LAST NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the'firm Of dell Stokes k Son, by' note, book account, or otherwise, are requested to make immediate payment. All accounts m& -m Stroudsburg and the public gen vhich are not settled soon, will be col- erally., that he has permanently locnted lected by legal process. lin Easton, vhere he will be happy to see S. & J. N. STOKEb. all who may wish his professional servi Strouisburg, April Si, 1851. ! cc3 1 Constantly on hnnil for sale by -J.PALMER& Co ..tvUeru!, 5 11:0 tt, Horriii;;, Pork, EE:titss atari bidos, S Si on! dors, E,:ircE and -Cheese, 1'ehru.uV 27. ! b5 1 . maruei si. nan, i PuiEADELPIllA. -3m . OFFICE MANUFACTORY Dr. S. l TOW-NSESD'S cor.irouNo extract op S AH SAP A RILL A 'flic most Wonderful tkiiiwuc of the Age 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUKACToJtKD YKAttLV. Tltts ZtXcfllrlttv It in ij In i.uart Outtlca Mid lias ci-n-tt niors tltnti 100,000 Cases of Chronic Disease, ttillittt tlic tnt T-n Vnr.--N'iiif lt G-iulie EXPOSE. PY niCADINU 11IK VOL LOWING AFFIDAVIT H o I'ublic will Icmi tl.c oiici". cr nlhvr where the te.;iie lor tnckjxg tlie ttuff tlie.v call Old Dr Jacob T'-wjjscnd's hoiTBjW.illa. came fii.m and will bo able i-i juiino which is the genuine jnil original, and of the hinted of the nii; ii who ai Amplovca jn selling it as t.-o original Mr Ttiwiiiortd s f aiajiaril!a. Dr. S. P. 'iownsci.d ? life oiigiml propriotoraud inventor of L-i TonscnJs &dia;Arilb. and his medicine has gui cd o rejuitflion that no other remedy ever gained. I!c tnanufHctuicd over one million of bottles lat year, 8..J is inanufacluiin? at pieocnt 5,0i'0 bottle? perdav. We use more Srusaiiarilk and ollow Dock in our 4ft i - i i i i .i .11 it ii . -ii. esianiiMimciu cucu iy, inxn an uiu umer ayrtapauiiu 'Vi'iufactuicrs in the uoild. I'niicioal Oflice, Ii6 U'UnESAD THE AFFIDAVIT. Ci'y atid County of X(wYork, ts. V.'illiam Armstrong, of the said City, being Buly tunni, doth Ucki e and say that he is a piactical DniggUt and Chemist. That some time in the latter jwrt of May, or first of June, 1313, a man by the hamo of Jacob Yownscnd, who at that time was a book and I itriJilct peditler, called iijain dejxinent,at the house f r. Tiiompton. No 4i IiuJson-strtet, where depo hoarded, and rejuefttl deponent to write him a o-.ij e by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla. 'oni further says, that he became acquainted . U) said Townsrnd at the otiieo of Theodore Foster, l.'t-. U"ik Piihliiher. wjtli whom said Townscnd ' 'it That tid Tow wood had had frequent conversa lions rith dcjioncnt icsccling tlie manufacture ofan -irleof sarsSpuriiJu to ha oid under the name of Dr. J.cib Towbciii5. Tj.t said Townsentl stated he was an old man, and a.vl was not fit for haixl labor and wished ta it' ike some noney, iu order to live easy in his old and that, if Skrsapanlli under the name of Town k.'7,3 sold so well, ani to nmch money was made by it. l c culd see- ik reason wh he might not make .'tUiiig out of it t)o, (his name being Townscnd,) n ho could get a cairelilc i-jr$in to prepare a lecipe, ii manufacture it tor liinu Deponent in one of the c.-.iu e-fftUons asked Stiid Toxnsend if he was related u Or S. P. Townscnd, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. S. P. Townsend would be down on him after he should commence. Ihit that he did not care for ! ..j, as he had formed a co partnership with men who C'. :d furnish the requioitenmetintof capital and was ui'l j.icpfi-ed to doler.-i hiir.ielf agaiuit any attack ti.m might be made on him. ticponent fttithcr wys, that pursuant to tlio request tf njd Jacob Tovne"nd. he wrote a recipe lor the iiun j.rfCtuie of a S ri of Sarspcirilla, and gave it to h".i Said Towns"c;ni oV?erved that he wanted to rrike a specimen to extiilwt to hU artners for their i'.-oral. as hc-wrheJ to grstifv them in everr thing, Ki 't:vy furnished all tWc ramital said Townrend also i-' 1 .iep'nent ihit tha ltls they were to use w ere t .is of the same W7C au shape -as Dr. S. P. Town- and d;iuciii at iho request of said Jacob - n.cjJ, went to Hie office of Dr j. V. Townsend, l 1 pmcnrei! one of hi" labels. nd deponent further says, thaU has been inform v an-i vciily believes tlie" Syiup of Sarsaparilla, sold ( ild JacbTovn4"K, is trudc after the recipe fur r. r:"& by dej-onnt, to Jacob Townicnd, as aforesaid. .'...J further dcjMjuent fcaith not V. ILUAM .A Tl STR O NO. Swura to liefwe me this i!Sth dav of Mav. 1849. C. S WOODHULU V3ypr of the City ol New Vork. PROOF!! PROOF!!! t'sre i; proof roncliiFive that Dr. S. P. Townsend'i S--. jptnlia ii the original The following is from ku;e oi tlie moit ii-s-.tnl)le paj.eis iu tliis State. FROM THE :Ncyt Torre Holly Tribune. tVc puMifhed an adicrti-ement inadvertently t. i ,e lime mice that did injustice to Dr. S. P. Town- s.-tM, who is the original proprietor of the preparation f EarsBparilla known as Dr. Townsend's. Other P'Uics hare within the pat !ew months engaged or c ucctcd thoiusolves wilh a man by the name of j u nseiid wliiiut up a medicine and'calls ii by the :mc name. Tlus medicine vas advertised in TVir u uti as the original, t.c liiit adi ertisement alc c .i.itamed matter dorogatory to the character of Dr a P Tow mend ami that of his medicine. "VVe rcgiet it fippeaTcd, und injustice to the Dr. moke this ex I'lauuuon. Fnn.M the S"'tr Torlc UntJy Sun. Pit. TovSKSn'a etraordi:iaiy adi cititement, which m-rupies an entire page of the St', will not ercape Dr. S 1. Townscnd, who is the original pro p.ictor of Dr. Tou liSend's f-aifairilla, and whose of-ft.-c js nest door to ours, whcie he has been for sever n1 years, i driving an immense biuhieiw. lie leceives t.i Ices than four hundred dozen of Sarsaparilla per u..j, aud even this enormous quantity does not supply t'.e demand. No medicine cier gained so great a j ij'ulantyas hi pieparation of the Saisaparilla. His ea.tion ol Almanacs for 1849 cost f 22,000, and he has p-id the New Yoik So.t for advertising, in the l-t four ears, oer .10,WK), and he acknowledges t' at it is the cheapest adieitising he has had done. 'i I. is medicine is exported to the Canadas, West In flics, South America and hurope, in considerable i,aaj. titics, and is coming iulo ger.eial use iu thoso countries, uj well a. here. Sirlndlers. DruggMs and othei-s that sell Sarsaparilla for the (resume nd original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, t.,at is not signed by S. P. Townsend, commits a fraud, md swindles the cui-tomern. Men that, would be guilty of such au act would commit any other fraud and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows ours is the onl genuine. Old Jacob Towigeticl. Some people w ho arc not well informed, and hare iit read the papers, and not keen our advertisements, hute been led to iiippObc, that becuuso these men nd veiliec their stuff as " Old Jacob Townsends," that H r-;ist, of course, be the original. It is less than one j rs.r since thifv commenced to make their medicine. C an ha? becn'iu the market o cr ten j cars. This Old Jacob Toivnscnd. They are endeavoring lo palm oil" on the public ni au old Physician, S.c. He is not a regular educated Physician, and never attempted to manufacture a mcd icinc, until these meu hired him for the uso of his i.ame. They say they do not with the people to be lieve that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or the same but t.ic uciter to deceive the public, they at the same time atrcrt that their's is the Old Dr. Townscnd's, and the viginal ; and endeavor to moke the people believe tjat ihe stuff they manufacture, is the Dr. Townscnd's SarsapanTla, thut has iCifonned so many wonderful cures for the past ten j cars, and which has gained reputation which no otherjnedicino ever enjoyed which is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood. IV e have commenced suits against these men for damages. "V'e wish it to be understood, that the old man is no relation to Dr. Townscnd whatever, in their ad v crtiscments and circulars, they publish a number of Cross lalschoods respecting Dr. Townscnd, which we will not notice. Volte Itcpoits. Onr opponents have published in the papers, that Dr S P. Townschd w as dead. This they send to their r.gcnts about Ihe country, who report that we have given up business, &c. tc. The public should be on tueir guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci pled men. Notice of Removal. After th.! first of September 1S10, Dr. S. P. Townseud's New York Oflice will t in the South Baptist f.'huich. No. 82 Nassau 'street which is now undergoing a thorough change, and will be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro pi ictors and the public Take pariiculcr A'otiee. No SawaparU'a is the genuine and original Dr. Townseud's Sarsaparilla, un less signed by S. P. Tow nseiid. Agent's. Jlpddingjic Co, No. 6 Statc-street, and Mrs. K. Kidder, No. 100 CouiUtreet; lioiton; Samuel Kidder, Jr., Lowell j Htnry Pratt, Salem; JameB. fireen, "Worcester ; . Allison Sc Gault, Concord ; J. alrh & Son, Providence ; aniby Druggists snd Mer chants generally throughout (he fe'iiitcd State,, "West Indies end the Canadas. . A fresh supph of the abevc for sale at tfiia A Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, "O ESPECTFULLY informs his friends I The attention of physicians, as well as ! the public generally, is called to his Deh- ital Infirmary , for the relief and benefit of poor children, or young persons who iiave n0 means ot uavniir ior cental one- x. w . rations. For all such he will willingly per form any needful operation upon their teeth; or treat all diseases of the gums or mouth in the most careful and effectual manner gratuitously. From the pains he has taken to quali fy himself by study, and from the skill acquired from a practice of seven years, he hopes to merit the confidence of all and receive a share of public patronage." jS$?Grratuitous operations for the poor, from 7 to 9 A. M., and from to 6 o'clock, P. M. Office in Northampton street, second door above Peter Pomp's New Drug Store. N B. His professional engagements will not 2J0SSibly admit of his visiting Stroudsburg this summer. Easton, April '24, Idol. The subscribers take this method to inform the public generally, and millers and farmers especially, that they have taken the above establishment, iu the rear of Starbird & Wallace's store, in the borough of Stroudsburg, and having in creased the machinery of the establish ment, they are prepared to execute all or ders in their line of business, in the best manner and with despatch, aud therefore respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. They will manufacture cast and wrought iron work of all descriptions, in cluding Mill Clearing, for flour and other mills, mill swrews, bark and corn mills, together with cast ings of every description turned aud fit ted up in the best possible manner. As particular -care will be taken to employ none but the best workmen, and no pains will be spared, they feel confident of be ine: able to nve seneral satisfaction. Al so made to order. ' BRASR CASTINGS such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon Boxes, &c, will be made to order. Old copper and Erass taken in exchange at the highest price. Patterns made to or der Threshing machines and JJhrsc Towers of the most approved construction, will be furnished to order at the shortest no tice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves &c, on hand or made to order, for sale wholesale or retail. PLOWS. of the most approved plan wilTbe kept on hand, and every variety of plow castings on hand and for sale. yZr Wrought iron mill work will be done on the most reasonable terms. The best kind of sled shoes and polished wa gon boxes and hollow ware will always be kept on hand. john g. tolmie, chas.s. palmeu Stroudsburg, November 28, 1S50. .... nyA' The testimony in its favor is over- whe mi no. Thn nrnnripfors :iro r? i? v in M: t '. a ..:c: : receipt of 'etters and certificates, going to prove it3 remarkab e eihciency to all cases of worms, both in chi dren and a du ts. The re ief given, and the immedi ate improvement of health which follows its use, has ca"ed the attention of physi cians to this artie'e, and they freely re commend & prescribe it in their practice. Tie retail price is 25 cents per vial which brings it within tlie means of all. Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847. I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A.Fahnestock's Virmifuge to my child, and in seAen hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubting this may apply for further information at my resi dence corner of York and 3 ackson st's. james McCaffrey. Toughkcepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844. I certify, that I took two vials of B. A. Fahnestock's Virmifuge, which I found to be the greatest cure for worms I have overused. I have been troubled with tape worms for a number of years, and I have never found so good a medicine as B. A. Fanestock's Virmifuge. I there fore recommend it. . MARTHA GLIFT. The public is cautioned against-coun- tarfeits and fipuriousariicles, and to put no confidence in statements that ' Kohn- stock's and fS. Fahnestock's, Virmifuge are the .same or .as good as, the only gen uine article, .which is B- A. Fa'hncstock's Vermifuge - " " Easton Miirord Hall Latse,, 1A STROUDSBUGK. 1'assengers in tins line win ieae,?uo-, seph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign ofibe lilack Horse," Easton, everyiuonuay, Wednesday and Friday, passing tjiro.ugh the following places, viz: Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills' Ferry, DelawareWaterGap,Dutotsburg,btrouds- hurir. j3ushkill. and Diuirmau's Ferry, and 1 arrive iu Milford the same day: Distance; 60 miles. Returning; leave Samuel Dim- i rri TxnfA rl,An,r mick's Hotel Mtlford,. eveiy luesday, Thursday. and Saturday, and arrive in jjiasion cue same auy. . . ! Faro from Easton to Stroudsburg. 1 25- M . " Milford, 2 87 N. D. All baafre at the risk Sf 1the" owners. ; WILLIAM dean; Stroudsburg, May 8 1851. MONROE COUNTY ninlcial ETire jTiasnraucc Cojnp'y. Tlie rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or,tie Bible, with descriptive sketches of each: damage by fire, that may fall upon mem- j The Subsribcr bes to call ihe attention of hers of the comnanv. . the Ladies to this work, and as an induce- The nett nrofits arising from interest. or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly, commission allowed to agents,) he will tor- , . , ' , , "l- l i ward the work, free of postage, to each sub- for which each member in proportion tospriber whfj aJy gend tneoffice of publi. his, her, or their deposit, will have a j caliori nne dollsr ; seven copies for five dol- credit in the company. Each insurer in jarSi fifteen copies for ten dollars. or with the said company will be a mem-1 JOHN S. TAYLOR, Publish, ber thereof during the term of his or her 143 Nassau St. New-York. policy. The principle of Mutual Insur- May 3, 1851. ance'has been thoroughly tested has Pliiladelpliia Type Foundry, been tried by the unerring test of experi-' -Vo. 8, Pear street, Near the Exchange. ence, and has proved successful and be-' Philadelphia. come very popular. It affords the great- THE Su.hs".iber hvng made ereal im; , .-, 1 1 . rt j ir provetnents in his method of casting type and est security against loss or damage by P. ofmelal5 aml had a th0rugoh ;evision nre, on tne moot auvamageotu aim ioa- sonable terms. Applications for Insurance to be made in person, of by letters addressed to JAMES H. WALTON, Sec'y, jM.VNAGl.llS. Jacob Goetz Michael H. Dreher John Ediner James H. Walton Edward Poston liobert Boys Jacob Frederick George B. Keller Peter Shaw John Miller Eichard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker. Balsar Fetherman. JACOB GOETZ, President. JAMES H. "WALTON, Treasurer. ; leys, lirass Rule, and every other article nee .roiidsburg, Janury 31, 1850. j ded to furnish a complete Printing Office, St TsSiiEM" TJSHneiffl 4 j ,i 7 7 ' And Consumption pain in the side anch mghtsweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint, ' Bronchitis, and all diseases of. the man's All-Healinu Balsam. RAISING. BLOOD & CONSUMPTION Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brooklyn, was a cough, pain in the side, and all the u - ciifil cvmnnme nf nnncnmnf.Jnii TTf rri- nloved two of the best physicians: thev ti:i.: .i nA Aau. i.,.' ir uiu mm uu guuu, .u.u iwu mm u wuu notdVC MgW BV W 31 YOUNG, 31. D Hearing of the wonderful cures per- ; The time has now ar- formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at rived, that persons suffering from secret dis 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. llayes, 136 eases, need no more become the victim of "Fulton strp.fif,. und t, a bottle: it oncrnterl ' quackery, as by the precsription' contained in i like a charm, stopped the bleeding and I i i -n r 1111 u i , cough ! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be about his work. It had lhe usual exp(ises. in addition to the gen saved his life. His daughter, residing at eral routine of private disease, it'fuily explains 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. ! the cause of manhood's early decline, with Miss Ann Maston, of "Williamsburg, ' observations on marriage-besides many oih- i living in Tenth, near South Fourth St., says That she had been troubled with a i- . , J,. , . xi i i i i lLTAny person sending I vvhiN 1 -t I L hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for . re,Us ent&aeA in in a letter, will receive a long time, which at last become so bad one copy 0f this book, by ma:l, or five cop that she was obliged to give up her school ius will be sent for one dollar- Address, for more than a year. She then com- j u All irri:.. tji XilUUOUU LUAIIIU li" XX.Xl-JJLKUIlUi' JJUISUUI l.T.l. c-v. nlln.Jnfnrl lmv cM-iriTfrtiic. 1 d . .1 i 1 cm. : . 1 1 ... Vv.w,w, -, sumed her laborious occupation as a teach- er. 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave nue and 21t street, suffered with a cough, raising 01 phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get no relief til he tried the i All-IIealiug Balsam, which drove the pain j from his side, allayed the cough, and , brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was 1 entirely cured. PLKURISV AND CONSUMPTION, Sirs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, re siding 88 Sheriff street, has for years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, liaising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and various parts of her body. Her friends believed past recovery. Thc All-Healing Balsam relieved her at once of all her alarming symptoms, and now she is able to attend to her work. -ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGH. Mrs. Lucrctia Wells, 95 Christie st.; L. S. Beals, .19 De'lancy street ; W. n. Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of this great remedy. Ask for shcrman's All-Healing Bal sam, and see that his written signature is on each bottle. Price 25 cents and 81 per bcttle. Dr. Sherman's, Worm and Qongh JLozjenr ges for-saltf a't' this-pffioe. .-. 1 4, . 'Mar 8f res ! ujiian (fiuCCU tjoltl; Elizabeth , stt Stkoudsuuro, t Pa. 1 The undersigned respecifully-in-forms his friends and ihe public gpiier ally, mat he has taken the above Hotel, I I known to the travelling community a 'Shive- l&?.'lS',r'l'"a"d r"'e""y kc'il bJ ' Ce'- A . 1 1 swartwoou. I The'hotise is larce.Avith ever convenience for traveMeis and boarders. The vardsand stabling are extensive, and every thing in the very best order lor the ac- mmodation of travellers and others. The proprietor will use every effort to have his table, chambers', bar. and every depart ment of his house conducted in sUVh a man tier as to secure the approbation'of his'custo- mers. The Stage offlre for the Chunk. Wilkes-Barre. White Provi.lenre stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel. PefsoriS wislm t 0 or send wiUl the a- b(jre slageSj w?n j,ease leave lhe!r order3 at the Indian Queen Hotel. These lines leave this Hotel every Mon- day,., Wednesday, and triday morning at o'clock. JOSEPH J. POSTERS. , Proprietor; April 34,1851. " , ATTORN E Y A T L A . Has removed his office to his dwelling house, first dooi below the office of the i "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo site S. J. HoUinshcad's hotel, Elisabeth street, --'Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850 The JLndies Keepsake, , ED1TLD nV PROFESSOR ABBOTT, PL'BMSHCD MONTHLV. CV JOHN S. TAYLOR, Will make one of the most elegant annual volumes ever published iu this country. The volume for 1851 will contain twelve splendid dnnrnrinns nf thn mnst 1 IliiStrions Women of ment;to sucscriptions, (instead of the usual 1 fl)js malrices, the faces of which are not ex- celled, in beautv and recularlv of cut, bv anv in the country; Hatters himself that by a strict personal attention to business, and employing none hut the most skilful workmen, he is en abled to offer . .1 C,,.,',, A-rtirJn nl crronll il rn,1ltrml Pri'fut , ue ;s ronstantlv addin;' to his stock all that I is new from the best workmen of this and oth- I er countries, and hating lately procured from j Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES j and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of t Printers thereto. Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order. Presses, Chases, Cases. Ink. Stands, Gal j SUppiICU ill IOC SlJUl ICftl IIWWI U. I GERMAN BOOK AND JOB TVPE, Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully jn foms Q f orfecl lion. y ALEXANDER ROBB. January 30, 1851. ly. . octr 'Sroufi'selH." for 25 Cis I ! i means of the roc-uet ! ;$y NW -"scuiapius, or i'jeiy x5 nnp hit nivn Plii'iiir'iiinl . 0i t Thirtieth edition, with upwards nf a hundred en- H Thirtieth nrlitinn, vviih , ' Vii jrgravmgs, snowing pri- te diseases iu every ' iLfeciS M shape and form and mal- xS&r lormauons ot tne gener imml ativesVSlems ' ""s hook, any one may cure him.lf , "about underanre to business, of the knowledge of , m. ;,:mnI fr5pnriw an,i wil,, onp h er derangements which it would not be pro- 'DR. VM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCEJ Sirpot PHILADELPHIA." Pnst-oai.l. VR , ' ' . ' . ICr DR luunvj i tin ui; i uiisuacu 1111 any of the diseases described in his dif ferent pubijcali0llSt at llis office, I5-J .SPRUCE Street, every day between 0 and 3 o'clock, Sundays excepted. January 30, 1851. 1 v. S!tOu!s!njj;T ;&acl .lzati:Ji Chunk M',i i i L i n c 0 f S tn gc s . This line leaves J. J. Postens' lloteh (In dian Qgeen,) in Stroudsburg. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock a. m. via Fenneisville. Shafers P. O. Kresgeville, Weissport, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk, where it arrives at A o'clock i jr., and con nects with lines from Pottsville, Uervvick and other places. Returning, leave C. Cor.npi's hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 a. m. and ar rive in Stroudsburg at 4 i. m. This linq connects with the Wilkesbnrre and White Ilnven ot.iges at Shafers P. O. Monroe county, and with the New York, Easton, Milford and Honesdale stages at Stroudsburg. FARE From'Slroudsburg to Mauch Chunk S2r0H White Haven v;n 1 , Dnn 1 ..'qa? S?"0; KI J " L..STOIVPPI.-IJ jit n v;j;eutu3 ry. 1 1 fco 1 . . tl!pfictors, js - - -.mam-jm. f.-. . .1 THE GENUINE ARTICLE, Greatly improved manufactured by Dr. CHILTON, the great Chi Dr.S.P.TomnieiuFi Chemist. Oi 1 1 1 111 C I I lllll flt'.lllb . tJUl ZUIJUI lllll.. - x j The most extraordinary Medicine in the world! Over two hundred and hlty thousand persons cured of various diseases-, j within the last 2 years. Jt cures Sciof- i:uja, stubborn Ulcets, BfleUr"of Mer cury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas, : Rheumatism, Consump tion, General Debili- ' :. ty, Dyspepsia, Costivcness, ;: ' Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drop , sy & Gout, Ringworms, Can cers and Tumors, Heart Diseases. The great beauty of this medicine is. that it never injures the constitution, and is al-! wavs benelicial even to the most delicate and is the only medicine ever discovered that creates new, pure and rich blood, and that! reaches the bone. Thousands are ready to! testify fits many virtues. j n o p o if 7 Great SpWW & Slimmer MedlCUie 1 Every person should take a bottle spring and fall, to regulate the system and ditve out all impurities. TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN, 4 .... rJ1 o tj 'i p i- One bottle of Dr. o. P. I ownsend s hx- ! lrract f aparilla will cleanse the system j of a chllu. READ THE EVIDENCE. Easton, Pa.. August 5. 1850. 1 This is to certify that I have been troubled' with a swelled leg for twenty-five years, at tended with general debility, and was restor ed to perfect health by the use of Dr S' P. 1 Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1 can refer to j others' in this place who have taken this val- ( uable medicine, and who speak in terms of i the highest commendation of its healing vir tues. C H JIECKMAN, Former Sheriff" of Northampton countij. Easton, Pa., August 5, 1850. About two years since my little daughter caught the Measles, which left her with a ; severe cough, which no doubt would have turned to consumption had not Dr S P Town- j sc?id's sarsaparilla been given, and by which ! she was perfectly restored to health- t JOSEPH STA BP. j This is to certify, that my child was afilirted with a horrible disease in the face (which lesisted the efforts of my family physician,) and was entirely cured by half a bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. WILLIAM WOOD. Uniontown, Fayette co., Pa , July 2 185(1 This is to certify that we have sold Dr. S P 1 ownsend s Sarsaparilla for many years, and consider it a very valuable medicine, many cures having been effected in our vicinity. A young man by the name of Westley Ro'the- rock, of this place, was cured of the Scrofu- lav(having large lumps in his neck) by the use ol one uotlle. Thos. REED & Son. Huntingdon. Pa. July 3d, 1650. NOTICE. i The public are notified that Dr. 4 P'LV.vns end's Extract of Sarsaparilla, will in future ; be manfactured under the direction of Jas. R J Chilton, Chemist, whose name in connection with that of Dr. S P Townsend, will be up- on each bottle, to prevent fraud. Sold m Stroudsburg by THEODORE SCHOCH. Wholesale and Retail i ILTDruggists and others nre informed that ' we have made arrangements to supply this ! medicine by the Dozen, at the Manufaciur- ! era' prices. It will be to their advantage therefore to procure theit supplies from us. ( fill n . . . - j ne uecipe to ruanulacture tins article. wns sold a few months ago. for the sum of! One Hundred Thousand Dollars, the besf evidence of its great worth as a medicine. The sale has been unexampled. If you want the genuine article always ask for Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. September 5, 1851 . TtTTY-i -ii mtmtiti rpnp r I llil V OlN DltiiX OF 1 llilf All Jli. Internal and External Remedy. The proprietor of this justly esteemed me dicine did not originally purpose it as nn ar ticle of trade, but merely for his own family and those of his friends. Finding that its medical qualities were spreading over a large surface of country was induced to offer it lor sale, and such is the demand that some fifty persons arc employed daily in putting it up for the large Cities. Every Fanner should have a bottle of this medicine in his house in cases of sudden sickness. A great discovery and valuable medicine. It cures Cholera, Dowel Complaints, Chofic, Diarrhoea, Fever and Ague, Piles. Dysentery, Pain in the Head, Druiscs, Rheumatism. Dys- pepsia, and Burns. j READ THE" EVIDENCE. I This certifies that I have for several months used Mr. Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer in my family in sevcial ol those cases for which it! is recommended, and find it a ery useful family medicine. A. BRONSOiV, Pastor of 2d Baptist Church. Fall River. Tisbury, tNlariha's Vineyard. This may certify that 1 have used Davis' Pain Killer with great success in cases of Cholera Infantum, common Bowel complaint, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, &c, and would cheerfully recommend it as a valuable fami ly medicine. James C. Boomer.. T.-i.,.. r i) m 1. 1 tiaiui ui iuu ijiimjsi wuurcii. FlUEND Datib -This n,a, certify Iha. I health has ocer. so good for thrree or four months past, that 1 havo but little or no use for it, and would still recommend it to the public. j Richard S. Peckham, j Fall River. 2d. month, 17th, 1845. : Eor sale by J ENK1 NS & ? H A W, 125 Chesnut st",. Philadelphia. General Wholesale Agents Tor Eastern Penn sylvania, to whom all orders and applications for Aanencies from Eastern Penn'a should be addressed. -' - - ' Sptember 5, 1851. ly. oa w a jest sa s1 a1 Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, 'MONROE COUNTY, PA. wv.j . 1 Office on Elizabeth, street, formerly ocr oupijjd.bym. Darw-JIsq. I -UiOi " May 8, 1S51 ,;iit , W ;moffats Life Pills and Phcenix Bitters, These Medicines hive now been before tha public for a period of FIFTEEN YEAES, amfc daring tint time have maintained a high charac ter in almojt every part of the globe for their ex traordinary and immediate power of restoring per fect health to persons suffering uuder nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. IN MANY THOUSANDS of certificated instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day had utterly failed ; and to many thousands they have permanently secured that uniform enjoy ment of health, without which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were acquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they are com pounded, and upon which they consequently act It was to their manifest and sensible action in Durifvincr the springs and channels of life, and nn. duing them with renewed tone aud vigor, that ' thev were indebted for their name. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which bonstot vegetable ingredients, the UESMEDI- CIRE3 are purely and solely vegetable; and lontai ne,ther ICS?J' Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever. They arc entirely composed of ex- TZZ' iSZ I . ., .J. 11 V 1 1 1 V 1 1 y lllUUgli b " " tical ciemisla, are altogether unknown to tha i ignorant pretenders to medical science ; and were never before administered in so happily efficacious ' ,. . j firat opefatIon ;3 to loosen fr.m the coata i f the stomach and bowels the vanous impuri ties and crudities constantly seining rounu mem ; and to remove the hardened faices which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind to produce habitual Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden Diarrhoea with ita imminent dangers. This fact is well-known to all regular anatomists who ex amine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice of these well-informed men against the quack medicines of the age: The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDI CINES "3 to cleanse the kidneys and the blad der ; aud, by this means, the liver and lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and lungs, before it passes into tha heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean Btomach, courEes Ireely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mountB the ban ner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing va riety of human diseases in which the VEGE TABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, aud creating a flow ot pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; Flatnlency, Loss of Apfetite, Heart burn, Headache, Restlessness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general svmntoms of Dyspepsia, will ; vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure, j Costiyeness, by cleansing the whole length , of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave ths bowels costive within two days. i Diarrhoea and Cholera,, by removing tha I sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are ' occasioned, and by promoting the lubricativo se ! oretion of the mucous membrane. Fevers ot" a" kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of perspi ration iu such cases, and the thorough solution of ail intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure BJieumatism permanertly in three weeks. 1 and Gout balf that time, by removing local inflamniation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies f UH kinds, by freeing and strength ening the kidneys and bladder : they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a ccrtuin remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also "Worms, by. dislodging from the turning of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. .Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air-vesseis oi . mng ,. ..mem. ...... even shght colds wdl occas.on, and, if not removed, becomes hardened, and produces these drendful diseases. Scurvy, "Dicers, a"d Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which, these LXFE MEDI CINES Pve to lbe blood, and all the humore. Scorbutic Eruptions ad Bad Complex ions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and tho morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills for a verv short time wiH effect nn entire cure of Salt Rheum, and a strikins improvement in tht? clearness of the skin. Common Colds ad Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases. PILES. As a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well-known to hundreds in tins city, that the former proprietor of these valuablo Medicines was himself afflicted with this compaint for upwards of Tin lyrv-rivE years; and that he tried m vain every remedy prescribed ' within the whole compass of the Materia Mcdica, He however at lenctli tned the Medicine which is now offered to tho public, and he was cured iu a very short time, after his recovery had been pro ' nnunced not only improbable, but absolutely im possible, by any human means. FEVER AND AG-XJE. For this scourge of the western country these Medicines will bo fouud a safe, speed-, and cer tain remedy. Other medicines leave the system ; subject toa retumof the disease a cure by these j medicines is permanent TRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CUluu "Rilinns "Fevars and Liver Complaints. General Debility, Loss of Awktitb, and Diseasesof Females these medicines have been used with the most beneficial results m cases of this description: King's Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. 'igiit Sweats, Nehvous Debilitv, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, aro speedily cured. HEItCTJIUAL DISEASES. jiujxvvwa .. .. .. uav0 become mi- rersons wuoso tuiwu. ! paired by the injudicious uso of Mercury, will ! L.i ,i.nB Marines a perfect cure, as they never ! -f,Kr.;n(q a Derfe' 1 nnu uiceo r-- , Wl to enfato from tne .e PJP"" V " a L manh of comneUtion, in ! f'c " A" nt!lf even' patient. the estimation of every patient. BE CAEEEUL OF COTTNTERFETTS.. Several have lately been discovered,, and their nefarious authors arrested, both in the city ofew York and abroad. Buy of no one who is not an authorised A(pr6pared and Bold by Dr. W B...MOEFAT, 330 Broadway, New York. - . FOR SALE BY THEODORE SCHOCH, only author zed agent for Stroudsburg, February 7, 1850. Country Produce. Butter, crrffs. kc. taken in. exchange for j 00 - : any goods. in my line of.busincssj t, , . . JOHN fa troudSUurg, X-eDruary- r.