Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, September 11, 1851, Image 2

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IrfFrventiinn Vn mnhlirmi
Thursday, Senium be v I E, 1S5I:
von OAN'Ar.TOMMJSSiox'Bn :
(of Jjancaster.)
A ue:"- . ;., ' .i.f . '
iichart-d Cotiltcr of Wstnmrelani
Joshua W. Ooiiily of Monioyr
. 2coV; Cliam!or of Kranklin.
Vni. TTE. ITIoi'iMlilU of Phila.lf Iphla.
'Viliiaui J-osj of SusqnfilKinna. '
f?w vi... r
The Post Master General has' established J'
Pyst Office in Hamilton township Monroe
"omity, named Jlossardsvillc P. 61 and has
moointexLJos. A Bitssanl. l'ost "Master.
ITT'On Saturday last the Locofocos of this ;ber, had fledto the monntains. v
lopresentativc District held their Convention j The failure of the expedition is attributed
t Dmgmaii's Chic6, Pike County,aii(l placed to the separation of Col. Crittenden's com
,.i nomTnatuni for Representative, ne)iry S. j mand from the main body under Lopez,
jlotl, of Milfonl. i i Just previous to the capture of Lopez, the
, . . A J
Gov: Jojin-sion, has issued his pScja-,
Sinking Fund,-',) ol S(j59,i2i,5Sf" I he l
" J I
yihc Debt.
' !
TUt! Trnis B)c( .
y -
1 he Ivittanimr iVcs.s; publishcsa letter. from ;
gentleman t who formerly belonged to the!
.ocofoco party; was a Polk elector hi l&li,li
nd at. present reprcsenis a-western district 1
l the Senate of Pennsylvania. It contains!
latter for the serious reflection of every well
.isaer of the interests of Pcnnsyh-anfa. J
.lany honest members of the party are be- j
jminjj uihusiv(i nun uiu ui'i;-!iliuii una
lider-hand trickery and curruption, so long
-ractised by their office-seeking leaders, and
-e oming out openly and above board in fa
ir of the true interests of the State. The
blowing is an extract from 1 the Press' '
biter :
. ( llro I H-nu HAifinin f' lnihi.Mlr t
..Whig- -yes-a true W'hig-a friend of 'my ,
uuntry at UisL I am sorry to say that for '
je last five years I haye been helping Dcm- ;
'gogues to lay their deep and unholy schemes
o keep Pennsylvania under water but now 5
he is afloat. The demairojrucs vnll have to
ke lhe Avater this fall, and those who can- '
ot svnm must 'drown. All . honest Demo
rate should throw off'their prejudices, and
orne out from the parly and unite ;with lhe ,
higa yes, the Whig party and the only 1
rue party.. But some Democrats will.vstfy,
im not going to turn .Whig and be called turn
,ia.L For the .sake of party many of them
,ouhl run with one s'hoe off and the other'
ever on. They cry that such and such men 1 A writer in the Boston Post tells the fol
ote the Democratic ticket and so will I, story of a great feeder:
bowing it to be true policy of the Demo- " Some twenty years since, the widow F.
rata to vote for Democrats, let them be black kePl a tavern at Quamphegan ; she was a
ruhite. Next October will find all hon- stout, fat woman, equal to the task of land
it Democrats who wish to promote the true lrd and landlady. One morning, a lumber
titersLj of the State, in the ranks of a.par
3r whxh advocates and sustains them.
democracy will be defeated, and 1 am pleased
j think that Pennsylvania will continue in
er present position. Wrn F. Johnston, Gen
ral Scott, and the tarilf of 1S42 is my ticket
and O, what a glorious victor' we will have
ver the the broken-down, up-tripped JJemo
ratic party, which will not afterwards be
isble to the naked eye.
1 care not for the name of Whig or Demo
riL I go for the interests of Pennsylvania
ud not for theparty, nor for those of England
nd foreign countries. I entreat all my former
arty, to be friends of Our country, and nobly
-aid faithfully sustain firmljT and elfectually
or the future the true policy of the State, by
jntering the ranks of the Whigs. Let them
lot be backward, but walk in and be men
ind Whigs. .
To J!ac Point.
The whigs of Cumberland, in count' con
tention, on the 25th ult passed the following
Among other resolutions :
Resolvei, That if Gov. Johnston had done
10 more than establish the present Sinking
FuuJ system, which is jwying the Slate
lebt without additional taxes on thc farmer,
je would have rendered greater service tp
Jie Commonwealth than all the locofoco
Joveraors ever elected, they being much
nore skilled in creating debts than paying
ahem: But when in -addition to this, we re-
ard the ability of his whole administration,
we can endorse "him as
s pre-eminently oati-
the citizeus of Penn-'
Hied to the suffrages of
jsylvama. . ! himself. Finally, he agreed to leave the
Resolvud, That the Whig party, are op- house if she would refund the money paid, so
jposed to a Board of Canal Commibsionprs ; he could finish his breakfast elsewhere.
1 who use thc public works to transport their j .
apolitical .assemblages free of cost, thus de- 1 Postage Sfamp.
Xraudmg the tax-naying citizens of Pennsyl- A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun sug
vanta, and lessening the btate revenue. . , t, . 1 . ,
That vc dceai it high time to infuse a Utile , este tnat Postmasters pjace the usual post
Whig leaven in the management of our pub-! mark over tQe prepaid postage stamp. This
lie improvements which we will do this fall j will answer a threefold purpose' -first, defa
hy electing honest John Stkoum Canal Com-1 cing the postage stamp; secondly, in case the
f inissioner. . j postage stamp should not have been securely
Resolved, Tnat we but reiterate the voice 1 affixed, the vacancy in the post-mark will
I .of the Whigs of this CommomvealtJi when j show that ifh'ad been put there; and thirdly,
we pronounce Gen. W infield Scott as our , the opperation will serve, instead of two, and
iirst choice for President, and that with him ' thus save time and labor.
us our candidate we can go into the next 1
campaign confident of a successful result. I Ohio sends by way of Dunkirk, over the
Resolved, I hat the present low prices of .
'our agricultural products show conclusively
pie raiiaciousness or a ioreign marKer, rue
Locofoco. Free Traders promised high prices
iuntmr iuar,frm .oi:.ioaD. 4 ue runners can .dime. . a.nd- invNew:York from :thirty
.1 m fr nil . 1
1 w nr.i . 1111 a 1. 11 iiiir. 1.1 111 1 1 1.11.1 (l k i. iji.1.11 1 11 1- it rin r 1 r k r t r- r mir - iiif-i
iAin ccxti .iirttt riin..a trri 1 icic? ii.i mi noon tii i , iiiv rni a . . . 1
hlled. i tnifiKivirtBi jnn . , -
07" A number of letters from the unfortu-nate-and
misguided men who". were-executed
closcltlie fact that the 'Cubans showed no.
sympathy with. the invaders that-they were
included by Uiltfalsdstatemcntsjjf ihe.getters
' up of the expedition, and were abandoned by
Lopez soon after landing, and wercoverpow-1
cred by superiority of numbers of Spanish ,
t Tnrc? v lion nrnrnM i n i in iin:i i v; i hv vmi it
on their way home to New Orleans. They I
bitterly censure .Lopez, t
From Cul)
3rt.rBd .f V.S-.yrBr.
r7Anc Snnf I IW tin I ilifirnlfoo"
"-""" -j
we have -Havana advices to-Sept lst.
Passengers by her report having.wilness.ed
the execution of Lopez at Havana.
. i i His force liad been completely dispersed
hand he: was finally 1611 to wander about inThc
it mountains, where he Ws persticd by b!6od: f
hounds and finally captured.
He is said to have met his fate "manfully.
Wis last words were " AilitStj dear CubaF
A great crgwd witnessed. Uie execution:
Gent prcsav the Hungarian officer, had
. , ... , n
Of the force taken by J.opez to Cuba, 550
i had been shot.
430 were in prison.
I The remnant of his band, some 30 in nuin-
na thirty remaining' followers, and they
finnJlv (VcprtPfl h:m. RO tiiat im linrf nt nnn
: T, t , fT , ' , . ,
Previous to tne death of Lopez, he declared
that hj had bcen greally dkcEIVED, in re-
card to. promised aid in Cuba.
w , r..- , , ,. .
A meeting of passengers was held on 'board
, x ' ,
., ,
of Oregon, presided, and the following reso
lution was unanimously passed :
Resolved that Mr. Owen, the American
Consult Havana, has forfeited every right
and title, regarded as an American cit-
' That he has outraged every sentiment of
humanity, find deserves the execration of cv
friend of Liberty.
' Another resolution requests his recall by
the American Government.
The Spanish accounts say that of the whole
number who landed in the Pampero, 55G have
already been killed, and 436 are now itr Dris-
-Anotlier account, purporting to have come
hy thc Cherokee, is substantially tlfatall who
landcdvith Gcn- Ipez from the Pampero
have eIther bcen k511e(1 or taken prisoners.
Gen. Lopez had been arrested and was brought
into San Christoval on thc 27th, from whence j
.u.HvaM u.,u.xbi uiM,
7 A M. where on the same day he was gar--!
One hundred and fifty five prisoners, most
ly Americans, were in the hands of the Span
ish autorities, all of whom had been senten
ced to the chain gang for 14 years.
dealer from Lebanon called at this tavern for
a cup of tea. He sat down at the table spread
with all thq "fixins'' for a substantial break
fast but, took nothing except his tea. On asking
what was to pay the parsimonious man of
lumber was amazed at the. price two shil
lings. "I took but one cup of tea." exclaimed
he, -"'It's the same, sir, returned the widow,
eat and drink mush or little, as you please."
"All the same, eh 2" replied the tea cus
tomer as he drew forth his leathern purse and
paid the two shillings ; " we'll try that ere
game again, I reckon." The lumberman
then-he went to one of his teamsters, well
known as the greatest eater in the whole
country round . about, aiid asked him if-he
thought he could eat a good breakfast, could
he get it gratuituousty. "Try me," returned
the trencherman, smacking his lips, and stri
king his lank stomach at the idea.
" The lumber-man then lead the way to
the tavern and told the man of appetite lo
follow and de hi 6'est- He did his best his
very mightiest ! Fallstaff Dickon's Fat bov.
. i HiJ nil flirt nlnvmnn 1.1 . 1
uiiu uu uw uiucnuau lut'LllL'., CUlilu IlUlJiavC
made such a havoc in the widow's larder. Dish
after dish was brought on and cleared in the
twinkling, till not a morsel of food could be
scraped in the whole domicil ; and when the
gourmand was told by the astonished widow
that there was nothing for him except he ate
her, he seemed to scan the lusty landlady as if
he was calculating the best manner to serve
Iter up; but her unwieldy size brought him to
the conclusion that she was too much for oven
New - York and Erie Railroad, her chickens
and turkies to the New-York city markets at
a considerable profit to the enterprising own
ers, the price of chickens in Ohio being a
'Judge's JcssiipN Calumniator.
-Mrr-EB.-Chase,-thc editorofvthe IVlorit
rose JJemoc'ratjr has:vfor a -Jnutriber of weeks
taxed his.abilities to the utmost m traducing
! Judge Jessup ; yetljiis same'Chase, only a
j'few months ago, off thejeceaseof Judge
Burnside, wrote a letter to Gov. Johnston in
wmcn ne expressed ins ueiier uiat -me nu.
WiHian Jessup, esmeaWUUge.oineeievT
cii in uuiuiui uiovi iwi w-
qualitieu in every r.especu
(.the rfU S.-.d I
rL t All lm mphmpvI JiwItTn I
j Jessup is the same now that, he was ,when i
jur jua uuuuiiihu(;h.u ui mv. ihi(. a I
'"".-A" , "7Q
.this letter was written. Chase lias changed his
.Uune' through motives, which he would blush
to. have accurately written ,dpw,n. and spread
'before the public. .. ' ' , ..... j
. ,r : . .
iies'sof die Locofocos of.
3rstood even in the Souih, -
That double faced
Pennsylvania is understood
the following extract from the N. O. Com-,
mercial, a leading Southern paper Will show:
Pennsylvania Democracy is as much. a cheat
and a fraud now as it was in. tlie .canvass of J
1844, when the rallying cry of.the party was ; The li
'Polk, Dallas and the Tariff,' by which the
credulous and'sophisticated voters of the Key
stone State were beguiled into the support
of a free trade President. The same game
is now being played; The democratic can
didate for Governor is a political Janus with
two front?, one for the North, the other for
the South. Actincr the part of a fender or
pilot fish to Buchanan, whom.hc is ; to lead j
into the Presidency-Col. Bigler is held up
..,,,, . . , ,, ,., . . ,
to ,U.c : South as their Natural ally,
friend and supporter of Southern rights, while
to the flcrnian voters of middle, and western
Pennsylvania, ho is represented the bitter
foe of slavery and the Compromise.
WItntScf !i Clover's Neighbors saj1
oi his a:i!atic:ilioi:s. '
Some of the Clarion county Locofocos, af-,
tcr much tribulation, procured a few names
to a certificate that Seth Clover was not en-
tirely ignorant of cyphering. The nature of
the means used to obtain these names may be
inferred from the
ic subjoined letter from one of -
ires of the. election who signed f
the Return Jud
Clover's paper. Read it, and answer.whcther
Seth Clover is competent for the post of Ca
nal Commissioner an office which especially
j requires a raau of intelligence, firmness and
excellent business habits. We take it from
the Clarion Register of the 30th of August :
Smr-rKN-viLi.E, Aug. 23, lS5i.
Mr. A. J. Giesox:
Dkau Sir : In looking over the last Glar-'
, ion Democrat, I find my name to a certificate';
of the return judges. I never sigiied that
prfper ichh lhe. understanding lhal it contains
.5.. ,.u,
Clover and R. Richardson Upon their mis-
representations I signed the paper without
.. . T . , , , . ;
, reading it. I intended to f-ay by my signature t
j-ay by my
that the returns' were correctly made out af
ter Mr. Thompson came up to the, Coxut
paid but little attpntion to the counting up of
and they had lo send for Hugh A. Thompson ,
Ho arrange them. The additions niav have .
been made bv the Clerks hv mvpIvp nVin-ir
j v ,
of this I am not certain ; but they could not
close the returns, and the lateness of the hour,
and the confused position Jn which the Clerks
had them, influenced the Clerks ami President
to send for Mr. Thompson.
Return Judge of Elk tp.
Seth Clover was one of these clerics who
.ni.i.i ny..n t, i , .. . , i
could not arrange the election returns, and j
had to send for the county Prothonotary to f
UOIC: 1I1S OWn COUntV aCniiaintanCOS Will
tify that Seth Clover is an apt ac-1'
not cert
countant" or that he was able .to mnkp nnt '
the election returns himself! This is the per
son the-Locofocos have presented for Canal
Commissioner. What man, desirous that the
people's money shall be judiciously expended,
and that the public works should be managed
with economy, would for a moment think of
electing Seth' Clover Canal Commissioner
and. if elected, would be controlled by pthers.
Wo want a man of independence in the Ca
nal "Board, who will not be managed by -artful
Plunderers. We have had tools . there
long enough, and a Plundered Treasury shows
how much we have lost in consequence.
Let voters calmly consider this question, and
they can arrive at no other opinion than that
JohnStrohm should be elected, and that his.
election is necessary to the protection of the
Treasury of the Common weal th.-Daily Amer.
A Young Avalanche from the Skies.
The JJoston Times says it learns from n relia
ble source that a lump of liil weighing two
hundred and seventeen pounds! fell near Do
ver, N. H., on the &0th ult. vThc mass was
observed at a considerable elevation before it
descended, and created no little alarm among
a number of people. It fortunately fell in a
bog, and did no other damage than to throw up
mud and dirt upon all who -were in the vicin;
Great distress is prevailing in Northern
Mexico. The crops have failed, and the stock
j is perishing for want of water and pasture.
! rni. r. i; . .1 :
Aim tnaians are ravaging uie country,-
. ftt-The Eelvidere Intellirrpncer is to nncar i
- , . 7 a- . -i'--- i
TIPr THAT SHERIFF CLOVER WAS "cinity wjth his S"". and this .suspicion was entiuc Werkheiscr, late of Hamilton tsp. Felix Storm, in said township.
AN APT ACCOUNTANT, or that he was ESC.??i ll" i deceased. . . I CooLnAucr-at the house of John Vlicl, in
ABLE TO MAKE OUT THE RETURNS 1 jSch was 1 count of Daniel Dush, said town,hip. -
HIMSELF. The Board, except the clerks, found in his noosion when arrested ! ouc of the Executors of the last Will and Hamilton at the house of Joseph Keller,
the votes. We were keDt ud till about twelvn dced " nis own conlession is to be believed, , .township,
i,.ir j fi, . ., lT, , ' was to obtain a gold, watch belonging to the ; Final
o clock, and then, to niv-astomshrnent. I found . , , in. b .i? r. i. - Lluai
, , , ' , ueceaseri. moiner oi rnaraon was sis- Ufnfnr of
v.... .o i.uuijui-i.uu t-iiu iuiuiiia, ler ot jauez uoyu, wno was nunjr at west-, nfTrnm;
10 m on eniargea andJmproved form on the 18th . "3 suai uw CLnatuiej,.bufc that r 7 w! r VuVXii 'i?r
9f ,i"st. .It-is,an,abJ.o anVintaWijpuruaJ.- . $9 animal is pn.Q of .a.digttuctvbreed, LStnSS
Success to u. , t0 : v. jjwWchvas t)?rpaghyroin . Arkan?as.;..v:- v.Augug, !35li-3infw wr'- -
E-m.t- :'. u- i. wane
Sam Illusion and the Preside u
..y.. - -
Afew days sindelthe N;Y: , Herald publish,
" , , . .
" " . , .
f the KlCM;!!..
The object of this corres-
pondence is to arrange the time and place lor
. - - .
holding the next Locofoco National Conv.en-.
ibn, and to hit upon.a plan for uniting the
?T . tt1 '1 '':' h .7 po.,i1r1ni- '
v,U4"ri .'J ? " - '
. --r -n r- tt "tr-i.i
chuscuj , yane iMn,oI, w-,ok
. ,
! a wfimsa'.i. uniordiyiji uoi.y m ui..-,
j.sylvania., LOn:t!e, Jlouston; it is-;
ed acoYresponde JKbetwecn two confidential Argus. Xwidow lady named Heofrmu
, . , . UA c?fii.. WotncrArl 70 vears. was proceeding about
Pr0P?scd:l?r;; avl? Sttffi: specially., notay wbat followed up to the time she
,and rerm.'' partly , to- reaffirm the .tf found. He finally dragged her some
Baltimore pjatiorai; uui so as-Rqi iq oueoa ;
our freesoii.allics.wliq .have .pledged them-
solve in good faith tq us." Van Buren, Gid
U.ngs ana wcau.m w u
dino-s ana- unase consent 10. uus .arrange--,
,nent Certainly this is one oi the novelties j
in political intrigue. -
----- Jie. ,
ony of a bwotii Officer ami .
iniioiiy oi aawoi Hwuiucr nsm
Unscrupulous Editors. - ; ,
The Locofocos call Gov. Johnston's
OiUKingx'uuuu "iiumuu uuu .t uuuuu
o i TK .i m i ic.t 4. a-
Ithas paid over HALF A MILLION
.,, , j M1 . i t
of the. State debt, and will pay more be-
ui o , i j
fore this fiscal year erpires. (Jen. J3ick-
iTi... a-L . u
jj, xne vppusiuuM pi a.ij.-au, uv
is competent to judge, says
n Sin
f " " 1
If. V v US?'
: turbed, IT WILL rAl IUVa oIAIJ'j
Mr. Bigler, and the Looofoco '
prcss generally,"have taken zroundagarist '
this Sinking Eund. Will the people sus
tasn niGii who oppose, ridicule and dc
nbucc what is PAYING THE STATE
TJie.New York Commercial says that the
great bell of 23,000 pounds, about to be hung
in that city, will take a. rank amoug the -most
celebrated bells. Of Europe, the. weights of
which .are thus stated :'.
The great beil of St. Paul's London,
weighs, . 8,400 lbs
Great Tom of Lincoln, 9,S94
Great Tom of Oxford, 17,000
Bell of thc Palazzo at Florence, 17,000
St. Peter's. at Rome, 18,007
Great Bell at. Erfurth, 29,224
St. Ivan's bell at .Moscow, . 127,836
Bellofthelvramlin, - 443,772
The last mentioned bell was never suspen
ded, and probably never will be. It would
require a steam engine to ring it.
ExeeEslio:s of Gcorsc-Isarouli. -k
Geo. Pharoah was executed at West Chc"s: (
fnr Po nn l?.t-tln ir AlllY Htll fnr tlif mi!r1fr
of Raciiersharpless, committed on the 28th
rf g ,
, , ,..lf.....,...,...1
icu oy rnaroausnooiing uer ueau wiiiia irun,
. ..,.f.1 4, ,
while she was unlockins l ie school-house
door at West Goshen, Chester Co., she being
n lA'iphnr thnrr Ph.'irnoh Was SllsnectOfl ofl
, the crime, from having been seen in the vi-'
His sole motive for the commission of the
Chester on the 21st of Nov., 1845, for thc ,
murder ot Wesley 1'atton a lacj.
'a w:tu im !
was nun 0,1 u,c samc ailowsl a
same rope.
The largest lump of pure gold ever taken
from the mines m California, is. said to be
worth Jj,liU.
' The Michigan Ccnspiracy"" Casf. Tun
Tl.-ZV 1 . TPk . A ' Tl Tl". I
ijuiuuo papers report mac sjr r. . ucu
nnrl Vtlhfitn linmi. hvn nP thn r.nnsnirntnrs
nn Inltinxc Ir, ll.n Ml.trro,, n(,J
uu null tut iijjuiivd i.w tuu xi iv.ii i" U.11 ui;iibiui
ivauroiia vompany, uieu 111 uio xjospiiai.01 me
of ChrlVity at Detroit, on Monday last. '
George W. Gay, the person alledged to have
hr?I thR dnnot. lllPll some timO norn. It this
1 J "O
information is correct, three of the most prom-
in.ent conspirators have escaped the sentence.
or an earuny iriounai. 11 inc inai is con
ducted as it has been, noither the court, coun- '
sel, jury porprisoiysrs will be likely to live
to the end of it. It has now been some two
months in progress.
The Ledgersays thatoneofthelargestspecie
brokers 0r Philadelphia failed on Thursday, UE'"V1KM roadway and sassau-strelt,
and that Mr. Trevor, Caihipr of thp Philadel-, . near the tost-office.
phia Bank, has resigned, with a deficit in his NEW-YORK.
account of $195,000. It is believcfl that this J "TSTE.are receiving, by daily anivals from
deficit is covered by securities. The bank is ' ? W Europe, our Fall and Winter assort
one of the strongest in thc "city. mcnt or llfch 'hwnblc Fancy Silk and Wl-
j tincry Goods.
A poor, emaciated Irishman, having called ; We respectfully invite all Cash Purc hasers
in a, physician as. a forlorn hope, the latter ' thoroughly jo examine our $iork and Prices,
spread a huge mustard plaster and clapped it ant as interest governs, ue feel confident
on the poor fellows breast. Pat, who, with ' m,r Goods and Prires will induce them to se
a tearful eye, looked down upon itsaid, "Loch-1 'cct froin our establishment. Particular at
ter, dochtcr, dear, it strikes me that is a great ,.lent'on is devoied to Millinery Goods, and
deal of mustard for so little mate.
(c.'" :
" ' ' Heal ffiiiogrijy.
Five young men belonging to Ilockaway,
Morns- county, have rebently returiied i
from California, who were fitted out by !
some gentlcmou of capital in that county, '
and made an exhibit of their expenditures 1
and earnings.. They paid over to the trus- '
tees appointed, the nice little piloof j
t&shree thousitnd five hundred dollars. ,
Uu Monday last the division was made
among tne parties interested to the entire
satisfaction "of all concerned.
. T . .1.1 1 '
- The Atlanta (Go.) Republican says
that there is a hog in that city with solid
hoofs tike a- tiiule. The upper portion of 1
the feet are just like those of any other
hog and see nv lis if two distinct t6eg were
U.exl on 00t. It IS Sftid-thafc '
.1 : i ... .1.. n . . . . ' I.'
VI A .7v . I L J.I. l . "'
A dreadful outrage was committed hi
Ulster Village, on Sundayafternoon, the
24th ult:, as-we learn Irom , tn o .Albany
a o A-wilAtr Inrlv naurecl xleermance
oiock ia tK6 .afternoon to attend church.
;e, Wrhbdd school'&e, drtA
L III I ll U11U M -
, - , mef by a nero bearing
fa naine 0f;Bronk. As he approach-
e(j he gaid now damn-you, I have you,
wliinli lio dvrLtrflpii hr frnni the road into
inoridW violate 'lior
T.' i il. 1-1 ..t.1 :.w..
J A . shc able,
jutovercomci0y ex0rtion and loss ofblood,
overpowered by the villain,, and can-
fttty yards into a. swamp,, ana leaner
dead as he supposed, and made his way
to the village, She was found there short-"
v . j --- -----
, ----- - , . . - Wll frnpfnri
Xhcl collar ioxie !
, ' j , sustained other serious bodily in-!
I inviv5. she discharged lanre ciuantities
of blood Irom ner moutn coiuinuauyj one
U1 M.t. , ,, ' .i,.
ij ,i nn.,l.
cJe ciuueiy wusuu aM lu V uu.
eye eiuuciy uiusuu. uiiu viuui.uguuj
so. and her face literally cut to' pieces.
f" au? V "T. , " ,
The villian was arrested and identified.
m, ..,ro;t,l ih
JL 11C deaiUSb UAVI LUiUUllD UlUVUIlU ill luv I
fa , ... " , , t ,u uJ
villajrc, and the citizens could liardiy ue
w"aoj . . j k
restrained from haugmg him on the spot. ,
tz v -l j v f.i tvt
He was fully commited for-'tnal. Sirs.'
t.hnnrl.f.. will survive. She had
v -
Annn i ww ti o TiTiriincu ii rrtii iiur. riii lii'irrn i i .i
court, and lie had been heard to threaten-.
her with death on account of her tcstimo-'
- .
7IM . . . , . c .. ,!
I , The subjoiiyid picture of the mutationg.
in the stream of love may mqct a res
ponse: When a teller tails in luv '
he duz tyjire a white kld'gluv,
and lets the barber scrape his chiri, "-
and Avcars a flashy buzzum pin,
and puts on lots of spleiided close, !
and wears tite boots on Iris toes,
and smells jist like, the sprouting rose,
all newly sprung in Joon, - ' i
But if he duz thc mitin git,
what Pliancy Phcelinx, round him flit,
he grows all over melancholcr,
and hides behind a standin' kollar.
j The city of Philadelphia contains about
; nine thousand more houses than the whole.
State of S.outh Carolina.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees
,A f.1,,,1 no
; tates of the resDective decedents and mi-
norSj txat tlQ administration accounts of ,
tlie following estates have been filed fn thc 1
nflinn nf )?ii'..(ni.f rAiivnnAmifr fliwl i
will be presented for confirmation rind al- 1
lowance to the Orphans' Court to be held j
!,tRtm,U, .i fw ilms.fim.Miil.
wi.vw0j " ;
countv. on Mondav. the 22d dav of Sen-
ouuiy, uu luuiiuuy ,iuuu ui out
teniber next, at 1 o clock, P. M.
T?ivcf onrl finnl nrnrmf nf TTonrir "Wnrfc- 1
Jieiser. administrator of the estate of Yal-
Testament ot James Uusli, late ot fatrouu
deceased. t
account of John Felker, admin-
the estate of Jacob I?clker, late
lton township, deceased. 1
Final account of Abraham Newhart, '
Executor of the last Will a
and Testament
of Abraham Youngken, late of Smith-
field township, deceased..
First account of John Flyto and J3er- '
nard Flytc, administrators of the estate of
Abraham Flvte. late of Hoss townshin.
deceased. !
Final account of Robert McNcely. ad-:
nnistrator 0f the cstatc of Adam McNee-
. .
, i -Ar.-i.ii p:ii.k.i.i i ! '
1 V , laiO OI iUIUUlC OUUlllllUlU tOWllSUlI), !
- '
, . -
Account of Rudolplms Smith and John
Smith, administrators of tho estate of
.In ni Ann lnfn nf .Qlnif hf?nl.1 fnn.noliin
VV.1II AMbV VJ. ViUlVllUVlU 11 ilJlJ'j
SAMUEL ItEES. Jr., Register,
. -"j1- 1 0 vim f
Stroudsfcurg, August 21, 1851. $
Ncw-Toi'Ic iMsportci'K & Jobbers.
niany ni uie amcjes are manulartured ex-
presslyto our order, and cannot be suroa'ssed
in beauty, style and cheapness.
Beauijful Paris Ribbons, for Hal, Cap,
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths
an'l colors
Silks, Satins, Velvets, apd uncut Velvets,
for Iat3 ; r.. i , , m-
Flmvcrs American a,ld Preych. Artificial
Pufigs am, c Trim,ni
Dress Trimmings, large assortment "
Embroideries. Canes. Collars. Undcrsleevcs
and Cuffs
Fine Embroidered Reverie and Hemstitch
Cambric Handkerchiefs
Crapes, Lisses, Tarletons, Illusion and
Cap Laces, .
Lisle Thread Laces.
Valencienes, IJrusselS) I hread, silk, and
Kid, Silk Sawing silk. Lisle Thread, Me
rino Gloves and Mitts.
Plain c,)yuss, UOph,- uistiop
ivvn nnrl liipnuol iMiulmu
General -Election'.
Sheriff's Proclamation.
Whereas, by an act of the General Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "an net legulating the General Elbe
lions within the said Commonwealth," passed
on the 2nd day.pfJuly, 1839,. it is made thq
xluty of the High Sheriff of every county, to
give public notice of such eleelious to be hol
der), and (o make known in such notice what
officers are to be elected. Therefore, I, PE
TER . KEM MERER, High Sheriir of .the
county of Monroe,, domoko known by this
proclamation to the Electors of Ihe county of
Monroe, that a General Election will be held
in the said county, on-
Tuesday the l'illi of October next,
at ,he SCVCrhl election districts below Cnumer-
-hich time and plaees .are to be elect-
ed by the freemen of the coOnly of Momtfe,
'One- Person,
Fur. Governor of iho State of Pennsylvania.
One Person, - " '
To fill lho ollicnof Canali'C6mmissionerof lhe
Por Judges of lhe Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania. .. One Person, -
For President Judge of the Judicial District
composed of the counties of 'Monrtib, . N
Pike, U'ayne and Carbon.
Tivo Persons,
For Assoeinio Judges oT the several Courts of
tMon roe -County.
One Person,' .
To rcjiressnl llic counties df Wayne,, PiKe,
Monroe and Carhon, in the Senate of lhe
; State of Pennsylvania.
One Person,
To Represent the, counties of tMnnroe and Pike
in-tiio Mouse of Representatives ol" Penn
One Person.
Vare Slierifi of Monroe. Counl T' '
One Person,
For.Prothonotnry, and Clerk of the Courts of
Monroe County.
One Person,
For Register ofWills and Recorder of. Deed-V
of Monroe Count v.
" cm r
For Count v I reasurer of Monroe Count v.
One Person,
To fill thc-lofliee or Couifty. Commissioner of
the county of Monroe.
- s n .
m fi . ffi of r Amliinr-or H.
T lh tvorZZo
coumj oi uionrot.
r-,. rw.
Uhc 1 c,S0)t - K - -
For Coroner of the County of Monroe.
TIip frnomnn nf f lr fnuncl!n rC Piircrvr r.
hill are to hold their election at the house cf
in said township.
Miudlh Smithfield at the house of
Charles Wagner in said township.
Pocoxo at the house now in theoccupan-
cv of Mannsseh Miller, in suid township.
Pakadisi: at the house now in the occui
pancy ot Jnmes Kmtz.
Polk nt the house now in the occupancy
of George Esch.
Pijice at the house of John S. Price, in
said township.
Ross at the house of Joseph Hawk, in said
Smith field nt the house of'J. Depue
Labrfr, in said township.
. ' 1 -
c .t. ...... rt t .1 i -
Tonvu.vA-aL the house of Washing-
.ton Winters, late Joseph Fritz, in said towns
snip. . ,
Jackson at the house of John Oalcrhoudt,
-in said, township. s . -'
Notice is Hereby Given,
"Tlmtevery person, excepting Justices ofiho
Peace, who shall hold an oflice or appoint
ment of profit or trust under the United Stairs
or ol this state or any city or corpdiated dis
trict, whether a commissioned officer or other
wise, a subordinate officer, or ngent, who is
or Shall be emplo3red under the legislative, ex
ecutive or judiciary department of this state, or
the United States, or of any city or of any
incorporated district, and also, that every mem
ber of Congress, and of the state legislature
and of the select or common council of any
city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis
trict is by law. incapable of holding or exer
cising nt the same time, the flicc or appoint
ment ofjndge, inspector, orclcik of any elec
tion of this commonwealth, nnd that no inspec
tor, judge, or other officer of such election shall
be eligible fo bo then voted for.
And the said nct.of assembly, entitled "on
act rclnt'ng to elections of this commonwealth"
passed July I'd 1839, further provides as fol
lows, to wit :
"That the Inspectors nnd Judges stall meet
nt the respective piades appointed, for holding
the election in the district lo which they ro
spectively belong, before nine o'clock in the
mi ruing of the second Tuesday of October,
and each of said inspectors shall appoint one
clerk, who shall be n qualified Voter ol sjcIi
"In case the person who shall have, receiv
ed the second highest. number of votes for in
spector, shall not attend on ' the day of any
election, then the person who shall haye re
ceived the. second" highest nurnber ofvotes for
Judgo at tho next 'preceding ejection slja.ll act
his inspector in hisr place'- And m case the
porson whoshall.huvQ received theMiighes,t
i-.pumber of votes for inspqctoVrshnll "not at-