
than all, several skins of wine all dis- one needed to fit him for his social state
covered in a vault, the entrance to which to which the multiplication of the race
was concealed by the straw the woman has left him. In the foregoing part of
was lying on. The young woman darted our inquiry, it was shown that the law of
at them a look of infernal vengeance, while adaptation is effecting transition from tho
the lieutenant, who had pondered with oue constitution to the other. Living,
anxiety on the destitute amLsinking con- then, as we do," in the midst of this trans
dition of the troops, rejoiccdr a moment ition, we must expect to find sundry
in the unexpected supply. But for the pheuomcna which are explicable only up
recent poisoning' of several cisterns, and on the hypothesis thathumanity is atpre
other fearful examples, putting him on his sent partially adapted to both those states
guard, he again interrogated the woman, and not completely to either ;has only in
'Whence came those provisions? ! a degree lost the disposion needed for
'They are all the same as we burnt. savage life, and has but imperfectly ac
We -concealed them for our friends.' ' quired those ueeded for social life. Tho
'Xs your husband with Tonder brigands?
'My husband is in Heaven,' said she,
up her ejTes. 'He died lor the
good cause mat 01 uou ami lvuig ueiu- gruu 01 niuuiuuauon uiai uas yei 10 take
inand.' j place. Those respects in which he is ta--
'Have you any brother among them?' j Icing after the aboriginal man.
'I have no longer a tie, excepting my j The selfish squables of the nursey, tho
poor child,' and she pressed the infant to persecutions of the play-ground, the ly
her breast. ' ; ings and petty theft, the rough treat-
The poor little creature was thin and ment of inferior creatures, the propensity
sallow ; but its large black yesglistened to destroy all these imply that tendency
as ther turned to its mother . to pursue gratification at the expense of
'Commander,' exclaimed one of the sol- other beings, which qualified man for
diers, 'pray order a division of booty, for the wilderness, ami which disqualifies
we are very hungry and devilish thirst-.1 him for civilized life. Spencer's Social
'One moment, my children. Listen, State.
said he, eyeing the woman with suspicious ,
inquisition 'these provisions are good, Ir Iu portions of Vermont, a3 late as the
hope?' ; 3d ihst., the sleighing continued goqil,
'How could theyb"e otherwise?' -replied and thVsnow in4hb woods was from ono
, . . n.j j i- - 171 1
the Spaniard, contemptuously, Hheywore
"out intended for you.'
'Well, here's to thy health, then, Dtf
monia,' said a young Sub-lieutenant, op
ening one of thcskins and preparing for
a draught. But his more prudent com
mander restrained him.
'Ona moment. Since this wine is so
good you will not object to a glass?
'Uh, dear, no I as much as 'ou please,
' ni77.i!' slimifnri tiio solilipra
the prospect ol intoxication
A.nd your child will drink some also,'
said the lietenant 'he is so pale' that it
' hcrself drant
0 fZ "l ,
rn j - i t
Th motion however was unnorceived
r'S;0 unperceived,
u luu c""u ate0.mPo Slass-"7
1 hereupon the provision soon disappeared
and all nartoob both food and wineSud-
and the child also emnted tho class.
" 7. '-T? V emianiiwas onserved to
tu md lts, featu.rf contracted, and its
f-T nv.u scd h aSon Save ent to
nicieous snneivs. 1 no mother, too,
her fortita.lo suppressed comldn.
umuuud aniiuivs. xuc iuoiner. too, Lnourn
nmg to tuegrounci Dcside her child, al
,rea 2ZS the death; y
es, jl
i. : .1 1 t i ii
Woo ,f lil'nl,. 1,1 1 An
i, no iu until uu IIUUIU XtJtlVU H U viutr
creature undisturbed in her litter:
yes! you will die, die in perdition, while
I shall die and go to heaven!'
Her last words were scarcely audible,
WOlUUU b UCClUrailOn Was leglDiy transla-
J-J1--1 1 -ll ,
d in her convulsed features. No power
could longer restrain them.
In vain their
-commander interposed. They repulsed
him and dragging their expiring victim
to the torrent, threw her into it, after
lacerating her with more than a hundred
sabre strokes. She uttered not a groan.
As for the child, it .was the first victim.
lwcnty-twojnen were destroyed by
WIlV is Eilnr:i tiiii iiri:irr.
wl-kJ,,.,, wkw
11-11 ' ,
uu" uot tue cnuu grow bpontaneousiy
" ... 1 1 ! ., -ITT- 1 1 1
omalay in iNaturc? Throughout the rest
ot creation we find the seed and the
embryp attaining to perfect maturity
without external aid. Drop an acorn
into the ground, and it will in time be-
come a healthy oak without either prun-
! life. Its character, like its body spon-
taneously assumes complete htness lor
the part it has to play in the world.
; How happens it, then, that the human
mind tends to develop itself wrongly
Must there not be some exceptional cause
for this? Manifestly; and if so, a true
theory of education must recognize this
It is an indisputable fact, that the mor
anomaly just specified is one of these.
Tho tendency of each new generation to
develop itsell wrqngly, indicates the de-
. i- :e..i! .ij 1 xx.x.i.
to two feet deep!