Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 31, 1851, Image 2

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Tljarstlay. 3'.ily SB, 1851.
roh riovEitN'Oit :
(of Lancaster.)
Klciard Cltr of Westmoreland,
iv. ?ii!v of Montour.
Hiicorse CIinmS;rK f Franklin.
Wm. HI. 3S'rcliiIi of rlnladelplua.
WiiSiaiis .7!I of Susquehanna.
WiiUi Stale Contra! OoiBiujiitec
m. . .... .1 wn Ci.n Pnnti-ih
) Committee are roqueted to meet in the City I
gof Philadelphia, on Thursday, August 14th. j
rhtisimnortant that every District in the State
hoU be represented Every member
'm iipreroro soucuca 10 oe jiiut;ui-"
i without fail
ill vnt)
XKR Ml DDLES WAltTl I, Chairman.
If July 22, 1851.
. . , ... n m t . will uecause 11 nas reneeu uw u, u
W e understand that -lr. 1. .1. 1 iiatt, win - nr
, . .5 ' ;npak of it as a " humbuf and a failure be
en a School at the Stroudsburg Academy, speaol t as a nun
m Monday, August the fourth. ' Mr. -P. is a
competent and worthy young man, and pa
rents would forfeit nothing in committing to j
Ins lnnds the moral and intellectual culture ,
ifl of their children. Success to lum. '
nv e noucca in one o. ou. ; j
n fi-w days since, a statemct that new bills of,
- 1 r .i..nrwn wrrt-e i
'LflP ficnomiliauon.ui u.c uuw. I
ilpr r
purporting to be on the B,nk of Salisbury ;
Maryland, are bemg put ,n , circulation by .
omc of the wire-workers of Wall street, iSew ,
York. We do not know that any, as yet, ;
hive found their Way to Stroudsburg.
E. O. of O. F. 1
he Grand Lod-o of Pennsylvania ended '
f its by adionrnmcnt on Saturday, 19th your political leaders ! What is the reason
i ......... i-i r r nr
insL It was not determined by the Uranu
1 Igc, as rumored, to prohibit the subordinate 1 ler, voted for Bank charters ! What is the.
Lod wps from associating for the purpose of reason that your candidate for Governor VO
ostablishing a Widows' and Orphans' Asylum,' TED AGAINST INDIVIDUAL LTABILI
m nrjcli needed by the Order. Neither was TY 7 If the principle of individual liability
ihereary motion or resolution adopted during had been incorporated in the Susquehanna
x :c ssiun disapproving of such an institution. 1 Bank, would the community have sustained
The election, held on the first day of the any loss through the imprudence and roguery
session, resulted in the choice of the follow- : of your party friends! Did not your party
rv officers for the ensuing year : M. W. friends control the Susquehanna Bank when
tM., William II. Witte; W. D. G. M., 1 it failed 1 Was individual liability incorpora-
PcttT Fritz ; li. W. G. W., J. B. Nicholson ;
It. W. G. S., William Curtis; P.. W. G. T., '
Knos Morton ; R. W. G. Rep., II. F. An-
1 a. number of Lodges in the State, is43U. "
The increase or members during the past year The Amcricaii Democrat, published in Car-
his b vn about 5000. lisle after Btatin that Polil5cs cannot Pcr"
I feclly control the election of the Judiciary,
Th" Sussex Register, says the business on savs jt wouu not be surprised to find Judge
the Morris Canal is increasing. The receipts ( couit,er receiving a very large and respecta-'-jring
tlie first two wlieks of July, amounted ; i,ie vote at the hands of the'lrue hearted
o 87,912 70, an increase of 955 74 over ; Democracy of Old Cumberland. The fact of.
st year. The .Company have completed all h;s being placed upon the Whig ticket after
t.ielr ascending planes. ! the flattering support lie received in the Dem-
: srr ' ocratic Convention, will do him no injury.
-Ver Postage J-Tlie Post Office De- proof that he is onc of the
jurtnieut has decided that newspapers are en- . . ,
t.tleJ to exchange with magazines.
railroad meetin"- was held at Beau-
n.ont, Luzerne county, on the 2d inst, in fa- responded to by hosts of Democrats through-
vorofa contemplated railroad to connect with out Pennsylvania."
n railroad at the Delaware Water Gap, near j "
i -. .i t i a ! Judges in Easloii.
this place, and with the Lackawanna and
Werit-rn Railroad, at Scranton. They passed J essup, and Campbi:li. have been
resolutions "declaring that the best location ' spending, a few days in our Borough, we pre
fer Paid railroad is, -to commence at the Dela- j sume looking to the political state of affairs in
,,-nr, Vatr Gan. thence nassin? through
Stroudsburg thence up Pocono Creek to the
- a ' v -
Nob of Pocono Mountain, thence up Pocono
Mountain with any grade that may be desired
to the top, thence in a direct line to Lehigh
river, (running a little north of Locust Ridge,)
thence within one mile northeast ot Uear
Lake, thence to the waters of Spring Brook,
down said brook to Scranton."
Terrible Calamiiy Four litres
A telegraphic despatch from Wilkesbarre,
on the 28th inst, gives information of a terri
ble disaster having occurred, on Saturday
night lust, at Brownstown, Bradford county,
iibout twenty miles below Towanda. A shan
ty, used by the contractors and laborers on the
extension of the North Branch Canal, caught
fire, aud Abraham Fisher and his son Henry,
two of the contractors, Mr, Flanagan, a su
perintendent, and Goldsmith, the cook, all per
ished in the flames. Nothing was left of the
building and its contents, and the charred re
mains of Mr. Fisher and his son were brought
down to Wdkesbarre yesterday. The elder
Mr, .Fisher was about forty-eight years of
ao-e, aud leaves a wife and three children liv
ing at Wilkesbarre. The son was a ydung
n crnA nhnllf turnnttr-tlirn TflP fiithnr
had lust reiurneu irom xowanua wun ms es
timates and the funds to pay off the hands,
and this money was probably also consumed.
Thp origin of the fire is not known; but it is
probable that it was caused by lightning,
which might Jiave exploded the stock of.pow
- der on Hand" for blasting. James C. Ilall is
now the only surfing- partner in the firm of
contractors 041 tbis'seption. rf
The . Y. aifd Eric Rail Road-carried du
ring the lufct'Week, frbin Dunkirk eastward,
liim h''rse.-s ODOfJ hogn,n nd 3X0 heap. '
E'ed und iis Ills-
a t a m m m
The JLorofoco papers, in.carrying on their,,
determination to succeedtbisdall by an effort
tew claimins'llmt lo Oov.JShont Uie pcqiio
are indebted for the 'revenue measure called
the Sinking Fund."
JVe would not try to depreciate Gov
Shtink one iota in the estimation of the. citi
zens of the Commonwealth, but we will not
consent that some fhull be deprived of deserv- , The convention then completed its organiza
ed credit in order that the brows of others ' tj0I1) aml appointed a committee on rcsolu-
shall bB undcservedlv dedked with honor.
Govt Shunk had no more-to do with the es- j
tablishment of the Sinking Fund, which has
already paM more d,an HALF A MILLION
of the State Debt, Uian Simon Snyder.. Both .
were in their grave before it was proposed, j
and the friends of neither can claim for tlm
the honor of its sunffestion or adoption. It
was adopted by the Legislature of 1819, a-
1 - .
ireeablv to the recommendation in Gov. John-
stmi's first tnessafre. and was violently opposed ,
by several Locofoco Members of the Legisla-
ture. Jesse Miller, Uov. Simnics aecrciary
i. !;,; ,i nilp,l.tlin
nt ttate. was
scheme with great violence tnrougn uie coi- ,
u,nns 0f ti,c Harrisburg Keystone. Biit all
. n,rn,i n,n B-i,nmp was adonted.
& ninion of the
debt which Locofoco Administrations contrac
ted. It will do more if Gov. Johnston be sus
tained bv the people and those men arc kept
j out of power who oppose the Sinking Fund
cause it did not originate with them.-
T5jc pjM,siUosi atul KuhIis.
Jcssun, because he was once a stockholder
i and director of the Susquehanna Dink. The
Bank was good so long as Judge Jessup had
a w
when the
, .
1 . cninnilnp if mnnnv
anJ lho Qppo.
just lcM0 answer lhc following
.p a1
i nhhorrenee. von Locofo-
w, .
tne reason that a large number of the banks
of this Commonwealth are now controlled by
mat your canumaic ior uovi-iuu., i in. .ui
ted in its charter ? If not, why has your can-
didate for Governor recorded his vole against j
ihdividual liability 1Ib.
I fact that his sanction of such a man as old
: n , rtt , 1 . Ml I
Jf rani: csnunn, is an enuorsemeni inau win ue
old iNortuampton. iney came nere oy mvi-
Nation to attend the Commencement of La
Fayette College. We have no acquaintance
with Mr. Campbell, but we have met Judge
Jessup and believe him to be.iust the charac
ter of man, we want upon the Bench. He
is a man of undoubted legal learning, and
mental discipline, plain and unassuming in
his manners, and strong marks of honesty,
and of determination of character, are clearly
visible in his personal bearing and in his con
versation. He will undoubtedly receive the
vote of the Whigs of this Count' and proba
bly a portion of the Democrats. Easlonian.
E&efiErticd front CaSiforinia.
Mr. John F. Bachman, son of Sheriff Bach
man, and Mr. C. M. Kinsey, returned to Eas
ton from California, on Sunday last, having
been absent from here more than two years.
Their young friends in Easton received them
with warm hands. They have during their
absence endured the perils and dangers of the
"Land of Gold," and we are informed bring
with them home a very satisfactory reward
for their daring and enterprise, in the form of
the " bright material. Both return in good
health. lb.
Wisconsin. A law has passed the Legis
lature of Wisconsin, limiting the rate of in
terest to twelve per cent, per annum, and
prohibiting by severe .penalties the taking of
a larger rate.
Notwithstanding thiT sneers of the English
press at the American contributions fto the
t Great Exhibition-it is staled that the'Amcri-
caij section will, obtain many prizes. Twen-,
ty-thrce medals, haveibeen, already awarded
'to American exhibitors, u
' . . -i;..T-:..!...uMjjiiaa4ti "- --f--S-rr -- .-raja:,, .u...-..VM -:-W"T
Native American souvcmu."".
This bodv met in the Court House, at Har
rfgburg, on the 23d hist, pursuant to public,
notice. Two different persons were proposed
ft, usfcri jJWl.
- . , . i
conded the stond 5m.-c,;...u .
describable confusion followed, which was.
wnen a portion of the convention
,'tions, who' reported a string,
wiiich were
adopted? They reiterate the Native doctrines,
and rdsolve that it is inexpedient to nominate
a Sta,e ticket at this time, beeauso ot !
want of organization of the parly in most of :
the counties of the State. They also rocora-,
med the formation of county, township, and
ward associations; and the Convention stands ; b
adiourned. subject to the call of its officers.
... .. rr-
- Tin ofinmir ittrf. loflrnthnf and nominated
Kimber Cleaver, of Schuylkill for Governor;
a Mr. McDonald, of Armstrong, for Canal
p - mcw - nnrl Dr. R. Coates. of New Jersey,
lor vice ricwuwiu uWu
dient to nominate candidates for Judges of
the Supreme Court.
'FIbc 11 various f Ciiba.
Information has, the National Intclligen.
ccr understands, been received in Washing
ton, that the parties heretofote engaged in
the enterprise against the island of Cuba, have
not yet abandoned their intentions, but threa-
tn hn fltmr -ill rnnnm flip ntt.pmnt a few 1
tun Liiai. mcj in" 1'- j
months hence. It is said that some hundreds
of those who have been engaged for the pur
pose are to besent to Cuba during the sum
mer in small numbers, by dirlerent vessels, as
mechanics seeking employment oirrne island
in their respective professions but who will
secretly provide themselves with arms, and
be prepared in a body to j'oin any armed ex
pedition which may succeed in landing. In
the Shelby (Ky.) News, of the 16th inst., we
also find the following :
" Some half a dozen youths left this coun
try about the 1st of July, who are reported to
be en route to join Lopez and other chiefs in
another marauding expedition against Cuba."
OtrA San Francisco correspondent of the
Newark Advertiser gives quite a glowing ac
count of the commercial and business pros
pects of the leading city of the gold region.
He says that within one month after the great
lire, at least five hundred houses had been e
rected, in addition to a number of very sub
stantial brick buildings. He adds :
. " In a few weeks nearly all traces of the
1 I linttn nirlttw1
1 I
... ... t
having no monev and as tittle credit, will 1
- r . !
iu uiu wily tu iciraii "ui i-i'j ""'" .
our city
t"llt """"""
rt m.v norliani: lm nslrm! U-Imrp t 1ft i
money comes from to rebuild so rapidly after
j so heavy a loss.
j I can only "give my view of the matter:
as a general thing, persons engaged in bus:
- ;
;nntt. in tl,;- nitv,t?nm1ltliniiirh
inc in this city, are not in debt; and althougl
they may be burned oat and lose all, they are
, w , , , . , , ,. .,
ar J' ' " '
free to begin again, and by close application
.,.v. v-Bw. o..M j w.-w
to business can soon accumulate a small cap-.
... . .
;. - , , 1
selves worth thousands, have commenced a-
new, and pehaps at some new occupation,
where personal effort must take the place of
The trial of these miscreants has now reach-
ed its thirty-fifth day at Detroit. It looks as
if it
' ,,..,".. nil T-v
. would last ininy-nve a;ijp more, xne ue
troit papers are full of the evidence but we
do not see that it contains any leading inci-
dent, tearing upon the guilt or innocence
the indicted, that has not already been giv
to the public.
OrTwo elders or preachers of the Society
of Friends, Eli and Sybel Jones have left for
Liberia, and other parts of Africa, being the
first American Quakers who have ever visi-
ted that country for the purpose of preaching
peace love and good will
peace, love, and good will.
Can Bi:at It. A Mrs. Philips, liv
ing near Vandalia, Indiana, had twin children
about eighteen months since, and about three
weeks since gave birth to five more all alive
and kicking.
Elephants. Elephants are said to live
generally to 'the age of two or three hundred
years. The well known elephant Columbus,
attached to Raymond's menagerie is suppused
to be upward of one hundred 3Fears old ; in
deed, his age can be regularly traced back as
far as the year 1701, at which time he was
carried from Bengal to England.
Death from a Bee .Sting.
An intelligent lad, about 5 years of age,
the son ofD. P. Williams, died week before
last near Vincentown, Burlington Co., N. J.
from the effect of a sting by a bee. He waB
stung in the bottom of the foot, causing great
pain, and inducing a swelling of the leg, ac
companied with inflammation. The swelling
and inflammation extended to his body, and
.death in a few days supervened.
Clinton: Receipt.
The following is a statement of revenues
received at the principal ports for the- year
ending June 30," 1851 :
New York,
' Baltimore.
, New &$foX.
( n uF u u. - Yeree f j cd on the opposite side of the river. p aid heavy burthens on the peopie ,
nml iint a ston to it. juiuls i . vtm-v, ui i ' - t...
r 4 Another portion was seen uy vuaiU. -no worK on istrms, aim , MrHl-no
Philadelphia, was finally placed m me cnair, .. . f , ;
n lias nerfected measures to 1 o
Tr'!e"lJoMl Storm aisu
Hokcsdalc; Pa. .TulyOlh. Laat evening
r village was visited; with a very violent
JL Lin-inipl W..n.tprrifif. whirlwind. '
cinrm. n l.luui mif j - - - -
. . .i-We Owellbi boon
"""fc .... ...
300 feet high f and nearly two miles distant ,
fionTthe house! A large quantity ot tiie ,
bricks were scattered oyer the fields, alon i
the tractc oi tne wmriwiuu. i
t!)se at th'e ,;me lll0 wM slrock it, a,,d
fortunltely escaped unliurt. A largo itiant.-
ty f ?ss was broken by the hall, and he
crops ... all dir ec a re leveH wUh the ,
.Arr West's damaffo is estimated ut S2.000.
Cir o-.-.
Chkap PpsTAoi:. In Cincinnati, the result
often days experience proves an increase in 1
the business of the Post Oflice of fifty per
uu u - -
cent. There is a general disposiuon among
the business men to adopt the custom of pre-
payment in all cases, and where an answer is
expected to enclose a stamp.
Singular Disease.
The Annapolis correspondent of the Balti
more Sun, gives the following account of a
fatal disease which has appeared in that vi
cinity :
A disease is now raging in the county 01
Anne Arundel, between South and West riv- .
- . j
ers, which has proved to be as fatal as the
cholera. The early stage of it is marked by '
an eruption of the skin, a swelling of the ;
muscle of the throat, partaking of the char- j
acter of scarlet fever jn ehildnm ; and attcn-
dedaPParently,withveryslightfeve, There
is nothing alarming in this stage of ii, which
continues for three or four days, when sud
denly it fixes itself upon the vitals with a vio
lence and fatality which are arrested by noth
ing that has, as yet been tried. Dr. J. II.
Sellman, a physician of a very highly valued
professional reputation, in extensive practice,
and a citizen of the county beloved by all who
knew him, fell, most undxpectedly, a victim
to the disease. He leaves a widow and sev
en children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Several of his brother's servants, whom he
had attended, had died with this disease, and
from whom it is said he thought he had ta
ken it.
Or The Allegheny Enterprise tells of a
singular occurrence which took place a day
or two since, at the house of Mr. Conlin, on
the Franklin Road, about 14 miles out.
TTiiinrr nrlrl ni rrontnfi linnoin PP. PtltPrPfl tllB
, . c , j 1
nouse wun an inmni 111 ner iiruis, uuu usucu
n . 1 r .1
for a. drink, upon which Mrs. C. started for the
ennrr fnr f.-psi, wntpr. lpnvintr nn infant nf ,
10 :
j her own in the cradle. On her return, the
i' it WTcct i nnruon or wnicn was ue josu- , , nn- n i that acou
withdrew. ! ciwzeiib u,u u, ... ------ " xw ,,,n frv Section 11-
t xtrinfl' nCPr " irVinir OUll Wlliun la uiuiv, i.""" uaivv- uu mi
Thnt Join SlrOllU. alter UlC W ai Willi
, -.. ,7i r.. 1 u
had very mysteriously departed,
I and in about an hour afterwards, she discov-
ered, to her horror and surprise, that her own
' 1 '
..... -I . , . ,1
"""" " -
JU1L 111 1U5 IIIUUU.
l .i i -i.i iri : i at4i i,-.
iNothing has
i been heard from them since.
j t
anoxufr Step The Supreme -Court of
I oiiii. iiie oujifmo uuuu ui
"iiinunuueua. 1U1B
. of aw cstablished by a Conimon Plca8 Court
j fn the game Stae that a ,llIsband cannot be
j mucted in exemplary damages for slander
by his wife, though he must foot the bill to
J 0
' thc amount of actual damages proven. Phis
is anotl,er V0,T larS ail(3ltion to feminine lib:
1 crty ol sPeech. ,
y,,,. n,, ,v,T,nmn
1 Banfror (Me ) statcg t)at the c'it
.. 0 j, iastb ore 0f tb
1 marshal, on Friday last, by order of the Po-
ofi,. , . r . e
lice Court, rolled out from the basement of
,-en , . ' , . ,
t.iC wi nun, ... v.uotvo u. i"uui aciu ..- cesslble to our citizens. The Central within this commonwealth, shall for eve
; der the new liquor law, and destroyed the li- Railroad of New Jersey will be finished rv such offence forfeit and rjav the sum
quor by turning it into the gutter. The emp-
! Casks were tlien safcly returned to their
1 owners.
The Horselbalaiv the Elepfcaat.
A very remarkable case of the effects of
ra, occurred m Franklin a short tune since.
A horse belonging to Mr. Joseph Palmer was
grazing m the yard near the fence, when the
elephants belonging to the Menagerie recent-
ly in this city, were passing along. The
horse did not observe them till they were
quite close to him, when looking up and see-
intr the huge animals, he started back in a
fright, ran to the opposite side of thc yard,
stood for a moment quivering, then dropped
owuu iui ti iiiuuiviii. uuivtw ui", itmii uiuu jlu
dead. He was literally frightened to de th.
1 Z
The suits brought against New York and
Massachusetts, by merchants in New York
1 TJ., t 1 1, I 1 .-
, . . , r ' ,
emigrants, have been carried by Mr. Web-
ster for the claimants. A bill passed the New
York Legislature, at its recent session, to re-
fund two hundred and odd thousand dollars of
head money paid by ship owners. Mr. Web
ster's commissions on these suits, and others
of a similar nature, are stated to reach the
enormous sum of 70,000.
Progress on the Eric, Canal. Up to the
15th July, inst., the tolls collected exceed-the
amount collected7 up to. the same day in July,
1850, in the sum of 237,000; and this, with
a reduction of 25 per cent, on flour, and a
corresponding reduction on other articles!
J5In Ireland, with a ..nonnlnfcion . of
between six and..s.pven..raillions, there are,
i ? v --a ; :--"
only abojit 1,0300 . thathav,u-. the right
. - -
to vote.
The party who have for so many jjg&w .j
counted and kept P-"1
f are now verv.anxious to et back into
alc 110" ny,.'"1 - o .kJTp
rri a -i n rnrrv 11 niuii 'Ui v
SSSta tSmd them
"-"- ZSZl 3,K,. and
OUt UltU !"Ub 111 , '. . "
to ooordnye thevotcrs C?
i - - i .
" f 0 - fl(.rfllft;nfed
the people shall be made acquainteu
witll omo oftlieir tricks rhile . in pow- '
And we shall, therefore, occasison-,
S'jLtTkp tak i. deep !
p r a
lestions of their party ad-'
np questions o t y
fi. will exneet answers, and what
ww J 1 r
,nvp t,llf,v will have answers plain,
;i:rtj. enfJof.w.fArr nnswers.
Jfirst then, we wish the voters to un-,
derstand, that for many years the Clerk
hire iu the State Department has been
.w. iU -7- . a
tnree tnousana uouara. 1
UUUJUtlA ww4iv I
to the Chief Clerl, 81000 : to a lcon,
inir Clerk, S7UU; to two otner oieih.a, cav.11
8050 per year. The duty of the Ilccord-
in Clerk was to record the Laws passed
ateach session. The other Clerks per-
formed the current business of the offiice,
prepared the laws for the printers, &c,
L Evcrv rear these clerks were ap-
J - -- 1
. . 1 . 't ' ii 1. i rnnr
) ,1 fLoir .nlnvies out of the State
, ' m. T. tnr,1r iuq i.ft the mon-
'r,n the noonle know that they did
uy. XJV but; pi;uiu mwii ui..w j
d the uorl If they do not we can
;nform them that when Gov. Johnston
camc rnto office, the laws of 1841-'2-'3-
M-5-G-'7-'8-eight years-WERE UN-
RECORDED. Each year a Clerk had
been paid forthat -k ut iwas left
UllUUlltJ. J.' i. I JJ
HUNDRED DOLLARS were plundered
from the Tax payers under the color of
a Clerkship. This is a stubom fact:
The -encral appropriation bill of 1850
and 1851, show that the Legislature have
authorized the employment of oilier dcrl
to do this very work which Locofoco Clerics
were paid to do years azo. Whatman
has the hardihood to deny- this!
Answer us, ye advocates of the by-gone
administrations! How came this about?
Why were these Clerks allowed to pock-
et this money of the tax-payers, and to
leave the work to be paid for again?
Why did your State-officers stand by and this constructive theft? The peo-
'ple want to know before they will give
you the power again.
' t-it i frl -.lI t-,n.
we nave a "iew more ((UMuuna ui tue
That JOIin oironm, auer uie uuj wjui
Me40 had been sanctioned by Congress, vo-
ted for every appropriation for the support of
' the Army and Navy.
fP bcf'c that John Strohm
taA n mnrnnco thp nnTT nf Snlfl inrs PnfTf! cTPfi
IUW.U t-V llll.ll.U'.x f"J G O
n that war, and tliat tne Locoioco memoers
Vnfpd n.rrainst such increase.
. . , -
Keep il before the People, that John Strohm
j voted to appropriate money iur me it.-iit.-j ui
such sick and wounded soldiers as were una-
..... - -.r -.i
lor the renej 01
ble to return to their homes from Mexico, and
Locofoco members voted a "ainst the prop-
nCOtOC mCmUeiS a P
( Kccpi. before tke People, that John Strohm,
although opposed to the way in which the
1 war was Urooght an, voted to pay well and
treat well the poor soldiers who bore the brunt
. of the contestj whilst the Locofocos who
. causal the war, voted against bettering the
, conuition or tnese csoiuiers.
Delaware Water Cap.
A friend who has just returned from a
pleasant excursion to the Delaware Wa-
! n . . .. ,
ter Gap, tells us that this romantic spot
orirt tn x.a .i xi,.
is soon to be made very conveniently ac-
next summer as far as Easton. At this
point it will be intersected by a road ex-
tending northward from Trenton along
the Jeiey side of the Delaware, by which
1 mcaDS lf velerfs 1 convoyed with
ease "d Cf0mfort tl , -im
more direc access from New York w,ll be
, M is t m t tU Erj Railroad at
the great bend of the Susquehanna, shall
be completed across New Jersey and
Pennsylvania. This line is to pass direct-
ly through the Water Gap of tho Dela-
' ware. The scenery of this lovely spot
lia3 tecu frequently descrbied by tour-
' i?ts- "Wanting perhaps, some of those el-
: omenta of beauty which distinguish our
. fa ' l"V . MVl
, .1 1 , ... . ., -
! "loFilnf TlZ 10
a C0XlV of miles a succession of pictur-
i ii ni'iivrnn incu nrnennre tti rinn i.-r-- -
(?(iuc views In y rpeatsunequalodin
f the country- &vctanSc.
I rnuammeskc n wins Oistdone:-
The Lcgrance Reverter of rh 17th
I inst, says:
On the 3d inst., a servant woman
.longing to Mr. II. A. T. Ridley gave
hit-tli -n n I.:i li c . i
d ine?hpn i Tm tW PCrff S
It hai fv l ?fdi n 01! T
It has two breast bones and two spines,
and it is supposed, from external indica-
t on, two sets of digestive organs. In oth-
f r respects it docs not seem to be different
from other children. The legs and arms
arc perlect, and, excepting the parts a-
hove mentioned as double, there appears
no-deformi ty w fever The most sur-
prising part ot the whole affair ,s hat the
mother is aAvc and doing well, athough
i , . , -, , .. P. c,
the child weighed at its birth eleven and
La half pounds r.-
. i -
u. " -; -;fiir:
pay the Pftnge.?mlett.r4iml,,
5 is now a rn
uie oi common poiitenesi, w'tncli no
J ' 1 - . - T '
t 1 - n -i
crirf " r MOM TTf Will TJllL in Ulie v N.mWnfH Hnllii-c fluff thft SAniO
A , time, and we shall not rest satisfied until sha not be sold, but sufferd to remain
they are answered. Harrisburg Amen- f0T use 0f tj,e widow and family, and
( can.
one should disregard.
Genera! Laws.
Qnj,anjhemination of the "Laws of a
u gneraSture, pass(
Legislature 1851, and publi
e i J"
passed by the
published by
flm SiAMfnr f flm nnmrnorfwealth. wp.
find ver octments of some impor-
wwvi t- liai tiiu w w 1
,., ., .1. A. !.,.
7 " t"""'"" i
our readers:
coyuhicl at Political and Social
That the provisions of the
.'T ir vui'i him ifi .ill ill .1 u l t ii rm t ii
to restradirW:
duet at religious meetings, be, and the
same are hereby extended to political
ana social meetings.
- . .
An 19 Thnf. finv mstlfift nf tlio.
peace or alderma shall have power to
son t0 act a3 constable in
case of the absence of the proper officer,
of said act.
The 4th section of the act of 14th
jNIarch. 13 as follows:
That Irom and. atter uie poaaago vi
this act, if any person or persons shall
be guilty 01 aiscurmng any
ant.Vnr ninetin assembled for the nur-
f - - . i If
iuc . ',.'
pertaining to reigious worship; or, if any
K K-v miifrnl nnnnni-.
person or persons amu 6u,
aging, aiding or m any way countenancing
any such disturbance, cm conviction there -
of before any judge, justice of the peace
or alderman of the proper city or county
whflrftm tin onence si mix uu uoiumuwu,
shall pay atfne of not less than five dollars
nor more than hlty dollars, ana costs,
at the discretion of the judge, justice or
- . -
alderman trying the same, lor the use ot
tne city, townsmp ui ug"
the offence shall be conimited. it any
person or persons ed
disturbing any rn S"d'J
i x -m ... ll
be the duty of the judge, justice or alder-
man trying the same, to make out a
mittimus, directed to any constable in the
county wherein such offence shall be
committed, committing the person or
persons so offending to the jail of the
proper county; and it is hereby made
the duty of the person having charge of
such jail, to receive and keep such person
or persons in close confinement till .he
amount of the fine and costs are fully
f aid and discharged.
Exemption in favor of Widows and Chil$.
: dren.
. gEQ 5, That hereafter, the widow of
tic children of any decedent dying with-
jn tai3 commonwealth, testate or intestate
inay retain either real or personal prop-
- . . .1 .. 1 . il. . 1
ertv belonging to said estate tome vaiue
it shall be the dutv of the executor- or ad-
ministrator of such decedent to have the
said nroncrtv affirmed m the same man-
- . , , . . j.i.
- . - - . , , - r.nA
?r as is provided inthe act passed the
ninin aaj oi pru, v, tm,UCu
. Act to exemp property to tne value oi
three hundred dollars from levey and
cilp nn nroon inn nnri rilufrftM Tor Tfint'.
0I1 V.WUUWVU ....v.
Provided. That this section Stoail not
nftnpf nr lm-nnir nnv ISpnq fnr the. nurchase
f , , . . d the gaid
, ,
, "hpinp- signed and cer-
appraisment, upon Den g -
fifiprl hv fli annr.nsnrs and annroved DV
tmed oy uie appraisers aim appro u u.
the Urphan's Court, snail be med among
the reCords thereof,
Protection of Fences.
! g 2 Th-tjf-nvT)er30nori)eraons
and' aftcr'the passage of this act',
irom auu aiin iut pos u U1 , V
shall maliciously or voluntarily break
down any post and rail or other fence
; put up ior enclosure 01 lanas, ana carry
1 away, oreaK, or destroy any pobt, run,
or other material of which such fence
as built, -within this commonwealth, eve-
ry person or peasons so offending, and
y . r , l'""" ov 6
being legally thereof convicted before
. ,P J P
any justice of the peace or alderman,
often dollars, one-half thereof to be
paid to the informer, and the other half
to the support of the poor of such county,
township, borough, or ward where the
offence has been committed, togther with
StS f Prosecut,on and m the default of
payment, such person or persons shall bo
.J an An nA OR
days for the second: Frovided, That
either of the parties shall have the right
0f appeal the- samo as in civil cases,
' fiThe Odd 'Fclloxc) published at
Boonsboro', Md., says that there is a so-
ciety in Baltimore called "Tho Balanco
of Power." Their object is to keep a watch
V over ine two political parties ana&cu
.x - i i i 11 . i ,i . M xM
x x
V' V
his own sentiments. They cclc
cording to
celebrated tho
4th of July.
' .
Gave it Up.
An old toper who had been patronizing
oncdrinking house for the last eight years,
gave this as his reason for joining the
" Z ' i "3.: Ywu V, -j Z
ons ot lemperauco in the presence of
atioix uuxouxio. jiuuiu, ssiu uci
tinS to the saloon, "is a drinking- eStab,
lishracnt that 1 "ive been trying to drink
oufc for thegc j . . a d findi
itim iWe Bava concluded to withdraw
f h fl ,J d Q MiflM
1 f
; Postage StampsA " correspondent
of tho Philadelphia Ledger say? that the
reason why the postage stamps will not
alick j that poOMbwi J & portion
0f the gum in wotting them upon their
rtT,A t ? i a v. ipf-ai
tongue, whon they should wet the letter
j i it: J ,i .
-,i auu "rt tuu iaw? 'uu- luu
WgABK tjs sjhas Uisposca
io uis iuuseu
m in Philadelphia to Spoon.'
' cr of New Tork..