bi mft mMmn mm a mm m m m m m mi mm mm mimm m m m m ttito-: , 'tnr f. ' ' - ' THE WHOLE ART "OF GOVERNMENT 'CONSISTS' IN THE ART OF BEING HONEST. JEFFERSON. VOL. 12. STROTCDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, Pa., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1851 No 3 TEllWS Two dollars ner advance Two loildrsand a quarter, half yearly -and if not paid bc- iarc me caa oi itie year. Two aoiiarsanu a nun. -muse "who receive their papers 'jv a carrier or stage d! ivor.s employed hythe proprietor, will be chaiged 37 1-2 cents, per year, extra. No papers ditconiinucd until all arrearages are paid, cxrtent nt the option oT the Editor. ID" Advertisements npt-exceedirig one squfire (six- teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for, one dollar, . and tw enty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. ' The Charge forondand three insertions. the same. . A liberal discount maHe li) yearly advertisers. ! lp All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-! paid. j JOB PRINTING. ; Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared j to execute every descnptionot Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes. Blank Beceipts, Justices, Legal and others Blanks. Phamphlets, &e., printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFPrCE OF'TIIE ,Tif Itepiiblcina. TEAS!! J. M. & E. W. COHLIES. No. 69 Pearl Street. New-York, Itr porters and Wholesale Deal-! era in Groesi and Black Tens, gnffiffijof all descriptions suited to the Cnulrv Trade. Are' also receiving from the hest manufac tures a full assortment of TOBACCO, of the most appiovrd brands, all of which are con fidently offered as equal to any in market, and at the cash prices. j Merchants visiting the City would do well j to call and examine our stock belote purchas ing elsewhere. Sepieinl rr 4. 1S5I. 3m I HARDWARE, $ry Gauds & Grocery Store, (at burke's old stand,) j hi Xbrth ILimUton-sl., Buston nearly op- positcihe While Horse Tavern. j TIIOMAS T. & DEPUE S. MILLER j would respectfully announce to their old friends in Monroe county and the pub-, lie generally, that they have taken the above establishment, and offer for sale a large and well selected stock of Hard ware, 'Dry Goods and Groceries, compris ing the following 50 doz Rim Locks, with wtete, brown and brass Knobs. j 2000 gross Screws, assorted. 200 doz Butb, assorted. ; 50 " Pulleys, flakes &' 'Wfstville's : manufacture. 60 doz Till Locks." 1 500 planes assorted; thq. celebrated M. ' Copehmd's make of Planes are amongst this assortment. " 20 doz Saws. Spear & Jackson's, and also the celebrated London spring Saw, manufactured by H. Disston. Also, Dis- ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine; circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxcs, hand and cooper axes; hatchet?; eompas sc.,; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls and cooper cros?. Also, a lot ot JUacke- rel & llickardson's celebrated window fnf fTmifr3 "Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts : plastering and mason's trowels; hammer- ed pans: brass and iron Kettles; shovels and forks,&c., with a great variety oi hardware, too numerous to mention The a33tfimcnt will compare with with any in this place in quantity, style and price. jDJL ID'S, Clotlts. French blue blaclr, blue, brown, cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro- ton; Siucts; a full assortment of Cas- himeres." A large assortment Ladies' Drcas Goods; blaclr silk, black silk warp lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Ded ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin- en plaid; coatings; checks; annclj hoes j i i ' jjuttons: tnreiiu uuu a iun uuit ment of GROCERIES. 10 hhds jIolasses. 120 bbls N. O. and Trinidad Molasses. 5 hhds Sugar. 30 bbls do. white and brown. 15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil. 25 boxes soap. 20 do. caudles. 3000 lbs Bacon. 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young Hyson Teas, llice, starch, chocolate, Indi- rrn AffirMor nllnm. &C. Dried apples, peaches, white Deans, o:c. 100 eacks of Salt. . 50 kegs v.'hite Lead; window glass and putty. " 100 kegs nails.' 1 100 bbls, and half and qr. bbls Mack- crel. All persons visiting JSaston, jvill find it greatly to their advantage to call and make their purchases of Miller & Broth- vuuoi i Goods. Sold wholesale and retail. at ' a larcc auu wen auieciuu cw vi ourke s old stand, by HIXfLE-K & BROTHER. K&ston, April 24, 1851. 3l Sic WJ&MmW ATTORNEY AT LAW. EE3 Has removed his office to "his dwelling ' -but 1 1 liavc.trespassed too much on your houserfirst door-below-thofficVof- theM0 lll! L 'Monroe site'S street. -.. ' - -.-.If Demo6rats"and" directly ono-- . ?.-t ...t. jt :B'n';i'nnt ..JsdftlhiadiswhoteJ.JfflizSboth vto 1RipnnVrTirmi:it;i .iKnlRlofrnultiDlv words otroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1S50. ' Siller's Slopes arc Go;ac. Am Come darkies lislcn to dis somr. That -Bigler is a clever man No one pretends to doubt, ' For? since the canvass first began, . He's-shown it "in and out,',' Byinaktng for himself a claim Of all the AVhhjs have done ; 13ut aa wc'Tshout Bill Johnston's name, lie finds his hopes are gone. Oh ! Bigler's hopes are gone Oh! Bigler need not try ; He thinks they love him in their heart, 'Tis only " in his eye." Oh ! Biglcr's hopes are gone," Oh ! Bigler how you sigh, Bill Johnston's on the track again, And Locofoco's fly. A dozen laws, how strange it is, That other folks have made, He says are handiwork of his, And grew beneath the shade ; The sinking fund the Whigs have tried And found to work so well, Then loud against the plan he cried, Now hear him o'er it swell. O Bigler's hopes, &c. Once on the Senate floor he stood As champion of the slave, Denounced the hunters of their blood, In maudlin tones, yet grave ; Now turning from that platform free, Flies not the storm-cloud faster, Than he to bow the coward knee, Unto his truckling master. O Bigler's hopes, &c. A boy once tried to catch .the lark, He thought he could not fail, And slily crept up in the dark,, , And looked to see her tail . Some salt he held within his hand, And moved as light as air, But as the nest he Blankly scanned, Behold she was't there. v O Bigler's hopes, &c. Tims would sold Bigler gain our votes, With protestations strong, But he has sung the same old notes, And we have heard them long ; And as he tries to chain our ears, With soft Vords. from afar, And fain would draw us still more near, Behold we are not " Aor." O Bigler's hopes, &c. 31 v. S:ro!ii:i. The Hon. John Strohm, the Whig candi date for Canal Commissioner, has just pub lished a letter in relation to the unscrupulous manner in which some of lh?s opposition press ami re-assert mat ne, wnue a memoer of Congress, voted against the granting of sunolies to sustain our armv in Mexico. Mr. Strohm recapitulates the whole facts of j the case, and says that while he was prepared to votG forlhe original bil the main features of which were to authorise the President, if he deemed it expedient, to call for and accept the services of any number of volunteers, not e.-eeed ing 50,000, and appropriating -$10,000,-000 for the purpose of carrying the provisions of that act into effect he was not prepared . r . I . t r 10 vows ior tne amendment introduced by ait. Boyd, of Ky., which declared that the war cx- isted by the act of Mexico, and authorised the President to 'prosecute it to a speedy and successful termination. He could not, he saidj Eanction a bill which contained asser- Uons SQ palpably faiseand which xvas fraught ; with such mischievious consequences. This, however, was very different from votingagainst J the bill to grant supplies. Mr. Strohm con ' eludes his letter with this language : J " After the passage of that bill, in which ' the war with Mexico was recognized and sanctioned by the regular and properly con ' stituted war-mak;ng power of the government, ! I made no further resistance to the war, but voted for all and every appropriation proposed to sustain the army, and prosecute the war with vigor, and I defy any of the Democratic orators or editors to point out an instance in which I did not, unless accidentally absent from the house. But I am accused of w H..um0u1,l,)a,.u0uii, ! the volunteers in Mexico. The only vote of mine that can be tortured i into anything like a withholding of supplies, was the vote on the bill above alluded to, and Ydt was before any volunteers were ordered 'out. That bill, as already stated was to au- lhorige lhc presidGnt to accept the service of voluntccrs ond making provision for their , , pay and sustenance. Both propositions went together, and had my vote been decs ive of r.... iti I.. 1 1 f m T1iinf fors rrmm iinr ! , , . the fatepf the bill, the volunteers could not have been accepted, would not have been called upon, and consequelly would not have been starved in Mexico, even without an , appropiration. . I might say mucli more upon mis suujcct or accumulate arguments, yf . - - ' Yours, &c. JOHN STROHM. Ecoe li G3farc She people, That Wm. Bigler, in the legislature of 1843, voted against the election of Canal Commis sioners by the Peopfc. That Wm.' Biolcr, voted with three others, against the present law to punish reduction.. That W.M. BifiLER voted against. the indi vidual Liability in a bank charter, in the Le gislature of 18d3. ILel TTax-aayers f&ememlcr ( That the State debt, Nov: 30th, 1848, was as follows : Recorded debt, 40,474,736 93 Floating canal, railroad and motive powcrdebtcontrac- ted prior to that time, and returned in 1849 and '50, as per appropriation bills for 1849, '50 and '51, 373,861 48 Total debt in 1849 $40,848,598 41 Debt Sept. 1, 1851, including the Loan of 8400,000 to avoid the Inclined Plane at Philadelphia, 40,116,362 44 Amount paid by Gov. John ston in two years and a half, 732,235 97 Remember, that counting this loan of $400,000 in the sum total of the debt, the whole amount of the indebtedness of the Stale is over SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS LESS than it was when Gov. Johnston was inaugurated two years and a half ago ! Of this amount, Gov.J Johnston's Sinking Pund has paid over SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIIOUSAD DOL LARS! ! ! The remainder has been paid out of the ordinary resources of the State. ! And in connection with this, let the people J remember that Wm Bigler, in his speech at Towanda, Bradford county, on the' 15th of August last, SAID PUBLICLY, that he was: IN FAVOR OF A LOAN " to complete the North Branch canal. Gov. Johnston has commenced to pay the State debt. William Bigler has pledged himself, that, if elected, he will favor a direct is- j crease of the Slate debt by borrowing sufii- j cicnt money to complete the North Branch canal ! Remember this ye men who are op posed to making any more debt, and who think your present taxes heavy enough to be borne! W!i:.l's iiie Row ? The Democrats arc constantly in hot wa ter. Fix it as you will, there is always a screw lose somewhere. Every thing is wrong that is done by a Whig, no matter what. Just now there is a great snarling from the whole editorial pack at Gov. Johnston, be cause he don't stay at home and attend to his business. The Government is going to smash as sure as the moon is made of green cheese. They don't waiL to point out one s5nSlc duty neglected, for this they-cannot find ; but the fact that he is out among peo ple, receiving the testimonials of their appro bation and rendering himself, if possible still more popular, and giving the lie to their li- j bcllous chanres, is sufficient evidence to i bcllous diaries, is sulncient evidence to them that tho whole machinery of Govern tnem mat tne wnoie macninery oi uovern- ment is out of geer. Gentlemen, don't be a larmed. Gov. Johnston can administer the aflairs of Government better than any Loco foco, Governor-we ever had, and travel half the time at that. Wait till the milk is spilt before you blubber about it. When you find one single duty ncglecteQ, then blow it out with all your might. But don't borrow trou ble ; it will come to you quite fast enough. Gov. Johnston is able to take care of himself. He is not, Bigler fashion, in leading strings, nor a cat's paw for any clique or faction. His attention is directed to the welfare of the people, to the payment of the State debt, to thcreduction of our taxes. He will continue to labor for these, and the hue and cry of par ty aspirants cannot hinder it. Look at the ! SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS OF OUR DEBT paid by the action of the Sinking Fund recommended by him, and a floating debt of TWO HUN DRED THOUSAND, making nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS, and then eay if we want further evidence of his noble devotion to the interests of the people. Then say if we are not in duty bound to benefit ourselves and the State by re-electing him in October next 1 Slntup Speaking. - "Fellow citizens," said a stump orator, "we have the best country in the world, and the best government. No people on the face of this globe enjoy more liberty flinn wo dn Horn we luive Tihertv nf ch nd ubcrt flf the prcSBj withoufc. i . tin j .ii : onerous despotism. What, fellow-citi-1 zens. is more desirable than this: Do you want anything more, my counery meu?" "Yes sir-ee!" sang out a red-faced loaf er,- "this is dry work. I want a suck out ; of that pint flasksticking out of your coat pocket behind.7.' j uui ui niui .iruo uuui jjujLui j niujviii in i 1 -Ti.. 'll,i A.' . ills LOihy iinij, uiiu utiiuu uuivii uuuuuui- ing. He suddenly vamoosed ! from that neighborhood. PiiiiudeSphin WSaisspcakstig for tlavisssvlves. Locofocos have been very busy circulating reports that the Whig votc in Philadelphia county would be greatly reduced Hhis fall. Unfortunately for Locofoco stories, Philadel- pbia Whigs have spoken on the subject and gtven the he to all their prognostications. At the immense mass meeting they had in that city on Monday the loll,, they passed the fol- lowing resolution. We commend it to those Locofocos Vho have taken so great interest in our aflairs : Resolved, That the friends of the National and State Administrations in the City and County of Philadelphia, still as ever cherish union for the sake of the Union ; that they recognize in the issues of the present contest every duty and incentive that has ever united and sustained them, heightened by evils more oppressive, and an exigency more threatening than any which has hitheto invoked their pa triotism ; that they enter into the field under the same banner which was upheld by the 'mighty arms of Harrison, Clay and Taylor, and with all, and more than all their olden union, ardor and confidence; and that they pledge themselnes to their friends of the in terior, to give a larger vote and a heavier majority for Johnston the tried and true than any recordedin the annals of the party.'' This is not unmeaning phraseology. The ! to do all they j . f V to bear part of j 1 , Whigs of Philadelphia intend promise. They are anxious the honor in re-electing to office a man who has guided the State so successfully for the tne public credit wno nas improved our pun lie Works, and who has paid 8732,235 92 of the Public Debt! B-el il ha Siemt'iisberctl That the present Locofoco party is the old I tuuiui "juji ill uisyuisu, Willi LMUk 111 old Federalists, James Buchan.nan, at its head. LET IT BE REMEMBERED That the Locofocos accuse the Whigs of d loyalty to the Union, to draw the attention of: Shunk was Governor of the State. Was j more or less. In Canosa, the ancient Can the people from the fact that they are co-op- h responsible for the riot and murder? i asiitm, founded by Diomed, and whose walls eratino- with those arch-traitors, the secess-! ov- Shunk intercsthimselfin arrest-! once enclosed a circuit of sixteen miles, three ionistsof the south. ' ! inS tIie. rioters? Did he issue any -Pro-1 hundred and seventy-six houses were thrown LET IT BE REMEMBERED That the Locofocos made the whole of our enormous State debt, and that a Locofoco Governor never paid off a cent of the funded debt. . LET IT BE REMEMBERED That Gov. Johnston has paid off 8059,122 93 of the debt contracted by his Locofoco predecessors, without increasing the taxes. Who tells flic Truth? The Locofocos call Gov. Johnston's Sink ing Fund a 'humbur' and a 4 cheat:' Ithasn.-iid over HALF A . MILTJON of tiie State debt, and will pay more before this r l r i r- i i .i r fiscal year expires. General Bickel, the Op - nosition State Treasurer, who is comuetcnt toiudire, savs-lhe Sinking Fund Act is a 'WISE AND SALUTARY ENACTMENT,' and that if undisturbed, IT WILL PAY i j THE STATE DEBT. Mr, Bigler and the Lo- cofoco press generally, have taken ground-a gainst this Sinking Fund. Will the people sustain men who oppose, ridicule aud de nounce what is PAYING -THE STATE DEBT I ijd the People EScmciiibcr. -a'hat on tho 13th of May, 181G, in the Con gress of the U. S., a motion was made to in crease the pay of privates of infantry, artille ry, and riflemen from eight to ten dollars per month. These men were engaged in fighting the battles of their country. This motion to in crease their pay was OPPOSED by a large number of Locofocos among whom was RICH ARD BRODHEAD, now Locofoco United States Senator from this State ! It was SUS TAINED by a large number of Whigs, among whom were Joseph Buffington, Cornelius Dar ragli, Joseph R. Ingersoll, A. R. M'llvaine, iB;Sll0CifAndreyr b5ewaS. ..5:fr oinuriivi, oi rennsyivania. iiieiiiuuuu iu, increase the soldiers' pay was carried by a , majority of twenly-two votes, notwithstanding Brodhead and other Locofocos with the same want of feeling voted against this humane measure. (For the vote see House Journal, 1st session, 20th Congress, 1845- b page JJ.; When Locofocos talk of John Strohm's voting to starve the soldiers, tell them it is aise, anu tell them they rewarded a man who voted iifrninst increasing the soldiers nay, by elect- to starve the soldiers, tell them it is false, ana mg him last winter to represent their party in the United States Senate.-llarr.sburg merican. Worth Bsiou'in. young lauy oi tms city, says The inttauiation and pain were of course i vnrv o-rnnt. nnd lock iaw was apprcl: ien- ded. A friend of the family, however, recommended the application ot a ueet taken fresh from the garden, and pounded fine to the wound. It was done, and f he effect was very beneficial. Soon the in- flamation began to subside, and by keep - ing on the crushed beet, changing, it for o fr'h nnn as its virtue seemed . to be - come impaired, a speedy cure was r-ffec- gardod by his brutal father, The dc ted. Simple but effectual, remedies like censed died in loss than an.hour after the this bjiould be known by everybody ! assault was committed upon him. TSiey want tohiilvay confidence agnail. The Loccofocos have the effrontery to ask the people to trust the Tariff question with them. Do 4h!y suppose the people fVn it a n q,i,i i ; J tho p q m , J j j 1 UStf t! 0 Part betrayed them heretofore? Do they suppose the People , aSm fall into a trap which deceitful : Locofocs set? The people are honest. They despise and hate the dishonesty and j deception of the leaders of the Locofoco party, and if they are wise, they will nev er again confide their dearest interests to the Punic faith of Locofocoism. ITJr. Bigler's Champion. George W. Woodward is out making speeches for William Bigler. This Mr. Woodward was a member of the Con vention which reformed our State Con stitution and on the 17th day of Novem ber, 1837, in that body offered the fol lowing resolution, (for which see Debates of Convention Vol. 5, p. 444:) "Resolved, That thesaid committee be also instructed to inquire into the propri ety of so amending the Constitution, as to PltEVBNT ANY FOREIGNERS WHO MAY ARRIVE IN THIS STATE AFTFR THE FOURTH DAY. OF ULY' I841 IiVR0M ACQUIRING f occasionally occurred at the time of writing THE RIGHT TO VOTE OR TOHOLD,, nfwT 7 mmr, . x, . n ,,, is letter, and all eyes were turned upon e- 01' l'lUL in this Commonwealth." . f, , , ,. . , This man undertakes now to wheed'ei Pcnnfylvanians into the support of Wm-1 Who wits liii; itiurduror of Jasues j varnsic iicraitt ot tue -zizu uit,, contains the following pointed paragraph: rn n - tt ... ii p it . n nt. ..ii J son u-xiv. w wuii- i ii n i .niArnrtnc? tiif t- r ma r i-ai i Aim, responsible tor the riot m Lancaster ty and the murder ot Mr. borsuch. I pfjimfv j in ig47 a riot of a similar nature took nlane at Carlisle, in which Mr. Kenned v. of Ilagerstown, Maryland, was severely j of Bari the towns f Cerato, Minervino, Spin-is- injured, and soon after died. .Frances R. . azzola, Andria, and -Trani were all injured ciamation onerina rcwarui xno. ltov. oiiuuk aia noc uug wnatever 10 arrest or ni .. i .i? .i ! i j - j. l . Wn,nAl)t-Krf1n.,n1.Vftflo47 ,:, n;nJnr hohm,1 fn a? Rhunh si.m,r,I was then :u full force ! 'Did Gov. Shunk , afterwards recommend its repeal I Did; Bigler, who still remained in the State advocate its repeal ot a bit or it.- They took the matter very coolly, and said nothing. The locofoco party left the law of 1S47 four years on the statutebook and not until the very last hour of the last day of the last session of the Legislature, , did the Union get into such imminent ! danger as to require its repeal ? ! What ! httinbuggcry ! : 00 J Wli K f .?.f?s not lllli SlatC EObt. In 1S45, at least bne thousand Justices mt iuu i cacu hciu l-iuciuu m mu uuat;. 0f these Justices received a com- , . ot the I'eace were electca in 1 10 Citate. llliaOlUll 11U111 lllVi UUltlUUl. J- Ill- 14111 e oo i. imposes a tax ot . on each ot these 1 , . . ,., , commissions, lhc dtate .treasurer s re- report for that pear shows that instead ot at least 2,000 being paid into the State Treasury on this account, only $2G9 39 were ever accounted for! This money camo into the hands of some of the subordinates in the State Department. Why was it not paid into the Treasury! Who kept the money? What robber in fested Capitol Hill and fleeced the State to enrich himself? This was under Lo cofoco rule. These men are not yet sat isfied. They want more plunder. Will the people give it to them. A son murdered by Ills Father On Monday, last week, we learn from tho Fulton (N. Y.) Democrat, mostbru- , . - nm.:u.nj ; tho. 4-nrrm f murder " was committed m the town of Cnroga that county, by John Sprung, Sen. His son J ohn Sprung J r., tor some weeks past had been confined to his bed, in sonsequence of a fractured limb. The (jay preceding tho tragical occurance the vounc man wa3 discharged from the doc- r , j; toi.,g jisfc wag n cscenent spirits, enjoy - appetite, and his limb wo fast fa . ' ji.i.xi V? fl(1;ptoti to intosication re- scd, who iaa turned home from JeiAiik s Mill,, some- what disguised by liquor, and immediate- ly commenced the most violent abuse on ins oun, ; assaulting him in tho most inhuman man- mi .i t l i it rl I O . .... . . nor. xuc motner intcriereu in ucnaii.oi ' her dying son several times, when she was violently uirust, out oi uiu room, ( where she remained several Ininutes in a state of insensibilit', the monster in the j mean time continuing his assaults upon ' the young man, who imploringly begged ' for his life. But his supplications were 'unheeded; his dying requests were disre- EarJJiqnake at I?a ities. ' Over Two Thousand Lives Lost -Cities Destroyed and Damaged. The Washington llcpublic publishes a Ict- i tcr from the Hon. Edward Jov Morris, the -.American Minister to Naples, giving a min- ; utc account of the terrible earthquake which j occurC( . the wcslQm f(jn fc. : of N le9f on tho LUh of Jt, fc 1 S0In0 2500 lives lost and severaI tnvns ehh. er totally prostrated or greatiy damaged. ' Mr. Morris says that previous to the shock a stream that runs near tho city of Mclfi sud- I denly disappeared, and adds : At the first shock, Milfi, which contains ten thousand inhabitants, was prostrated in the dust, nothing but a few crumbling walla surviving the general ruin. An unknown number of its inhabitants were buried under the falling mass of fabrics. Up to the pres ent moment seven hundred dead bodies have been disinterred, and many others are con stantly being found. More than two hundred persons lie in an adjacent hospital, suffering under grievous wounds, while many have been dug out alive from the ruins. Amongst others, a female infant, a year old, after ly ing buried for two days, was brought out liv ing and unharmed, and restored to its afflic ted mother, widowed by the same calamity. The shocks and rumlling of the earth still , , 7 - , , f ruf hn fircs m,ht csc though no iuuui oiyus v.uiu yut apparent. The neighboring towns of Atella, Rionero, Barile, and Rapolla arc sufferers by the same ! convulsion. Rionero is a frenoral wreck, not .. G a sounu nouse remaining more than a nun i drcd persons have perished, and as many have . Deon maimed or wounded. In B iriln t!ip nn. ; , ediflce Mt entire v d Ja , , -, . i" , , , ana asylum, while the discovered dead amount to : auuuL UI1U ul!U "7- tne commune !1 1 1 1 JCrt.. T .1 i finu-n At the last reDort the shocks around Mount Volture continued, and one-half of ! lne Clti of v enosa, the ancient I cnusia, con- ! tzin'mS SI'X thousand habitants, and cclebra- teu as tne wrui-piacc oruorace, wasucstroy- ed- ThcniounLun provinces of Apruzzi and i V ,;, , , f '9uaKe , rllhoilsand ,1IHnan bei have thus far ! ecape(j. A liaffJo for ;i Xesro. The Louisville Journal relates us an inci dent a negro raflle which came offin one of the towns of "Mississippi. Mr. , the owner of the boy having a note to pay that day, (1,000, which he had endorsed for a deceased friend,) and njt having the where- j withal to do it, was compelled to do what he i gladly would not have done. 1 he bov to be ! rnfflpil fnr u-nt: :i cmrtrt intnlhVor.t Infl nfnhnnt j IS years of age, and he went around and got me cnance luKen nimscu. ne went oy me i wmu iini..i muicu. m. .ui. j . name of Bill. There were eighty chances, i(f , n rtnnrr, -n,, , , , one chance remained, anl this was taken by . . , ' , , , J. a stranirer who hanneneu to be nresent. and ',,, "n ;. t;h fl, ' k,,- ; he WOuld throw the dice himself, and "shake ! like oxen." Bill rolled his ovps in a verr astonishing manner, and after a hearty wha ! wha ! in which he displayed two frightful rows of ivory, opening a mouth " like the break of day, from east to west," with a low bowsaid, "I'll try, massa." As may be sup posed, the scene became highly exciting. The raffling commenced. Bill looked un concerned at anything but the idea of leaving his old master. y'len tnc chances were all raffled off but the last, Bill took the box; pre viously to his throwing, however, he was offered S100 for his chance, the highest throw yet made being 40, which stood " a tie" be tween two individuals, but Bill was no "Com promise wion," he refusod the offer saying " de whole hog or noffin," and made his first throw, which was 14, his second throw was ! 16 ; Bill stopped, scratched his head, threw again and up came 18. It was declared that "Bill was free," and such a shout was never before heard. Bill's success induced him to try another speculation of the same sort, believing that j he could do as a free man, as much as he had j before done ; he proposed to set himself up ; again in a "raffle,'' and he thought it uoifld . again j bo no m-; more than fitir that he should put the price at 600 this time. The chances were soon take". B'" reserving lut one chance to g - ; owueand himself were the two highest again, and, m throwing off, Bill lost. It proved a very fortu nate speculation for Bill and his master both. made clear and Bill remained with his kind intended and evc- .. i .....I:. f! .l 1 1 i g "e P? "3 1B,UBtt oe "uu ills mOnGV a UULltU flserFrom 1 847 to 1 349, . the Legisla ture appropriated 5-700 per year to aolerk in the State Department, whoso duty it was to record the Lawa parsed by the Legislature. THIS . MONEY WAS PAID OUT BUT TI1.E- LAWS WERE NOT RECORDED! What Locofoco Olork pobketod this money ""This is a nothewpeculiarly Locofoco- mode. 6fr rob bing the State Treasury. The Great