1 A NEWVRIT.Ty OF SVTET.T POTATO A valuable addition has lately been made to the varieties of the sweet potato in Alabama, supposed to be from Peru. A letter describing it says : " ng it says "It is altogether different and equally superior to any variety of this root hith erto known. It is productive, and attains' a prodigious size, even upon the poorest sandy land, and the roots remain without ..! e 4.: . .i uau" nuiii tus luhu ui UieiU OUT, of the ground until the following May. The plant is singularly easy of cultiva tion, growing equally well from the slip or vine, the top or vine of the full-grown plant uemg remarkably small; the inside is as "white as snow. It is drj' and mealy, and the saccharine principle contained resem bles in delicacy of flavor line virgin hon ey." A Large Trout: A few days since, Mr. S. A. Woodruff, of Montrose, caught trout in Silver Lake, Susquehanna coun :ty, '.measuring two feel in length, and weighing nearly six pounds. Bloomerism in Lowell. The Lowell American says that four or five hundred young laidies of that city were -dressed in the Bloomer costume on the fourth. Their appearance was generally very good. They attracted a great deal of no- tice from strangers who generalVy cx-j pressed themselves well nleased with their. appearance. I I " " - Female Medical College. -The second annual catalogue of this institu- tion at Philadelphia (Pa.) shows that ! icine, all of them being from Pennsylva nia, except six, one of whom hails- from England, two from Massachusetts, and one from each of the States of -New York, Ohio, and Vermont. FOR RENT A comfortable Dwelling House iscrteT j50 and out buildings, situated near the Court House. Possession given first of August. For terms apply to DI3IMICK & DREHER. Stroudsburgj July 17, 1S51. 3t DAGUERREOTYPE MINIATURES. rTHEritizensof Stroudsburg are informed JL that the subscriber has taken a room at the American Hotel, for the purpose of taking - r .1 . . . pu iuius 01 inose wno ma' wish mem. .is he has had over seven years experience in the business, And has one of the verv best Apparatus he flatters himself able w give 1 pettect sr,tisfaciion 10 nil, by produnng pic- lures, which, for boldness of lone and life like appear-inee, will be equal to any taken in Philadelphia or New York, and finished so as not lo alter. Taken in cloudy as well as fair weather; and et in lockets, pins, rings, Ac. &c. N. H All are requested to call and see specimens, whether they want pictures or j July 17, 1851. 31 SHERIFFS SALK. Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas 11 issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe countv, Penn'a.. to me di- i reeled, I will will expose to public sale at the se of Jacob Knecht, in the Borouirh public hou of Stroudsburg, on Saturday, August 9th. 1551, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following desenbed property, to wit: All that certain tract or piece of land situate in, Stroud town ship, beginning at a stone (formerly a white oak) thence by land said to be surveyed to Joseph Hillbourne S. 18 E 62 to a chestnut j oak, thence by land onnnally surveyed to Pe - ! tor Lemaigre, S. 29, W. 72 to a black oak, S. Rf w i9ii.n Ltnno !,, of ' Jasper Cotant, N. G, W. 93 to a birch. N. 73 ! E. 150 to the befnnnmsf, containinsr 00 o ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less. The improvements & are a Log House one and a half stories high, and a LOG BARN: about ten acres of cleared land, four of which are meadow. A spring of water near the door. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of James Vanorman, and to be sold by mc. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg, Sheriff. July 17, 1851. ) Sportsmen (take Notice. .ToflEl IiridcS', Korth-JZast comer Walnut Second Sts., Barry Lewis P3IJLADELPII I A. I Bearzlcr Andrew HAS on hand, just received, a complete 1 Bl,sn Georffc assortment of SHOT GUNS. Powder1 D , Flasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting , DrayerMelcnor Apparatus of the best and most approved pat- j tennis Jacob terns. iDutot Eliza He has constantly on band SPORTING I J0'113 Henry POWDER of all descriptions. Percussion ' Caps, Shot, Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of ma terials for Gun Makers, &c. Also Percussion Caps of a superior quali ty, designed expressly for U S. Rifles. An assortment of Fishing Tackle always : on band. AH the above, and any other articles in bis line, the subscriber will sell as low as any other establishment in the United States. In testimony of his skill as a manufactur er, the Franklin Institute, in the years 1850 and awarcied to him two certificates and in; the years 1844, 1846, 1817, 1818 and 1850, five shver medals, all of which may be'seen at his place of business. n . JOHN K RIDER. Philadelphia, Julv 17, 1851. 3m. To the-Voters of Jlotiroc county. Fellow Citizens : I offer myself as a can-1 Iveller Peter didate for the office of jKemerer J. F. FrolhHotarjr and Clerk of the ' , , L srwrnl Cmrrtc nf Hf,.,. j... LeshJohn at the ensume General Election, nnd rPn0nt J .U - .1 . . . J ' I -fully solicit -your -suffrages. If elected I will endeavor faithfolly, personally and im-l partially to dj&chnYee the duties of said of-1 Middle Smlthfield. -Julv- foriPsi . ' ' - 'fice: iRpnffriArtU. A.. CrtSn'A 3.' I .ALianeiT Ol 10T6 .9.11 uaiiu iuiu ii xaii L, ' - Fellow ciuzeh' '.v qralcheap. at th$, variety sStorc - Bark. NEW FIRM? 1 vT v,, tl Northampton Street, Opposite the ... . '' THE subscribers having entered into a partnership for the purpose of cominu- the old stand of the late Mr. John Ill" IJJU WtUj; iWIU J. ill -!riir. . i . t. i d:, : Dickson, would offer their stock of Drus' MetJ'rineis' Paints, Oils, 'Glass, &c. Sic. to old customers of .,. , , - , . uiu siauu ituii i iijaiui.nis unu ueaiers III general, rieasc call and try us. W.JD1CKSON, A N. SAMPLE. Trading under thc-firm of Dickson Sample, j Sole Agents for vVetherill's Pure Ground ; tii ?. r 1 ' 1 tine ljcau. Easlon, July 17, 1851. ly n fianir, 100 kegs 25 lbs. each, Wetherill's white lead,1 51) do 50 do do do do 20 do 100 po do do do 100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass ) o 00 iu Dv 12 50 do 10 by 14 10 bbls. of Alum do do 5 superior quality. JO bbls. Copperas - 10 bbls. Rosin 4000 lbs. Potash 1 GOO Gallons Linseed Oil 40 bbls. spirits Turpentine 2000 lbs. Potters Red Lead Dye Woods, Madder, Logwood, Fustic, J I t t' l IT 1- Redwood, Cochfneal and Indigo. ALSO superior Furniture, Coach, Black i ':,nd Japan Varnishes, by the barrel or eallon 1 for sale by DICKSON $ SAMPLE. m - Easton, July 17, 1851. ly A rmnnml ctinnlv tf T.onfl nnrl Trnn Pino r f an si7.es, on' hand "at all times, and for sale by DICKSON cj- SAMPLE. Easton. July 17. 1S5I. ly. Execiil'oa,5s Sale op a VALUABLE TANNERY RE AL ESTATE, Late the properly of Samuel Meyer, dectl. Will be sold at public sale at the pub house of Jacob Long, in Bartonsville, Pocone township, Monroe county, on Thursday, the 14th day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a valuable ''WJLil A JAJ Ail J& I'. and about 32 acres of land. The ! tannerv is 75 feet b' 5S feet, with an ad- dition of 25 feet; three stories hirh, con- taining 4S vats, all as good as new ; a il 1. -J. in t rn p i mi. i. i. oar, sucu, iu uy au icet. J-iie wnoie is pvell and substantially built, and contains I oil i,A.nit-nmT tonnmn ni ori n,,.nf. rth oueJ of thc ,vater-powers in , ' 1 On the same property is also a large frame well-finished, frame barn, store jS!!Spg?-o house, and wanon house. Thejgsss land is all improved, and in a high state of cultivation, adjoining lands of John : Edinirer and others, in Bartonsville. The above property lias many advantages i13 a tannery ; it is situated on the north ; ana" South turnpike, and in a neighbor- hood where oak and hemlock bark is 'plenty and easily to be had, and w I G000 hides ner rear. fill tan G000 hides per year. No. 2. a tract of woodland adjoining the first, containing ten acres, more or less - Ifc is handy to the tannery prop- crty as a wood lot, and also contains con siderable bark No. 3, the right to cut, peel, and haul the bark off of 11 G acres of woodland in Jackson township, about four miles from - R0:n i, at:i,i r V T a 1 1 Zacherias, J. Possinger, and others. This land is wel1 timbered and will yield considerable oak and other bark It is seldom that a better opportunity is offered to a man with moderate capital to go into the tanning business. Every thing about the works has been got up very substantially. Terms reasonable. JAS. H. WALTON, JOHN EDINGEE, Executors of S. Meyer, dee'd. July 10, 1851. MST OF BETTERS TO emaining in the Stroudsburg P. O. for JuT the quarter ending June 30, 1851. B 31 McLean Wm Misener H H 2 Medzker Rudolph Morgan Bennet Mulligan John Metzger Joseph McQuown George Powel John ! Butcher Henory Stow V Earrv Melchor j Post Isaac iPosten Elizabeth Phillips Joseph ;Post Wm S .Price Wm J R Ransbery Michcal 2 JJeppe H E Eylenberger Frederick Rheinbart Peter 2 Eylcnberger Jacob Row Charles W F i s ISaltreller D ! Stone John jShug Elijah 2 1 Stroud James H. jSteigler Ch F ! Smith John Fellencer Joseph Frederick J D Flagler John A II Heller Lydia Ilasbrouck Abraham Heller Susanna Setzor John Speering & Schoch Smily James See Richard. II Stout George Simon Phillip V Vanhorn James W ' Workheiser V White T R Wilson Chos'G Hammon Rebecca Hineline Jacob J ; Johnson Mary C Johnes Mary K Keens-Geortfe Kistler Stephen Merepnsr. calling tor i?riers on mis ;ibi wm , .. i- l ...:n -Pase say they are advertised I JJ?L?l21' I , - , . m.n j ; troudpburr. Mar JC1 igfii. - -' us 3 " 1 WWnarCTJqUIAW)AIJ,i M IJJiMJ, m 1 1 1 " " " 1 HTH ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALK. Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Penn'a., to me di rected, I will expose to public sale at the public liouse of -Henry Neir, in Polk town ship, on Friday, August Sth, 1851, j at o'clock in the afternoon the following J-.-riiAJ :. . rr-", t "V'JV i'hijjciijt m vn : iruci ui ljitiiu situatein Polk township, containing ninety Acres, j adjoining land of Philip Dotter, John Roof, James Kiley and others, 30 acres cleared, 4 or 5 are meadow, a stream of water passes through the same. Improvements Log House, I LOG BARN, and about 20 -4P- -1 Jjlj il.iO Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob Dotter. and lo be Bold by me. PETER KEMMERER. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff. July 17, 1851. j I ADJOURNED ! SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of Common j Pleas of Monroe county, Penn'a.. to me di j rerted, 1 will expose to public sale at the ; public house of Henry Neff, in PolkJown t ship, on Friday, August 8lh, 185J, ' at 1 o!clock in the afternoon, the following ! desrribed property to wit: All that certain I tract or piece of land, situate in Ross town ship, Monroe county, adjmning land late 01 Godfrey Greensweig, dee'd.. land ol John Washburn and others, containing Twcnty-FIvc Acres, m.ne or less, about twenty acres are cleared, four acres of which is meadow. The im provements are a one and a half stories hieh, and a LOG STABLE, some fruit trees op the premises, and a stream of water which runs near the door. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Charles Smith, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) 5,r.rifT July 17, 1851. s LOST, A few days since, in this borough, a Ten Dollar Rill on the Easton Rank. The finder will be liberally rewarded and receive the thanks of the owner, by leaving it at THIS OFFICE. Stroudsburff, June 19. 1S51. Monroe Coumfty. Estate of Daniel Kresge, dee d. THE Auditor appointed to report dis . tribution of the balance in the hands of Peter Kresge, administrator of the es tate of Daniel Kresge, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Satur day, the Sth daj of July, 1851, at his Of fice in Stroudsburg, when and where all persons having claims against said estate arc requested to present them, or be de barred from coming in for a share of the assets. S. C. BURNETT, June 12, 1551. Auditor. - 81 KSWAH ! The subscriber Lost on Tuesday. 27th of May. on the road leading from Jacob Frede rick's to Auten's Ferry, a Leather Purse, with a clasp to "fasten-it, containing TEN DOLLARS, or thereabouts, in silver, in pie ces from one dollar to five-cents: Any one finding the same and will leave it at this Of fice, or sie information by sending a few lines to Hope P. O., N. J. shall receive the above reward and the thanks of the subscri ber. W. C. STEVENS. Hope, N. J. June 5, 1851. SIX CENTS RAN A WAY. from the subscriber, on the 23d of June, 1851, an indentured girl, (from the Northampton County Poor House.) named Polly Buss, aged about 14 years. She took with her a variety of clothing. The public arc hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her under the penalty of kthe Law. The above reward, but no charg es, will be paid 11 she is brought back. ROBERT BROWN. Stroud township, July 3, 1851. FREIGHT LINE. 3 r-'"'' Kcw STorSi to Newark, daily, npHE MOHKIS CANAL now being -- in complete order, the subscribers, would inform their customers and thc public, that they are prepared to forward j all descriptions of goods, wares and mcr j chandize by Morris Canal boats to or j from Easton,'and all intermediate points ' with promptness and despatch. Leaving , foot of Dey street, N. Y. daily at 4 P. M. , per Steamboats Jonas C. Heart and j .slander, opening the mpst direct route 1 to Easton and the Lehigh Begion. j P. S. Be particular to mark goods j Stephens & Condits Line, via Canal. STEPHENS, CONDIT & CO., Forwarders. Joseph S. Kibbler would re spectfully call the attention of his per sonal friends and acquaintances to his connection with the above firm, and pledg es himself that he will use every exer- ; tion to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. June 26, 1851. BARKW ANTED nglhe subscriber will pay Five Dol- :m its per cord in Cash for about five hundred cords of good bright Bock or Chestnut Oak Bark, nt his T annery in StroudSburir. At the above named nricc : " ... the jaric must bc ioaacd solid and clear , from all kind of damage. Will also pay . .-wi.:;n.i. ...j ,1 ujv; mi i hum jatL ami xiuiiii"uv.i ' - o :J,A'COBr.Sl KG MASTER ' A'nriLlfl.'lfl51, ' r? ; siilra l!lSS?SSfSS6 To the Voters of i?2oroc cdttaty. Fellow Citizens: At the soliqiiation of many friends 1 have been induced to ofTer myself as a candidate for the office of ProtEjoaotary and Cleric of the Coierts of Mo:noc County, and respectfully bolieit your votes and influ ence on my behalf. Should I be elected I pieage mysell to perform the duties of th tice Notice. HE RE AS Letters of administration upon the Estate of John W. Burnett. late of the township of Stroud, in the county of Monroe, deceased, have bepn granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pav- ment, and those having claims against the j same will present them without delay, duly aumenucaieu, lor settlement to M. M. BURNETT, Adm'or. Stroudsburg, July 10, 1851. Gt. The Commonwealth of I'ehn- sylvanm to the Sheriff of said "niy' u reeling: ?SlgP Whereas, James Place, late frti V) tMat js l0 jsay of the term of September. 1850, before our Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, at Stroudsburg, at our said Court then and there held, re covered against John L. Caffrey, adminis trator of the estate of Silas Flower, de ceased, a certain debt of Seventy-nine dol lars and Fifty-four cents, as also Six dol lars and Thirty-five cents, which in our said Couit were adjudged to him for his damages and costs, which he had sustained by reason of the detention o tfhat debt, where of the said John L. CafTrey, administrator as aforesaid is convict as appears of re.rord, &c. Nevertheless execution of the said Judgment remains still to be made as we have received information from the said James Place. Whereupon he besought us to provide for him a proper lemedy in that particular, and we being willing that those things which are right and just should be done, therefore, we command you that by honest and lawful men of your bailiwick you cause to be made known unto the said John L. Caffrey. administrator of Silas Flower, deceased, which said John L. Caffrey is intermarried with Amelia, one of the daughters of said deceased, Elizabeth Flower, widow of said deceased, and Daniel Ostrander and Rachel his wife, Bly Cour dry and Marv his wife, James McKinney and Rebecca his wife, William Flower, Depue Flower, Alfred Flower, and Abiaham Flow er, heirs and legal representatives of Silas Flower, deceased, thai they be and appear before our Judges at Stroudsburg, at our Court of Common Pleas, there to be held the 22d day of September next, to show cause why the said Judgment shall not be made out of the Real Estate of the said Silas Flower, deceased, according to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided, and have you then there1 this writ, and the names of those by whom you shall make it known. Witness the Honorable Nathaniel B. El drcd, Esq. President of our said Court at Stroudsburg, the eleventh day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-one. M. II. DREHER, July 10, 1S51. Prnthonntarif. DISSOLUTION. FTIHE partnership heretofore existing be JL tween the subscribers under thc firm of Palmer cj- blagler,x 1 the iMercantile business, has this dav been d sso ved bv mutua con - sent. John Palmer is hereby authorized to set tle all matters relative to the business of the late firm. Those persons indebted to, as well as those having claims against out .late firm, will therefore please call on him for settle ment. JOHN PALMER. June 2, 1851. JOHN A. FLAGLER. The undersigned will rontinue thc Mer cantile business in all its various branches, at the old stand. A fresh supply of Groce ries just received from New York. JOHN PALMER. THE PEOPLE'S STORE- THE undersigned has taken the store house formerly occupied by Charles Boys, in Stroudsburg, with the intention of accommodating the public with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, at Easlon Prices,. for Easton pay, comprising all the latest stvles and fashions. Also, anything in the HARDWARE line, from a threepenny nail to a saw mill saw. CROCKERY-WARE of all kinds, cheap, BOOTS & SHOES, CEDAR-WARE, And the greatest stock of GROCERIES in town, Coffee, tea, sugars, mo lasses, mackerel, smoked and pick led meat, smoked salmon, shad, codfish, herring, dried peaches, cherries, soap, rice, &c, &c, Sic. All of which will be sold at very reduced prices. We feel satisfied that all who choose to favor us with their custom shall have their goods to suit them. If not, we will guaran tee to return their money. We will hav.e on hand at all times a good assortment of grain, flour, wheat, rye, corn, &c, feed and chop. Lumber of all kinds, butler, eggs, honey and bees-wax, rags, grain, calf-skins, hides, tallow, shingles, sheep or cattle, and'eord wood, taken in exchange for goods. It is out of our line of business to boast or urag; wo lot our goods ano prices recommenu themselves, and our customers will spread the news. , fXT Don't fnrget the first right-hand store as you "enter the western end of the town. Get yourselves in the lino, and stop where you see the first crowd. Don't get out of patience, our friends; you shall all be waited on when your turn comes. If you only want to see our stock to satis fy yourselves of our goods and prices, all light we charge nothing for showing. No danger of moths, for we cannot keep our goods long enough on hand. JOHN PALMER, StroudsburgJkMay 22, 1851. SETS chisels Butcher's, Beat f.v's and Allen's, with a lot of F. j , . H. Witherbv s extra new style to throw chips. The undersigned takes pleasure in calling the attention of Mechanics, to J,;cnlc ttKw.1i h-ivo. f imn ami: lnKov liiov; vumoiui ,1 ...w.. ,w ....v. . j For vsalc by MILLER, & BRfflTTTER'. with fidelity and to the best of my ahilitv 1 u ,rienus m Monroe county ana the pub- j " r WILLIAM SC1IOONOVER . He generally, that they have taken the' Ready-Made Clothing, M. Sfflhlifiplrl. July 1S51. above establishment, and offer for sale a1 FANCY AND DRY GOODS, Easton, April 24, 1)1 .?? I a H AEi) W ARE Bry Goods & Grocery Store, (at burke's old stand,) In KortJt Hamilton St., Easlon nearly op - posile the White Horse Tavern. AS'T. &DEPUE S. MILLER' ?b1e5ee ? 0PPlte JolmlLMol d respectfully announce to their: Ick s ?Vatch & "lry Store where they II VU1U large and well selected stock of Hard - ware, Dry Goods and Groceries, compris- ing the followin rr 50 doz Rim Locks, with white, brown! ca3Simers, satinet, Kentucky jeans, lin and brass Knobs cn ana a variety of summer stuiFs. 000 gross Screws, assorted. . 200 doz Butts, assorted. 50 -Pulleys, Blakes & Westville's manufacture. 60 doz Till Locks. 500 nlanes assorted: the celi.hmfnrl M Copeland's make of Planes are amongst. is ma nP at .tueir estaMfelmicnt f n Eas this assortment. a 1 ton una"er their own supervision, as they 20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, arid' fcel assurcd & givc satisfaction to also the celebrated London spring Saw,! ulI iw style luality a"d P"ce. manufactured by H. Disston. Also, Dis- DRY GOODS. A good assortment ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine;, f French, English and American broad circular and cross-cut do.: Broadaxes.1 cloth: cassimcrs, satinets, Kentucky ieans. hand and cooper axes; hatchets: conmas- ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock' Howls and cooper cross. Also, a lot of Macke rel & llickardson's celebrated window fastenings; Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ; plastering and mason's trowels; hammer ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels and forks, &c., with a great variety of hardware, too numerous to mention. The assortment will compare with with any in this place in quantity, style and price. Cloths. F rench blue black, blue,brown, cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas simeres. A large assortment Ladies' Dress Goods; black silk, black silk warp lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Bed ticking bleached and brown muslin; lin- buttons; tiiread and silk. A full assort- ment of GROCERIES. 10 hhds Molasses. 20 bbls N. 0. and Trinidad Molasses, tend to do business on the ready pay sys 5 hhds Sugar. j tern, they are enabled to offer their Goods 30 bbls do. white and brown. - ! at the lowest rates, and as cheap as they 15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil. 25 boxes soap. 20 do. candles. 3000 lbs Bacon. . 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young JLiysou xeas. Bice, starch, chocolate, Ind go, Madder, allum, &c. Dried apples, peaches, white beans, &c 100 sacks of Salt. flO Vftffs whif.fi Lfiarl: winW rrlnss nnd putty. 100 kegs nails. 100 bbls, and half and qr. bbls Mack- crej . vlsirinn- "Evfon will find 1 Ali Felons Msiting easton, Una i'f. irronHv tn r.limr nAvuninrro fn cnll .ind .1.. : HK 1- make their purchases of Miller & Broth- . The TABLE and the BAB will be fur or's large and well selected stock of n;shed m sueb a manner as cannot fail to Goods. Sold wholesale and retail, at Plerisc- , . , . Burke's old stand, by i A large yard, with stabling for MILLEll & BB OTHER. onc hundred horses Easton, APW ; 1M ZXifSt " J. II. STROUD C. R. AND 11 K March 27 1351. NEW GOODS At ffiow Prices. STROUD & ANDRE having taken that h.rge and commodious Brick Store House, formerly occupied by Ur. otokes, call the attention of their friends and the public m general to their large stock of Coffee, tea, sugars, molasses, mackerel, smoked and pickled meat, coarse and fine salt, rice, etc. CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns. Pails, wooden Bowls, half bushel measures, &c. HARDWARE. Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass scythes, straw knives, door latches, bolts, knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels. Those who engaged to serve, twelvo spades, planes, plane bits, cast steel saws, f months or during the war, and actnally chisels, hatchets; augers, trying and bevel 'served nine months, shall receive one huu squares and coffee mills. ! dred and sixty acres: and those who engaged CROCKERY A splendid assortment of ' i0 serve six months and actually served lour Teas, plates, &c. New style Jenny Lind. in I months, shall receive eighty acres; and sets of 40 pieces. FANCY CHINA Mat- j those who engaged to serve for any or an ble, neatest and latest style extant. J indefinite period, and actually served ono BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens' bonis and month, shall receive forty acres. Provided, shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting ! that wherever any officer or soldier was gaitsrs, kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds.slip- honorably discharged in consequence of dis pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes. ability in the service, he shall receive the a T I? Y CI O O I) mount to which he would havo been entitled , , , , V, , if he had served the full period for which he of every style and cobr. Black, blue and ,,a(I engaged to serve. brown cloths. Fancy cassimeres; black doe j Under the above act, and the acts of Con skin do. Summer wearofall kinds. Fancy grcsS generally, the subscriber offers his prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French ;serviccs as agent to procure Land Warrants and domestic ginghams, barege, barege de- for lhose entitled to receive ihem, as abovo laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin, , Sperificd. common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new : He may be found al his offjcc ir) Strouds style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks. Ia- burg, ces, ribbons, sattin vestings, cambrics, bleach- j S. C. BURNETT, ed and unbleached muslins, and a full assort-1 OrtoVinr 4 lfln ment of trimmings. Parasols and Umbrellas, Together with a complete assortment of goods generally, all of which they offer at ye ty low rates. Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country produce taken in exchange, and cash never refused. The lale Law having made the ready nay system obligatory Upon all, we therefore have adopted it, and intend to sell for small profits iu.u ...a.vC 4u11.11 ic.u "iiiuu win uuas.M- ing 01 per ci. 10 me ouyer. i.au ana ex- n mi fin hpfnrA nnrhnfiin n rctr o m Vro ' know we can ofler goods at such prices as will induce you to buy, for Our Goods are cheaper and as good A s any sotd since Noah's flood, To buy of us it will be your gain, And we'll take our pay in Cash Or Gntin. Call and see no charge for showing Goods, , STROUD & ANDRE. Stroudsbursr. Anf1l2.4. 1S51. ' " TBLAtsTIC m I' or sale at this OlTilaiv liiitcVt 'ew from CvAUtnu inl ! 2HRSCHjpiV3 & ABLER 1 Repectfully announce to the citizens of 1' Stroudsburg and surrounding country, tnat tney nave established a store in Eli.- ' comprising Coats, such as fine cloth dres3 ami frock coats, business coats, tweed coats, iventucky jean and linen do., mon key jackets, &c. Pantaloons, fine black Waistcoats of satin, cloth, cassimere, sat inet, and of a variety of style and color to suit any season. Shirts, an assortment- of white, colored and common do. I he public are respectfully invited to call I and examine their stock of Clothing, whiel LtweCds, linen, and a variety of summer stuns. And a general assortment of hand kerchiefs, stockings, &c., &c. TO THE LftBEES. They offer an excellent assortment of silks, French merinoes, chashmeres, al pacas, de laines, a large assortment of changeable linens, lawns embroidered and of various patterns, ginghams, and a splendid assortment of calicoes. Also, a handsome assortment of Thibet wool shawls with silk fringes, of all col ors,elegantl3r embroidered Barege shawls, &.C. A fine assortment of Parasols. An extensive assortment of jaconet, Victoria lawn, Bishop lawn, crossbarred muslin, and a handsome assortment of cap stuff ; laces, edging, and ladies' collars. Also, ladies' hose and gloves. A good assortment of muslin, bleached and unbleached, from ok to 12 cents per j CARPET BAGS, for traveling rtp ,.: 07 As they purchase all their Goods for cash, at the lowest market nrices, and in- ; can be boug-ht at Easton or New York. Lumber, Grain, and produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. Stroudsburg, April 24, 1851. I)c lb Barlci) 01jcaf, M. WATSOX is happy to inform f'J his old friends and customers that lie is prepared to receive as many of them as may favor him with their cus- tomj a tne new Hotel erected on the site ' tne Old Barley Sheaf, (which was de- ! stroyed by fire in July last.) ?hc n".se is much increased in size ana convenience, ana possesses every ac- commodation which can contribute to the COmiOTO Or tlie traveler. I OFFICE TO PROCURE I SoI5icas5 Linsid Warrants. j By a recent Act of Congress il is enacted, . rnat cnc of the surviving, or the widow or minorcbildrenof deceased commissioned and ! noncommissioned o fiicers, musicians, or pri vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang- ers or militia, who performed military ser vices in any regiment, company or detach ' ment in the service of the United States, in the war with Great Britian, declared by the United Stales on the eighteenth day of June, 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790, and each of the commissioned officers who was engaged in the military service of the United Stales in the late war with Mexico, and shall be entitled to lands as follows TO INKEEPERS, And to all whom it mayConccru: npHE Undersi gned embraces this method X lo inform his friends and customers ia particular and the public in general, that ho has added to his former stock ol Groceries and Varieties, a generl assortmen uf j Consisting of the best refined Rye Whiskey; Ie Hri.ndy; Holland anrt common Gin; N q p m Lotion i,nd port Wine, of the pur est and best qualities, and oners such for sale by the barrel, keg, gallon or half gallon, at the lowest cash prices ; and wishes tho Tavernkeepers in the country to give him a call before purchusing elsewhere, a he is de termined to give satisfaction, both in quality and price. He also keeps constantly on hand, for In keepers,. Wine Ritticrs, Peppermint and NVinterrreen, also? Lemon Syrup. lUFlfrodnce of all kinds tahqri i invchnngp, SAMUKL S. Ali EL. Stroudsburgi, June 5, , V V i i