Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 01, 1852, Image 4

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1 rr
11 J
4 '
Or. S. I . TOWisw" .-s
. - w- wv r
Mie must Wonderful Mcdirinc of Ihc Age
1.500.000 BOTTLES
TXiI Medicine l pnt tip In Q.unrl tl(lc
j antKlioM cm--il more tlinii
100,000 Oase3 of Chronic Diseaso,
Nvltltlti Oic Inst Ten Yenra None It Genuine
...,J. BB BKnittl by S. P.-XOWarSBAD.
xwno-STk roiimvSo affidavit
i the rublicn ill learn llio origin, or rauier w nun: me
5 r i.n ctiirt' t ipr call Old iir. Jacou
1. - 1 1 I nn.T Will tlA l)h 0
lj judge ivliicUi is tlic genuine and, and of tue
lioncUv of the men w Uo are cmjiloj ed in selling it as
the original Dr. Townsend s Sarsapanlla Dr. is P.
Jownscnd wm the ongin.U proprietor ami inyenu;r 01
Ur. Tonnscnd's Sarsaianlla. ana ins ricqiciiib u
gained a rciuia:ion mai nouuci ivmi-uj v...
lie manufactured over one million of bottles last year.
nd is manufo'ctnring at present 5,000 bottles per day.
w iiw nini Saisanarilla and Yellow Dock in our
i stabliluncnt each day, than all the Other S&rsapui ilia
I .Mniiufacturert in the wcrlX rrinctpal Ofiicc, 12G
William Armstrong, of
tno fain ny, uci"s uiwj
ar that ho is a practical
IM'Oni, 41(1111 ICK!U MUU ,
r..l r hfmlsL That some time in the lai:r
pi. ! , Sir May, or first or June. a man by the name
iW Jacob Towcna, who at that lime was a hook ana
nami.hlet neddlcr,. called "json deponent, t the house
of Mr. Thompson, No. 42 Iludcon-strcei, where depo.
ticnt Warded, and requcsteU deponent to write lum a
recir bv whih to make a Syrup or Sarsapanlla.
Deponsrt fiuther says, that ha became acquainted
with said 7'owmcnd at the office of Theodore Foster,
ilsti IVok Publisher, with whom said Townsend
dealt That idTown?end had had frequent conversa
tiirns with deponent respecting the manulacturc of an
article of Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name of Dr.
Jacob Townsend.
That id Townsend stated lie was an old man, and
poor, and was not Et for hard labor and wished to
make some money, in order to lire easy in his bid
days, a?id that, if Sarsaparilla under the name of Town
nd sold so well, and so much money was made by
it, he could fee no reason why he might not make
something oul oCU too, (his name bcingTownscnd.)
if lie could g?-t a capable person to prepare a recipe,
nd manufacture 'It for him. Deponent in one of the
conversations asked said Townsend if he was related
to Dr. S. T Townsend, to which he replied, that he
knew Dr. S. P. Townsend would be down on him after
he should commence. But that he did not care for
him, a he had formed a co-partncrsUip with men who
could furnish the requicitc amount of capital and was
M-ell prciwroJ to defend himself against any attack
that might be made on him.
Deponent farther sajs, that pursuant to the request
of raid Jacob Townsend. he w rote a reclje far the
manufacture of a. Syrup of Sarsaparilla, and gave it to
him. Said Townsend observed that he wanted to
makerspfcciracii to -exhibit to his partners for their
spproval. as he wished to gratif- thorn in every thing,
as they furnished all the capital said Townsend also
told deponent that llio noiucs mey were 10 use were
to be of the ame sire and shape as Dr. S. P. Town.
send, and deoonent at the renwest of said Jacob
Townsend, -.vent to the office of Dr S P. Townsend,
and procured one of his labels.
And deponent further says, that he hai been inform
ed, t.r.d verily believes the" Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sold
as Old Jacob "Towr.send's, is made offer the recipe fur
nished by .loponent, to Jaeob Townsend, as aforesaid.
And further deponent with not
Swoni to before me, this 21th tlav of Mar. 1S49.
Mayor of the City of New York.
Hore i .pnnif conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townscnd's
SarKaj.ynlla is the original. The following is from
soai of the irnt resjectabIo jflpcis in this Stale.
Kctr York: Dally Tribune.
We published an advertisement inadvertently
some time inco that did injustice to Dr. S. P. Town
send, who is the original proprietor of the preparation
f Sursapaiilla known as Dr. Townsend's. Other
Fu ties Iwrevithin the past few months engaged or
ennnerfc themselves tvith a man by the name of
Townsend who put up a medicine and'calls it foy tne
tame nume. Tins medicine was advertised in Tht
TVjfmue the original, kc. This adicrtiscment alsf
r-ontainei! nisilter derogatorr to the character of Dr
6. P Towiin'iid and that of liis medicine. We regret
it sppeared, liiu In justice to tho Dr. nialic this cx
Y'vr YorU Dnlly San.
Dn Tmiju'9 e.traorditiaij advcrtiement,which
occupies an entire page of the Sir, will not escape
notice. Ur. S P. Townsend, who is the original pro
prietor of Dr. Townscnd's Sairapaiilla, and whose of
lirc i. next door to ours, where he has been for sever
al years, it driving an itnmcnte business. He receives
no'less than four hundred of Sarsaparilla per
.lay, and c en this enotmous quantity does not supply
"the demand. No medicine ever gained so great n
pttpular.t as his preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His
edition of Almanacs for 1349 cost .22,000, and ho
has paid the New York Sln for advertising, in the
la.t four J ears, over $W,000, and he acknowledges it is the cheapest advertising he has had done.
Tlii medicine is exported to the Cnnadas, West In
dies, 5outh America and Europe, in considerable
unntitirs, and is coming into genci'al use in thoiQ
countries, as well as here.
Druggists .and others that sell Sarsaparilla for the
genuine end original Dr. Towni-end's Sarsaparilla,
that is mt signed by S. P. Townsend, commits a fraud,
and swindles the 'customers. Men that would be
guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud
an J no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
that ouik is the only genuine.
Old JncoTO ToYTOSfml. j
Some people who ere not well informed, and hare
not re&d the papers, and not seen ouradreituements,
hare been led to suppose, that because these men ad
vertifC their rtufi' cs 41 Old Jacob Townsend," that it
must, of course, be the original. It is Jess than one
reari-inee they commenced to make .their medicine.
)uis hax been in the market over ten years.
Tiil Olil Jncob Toivnscnd.
Tlipy arc endeavoring to palm ofl' on the public as
en old I'lnsician, Sec. He is not a regular educated
sician, ond never attempted to manufacture a mcd
irme. until JJicse men hired him for the use of his
name They say they do not wish the people to be
lieve that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or the same but
tue better to deceive the public, they at the came time
usert their" is the Old Dr. Townscnd's, and the
.g.rnl : and endeavor to make the people believe
" 31 the ttaff they manufactnre, is the Ur.Townsend'i ,
i. .""put.ilB. that has performed to many wonderful I
r .i the past ten 3 ears, and which has gained a
uv'iuu which no other medicine ever enjoyed
ivu.rltis a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood.
W 1. u.e commenced suits against these men for
aiaces We wish it to be understood, that the old man
is no .olhtion to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad
vertisements and circulars, they publish a number of
gro? fclschor.ds respecting Dr." Townsend, which we
will not notice.
False Reports.
Our c;.poucr.U hae published in the papers, that
Dr S, I'-TownicLd was dead. This they send to their
agents about the country, vto report that we have
given up business, x. fee The public should be on
their guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci
pled men.
ikbdee of Removal. After Ih.i first of September,
1349, Dr. S. P. Townsend'e New York Office will be
in the South Baptist Church, No. 82 Nassau street,
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
will be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro
prietors and the public
7'ake particular Notice. No Sarsaparilla is the
genuine and original Dr. Townsend'a Sarsaparilla, un
less signed by S. P. Townsend.
Agent. Redding & Co, No. S State-street, and
Mrs. K. Judder, No. 100 Court-street, Boston ; Samuel
Kidder, Jr., Lowell ; Henry Pratt. Salem ; James B.
Green, Worcester ; Allison & Gault, Concord ; J.
Salch & Son, Providence ; and by Druggists and Mer
chants generally throughout the United States, West
Indies and the-Canadas.
A fresh supply of the above for sale at this
Maj 20, 1 851.
A LL persons indebted to the firm of.
c-"- "- """j uvi
account, or .otherwise, are jequestcd to 1
make immediate payment." 'Allttccounts ;
vhich are not settled soon, will be col-j
lected by legal process
. ?; & J STOKES.
curouusu.rg, xool. ,
I7lticfc.rel, "I I
Ska.d,- Codfish, Constantly ou
Ssilateii, hand for sale bv
Merriujf, Pork, J.PALMER&Co
Haawaud Sides, Market st. Wharf
Lar? uud Cheese, J r
Easton & tfilibrd Ulail Line,
Pnno-nrs in this Zine wi cave Jo
seph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the
" Black Horse," Easton, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, passing through
the Mowing paocs, viz: Richmond,
r..ntrftviZc. Witfiamsburg, DMfe' Ferry,
j burg, Busha, and Dingman's Ferry, and
arrive in Mifford the same day: Distance
Z Dim-
mice's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday,
Thursday ana Saturday, auu
Easton the same day.
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, SI 2o
. Mitford,- 2 87
N. B. All baggage at the risk of the
Stroudsburg, May 8 1851.
rTIuti(U Fire Insurance Coinp'y.
he rate of Insurance is 6lic dollar on
the thousand doars insured, after
! which payment no subsequent tax witf
j be evied, except to cover actua oss or
damage by fire, that may tai upon mem
bers of the Company.
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise, wi be. ascertained yeary,
, for which each member in proportion to
ihis, her, or their deposit, wi have a
! credit in the comnanv. Each insurer in
1 or with the said company Avi be a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
j poiey. The principle of Mutua Insur
1 ance has been thorougliy. tested has
j been tried "by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successful and be
come very popuar. It affords the great
' est security against 7oss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous anu rea
sonable terms.
Anpications for Insurance to be made
i in person, or by letters addressed to
Jacob Goetz Michael n. Dreher
John Edinger
James H. "Walton
Edward Poston
"Rnhort, "Boys
Jacob Frederick
George D. Keller
Peter Shaw
John Miller
Richard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker.
Balsar Fetherman.
JACOB GOETZ, President.
"WALTON, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Janury 31, 1850..
Raising Blood
And Consn7)72'tio?i, 2lan l sc an(l
night siccats, Asthma, Wlvooping Cough,
palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the
j throat, lungs and liver cured by Sher
man s All-Healing Balsam.
Mr. Mine, Buider, in BrooWyn, was
attached with raising bood, foowed hy
t a cough, jjain in the side, and all the u
! suaZ sj'mptoms of consumption. He em-
pfoyed two of the best physicians; they
; did him no good, and told him he cou7d
not live.
I Hearing of the wonderful cures per
, formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
10 o'clock at
niirht to
Mrs. Hayes, 13G
! Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated
' like a charm, stopped the bleeding and
t cough ! Before he had taken one bottle
I he was able toibe about his work. It had
i saved his life. His daughter, residing at
127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg,
living in Tenth, near South Fourth St.,
says That she had been troubled with a
hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for
a long time, which at last become so bad
that she was obliged to give up her school
for more than a fear. She then com
menced talcing the All-Healing Balsam
which soon alleviated her symptoms.
She is now fast recovering, and has re
sumed her laborious occupation as a teach
er. 14 3'cars Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave
nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough,
raising of phlegm, and pain in his side.
He could get no relief til he tried the
All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain
from his side, allayed the cough, and
brought the disease upon the surface; and
before he had taA'en three bottles, was
entirely cured.
Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, rc-
iding 88 Sheriff street, has for 3'ears been
subject to attacks, of PJeurisy; Raising
of Blood, severe -Cough, Shortness of
I Breath, Pain in ller Head and various
1 parts of her body. Her friends believed
past recovery. The AH-Healing Balsam
rpi;PvprI W f, oupp nf nil
her alarming
symptoms, anu now sue is auie to attend
j0 ker -prk.
asthma and whooping cough.
Mr5 Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie st.;
L. S. Beals,, 19 Delancy street ; W. II.
Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value of
tjlig greflt rcmedy f
Ask for Sherman's All-Hejilincr Hnl.
sain, and ,see that his written; signature is
on each bottle.
Price 25 cents and SI, per bcttlc.
Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough Lozen
ges for Sale at this office. '
May 6; I85i. t a
Wholesale and Retail Bool and Shoe Store.
HPIIE Subscriber lakes ihis method to tn
I r.,-m ti, nnhlic that he has just re-
i . . - .,-n
pttiA nnil npnrlv ounosile 1 . K r . ftiix
hi Hamilton lierl, a large as-
Boojts emir Sljocs,
sortmenl of
.loi.IP(Uv the larscst, cheapest ,
Boston, which
auu iioi, .
!, ; snllino rr cash and isie- f
temiincd not to be undersold by '
ftpy othi'r establishment, accor
dinR to the niiicle:
liis assortment consists of
Cclll'res Gaiiers, Women's
Gaiters, Half Gaiiers, Jenny Linds, lippers,
Huskins, and a large assortment of children s
gailora. &c &c.
L O. Gentlemen's and youths Boots
and Shoes of every variety, all made of the
best materials, and experienced workmen
(under his own superintendence.)
Orders for work to be made bv measure,
and repairing of all kinds, promptly attended
to as heretofore. A continuance of the la
vors of a libreal community respectfully so
Easton, May 22, 1801
Greatly improved manufactured by T)f.
H HILTON, the great Chemist.
D)S:P. Townscnd's Sarsaparilla,
The most extraordinary Medicine in the
world ! Over two hundred and fifty
thousand persons cured' of various diseases,
within ihe last 2 years. It cures Scrof
ula, stubborn Ulcers, EfTectsof Mer
cury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas,
Rheumatism, Consump
tion, General Debili
ty. Dyspepsia,
Km Diseases,
'"Liver Complaint, Drop
. sy & Gout, Ringworms, Can
cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases.
The oreat beaulv of this medicine is, that
it never injures the-constitution, and is al
ways beneficial even to the most delicate,
and is the only medicine ever discovered that
creates new, pure, and rich blood, and that
rpnehes the bone. Thousands are readv to
testify to its many virtues.
Great Sjiring & Summer Medicine
Everv-person should take a bottle spring and
I fall, to regulaie the system and diive out all
One botile of Dr. . P. Townscnd's Ex
tract of sarsaparilla Will cleanse the system
of a child. (
Easton, Pa., August 5. iSSO.
This is to certify that 1 have beeu troubled
with a swelled leg for twenty-five years, ai
tended with general debility, and was restor
ed to perfect health by the use of Dr Q P.
Townsend'a arsapariiln. 1 cin refer to
others in this place who have taken this val
uable medicine, and who speak in terms of
the highest comrapndation of its healing vir
Former Sheriff of Northampton ccnty
Easton, Pa., Aueut 5, 1850.
About two years since my little daughter
caught the Measles, which left her with
severe cough, which no doubt would have
turned to consumption had not Dr s P Town-
send's sarsaparilla been given, and by which
she was perfectly restored to health.
This is to certify, that my child was afflicted
with a horrible disease in the face (which
tesisled the efforts of my family physician,)
and was entirely cured by half a bottle o
Dr. S, P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
Uniontown, Fayette co., Pa., July 2 1850.
The public are notified that Dr. S P Towns-
end s Extract of Sarsaparilla, will in future
be manfactured under the direction of . las. R
Chilton, Chemist, whose name in connection
with that of Dr. 5 P Townsend, will bo up
on eacu ooitie, to prevent iraua. sold in
Stroudsburg by
Wholesale and Retail
Soldiers' ItJitl Warrants.
By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted,
That each of the surviving, or the widow or
minor children of deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang
ers or militia, who performed military ser
vices in any- regiment, company or detach
ment in the service oflhe United Slates, in
the war with Great Briiian, declared by the
United States on the eighteenth day of June,
1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790,
and each of the commissioned officers who
was engaged in the military service of the
United Stales in ihe late war with Mexico,
and shall be entitled to lands as follows :
Those who engaged to serve twelve
months or during the war, and actually
serred nine months, shall receive one hun
dred and sixty acies: and those who engaged
to serve six months and actually served lour
months, shall receive eighty acres; and
those who engaged to serve for any or an
indefinite period, and actually served one
month, shall receive forty acres. Provided,
that wherever any officer or soldier was
hnnorablv discharoed ill conseonenm rifrlis-
lability in the service, he shall receive the a-
mount to which he would have been entitled
if ho had served the full period for which he
had engaged to serve.
Under the above art, arid the acts of Con
gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser
vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for
those entitled to receive them, as above spe
cified. He may be found at his office in Strouds
burg. S, C. BURNETT.
October 24, 1850.
Strayed Jrom the premises of
the subscriber some time last
spring, a dark red Bull, two year old next
spring No marrs about him.
Anv information respecting him will be
thankfully received, and reasonable expenses
Dry Gooils & Grocery Store
In Forth Hamilton st., Easton -nearly op -
jwsitethe White Horse Tavern.
would respectfully announce to their
old friends in Monroe county and the, pub
llv. that thev have taken thq
above establishment, and offer for sale a
lar-e and well selected siock 01
Drv Goods and Groceries, compns
-., .
nia the toUowing
50 doz Rim Locks, with white, brown
and brass Knobs.
2000 gross Screws, assorted.
200 doz Butts, assorted.
50 " Pulleys, Blakes &. Westville's,
60 doz Till Locks.
500 planes assorted; the celebrated M.
Oopeland's make of Planes are amongst
this assortment.
20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and
also the celebrated London spring Jsaw,
manufactured by H. Dis'ston. Also, Dts
ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine;
circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxes,
hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas
ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls
and cooper cross. Also, a lot of Macke
rel & Rickardson's celebrated window
fastenings; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ;
plastering and mason's trow'els; hammer
ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels
and forks, &c, with a great variety of
hardware, too numerous to mention.-
The assortment will compare with with
any in this place in quantity, style and
price. Cloths. French blue black, blue, brown,
cadet stjde, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro
ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas
simeres. A large assortment Ladies'
Dress-Goods; black silk, black silk warp
lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and e ming. Pr01
fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Bed ' receipt of letters and certificates, going
ticking, ble'afhed and brown muslin; lin-, to prove its rcmarkab'c effi iciency to all
en platcl; coatings; checks; flannel; hoes ; cases of worms, both m ch dren and a
buttons; 'threaded silk. A full assort- du ts. The re lef given, and the mi ncd 1
. A ate improvement of health which follows
ment of
10 hhds Molasses.
20 bbls N. 0. and Trinidad Molasses.
5 hhds Sugar.
30 bbls do. white and brown.
15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil.
25 boxes soap.
20 do. candles.
3000 lbs Bacon.
25 bbls mess pork.
25 do Flour.
1 0 chests Imperial and Young
Hyson Teas
. Rice, starch, chocolate, Indi-
go, Madder, aiium, cvo.
Dried apples peacnes, wmie ue-iu., .
100 sacks of Salt. J
50 kegs white Lead; window glass and (
putty. J
100 kegs nails. '
100 bbls, and half and qr. bbls Mack-
All persons visiting Easton, will find
it greatly to their advantage to call and
make their purchases of Miller & Broth
er's large and well selected stock of
Goods. Sold wholesale and retail, at
Burke's old stand, by
Easton, April 24, 1851.
At Low Prices.
STROUD & ANDRE having taken that
lijrge and commodious Brick Store House,
formerly occupied by
Dr. Siokes, call the
attention ol their Iriends and tne public in
general to their large stock of
Coffee, tea, sugars, molasses, mackerel,
smoked and pickled meal, coarse and fine
Stilt n f g 6 ic
CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails,
wooden Bowls, half bushel measures, &c.
Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass,
scytnes, straw knives, door laicnes, uous, nous remedies, such as Nature prescribes
knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, for the ills herchildren suffer. The ingredi
spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws, ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain
chisels. hatchets ; augers, trying and bevel able (cheaply too,) wherever consumption
squares and coffee mills. j exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote.
CROCKhRY A splendid assortment ol
Teas, plaies, &c. New style Jenny Lind, in
sets of 46 pieces. FANCY CHINA Mar
ble, neaiest and latest style extant.
BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens1 boots and
shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting
gaiters, kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds, slip
pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes.
of every style and cobr. Black, blue and
brown cloths. Fancy cassimeres; black doe
skin do. ummer wear of all kinds. Fancy
prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French
and domestic ginghams, barege, barege de
laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin,
common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new
style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la
ces, ribbons, sallin veslings, cambrics, bleach
ed and unbleached muslins, and a full assort
ment of trimmings.
Parasols anu Umbrellas,
Together with a complete assortment ol
goods generally, all of which they offer at ve
ry low rates.
brain. Lumber and all kinds of Country
produce taken in exchange, and cash never
The late Law having made the ready nay
system obligatory upon all, we therefore have
adopted it, and intend to sell for small profits
and make quick returns; which will be a sav
ing of 20 per ct. to the buyer. Call and ex
amine before purchasintr elsewhere. We
know we can offer goods at such prices as
will induce you to buy, for
Our Lroods are cheaper and as good
As any sold since Noah's flood.
To buy of us it will be your gain,
And we'll take our pay in Cash or Grain.
Call and see no charge for showing Goods.
For sale jaf. .this Office.
0pottsmnx Sake Notice.
John Kridcr,
Korth-East corner Walnut 1)' Second Ms.,
HAS on hand, just received, , a complete
assortment of SHOT GUNS, Powder
Flasks, Game Sags, and all otner optming
Apparatus of the best and most approved pat-
terns -
He has constantly on hand SPORTING
POWDER of all descriptions, Percussion
Caps. Shot, Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank
Cartridges, and a general assortment of ma
lArinls for Gun Makers. &c.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quail
ty, designed expre3slv for U S. Rine3.
An assortment of Fishing Tackle always
on hand. .
All the above, and any other articles in his
ine, the subscriber will sell as low as any
other establishment in the United States.
In testimony 01 his sum as a manulaclur
er.the Franklin Institute, in the years 1810
and 1842, awarded to him two ckrtificates
and in the years 1814, l8lG, 1847, 1818
rand 1850, five silver medals, all 01 wnicli
,ay be see- a. h. place ... - KL
Philadelphia, July 1851, 85. 3m.
great variety of Toys on hand and
for sale cheap at the variety store
Stroudsburg, 8, May 1851.
The tcstimonv in its favor is over-
its use, has ca"ed the attention of physi
cians to this artie'e, and they freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
7'hc retail jiriee is 25 cents per vial which
brings it zcithin the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847.
I do certify that I gave one bottle of
B. A.Fahnestock's Yirmifuge to my child,
and in se.en hours it passed 23 large
worms. Any person doubting this may
apply for further information at my resi
dence corner of York and J ackson st's.
james McCaffrey.
Poughkccjme, N. Y. March 2, 1844.
I certify, that I took two vials of B. A.
Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, which I found
tQ be the reatest cure for vorms j have
ever used. I have been troubled with
tape for a number of yoa and j
jiave liever found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fanestock's Yirmifuge. I there-
, recommend u
The public is cautioned against coun
torfeits and spurious articles, and to put
no confidence in statements, that ' Kolm
stock's,' and S. Fahnestock's, Yirmifuge
are the same or as good as the only gen
uine article, which is B- A. Falmcstock's
For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch,
Cure of Consumption,
Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs. Asthma.
Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung Com
plaints. 1 have published a brief work on Consum
ption, which contains an invaluable recipe
t -. , r . . ,
i !or curs 01 luese F B e
Ill Mien ivui.1i ucii niciiusaiiu
sicians have given up all hope. The Lung
balsam prescribed in this work Cures without
the expensive aid of physicians or injurious
use of patent medicines. In adopting this Sys
tern of Cure the patient knows what he is us
ing knows that he is not shortenning his
days by the use of anodynes or mercurials,
which may seem to Relieve but never Cure.
He knows when using this Life saving Bal-
sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, effica--
Consumptive patients may Ren on this receipt
(all Lung Complaints are removed by its
use) I would not attach my name to it, had
1 doubt of its efficacy. The directions for
preparing and u&ing the Balsam are perfectly
plain. 1 prefer selling the Recipe to making
the Balsam, as it enables people to Make
their own Medicine at a Trifling Cost. 1 will
impart the secret of making the Balsam, and
the Family right to use it, for Si, but in no
i case will J sell it for speculating purposes.
rrooi ot its Goodness.
Jackson, Mich., March 21, 1851.
Doct. S.TOUSE V Sir: You wished me
to let you know what efTed your preparation
of Medicine for Consumption and other dis
eases had in my family. After the first ten
days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved
her cough, changed her countenance, and all
appearances were better. My family would
not be willing to do without it. It is a med
icine much needed in Jackson there is many
cases simular to my wife's. The Rev Mr.
Blanchard will write vou for a recinn. Rpc
pectfully yours. O. F. POOL.
m,w,,r 8-s' nost paid, (enclosing $1.) Dr. S.
rOUSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York.
The work goes by mail under se'al.
October 23, l851-6m
HflSS F. A. KNECHT, formerly in
1"JB- Co. with Miss M. M. Kerr, would
wish to inform the ladies of Stroudsburg
and vicinity, that she will open a new
shop this fall, with a good assortment of
fall bonnet3, at the old stand of Miss
E. Colbert.
N. B She will open shop the 21th
Ootobcr. Thankful to her friends for
past favors she will be pleased ,to wait
upon all who may favor her with a call.
-Oct. 9, 1851. - :
Elizabeth st., Stboudbbtoq, Pa.
The tindersianed respectfully in-
t forms his friends and tho public gener
ally, thathehastaken the above Hotel,
known to the travelling community as'Shive
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo.
The house is large, with ever convenience
for travellers and boarders.
The yards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best order for the ac
comodation ot travellers and others.
The proprietor will use every effort tohave
his table, chambers, bar. and every depart
ment of his house conducted in such a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
mers. The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk,
Wilkes-Barre, White Haven and Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel.
Persons wishing logo orsend with the a
bove stages, will please leave their orders
at tho Indian, iueen nmei.
These lines leaye this Hotel every Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7
April 2 1, 185U
And to all whom it may Concern:
rjHE Undersigned embraces this method
JL to inform his friends and customers in
particular and the public in general, that he
has added to his former stock of Groceries
and Varieties, a generl assortmen of
Consisting of the best refined Rye WhU,key;
pale Brandy; Holland and common Gin; N.
O. Rum ; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pur
est and best qualities, and offers such for
sale by the barrel, keg.gallon or half gallon,
at the lowest cash prices ; and wishes thu
Tavernkeepers in the country to give him a
call before purchusing elsewhere.ashe isde
termined to give satisfaction, both in quality
and price.
He also keeps constantly on hand, for In
keepers, Wine Bivtkrs, Peppermint and
WiNTEttr.REEN, also Lemon Syrup.
IEPProduce of all kinds taken in exchange.
Siroudshurg, June 5. 1851.
Philadelphia Type Foundry,
No. 8, Pear street, Near the Exchange,
THE Subscriber having made great im
provements in his method of casting type and
mixing of metals, and had a thorough revision
of his matrices, the faces of which are not ex
celled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any
in the country; Hatters himself that by a strict
personal attention to business, and employing
none but the most skilful workmen, he is en
abled to offer
A Superior Article, al greatly reduced Prices.
He is constantly adding to his stock all that
is new from the best workmen of this and oili
er countries, and having lately procured from
Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES
and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of
Printers thereto.
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, Gal
leys, Brass Rule, and every other article nee
ded to furnish a complete Printing Office,
supplied at the shortest notice.
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully,
put up in fonts of correct proportion.
January 30, 1851. ly.
Doctor Yourself for 25 Cts r
By means oflhe Pocket
iEsculapius, or Eveiy
one his own Physician!
Thirtieth edition, with
upwards of a hundred en
gravings, showing pri
vate diseases in every
shape and form and mal
formations of the gener
ate systems
The time has now ar
rived, that persons suffering from secret dis
eases, need no more become the victim of
quackery, as by the precsriptions contained in
this book, any one may cure himslf, without
hinderance to business, or the knowledge of
the most intimate friends, and with one lenih
the usual expenses. In addition to the gen
eral routine of private disease, it fully explains
the cause of manhood's early decline, with
observations on marriage-besides many oth
er derangements which it would not be pro
per to enumerate in the public prims.
lEPAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in in a letter, will receive
one copy of this book, by ma:l, or five cop
ies will be sent for one dollar. Address.
44 DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCE
Street, PHILADELPHIA." Posi-paid.
1CPDR. YOUNG can be consulted on
any of the diseases described in Ins dif
ferent publications, at his Office. 152
SPRUCE Street, every day between U and
3 o'clock, Sundays excepted.
January 30, 1851. ly.
Stroiidsibtirsr and ruaiicli Chunk
Mail Line of Stages.
This line leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel, (In
dian Queen,) in Stroudsburg, every Monday.
Wednesday and Friday, at o clock a. m
via Fenneisville, Shafers P. O. Kresgeville,
Weissporl, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk,
where it arrives at 4 o'clock p. ,m., and con
nects with lines from Poilsvilie, Berwick anil
other places. Returning, leave C. Connoi's
hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 7 a. m. and ar
rive in Stroudsburg at 4 p. m.
This line connects with the Wilkesbarre
and White Haven slages at Shafers P. 0.
Monroe county, and with the New York,
Easton, Milford and Honesdale stages at
From Stroudsburg to Mauch Chunk S2 00
White Haven 2 oo
Wjlkesbarre 2 50
February 13, 1851. Proprietor?-
Country Produce.
Butter, eggs, &c. taken' in exohange for
anv goods in my line of business'.
Stroudsburg, February 1, 1851.
& Sv vet