Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 08, 1852, Image 4

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    -.). Srri. -wrw 'Ns-.n e?!--xV" r.r rs
Tic npst Wonderful 31rlirinc of Agft
1,500,090 BOTTLES
Till ?r dlc-lttf; Is pyt nj In Q,i:mt ilottlvs
niul lus cm-cl more (Iiau
.100,000 Oases of Chronic Disease,
i tlliln (lie Inst Ten YcniM. Xonc N Genuine
uuWs hf-iic-.l by S. P. TOVXSEXU.
nv immointo Tire following affidavit
the Public will leam the origin, or rUior u hero the
rceipe'ior making the stuff tlier call Olil -Dr. Jaculi
Tow Mtft.d's Sarsaparilla, came from -ami will e able
to jii'lgo uliich it tha genuina dm! orisiiwl, anil of the
l.oiicitj of the men who are employed in selling it as
the ouginal,Dr. Tow mend's Sarsapsrilla. Dr. S. P.
Townsetid vns the original proprietor and inventor of
Dr. Tonends S:irtJwiriila, and hi medicine has
gai.ieJ a reputation thi-t uo other remedy ever j,aiiiE.l.
He manufactured over one million of Uottles last j car.
and i manufacturing at nrc&ent 6,000 bottles per Any.
Wc tike 111010 Snrsijiniilia and Vcllow Dock in our
e$taMishmc!it ech daj-.than all the other Sampartllu
Vanufacturers m the vorld. Principal Office, 1'JC
I- ult.'ii-si.
Cilg and County of XwVtk, it.
William Vrmttr6ng, of tho .said Ciij, being duly
moni, doth depose and say that lie is a practical
DraggM ajid Chemist. That omc time in the latter
part 01 May, or first of June. 1B4S, a man by tho tmmo
I.4rol Townscml, wlm at that time was a lurk ami
pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at tho houic
i Mr. Thompson, o. 42 Jiudsou-ilrcct, where dVpo
ve.:t li.tardcd, and rer,uc.te deponent to write him a
rcijt; by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
DipTsent further aj, that he bcoame acquainted
WitHtO'd Towiwend at the olllce of Theodore Foster,
I . h-nik Publisher, with whom said Townsend
i;i xlt 1 hut said Towns end Jiad.had frequent convcrsa
t. u.4 - iili dejHKicnt respecting tho manufacture of an
. : Ji io -f Sartaparllla to be sold under the name of Dr.
voct Toivrocnd.
That Mid Townsend slated lie was an old man, and
I r, a.. I was not t for hard labor and withe J to
i.nlte f me money, in order to lire eaj- in his did
t.;s, -ni llifct, if Sarsaparilla under the name of Town-t-
1 t 11 to well, and so much money was made by
1.. oulitjtec no reason why he might not make
t.i.nctoinc oat of it too. (his name being Tovrnsend.)
,f 1." cm Id jfct a capable person to prepare a recipe,
a : T-.nnfacturc it for Mm. Pejionpiit in one of the
1 .me taiiont ss.kcd snkl Tnu ntend if he was rolatil
t' It. S. P. Townend, to which he replied, that he
kicw Dr. S. P. Townsend would be down on him after
he s.lin'd commence. Hut that he did not care for
I.un, as be had fonnod a cp-nartr.crship with men who
c"i;.i U!rnih'jBiite amount of capital and wat
jcV ;-r. ;'ared to'flelenil himself against any attack
t.iat iitjgntbomado.on hiRi.
i 'oncit says, that pursuant to the request
c' r Jacob Tonuspnd. he wrote a tocipe for the
v .."' v& of a iSynip of Sarsaprill, ad gave it to
. ' 1 . S-'. 1 1 To r cud ober-cd t!g he nvamed to
i ' a .-rcimch to exhibit to his partners for their
& . ' is h . i.hel t gratify themiti every thfng,
miv iuriiied all the capital snid Tow use ml ftto
nent that the bottjcR thej were to use were
' -i t;'c mm, site and shaj.e as Dr. S. P. Town
c. ' and deponent, at the request of said Jacob
. - d, went to thr itfice of Dr S. P. Townwnd,
r .mred.ene of hi Libels.
K i-' jrtneRt farther tyi, that he Ihm len inlb'rm
r i 1 rerily Relieves the" Sy rap of Snrsaparilla, sold
i f ;M aro)i TlwriiKmdX k tmie after the recip far
j.ihci or deponent, to Jiicolr Towmend, as afofttcaid
A . i farther deponent ssjith not
Svr,un te befero me, thjs 2tth day of 3gav, 1&K.
?ayor of tho City of New York
J'c-e 1 pptmf conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsend's
Sir ., iiilia is tiie nr:iiai. The follows is from
tu a . . the inos.t :cspcct-.ii!o papers in this State.
Xnv VorU t:illy TriJnine.
C7 V.'e puldbed an dv erti ement iBadvciteiitly
f c t'rr.e since that did injustice to Dr. S. P. Town
f who is the original proprietor of the preparation
et 'aparilla known as Dr. Towne4V. Other
I ..Kv hare within the past few months engaged or
t i t" ted themselves with a man by the name of
I . u n.end who rmt up a medicine and cM it by the
II. . tinc TIuk mtdiciue was advertised in 7V
'" is the fTJcinal. &.c. This advertitemeut alsc
c ,ied imvtter Semgatory to the character, of Dr
t I' Towntcnd and that of his medicine. We regret
t rcaied, and injustice io the Dr. make this cx-
Xcw "i'ork Ually San.
TuVmemi'i extrnort'inary adiertii-ement.which
tf.-upes an entire page of the Scs. will not escape
r.-ti-e. Ir. 5. 1'. To wii.'end, v ho is the original ro
i 1 .. t.r if Dr. Tow abend's Saxsapaiilla. and whose of-j.r-
i irc.vt dtyr to mi. wheie he has been for sever
al v ear, is driving an immcne business. lie receives
1 s than four hundred dozen of Sarsaparilla per
.i und ctM this cnorntous quantity dues not supply
tii tlcmaml. No medicine ever gained so great a
p ixiiar.ty as his preparation of the Sari-apariUa. His
- . ..on of Almauacf for 1819 cost $22,e00, and he
hfr piJ the New- York Si-n fur advertising-, in the
t f ur yeare, over f.lO.OOO, and he acknowledges
t at it is the ciiee;;ei.t advertising he has had done.
T his medicine is exported to the Can&das, West In
t .if, Soutii America and Europe, in considerable
n . .i.utiea, attd is coming iuto gcneial use in Ihoso
Cv.k...tiJe, as well a& here.
Druggists and others that sell SarMparilla for the
p. 'oj..e and' original l)r. Townsend's Sarsajiarilla,
t t is not signed by S. P. Toiynsend, commits a fraud,
v.i swindles the cus-tomers. Men that would te
fjiity of such Jin act, would commit any other fraud
-aul no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
tu&t outs is the only genuine.
Old Jacob Toivnseml.
Some people who are not well informed, and have
r.-t read the jtapers, and Dot seen our adveilisements,
Lo vn bef n led to suppose, that because these men ad
TeitifcO their stufl" as " Old Jacob Townsends," that it
ti.x!-t. of courte, be the original. It is less than one
t ".itice they -commenced to make their medicine.
Ours has becn'in the market over ten years.
TM Old Jacob Tovr.send.
They arc endeavoring to palm oil' on the public as
sr. 1 ;d Physician, Sec. He is aot-a regular educated
I'l yscian, and never attempted to manufacture anted-i-
a 0 until these men hired him for the use of hit
r.,T 'ihey say they do not wish the people te be
1, e that their Sarsaparilla is4ours, or the same but
te better to deceive the public, they at the same time
rt ihat their'e is the Old Dr. Townsend's, and the
cwg'irj; and endeavor to make the people believe
1;, tile stufl' they manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla, that hag jierformed so many wonderful
cv-os lor the iast ten j ears, and which Las gained a
rcpvlstion Which no other medicine ever enjoyed
which is a base, lillainous, unprincipled falsehood.
We Lave commenced suits against these men for
dotiw.jcs. "We nishittobe understood, that theoldman
i-o ic.'otion to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad
tor iscments and circulars, they publish a number of
g'f s falsehoods respecting Dr. Tow nsead, which we
-i iA not notice.
T'nlse Ilcports.
Our opponents have published in the papers, that
Dr S 1 Townsend was dead. This tUey end to their
egent about the country, who report that we have
.given up business, Sec. i;"c. The public should be on
t'.e r guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci
pled men.
Xolicc f-Removal. After th.t first of September,
i::r Dr. S. P. Townsend's New Vork Office will be
i'i ti.e South Baptist Church, No. 82 Nassau-street,
-wli'Mi is now undergoing a thorough change, and
w ujibc lilted for the better accommodation of the pro
j:?r tors and the public
7'ure particular Notice. No Sarsaparilla is the
J genuine and original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, un
ess signed by S. P. Townsend.
Agents. Redding & Co, No. 8 State-street, and
Mrs. E. JUddor, No. 100 Court-street, Boston : Samuel
Kidder, Jr, Lowell; Henry Pratt, Salem j James B.
Green, Worcester ; Allison & Gault, Concord ; J.
ISakh & Son, Providence ; and by Druggists and Mer
chants generally throughout the United States, West
Indies and the Canadas.
A frpsll Sitnnlr nf thn nhnrn fnr ciIp nt this
Oifce. i
.lay 20, 1851.
EiJ, Codfish,
eh firs,
iiiJ, Porlc,
tiajs nuti Sides,
Constantly on i
hand for sale by
Market st. Wharf :
i:at-eC :tstd Cheese, j
! tbruary 27. J 851
A LL )erfeons indebted to the firm of
Stogdell Stokes & Son, by note, book
account, or otherwise, are requested to
make immediate payment. All accounts
which are uot.settled soon, will be col
lected by legal process.
.. tus:;&nj, K, SMOKES.
Stroudsburg,,ilj2 181. . ..'-
! ISastosS : Gilford laillLi.sse,
Passengers in this ine til Icaxa Jo
seph Mugenbuch's Inn, sign of the
" Black Horse," Easton, every Monday,,
"Wednesday and Friday, passing through
the foowinff paces, viz: liiebmond,
J Gentrevie, "WiZiamsburg, Ditfs' Ferry,
j Deaware"Water Gap, Dutotsburg,Strouds-
burg, Bush.'i, and Dingman s Jjerry, and
arrive in Miford the same day Distance
GO miles. Returning, cave Samuel Dim
mic&'s Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in
Easton the same day.
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, 81' 25
" Miford,
2 87
. N. B. All baggage at the risk of the
Stroudsburg, May S 1S51.
rf!ssJs2;iJ Fire lEissiraaice Comp'y.
rphe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand doars insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax wi7
j be cvied, except to cover actual loss or.
damage by nro, that may fa upon mem
bers of the company.
The netfc profits arising from interest
or otherwise, w.i be ascertained yeary,
j for which each member m proportion to
his, .her, or their deposit, will have, a
credit in the company. Each insurer in
, or with the said company wibe a mcm
i bcr thereof during the term of his or her
poicy. The principe of Mutua Iusur
J ancc has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of exped
ience, and. has proved successful and be-
come very popuar. It affords the great
est security airainst loss or damage t by
f fire, on the most advantageous ana rea-
sonabte terms.
Appi cations for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters addressed to
JAMES 11. "WALTON, Sec?y.
Jacob Goetz Michael II. Dreher
John Edingei'
James H. Walton
Edward Poston
Jacob Frcdericj
George B. Keller
Peter Shaw
John Miller
Robert B03;
Richard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker.
Balsar Fetherman.
JACOB GOETZ, President.
JAMES II. ALTON, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Januiy 31, 1850. ,
And Consv'ntjilion, pain in the side and
nigldsiccats, Asthma-, iVltOojringCougli,
palpitation of the heart, Liver vomplaittt,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the
throat, lung's and liver cured by Sher
Tvr r:. t "7i-. T 7.7
I iur. iuune, xuuuei, m jurooityn, was
j attached with raising bood, foowed by
' a cough, pain in the side, and a the u
' sua symptoms of consumption. He em
jpfoyed two of the best physicians; they
did him no good, and tod mm he coud
not live.
Hearing of the wonderful cures per
formed b- Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
10 o'clock at nitrht to Mrs. Hayes, 13G
J Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated
J like a charm, stopped the bleeding and
j cough ! Before he had taken one bottle
: he was able lo be about his work. It had
: saved his life. His daughter, residing at
127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
! Miss Ann Matron, of "Williamsburg,
living in Tenth, near South Fourtli st.,
; says That she had been troubled with a
hacking cough, and jiainin the chest, for
a long time, which at last become so bad
that she was obliged to give up her school
for more than a year. She then com
menced ta.:ing the All-Healing Balsam
which soon alleviated her symptoms.
She is now fast recovering, and has re
sumed her laborious occupation as a teach
er. 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave
nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough,
raising of phlegm, and pain in his side.
He could get no relief til he tried the
All-Hoaling Balsam, which drove the pain
from his side, allayed the cough, and
brought the disease upon the surface;, and
before he had taen three bottles, was
entirely cured.
Mrs. Baggas, 'a lady apwards of 70, re
siding 88 Sheriff strcethas for years-been
i ii Til " T
au"JOCl, 10 UliaCKS OlX'teurisy, JAatSlIlg
f Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of
Breath, Pain in her Head and various
I parts of her body. Her friends believed
l)a&t recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
relieved her at once of all. her alarming
symptoms, and now she is able to attend
to her work.
Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie st.;
L. S. Beals, 19 Delancy - .street ; W. H.
Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value of
this great remedy.
Ask for Sherman's All-Healins Bal
sam, and see that his written signature is
on each bottle.
Price 25, cents and SI per bcttle.
Dr. Sherman's -Worm and Cough Lozen
ges forsale atf this officer i -May
8, tm5il i r. ; ' Vj'4
Wholesale and Retail Bml and Shoe Store.
FipjIE Sulisrriber takes this method toin
L form the public that he has just re
ceived at his lore, opposite Messrs. Miller
& Brother and nearly opposite T. & P. Mix
sell!s store, in Hamilton licet, a large as
sortment of
$300X5 (I-HU l)05, above establishment, and offer for sale a
deciledly the large, cheapens elected stock of Hard-
nnd best, mm- in fiaston. which 1 ware, Dry Goods and Groceries, compns
he is sellinpf for rash, and is-de- ing the following
lennincd not to tie tmciersoio Dy
any. other establishment, accot
diitR to the article:
IJis assortment consists of
Congress Gaiters, Women's
V . i . I 1 lit
Gaiters, HalfGaiters, Jenny Linds, Uppers,
lJuskins, and a large assortment of children's
gaiters. &c &c.
AL O. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots
and Shoes of every variety, all made of the
best materials, and experienced workmen
(under his own superintendence.)
Orders for work to bo made by measure,
and repairing of all kinds, promptly attended
to as heretofore. A continuance of the fa
vors of a hbreal community respectfully so
licited. T1IADDEUS SC110CII.
Easton, May 22, 1651.
Greatly improved manufactured by Dr.
n HILTON", the great Chemist.
Dr. S. P. Townsend? sSarsaparilla,
The most extraordinary Medicine in the
. world ! Over two hundred and fifty
thousand persons cured of various diseases,
within the last 2 years. It cures Scrof
ula, stubborn Ulcers, Effectsol Mer
cory. Fever Sores, Erysipelas,
Rheumatism, Consump- .
lion, General Debili
ty. Dyspepsia,
Lin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Drop
sy & Gout, Ringworms. Can
cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases.
The great beauty of this medicine is, that
it never injures the constitution, and is al
ways beneficial even to the most delicate,
and is the only medicine ever discovered that
creates new, pure and rich blood, and that
reaches the bone. Thousands are ready to
testify to its many virtues.
Great Spring & Summer Medicine
Every person should lake a bottle spring and
fall, to regulate the system and diive out all
One bottle of Dr. . P. Townsend's Ex
tract of sarsaparilla will cleanse the system
of a child.
Easton, Pa., August 5. 1350.
This is to certify that I have been troubled
with a swelled leg for twenty-five years, at
tended with general debility, and was restor
ed to perfect health by the use of Dr Q P.
Townsend's arsaparilla. 1 can refer to
others in this place who have taken this val
uable medicine,, and who speak in terms of
the highest commendation of its healing vir
' " Former Sheriff of Northampton conly
Easton, Pa., August 5, 1850.
About two years since my little "daughter
caught the Measles, which left her with a
severe cough, which no doubt would have
turned lo consumption had not Dr s P Town'
send's sarsaparilla been given, and by which
she was perfectly restored to health.
j This is to certify, that my child was afflicted
with ajiorrible disease in the face (vhich
lesisted the efforts of my family physician,)
and was entirely cured by half a bottle of
Dr. S. P. lownsend's Sarsaparilla.
Uniontown, Favftte ro.. Pa., July 2 1850
The public are notified that Dr. SP Towns-
end's Extractof Sarsaparilla, will in future
be manfactured under the direction of Jas. R
Chilton, Chemist, whose name in connection
with that of Dr. S P Townsend, will be up
. . I . L . . . 1 . . r l r. ,,
un uucm uuuie, 10 prevent irauu. csoiu in
Stroudsburg- by
Wholesale and Retail
By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted.
That each of the surviving, or the widow or
minor children of deceasedjcommissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang
ers or militia, who performed military ser
vices in any regiment, company or detach
ment in the service of the United Slates, in
the war with Great Britian, declared by the
United Slates on the eighteenth day of June,
1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790,
and each of ihe commissioned officers who
was engaged in the military service of the
United States in the late war with Mexico,
and shall be entitled to lands as follows :
Those who engaged to serve twelve
mo'nths or during the war, and actnally
served nihe months, shall receive one hun
dred and sixty acies: and those who engaged
to serve six months and actually served four
months, shall receive eighty acres; and
those who engaged to serve for any or an
indefinite period, and actually -served one
month, shall receive forty acres. Provided,
that wherever any offic6r or soldier was
honorably discharged in-consequence of dis
ability in the service, he shall receive the a
mount to which he would have been entitled
if ho had served the full period for which he
had engaged to serve.
Under the above act, and the acts of Con
gress generally, ihe subscriber offers his ser
vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for
those entitled to receive them, as above spe
cified. He may be found at his office in Strouds
burg. S. C. BURNETT.
Ortober 24, 1850.
Strayed from the premises of
the subscriber some time last
spring, a dark red Bull, two year old next
spring. No marXs about hira.
Any information respecting him
thankfully received, nrjd reasonable expenses
'M; Smithfiuld, November G, 1851.
Dry" Gwoods & CS-roccry lore?
(at buhke's old stand,)
In JSbrth Hamilton St., Boston nearly op
posite the While Horse Tavern.
would respectfully announce to their
old friends in Monroe county and the pub-
Mn innin11ir t.lmf fllfV llflVft talfen tllG
50 doz Rim Locks, with white, brown
and brass Knobs.
2000 gross Screws, assorted.
200 doz Butts, assorted.
50 " Pulleys, Blakes & Westville's
60 doz Till Locks.
500 planes assorted; the celebrated M.
Copeland's make of Planes arc amongst
this assortment.
20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and
also the celebrated London spring Saw,
manufactured by H. Disston. Also, Dis
ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine;
circular and. cross-cut do.; Broadaxes,
hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas
ses; Steel & trying scpiares; Stock Howls
and cooper cross. Also, a lot bf Macke
rel & Rickardson's celebrated window
fastenings ; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ;
plastering and mason's trowels; hammer
ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels
and forks, &c, with a great variety of
hardware, too numerous to mention.
The assortment will compare with with
any in this place in quantity, style and
Cloths. French blue black, blue, brown,
cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro
ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas A large assortment Ladies'
Dress Goods; black silk, black silk warp
lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and
fancv linen. rinrham, calicoes, &c. Bed
ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin -
en plaid; coatings: checks: flannel: hoes :
buttons; thread and silk. A full assort-
ment of
10 hhds Molasses.
20 bbls N. 0. and Trinidad Molasses
5 hhds Sugar. ...
30 bbls do. white and brown.
15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil.
25 boxes soap.
20 do. candles.
3000 lbs Bacon.
25 bbls mess pork.
25 do Flour.
,1 0 chests Lnperial and Young
llyson Teas. WSSm.
Rice, starch, chocolate, Indi-Efe'p
b,....r , ,
inft V i3oi
50 kegs white Lead; window glass and
100 kegs nails.
100 bbls, and half and qr. bbls Mack
erel. All persons visiting Easton, will find
it crcatly to their advantage to call and
. -. i c Tr?ii p. i?At.
mane ineir putcuaaoss ojl iumui tv xuuui-
Goods. Sold wholesale and retail, at
Burke's old stand, by 1
Easton A n'il 94 1851
s ; ' '
At liow Prices.
STROUD & ANDRE having taken that
l:.-roft nnd nnnimndimis Rridr Store Ilntisn.
formerly occupied bv Dr. Stokes, call the for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even
attention of their friends and the public in ,n iheir worst stages, when friends and phy
general to their large stock of j sicians have giveh up all hope. The Lung
(0) f IF? Tf T'1 ' oasam prescribed in this work Cures without
Coffee, tea, sugasf molass, mackerel, i lIle pensive aid of physicians or injurious
smoked and pickled meat, coarse and fine . "se orpateni medicines .In adopting this Sys
. tern of Cure the patient knows what he is us-
CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails, h-ows that he is not shortennmff his
wooden Bowls, half bushel measures, &c. the use ,f anodynes or mercurials,
w a. n-nxW ttt.-h which may seem to Relieve but never Cure.
MMWARS!i. He knows when using this Life-saving Bal-
Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, eflica
srythes, straw knives, door latches, bolls, ' eious remedies, such as Nature ' 'prescribes
knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, for the ills her children suffer. The ingredi
spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws, 1 ents composing this Lung Balsam are oblain
chisels, hatchets; augers, trying and bevel ' able (cheaply too,) wherever consumption
squares and coffee mills.
CROCKERY A splendid assortment of
Teas, plates, &c. New style Jenny Lind, in
. - f . r. TA-MmT"irTTM. KM
sets oi uo pieces. ri'-x outrun. mar
ble; neatest and latest style extant.
BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens' boots and
shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting
gaiters, kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds, slip
pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes.
of every style and color. Black, blue and
brown cloths. 1 ancy cassimeres; black doe 1
skin do.- ummer wear of all kinds. Fancy I
prints, alpacas, linen, linen luslres, French
and' domestic ginghams, barege, barege de
laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin,
common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new
style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la
ces, ribbons, satlin vestings, cambrics; bleach-,
ed and unbleached muslins, and a full assort
ment of trimmings.
Parasols and Umbrellas,
Together with a complete assortment of :
goods generally, all of which they offe
rat ye-.
ry low rales
Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country
produce, taken in exchange, and cash never-
The late Law having made the ready nay 1
system obligatory upon all, we therefore have j
minntnH it nnrl intpnrl In Roll for sm.lll nrnfils
and make quick returns; which will" be a sav-
ing of 20 per ct. to the buyer. Call and ex
amine beforo purchasing elsewhere. We
know we can offer goods at such prices as
will induce you to buy, for
Our Goods are cheaper and as good
As any sold since Noah's flood,
To buy of us it will be your gain,
And we'll take our pay in Cash or Grain.
Call and see no charge for showing Goods.
For sale, at this Office!
1 gpoilfemttf glj'afec rotirc7
John Krlder,
North-East comer Walnut ij- 'Second Sts.,
AS on hand, jus I received, a complete
assortment of SHOTGUNS. Powder
Flasks, Game Bags,, and, all other bporung
Aoparalusof the best and most approved pat
terns. He has constantly on hand SPORTIN.G
POWDER of all descriptions. Percussion
Caps, Shot, Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank
Cartridoes, and a general assortment of ma
terials for Gun Makers, &c.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quali
ty, designed expressly for U- S. Rifles.
An assortment of Fishing Tackle always
on hand.
All the above, and any other articles in his
ine, the subscriber will sell as low as any
other establishment in the United States.
In testimony of his skill as a manufactur
er.the Franklin Institute, in the years 1840
and 18-12, awarded to him two certificates
and in the years 18-11, 18-16, 1817, lS-18
and i850,.five silver medals, .nil of winch
may be seen at his place of business.
Philadelphia, July 1851,85 3m.
A great variety of Toys on hand and
for sale cheap at the variety store
Stroudsburg, 8, May 1851.
stocks V
.WWW- .JSt'WfJ.'l
1 :r-
-The testimony in its favor is over
whe'ming. The proprietors aro dni y in
receipt of letters and certifiicates, going
.to prove its remarkable efficiency to all
, cases oi worms, botii in cnUdren ana a-
i u ts. The re ief given, and the jmmcdi
ate improvement of health which follows
its use, has called the attention of physi
cians to this artie'e, and they freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
'The retail ' price is 25 cent's jer vial which
bri?igs it within- the means of all.
Brooldyn, L. I. Januar' 16, 1S47.
I do eertify that I gave one bottle of
B. A.Fahnestock's Yirmifuge to my child,
and in seAen hours it passed 23 large
worms. An' person doubting this may
I aPPly fr further, information at my resi
dence corner of lork and Jackson st s.
james McCaffrey.
Fovghkcepsie, X. Y. March 2, 1844.
I certify, that I took two vials ofB. A.
; Fahncstock's Yirmifuge, which I found
i to be the greatest cure tor worms 1 have
; Jvcr used' liavc b.eon oubled
j have never found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fanestock's Yirmifuge. I there
fore recommend it.
The public is cautioned against coun-
1 . .L l,u u
torfeits and
spurious articles, and to put
no confidence in statements that ' Kolni-
stock s,' and Fahnestock s, Yirmifuge
a thea;ne .r. ? ?00 as. th only gen-
ne a.r.tlcle' hlch 13 B' A' fVtncstack's
For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch,
Cure of Consumption,
Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma.
Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung Com
plaints. 1 have published a brief work on Consum
ption, which rontams an invaluable recipe
exists, proving thai Every ill has its antidote.
Cousumptivepatientsmay Rely on this receipt
(all Lung Complaints are removed by its
use) 1 would not attach my name to it, had
1 doubt of its efficacy. The directions for
preparing and ufaing the Balsam are perfectly
plain. I preferselling the Recipe to making
the Balsam, as it enables people to Make
their own Medicine at a Trijling Cost. T will
impart the secret of making the Balsam, and
the Family right to use it, for Si, but in no
caSe wiU l sen h for speculating purposes
T.,l-" P ; n.l..v
1 1001 of ltS GoOllllCSS.
Jackson, Mich., March 21, 1851
Doct. S. TOUSEY Sir: You wished me
to know what effect your preparation
of Medicine for Consumption and other dis
eases had in my family. After the first ten
dal's, my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved
her cough, changed her countenance, and all
appearances were better. My family would
not be willing, to do without it., It is a med-
icme much needed in Jackson thereis many
cases annular to my wife's. The Rev Mr.
I Blanchard will write you for a recipe. Res-
peclfully yours.
Address, post paid, (enclosing $1.) Dr. S.
llOUSEY, 10G Nassau street. New York.
1 be work goes by mail under seal.
October 23, 1851-Gm '
rflSS Ft A. KNECHT, formerly in
Co. with Miss M. M. Kerr, would
wish to inform the ladies of Stroudsburg
and vicinity, that she will open a new
shop this fall, with a good assortment of
fall bonnets, at tho old stand of Miss
E. Colbert.
N. H She will open shop the 24th
October. Thankful to her friends for
past favors she pleased to. wait
upon all who may favor her with a call.
Oct. 9,-1851. . .. 6
Inbinti'itccii' forc'l,
Elizabeth st., Strovdsuuug, Pa.
MThe undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and the public gener
ally, that ne has taken the above Hotel,
known to the travelling community as'Shive
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo.
The house is large, with ever convenience
for travellers and boarders.
The yards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best order for ti e ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will use every eJTorftohave
his table, chambers, bar. and every depart
ment of his house conducted in surh a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
mers. The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk,
Wilkes-Barre, While Haven and Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel.
Persons wishing to go or send with the a
bove stages, will please leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
These lines leave this Hotel every Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday mornrrig;at 7
April 3-1,1351.
Aiatl to all whom it uiayConceni:
rjpHE Undersigned embraces lhis-melho;i
X to inform his friends and customers in
paiticular and the public in generaf, that he
has added to his former stock of Groceries
and Varieties, a generl assortmen of
Consisting of the best refined Rye Whiskey,
pale Brandy.; Holland and common Gin; N.
O. Rum; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pur
est and best qualities, and ofT.?rs such Un
sale by the barrel, keg, gallon or half gallon;
at the lowest cash prices ; and wished thu
Tavernkeeper.s in the country to give him a
call before purchusing elsewhere, as he is de
termined to give satisfaction, both in quality
and price, i
He also keeps constantly on.haiid, for la
keepers, Bittbus, Pbppkrmint, and
Winters re ex, also Lemon. Syrup."
iETProduce of all kinds taken ihexclni ae,
Stroudsburg, June 5,1851.
Philadelphia 'aType FonjuiTsr
No. 8, Pear street, Near the Exctcngr.
TIIE Subscriber having made great im
provements in his methoj of casting type an.l
mixing of metal.?, and had a thorough revision
of his matrices, the faces ofwhich are not ex
celled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any
in the, country; flatters himself that by a strict
personal attention to business, and employing
none but the most skilful workmen, he is"et.
abled to 'offer "
A Superior Article, at greatly reduced Price.'.
He is constantly adding to his stock all
is new from the best work'men of this and oth
er countries, and having lat'elv procured from
Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES
and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of
Printers thereto.
Specimens will be sent tohose" wishing to
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands. Gal
leys, Brass Rule, and every other article nee
ded to furnish a complete Prr.jting Office,
supplied at the shortest notice.
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully
put up in fonts of correct proportion.
January 30, 1851. ly.
Doctor ITojirseir ir S Cs !
By means of the Pocket
iEscuIapius, or Every
one ms own rhvsiciai.!
Wi Thirtinth nrli t,fir ivilli
upwards of a hundred en-
ative svstems
The time has now ar
rived, lhat persons suffering from secrei dis
eases, need no more become the victim of
quackery, as by the precsriptions contained in
this book, any one may cure himslf, without
hinderance to business, or the knowledge of
the most intimate friends, and with one tenth
the usual expenses. In addition to the gen
eral routine of private disease, it fully explains
the cause of manhood's early decline, with
observations on marriage-besfdes many oth
er derangements which it would not be pro
per to enumerate in the public prints.
ILTAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in in a letter, will receno
one copy of this book, by ma:l, or five cop
ies will be sent for one dollar. Address.
Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid.
1C?3 DR. YOUNG an be consulted on
any of the diieases described in his dif
ferent publications, at his Office, 152
SPRUCE Street, every day between 9 aiid
3 o'clock, Sundays-excepted. J
January 30, 1851. ly .
Strondsburg una ITS audi Cliuuk
Mail Line of Stages.
This lino leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel, (In
dian Queen,) in Stroudsburg, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock a. si.
via Fenueisville, Shafers P. O. Kresgeville,
Weissport, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk,
where it arrives at 4 o'clock p. st., and con
nects with lines from Pottsville, Berwick and
other places. Reluming, leave C. Cor.noi's
hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 7 .v. si. and ar
rive in Stroudsburg at 4 p. si.
This line connects with the Wilkesbarro
and White Haven stages at Shafers P. O.
Monroo county, and with the New "York,
Easton, Milford and Honesdale stages at
From Stroudsburg to Mauch Chunk
" ,k White llaven
62 00
2 00
2 50
February 13, 1851.
Country Produce.
Sutter, eggs, &c. taken in exchange for
any goods in my line of business.-
V ' . - 10 HN H. MELICK.
Stroudsburg, February 1 , 1851.
Wi i3fW SKSh livings, showing pn
i 7Jp-'-fvate "ses in even
kL '3551 M sl,aPe antl orm a,lJ ,na:
! W M forma' ions of the gener