Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, December 04, 1851, Image 4

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Tfic mast ft'DBilfrfji! Mnliriae of litB Age
l.r5 00,000 BOTTLSS
M&NUFAf.TunfcD V i:RvY.
I'Uls SIi!nc I put uji tn JijmrJ Rudloi
vnuji-lii. ciw'mI mure tliun
.103,000 Caaes of Chroaic Disease,
wl'lilti the ta'sl Ten VflJU-i. TSonc NCJwmliic
uiKs. Mguwt hjr S. P. TOWSVSESO.
X P O S K .
- ! ne rutiltc u -ill loam tti? flrfgfn, or lather w horo the
roojpe for inafctag the t' Uie.r call Olil Up Jav
T.mntenJ's haivajmritla, came firm ami win tie alilo
tf jnrtire wliielt Hie cennnie awl oHRiii!, n4 or the
IwiwOAty of the moa w So r cmjifciycd in elliftfj it s
tn original Or. Tuwti-md's Sarwparilla. Dr. S P.
Twnwiai xvtt tins origin 1 iirojirietor anil mvrntiti of
ir. 11vnisonl! ari:sriU. nnA 1th medicine has
xinc.S s ttMitation thit in otlior remed over gained.
I! irianuftcturcd ovw- one nuKiomU hollies last j car.
iUMt is manuAntttfng at j.reent W8 Iwltlcs ar iIrj.
We ufi saoie SHriarilU aad Vcllotv Deck in otir
tMl1Ubmcrit "ch dfiy( than all the other SarsjaiiH;i
V.anfietU!Ci-g in ttie world, l'rincijml OHioe, 126
1-nltwwt, ...
WitlMitn ArmittrQtig, of the naid Citj-, Ixsing duly
tnvjro, KU d;oe aud aj- t'lat he is a iiracticat
l)tglt ami ChcmisL That some time in the latter
part I AUy, or Aft if Ja. IS19, a roar, by the name
of Jih lxvnaeml, lm at that time was a book r;m!
!t pe.ic-, e!h?'l rrn dej-onent, at the hone
f M. Titfimn, No -12 ihidMiHslrcol, where dejio.
PHt ttnleiL eni reqwstl deponent to write hint a
recij by wnich to mahc a Sj rnp nr Sareaparilla. lisrtler that he" bceamc acquainted
AMtlLid T wnd atUie oSioe f Theodore Foster,
!3..'li ruTliii4r, with whom said Townscnd
UuH 'l'hat nkl Ton-niend had had frequent conversa
tions ivim 1ejneent iosicctin the mamifscttue of nn
iii:te of SctrsaiMiulia U he sold under the name of Dr.
J .- Townscnd.
IbKt mid Twnfend stated he was on old man, and
I"-or, ot was not tit for hard labor and wished to
rai we money, in order to live easy in his old
iiv. tiiHt.if Sarsaparilla nndertlie namcof Town
ea nii.l mwell, aad so much money was made by
it, he Nuld ?ee no reason why he might not nialce
tumt&ns; out of It too, (his parse being Townscnd,)
ii he c-imiM Rt a oarnblc rson to prepare a recipe,
anil iMunuCicture it tr him. Deptinent in one of the
r mretMitioHsaiferdVtidTownsend if he was related
o Br. S. P Towiaend, to which he replied, that he
Ucew Dr. S- T- Townscnd would be down on him after
he should commence. lJut that he did not care for
top, s be h(! Sinned a co-pavtner&hip with men who
eoold famish the rcqnisita amount of capital and was
prcafrei' lo deftnd himself against any attack
that nitit be made on him.
De;...!int farther sjty.s, that pursuant to the request
f. saJ ..icob Towr.oerNl. he -wtote a recij for the
wbtviftietre f a Syrup of Jmnwjmrilto, and gm e it to
him. -Snnl TowiiMind otierrd thut he wasted to
ix skc i jci":en to exhibit to his partners for their
ai piv:d. as he w ishe! to gratify Ssem in every thing,
at ttwy .furnished ell the SfpU said Townscnd also
tU de,.nent that ti.e Lotties they were to us were
tube of liie same sht.c aud shape"s Or. S. V. Town
frtod's, Jind rponeiit. t the request of said Jacob
't flwwcuJ, went to the IBec of. Dr. S. P. Townsead,
a.J procurod one of his libeK
And iSeponeftt f-irrher ivs,thirt h li been infornT--d,
rerily believes ihi Synij) of Sarwperilla, sold
s OW Jacob Tow nsend's, is naile nfter the recipe fur
n'tatsed by efofient, to Jacob Tnwnsoad, s aforesaid.
And fnrilicrdeiionent aaith not
Swvw tobePire me, !hi Jlth day of May. 1349.
iTaypr or ike CJty of New York.
We" i; ;r.f chicJwsts that Wt P. Tasai?'s
SWjrnil ;c t!. or.hiaL i b Joilwinp s from
titmt il tie i.-x; repetaM' p'rei in thw State.
ft!om rm:
IXe-vr York lHdlTtfmHc
We HiblMie an dveriisecieirt tiMdvsitemly
". U'p oce t.t iii injui-tice to lr. S. V. Town
rM, "rrho is the o 5mil pmprfetor of the preparation
I SiwtaMlia luwwn Dr. Twiisena"s. Other
jii'tci here wiiitn the jt lew d.bOi eagaged or
-c;t-?cted tl-omselve with a toan by the nvnc of
j-wesd whtfjict ap aTnedieine 9n3 culls It by tlie
Mi: ic kwp. This medsrine us aivertuted in Tkc
7 '' n.-e as the oryiiiwL itc This a4x ertlsemoat alsc
C' .:.ned matter derogatory to t!te chentctfir of Dr
f. I' T w hm-i nml that of hte nteuiciiM. Wc regret
it c ;;iKsatvt., imti lu t).e Dr. inkf tiiii cx-
Vorli iSaiiy Sun.
Diu-3vm--iV extraordiitsirj ad iortiement, which
un.'ffes mi entiroippe of thf Sfx, -will not csccpe
nftice. fir S p. Tonvcsend. uho h tte original pro
f.iieto; "f I i Tnunw ihJV Simaifli8, and whoie of-li-e
t jicxt d'or to ours, u4ere lie has Jeen for sever
i.1 yore, i. drningaa iwiwewe Imdnew. lie receives
no lew than tur hundred '-aweti of SarpajwriHa per
. has cv en this em i roous quantity docs not supply
1 je o"jietHi. No mediCMe ever gwned so great a
(" as hit preparetin of the SitniaperiUa. His
.t- ' TsAlrannacs for co $22,01)0, and he
.vvl l'New Tork Scn for advertising; in the
J ' .fow r .s. over $40jras. und be acknowledges
i t ' clieajiest a-iiertb-iag he has li&d done.
j I )ie is exported to Uie Csnadas, tVest In-
4ie - rvmfttiva mi Kvropc, in considerable
r. . 1 eiadm; iirto general use in thoEO
.2fas here.
Druggists and others tltst sell Sarsaparilla for the
""mine jind original Dr. Townseud's Sarseparilla,
that not signed by S. P. Towjisendj commits a fraud,
sn,i nvindies the cuxtomors. Men that would be
guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud
ah" no Druggist of cwnmonutelbgence but knows
that ours is the only genuine.
Old Jacob Tovrr.srnil.
Some people who arc aiot --ell informed, and have
ri"t ied the isicrs, and not seen our advertisements.
l.a e been led to supjioe, that because these men ad--itifc
their stuff as f Old Jacob Townsecds," that it
jtiust, of carte, be the original. It is less than one
y '-nr .ince m?y commenced to make their medicine,
burs hasliiii'in the marifel over ten ycara.
Tills Old Jacob Totvnsend.
They are endeavoring to palai ofl' on the public as
an ma fuytician, Uc lie is ot a regular educated -Physician,
and never attempted to manufacture a med
iriiie, until .these men hired liira for tlic use of his
iKmc. They fcay they do -not wish the people to be
lieve that thtir Sarsaparilla is ours, or the same but .
ue better to deceive thepublicthey at the same time
-ert that their's is the Old Dr. Townsend's, and the
trig r Jj anil endeavor to make the people believe
that the etufl"they manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla, that has performed so manv wonderful
cures for the past ten years, and which Las gained a
imputation which no other medicine ever enjoved
which is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood.
V have commenced suits against these men for
damages. We wish it to be understood, that the old man
is ao i-elation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad
vertihcments and circulars, they publish a number of
gross ial'eho-jds respecting Dr. Towjisend, which we
-n. ill not notice.
- False Report.
Oitr ,opponents have published in -the japer, that
Di S. T Townscnd was dead. This they send-to their
agents afcont the country, who report that we have
given up business, kc. kc. The public should be on
tucir guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci
j'ied men.
JVoice of Removal. After Ih.i first of September.
Dr, S. P. Townsend'i New York OfSce will be
in the South Baptist Church, No. 82 Nassau-street,
w-Jtxh is' now undergoing a thorough change, and
will be lilted for.the better accommodation of the pro
prietors and the public
jfiite particular Xolxec No Sarsaparilla is the
ffcnuhne and original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, un
less signed by.S. P. Townsend.
AensTs. Redding Sc Co, No. S State-street, and
Mrs. .J"idder; No. 100 Iurt-street, Boston ; Samuel
Kidder, Lowell ; Henry Pratt, Salem ; James B.
atireen, Worcester; Allison t Gault, Concord; J.
JBalch ?c Soa, Providence ; and by DruggisU and Mer
chants generally throughout the United States, West
Indie and the Canadas. , ,
A fresh supply of the above for sale at this
Office. ' '
kyign.ISSI. . .
A LL persons indebted to the firm of
Stogdejl Stokes & Son, hy note, book
"account, or othervase are requested to
?nake immediate payment. All accounts
whicluarc not,se,ttled soon,will be col
leated by legal process. '
Strpadsbnrj;, April 24, mi. - ..
hatl, CotifisSi,
.Constantly .on
hand jpr sale by
XtssvxiuSt Pprfc,- WJULMER& Co
aaius SitJes, j Mnrfeest. Wharf
&urd,HsiiChcese. '
Wknlcsak tind Retail Bool; ami Slide Store.
THE Subscriber lakes tihis method to in
form the public thavho. has just re-
reived at his Store, opposite Messrs. Miller
reived at his aiore. oppose messrs. miut:r t
& Brother and neatly opposite T. A P. Mir- j
sell s store,
sorttnent of
in Hamilton Street, a large as- woum respecuuuj uuuuuwu
1 old friends iu Monroe county and the pub
ftrtrtTc: rmh ilinrc ' He generally, that they have taken the
13001b QUO IJCSilegthment, and offer for sale a
decidedly the largest, cheapest
j O '
and best, now in Easton. which
he is selling for cash, and is de
termined not lo be undersold by
any other establishment, aeroi
ding to the article:
His assortment consists of
Congress Gaiters, Women's
Gaiters, Half Gaiiers, Jenny Linds. Slippers,
Buskins, and a large assortment of children's'
gaiters. &c &c.
ALSO. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots
and Shoes of every variety, all made of the
best materials, and experienced workmen
(under his own superintendence.)
Orders for work to be made by measure,
and repairing of all kinds, promptly attended
to astieretofnre. A continuance of the fa
vors of a librcal community respectfully so
licited. THADDEUS SCI10C1I.
Easion, May '22, 85
Greatly improved manufactured by Dr.
H HILTON, the great Chemist.
Dr. S. P. Tofvnseiias Sarsaparilla,
The most extraordinary Medicine in the
world ! Over two hundred and fifty
thousand persons cur-d of various diseases,
within the last 2 ears. It cures Scrof
ula, stubborn Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas,
Rheumatism, Consump
tion, General "Debili
ty. Dyspepsia,
Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Drop
sy it Gout, Ringworms, Can
cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases.
The great beauty of this medicine is, that
it never injures the constitution, and is al
wavs beneficial even to the most delicate,
and is the only medicine ever discovered that
creates new, pure and rich blood, and that
reaches the bone. Thousands are ready to
testify to its many virtues.
Great Spring & Summer Medicine
Every person should take a bottle spring and
fall, -to regulate the system and diive out all
One bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Ex
tract of sarsapartUa wiH cleanse tlie system
of a child.
Easton, Pa., August 5. 1350.
This is to certify that I have been troubled
with a swelled leg for twenty-five years, at
tended with, general debility, and was restor
ed to perfect health by the use of Dr Q P.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1 can refer to
others in this place who hare taken this val
uable medicine, and who speak in terms of
tlie highest commendation of its healing; vir
tues. C H HECKMAN,
Former Sheriff" of Northampton county
Easton, Pa., August 5, 1S50.
About two years since my little daughter
caught the Measles, which left her with a
severe cough, which no doubt would have
turned lo consumption had not Dr s P Town
send's sarsaparilla been given, and by which
she was perfectly restored to health-
This is to certify, that my child was afflictpd
with a horrible disease in the face (which
lesisted the efforts of my family physician,)
- .a la 1 i I ,
and was entirely cured uy nan a uotue oi
Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
Uniantown, Faveite co.. Pa., July 2 1S50
The public are notified thai Dr. S P Towns
end's Extract-of Sarsaparilla, will in future
be manfactured under the direction of Jas. R
f Chilton; Chemist, whose name in connection
with that of Dr. S P Townsend. will be up
on each bottle, to prevent fraud. Sold in
Stroudsburs by
Wholesale and Retail
SoI(iic2sJ jLand Warrants.
By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted,
Thai each of the surviving, or the widow or
minor children of deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang,
ers or militia, who performed milttary ser
vices in any regiment, company or detach
ment in the service of ihe United Slates, in
the war with Great Britian, declared bv the
United States on the eighteenth day of June,
' 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790,
and each of the commissioned otiicers who
was "engaged in the military service of the
United States in the late war with Mexico,
and shall be entitled to lands as follows :
Those who engaged to serve twelve
months or during the war, and actually
served nine months, shall receive one hun
dred and sixty actes: aud those who engaged
to serve six months and actually served lour
months, shall receive eighty acres; and
those who engaged to serve for any or an
ine'efinite period, and actually served one
month, shall receive forty acres. Provided,
that wherever any officer or soldier was
honorably discharged in consequence of dis
ability in the service, he shall receive the a-mc-tint
v which he would have been entitled
if he had served the full period for which he
had engaged to serve.
Under the above art, and the acts of Con
gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser
vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for
(those entitled to receive them, as abore spe
ri.fieS. . v
Hcmay be found a: his office in Strouds
burg. S. C. BURNETT.
Octorer 24. 18501 t, ,
mm estbay.
kvxxm .Strayed from the premises of
tiJybyKabssthe subscriber some -time last
spring, a dark red Bull, two year old next
jsprimr. No marb about him.
Anv information respecting hirflT wiirbe
thankfully received, and reasonable expenses
L. Smhhfield, November 6, 1851. ' ;
For sale at litis Office,
T-T A T hW A RE.
: (AT DURIvE'S old stand,)
In North Hamilton st.) Bcuifonncarl? op
posite the White Horse Tavern.
Trrv,r . 0 m P TVTTTn? Q "MTT TRR
! ar"-c and well selected stock ot Hard
m I
wavc Dry Goods and Groceries, compns-
ins the following
50 doz Itim Locks, with Avhite, brown
and'brass Knobs.
2000 gross Screws, assorted.
200 doz Butts, assorted.
50 " Pulleys, Blalces & Westville's
60 doz Till Locks.
500 planes assorted; the celebrated M.
Copeland's make of Planes are amongst
'this assortment.
20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and
also the celebrated London spring Saw,
manufactured by H. Disston. Also, Dis
ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine;
circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxes,
hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas
ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls
and cooper cross. Alio, a lot of Macke
rel & llickardson's celebrated window
fastenings; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ;
plastering and mason's trowels; hammer
ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels
and forks, &c, with a great variety of
hardware, too numerous to mention.
The assortment will compare with with
any in this place in quantity, style and
Cloths. French blue black, blue,brown,
cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro
ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas
simeres. A larp-e assortment Ladies'
Dress Goods; black silk, black silk warp
lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and
fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, !cc. Bed
ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin
en plaid; coatings; checks; flannel; hoes ;
buttons; thread and silk. A full assort
ment of
10 hhds Molasses.
20 bbls N. 0. and Trinidad Molasses.
5 hhds Sugar.
30 bbls do. white and brown.
15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil.
25 boxes soap.
20 do. candles.
3000 lbs Bacon.
25 bbls mess pork.
25 do- Flour.
10 chests Imperial and Young
Hyson Teas.
Bice, starch, chocolate, Indi
20. Sladder, alluni, &c.
Dried apples, peaches, white beans, &c.
1 00 sacks of Salt.
50 kegs white Lead; window glass and
100 kegs nails.
100 bbls, aud half and qr. bbls Mack
erel. All persons visiting Eastoh, will find
it jrrcatlv to their advantage to call and
make their purchases of Miller & Broth- j
er's larn-e and well selected stock of
Goods. Sold wholesale and retail, at
Burke's old stand, by
Easton, April 24, 1S51.
At liow Prices. .
STROUD & ANDRE having taken that
l;;rge and commodious Brick Store House,
formerly occupied by Dr. Stokes, call the
attention of their friends and the public in
general to their large stock of
Coffee, tea, sugars, molasses, mackerel,
smoked and pickled meat, coarse and fine
sail, rice, etc.
CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails,
wooden Bowls, half bushel measures, &c.
Locks, screws, butt hinges, gra-in and grass
scythes, straw knives, door latches, bolls,
knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels,
spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws,
chisels, hatchets; augets, trying and bevel
squares and coffee mills.
CROCKERY A splendid assortment of
Teas, plates, &c. New style Jenny Lind, in
sets of4G pieces. FANCY CHINA Mai
ble, neatest and latest style extant.
BOOTS AND SHOES Mens' boots and
shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting
gaitars.kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds",slip
pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes.
of every style and color. Black, blue andJ
brown cloths. sUrancy cassimeres; black doe
skin do. Summer wear of all kinds. Fancy
prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French
and domestic ginghams, barege, barege de
laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin,
common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new
style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la
ces, ribbons, sailin vesiings, cambrics, bleach
ed and unbleached mualins, and a full assort
ment of trimmings.
Parasols ami UmSirella,
Together with a complete assortment of
goods generally, all of which they offer'at ve
ry low rates. f.
Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country
produce taken in exchange, and cash never
The late Law having made the ready pay
system obligatory upon all, we therefore have
adopted it, and intend to sell for small profits
and make quick4 returns; which will beasav
'ing of 20 per ct. to the buyer, Call andfex-
amine before pnrchasingJsewnere. We
know we can offer goods at such prices as
will induce you lo tniyfor
c Our Goods are cheaper and as good
As.any sold since Noah's flood, of us it. will he.your gain, f
f, And we'll take our pay in Cash or Grain.
Call and see no charge fur showing Goods.
-Stroudsburg, April 21. 0805.
t- lZ L..,
Neatly executed ut this Offifj6,
Spqrtsinin Stake 5f oticcr
Korth-East comer Walnut Second Sis.,
ITT AS on hand, just received, a complete
JUL assortment of SHOT GUNS, Powder
Flasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting
Apparatus of the best and most approved pat
terns. He has constantly on hand SPORTING
POWDER of all descriptions. Percussion
flan. Shot. Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank
w rt r ? , UWIJi - . ,
cjartridues. and a general assortment of ma-
tenals lor uun luanere, on;.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quali
ty, designed expressly for U. S. Rifles.
An assortment of Fishing Tackle always
on hand.
All the above, and any other articles in his
ine, the subscriber will sell as low as any
other establishment in the United States.
In testimony of his skill as a manufactur
er, Franklin Institute, in the years 1840
and 1842, awarded to him two certificates
and in the years 1844, 1840, 1817, 1848
and 1850, five silver medals, all of which
may be seen at his place of business.
Philadelphia, July 0007, 85. 3m.
A great variety of Toys on hand and
for sale cheap at the variety store
Stroudsburg, 8, May 1851.
Iron and Brass Fonsdry.
The subscribers take this method to
inform the public generally, and millers
and farmers especially, that they have
taken the above establishment, in the
rear of Starbird & Wallace's store, in the
borough of Stroudsburg, and having in
creased the machinery of the establish
ment, they are prepared to execute all or
ders in their line of business, in the best
manner and with despatch, and therefore
respectfully solicit the patronage of the
"public. They will manufacture cast and
wrought iron work of all descriptions, in
cluding v Mill c.1'fi23,
for flour and other mills, mill swrews,
bark and corn mills, together with cast
ings of every description turned and fit
ted up in the best possible manner. As
particular care will be taken to employ
none but the best workmen, and no pains
will be spared, they feel confident of be
ing able to give general satisfaction. Al-
made to order.
such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon
Boxes, &c, will be made to order. Old
copper and Brass taken in exchange at
theXhighest price. Patterns made to or
der. Threshing machines and Ilorsc rowers
of the most approved constructi6n, will
be furnished to order at the shortest no
tice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves
&c, on hand or made to order, for sale
wholesale or retail.
of the most approved plan will be kept on
hand, and every variety of plow castings
on nanu ami iur unit;.
i i i r
ITT Wrought iron mill work will be
done on the most reasonable terms. The
best kind of sled shoes and polished wo-j
gon boxes and hollow ware will always
be kept on hand.
Stroudsburg, November 28, 1850.
MS&!km.. 'Iff.
Linnet -Z-TAJ Ftr:Xtixr
xuB Ha,u m idv, r . that she was obliged to give up her school
whe mmg The proprietors are dai y in for more ayear.fa com.
receipt of letters and certifiicates, going menced A11.Hcali Balsam
to prove its remarkable efficiency to all wIdch soonWiatcd her syaiTptoms.--cases
of worms, both m children and a-. gho ig nQW fagfc rccoveri has rc.
du ts. The re lef given, and the nnmcdi-: 1 1 i v i i
, . , , ' ,Al , . , , sumed her laborious occupation as a teach-
ate improvement of health which lollows j 1
its use, has;ca"ed the attention of physi
cians to this artie'e, and they freely re
commend & prescribe it m their practice.
The retail price is 25 cents pier vial which
brmgs it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847
T .1 it... J. T
x a -n i r ii -ir -c x i n
nnri in seAon hnnra it nnssed 23 laro-n
, ,i. !
worms. Any person doubting this may
apply for further information at my resi
dence comer of York and Jackson st s.
t ' ames McCaffrey.
Poughlcccpsic, 1ST. Y. March 2, 1844.
I certify, that I took two vials of B. A.
Falmestock's Virmifuge, which I found
to be thegreatest cure for worms I have
ever used. J have been troubled with
tape, worms for a number of years, and I
have never found so good a medicine as
B. .A. Fanestock's Virmifuge. I there
fore recommend it.
The public is cautioned against coun
terfeits and spurious articles, and to put
no confidence in statemepts that ' Kolin
stpck'sy and S. Fahnestock's, Virmifuge
ftf e the same or as good as the only gen
uine Vtile which is B- A. Fahncstocls
For sale at this Office.
Jtaston & Iflillbrd Mail liine,
Passengers in this line wi cave J o
seph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the
" Bac; Horse," Easton, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, passing through
the foowing paces, viz: Richmond,
0entrevie, WiZiamsburg, Dis' Ferry,
Deaware Water Gap, Dutotsburg, Strouds
burg, Bushril, and Dingman's Ferry, and
arrive in Miford the same day: Distance
00 mies. Returning, eave Samite Dim-'
mice's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in
Easton the same day.
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, 1 25
" Miford, 2 87
N. B. All baggage at the risk of the
Stroudsburg, May 8 1851.
iUfcaJsiai Fire Insitraace Comp'y.
FT-phe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand doars insured, after
which 'payment no subsequent tax wi
! be evied, except to cover actual oss or
damage by fire, that may Ml upon mem
bers of the company.
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise, wi be ascertained yearly,
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, wil have a
credit in the company. Each insurer in
or with the said company wi be a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
) policy. The principle of Mutua Insur
ance has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successful and be
come very popuar. It affords the grcat-
! est security against oss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters addressed to
Jacob G oetz Michael H. Dreher
John Edinger
James 11. Walton
Edward Boston
Jacob Frederic;
George B. Keller
Peter Shaw
John Miller
Robert Boys
Richard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker.
Balsar letherman.
JACOB GOETZ, President.
JAMES H. WALTON, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Janury 31, 1850.
And Consumption, pain in the side and
nightsweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough,
palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the
throat, lnnffs and liver cured bv Slier-
mau's All-Healin" Balsam.
Mr. Mine, Buider, in Brooklyn, was
attached with raising bood, foowed by
a cough, pain in the side, and all the u
sual symptoms of consumption. He cm-
i poyed two of the best physicians; they
did him no good, and torn him he coufd
not live.
Hearing of the wonderful cures per
formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 130
Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated
like a charm, stopped the bleeding and
cough ! Before he had taken one bottle
he was able to be about his work. It had
saved his life. His daughter, residinr, at
127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg,
living in Tenth, near South Fourth st.,
says That she had been troubled with a
hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for
o lM-r f t vi r ttL t of lci?- lnnr r r c r l,wl
14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave
nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough,
raising of phlegm, and pain in his side.
He could get no relief til he tried the
All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain
oluu imuyuu. unu uuku. UJ1U
brought the disease upon-the surface: and
ho had taJ:enl thrQe bottlo8 '
..... ? utli3
entirely cured
Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, re
siding 88 Sheriff street, has for yearsbeen
subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Raising
of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of
Breath, Pain in her Head and various
parts of hor body. Her friends believed
past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
relieved her at once of all her alarming
symptoms, antPnow she is able to attend
to her work. '
Mrs. Luoretia Wells, 95 Christie st.;
L.. S. Beals, 19 Dolancy streot j W. II.
Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value of
this great remedy.
Ask for Sherman's All-Healing Bal
sam, antl see that his written signature's
on .eaclbottle. ' . K
Pried 25 cents and SI ner bottle.
ir ni ,' v vir , , tt
ur. cmerman s worm ana uougn Lozen-
gos ior sale at this olhce.
May R, 151.
3nui an uecn fjotel,
Elizabeth st., Steoudsburo, Pa.
The undersigned resnectfullv in-
iiil forms his frinnds and the nublic opnpp-
, that he has taken the above Hotel,
known to the travelling community as 'Shive
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo.
The house is large, with ever convenience
for travellers and boarders.
The yards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best otder for the ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will use every effort to have '
his table, chambers, bar. and every depart
ment of his house conducted in such a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
mers. The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk,
Wilkes-Barre. White Haven and Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel,
Persons wishing to go or send with the a
bove stages, will please leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
These lines leave this Hotel every Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7
o'clock. v
April 24,1S51.
And Co all tvhoia ii may Concern:
THE Undersigned embraces this method
to inform his friends and customers in
particular and the public in general, that he
has added to his former stock of Groceries
and Varieties, a generl assortnen of
Consisting of ihe best refined Rye Whiskey;
pale Brandy ; Holland and common (4m; N.
O. Rum ; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pur
est and' best qualities, and offers such !ir
sale by the barrel, keg. gallon or half gallon,
at the lowest cash prices ; and wishes thi
Tavernkeeper.s in the country to give him i
call before purchusing elsew'here,ashe isde
termined to give satisfaction, both iu quality
and price.
He also keeps constantly on hand, for In
keepers, Wine Bitters, Peppermint and
Wintergreen, also Lemon Syrup.
IEPProduce of all kinds taken in exchange,
Stroudsburg, June 5, 1851.
PSacJadcIpiiia Type Fosuadrv,
No. 8, Pear street, Near the Exchange.
THE Subscriber having made great im
provements in his method of casting type and
mixing of metals, and had a thorough revision
of his matrices, the faces of winch are not ex
celled, in beauty and regularly of cut. by any
in the country; flatters himself that by a strict
personal attention to business, and employing
none but the most skilful workmen, he is en
abled to offer
A Superior Article, at greatly reduced Pries.
He is constantly adding to his stock all that
is new from the best workmen of this and oth
er countries, and having lately procured from
Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES
and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of
Printers thereto.
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, Gal
leys, Brass Rule, and every other article nee
ded to furnish a complete Printing Office,
supplied at the shortest notice.
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully
put up in fonts of correct proportion.
J anuary 30, 1 S51. ly.
By means of ihe Pocket
iEsculapius, or Every
one his own Physician!
Thirtieth edition, with
upwards of a hundred en
gravings, showing pri
vate diseases in every
shape and form and mat
formations of the gener
ative systems
The time has now ar
rived, that persons suffering from secret dis
eases, need no more become the victim of
quackery, as by thepreesriptions contained in
this book, any one may curediimslf, without
hinderance to business, or the knowledge of
the most intimate friends, and with one tenth
the usual expenses. In addition to the gen
eral routine of private disease, it fully explair.s
the cause of manhood's early decline, with
observations on inarriage-besides many oili
er derangements which it would not be pro
per to enumerate in the public prints.
IE? Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in in a letter, will receive
one copy of this book, by ma:!, or five cop
ies will bp sent for one dollar. Address.
Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid.
IE? DR. YOUNG can be consulted on
any of the .diseases described in Ins lif
ferent publications, at his Office, I5
SPRUCE Street, every dav between u and
3 o'clock. Sundays excepted.
January 30, 1851. ly.
; . .
Slroaidsbarg and iTaaiv!i Clituilt
Mail Line of Stages.
This line leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel, (In
dian Queen,) in Stroudsburg, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock a. m.
via Fennersville, Shafers P. O, Kresgeville,
Weissport, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk,
where it arrives at 4 o'clock p. m., and con
nects with lines from Pottsville, Berwick and
other places. Reluming, leave C. Connot's
jiotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 7 a. m. and ar
rive in Stroudsburg at 4 p. m.
This line connects with the Wilkesbarre
and White Haven stages at Shafers P. O.
Monroe county, and with the New York,
Easton, Milford and Honesdale stages at
EromJSlroudsburg to Mauch Chunk S3 00
" ' Tt White Haven 2 00
" ' Wilkesbarre 2 30
February 13, 1851. Propmtors.
Country Produce.
' Butter, eggs,'&o. taken in exchange for
I i,
any gootts in my line oi Ditsmesa.
JOHN tl.
r. . . t rir
' Stroudsburg, February 1, 1951