Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 31, 1851, Image 4

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    A LL persons indebted to the firm of
togdell Stokes &,Son, by note, book
account, or otherwise, are requested to
make immediate payment.
All accounts
which 'are not Settled soon, will be. col
Wt& ty lfeal process.
S. & J. N. STOKES.
Stroudsburg, April -24, 1851.
Sluul, Co!i's2i,
erring, Porlt,
E3a iiittl Side,
J Constatilly on
I hand for snle by
Market st. harf,
lb:u: umS Cheeses J
February '27. Ib'51. -
The most Woudfrfiil. Medicine of Ihc Age
' 1,500,000 BOTTLES
TUK ?.Tcilloiiif Im piil Id (tuart Itotltos
nmi Unn twrc-tl move Hum
100,000 Cases of Chronic Disease,
ulliilii tUt-Inst TVn Vraii.-None Is Ce ni'.litc
u si H is lticl ly S. r. tout; sis no.
K X P O S R .
- tl:c I'uitlic Will Seam !lic origin, or rather u lieru the
f. ipp (-t tnalA'.ig- Vac j-turt' tlie call Old Dr Jacob
"I tupiul' Sfliaj-jt; iJIrt, Came Iiinn -and will be able
t,i jti-Igo wltirlt i.tiirt-fjcnuiiie hiid, aud of the
lionrt of the men w ho ait cmj'Ijj. cd in selling it as
tin (tt-iginal Mr. J'own:cndK Sarsaparilla. Dr. S. I.
I iim ltd va the oriin.l propi ictnraud inventor of
fir. Towmcnd's SiU-sajiarilla. nnd hh medicine lias
id a regulation that no oilier lemedj ever gained.
I'e manuftctnred oor one million of bottles last tear.
a.iU ii maimfarluiitig at present A.OiO bottle.1! per day.
Uo use snoic S.'irsdparilid and Yellow Dock in our
estahL'hmctit each day, than all the other Sarsaparilla
Mauuijcturcis in the u-niM. Principal Office, l'.'U
t'UiU'ii st
City tiil County of XewTork, I.
Snntionr. of the said Citv. beinr dnlv
. dlh deiwe and sav that he "is a practical
umgyi t and Uiemist. That some time in the latter
ri t and Uiemist. That some time in the
jvt i f Mrfj or first of June, a man by the name
( Jjt(.? '1-mvnsciiil, who hi that lime was a book and
iaifij:li3et peddler called M)on deponent, at the house
of 3 f. Thompson, No. 42 Hndson-.strcct, where depo
ncat boarded, and icrjun.tol deponent to write him a
r.-u;c (yr which to make a Synip of Sarsflparilla.
T)e(i:;v'iit further say, lnut he" became acquainted
w .t'i aid Toivnend at the oflicc of Theodore Foster,
f!vik Tubhher, uith whom said Townsend
That Raid Townend hid had frequent eonrcrsa-
t,..r with deponent eicctin!; the mnnufacturc of an
- ( icof Sai-sspSrilia to be old undtr the name of Dr.
' ic. !i Toxx-nsend.
'J t siil Tow:icnd stated ha was an old man, and
jxr. nd was not fit for hard Ubor and wished to
n 'ive vome money, in or.ler to live easr in his old
! s, i 1 that, if Siiraamrillaunderthe nafoeof Town-
IJ so well, and so much money was made bv
4 J omld see no reason why he might not nuke
iv1!iiuf out of it too, (his name being Townsend,)
:i ,.c could get a caruble jwrson to prepare a recipe,
nd manufactutt: it Air him. Deionent in one of the
- -wtions asked said Townsend if he was related
i S P. Townrcjid, to which he replied, that he
knew Pr. S. T, Townsend would be down on him after
I o .should commence. But that he did not care for
. m. ss Ji had firmed a co-partnership with men who
c ti furnish the requisite amount of capital and was
m HI prepared to defend himself against any attack
t'. .t j:i;.4iitbe made on 5iim.
Orju.neiit fuztho.r sys, thnt pursuant to tho request
ol sail Jacob Tove,id, he wrote a recipe for the
i imJ irfnre a Syrup of Sarsnparilla, and gave it to
mm. ald Townsend observed that he wanted to
k. aipcimen to c.hihit to his partners for their
nj.mvtial. as he wishel to gratify them in every thing,
i i. j furnished all the capital raid Townsend also
J- 1 jKinent that tho bottles they were to use were
t ' uf tlie same sue and ihane as Dr. S. P. Town.
iTs, end deponctit at the request of said Jacob
' Hi tijJ, wont to theonicc of Dr. S. P. Townsend,
f 1 :""-"ijred one of his iabeis.
A d ucponeut furtlr savK. that he has been inform.
' iul leiilv believes the'Svmn of Sarsanarilla. sold
si OH Jacob Towiuen's, i. aiode after the recipe fur-
t ii uvjHinciu, io jacou i ownsenc, as aioresaid.
A.iJ lurlher depoivent saith not.
iw i:is to before me, this 21th dav of May, iai9.
Mayor or the City of New i'ork.
e s piwf conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsend's
.. jjf.nlld. is the original. The following is from
tome ol tiie most respectable iapcii in this state.
J.CTF Vok-k DnllvTi lhune.
CT?- We published an &dvcrti.-cment inadvertentir
tf it time sinro that did injustice to Dr. S. P. Town
c.;rf. who is the original j.ippnctor of the prepaistion
i S-trtaparilla known as Dr. Toxvnsend's. Other
wit'fs havelvithin the past few months engaged or
c Miccted Ibemsohes with a man by the name of
t w iend wo put up a medicine and calls it by the
-me name. Tins medicine was advertised in Tht
J .ne3s the ongiiial, Slc. This ad ertisement alsc
e'i.ta:ncd matter dcrogalorj' U Uie character of Dr
i r I ownsend and that of his medicine. AVe reerct
it ...... 1 7 - . " . .. . . . . 0
ji fjit-nivu, uiio in jusucc io me ur. ma:;e mis ex.
ffrw Toiic Ontlr Snn.
Pe Tcwwsiwii's extiaordinai-i- juherti.crocnt,which
fK-ruj.ies an entire page of the Srrr, w ill not escape
imlice. Dr. S. P. TowiiEcud, who is the original pro
prietor of DTowiisend's SaiFapaiilla, and whose of-
iter js nest door to ours, where he has been for sever
1 cars, h drivinjr an immense business. He rer.eii-ps
! If-s than four hundred dozen of Sorsaparilla per
).m and even this enormous quantity docs not supply
t..e demand. I.o medicine ever gained so great a
1Tular:t as his preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His
t-ut.oxi of Almanacs for 18J9 coit f'J2,O00, and he
bas paid the New Tork Srs fur advertising, in the
last f.ur years, over 10,000, and he acknowledges
that jt is the cheapest advertising he has had done.
J his medicine is cxjorted to the Canadas, Wrest In
South America and Europe, in considerable
quantities, and is eoming into general use in thoso
countries, us well is here.
JJruggiits and others that sell Sarsaparilla for the
genuine and original Dr.'Tow nsend's Sarsaparilla,
tiiat is not signedliy S. P. Townsend, commits a fraud,
end swindles the cuitomers. Men that would be
guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud
and no Druggist of-common Intelligence but knows
that ouis is theily genuine.
Old Jncob Toinisctitl.
Some people who ore not well informed, and have
nt t cod the papers, and not teen our advertisements,
have been led to suppose, that because these men ad
teitise their stufl'cs " Old Jacob Townsends," that it
must, of course, he the original. It is less than one
j par since they commenced to make their medicine.
Uuis has been in the market over ten years.
Till Old Jncob Toivnscnd.
They arc endeavoring to palm ofl on the public as
n old rhjsician, tc. He is not a icgular educated
l iijsician, and never attempted to manufacture a med
icme, until tliesc men hired him for the use of his
flen.e. They say they do not wish the people to be
Ii.i c that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or the same but
the better deceive Uie public, they at the same time
assert thartheir's is the Old Dr. Townsend's, and the
original 5 and endeavor to make the people believe
tuat the slutl lhey manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend's
Sartcparilla, that has performed to many wonderful
cures for the past ten years, and which has gained a
reputation which no other medicine ever enjoyed
w iucli is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood.
We have commenced suits against these men for
damages. We wish it tc be understood, that the old man
is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatever, ln-their ad
vertisenients and circulars, they publish a number of
groii falsehoods JesjecUng Dr. Townsend, which we
will not notice.
Fals Kcporfg.
Our opponents have published in the papers, that
Dr. S. J'.-Townscnd w as dead. This they send to their
agents about the country, who rejwrt that we have
given up business, &.c &.C. The public should be on
their guard, and .not be deceived by these unprinci
pled uie it
Notice of flemoinZ. After Hi.? firet of September,
JS49. Dr. S. r. Townsend's New Vork Office will be
in tho South Baptist Church, No. 62 Nassau street,
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
will be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro
prictorsind the public-
Take particular Notice. No JSarsaparilla is the
penmpe and original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, un
lets signed by S, P. Towncnd.
Ackms. Redding & Co., No. S State-street, and
Mrs. E. Kidder, No. 100 .Court-street, Boston; Samuel
Kjdxler, Jn, Lowell j Henry Pratt, Salem; James B.
Green, Worcester ; Allison & Gauit, Concord J.
tolch & Sjsa, Froridcucei and, by Dri jgists and Meri
ccunis generaiiy iarouguout,tue uniteajSiatcs, V.ctt
A fresh sunoh .if .bhe fi?r .ifidlrs-ii " ; SSS1" V are tUe' u' 'i' 1 ZCl" pcribQtUeU'-" Jfeoggs, &c, taken in exohanire for sP?f'"i-
818r- 7 ' V ,U aybunda.hisofilceMn
Aa? 8 uoudcb.irg.AnnjilSOl. Vermifugal ' 4 b Mav " -rff ' -u c JHiS H' 1E LGKJ - ' - FJIGI BURNETT
M 1- J . " - j MaJ 8, 1-.- . gtroudbug, February!, L851.- 4 Vl 0 A S tf 18S0. ; ;aBmNIT1-
l)c lb-Barlefi'SI).eof,
On IlasMl Again ! '
M. WATSON is happy to inform
his old friends and customers that
he is "prepared to receive as many
, of them as may favor him with their cus
j torn, at the new Hotel erected on the site
i of the Old. Barley Sheaf, (which was dc
: stroyed by fire in July last.)
j The House is much increased in size
t and convenience, and possesses every ae
' commodation which can contribute to the
comfort of the traveler.
The TABLE .and the BAll will be fur
nished in such a manner as cannot fail to
A large yard, with stabling for
one hundred horses.
M. WATSON, Proprietor.
No. 193 North Second St., Phil'a.
March 27 1851.
JLatesl News from California!
llepectfully announce to the citizens of
Stroudsburg and surrounding country,
that they have established a store in Eliz
abeth street, nearly. opposite John H.Mel
ick's Watch & Jewelry Store, where they
have just opened a large stock of .
IS.cadT-32ule Cloggiisag,
comprising Goats, such as fine cloth dress
and frock coats, business coats, tweed
coats, Kentucky jean and linen do., mon
key jackets, &c. Pantaloons, fine black
cassimers, satinet?, Kentucky jeans, lin-
1 . t r
en, and a variety ol summer stuns.
Waistcoats of satin, cloth, cassimere, sat
inet, and of a variety of stvle and color
to suit airy season. Shirts, an assort
ment of white, colored and common do.--The
public are respectfully invited to call
and examine their stock of Olotliihir.'wh'ich
is made up at their establishment in Eas
ton, under their own supervision, as they
feel assured it will give satisfaction to
all, in style, quality and price.
DR Y GOODS. A good assortment
of French, English and American broad
cloth: cassimers, satinets, Kentucky jeans,
tweeds, linen, and a variety of summer
stuffs. And a general assortment of hand
kerchiefs, stockings, &.c, &c.
They offer an excellent assortment' of
silks, French merinoes, chashmeres, al
pacas, de laines, a lai-ge assortment of
changeable linens, lawns embroidered and
of various patterns, ainjrhams, and a
splendid assortment of calicoes.
Also, a handsome assortment of Thibet
wool shawls with silk fringes, of all col
ors, elegantly embroidered Barege shawls,
&c. A fine assortment of Parasols. An
extensive assortment of jaconet, Victoria
lawn, Bishop lawn, crossbarred muslin, I
and a handsome assortment of cap stuff :
laces, edging, and ladies'" collars. Also,
ladies' hose and gloves.
A good assortment of musing bleached
and unbleached, from 5 i to 12 cents per
" m CARPETBAGS, for traveling,
of a variety of styles.
As they purchase all their Goods for
cash, at the lowest market prices, and in
tend to do business on the ready pay sys
tem, thc- are enabled to offer their Goods
at the lowest rates, and as cheap as they
can be bought at Easton or New York.
Lumber, Grain, and produce of
all kinds taken m exchange for Goods
Stroudsburg, April
24, 1651.
At Ijow Pb'Scgs.
STROUD & ANDRE bavins taken' that
hirge and commodious Brick Store House,
formerly occupied by Dr. Stokes, call the
attention of their friends and the public in
general to their large stock of
Coffee, tea, sugars, molasses, mackerel,
smoked and pickled meat, coarse and fine
salt, rice, etc.
CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails,
wooden Bowls, half buslrei measures, &c.
Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass
scythes, straw knires, door latches, bolts,
knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels,
spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws,
chisels, hatchets; augers, tryinir and bevel
squares and coffee mills.
UROOIvhRl A splendid assortment of
1 eas, plates, &c. Nejv stjle Jenny Lind, in
sets of 40 pieces 1 ANCY CHINA Mar-
Lie. neatest rind Intent o ovinit
ble, neatest and latest style extant
J300TS AND SHOES. Mens- boots and
shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting
gaiters, kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds. slip
pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes.
of every style and color. Black, blue and
brown cloths. I'ancy cassimeres: black doe
skin do. Summer wear of all kinds. Fancy
prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French
and domestic ginghams, barege, barege de
laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin.
common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new
style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la
ces, ribbons, sattin iestings, cambrics, bleach
ed and unbleached muslins, and a full assort
ment of trimmings.
Parasols and Umbrellas,
Together with a complete assortment of
goods generally, all of which they offer at ve
ry low rates.
Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country
produce taken in exchange, and cash never
The late Law having made the ready nav
system obligatory upon all, we therefore have
auopted it, and intend to sell for small profits
and make quick returns: which will be a Rr.v.
ing of 20 per cl. to the buyer. Call and ex
amine before purchasinir'elsewhere. Wn
know we can offer goods at such prices as
will induce you to buy, for
Our Goods are cheaper and as gund. . .
As any sold since Noah's Jltjdd.v
1 o buy ni us it will be vouroaih
I A Graduate of, the Baltimore College of
1 Denial Surgery.
m ESPECTFULLY informs hisfrien.ds
in Stroudsburg and the public gen
erally, that he has permanently located
in Easton, where he will be happy tosee
all who may wish his professional servi
ces. The attention of physiciaus, as well as
the public generally, is called to his Den
tal Infirmary, for the relief and benefit
of noor children, or vouns: persons who
have no means of paying for Dental ope -
rations. For all such he will willingly per
form any needful operation upon their
teeth: or treat all diseases of the mims nr
j - i v
mouth in the most careful and effectual ! 60 mies. Returning, Zeave Samuel Dim
manner gratuitously. . mice's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday,
From the pains he has taken to quali- j Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in
fy himself by study, and from the skill , Easton the same day.
acquired from a practice of seven years, ' Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, 1 25
he hopes to merit the confidence of all
and receive a share of public patronage
jGgT-Crratuitous operations for the poor,
! from 7 to 9 A. M., and from 4 to 6 o clock,
P. M.
Office in Northampton street, second
' .J 1 "nj... T XT T Ci.
uuui iuuu x ucui x uiup a xt;w xi ug oluiu.
N. B. His professional engagements
will not possibly admit of his visiting
Stroudsburg this summer.
Easton, April 24, 1851.
Irosa asael ISa"i fi?oci8a!ay.
The subscribers take this method to
inform the public generally, and millers
and farmers especially, that they have
. i ,i i. , J- -
caxen tne aoovc esiaousnmcni;, in tne
p ci. ,i-i fr -ivii t. i.i
.rear or btarbird & Wallace's store, in the
v . ? e ci. j i ii
borjouirh of Stroudsburg, and having in -
creased tlie machinery of the establish-
i ii ..
ment, they are prepared to execute all or
ders in .their line of business, in the best
manner and with despatch, and therefore
respectfully solicit the patronage of the
public Tlie' will manufacture cast and
wrought iron work of all descriptions, in
cluding Mill Cresuiassr,
for flour and other mills, mill swrews,
bark and corn mills,
with cast- won-
ted up in the best possible manner. As ! enee' nd haS Pr7oved f cessfuZ and be
particular caiAill be, taken to employ ! CT VC1? PpUH rtordath grout
none hut the best workmen, and no pains !st secu"tT aS"ns of or aamaf 0 b
will be spared, they feel confident of be- i fire' n h e mosfc advantageous and rea-
in? able to irive general satisfaction.
made to order.
such as spindle" steps, shaft aud gudgeon
Boxes, &c, will be made to order.. Old
copper and Brass taken in exchange at
the highest price. Patterns made to or
der. Threshing machines and Horse Poicers
of the. most approved construction, will
be furnished -to ouder at the shortest no
tice. ot all kinds, lor con or avooc . c.nnk stnvos
j -
&c, on hand or made "to order, for sale
wholesale or retail.
P L OWS, .
of the most approved plan will be kept on
hand, and every variety of plow castings
on hand and for sale. !
1 mi Ct.s-n ,.:ii t, i
ii luugm, null nun uunv mil J
done on the most reasonable terms. The
DTM : , ii poasuea wa-:
iron boes and lio mv warn will nlwnvc
... j
Stroudsburg, November 28, 1S50.
0 ' " SgS:Wtt.
The testimony in its favor is oyer-
whelming The proprietors are dai y in -
rnpnm nf iifm. nnA nmhfi nni,.n : '
eceipt of letters and certifiicatps, going
, io prove us remarKap e euicicney to all '
, X "! Tl r .
cases ot worms, both in chi'dren and a-1 er
du The re ief giyen, and the immcdi- j '14 years Mr, John O'Neil, 1 0th ave-
t lV'me" Ml eth ?hlCll l0S nue iind 2lst street3 red witli a cough,
its use lca'edthcatentionofphysi- in in hig .g
ciansto hisartie e and they fely re- Ho could Jet So relief til he tried the
commend & prescribe it in their practice, j All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain
Ihc retail price ts 25 cents per 'vial which from his side, allayed the cou"h and
brings it within the means of all. j brought the disease upon the surfacd; and
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847. before he had tafom three bottles, was
I do certify 'that I gave one bottle of entirely cured.
B. A.Fahnestock's Virmifuge to my child, j plkorisy and consumption -and
in seAcn hours it passed 23 large Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70 re-
worms. Any person doubting this may
apply for further information at my resi-'
vvuu uxiiui Ul iUIlv UUU Jtlt"libOIl St S.
ames McCaffrey:.
Poughlcecpsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844
' T eert.ifv flint. T tnnl.- vr irinla rV Tt A
j, -iuW ui jj. xjl.
iannestock's Virmiluge, which I found ,
to be the greatest cure for worms I have
ever used. I have been troubled with
tape worms for a number of years, and I
have never, found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fanestock's Virmifuge. .1 there-;
fore recommend it. j
The, public is cautioned against coun-
forfeits and'spnrious articles, and to put'
110 Confidence in Hf.ntemerit.c 1 R"rtlm. n
tti.. Stock's .Hid R Pf.l,n0 tn?c VivmiA, TJ..: OK A i. . v..j .wvxv.vv-.
Passengers in this ine wi cave Jo
seph Hagenbnch's Inn, sign of the
" Bac Horse," Easton, every Blonday,
Wednesday and Friday, passing through
the lotf owing places, viz:
the ioZowing p(aces, viz: Jtichmond,
'' Centrevie, Wiiamsburg, Dis' Ferry,
Delaware Water Gap, Dutotsburg,Strouds-
burg, Bushi, and Dingmau's Ferry, and
arrive in Miford the same day: Distance
2 87
N. B. Ail baggace at the risk of the
: owners
Stroudsburg, May 8 1851.
, iflciiaial iFire 1biseis-rs3C Costsp'y.
V t VI 111. A X T . . . ...i.v C r- mirt 7 .1 1 . , i . rt
ffl , , 7, . j c,
-BL the thousand doaZrs insured, after
, , , , , ' ?
which payment no subsequent tax xriti
, 7 . i, J , , 1 . 77
i be levied, except to cover actuat oss or
1, v"4") i'1 '
bers of the company.
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise will be ascertained yeary,
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit,s wi ."have a
credit rn the company. Each insurer'in
or with, the said company wibe a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
poZicy. The principe of Mutual Insur
ance has been thorouffby tested has
, . . , , .
Appications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters addressed to
JAMJgS n. WALTON, Sec'y.
- Jacob Goctz
John Edinger
James H. Walton
Michael H. Dreher
Jacob Frederick
George B. Keller
Edward Poston Peter Shaw
Robert Bo'S John Miller
vliichard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker.
Balsar Fetherman.
JACOB GOBTZ, President.
JAMES H. WALTON, lreasurer.
Sf vAnrlcliiivrr
Janury 31, 1850.
' ''Raising 8ood
And Consumjrtion, yiaoT m ik&sidc ajid
nighlsiccats, Asthma, Whooping Oofigh ;
palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the
throat, lungs and liver cured by Sher
man's All-Healing Balsam.
Ml MiriA T?ll?i?ni in Tmn7.-7-,m T.-nc
attached with raising Wood, followed by
i ,i - i J-
;i j-oug,, pam 1U tnc sme anu a(l the
suaZ symptoms of consumption. He em
ployed two of the best physiciaus; they
did him no good, and tod him he couZd
nolfc live.
Hearing of the wondofful cures nor-
, u
I formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
j 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. ILvyes, 130
j Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated
i like a charm, stopped the bleeding and
! cough ! Before he had taken one bottle
! he was able to be about his work. It had
I saved his life. .His daughter, residing at
' 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
! Bliss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg,
' living in Tenth, near South Fourth st.,
: says That she had been troubled with a
j hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for
1 a long, time, which at last become so bad
that she was obliged to give up her school
!Jbr more' than a year. She then com
menced taking the All-Healing Balsam
which soon alleviated her symptoms
. . . J A-
She is now fist
recovering, and has re-
sumcd her laborious occupation as a taanl,
siding 88 Sheriff street, has for years been
subiect to attacks of Plem-;,, i?n;c;
or.jiiood, severe Uough, Shortness of
Breath, Pain in her Head and various
I parts of her body. Her friends believed
! past recovery. TheAll-Healing Balsam
uiLsv ruuuyory. iiii-cteaiincr
relieved her at once of all heralarmin
symptoms, and now she is able to attend
t,n h
asthma.and whooping cough.
Mrs. Lucretin, :Wells On nrietL .
L. S. Beals. 19 Dclancy ' street-V ri'
Youno - s. 75 Wnl nut. ct. lrnz-iTTr . 1 n
Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value of
this great remCdy.
Ask tor Sherman's All-Healinrr Bal
sain, and see that his written I
oU Uiii 'faunuifia
Elizabeth St., Stroudsbuko, Pa.
The undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and the public. iener-
Hally, that lie has taken the above Hotel,
n to the travelling community as'Shive-
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Ueo.
The house is large, with ever convenience
for travellers and boarders.
The vards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best order lor the ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will use every eirorttohave
his table, chambers, bar. and every depart
ment of his house conducted in sur h a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
The Siage offire for the Mauch Chunk,
Wilkes-rBarre, White Haven and Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel.
Persons wishing to.o or send with the a-
bore stages, will please leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
These lines leave this Hotel every Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at
April 21, 1851.
Asn Io all w!:om it may Cosscce'm:
rB"HE Undersigned embraces this method
JL to inform his friends and customers in ,
particular and the public in general, that he
has added to his former stock of Groceries
and Varieties, a generl assortmen of :
Consisting of the best refined Rye Whiskey;
pale Brandy; Holland and common Gin; N.
O. Rum ; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pur
est and best qualities, and offers .such lor
sale by the barrel, keg. gallon nr hall gallon,.
at the lowest casn prices; and wishes the
Tavernkeepers in the country to give him a
call before purcbusmg elsewbere.asne is de
termined to give satisfaction, both in quality j
and price. j
He also keeps constantly on hand, for In
keepers, Wine Bi iters, Peppermint and j
Wintergreen, also Lemon Syrup.
IEPProduce of all kinds taken inexchange.
Stroudsburg, June 5, 1851.
P!silatlc?2:sa TTvpe Foundry. :
Pear street, Near the Exchange.
THE Suhscnter having made great im-
provements in his methoJ of'easling iyJ)e and
mixing of metals.and had a thorough reiiitda
of his matrices, the faces of which are not ex-
celled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any
in the country; flatters himself that by a strict
personal attention to business, and employing
none but the most skilful workmen, he is en"
abled to ofTer
A Superior Article, at greatly reduced Prices.
He is constantly adding to his stock all that
is new from the best workmen of this and oth-
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to !
er countries, and liaing lately procured Jroni tract of sarsaparilla will
Europe, a great vaiiety of NEW FACES ! of a child.
on, I fU?TA MRNTS f.lifijc tho Utf.rftf,,n rvfl '
&V hereu,. HEAD TIIE
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, Gal-, w'ul a swenea leg lor iwenty-nve years, at
leS, Brass Il'ile, and every other article nee tended with general debility, and was restor
ded to furnish a complete Printing Office, pd to perfect health by the use of Dr S P.
supplied at the shortest notice. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1 can refer io
GERMAN book and JOn tvpk, others in this place who have taken this val-
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully "abe. medicine, and who speak in terms of
put up in fonts of correct proportion. " ; the "gnest commendation or its healing vir
January 30, 1851. I v.
Doctor Yourself for 25 U I
By means of the Pocket;
iEsculapius, or Every
4 kmc ui3 ini i uyMciiui:
iVA Ti,;,i;ni!.
iu.i.iu.ii cuHimi, wiui
? m
TM liV WM- l ouVG.
M MuPwartJs OJ a nundred en-
Fl )WM Ws ISravmgs, showing pri.
g'pfeSSvaie diseases in every
pi slape and form and rnal-
'.'Vfcni m t?) M1 formal io ns of the nenfir. I
WW??? t 'C i
,pxi- i ue uiiie iias now ar- ur. o. i . lownsenu s oarsaparilla.
rived, that persons suffering from secret dis- j WILLIAM WOOD,
eases, need no more become the victim ofj Uniontown, Fayette co., Pa , July 2 ISSfl
quackery, as by the prersriptions contained in This is to certify that we have sold Dr. S P
this book, any one may mre himlf, w ithout Townsend's Sarsaparilla for many years, and
hinderance to business, or the knowledge of , consider it a very valuable medicine, many
the most intimate friends, and with one tenth cures having been effected in our vicinity.
the usual expenses. In addition to. the gen- j A young man by the name of Westley Rothe
eral routine of private disease, it fully explains rock, of this place, was cured of the Scrofu
the cause of manhood's early decline, with ' la, (having large lumps in his neck) by the
observations on marrbfge-besides many oth- use of one bottle.
er derangements which it would not be pro- Thos. REED & son.
per to enumerate in the public prints. Huntingdon, Pa". Julvf3d, 1650.
ID3 Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE NOTICE
cents enclosed in in -a letter, will receive! ti ur -c j t V t,
one copy of this book, by ma:,, or five cop-1 JrU
ies will be sent for one dollar. Address. ; L T ,Lr f i !f S.a"aPa""a. ill in future
"DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCE ! Im .,fanra!ured under the direction ofJas. R
Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. i , ?, , ''rTf'ol'" name conr,ecllo
ID3 DR. YOUNG can be consulted on "Uh U,la ,1)r' S 1 1 ownsend, will be up
... . . fill pnen nnltln tn n C .. .1 o. l I .
anv n t ie i ismso Huccr w r, ie ,lif
ferent noblirntinns. nt lii nfftrn 1 c;.
SPRUCE Street, every day between U and !
3 o'clock. fSundavs excented.l i
.,, - v' waw wwt
January 30, 185 1 . I y.
Slroudsbur a'iBd .Incscli CSituik
Mail L ine of Stages.
This line leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel, (In
Weissporrj and Lehi
ghton to Mauch Chunk, J
wnere it arrives at 4 o'clock p. m.. nr.d enn
nects with lines from Pottsville, Berwick and
omer places
rhnn Ononn t Ct....fnt...u m i
U n "i " , " , """;a,,urK iwonoay, nj each of the
U ednesday and lriday, at 7 o'clock a. m. Uvna enBaBeil in
i.i ruuuersviue, onaiers 1'. (1. Kresnr o it:...j
ICCS. ItetUrninrf. lenVf C f!npnni'oUn.rn,l ninn m,.nl.r. oKtl l .
i . -. i- . w. wui.wwii o
noiei, in ftlaurh
r- ' , 1balur(,ay' at 7 a. m. and ar-to
rive in rmi! a
rf,.. , "ib ui.1 M.
i ins mm rnnnni'ic ,tti ii.. iv -nohorrn'.
connects with the Wilkesbarre j those who engaged to serve for anv or an
Haven stages at Shafers P. O. indefinite period, and actually served one-ity,--and
with the New York, month, shall receive forty acres. Provided
Monroo countv
Easton, Milford and Honesdale
stages at
Frpm Stroudsburg to Mauch Chunk
Ji White Haven
a oo
2 50
13, 1851. Proprietors
BT-inr-irm mi fmt "'"'y23Wf3- , L
Wholesale and Retail Boot and SJioe Store
THE Subscriber takes this method to in
form the public that he has just re
ceived at his Store, opposite Messrs. Miller
& Brother and nearly opposite T. & P. MX.
sell's store, in Hamilton Street, a large as
sortment of
Boots axib S()05,
decidedly the largest, cheapest
and best, now in Easton, which
he is selling for cash, and-is de
termined not to be undersold by
any other establishment, accor
ding to the article:
His assortment consists of
oss i.omjre&b uaiters, Women'
Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Jenny Liads, Slippers,
! Buskins, and a large assortment of children's
gaiters, &c &c.
j ALSO. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots
I and Shoes of-every variety, .all made of the
best materials, and experienced workmen
(under his own superintendence.)
j Orders for work to bo made by measure,
and repairing of all kinds, promptly attended
to as heretofore. A continuance of the fa-
1 vors of a libieal community respectfully so-
' licited.
Easton, May 22, 1851
Greatly improved manufactured by Dr.
CHILTON, the great Chemist.
Dr.S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla,
The most extraordinary Medicine in the
World ! Over two hundred and fifty
thousand persons cured of various diseases,
within the last 2 years. It cures Scrof
ula, stubborn Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas,'
Rheumatism, Consump
tion, General Debili
ty, Dyspepsia,
Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Drop
sy & Gout, Ringworms, Can
cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases.
1 he great beauly of this medicine is, tint
ji ut-ici iujuics uiu consuiuiiun, ana is al-
ways beneficial even to the most delicate,
and 1S the onl medicine ever discovered that
- SS?1 netw l,ure a" nch b,lood ar,d ,hat
,. "rtcftess. ifae bone. 1 housands are ready to
tesl,f to ,ts many virtues,
Great Spring & Slimmer Medicine
-r, . . , , ,
Pers" shuld a bottle spring and
! !"eSulate lI,e system and drive out all
One. bottle of Dr S P. Tiiwn?pinij Rt-
cleanse the system
Easton. pA.-?August 5, 1850.
This is to certify that I have been troubled
. c 11 tl.LKMAI,
! former sneriy oj Northampton countv.
Easto Pa a' . 18S0 -
About two years since mv little daug'hter
caught the Measles, which left her vvhh a
severe congn, wnicn no douOt would bave
. i. . .
lornuu io consumption naa not ur s r Jotcn-
send s sarsaparilla been given, and by whan
she was perfectly restored to health.
This is to certify, that my child was afflicted
with a horrible disease in the face (which
lesistcd the enorts of my family physician,
tau was entirely cured by half a bottle of
" inwciu iiauu. ooiu in
Stroudsburg by
Wholesale nniJ lie! nil
September 5, 185 1 .
Soldiers' JLnnd Warrants.
By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted.
That each of the surviving, or the widow or
minorchildrenof deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musfcians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang
ers or militia, who performed military ser-
ices in any regiment, company or detach
, ment in the service of the United States, in
the war with Great Britian, declared by the
United States on the eighteenth day of June,
1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790,
commissioned officers who
the military service of the
mi the late war with Morion
and shall bo entitled to-lands as follows :
1 hosts who engaged to serve twelvo
months or during the war, and actnallv
ociiwu iiiiiu iii"iiui,i otiuii icutivij one nun
serve six months and actually served four
momns, snau receive eighty acres and
...i... i .
that wherever anv officer or snlrlier-
honorably discharged in consequence of dis
ability in the service, he shall receive the a
mount to which he would have been entitled
if he had served the full period for which ho
had engaged to servo.
Under the above act, and the acts of Con
gress generally, tho subscriber offers his
services as agent to procure Land Wrarrant3
lortnose entitled to receive them as abovo