Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, March 04, 1852, Image 3

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    IHJ'The locofoco presses, to prepare
(be Dublio mind for tbclarce expenditures
of the public money -which thej contem-
piato ior electioneering purpura, uawge
that U07. donnston uas mil. uuuts ior
Biglers administration to pay. Ihis al-
legation is made witnout any autnonty
and is one of those despicable expedients
" vr.u
rowmu u.eor mauy w
resort when the unvarnished truth will
not answer their corrupt purposes. If
.lU.. . C n.l.;1.
.mjruuuwua.D uucu wuiiuuicu, ui uiuu
made by the Locofoco Canal Commis- his own eyes. The Bible is their nomi
sioners in direct violation of law and in nal constitution, and how curiously must
the face of their official oaths. Since they follow its teachings, is , evident
1848, Gov. Johnston paid 8373,801,48 from the fact that they disavow all sepa
of debts which were illegally contracted rate or individual right in property
by the Locofoco Canal Board prior to , " wives or children." This ii a progres
Decl, 1848, but were subsequently as- j sivc age.
sumed by, the Legislature and consequent- j r-- '
ly paid. If the Canal CoramissionertJ j ' The people of the United States
have continued in their disregard of law cat every year thirty-two millions of
. i j ! ft . . 1 f i . f 'I
and tne interests oi tne uommouwuaitu,
ali the blame belongs to the guilty per'
pctrators of Ihesc outrages, and not to '
Gov. Johnston, who, with all his party.
inenas, was euiauy active tuat usc
plunderers might be thwarted.
AVeknow.ot no set ofmen more corrupt
and unscrupulous than the Locofoco edi
tors and politicians of this State. They
arc pursuing the late Administration
with most bitter falsehoods and most
malicious misrepresentations falsehoods
and misrepresentations which have no '
parallel save in thc unholy crusades of '
the same slanderers against other honest
muu uuuureu uy tuc people witn tncir
cuuuuuuuu. uum yuvw lcnows iitru
honestly, and will discuss tacts instead
oi making reuiucss ana trutuiess asser-
tions, no pnblic man can expect his ac-
tions to be fairly represented or himself
io uc iree lrom tuo caiumuies oi tuc uasc.
independent n ms, i
Klopcnientlsaniiwiiic Bird
. , , ,
An elopement or run-a-way match
since. The narties are a vouncr lad v.
about eighteen years old, whose parents
reside in Swecdsburg, a short distance
below this, borough, on the opposite side
of the river, and a man named Thomas
nUand, who has a wife and two children,
living in the city of Beading. Mitland,
it appears, has been employed for some
months back, in pedling stoves, and was
in thc habit of stopping at thc 'Unicorn
Tavern,' on the Lancaster T urnpikc,
where he met the young lady alluded to,
who for convenience sake, we shall call
Miss C, her sister being married to the
gentleman keeping tbe house. He after-
wards visited her at her father's house.
Some time after, her parents.were infor-
j .i . i n ' :
they forbid him coming to the house.
Mitland, however, who it would appear
is an accomplished villain, Tvas not daun
ted, but laid his plans still deeper to ac
complish the ruin of his unsuspecting vic
tim. In order to counteract the report,
he brought a person from Beading, who
drove his horse and (Mitland's) wagon
to her father's house, on pretence of
selling a stove, while Mitland remained
at a public house m the neighborhood.
Upon being informed that tliey had re
cently purchased a stove of Mitland, he
manifested much interest in him, stating
they were old
were old acquantances, aud re
presented him as a single man, of unex-
epntinnnhm nhnraot-r
On the first of February, Mitland
came to the Unicorn" in a one -horse
wagon, where he met Miss C. They then
l i j i xi -
went on to Kadnor. where they were
, j i -n ' -.r T, J . ..
married by thc Bev. Mr. Brown. After
- v J , , . T
which theT proceeded to Lancaster, where
j . .i j '
they remained two or three days.
Before leaving Heading, Midand Cook
about 20 of his wife's money, her gold
watch and chain, and left her a penny
on the table, telling her to live upon
that until he returned. Upon these
things being made known, Mr. Jacob
Hurst, and Btartedin pursuit.
They overtook themiat Bollefonte, in
Centre county where hay had put up
for the aight. They were brought
back, and Miss C. roturned to her par
ents, while Mr. M. was furnished with
lodgings for the present, in our new jail.
ane heading journal states that he
purchased the horse and wagon on credit,
under thc pretence that he was going to
the South to sell patents at a salary of
S800 per annum. It is also1 stated that
he borrowed considerable money, and
purchased numerous articles of clothing
&c, on credit, besides committing nu-
merou? frauds upon his former employ-
,p.-MontSomenj Watchman. I
-uyuuon exniuitor announcas a
T . i . ,
fchowof"200 fleas of all nations ; " and
among uiem " jivossuiu on lour iuistrian j
fleas," and " Louis Nepoleon on the Ruf- j
sinn flea Hercules,, aged five years." j
. jl 1 1 1 T A 1 i
Gcu. Scoit Ati Offer Declined.
nn. - xt r'i Tix Tk 1 :
paper, refers to a fact of which it. says it '
has been some time cpmizant, that Gen. J
Scott, who.n 5n rt,o nuZ nf tin aft,r i
its capture, was offered by several of the
wealthiest citizens of the Mexican Re-
publicto be made President of that coun-
try; and, as an inducement to the offer, lave. en granted 10 me unaers.gned by me
l'-i, j xi 1 1 Register of Monroe County. All those hav-
they bound themselves to settle upon f Ml5a or. demands against said estate
mm the sum of one million of dollars. ! are requested to present them for settlement
I he 'splendid offer.' savs the,, ihv undersigned, and those indebted to
"was declined by the General, with 1
scarcely .a moment's consideration. The '
brave old soldier could not be tempted
by such inducement to abandon the flag
under which he had achieved ao much
renown and Jionor."
A fellow who attended .a . temperance
meeting a few .ays .since, went home
nnH U x . i. . ..... .
, uu wne. aimpsj-itocieath, to let
uer know.that he jntrintforthe lick her
c. , A View Sect.
"We have Intel v Jiad some startling ac-
counts of thc -pfogrp To polygamy a -
niong tne .ujLorraons.oi utuu, ami
distanced, entirely oy a suou;- caiug
himselves ' Perfectionists," ana who;
ike the Mormons, claim to oe onn.uans , and gcenes 0f Hungarian Solution. To
The centre of this sect ism the town otui.;u ,-r, 4 ,. , . .
entro ot tms sect is in tue town or i :i : t v , . . .
t v n r, vt wmc" 13 atiued an Appendix1: containing
c, Madison .County. ,N.ow lorlr',,. mntt. ff tt, 'aj, 5
77. ... nr..!: ru.. r, vt
i,enox, iuuu ?uu vuuuy., v
where about 150 men, women and chil -
dren live together in one house, with no
f ..t.ii.Tf fomi trnr ni.Hi.i.i.
uisuuuuuu ui piuoiuj, .u. uuuix -
pounds or maple, sugar, so tne census
says.: .Not quite a pound and a half a
piece; ' '
Tbc lasfc Hve Yankee? .feat is the
' pumninff the water out- of Harlem lake
with three big steam engines., By this
means 30,000 acres of good land have
been exposed to sunshine and cultivation,
and by next year will probably be seed
ed down with onions
Extensive Robbery of Silver
A mvstcrious robbery at New York was
perpetrated on Saturdy night, between
hours of seven and twelve o'clock,
at the silverware manufactory owned by
(j0oper & Ub., from which the
r0gUes carried off silver goblets, pitchers,
trumpets, napkin rings, sugar baskets,
, two maS0nic medals, bread bakets. &c.
valued in all at 2,592. Thc property
I rrns fnlrrn frnm flm irnn S5ifr hv inpnns
rf fa,M kcjg Tfao young man ho m
i m charge of the premises visited the
! theatrcfeon Saturday night, and during
his absence the premises Avere entered
and robbed. . He has been arrested on
suspicion of being concerned in the rob
Itflore Pardons.
On Saturday evening last, Israel
Streeper and James Hoskins, con vie
ted in this county, at February Sessions,
1851, for Burglary and Larcen', in
Morel and township, and sentenced to the
Penitentiary at labor for three years,
were jlichaiged from the Montgomery
ouu V , Vi 1 T 1 "y
ov' Bl0T' ,Thc naraes sc . foJth n
the Vion and ,0Il hoseu plication the
same was granted, are "Ephraim Pen
ton, Associate Judge of the Uourt, Hon.
n i... t: j l
jouu iucair. 11. xippen, cierK. oi
the Court, TVin. D. Lewis, Collector of
the Port of Philadelphia and John W.
Ashmead. United States Attorney for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania."
The principal instrument in obtaining
the Pardon above referred to, was J ohn
J. McCAhex" of Philadelphia. This
business of securing pardons has become
one of 2rqfcssion. and is carried-on as a
system, under thc motto that 4t the labor
er is worthy of his hire' and there is
no case, however desperate, that cannot
be run through providing always that
the consideration is forthcoming. Gov.
Big leu is making a good beginning, and
if he continues as well through his term,
Llis Particular friends will feel the bene-
fit 10 their pocket3r-JWMfotg Herald.
m, , c , , . ,
The bite of a drunkard it seems is. to
i c m n. n k-
be feared like the bite of a snake. An
- rw.- i. i,- xt.
officer in Ohio, who was bitten m the
c 3 ' , , . t
fincrer by a drunken man, as he was tak-
u- i; j xi
to PnSOn' haS SlDCC, die of tbe
'' ,. ,
0n the 26th ult" by Rev-;Baker Johnson,
TV T TU 1 1i: TIT 1 1. TT
Primrose, both of Middle Smithffeld.
On the 28lh .ult, by M. M. Burnett, Esq.
Mr. .Frederick Kouel, of Stroud township,
and Miss Mary Loos, of Stroudsburg.
1 E3IAINING in the Post Office at
MM STBOUDSBUHG, February 16tb,
Arndt, Jacob
Burnet, C.
Boyer, Daniel
Bush, A.
Beck Wm.
Dejtrich, Henry
TII1 T T.'
Keefer, John
Kemerer, Mary Ann
Keller, Sydenham
Lee, Daniel
McCo'llough, H. If.
Miller, Jacob .
Ozfer, George,
Puii, G. F. ,
Phillips, u)y Ann
Right, John,,
Staple, John ,
""let, a . m. .
Hostiman, George
Kemer,e,r, Joseph 2
Steen, Matthew ,
fcjjevers, J. 11.
Persons calling for Letters on the
ab0Ve List, will please saV advertised.
- -ww
February 2G, 1852.
VAbmitUBtratOr'S. No'tifX
nm .
Elate of Bliram Wolfiuscr,
Latcof Stroud township, Mo7iroe, Co. da? I.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad-
ministration upon the abore named estate
said decedent to make Immediate pavmei.t to
January 15, 1852. Administrators
Shad, Codfish
Iter ring, Pork,
Z?aiu;&iti! Side
Constantly on
'I hand for. sale by
MarKeijSt. vmari
Lard :md Ulie'eC; J -.3
February .27, 185. -3m. t t.
' Ilerilley' ILife off Kossuth. ' 5
:TIIE Undersinedpubiished' in Januaryilast,
Governor of 'Hungary.
With notices of the distinguished "Men
10 auuuu au -penaix: containing
thc most im-p0'rfant of tho Addresses,
, T tffirs nnA P tUn ArJ
CMcf. B p c Hoadlef authbr of
r,-.. r ..... J'
. wife oj the Empixss Josephine" "Life
of Lafayette," etc., with an Introduction
by Horace Greely. In one elegant 12m.p
volume, with steel Portrait. Uniform
in size and style writh "ijeadley's. Joseph
ine." Price SI 2o.
Agents wanted in every County in the
United States to canvas for the above pop
ular work.
Any Newspaper published within
500 miles of New York State that" will
give the ;above three insertions, shall,
have a copy of thc work immediately on
its publication free of expense by mail.
DERBY & MILLER, Publishers.
Feb 26, 1852. Auburn N. Y.
Two Hundred Hollars
Wanted immediately. Ample security on
real estate given. The interest paid yearly
or half yearly, as may bo desired. The un
dersigned is duly authorized to negotiate for
the same'. S. C. BURNETT.
Stroudsburg, February 19, 1852.
1hv Goods & Grocery Store.
In North Hamilton St., Easton -nearly op
posite thc White Horse Tavern.
would respectfully announce to their
old friends in Monroe county and thc pub
lic generally, that they have taken the
above establishment, and offer for sale a
large and well selected stoct of Hard
ware, Dry G oods and Groceries, compris
ing the following
50 doz Rim Locks, with white, brown
and brass Knobs.
2000 gross Screws,- assorted.' - '
200 doz Butts, assorted;" ' '
50 " Pulleys, Blakes & Westville's
GO doz Till Locks. '
-500 planes assorted; the celebrated M.
Copeland's make of Planes are amongst
this assortment.
20 doz' Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and
also the celebrated London spring Saw,
manufactured "by H. Disston. Also, Dis
ston's Mill Saws, for sawing white pine;
circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxes,
hahd and cooper axes; hatchets; compas
sesi Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls
and cooper cross. Also, a lot of Macke
rel & Rickardson's. celebrated window
fastenings ; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts :
plastering and mason's trowels; hammer
ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels
and forks, &c, with a great' variety of
hardware, too numerous to mention.
Ihe assortment will compare wjth with
any in this place in quantity, st3Tlc and
Cloths. French blue black, blue, brown,
cadet st3'le, mixed, Beaver, lwced, Uro
ton; ;Sakinets; a full assortment of Cas-
simeres. A large assprtment Jjadies
Dress Goods; black silk, black silk warp
lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and
fancy linen, gingham, calicScs, &c. Bed
ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin
en plaid; coatings; cbeck'sjflannpljbqes.;
buttons; thread and silk. riA .full assortT
ment of ' - "
10 hhds 3Iolasses. r
20 bbls N. O. and Trinidk-Molasses.
5 lihds Sugar. - ' - - ? e
30 bbls do. whito.iand brown.
15 " sperm, whaleandflard Oil.
25 boxes soap. i- ).. -f 5&?t
20 do. candles. va.'.
3000 lbs Bacon. , -s&cKt'-
25 bbls .mess pork
25 do- Flour.
10 chests 'Imperial and Young
Hyson Teas.
Rice, starch, chocolate, Indi
go, Madder, allum, &c.
Dried applesj peaches, white-beans, &c.
100 sacks of Salt.
50. kegs white Lead; window glass and
pUtty. " '
100 kcgs'nails. v! " 1 V '
100 bbls, and- half ahfl qr. libl's Mafcki
crel. :' , ! r . ,
All persons visiting Easton, will .fihd
it greatly to their advantage to cull arid
make their purchases 'of Miller & Broth
er's -large and well .selected' stock' 6f
Goods. Sold wholesale arid retail, at
Burke's old stand, by
Easton, April 24, I85r.
mfISS F. A. KNECHT, formerly in
Oo. with Miss M. M..Kerr,;'would
wish to inform the ladies of Stroudsburg
and' vicinity, that she will open a new
shop this fall,, with a good assprtment of
fall bonnets, at (he old stand of Miss
E. Colbert. . ,
N. B She will1 open 'shop the 24th
October, Thankful' 'to her' friends -1for
past fcvora she will be 'pleased' to wait
upon all who 'rnay favdr her with a call.'
Oct. 9, 1851-. : '
For sale at this Office.
1 S AR S AP AE I LL A . v
I A fresh supply of the abore; atficlftj just
received, and for sale atithis Office,4 hv n;u
i August U, 1851 , Vi . - ; .j,B 10M
Miss Barton will rc-op.en her School
fpr thc instruction of Youn Ladies on
Monday, thc first day of September next.
Terms per session of 11 iceeks.
Common and higher English branches 2,00
French 3,00
Drawing and Painting in water colors 2,00
Stroudsburg, July 31, 1851.
No. 71 Northampton Street, Opposite the
Easton Bank.
THE subscribers having entered a
partnership for the nurDOse of coniinu.
ing tne urug antl'faint Uusinessat
the old, stand of the late Mr. John
Dickson, would offer their stork
of Drug&, Medicines, Painis, Oils,
Glass, &c. &c. to old customers of
the: 'stand and Physicians and dealers in
general. Please call and try ,us..
Trading under the firm of Dickson Sample.
. bole -Agents lor ueiherilrs rure Ground
White 'Lead.'
Easton, July 17, 1851. ly
100 kegs 25 lbs. each, VVetheriU's white lead,
50 do 5D do do . do do
20 do 100 po do do do
100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass 1 -
Ai in lit IO tt eiinorinr nnntilv
50 do 10. by 11
10 bbls. of Alum
!0 bbb. (Copperas
10 bbls. Rosin
4000 lbs. Potash
600 Gallons Linseed Oil
40 bbls. spirits Turpentine
2000 lbs. Potters Red Lean"
Dye Woods. Madder, Logwood, Fustic,
Redwood, Co'chineal and Indigo.
ALSO superior Furniture, Coach, Black
and Japan Varnishes, by the barrel or gallon
for sale by DICKSON j- SAMPLE.
Easton, July 17, 1851. ly
Horse Owner's Secret,
Ileinga new aud certain remedy for the speedy
Cure of IleaYcs,
By Sir James Lyndonton,
Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness
Prince Albert.
Til E great discovery contained in this little-work
procured Sir James his Baron
etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold to
all who own or useJIorses. It precribes a Cer
tain and positive cure fori helleaves which any
person can prepare. The remedy is .better
and cheaper than any advertised HeavePow
der, and is perfectly safe, as any one can
know who tries it. Horse owners know that
many a valuable Horse loses half its price
by this prevalent disease. The remedy pre
scribed in this work will cure him and in
crease his market value, besides relieving
the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi
lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can
depend on this work; it is no catchpenny
humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir
James are all cheap and can be had at any
store. To prevent imposition the work will
be sent in sealed envelopes. English price
four shillings and three pence sterling.
American price, S 1 per copy. Persons or
deringSir James' Work, are expected to con
fine his instructions to their own animals.
It will be sent to none others.
An American Horse Doctor approoves of
the above System! Read what he sats:
Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 1851
Mr Dcnbbkto.n, I have tried yourSecret
for the cure of Heaves, and approve pi it
very much. Yours, truly,
Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr.
To'procure this valuable little work. Ad
dress, post paid,
English Horse Doctor,
American Agent for James Lyndenton's
Horse. Owner's Secret,
New York Post Office.
The Secret is senlby mailat letlerpostage.
Octoher.23, I851-6m ' '
. t ,1
Hover's Ink manufactory,
No. 144 Race Street,
(Between .Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crown St.)
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by
increased facilities, to supply the
growing demand for HOVER'S INK, which
its wide spread reputation has created.
This Ink is now so well established in the
good opinion and confidence of the American
Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say
anything in its favor, and the manufacturer
takes this opportunity to say that the confi'
dence thus secured shall not be abused.
In addition to the various kinds of Writing
Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Ce
ment for mending Glass and China, as well
as a superior Hair Due: a trial only is neces-
.sary to insure its future use, and a Sealing
Wax. well adapted for Drupcisisand Bottlers,
at a very low price, in large or small quanti
Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. HOVER,
, , j No. 144 Race StreeU
' ' Betwden 4lh k '5th. opposite Crown St:
Br. :V.. ill. Swayzc,
Easton, Pa
A graduate of the Baltimore College -of
Dental Surgery. - - '
(Jilice above the Court 'House; and oppo
site T. Deshler's store, Easton Pa.
December 18, 1851
Book & Magazine. Agency.
J. W.GlLLAM would respectfully inform
the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that
he has opened a general Hook,. Magazine,
anil, Newspaper Agency, n Northampton st.,
Easton, Pa,
Any of the following works will be sup
plied by him, by the year or single number:
Graham's Magazine, Sarlain's Magazine,
Godqy; Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine,
International , Magazine, Ladies' Wreath,
London Lancet, Blackwood's Magazine, all
the QuaiiHrly Reviews,, and all others pub
lishedr f '
PersjBngViJiJglUopks jo.ariy Department
pjf lfeadiqgajjjljaye ,;tbem promptly, forviar-
deu wilHoJupxtra.,Jcriarge, Dy, leaving ,Ueir
orders atithe ofice of tho "Monroe Democrat."
J in. 2-3, ISO;?.
On Hand A grain !
M. WATSON is happy to inform
' his old friends and customers that
he is prepared to receive as many
of them as may favor him with their cus-
lulu, ut tuu uuw xiutui uruutuu on mesne
of the Old Barley Sheaf, (which was de-
Proved by fire in July last.)
ml tt 1 . . .
lhe nouse is much increased in size
and convenience, and nossfissns ovorv an.
7 X ' J
commodation which can contribute to the
comfort of the traveler.
Thc TABLE and the EAR will be fur -
nished in such n n 'nnrxnht fniHA
P , , , ...
Jp A large yard, with stabling for
one hundred horses.
j.u. WATaVX ?lJropr?etor.
No.Jl93 North Second St.: Phil'a
3Iarch 27 1851. .
he subscriber will pay Five Dol-
LARS per cord in Cash for about five
hundred cords of good bright Rock or
Chestnut Oak Bark, at hia 'Tannery in
otrouasDurg. At the above named price
ftin Vonl- .".o a ,.i
trom all kind ot damage. Will also bav
a fair price for "White Oak and Damaged
April 10, 1851.
S Tji5'aB3ii3irija!!igajli3eB;irtULri
1 - f wiil 5 m a mm tj JJrMg
iVcw York to Tt'ewark, dailv
hy Steam.
OnnEMOllIUS CANAL now being
in complete order, the subscribers,
would inform their customers and the
public, that they are'prepared to forward
all descriptions of goods, wares and mer
chandize by Morris Canal boats to or
from Easton, and all intermediate points
with promptness and despatch. Leaving
foot of Hey street, N. Y. daily at 4 P. M.
per Steamboats Jonas C. Heart and
Islander, opening the most direct route
to Easton and the Lehigh llegion.
P. S. Be particular to mark goods j
Stephens 6: Uondits Line, via Canal.
Fonvar ders
Joseph. S. Hibijler would re-
spectfully call the attention of his per
sonal friends and acquaintances to his
connection with the above firm, and pledg-
vo uiiusen tum uu wm use every exer-
tion to give satisfaction to all who may
favor him with their patronage.
June 26, 1851
SETS chisels Butcher's, Beat-
tv's and Allen's, with a lot of E.
n. Witherby's extra new style to throw
chips. The undersigned takes pleasure
. ,,. lL ,. ,. -yT ,A . ,
in calling thc attention of Mechanics to
tnese cniseis, wnicn save lime ana taoor.
I1 or sale by
Easton, April 24, 1851.
IHsSOltliOIS. j Sacred Scenes CharacJcrs.lly the Re"v. J.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership T. Headley, autlior )f the 'Sacred Mountains,
heretofore existing between the undersigned &c. This work' will add greatly to the repu
in the Foundry business has this day been tation of the author. In literary merit it more
dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons than equals bis 'Sacred Mountains.' Mr.
indebted to said firm are requested to make Headley excels in his glowing style and vivid
immediate payment, and those having claims descriptions. His works are a lich treasury
or demands will please present them to Chas. of all the sublimity of thought, moving ten
S. Palmer, who is duly authorized to settle , derness of passion, and vigorous strength of
the same i expression, which are to be found in all the
Stroudsburg, "December 22, 1851.
The subscriber, thankful for past favors,
respectfull announces to the public that he :
has been at considerable expense in procur- j
ing additional machinery, and is now pre-1
pared to execute orders of all descriptions,
and will continue the business at the old '
stand. The mechanical operations will re-
main under the superinlendence of John G. :
. . . .... .... . .'
Tolmie, wno will uo aiueu oy expenencea
Jannaty 1, 1852.
Valuable Pro pert j
in Strondsbiirs at Private Sale
2. j
WENDELL J. BREIMER hereby offers
at private sale, a house 33 feet front A-dt
(adapted for two families) upon a lot llF
10 feet deep, it is on the corner or
George and Sarah street, in Stroudsburu.
I w. ...
Any person wishing lo purch
n wishing to purchase the above !
piopertv, can do so by calling upon
Stroudsburg, Jan. 8, lS52.-3rn Agent
T7T L'PTTniXT "P T?rTTTiTVP Q Tncre is a graceful frankness pervading the
Sjj Ij L LJ L JCvJCi JL UlivO. composition, which engages the interest of
rpHE Election returns being now all in, ' !1,e read" in the, ?ulholr as w0e11 as J" ll,e 8b;
1 the people are beginning to tuin their Ject- lh rambl" aboul, pume' Parls
attention to other matter?, and to supply one i .London exh,,,,t a hosand lively traits of an
of their most important wants, we have just j ,nSf nalu,re' uon ,vJ,,ch ama" of
received and ofTer for sale at our store in will delight t.i linger. W e predict for this a,
Stroudsburg, a very large assortment f sale equal to thatof any of the author s works.
READY-MADE ,ru ,. . oort Zeus.
rlrr , , The collection is one of which no author
WKOTME Sil?3niSSKra 'need be ashamed. . It consists, indeed, of
Including Overcoats, common and fine at al! ' some of Mr. Headley's moat brilliant and
prices, from 5 to 815; fine dress and frock j highly-finished compositions, of those speci
coats, business coats, &c; a large assortment ( mens of his abilities by which he maybe
of pantaloons,, cloth, cassimerea, sattinelt, judged with the greatest safety to his fame
corduroy, and of all varieties; a good assort-( as a word-painier and thinker.-iV Y Tribune,
ment of vests, of a groat variety of patterns; . December 17, 1840
cotton shirts and woollen under-shirts and i
drawers, &c. neckcloths, tj-c.
TAILORING -A large assortment of ex
cellent broad cloth and other stuffs, on hand,
which will bo made up accoiding to order, at
short notice, and in the best style.
DRY GOODS. Also an excellent assoit
mentofdry goods of various patterns, and
domestic goods. Woolen Lawn Shawls,
Caljcoes, Merjnoes, &c. Stockings and
stocking yarn. Trunks, valisea, carpet baga,
1CA11 kinds of produce and lumber taken
in exchange lor goods, and goods or cash
paid for all kinds of furs, sheep skins, and
call skins. H1RS01IK1N1) & ADLER.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 23. 1851.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth, street, formerlyc
cupi.edhy "mvPavb, Esq- . "
May?, 1851, .1 .du7
Jolm S. Taylor- 3ook?,:llc,r v.u&
$t:itio:::r, . 4 1
The following books will he sent by ma
wi h"01'1- l" ""j p4t- ui w
lhe "ccipi of the money for the samp.
iwrh!Jh mjr be fonrarded by mail, at tto nsk
ofthe Publisher.8
. Thc Sacred Mmnlains 1Jy her.T. j. Head-;
l.. 1 ..1 in ni.,....n..,i r..n ?t. 1
I .III. lllllli, 1 IIU31 1 UICU IU11 Vlt'.l.,
Si; silt edces, extra, SI 50.
: The Sacred Mountains. By Hcv. T.J. Head-
' Joy- l volume 18 mo. without the plate.-.
I school edition. 50 Cts.
Sacred Scenes and Characters. . By Rev. J ,
T. Heailley.-1 vol. 12mo. Illustrated, lull-
cloth, Si; gilt edges. 1 50.
i Sacre'd Scenes and Characters. By Rev J.
- l. lieadley. 1 vol; l8moM without the-
plates. Sunday school edition. 50 els.
History of the Persecutions and Baltics of llie,
Waldenses. By Rev. J. T. Hcadley 1
vol. 18mo. Illustrated, full cloth. 50 cts.
ioy, yvol. lSm. Sunday school edition .
31 cts
Napoleon and hit distinguished Marshals
I ev J T Headley 1 vol. 12mo. lllua
' ir,ueu rmi'
I Luther and Cromwell.
and Cromwell. B y.Rev J T ITeadlev.
1 vol 12mo. Illustrated, full cloth $1
Rambles and Sketches. By Rev J T. Head
ley 1 vol. l'2mo Illustrated, full cloth $1
The Power r.f Beaut j. By Rev J T Head
ley 1 vol. I8mo. Illustrated, full cloth, 50
cts.; gilt edges, extra, 75 cts.
Letters from Ihe Backwoods. and the Adiron
dack. By Rev J T lieadley 1 vol. l2mo.
full cloth 50 ct3
Biography of the Saviour and his Apostles'
With a portiait of each, engraved on steel.
With an essay on the Character of ihe A,
postles. by Rev J T Head ley I vol. limo
15 engravings. Si; gilt edges, extra, Si 50
The Beauties of Rer. J. T. Hcadley With
his Life 1 vol. ISmo Illustrated, 50 cist
gilt edges, extra, 75 cts
Heroines of Sacred History. By Mrs Steele
Illustrated with splendid engravings. 1
vol. 12itjo; new, enlarged and retised edi
tion SI; gilt edges, extra. 81 50
Thcopncusly, or the Vlcnary Inspiration (flhe
Holy Scriptures. By Professor Gauessen
of Geneva Translated by Rev E N Kirk.
A new and enlarged edition. 1 vol. I2mo.
410 pngea Si
Shanty, the Blacksmith. A Tale of Other1
Times By Mrs Sherwood. 1 vol, ISmo.
lllustratpd, 50 rls
Lily of the Valley. By MrsSherwood 1 vol.
l8mo Illustrated, 50 c ts.
The Shorter Catechism of the Rev. Assembly
of Divines. Wiih Prool thereof out of iho
Scriptures, in wqrdsai length. Per 1 00, $3
Extracts from opinions ok thk Press
j Sacred Scenes and Characters By th
new J. I . Heailley. This work may very
properly be considered a companion "to tin
"bacred Mountains," by the same author
i ujiiuiiwiiiiv-, wj tuu same uiui
, Its object is to illuMrate and 'Tender more
' life-like" the sacred writings. It is not the-
author's design to supersede the Bible. But
llis vvisn ls lo excite a solicitude to obtain.
?nd,t0 ?ec"me iti;natply acquainted and per-
ffL1 7 tl1" , "V'Y7;? ,rl.rI,nea
laws; to know iu truth, to imbibe its spirit,
reei its power, and partake of its salvation;
in a word, to prize in soma, measure asit de
serves, this treasure which is indeed t-evond
I price. We predict for it a circulation farbo
I yond any of the author's former works.
I Thc News. Januaru 7lh
.languages by which mortals declare their
minds. Daily Globe. January 5th
Rambles and Sketches By Rev J T Head
ley. We have not for a lone time sat down
to a book with more pleasing anticipations, or
iouna mose anticipations moie,iuiiv realized,
than in the perusal of the work befoic us, and
we know it will be hailed with gratification
bv the many admirers of the talented author
His 'Napoleon and his Marshals' was, per-
apst as popular, and found at least as many
enthusiastic readers as any book that can bo
.: a w ,i.:i. i...ui.. o. cm-.i.
: i";u"cu- c mn me ivaiiiuiesttioKmcu-
es are destined lo be as popular at least as
anyof his previously published works. Thero
is not a dull chapter in the work, filled as it
i is with 'an infinite variety ' The author hart
ample room and verge enough for the employ
ment of his fine talents to great advantage..
and most successfully has he recoinplipseh
the task. The biographical sketch of the au
thor is interesting and 'well considered.' and
t orlr rTnrh 1e thfi vnlup viPtliA (w.L- yIwU r.
got up in a very neat and attractive style by
-- . 7- . j rr
Ule pu"'isner. iranscnpi, nee. 15
V" 13 u ' promising
writers oi mis country, ana we nave nere one
of his best books one on which he can safe
ly rest his fame. It possesses the unfatigu
ing charms of perfect simplicity and truth.
N B The above books will be forwarded
to order, at the prices mentioned, free of post
age, to any part of the United States, on th
receipt of orders, with tho money. Money
may be sent by mail al my mk.
JOlliN S l a ) Lull,
Publisher, 1 13 Nassau si. New York.
July 24, 1851 3m
C. U. Warnic!;,
JJamtcr cinb (lajicr,
I" ESPE(JTFULLY announces to the at
zens of Stroudsburg and the surround
ing country, that he still continues the above
business, and may be found at his establish
ment on Monroe street. All orders for House
and Sign Painting, Glazing. Paper Hanging,
tc. will he punchially anended to, and exe
cuted in the best btyle, upon the most reac
sonable terms
N. B WINDOW SASIIpamtedjan.l
glared, of nil btzejn. c oitjinw
fur anlt v.tthc ulfe0 M'VflwrB
ftomhnd and
pnt -