Severe SI oral i J ; CaSttlr MceliMg". - a On Friday last, between three and four! A Camp Meeting yill be held'atthe o'clock in the afternoon, a violent storm ( Paupunonming Lake, near Saylors of wind and rain, accompanied with hail, burg, in this County, by the Evangelical and vivid lightning and loud thunder pas- Society, to Commence on Monday, Au sed over this region of country. It con- gust 4th. 1851. July 3L 1851. tinueu lor some time, tnc wma mowing a perfect tornado, prostrating trees and fences, and in several instances .carrying away the roofs of dwellings, and a large number of out-houes were leveled to the ground. Ihe Jumps of ice or hail which ?,i i J : , .... tCU WUrc liirgUl aim in greater quantities than was ever before witnessed in tliis f fully solioit your influence and suffrages. vicinity. Most of the hail was round 'should T be elertcd, I pledge myself to dis and about the size of a chesnut, but some charge the duties of the office with fidelity wero lonir. and measured from two to tour inches. The storm commenced m the northern part of this county, passed through Moore, Nazareth and Forks: townshins. crossed the Dal aware at this l50 place into Greenwich xind took a southern direction throush Warren county, 'ew Jersey. In width it did no extend over: a few miles. In its course the damage' done was verv errcat. The growing corn, ! oats, potatoes, and garden produce vcrelful,y solicit your suffrages. If elected I almost utterly destroyed, and most of wil! endeavor faithfully, personally ami im .i.. :a JnBB t .'partially to discharge the duties of said of- liouses broken. Many of our friends in the country have sent us accounts of their losses by this furious storm, but we , are obliged to omit the publication of Tm tUv vtors of Monroe county, particulars for want of room.. Fellow Citizens .-At the solicitation of r tnanv friends 1 have been induced to offer Sssg A writer in the Xorth Carolina myself as a candidate for the office of Sentinel expresses a wish that the Devil1 Prof Eionofary and Clerk of flto had all the South Carolina traitors. "We Cosrfs of ?Jonroc County, can't see what the Devil is to do with and respectfully solicit your votes and influ them. They are all such fire-eaters that . ence on my behalf. . Should 1 be elected I they ould propably col him out of house and home. JjnuisviUc Journal. Mortality off CEticago. From the Chicago Journal we compile the following, showing the number of deaths from month to month, for a se ries of years, and we have the followiug 317.1S43. 1S49. 1850. 1851.! January, February, March, April, Hay, June, 23 23 32 19 2G 27 26 31 41 31 41 52 - 62 36 49 127, 173 60 57 53 50 -43 30 29 3$ i ' 45 i 35 , 150 21S 499 290 209 A publican's wife in Suffolk, whilst in Church, fell asleep, and let fall a bnnch of keys. Aroused by the noise, she jumped up and exclaimed, "Sail, there's another jug1 broke!' joitrless WJieoIv i$cv Jliivtmlioii In this instance the invention consists in the application of a solid baud of vulcan ized India rubboiyovcr the iron tire of the wheel. The India rubber is held to place b' the tire having a raised rim oni)oth sides, and b' its own elasticity. The band of an ordinary carriage wheel is about an inch and. a half in thickness, and unless on close inspection, no differ ence from the common iron-shod wheel is perceptible. We have driven some dis tance in a carriage with the wheels so shod, and were struck, not only with their noHess, but at the perfect smooth ness of the motion but the wheels beins in fact springs, and by their elasticity, giving a lighter draught than the iron y. b,ir ,to c , - , , tire. )e have seen one set of wheels wmcn nave Deen anven wuu miles; tney have here and there a trifling cut. but show no appearance of being worn out, and seem quite capable of another three or four thousand. An iron tire is iren- erall- worn out in 3000 miles, so that , tiie maia rubber tire has so lar proved: itself the more lasting. It is "certainly a luxury of a carriage to have it run with out jar or noise; and would be a uni- versal comfort to have the streets andlare meadow. A snrinr of watnr nMr tho if IOC tr?Tin,,f tlm nrncnnf inoosc'inf " -J "v.ivuu vuw illown i.ioi.wu luren. of carrages omnibuses,&c Scsentific American. jC. V. Warziic!;, JJaintcr anh fajicr, RESPECTFULLY announces to the cit zens of Stnudi!urr and the surround ing country, that he still continues the above business. nd may ba found at his establish ment on Monroe street. AH orders for House and Sign Painting. Glazing, Paper Hanging, 4c will be puuc tually attended to, and exe cuted in the net style, upon the most rea sonable terms. N. B. W PC DOW SASH, paintod and ftlazed. of all sizes, rontantly on hand and lor sale at the above establishment. Stroudsburg, July 31, 1651 (Jn STROUDSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY. 31isb Ba&ton will re-open her School for the instruction of loung Ladies on Monday, the first day of September next. Terms jxr session of 11 weeks. Common and higher English branches 2,00 French 3,00 Drawing and Painting in water colors 2,00 Stroudsburg, July 31, 1851. Camp Meeting TEY Divine permission a Camp Meet ing will be held at jtfelchoir Bos sard's woods, in Cherry Talley, to com mence on Monday, August 25th. J. A. WATSON. July 31, 1851. 4t -125,000 BRICK Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low and lower, accprding to quality, than any other brick in the Countv. . A portion of them are1 pressed or front, o'r.d cornice Btick of differ-1 erit- kinds. Saul Brick ae composed of ma-; tetial that will, stand the fire wi;h jnpimitv, ilnjB jmswerinp for the purpose .of .building, babe-ovens, &Ci,ajl of which will be sold uni the .most reasonable 'terms. . .;, N. B. All kinds of urain, at the '.liijyiiol market 'prtce taken in exchanCT foeBHck, and Cash not refused. " :' -WILLIANPS. V.'JKTEilUTE Stroudsburg, July 21, 1851, 1 - To Use Voters of Monroe co;:siy. Friends and fcllcw Citizens : -Tirrough the solicitations of many of you I am induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office ' Qf High Sheriff, I, -. oWlinn. nnrl rncnnn io me uom oi my nuuiiy. Your friend and fellow citizen, REUHRN GREGORY. Poll; township, July 31, 1851. the Voters off f&oisroc cousiiy. Fellmo Citizens : 1 offer myself as a can- dltJale ,or lo oice of Proihonotary and Clerk ojf the se veral Courts of, Monroe county, at 'he ensutnc General Election, and respect- Repectfully your friend and Fellow citizen. J. II. E1LENHERGER. Middle Smithfield, July 10. 1851. l till tiu WILLIAM SCIIOONOVER. M . Smithfield, Jo ly 185 1 . JLcjhI assd ErosalPipcI A general supply of Lead and Iron Pipe of all sizes, on hand fit all limes, and for sale by DICKSON cj- SAMPLE. Easton. July 17, 1851. ly. ENT, Jkzzsk A comfortable Dwelling House MI5 and out buildings, situated the Court House. . Possession inven first of August, For terms apply to DDDIICK & DKEHER. Stroudsburg, July 17, 1S51. 3t iiministvator's Notice. "a3F7"HEREAS Letters of administration v v upon the Estate of John W. Uurnett, late of the township of Stroud, in the county o Monroe, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them without delay, duly authenticated. forsettlement to Jfei M. M. B U R N ETT, A din or. Stroudsburg, July 10, 1P51. fit. SHKRrFPS SALE. BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Penn'a., to me di- j rected, I will expose to public sale at the ! public house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough i of Stroudsburg, on t Saturday, August 9th. 1551, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following i described property, to wit: All that certain tract or piece of Jand situate in Strcud town ship, beginning at a stone (formerly a white f UJ l11. " ToV ,y, l Joseph llillbourne, S. IS E. 62 to a chestnut oakthcnce b ylaad inal y surveyed to Pe- ter Lcmaigre, S. 29, W. 72 to a black oak, S. 82, W. 120 to a stone, thence by land of Jasper Cotant, N. 6, W. 93 to a birch, N. 73 E. 150 to the be"fmnin, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRHS, more or less, The improvements are a Log House. one and a half stories high, and a LOG BARN; about ten acres of cfeared land, four of which UUUf. V Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of James Vanorman, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff. July 1.7, 1851. . Spoilsmen Sake Notice. .Tola 3 KsicicH, North-Mast comer Walnut Second Ste. PHILADELPHIA. SIT AS n hand, just received, a complete JLJL assortment of SHOT GUNS, Powder Flasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting j Apparatus of the best and most approved pat- terns. j lie has constantly on hand SPORTING , POWDER of all descriptions, Percussion Caps. Shot, Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of ma terials for Gun Makers, &c. Also Percussion Caps of a superior quali ty, designed expressly for U S. Rifles. j An assortment of Fishing Tackle always on hand. t All the above, and any other articles in his line, the subscriber will sell as low as any 1 other establishment in the United States. j In testimony of bis slyill as a manufactur er, the Frankmn Institute, in the years 1810 and 1812, awarded nfbiai two ccrtificates and in the years 1811. 181G, 1817, l8l8 j and 1850, nve silver jibdals, all of which may be seen at his plac e of business. JOHN KRIDER. Philadelphia. July 17, 1851 .3m. DAGUERREOTYPE MINIATURES. rjslHE citizens of Stroudsburg are informed , JL that the subscriber has taken a rbom at ' the American Hotel, for the purpose of taking pictures of those who may wish them. As 1 he has had over seven years experience in i the business, and has one of the very best Apparatus, he flatters himself able to give ; perfect satisfaction to ajl, by producing pic- , lures, which, f$r boldness of tone and life like appearance, will be equal to any taken in Philadelphia or New York, and finished so j as .hot to'alter. Taken in cloudy as well as fair weather; ,and set w lockets, pins, rings, NB. All arc rcipiesled to caljahd see specimens. Whether tjiey want pictures or not. " ' R.'S. BROWN. July 17. 1851 t ' ' . (Ml AT) JO UK NED SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Penn'a.. to mo di rected,' 1 will expose to public sale at the public house of Henry Neff, in Polk town ship, on Friday, August 8th, 185J, , at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described property to wit: Till that certain tract or piece of land, situate in Ross town ship, Monroe county, adjoining land late ol Godfrey Greensweig, dee'd.. land ol John Washburn and others, containing Twenty-Five Acres, more or less, about twenty acres are cleared, four acres of which is meadow. The im provements are a MfEiLone and a half stories hieh. and a LOG STABLE, some fruit trees on the premises, and a stream of water which runs near the door. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of Charles Smith, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg. ? July 17, 1851. S Sheriff. ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALS. 3Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas ! JLJi issued out ol the Lourt of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Penn'a.. to me di- rected, I will expose to public sale at the public house of Henry . NeH, in Polk tcrwn ship, on Friday, August 8th, 1 S5 1 , at 1 o'clock in the afternoon the following described property to wit : A tract of Land situatein Polk township, containing Kiisicty Acres-, adjoining land of Philip Doner, John Roof, James Iviley and others, 30 acres cleared, A or 5 are meadow, a stream of water passes inrougn uie same, improvements Log House, LOG DARN, and about 20 AP-& PLE TREES. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob Dotter. ami to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER. Sheriff's OfKce Stroudsburg, ? Sheriff". July l.tS51; $ Eei the Orpliaaa's osast el' Moebvoc CJosmtv. Estate of Daniel Kresge, dee'd. THE xVuditor appointed to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of Peter Kresce, administrator of the es tate of Daniel Kresge, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Satur day, the 5th day of Juty, 1851, at his Of fice in Stroudsburg, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, or bedc barred from coming in for a share of the assets. 'S. C. BURNETT, June 12, 1351. Auditor. $1 RE WAR! The subscriber Lost on Tuesday. 27lh of May. on the road leading from Jacob 1 rede iick's to Auten's Ferry, a Leather Psjvsc, with a clasp to fasten it, containing TEN DOLLARS, or thereabouts, in silver, in pie ces from one dollar to five-cents. Any one finding the same and will leave it at this Of fice, or cive information by sending a few lines to Hope P. O., N. J. shall receive the above reward and the thanks of the subscri ber. W. O. STKVENS. SX EOT KEWAIED. RAN A WAY from the subscriber, on the 23d of June, I85l. an indentured girl, (from the ftortharr pton County Poor House,) named Poily Buss, agtd about 14 years. She took with her a Variety of clothing. The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her under the penalty of the Law. The above reward, but no charg es, will be paid if she is brought bark. ROBERT BROWN. Stroud township, July 3, 1851.- FREIGHT LINE. Nct Sforii U Newark, daily, rglHE MOBRIS CANAL now being in complete order, the subscribers, would inform their customers and the public, that they are prepared to forward all descriptions of goods, wares and mer chandize by. Morris Canal boats to or from Easton, and all intermediate points with promptness and despatch. Reaving foot of Dcy street, N. Y. daily, at 4 P. M. per Steamboats Jonas C. Heart and Islander, opening the most direct route 'to Easton and the Lehigh Region. P. S. Be particular to mark goods Stephens & Condits Line, via Canal. STEPHENS, CONDIT & CO., Forwarders. EST Joseph S. JIibbler would re spectfully call the attention of his per sonal friends and acquaintances to his ; connection with the above firm, and pledg es hinlsclf that he will use every exer- j tion to give satisiacnon to au wno may favor him with their patronage. June2G,l 85 1. "BARK" WANTED. nphe subscriber will pay Five Dol lars per cord in Cash for about five hundred cords of good bright Rock or Chestnut Oak Bark, at his Tannery in Stroudsburg. At the above named price the bark must be loaded solid and clear from all kind of damage. Will also pay i a fair price for White Oak and' Damaged j Bark. JACOB SIN GM ASTER April 10, 1851, - ATT O II N K Y AT L A XV . Has removed his office to his dwelling. house, first door below the office of the "Mouroe Democrat," -aud .directly .oppo site S. J. fHollinshead;s hostel, jEiizabj?th i street.' : Stroudsburg, Dec, 19 165.0. f t , R,.,..?i VALUABLE BOOKS, ! JCST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY j JoSsis S. Tayior, SSooUmuIIoi- ats! 115 NASSAU STREET, NEW-YORK. The following books will be sent by mail, fret of postage, to any part of the U. States on the receipt of the money for the same, which may be forwarded by mail, at the risk of the Publisher. The Sacred Mountains Uy Rev. J. T. Head ley. I vol. 12ino.. Illustrated, full cloth, SI; gilt edjres, extra. Si 50. The Sacred Mountains. By Rev. T.J. Head lej 1 roiume 18 mo. without the plates. Sunday school edition. 50 els. Sacred Scenes and Characters By Rev. J. T. Headley.- 1 vol. !2mo. Illustrated, full cloth. Si; gilt edges. 1 50. Sacred Scenes and Characters. By Rev. J T. Headley. 1 vol. l8mo., without the plates. Sunday school edition, 50 eta. History of the Persecutions and Battles of the Waldenses. By Rev. J. T. Headley- 1 vol. l8mo. Illustrated, full cloth, 50 t'ts. History of the Waldenses. By RevJT Head ley I vol. lSlno. Sunday school edition 31 cts Napoleon and his distinguished Marshals. By Rev J T Headley I vol. l2mo. Illus trated, full cloth SI. Luther and Cromwell. By Rev J T Headley. 1 vol 12mo. Illustrated, full cloth Si Rambles and Sketches. By,liev J T. Head ley 1 vol. 12mo. Illustrated, full cloth I The Power of Beauty. By . Rev .1 T Head ley 1 vol. ISmi). Illustrated, full cloth, 50 cts.; gilt edges, extra, 75 cts. Letters from the Backwoods. and the Adiron dack. By Rev J T Headley 1 vol. l2mo. full cloth 50 cts Biography of the Saviour and his Apostles. With a porltait of each, engraved on steel. With an essay onjhe Character ol the A postles, by Rev JT Headley 1 vol. I2mo 15 engravings. Si; gilt edges, extra, Si 50 The Beauties of Rev. J. T. Headley. With his Life 1 vol. lPmo Illustrated, 50 rts; gilt edges, extra, 75 cts Heroines qf Sacred History. By Mrs Steele Illustrated with splendid engr.nings. 1 vol. 12mo; new, enlarged and revised edi tion SI; gilt edges, extra, $1 50 Thcopncusly, or the Plenary Inspiration of "the Holy Scriptures. By Professor Ganessen of Geneva Translated byJiev E N Kirk. A new and enlarged edition. I vol. !2mo. 410 pages Si Shanty, the Blacksmith. A Tale of Other Times By Mrs Sherwood. 1 vol. iSnio. Illustrated. 50 cts Lily of the Valley. By Mrs Sherwood I vol. l8mo Illustrated, 50 cts. The Shorter Catechism of (he Rev. Assembly of Divines. With Proof thereof out of the Scriptures, in words at length. Per 100, S3 Extracts fhom opixionof the Puess. Sacred Scenes and Characters. By the Rev. .1. T. Headley. This work may very properly he considered a companion to the "Sacred Mountains," by the same author. Its object is to illustrate and render more life-like" the sacred writings. It is not the author's design to supersede the Bible. But his wish is to excite a solicitude to obtain, and to become intimately acquainted and per fectly familiar with its history, doctrines and laws; to know its truth, to imbibe its spirit, feel its power, and partake of its salvation: in a word, to prize in some measure as it de serves, this treasure which is indeed beyond price. We predict for it a circulation far be yond any of the authors former works. The N?ics, January 1th Sacred Scenes Characters. By the R.-v. J. T. Headley, author of the 'Sacrrd Mountains,' &c. This work will add greatly to the repu tation of the author. In literary merit itmore than equals his 'Sacred Mountains.1 Mr. Headley excels in his glowing style and vivid descriptions. His works are a rich treasury of all lhe.sublimity of thought, moving ten derness of passion, anJ vigorous strength of expression, which are to be found in all the languages by which mortals declare their minds. Daily Globe. January bth Rambles and Sketches By Rev J T Head ley. We have not for a long, time sat down to a book with more pleasing anticipations, or found those anticipations more fully, realized, than in the perusal of the work before us, and we know it will be hailed with gratification bv the many admirers of the talented author. His 'Napoleon and his Marshals' was, per haps, as popular, and found at least as many entlr&siastic readers as anv book that can be mentioned. We think the .Rambles & Sketch es are destined to hg,. as popular at least as any of his previously published works. There is not a dull chapter in-the work, filled as it is with 'an infinite variety ' The author has ample room and verge enough for the employ ment of his fine talents to great advantage, and most successfully has he recomplished the task. The biographical sketch of the au thor is interesting and 'well considered,' and add3 much to the value of the book, which is not up in a very neat and attractive style by the publisher. Portland Transcript, Dec. 15 Mr. Headley is one of the most promising' writers of his"country..and we have here one; of his best books one on which he Can safe ly rest his fame. It possesses the unlatigu ing charms of perfect simplicity and truth. There is a graceful frankness pervading the composition, which engages the interest of the reader in the author as well as in the sub ject. His rambles about Rums, Paris and London exhibit a thousand lively traits of an ingenuous nature, upon which a man of taste will delight to linger. We predict for this a sale equal lo that of any of the author's works. New York Ncios. The collection is one of which no author need be ashamed. It consists, indeed, of some of Mr. Ileadley's most brilliant and highly-finished compositions, of those sped mens of his abilities by which he may be judged with the greatest safety to his fame as a word-painter and thinker. -N Y Tribune, December 17, 184!) N B The above books will be forwarded to order, at the prices mentioned, free of post age, to any part of the Unt'ed Slates, on the receipt of orders, with the money. Money may be sent by mail at my risk. JOHN S TAYLOR, Publisher. 113 Nassau si. New York. July 24, 1851 3m' A great variety of Toys on hand and, "for Halc cheap at the- variety store of JOHN 11. Ml'lbiutv. Stroudsburg, May 8, 1'851. Attorney sit Law. cTTnTTTisiiTTT?n. MONROE COUNTY, ;VX. Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc. cupiod by "Win. Davis, Esq. ' - tMay8, 1851. ' BLANK P.EIDD . . , For sale n OfiiQ"o;:w I NlEW .FIRM 71 Northampton Street, Opposite the Easton JBaiik. THE subscribers having entered into a partnership for the purpose of continu ing the Urug and Paint Bustnessat the old stand. of the late Mr. John Dickson, would nirer their stock of Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils. Glass. &c. &c. to old customers of the stand and Physicians and dealers in general. Please call and try us. W.JDICKSON, A N. SAMPLE. Trading under the firm of Dickson 6c Sample. Sole Agents for Wetherill's Pure Ground White Lead. Easton,' July 17, 1851. ly 100 kegs 25 lbs. each, Wetherill's white lead, 50 do 50 do do do 20 do 100 . po do 100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass 75 do 10 by 12 do 50 do 10 bv 14 do- S d0 superior quality, A " 10 bills, of Alum 10 bbta. Copperas 10 bbls. Rosin 4000 lbs. Potash 000 Gallons Linseed Oil 40 bbls. spirits Turpentine 2000 lbs. Potters Red Leail Dye Woods, Madder, Logwood, Fustic, Redwood, Cochineal and Indigo. ALSO superior Furniture, Coach, Black and Japan Varnishes, bv the barrel omallon for sale by DICKSON cj- SAMPLE. Easton, July 17, 1851. ly RsToEircc cones! v, ss. vjx&f The Commonwealth of I'enn J&jwPS. sylvania to the Sheriff of said -'lil County. Greeting: W . I ni 1 . - ly, that is to say, of the term of oeptember, loaO, before our Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, at Stroudsburg, at our said Court then and there held, re covered nnrnillf .Tnlin T, HnfTrP-j ntttninic. trator of the estate of Silas Flower, de ' Jackson township, about four miles from ceased, a certain debt of Seventy-nine dol- j Bartonsville, adjoining lands of Micheal lars and Fifty-four cents, as ais6 Six dol-j Zacherias, J. Possinger, and others. lars and Thirty-five cents, which in our This land is well timbered and will yield said Court wore adjudged to him for his j considerable oak and other bark, damages and costs, which he had sustained ! Tt u i n x bv reason of the detention o tfhat debt.'where i . Sf that a. VPortnmty of the said John L. CafTrey, administrator as 15 oiicred to a man with moderate capital, r. foresaid is convict as appears of record, &c. ' to go into the tanning business. Every Nevertheless execution of the said Judgment ; thing about the works has been got up remains still to be made as wo have received ! very suhstantiallv. Terms reasonable, information from the said James Place ; , JAS. H. WALTON. v hereupon be besought us to provide for tottv "PTYrvPTrR him a proper lemedy in that particular, and j JUILN liUNli, we being willing that those things which are ; Hixecutors of b. Mcyerr dec d- right and just should be done, therefore, we J Juy 1851. command you that by honest and lawful men j " of yourbailiwick you cause lo be made known ! JJ A. Ii JD TV ARE unto the said John L. CafTrey, administrator, n,. -j,, of Silas Flower, deceased, which said John l oods OCCi'5 fetorCy L. CafTrey is intermarried with Amelia, one ! (AT EURKE's OLD STAND,) of the daughters of said deceased, Elizabeth In North Hamilton St., Easton nearly op Flower., widow of said decease.!, and Daniel ( posite the White Horse Tavern. Ostrander and Rachel his wife, Bly Cour- ctry aud Mary his wife, James McKinney and HJIHOMAS T. & DEPUE S. MILLER Keberca his wife, Wilham blower, Depue Flower, Alfred Flower, and Abiaham Flow- 22d day of September next, to show cause why the said Judgment shall . not be made out of the Real Estate of the 1 &aid Silas Flower, deceased, according to the an u: .'sbfinniy in tiuru uusb mauu unu pro vided, and have you then there this writ, and the names of those by whom you shall make it known.. Witness the Honorable Nathaniel B. El dred, Esq. President of our said Court at Stroudsburg. the elerenth day of June, in the vear of our JiOrd one thousand eight hun - dred and fifty-one. M. II. DRE1IER, July 10. 1851. Prothonotun, rst "T tt-& a TTTT 'nin I tiili !r hiU JL LlJOJ b O ST Utt O L vJ? JL JLJ 9 w , ue. ano iegi represeniaiivos oi onas ilc generally, that they have taken the i lower, ueceased, that they be and appear , ab estai;lishment and ofFer for sale a before our Judges at Stroudsburg, at our , , . tt , Conn of nmmn Pinn. ti.Pro to h hPid & wcll selected stock of Hard- the THE undersigned has taken the store- hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas house formerly occupied by Charles , ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls Boys, in Stroudsburg, with the intention of; jmrl cooper cross. Also, a lot of Macke accommodatin the public with a general ' rej & Eickardsou'a celebrated window assortmeiuof fastenings ; Flush Bolts, shuUer Bolts ; DRY GOODS, at Easton Prices, for t , , , ' , , ' , , ' EasQn vaVt plastering and mason's trowels; hammer- comprisiim alt the latest styles and fashions. Jed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels Also, anything in the HARDWARE line, and forks, &c, with a great variety of from a threepenny nail to a saw mill saw. om a threepenny naif to a saw mill saw. OIl(faKEK.Y-WARE of all kinds, cheap, MOOTS & SHOES, CEDAR-WARE,. And the greatest stock of , nDAPTDTPQ i.1 U v Ju iV 1 iJ O j in town. uotiee. tea, sutiars, mo-1 lasses, mackerel, smoked and pick- j Cloths. Prenchblue black, blue,brownr led meat, smoked salmon, shad. cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro codfish, herring, dried peaches, , ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas- cnerries. soap, rice, ivc, o:c, xc. . ,. V , -,, t ii . i 1 Al of which will be sold at very reduced . - . . r. , .. . . prices. Nve leeisattsuea mat an wno cnoosuj to favor us with their custom shall have their , ooods to suit them. If not, we will guaran- tee to return their money. We will have on hand at all times a good assortment of grain, flour, wheat, rye, corn, &c, feed and chop. Lumber of all kinds, butter, egos, honoy and bees-wax, ntg, grain, calf-skins, hides, tallow, shingles, sheep or cattle, and cord wood, taken in exchange for goods. It is out of our line of business to boast or i brag; we let our yoods and prices recommend themselves, and our customers will spread the news. tX Don't forget the first right-hand store as you enter the western end of the town. Get yourselves in tho lino, and stop where you see the liist crowd. Don't get out ol palienrc, our friends; you shall all be waited on when your turn comes. If you only want to see our stock to satis fy yourselves of our goods and prices, all right wo charge nothing forshowing. No dancer of moths, for we cannot keep our goods lung enough on band. JOHN - JOJ I? St rmtdsbjirMjiy 22, 1851. PALMER, SETS chisels Butcher's, Beat- &J ty's and Allen's, with a lot of h. j II. Withurbys extra new stylo to throw j chips. The undersigned takes pleasure ! in calliug tho attention of Mechanics to ' these chisels, which save time and labor. For sale by MILLEll & BROTHER. Eaeton, April 24, 1851; OAPS-rfine gcanted Soapa iorwaafc- inrr and'nhavinga'so the o eearatert shaving cream, for sa a, by or a. VALUABLE TANNERY j AND- jJSJEAL ESTTATEy Late tlie property of Samuel Meyer, dee'd. J Will be sold at public sale at the pub liouse of Jacob Long, in Bartonsviller ;Pocone township, Monroe oounty, on" : Thursday, the 14th day of August nextr ! at 10 o'clock, A. M., a valuable JjsgmUnd about S2 acres of land. Tlio tannery is 75 feet by 58 feet, with an ad dition of 25 ieetj three stories high, con- .itaining4b vats, all as good as now; a 'fmrlr chorl lfi Vv-ir 00 fnnf MM, J- ! i j ' i V Ti V -u j I well and substantially built, and contains .iil neueasury lauiuug ioois anu apparai- us, with one of the best watcr-powef3 in. 'the country. ! On the same property is also a largo- irame well-finished, frame barn, store house, and wagon house. The, land is all improved, and in a high state ot cultivation, adjoining lands of John Edinger and others, in Bartonsville. The above property has many advantages as a tannery ; it is situated on the north and South turnpike, and in a neighbor hood where oak and hemlock bark is" plenty and easily to be had, and will tan (J000 hides per year. No. 2. a tract of woodland adjoining the first, containing ten acresr- more or less. It is handy to the tannery prop erty as a wood lot, and also contains con siderable bark. No. 3, the right to cut, peel, and haul the bark off of 116 acres of woodland in i would respeetiully announce to their old friends in Monroe county and the pub ware, Dry Goods and Groceries, compris- ! inn the following nf) (nv. " Tjnnlro xrif.l, -n.'Viif.o Jirnwrv ' a.)d brag3 ' ot J000 gross Screws, assorted- 200 doz Butts, assorted. 50 " Pulleys, Blakes & Wcstville's manufacture. fiO do Till T,nr.l-c j 5Q0 ane3 the celebrated M. ! , 1 i r tS, , Copeland's make of Planes are amongst this assortment. i 20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and. also the celebrated London spring Saw, i manufactured by H. Disston. Also,Dis- jstons Mill baws tor sawing white pmej circular and cross-cut do.; JLJroadaxcs, ; hardware, too numerous to mention. ; hardware, too numerous to j 'jhe aggortmcnt will compare ! tMs laco in quantifcv nJa with with style and Pil2 1 a i,n oo,mt T.oJ.Vi 1 simeres. large assortment xiaaies n . . . Dress Goods: black silk, black silk warr - - - - - . j y . . lustre, bareges, dclame, lawris plain and fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Bed ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin en plaid; coatings; checks; flannel; hoes ; buttons: thread and silk. A full assort ment of GROCERIES. 10 hhds Molasses. 20 bbls N. O. and. Trinidad Molasses. 5 hhds Sugar. 30 bbls do. white and brown5?. 15 " sperm, whale and lard. Oil. 25 boxes soap. 20 do. candles. 3000 lbs Bacon. 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do- Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young Tlyson Teas. Rice, starch, chocolate, Indi co. Madder, allum, &c. Dried apples, peaches, white beans, &c. 1 00 sacks of Salt. 50 kegs white Lead; window gTsris and putty. 100 kegs nails. IrqrlKia 100 bbls, and half andqr." Mack- crcl. All persons visiting EastawiH flag it greatly to their advantage to call make their purchaseo of Miller & Bcifc-, cr'8 large ad well .select.Mqak Goods. Sold wb!efe3r..rrLRfc: -Burko'a old et?id,. hy - l. Eaton, April 2-1, 13M-f -