Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 17, 1851, Image 4

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A LL persons indebted, to tnVfirrii of
Stogdell Stokes & Son, "by note, book j
account,r otherwise, are requested to
make immediate payinent. All accounts (
which are not settled soon, -will be col
looted by legal process. J
S. & J. X. STOKES, t
Stroudsburg, April 24, lb51.
mi ackos'ol.
HEiad, CodJi!i,
2 errs is;;, 5ork,
tlauis and &tilc,
Lard :tj&tl Cheese,
Fcbniiirr 27. IS51.
I Constantly on
hand for snle by
t if ' . ! r
luana-i si. nan,
Dr. S. I
The most Woiiiiirrhl. 3IeIirinc of the Age
1,500,000 BOTTLES
TJUs Ulcilleltie la ;i:t up In Q.unvt Uottlc
nitil )txj cured more lU.ti
100,000 Cases of Ohronic Disease,
wltl.lti the Infct Ten Yean None Is Cnmlne
unUs fcj-ncil Oy ii. 1. TOW.VSESU.
I5V UK A DING t;ik FOLLOWING affidavit
t f l'iil'licuitt laoi-n tlic oiigin, orxatlicr ulieicllie
r ., r for. making the flull tl.ey cnll Old I)r Jacob
'i'ovn'ond" Srajvn iHa. cam frin antl will be able
to which is tlta genuine and nrigiiidl, and of the
I: ti of the men u ho aio enijiloyoa in selling it as
. ill Or. TimnsenJ's Sarssjmrilla. Dr. S. P.
a - u n oi.J ws llic original ltitiprietorand inventor of
iVn-ncnd's Sanjril!a. ami lii? medicine has
f, u icrUuion.tUet ii.ioUicr remedy ever gained.
.e .ufacturcd oicronc million of bottles last year,
is inanuftitmiag st nnent S.Of O bottles per day.
. us mora tsumaj ariiiA end Yellow Dock in our
c io. ;. luueiit each , than all the oilier Sarsaparilla
.T-. i.ur.ciurcrs in the v.orld. Principal Oflicc, 126
'"""read the affidavit.
Ci'if and County of XcwYoik, ss.
W.lliam Armiitronic, of the said City, being duly
. - in, ,lrth lcnoc and say that he is a practical
I' v : "i-t and ChemwL That fome time in the latter
j ... I May, or lint of June, 1318, a man by the name
i ; j.i nb Towtuemi, who at that time was a book and
4 , -v; 'i t 44dler, c!lcl Uon deponent, at the house
c i. liiompon, No Hudson-street, where depo
.1 Ji -tided, and requested deponent to write him a
rvi; by wliich ta make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
: v ' - it farther sax th it he became acquainlcJ
, i. ! l Hwawnd t the office of Theodore Foster,
K i , ).r k PbU-bcr, with whom said Townsend
i.L j i.ut said 1 mend bed had ficquent convcrsa
t i i h dfHBcnt recj-ecting the manufacture of an
riartaparilla t he sold under the name of Dr.
1 1 said Towond staiod he was an old man, and
I cilffix not fit fcr hard Inbor and wished to
t , a. -orne mcy, in ordur to lire easy in his old
, . I i!mt,if &iatiMilla unfertile naineof Town-
. . .1 so well, ami so much money was made by
i . ulJ see no reawn why he might not make
t . . -ir out of it lio, (his name being Townsend,)
. i ...i) I get a capable j -arson to iropare a recipe,
s ii a . i.actare h fir liim. Deponent in one of the
r : tttoas asked said Towr.saad if he wts related
t ' t. P. Townse-l, to which he replied, that he
kn' i t S. P. Tow ikv-nd wopld lw down on liim after
1 ? v.,iulJ commence. Hut that be did not care for
5 he had farmed a co-partnership with men who
r . f crntsli the reowisite amount of capital and Was
i . . - "pareri to dqfenJ himtelf against any attack
t .'e laade tta hisi.
.' ie:.t further .yx.lhat pursuant to the request
till Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe for the
. .. : ire of a Syrup of Sursaparilln, and gave it to
1 i uid Tow-mend obsrrrcd that he wanted to
... a i.cciiaen to exhibit to his iartncrs for their a wishel'to gratifv them in every thing,
r , r farukUcd all the capstnl said Townsend also
? : ' j.inent that the bouics they were to use were
t c "l Uie same aiic and shape as Dr. S. P. Town
i.- flu l deotneiit. at the request of said Jacob
i.-. "nd, '.vent to the nfj-e of Or S. P. Townsend,
v. ;ukJ one of lU iHbcls.
i.Aij deponent rnrthcr says, that he has been inform.
- d vcisly belicres the'Syitip of Saiaparllla, sold
s Mi Jacob Towiuend's, is made after the recipe fur
i . -1 by deponent, to Jacol' Townsend, as aforesaid.
A i;fl further deponent Flth not
Sworn to before nw, this 2!th dav of Mav, 1849.
Mayor of the City of Tfcw York.
PflOOF!! PROOF!!!-
' f is firottf ooswlusite that Dr. S. P. Townsend'i
. -ilia is the orifjinal. Th' following is from
i; cm tha-noat rccpectablc tapers in this State.
Jfew Tos If Dnlly TrlUwne.
- AVe publkhed n od titisement inadvertently
i t;mc mic that did inju--'ice to Dr. S. P. Town.
ft ho is ibe original pinpneWof the preparation
: .'mparilla known as lr. Townscni'fi. Oiiicr
j .1 os have within the pet lew months engaged or
t rtcd tl:entscles wjlh a i:an by the name of
"J w uend who juit up a medicine and'calls it by the
s. no name. This medicine was adicrtised in 7V,i
I'M-nr as the original, i;c. This advertisement aire
C" ..r.J ir.aitar ierngatoiv to lhc cliaracter of Dr
f . ii unsend and that of Lis zncdiciuc. We regret
'jt ; ntnred, and in justice to the Dr. miiko this ex
.-..a -.on.
ynr YsirJc Daily Sni.
''. Towns;sds exliaordinary advoitif ementwhich
p'v-t;, les an entiso page of the Su, will not escape
r :.. Dr. S V. 1 cwiKond, who is the original pro
1 :n-u-r of Ir. TiwnscndE Fatmparilla, and whose of
!' jf neit deor to ouis, where he has been for sevcr
e: t-r, h driving an inimeiiFe tiutineas. He receives
fi i"i;-6B thaB four hundieti of Sarsajiarilla per
i . ;. aru et on Uii csiorsiKHiS quantity docs not supply
t .e acmanL Ko mcaicinc ever gained so great a
j.. nlanty as liis preparation of the Saraparilla- His
.i-un of Almanacs for 1W9 cost f 22,000, and he jwil the JVew lork Sus for advertising, in the
Jj;,t fur years, mer finnyo, and he acknowledges
t .at it is the cheapett advertising be has had done.
i.TOliciiH; is exported to the Canailas, AVcst In.
Couth America and Knrope, in considerable
q .. ntities, and is coming into geneial use la thoso
ccuntries, as well as here.
i. ml swindles the customers. Men that would be
; j,iy of sueh an act, would ciynmlt any other fraud
an i no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
taut ours is the only genuine.
Old TncJb Toivnscnd.
pnp-e peof le who ore not well informed, and have
r-'t lead the jiepeis, and not seen ouradveitisenents,
have oeon Jud to suposc that becatito these men ad.
i u,c their &Uiff as Old Jacob Townscnds," that it
r. u-t, f couisc, be the original It is less than one
year since they commencod to make their medicine.
Lars Las becnin the market over ion years.
Tills OIl .Tncoi) TowiigeniX
Tl-py aie endeavoring to prJm off on the public as
nr. nU Physician, &c. ile is not a regular educated
f hj CiCittt). and never attempted to manufacture a med
ui.til these men hired him for the use of his
ik.uic. They say they do not wish the people to be
'.,ne that their iianapaiilla is our;, or the same but
tue better to deceive the public, they at the same time
mm -. t that their' is the Old Dr Townsend's, and the
iigiaalj and endeaor to make the people believe
that the ituirthey manufacture, is the Dr. J'ownscud'
&!iraparilla, that has peifonned 40 many wonderful
cures for the past ten years, and which has gained a
icpuution which no other medicine ever enjoyed
v-I.ich is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood.
c. have commenced suits against these men for
damages. We wish jl to be undoitcod,tliat the old roan
l- no i elation to Dr. Townsend w hatcver. In their ad
vt!i1iscrnciils and circuloin, they pulilish a number of
);.xu lnlsclifods ipupecling Dr. Townsend, which we not notio-
Falae Kcpoi-s.
Our opponents jiai c published in the papers,, that
Dr P P. Uovvntcnd was dead. This they send to their
i;-nts alumt llie cdiinlry, who icport that c have
-V en up business, &c.-&c. The public should Jie on' jruaiJ, and not be deceived by these unpnnci
j led men-
j.'ofief of Iltrjoval. Attcr tbj first cf September
194'.'. Dr. S. P. ToVnst-nd's T.'cw York Ollice will be
tJi6 Soutli DptUt Church, No. 6i NassoU'Strcet,
v.i h yndergoiug a thorough change, and
will be jUtcd for the better accommodation of the pro
frirtonranfl the '-public.
Take juntictiler Hviice. o J5arapariJIa is the
grcuu.iic aad original Dr. Townseua's Sarsaparilla, un
leiigned by b. P. Towiuend.
Acrsts r-Rcddios St. Co.Ko. 8 Statc-tltect, and
Mtn. K. Kidder, "No. J00 CourC-treet, Boilon ; Samuel
l-.idaer, Jr, Lowell j Henry Palt. Salem; James B.
Grew, 'TYorceqier,; Allison St Oault, Concord; J.
P-olcht.cai, providence j .and, by tyrjggUts ajjd.Merr
chants generally throughout lhc Unitcdftates,'"V7et
Indies and the Cacadas. -ISfPtr'' . ' fr
fresh sppj1 ofJihe aWve Jf6r?sal at this
Mj S, i 83 1 .? , -' '
. - 3tn.
i i - k. r ( k.
Pniggists anu others that wll Sarsaparilla for the
I'cnuii.c and original Dr. Toivntend's Sarsaparilla,
t. al is not cneii by 5. P. Townsend. commits a fraud.
r. V. m. Swarze,
A Graduate of lhc Baltimore College oj
Denial Surgery,
mESPEOTFULLY informs his friends
in Stroudsburg and the public gen
erally, that he has permanently located
in Easton7 -where he will be happy to see
all who may wish his professional servi
ces. The attention of physicians, as well as
the public generally, is called to his Den
tal inn
of poor
is fi. i. :u iA I
rations, iiorausuuujio wiu winiiiK'y pur-
luuuiio. or .
form my now ui-operation upon mm (
teeth; or treat all diseases of the gums or
mouth in the most caretul ana ellcctuai
manner gratuitously.
From the pains he has taken to quali-!
J 1
fy himself by study
. and from the skill
I . I
acquired from a practice, ot seven years,
he hopes to merit the confidence of all
and receive a share of public patronage.
2r"Grratuitous operations for the poor,
from 7 to 9 A. M., and from 4 to G o'clock,
P. M. "
Office in Northampton street, second
door above Peter Pomp's New Drug Store.
N. B. His professional engagements
will not 2ossibly admit of his visiting
Stroudsburg this summer.
Easton, April 24, 151 . , .
Iron :sEid SSrass Fosa2ads'5r.
The subscribers take this method to
inform the public general, and millera
and farmers especially, that they have
taken the above establishment, in the
rear of Starbird & Wallace's store, in the
borough of Stroudsbiisg, and having in
creased the machinery of the establish
ment, they are prepared to execufe all or
ders in their line of business, in the best
manner and with despatch, and therefore
respectfully solicit the patronage of the
public. They will manufacture cast and
wrought iron work of all descriptions, in
cluding for flour and other mills, mill swrews,
bark and corn mills, together with cast
ings of every description turned and fit
ted up in the best possible manner. As
particular care will be taken to employ
none but the best workmen, and no pains
will be spared, they feel confident of be-ino-
able to cive general satisfaction. Al
so made to order.
brasr castings
such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon
Boxes, &c, will be mado to order. Old
copper and Brass taken in exchange at
the highest price. Patterns made to or
der. Threshing machines and Horse Towers
of the most approved construction, will
be furnished to order at the shortest no
(SI Tri fi c Tfl 'E3
of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves
Sec, on hand or made to order, for sale
wholesale or retail.
of the most approved plan will be kept on
hand, and every variety of plow castings
on 'hand and for sale.
JTT3 Wrought iron mill work will be
done on the most reasonable terms. "The
best kind of sled shoes and polished wa
gon boxes and hollow ware will always
be kept on hand.
Stroudsburg, November 28, 1S50.
The testimony in its favor is over
whe'ming. The proprietors are dai y in ;
. At.. 1 ,... '
receipt oi letters anu certimcates, going
to prove its remarkab'e efficiency to all
cases of worms, both in chi'dren and a
du ts. The re'ief given, and the immedi
ate improvement of health which follows
its use, has ca"ed the attention of physi
cians to this artie'e, and they freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
The retail price is 25 cents per vial ichich ;
brings it within, the means of all. j
Brooldyn, L.I. January 10, 1847. j
I do certify that I gave one bottle of
B. A.Fahnestock's Virmifuge tomy child,
and in seAen hours it passed 23 large
worms. Any person doubting this may
apply ior lurther lniocniation at my resi
dence corner of York and J acksou st's.
james McCaffrey
Pougldccejisic, N. Y. March 2, 1844
I certifv. that I took two vials of B. A. i
Fahnestock's Virmifuge, which I foimd !
to be the greatest cure tor worms 1 have j
ever used. I have been troubled with '
tape worms for a number of years, 'and I
have never found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fanestock's Virmifuge. I there
fore recommend it. ,
The public is cautioned against 'ebun
tarfeits and spurious articles, and to put
no confidence in statements that Kolm
etock's and 'S. .Fahnestock's, Virmifuge
are the same or as good as the only gen
uine article, which is B' A. Fahnestock's
Vermifuge. ' " "
East on & iflilford Mail Lane,
Passengers in this fine stt cave Jo
seph Hagcnbuch's Inn, sign of the
" Back Horse," .Easton, every juonuay,
TWnwnrnAV.ito.r fnn.Diitotsburff.Strouds-1
7 .
-Col,!,: orl TiJiifriimii's TTnrrv nnrl
.-r!TuTl" iiLT R,,.n offir0 for .he Maurh Chink,
" 'ZrZi '
ou mues. returning, eavu oumuw im-.
mick's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday,
mi -i 1 . .1
J-hursttay ana oacuiuay,
n , I n.i.rrv I,,1
- uasion uie aiuiie uuy.
Tl P. l-.-.A i Ct.n
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, 81 25 .
N. B. All basgasje at the risk of Hie ,
Stroudsburg, May 8 1851. ,
iflHii-al Fire .Eiisair:t:sce Co tup's'.
rBlhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
c iaio ui iu ui i. r
the thousand cloaZrs insured, alter,
tuiuuiu IUI JUll "IIM" ,..v -
which payment no subsequent tax wilt j enjranns 0f ti,c most Illustrious Women of
be evied, except to cover actual oss or tjie Hi bltT, wiiii descriptive sketrhes of each:
damage by fire, that may fa upon mem- The Subsrihcr begs to rail ihe attention of
bers of the company. the Ladies to this woik, and as an induce-
The nett profits arising from, interest ment to sucscripiions (instead "fjhe usual
. 1 .)n . i 7. ronmiission allowed to agents,; lie will lor-
or otherwise, will be ascertained yeary, j winhifrec of plagetn each 8ub.
for which each member in proportion to j Sf.rihl.r wllo ajay Sm t ti,e )fiice of puhli
his, her, or their deposit, will have a j calonj (,ne dollsr; seven copies for live dul-
credit in the company. Each insurer in
or with the said company wilt be a mem
bcr thereof during the term of his or her
poicy. The principe of Mutual Insur- j
lance has been thorouffhy tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successiui and be
come very popuar. It affords the great
est security' against oss or damage by
j fire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms
Applications for Insurance to be made !
in person, or by letters addressed to
Jacob G oetz Michael H. Dreher
John Edinger
James II. Walton
Edward Poston
Robert Boys
Jacob Frederick
George B. Keller
Peter Shaw
John Miller
Ptichard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker.
Balsar Fetherman.
JACOB GOETZ, President.
JAMES H. WALTON, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Janury 31, 1850.
, 7 . . 7 .7
And Consumption, pain in the side and .
nightsiceats, Asthma, V hooping Cough,
palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint, 1
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the !
xi..-i. i ' j i: ,r ci...
till UUL'j luiio ciuu utbi iuiuu uj jmi
man s .rin-Jtieaiing-Daisam.
Mr. Mine, Buider, in Brookyn, was
a cough,pain in the side, and all the u- i
u ' t
sua svmijwjiiib ui uuusumuuuu. xiu
poyed two of the best physicians
did him no good, aud tod him he
i 7
Hearing of the wonderful cures per-
formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 1 30 eases, need no more become the victim of
Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated quarkcry, as by the precsripiions contained in
like a charm stopped the bleeding and I""", any one may cure h.mslf without
i ry J i l i x i i. , hmderanre to business, or the knowledge of
cough ! Before he had taken one bottle lhe most 5nlimatc frieiI(Si and wilh one lemh
he was able to be about his work, it had lhe usuai eXj,enscs. In addition to the gen
saved his life. His daughter, residing at era! routine of private disease, it fully explains
127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. j the cause of manhood's early decline, with
Miss Ann lYlaston. ot Williamsbiirir '
laston, oi Williamsburg, ooservauons on marriage-oesioos many om
i, near South Fourth St., ; cr doraaRements which it would not be pro-
i.,i u ,;L ' Per to enumerate in the public prints.
' ha,d been troubled with a; I jrpAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE
. living in. Tenth
nacKmg cough, anu pamin tne cnesc, ior!cems en-coseci in j a iet(or, wiu reccive
a long time, which at last become so bad one .opy 0f this book, by ma:l, or five cop
that she was obliged to give up her school ies will be. sent for one dollar. Address,
for more than a year. She then ! com-; u DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCE
menced taking the All-Healing Balsam Street, PHI LA DELPHI A.1' Post-paid.
which soon alleviated her symptoms
. .. . -
one ia nun xoauwixi. auu was iu -
suraed her laborious occupation as a teach -
14 years Mi John O'Ncil, 10th ave-1
1 t T 1
nue ana isi street suuerea with a cough, '
raising of phlegm, and pain in his side,
He could get no relief til he tried the
All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain
from his side, allayed the cough, and
brought the disease upon the surface; and
before he had taken three bottles, was
entirely cured.
pleurisy and consumption. ,
Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, re-
siding 88 bherili street, has tor years been
Tr 7 atl,lulva f, , 0TJ,r V This line leaves J.J.Postens' Hotel, (Tn
of Blood, severe Lough, bhortness of tdiai, QgCen,) in Sirnndsburg. every Morulay,
Breath, Pain in her Head and various j Wednesday and Friday; at 7 o clock a. m.
parts of her body. Her friends believed i via Fennersville. Shafers P. O. Kresgeville,
past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
relieved her at once of all hor alarming !
symptoms, and now sue is aoie to attend
to her work.
Mrs. Luerefia Wells. 05 Christie st.:
L. S. Beals, 19 Delancy ftreet ; WI H. f
Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of
this crreat remedy.
Ask for Sherman's All-llealing- Bal
sam, ahd see that his written signature is
on each bottle. '
Price 25 cents and 81 per'bcttle;
,Dr. Sherman's Worm and ObugKBolse'h
ges for sale at thhf dfiice.
Mav 8. 1851' " - - - i; .'t-'Rd
SfnMhn (fiUrecu $otel,
EUzaboth St., Stroudsbvro, Pa.
riie undersigned respectfully, in
forms his friends and the publit- jrener
ally, that he has taken the above Hotel,
known to the trateumg comimiimy
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by vreo.
Th'p Imtisa h larae, with ever convenience
i fnr tmvHllers and boarders. - i
1 t i. nr,r nnd stablin.o- are extensive, and
J -" '
every tiling hi the very best order lor. me. ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will use every eliort to have
his table, chambers, bar. and every depatt-
r i - 1. . - ..t,,ninil in iTrh n fMTin-
tneni oi nia nuusu tunuuucu i o..
r f,c to snr-nro the anorobation of his custo
.Vb.W Whi.e Have,, ao P,,,i
hftrnnfu,r Iin nl ie above Hotel.-
- - b ' (jr send wjlh lhe a.
i bore slages, will please leave uieir orouis
I at the Indian Qtieen Hotel.
. ... . i . 1 J .
These lines leave lhf?i Iiel every ilon
day, Wednesday. and Friday morning at"--
" cioch
April ,3I,.lB5I. ,
Has removed his office to his dwelling
Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850
The liadics Keepsake, , , .
i:diti.d uv
Will make ohe of the most elegant annual
volumes fiver oublished in this country. The
. , ., ,.fint:n ,.Vf.i. snipmiid
iar3) fifteen copies for ten dollars
JOHN S. TAYLOR, Publish,
1J3 Nassau St. New-York..
My 8, 1S51.
PhsZnclutpIiia T.yvts Forusdry,
ISO. o, rear sircet, incur uie juxcaungv.
THE Subscriber having made great im
provements in his method of casting type and
mixing of metals, and had a thorough revision
; of his mairires, the faces of which are notex-
! celled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any
in ihe country; Hatters himself that by a strict
personal attention io business, and employing
none but lhe most skilful workmen, he is en
abled to offer
A Superior Article, at greatly reduced Prices.
He is-conslantly adding to his slock all that
is. new from the best workmen of this and nth
er countries, and hating lately procured from
Europe, a great vaiiety of NEW FACES
and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of
Primers thereto.
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to
order. '
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink. Stands, Gal
IeS, Brass Rule, and eery other article nee
ded to furnish a complete Prir.ting Office,
supplied at the shortest notice.
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully
jn funts 0J, 0(mecl propnr, ion.
January 30, 1S51. ly.
w - . ... ,
iuvst;i;a ilvz av as;
By means of the Pocket
iEsculapius, or Every
one his own Physician!
3J Thirtieth edition, with
upwards oi a hundred en-
i('j; ? .rzjJwr--sx.'
Bf AaSi?
'gravings, showing pri-
"J. vate diseases in every
.., i r. i ...f
u iiiti;-
f?--grS BV VM. VOUNG, M. D
MriJ The time has now ar
rived, that persons suffering from secret dis
observations on marriage-nestoes many om-
.11 r ii nit naforin
ILr DJt. lUUiNU can lie consulted on
any of the diseases described in his dff-
jferertt publications, at his Office, 152
i SPRUCE Street, every day between I) and
3 o'clock", Sundays excepted
January 30, 1851. ly.
troiitlsbiarir U8itl JJancli CEitJMlt
3fnil Line of Stages.
weissport, and .Lemghioii to ftlauch Chunk,
where it arrives al 4 o'clock p. m., and con
nects with lines from Poltsville, Berwick and'
other places. Returning, leave C. Cor.nm's
hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday,
Ihursday nnd Saturday, at 7 a. m-. and ar-
rivp'in Strnmlshnrrr nl l n r
'This-lino connects with the Wilkesbifro
and -While liaven sljgea al Shafers P. O.
Monroe county, and with lhe fNpv ?-Y,orlt,
Eastoi), Milford and Ilonesdala stages al
Stroudsburg. n
FARE ' .
nniiS.tFoudsburgltn. Mauch Chunk, $2 Of) j
" " White Haven 1 a n
- '' $ j ' ,Wilkesbarrn, 2 50,
'' il' ' J.'STb'UFFKU & Co..
February 13, 1851, 'Proprietors,
house, first door below the ollice oi the iV ,.
(arn,,L Tinnm-nf nnd rli'mp.tlv ormo- One boille of Dr. S. P. rownspnd s Lx- a
site S. J. Holiinohead's hotel, Elizabeth Uract of sarsaparilla will cleanse the system i The
A feV4eiJ'LJ & formations o the
uuu,u mj$M ativejiystems
I jra it
WZfmM 41f rUTil
r i 1-1.1. "
Greatly Improved manufactured by Dr.
hHlLTON, the great Chemist.
Br. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla,
The most extraordinary Medicine in i the
. world ! Over two hundred and nfty;
nisand persons cur-d of various diseases,
within the last 2 years. It cures ScrpK
ula, stubborn Ulgeis, r.iiensuimci
cury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas,
": 'Rheumatism, Consump- . ;
tion, General Debifi' .
ty. Dyspepsia,
Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Drop
sv & Gout, RinpworrAs, Can-
cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases..
l ne greai ueauiy o. u, .a..ra ,
il never injures the constitution, and is at-!
tvoys beneficial even to the most delicate,
and is the only medicine ever disrovcred i hat
creates new, pure and r:ch blood, and that t
. i- tl.o Luna 'I'Hutikn nds are ruadv to!
r. - r.i.: .r,. .r., i
testjfy to its many virtues. j
ltllu""1 . j
Great Sp-hujSc Summer Medicine j
Every person should tai:e a bottle spring, anu f
fall, io regulate the System and diive out all i
Easton, Pa., August 5. 1850.
This is to certily-lhat 1 have beenjroubled ,;
with a swelled leg for twenty-five years, at
tended with general debility, rind was reslor- j
ed to' perfect health by lhe use of Dr S- P.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1 can refer toj
others in this place who have taken ihis val-
i. . i. H
liable medicine, ana who speaiv in ternih oi
ihe highest commendation of its healing vir
Former Sheriff of Northampton county. ,
i, . r EastonPa., August 5, 4850.
About two years since my little. daughter :
caught the Measles, which left her with a
severe cough, which no doubt would have ,
inmi'il id rvirwiimnliiiii Imd nut Dr S P Tttwn- I
send's sarsaparilla been given,and by which
s i was ner ect v restored to health
This is to certify, thai my child was afrlictfd
with a horrible d;sease in the face (vthirh
lesisted the efforts of my family physician,) ,
and was entirely cured by half a bottle of
Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
- Uniontown, Fayette co., Pa , July 2 IS50
This is to certify that we have sold Dr. S P .
Townsend's Sarsaparilla for many years, and '
consider it a very valuable medicine, many j
cures having been effected in our vicinity. i
A young man by the name of Westley Rothe- '
rock, of ihis place, was cured of the Scrofu-1
la, (having large-iumps in his neck) by the
use of one bottle. . i
Tlws. REED & So7i.
Huntingdon. Pa. July 3d, lb50.
The public are notified that Dr. S? Towns-
end's Extract of Sarsaparilla. will in future
be manfatured under the direction of Jas. II
Chilton, Chemist, whose name in connection
with that of Dr. S P Tojvnsend. will ho up-
on each bottle, to prevent- fraud. Sold m
Slrouburg by
lliJiiUDUXvJii bUlTUOli.
Wholesale and Retail
ETDruggists and others are informed that
we have made arranoements to sunn v this
medicine by lhe Dozen, at the Manufactur-
era prices. It will be to their advantage
therefore to procure ihen supplies from us.
I lie Recipe tcr-manufacture this article,
was sold a few'months aso, for the sum oft
One Hundre'd Thousand Dollars, the best
evidence of its great worth as a medicine,
The sale has been une.vampled.
If you want the genuine article alwavs
ask for Dr. S. P. Townsend's Saisaparilla".
September 5, 1851,
m mmr myqtzpazs m it i !
Wiolcsalc and Retail Boot and Shoe Store. ;
Hp HE Subscriber takes this method to in-!
JL form the public that he has just re-'
ccived at his Siore. opposite Messrs. Miller j
& Brother and nearly opposite T. & P. Mix- j
sell's store, in Hamilton Street, a large as-j
surtmcnt of
Boots anb SIjocs,
decidedly the largest, cheapest
and best, now in Easton, which!
he is selling for cash, aud is de- j
termined nol to be undersold by
any other establishment, act or- !
ding to the article: i
His assortment consists of;
CYngress Gaiters, Women's ;
Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Jenny Linds, Slippers, ;
Buskins, and -a large assortment of children's J
gaiters, &c &c. .
ALSO. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots
and Shoes of every variety, all made of the
best materials, and experienced workmen
(under his own superintendence.)
Oiders for work to be made by measure,
and repairing of all kinds, promptly attended
to as heretofore. A continuance of the fa
vors of a libreah community respectfully so
licited. THADDEUS SC110CII.
Eastoni May 22. 1851
Patent French Cement Paint,
Recommended by the French Academy of 1
r. i. -i i i
bility. The materials are easily obtained ;
and it can be prepared and used bv anv one
"3 "cauiv, vnuiioi.css anu uura -
wilh a common whitewash brush .at one tenth
lhe cost of Oil and Lead,
The Art of Right of preparing and using
this valuable preservative of wails, buildings
and fences, in all the various colors, is now
offered to the American people. The work
can he sent by mail, at singlu letter postage.
Single copy, Oic Dollar; 7 copies. Five Dol'
lars. Address, voslascvaid. JULIAN BAU-
BEjP, No. 101, Nassau street, New York.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc
cupied by Wm. Davis, Esq.
...May 8, 1851, . ,
OAPS. lino scented Soaps for wash
ing and shavinga'so thcuq'eebrated
ehaving cream, for sa'e by
. . ... m -. - f . T 1 Y T f T T XT
Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters.
Theso Medicines have now bcen before ths
public for a period of FIFTEEN YEAES, and
during that time-have maintained a high charac
ter in almost every part of the globe for their ex
traordinary and immediate powerof restoring per
fect health to persons snrTering under nearly every
kind of disease to which the human frame is Iiafa.c.
of certificated instancof,, they have even rescued
sufFcrera from the very verge of "an untimely
grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day
had utterly failed ; and to many thousands they
have permanently secured that uniform enjoy-
'ment of health, without which life itself 13 but
a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their
efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that it
has appeared scarcely tess . than miraculous to
those who were acquainted with the beautifully
philosophical principles upon which they are com-
.pounded, and upon which they consequently act.
It was to tneir maimer
..: i, ennnirs and cnanneisoi me, unaen-
Pn.3 b Renewed tone and vigor, that
dmng them wi ""ewea ui b ,
'."S ourelv and solely vegetable; and
OJ-USJIO ... f A-nfmnn-vr nor
ronton neitlier mercury
contain neither MerCUiy, AJltimrjny, nor
; nfhftr mineral, in any form
Arsenic nr any otner
0f which, though long known to ueverm xuu.ui
tribes, ana recently to some eminent pharmaceu-
i:'oi 'oLpmUls. are altosether unluiown to the
irmoraut pretenders to medical science ; and were
sver herore aamnusiureu m i.t.iv
combination. .
, first operation is to loosen irem mo twu
stomach and bowels the various impun-
. i il.. AtiTirr miinn tnnm
ties and crudities consianuj bch...b - ,
and to remove the hardened fajces which collect
.i ,..r,nr.a f ihfi small intestines. Other
medicines only partuUIy c-e a
III WH1 uiww"'m , . .
sncn coueuieu iuu.ouco 1 -
Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden
Diarrhoea with its imminent dangers. 1 his fact
is well-known to all regular anatomists who ex
amine the human bowels after death ; and hence
the prejudice of these well-informed men against
the quack medicines of the age. The second
effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDI-
CINES is to cleanse the kidneys and the blad
der : and, by this means, the liver and lungs,
the healthful action of which entirely depends
upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The
blood, which takes its red color from the agency
of the liver and lungs, before it passes into the
heart, being thus purified by them, aud nourished
by food coming from a clean stomach, courses
1 the system, and triumphantly mounts the ban-
Ireely through the veins, renews evwjf i""
i ner oi neaiin in me uiuumui5
The following are among the distressing va
riety of human diseases in which the VEGE
to be infallible.
DYSPEPSIA, bl thoroughly cleansing the
first and second stomachs, and creating a flow ol
pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid
kind ; Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Heart
burn, Headache, Restlessness, Ill-Temper,
Anx-iety, Languor, and Melancholy, which
are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will
vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure,
CostivenesS, b cleansing the whole length
of the intestines with a solvent process, and
without violence; all violent purges leave the
bowels costive within two days.
Diarrhoea and Cholera,, by removing the
sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints era
occasioned, .and by promoting the lubricative sa
oretion of the mucous membrane.
Fevers t n" kinds, by restoring the blood to a
rcrrular circulation, through the process of perspi
ration in such cases, and the thorough solution of
. all intestinal obstruction in others.
The Life Medicines have been known to
'. cure Bheumatism permanently in three weeks,
and Gout in half that time, by removing local
jJJf on from lhe,muscle3 and l,gaments of
; 1 'ffides of all kinds, by freeing and length-
ening the kidneys and bladder: tlmy operate most
delightfully on these important organs, and hence
- have ever been found a certain remedy for ths
- worst cases oi uraveJ.
Also WGrmS. bv dislodging from the turnings
of the bowels the slimy matter to which theso
creatures adhere.
Asthma Consumption, by relieving the
air-vessels of the lungs from the mucous which
even Flight colds will occasion, and which, if not
! rCmoved. becomes hardened, and produces these
j dreadful diseases.
Scurvy, Ulcers, and IhveterateSorea, by
: the perfect purity which these LliU HEDL
I CISES give to the blood, and all the humors.
i Srwfin T7mnfinrta and "Rnd HnnrnlAT.
ions, by their altenuive effect npon the lluids that
feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and
other disagreeable complexions.
The use of these Fills for a very short thna
will effect an entire cure of Salt Bheum, nd a
striking improvement in the cleorncssof the skin.
Common Colds nd Iniiuenza will always be
cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst
PILES. As a rcmedv for this mnsl distressing
and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE
HEDICINES deserve a distinct and emphatic
recommendation. It is well-known to hundreds
in this city, that tho former proprietor of the3e
valuablo Medicines was himself afilicted with this
compaint for upwards of thirty- five, years; and
that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed
within Ihewhole compass of the Materia Mrdica.
He however at length tried the Medicine which
i3 now offered to the public, and he way cured in
a very short time, after his recovery had been pro
nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im
possible, by any human means.
For this scourge of the western country thesa
Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and cer
tain remedy. Other medicines leave the system
subject to a return of the disease a cure by these
medicines is permanent TRY THEM, BE
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complainta.
General Debility, Loss of Appetite, and
Diseases of Females these medicines have been
used wilh tho most boneficial results in caseaof
this description: King's Evil and Scrofula, in
its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful
action of theso remarkable Medicines. Night
Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com
plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart,
Painter's Colic, are speedily cured.
constitutions have Decorae tm-
F I paired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will
-! find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never
1 faji to eradicate from tho system all tho effects of
I Mercurv infinitely sooner than the most powerful
' i;,c.,
f reparations of Sarsaparilla. A single tnal will
... , t -- - c ,nni;i;M, ,it
place them beyond tho reach of competition, m
the estimation oi every paiienu
Several have lately been discovered, and'their
nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New
York and abroad,
Buy of no one who is not- an authorised
Prepared and sold by Dr. W B. MOFFAT,
33G Broadway, New York.
T H EOBO R E SCH OG H , only author
ized agent for Stroudsburg.
February 7, 1850.
Country produce.
Butter, ieggs, &c. iakenihveschange for
any goods in myline of business.
: Stroudsburg, February 1, 1851.