Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, September 13, 1849, Image 4

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    JuryXist-.Sepf. XjfFifsl:
'Ghesnuthill John SingliKVJosaph Brong.
Hamilton Peter Kunkle' ABm. B&ls, Jacob
Siackhousc, John Barry, Gharfes SayljH'.
Jackson Peter Fraily, George Miller, John
Paradise VeVtt Anglemoycr.
Price Anihony Peters, Frederick Deibler.
PoM Samuel Siarnor, Conrad Frablet
Stroud John Shoch,' Aaron Croaadale, Phil-'
Featherman, James Poslens.
Ross Joseph Altemose.'Gredrge Rtlbert.
Smithfeld David Neigh; Charles Kinney. '
- TobyhannaPhiUp Greenamoyer. 1 ;
Chesnulhill John 'B't)ujer',C1hav D. Brod
head. ''Hamilton Adam Kesier, Jos. Fe'nner, John
Kinby, George B. Keller, Joseph TCemerer, Jr.
Solomon Rinkerv
Jackson Charles Franiz. .
Pocono Andrew Learn, John Smith, John
Butts, Jacob Henry. j
PoA-Ephraim CKri'sirnan,, Dcwalt Fjsher,
Jacob W. Kresge, Joel Kfesge, Geo. Der6hi
mer, jr. Reuben Gregory, GeSrge V'ICresgb,
Frederick Shupp.
Paradise-Aaron Koch. , .
Ross Joseph Getz, Peter Remel, Simon
Stocker, John J. Smith. 11 '
M. Smithficld'-EWph Quigley, Henry Over
field, George W. LaBar, Jacob Yetter, Martin
Courtright. i
Smithfcld-John Keller, sen., John V. Bush,,
Daniel Heller, Peter Tribley, Jos. Houser, jr.
" Srou-Alexander Fowler, Francis J. Smith,
S. C. Shannon, Jas. H. Stroud, Daniel Hohen
shieldf, William Griffin, Edward Brown, Dan
iel E. Coolbaugh, John Huston.
Tobyhanna-Jotin White, Frederick P Miller,
John S hitler. .
Trial JList for September Term, 1840.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Ed
ward Postenn, Charles Postens and Michael
Joseph Keifer rs. John Drake and Derrick
Alexander Baring, Henry Baring and Jos.
R. Ingersoll, surviving trustees of the estate o
William Bingham, dec'd, vs. John Kunkle and
Thomas Henry.
George Butts and Matthias Miller rs. Chas.
Levi King vs. Jacob B. Teel.
Michael Kiser vs. John C. Slutter, constable,
for his neglect against Philip Oyer, special bail
of John S. Deitrich
Jospph Lawrence for the use of John Gower
"vs. Stroud J. Hollinshead.
Alfred Hawk vs. John Frankenfield.
John J. Sees vs. Samuel J. Price and Chas.
Peter Fellencer vs. Depue S. Miller.
Benjamin Green and John Green, jr., lately
trading under the iirrri of Bcnj'n. Green & son
vs. John Relier.
Jacob Yetter vs. John Chambers.
Christian Snyder and son vs Elizabeth Huff
smith Executrix and Frederick Sutter Exector
of the last Will and testament of Adam Huff
smith, dec'd, which said Elizabeth and Frede
rick Sutter are devisees named in the, last will
and testament of the said Adam Huffsmitb, dec'd
and the said Elizabeth is the widow of said
deceased, ana "Henry Shafer and William S.
Rees, guardian adlitem of Spering Shafer, Jo
seph Shafer, Frederick Shafer, and, Peter Sha
fer, devisees also named in said last Will and
Testament and Terre. Tenants.
Jacob Bowman, indorsee of Solomon Chriat
man vs Joseph Serfoss.
John M. Meyers tb. John Vliel and Jasper
3 -
Argument last.
M H Jones to the use of Henry Kostenbader
vs" Peter Jones.
John Keller vs Christopher D Keller
Godfrey Grcensweig vs William Hawk, Ad
am Hawk, Peter Hawk, Cha3. llawk and Pe
ter S Hawk
Peter Merwine and Geo Merwine vs. Mel
chior Barry and Abraham Barry.
Martin'Place to the use of Wm, Brodhead
vs Timothy Van why
In the matter of a road in Pnn Forest tsp.
In the matter of the ac't of Sjraeon Schoon
over, committee of Benj. Schoonover a lunatic
In the matter of a xoad in Tobyhanna tsp.
Peter Butz and Abraham Butz, partners in
business vs Samuel FranTzi PfriHjf Frantz, Ber
nard Frantz, Peter Meckes, Joseph Afteroose
and Abraham in bpsiness
In the matter of the Auditors report of C H
Heaney, Assignee of Samuel D Keifer
Simeon Schoonover vs Elizabeth Schoonover
Owen Rice, attorney for the Heirs' of Jos.
Horsefield, dec'd v Abm Butz, Peter Meckes
and terre tenants.
Same vs same
ao do ;
. JL.awrence Serfass us, Peter LjSerfasa.
JiJo9. Fenner, adra'or of Henry Eenner, dec'd
. vs-Jfthn ftletz. , : .
1 n the matter of the repori'pf the" juryt'is
6e8t damages of a road in Smuhfieid tep.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of John Rouse,
. Late of Hamilton tsp. ' Mowm Qi Pa de(?dA
t. -.fLetters testamentary upbn amr taid-. estate
i : i .i. J j"
jiiayiug -ueen graaieu ,iuiu uuucigieu; nonce
, ijiiereby given that, ke will raee$ ax chelate
residence of the , deceased, in Hamilton town-
ubip, on Saturday jrfe27th day of Octobernext,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said daywhen
and where aJi-persons Jn.jbtfd'4.'said Estate
are requested , to make'piymenljjaajjhpj hav
ing claims or 2emandB agaia' tfie-amt-will
- preseoi them dulv authenticated fortsettlemenK
A man by the name of' C..'5 has. tinpnged with ajoa?
man ;of the narnorsr. fownYeia, and1iseliisfnaie'ic put
Hp 6 Sjirsaparilla, which thy call Drv T(vwnsenl's Sarsaparilta,
denominating It f?F.XUrJTE, OriHnal, etc. This Towniend is
no doctor, and never was; bnt was1 ifbrincriy a worker on raU
roajk, canals, and the like. .Yet he awnraes the .title orDr-for;
the purpose of gaining credit for what he Is apt. This is to can
Uon" the public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the
QEXUltfR ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend Sars
paritla, having on It the Old Dr's. lUtoness, hi femHy coat ol
rms, and his .signature across the conj of arms.
Principal Office, 102 Jagnau-st ,. .Yew Yttrk City,
Genuine Townseid Sarsaparilla.
0a DrfownsfenTl is now obbulTO 'ears ftfase, and has long;
;fchBmCn?it ha, been kept out,ofnmkc, adR the c
tnnscribed to those only wh6 had proved us worm, wnuu
Ue. j had nd lh. of n,ani; . nevnheless a
those petsons wno nan neen nw ... v.. .
from death, proclaimed Its excellence and wonderful
en heal
Its excel
Unowlnr many years ago, that he hnd, by his skill, science
and IxSl&d article which i would be pfJncalcu
able Sntage to mankind when, the means would be fur
SZd w Wn into universal notice, when its inestimabln
S?ues woSKown and appreciated. This time has come,
maScVureiron the largest scale, and is called for through
5iTe Sift T and breadtfi of the land, especiallyas It is found
incapable of generation or deterioration.
sever chances, but for the better ; because it Is prepared nw
5ZJl?:r, . man. The hiehest knowledge o?
i inline vounc o. . uwuafcn ,.. ..,- , . -
es of the art,
innfarlnrR at
ttmnvn. .nui icuuiaiuHu ... ,
. ,.i.itinn in rnfl nun VT uw va , -
LS Stas may medicinal properties, and tome properUei
men, contains muy i7n' which if retained in pre-
S U for prducentatf and which -Ts Ih
' n tha svstem. Some of the prdperties of Sarsaparilla
which are inert or useless, rhu "T,.V-7-.r.
nrn&mtion if tney aje noi prescucu v..v
taown only to thoie experienced in its manufacture. Moreover,
Sese r principle, which fly ofFin vapor, or " "-"hala-lion,
nnder hekt. are the Wry ettenttalmedicei proptrtit of the
root, which eive to it r'l its value. ,
Any person can boil or stew the root till ihey get a dark colored
liquid, which is more from the coloring matter In the root than
from any thing else; they can then strain .this Insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten with sour molasses, and then call it "BAR
SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But such is not the
article known as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the Sar
ftparilla root are first removed, every thine capable of beconjing
acid or of fermentation, is extracted andejected ; then every
p&rtlcle of medical virtue is secured in a p'nre and concentrated
form; and thus itis rendered Incapable of losing any of its vain
able and healing propertied Prepared in this way, it is made the
most powerful agent in .the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear comniendations on .every side
In Its favor by men, women, fahdiehildrcn. We find it doing
wonders in the cure of
PLES, BLOCTHES.:TtA allaCectinns arisIne from .
Ttp6seies a mkrveuous.effiracy in alt complalnts.arisfng from
Indigestion, from Acidity ofte Stomach, from iineqnal cirenl&:
tion, determination of blood to the .head, palpitation of the heart,
cold feet and hands, edld chills and hot flashes ,over the body. It
has not its equaj n Colds and Cuvgis ; and promotes easy ex
pectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of th
lHBgs, throat, and every other part.
But in nothing is its excellence- more. manifestly teen and ftc
knowledged than in all kinds and staged of
It works wonders in cacesof Fluor Albus or IVite. FhUinffoJ
tkt Wdmb,!'Obstru.cted, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, Irregular
ity of 'the menstrual periods, 'and the -like and Is as effectual
in curing all the forms of Kidnty Diseases.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general sys
tem. It gives tone and strength to the whole body, and, thus
cures all forms.of
Nervous;diseaL9S and deoTIity
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other.maladlei,
as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitnr Danch, 'Swootwh,
Epileptic Fits, Convi&s'itm't, fitc.
It cleanses, the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones
the Stomach, and gives good' digestion, relieves the bowels of
torpor and constipation,, allays inflammation, purifies the skin,
equalises the circulation vf the blood, producing gentle warmth
equally all over the body, andthe" insensible perspiration; re
laxes all strictures and tightness, removes all obstructions,' end
invigorates the' entire nervous' sysYeni. is not this then
The medicine you pre-emiienUy iee4 ?
But can any of these saidtofB. P. Towmend'a infe
rior article 1 This yoUne man's Hqnid 1 not" to be
because of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE
while the other DOES ; souring, fermenting, and blotting the
battles containing it Info fragments ; the sour, acid liquid explo
ding, and damaging other goods,! Must not this horrible com
pound be poisonous to the system? What! put acid into a
system already diseased with acid 1 What causes Dyspepsia but
add 1 Do we not all knovt that when food sours in our stom
achv, what mischiefs it produces flatnence, heartburn, palpi
tatioa of the heart,- liver complaint, diarrheca, dysentery, colic,
and corruption of the blood ? What is Scrofula but an' acid
humor in the body? What produces all the humors which ,
bring On Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum Bry
ipelas, White Swellings,; Fever Sores, and all ulcerations in ,
tersal and external ? It 'is nothing tinder heaven, but an acid
ssbstance, .which sours, and thus ipolls'all the fluids of the
body, more or less. What causes Rheumatism bnt a sour or
acid fluid, which Insinuates itself between the joints and else
where, irritating asd Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which
It acts ? So of nervous diseases, of Impurity of the blood, of
deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which afflict
human nature. , '
Now is It not no'rriblfl to mike and sell, and infinitely writ
to use this r
and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr. Jicob
Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, Is an IMITATION
of his inferior preparation
Heaven forbid that we should dcaj in an article which would
Hear the most distant reseiublah'ce-to S. PTownsendta art ids '
and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain,
load of complaints nnd crimination's from A;ents who have sold,
and purchasers whoiave used S. PTovvnsend's FERMENTING
We wish it understood, because it is the absolute truth, that
3. P. Townsend's Wtfcle and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Bar-'
taparilla are keavru-w ide apart, and infinitely dissimilar; that
they are unlike in every particular, 'having not one single thing
In .common. . ,
. As 8. Pi Townsend is no doctor, and, never was, la op
chemist, no phunnaeeHUst-knnwrno mofe-or medicine or dl-
. , . , : ... . i - ,
, articles used in preparing It. and wbicti are incapable or cox nets
Iwhleh might render tHem 'the AGENIB ofDlseiittHniiridof
health. ,
But wlint else should be expected from one who knows noth
ing comparatively, of 'medicine or disease ! Itreguires a prmin
of come eipcrieuce t6 cook' and serve up even a .common drrent
ileal, ilow miich iimre iruportans is it that tlie personi who' man
ufacture medicine, designed for '''
, should know, well, Mie4i'cal:, properties 'of plantsh best
manner of securing and concentrating their healing1 vlriues,.
jiJso an extend veknowledijeflfhe vari9U's diseases which effect
thCliuniau system, and how to adapt remedies totu'ese diseases!
It is to arrest frauds cuun the On fortunate, tpSluniklid into
wounded humanim tn. kindle hope,; In the despairing bosnm. to
restote healtb'ah'd'biooiM,' and 'vicor Into the'cruslicd and br
ken, and to banish infirmity thatOLD pit. JACOI1 TOWN8BND
has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means ta bring
his t
Grand Universal Concentrated M
. Reined V
in froudsburg-by TCHOCHu' ;
enae man, am' oioer, ainjmqni unwnuiicj unprojessionai man,
What' guat anie'e can Vhe public Have that they are receiving a
ienuine stientific.mlicuiBwconUinihir.&li 'the virtues of the
vat rMcti.&nd to the knowieiiue or ail wlio nccu it. that .,
MHV'lea'rn anrf k'BOWIby'jyfuexporloUcl.-t5i"' -
i raiijfCjeudeu.l'owei- to ;Hen!
That dreadful cough, !r Tfte Lungs rare in dan-
ger ! T'A'e work . of tB$strQyerx hath, begun.
, The-jcouglhof .'consutjZfhn it a sPd
of Death e, ft j ' . "
Are you a mother. , Your darling , chij(I, your
idol and earthly joy, i? now perhaps, qonfined
to her chamber by a dangerouB cold, her pale,
cheeks, her thin shrunken .fingers, tell the hlod
disease has already gained upon her, the sound,
of her sepulchral cough pierces, yourfl8oul.
toung man, when ijqst aboui to, enter Me,
disease sends d hear-crushir.g blight over the
fair prospects of the future, your hectic cough
and feeble limbs tell of your "loss of hope, but
you need not despair,; Theje ia.balm which
will heal the wounded lungsj it is
sherjian's ll-healjng balsam
Roe and Dr. Moll ol JNew' Yorkr. rier inenus
all thought slie' musl die.'9h"e; hadyery ap
pearance of being in consumption, and was 60
pronounced' by her physicians--?Sherfnan's Bal
onm wan aivph and it cured her.
Mrs. Garrabrantz. of Bull's Ferryj was also
r 1 I ikiDnloitm mtinn nil.
cureu oi consumpiiou u ua laioam
other remedies failed' tbgiVe relief she was
reduced to a skeltori. DrJ-C. Chsile- Den
tist , 281 Broadwayi shas witnessefl. its effects
in several cases,
forded relifif-"but, the, Balsam operated like a
charm. Dr. C, also witnessed its , wonderful,
effects in curing Asthma,, which it never fails
of doing.' Spitting Blood, alarming as it may
be, is efte'ctuaHy cUred by1 this 'Balsam. It
heals the. ruptured or wouhded':blo6d: vessels,
and makes ifreflurigifcound'again. - - -
Rev. Henry Jones, lOfrEighih avenue, was
cured of cough and catarrhal, ,.affecijpn- of 50
years standing. The first dase gave him more
relief than all the other medicine he hac ever
taken,. Dr. L; J. Beals,19 Delancy-street,
gave it to a sister-inlaw who was laboring un
der Consumption, and to another sorely afflic
ted with the Asthma. In both cases its effects
were immediate, soon retoringJ.them. to com
fortable health,
Mrs. Lchretia .Wells, 5 tJtiristie-st. suffered
from Asthma 42 year's. Sh,ermah Balsam
relieved her at. once, and she is comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue evp?y attack by
a timely use of this medicine. This indfeed is
the great rerherfy .for Coughs, Cofds, Spitting
Elidod, Liver Cdb!plaintti and aj the affections
of1 the throat, and even AsihrHa and Consump
tion. , ,
Price 25 cents and $.1 per bottle.
Agents jor Monroe county. Theo. Schoch,
Stroudsburg ; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg ; G. B.
Keller, Cherrj valley ; H. 'Pfeters' & Co. xTar
shairs creek ; Hf Kiniz, Bartortsville J.Stouf
fer, Tannersville.
Pike county. Peters & Labar, Buahkill ; W
F. Brorj'heaa; Dingrnana "Fer;y'f i. Wallace
Milford ; it Shouse, WHsohvilJe. ,
Dr. Sherman's Cougfi and Worm Lozenges,
and Poor Man's Plasleri'.sold as above.
Dr. Sherman's Office is at 106 NasBau-st N Y.
UFA listers AII-Healius Ointment,
Or, The Wood's Salve.
Contains no Mercury or oilier- Mineral
From the Reading JEagle .
Theie was never, perhaps, a medicine brought
before the public, that has in so short a time . won
such a reputation as M'ALL1STER1S. ALL
ry person that has made trial of i sneaks warmly
in its praise, -tone has been, of the
most painful Rheumatism, another, of the Piles, a
thirdrof a, troublesome pain, in 'the limbs, &c, &c.
If it does'notgive immediate relief, in every case,
it can do no injury,' being applied outwardly. As
another evidence of the wonderful healing power
possessed by this salve, we subjoin the following
certificate4 from a respectable citizen of Maiden
creek township in this county :
Maidencreek, Berks Cp,j March 30, 1847.
Messrs. Rioter & Co. I desire to inform you
thatl was entirely cured" of a severd pain' in' the
bay; by the Use of M'Aliisers-' AlU'Healjng Salve,
which T purhhased fVom you. 3 suffered with it
fori about! 20 years, nd; at night was unable to
sleep. During that time L tried ivarioua remedies,
which.-wej'e prescribed for ipej by physicians and
other persons, without receiving any relief, and
at last made trial of this .alye, . with a result fa
vorable beyond" expectatfon. . Iam now entirely
free' from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful,
and sweet sleep.- IhjiVo .also used the Salve
since for. other complaints, with similar happy re
sults. rYour friend,
' Around' the1 Box" are Directidhs for using M'
A Ulster's' 'Oihtmeiii for f Scrofula. Liver1 Complaint,
Erysipelas",' Tetlei'dhilblain, Scald'vHead,- ;Sore
Eyes, Quincy,, Sore -Throat, BjronJChitisi Nervous
Affectionsj ;i,ainsr,fDiseaspf,pJ'ithe Spine, Head
Ache, AshniaJLqafness,,Ear. A)9fie Burs, Corns,
Sore Lips, . Pimnes, i&c.,r Sores,"H.he"matism,
i - 1 . 1 .rt to V I , U . flit va - . ,
irr Trie 'ointment' rs eoou 'tor - anv n
bodj'or limbs-wltehnflamed;" In somei'cases it
should be 'applied ;6ftbn.'r , -
,CATION.oi9trnent wHJ Ido genuine un,
less the. name ofJames M'Aljjster js, written with
a pen upon every label. '
For sale by my Agents in all the principal cit
ies and towns' inUKe'United States.
Sole'1?cdprietor6f tlie" aboveMedicine.
Prtice,2Sccnts per box. Agents ?
SamuePSiokes, 'Sifoudsburg ; 'Jejer Pomp,
Easton ; James A. Pbllc 4 (Druggist) Matich
Chunk. " " r VT6 f
PrihcrpalrOft'fB No. 28Nbrthr. third Street Phil
adelphia- fxra ihvi it May lOlSO.-eowly.
titrftiiliei-, Eggsfi&ctakentn exchange for'any
.goods in rayflirie bf.bosiness. j
, ; -..' .n;JO:HN.H. MEJCICK.
Stroudhbur, daiiparyils,-. 185l94 u- y
rs. Attrer'oVw.ife'0 VPi Q 4Uree EsC1,
aiVen mvQ Dr.SeWrar Vashingioi..
T?h'nnd McCiellan4 'Bf rhUkilWibhia, ;Dr.
rues, uroup,-. owenea or. oroKen ureuai, loom
'Th&70iAme'HtrsW6d'f6 nart of the
histoid -stand- in Hamilton1 sireet,
Easton, Pa.i opbosite:'.& P. Mix-
asell's store,, cbminues ao manufac-
ture to oder every description of
Boots and lioes,
for' men and boys: also the; most
ra$Kum&Goiiers, Buskins,-half
Cr alters. Slnvers. Ore, 7 or sautes
and Mssesl which! will'e 'warranted to fit, be
made of. tfe best materials, and'sbld at small
prollts lorasn. . ;Aiau u;,uim a,idi.go oao.
me;nl of , . f . t.
whiqhi willbe sold cheap, and can be recomv
mended. . '
-The- nublic are respectfully invited to, call,
leave their measures, or examine his ready
mndfi stock-before' durchasing elsewhere, as he
is confident itheywilkbe suited wiih the style,
quahty'and price of his articles.
- A'LoU-Just receivea a large-vsuppiy ui
; ' - --GUM' SHOES', -
for Jjadies and Miss'es of a hew .siyl.e, Very su-
nflrmr. tooether with a stock of Men s bum
oWos-'flisfY Children's Gum shoes. Call and
try ijiem.
Raising Blood '
And Consumptidhi' pain in the side- and night
"sweats'," Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpita
tion of the heart, Liver complaint Bronchitis,
And all diseases of the thrbaj, lungs and liver,
cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam
" 'Mr.Milne, Builder,' in Brookfyn, was at
tacked with raising blood, followed by' a cougli,
pain in the side; and all ihe usual symptoms of
cdnsumpiion. " He iemplbyed two of ihe best
physicians ; they did him no good, and lold
him' he could not live.
leafing of ihe wonderful cures performed
by Sherman's 'Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at
night'to Mrs. Hayes 16 Fulton street, and
got a bottle ; it operaied like a charm, stopped
the bleeding and cough! Before he had taken
one bottle he was able to be about his work.
It had saved his life. His daughter, residing
at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
Miss Ann Masipn, of Williamsburg, living
in T'enth, near South Fourth-street, says That
she had been troubled with a hacking cough,
and pain in ihe chest, for a long lime, which
ai last become so bad that she was obliged to
give up her school for more than a year. She
then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal
sam ,-which soon alleviated her symptoms.
She is now fast recovering, and has resumed
her laborious occupation as a teacher,
14 years Mr. John O'Neil, lOih avenue and
I st sireet, suffered with a cough, raising of
phlepm, and pafn in his side. He could get
no relief t he tried the' Ail-Healing Balarb,
which drove the pain from his side, allayed
ihe, bough, and brought the disease upon the
surface; and before he ha'diaken three botiles,
was entirely cured.
,Mrs, Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing
88 Sheriff, has for years been subject to attacks
of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough,
Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and
various pans of her body. Her friends believed
hera recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
releived.her at once of all her alarming symp
tpns, and now she is able io atieud to her work.
Mrs. Lucreiia Wells, 95 Chrislie-st.; L. S.
Beals, 1,9 jjelancey st,; W. H. Youngs, 75 Wal
nut st..knpw thej value of this great remedy.
Ask for Sherman.s All-Healing Balsam, and
see thai his written signature is on each bottle.
Price 25 cents and $1 per boiile.
Dr. Shermans' Worm and Couh Lozenges
sold as, above.
Principal Qffice 106 Nassu-street, N. Y.
Agens for Monroe "county. - Theo. Schoch,
Siroudsbprg; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg; G B Kel
ler, Cherry vajley; H. Peters & Co. Marshall's
creek; H. Kiniz, Bartonsville; J. Stouffer, Tan
Pike county Peters & Labar, Buspkill; W
F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry; J. S. Wallace
,Milford; W. Shousver. Wilsqnville.
Tpiseys Ointment ja.nd Clickener s Pills also
for saje by, the above agents..
February 15', ,8,49, -ly. . . .iTI
, jTheSpnng Session of ihe Stroudsburg A
cademy will ppen on Mopcfay, ihe 9th of' April
next. M ' ' ' ,
The principal hopes by properly and' 6ea
sppably imparting instruction to the young, pa
tient endurance in moral training, ami' tunw ear
lied diligence in the various branches of his
professipntp m.erit and,tpbtain that patjrohage
sructor, d'eriiand, " ' .
Terms : ,.
.Reading.? Writing, and Arithmetic
(.per Quarter qf ,1,2 weeks if. ; ,.,$2.00 ;
Cjrammar and Geography, with the.
. use, o,f,lhe glphea and inaps,. ,4. 2 &p,
Algebra,. Astronomy, Botany,, Men-
SURATjlON, g0pK-EEPI'G,jiHil.0S0 . .
yh4c. . . . , . " ,J,00
Lajtin, and Greek,, for jegjnners
All pupils cfictrgedfrom the time they enter un-
Jil the end of the quarter, except in caseof sickr
tess. .
uu j' .v, i Thomas Harrjcs :
StroudsHUr'g( March29, 1849 Principal.
, soaps.
- Finescented,SQaps for washing and ahayinf
-alsodhe celebrated shkvjng cream, for;ale
ichap, by!hj ? U dQHH.i MELlQJi a
Tlie most Wonderful, Jffgicine of .the Age,
lf500,000- JB.OTTLES
manufactured yearly,
Till Medicine Is put up In Quart Bottlti
and hu cHred more Chan :
100,000 Cases of Ghronic Disease,
within the last TeriTfears. None UGennin
uiOcm lgned by S. P. TOWNSEtfn.
thfl Public will learn the orieini'or rather whenm-
recipe for making the stuff they iall Old Dr. ;acoh
Townsend'a Sarsaparilla, came from; and will be at,u
to indtre wUICD is ino eenmn ana on
ine and original, and of vZ
honesty of the men whi
honesty of the men wao are empioyea m selling jta4
the original ur. uownsena a aarsapanua. Dr. s. p
Townsend was the original proprietor.and inventor of
Dr. Townsend'a Sarsaparilla, and his medicine fca
gained a reputation that no other remedy ever gained
He manufactured over oneraillionof bottlej last jear
and is manufacturing at present 6,000 Dottles per day'
fW3,ue more Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock in our
establishment each dayman all the other Sirsaparilla
Manufacturers In the worhl Principal Office, 12$
City and County qf NtufYorkh j,.
William Armstrong, of the said. City, being dnl?
sworn, doth depose and say that he is a practical
rist and i;nemui. xnai some ume m the latter
nart of "Mar. or first of June, 1849. a man by the nttr,.
of Jacob Townsend, who at that time was a book M
pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at the house
of Mr. Thompson, No. '42 Hudson-street, u here depo.
nent hoarded, and requested deponent to wiita him a
' recipe by which ;to make a Syrup of Sarsaparillj,
Deponent further says, that he became acqnaintoj
with said Townsend at the office of Theodore Foster,
Esq., Book Publisher, with whom said Towmeai
dealt That said Townsend had had frequent convent
tions with deponent respecting the: manufacture 0f
article of Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name of Dr
Jacob Townsend.
That 6aid Townsend stated he was an old man, izi
poor, and was not fit for hard labor and wishej u,
make some money, in order td live easy in his t.y
days, and that, if Sarsaparilla under the name of Tow 3.
send sold so well, ana so much money wm made by
it, he could see no reason why he might not mak:
something out of it too, (hisTiame being Townsend j
if he could get a capable person to prepare a recipe,
and manufacture it for him. Deponent in one of the
conversations asked said Townsend if he was relate
to Dr. S. Townsend, to which he replied,, that he
knew Dr. S. P. Townsend would be down on him after
he should commence. But that he did not care for
him, as he had formed a co-partnership with men who
could furnish the requisite amount of capital and wai
well prepared to defend himself against any attack
that might be made on him.
Deponent further says, that pursuant to the requeu
of said Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe for the
manufacture of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla, and gave it to
him. Said Townsend observed that he wanted ta
make a specimen to .exhibit to his, -partners for their
approval, as He wisnea to grauiy tnem in every win?,
as they furnished all the capital said Towruend alii
told deponent that the bottles they were to uie were
to be of the same size and shape as Dr. S. P. Town-
1 . . . t . r t .
send'a, and deponent, at the request of said Jacob
Townsend, went to the office of Dr. S?P. Townsend,
and procured one of his labels.
And deponent further says; that he has been in&ra.
ed, and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, soil
. as Old Jacob Townsend's, is made after the recipe for
nished by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid.
And further deponent saith not.
Sworn to before me, this 21th day of Mav, 1849.
Mayor of the City of New York.
Here is proof conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsend's
' Sarsaparilla is the original. The following is froa
somo of the most respectable papers iu this State.
' ' . FROM THE
New York JOally Tribune.
(JrJ We published an advertisement niaJverteritly
aotne time since that did injustice to Dr. S. r. Town
send, who is the original proprietor of the prepsirati.-n
of Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Townsend's. OtLer
parfies,' hae Within' the pas't !fcw months engaged or
connected themselves with a man oy the caaie of
Townsend who put up a medicine and calls it Ij ft
same name. This medicine was advertised in T:
Tribune as the original; Sec This advertisement 1L0
. contained matter derogatory "to tho character of Dr.
8. P. Townsend and that. of his medicine. We reti
it appeared, and injustice to the Dr. make tlus
plonatiou. '
New Yorlc Dally Sun.
Da. TowwsERo'a extraordinary advertisement, which
occupies an entire page of the Sus, will not escap
notjee. Dr. S. P. Townsend, who is the original pr
prietor of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and whose o
. fice is next door to ours, where he has been for sever-
al years, is driving an.immense business. Jle receives
no less thaA.four hundred dozen of SarsapariilJpsr
day, and even this enormous quantity does not ur;I
the demand. No medicine ever gained to great t
popularity as his preparation of the Samparilli K
edition of Almanacs for- 1849 coat $22,000, aniu
has paid the New York. .Saw for. advertising, in tit
last four years, over $10,000, and he acknowledge
that It is the cheapest advertising he has had dese.
This medicine Is exported io the Canada?, West 1
dies, South America and Europe, in consideraba
quantities, and is coming into general use in ttG
countries, as well es here.
Pruggists and others that sell Sarjaparilla r fti
genuine and original Dr. Tbwnsend'3 Sanapanuj,
QtJa aotigaed by; 8. P.TownserrfcomimtsafraM,
sqd swindles the customers- . Men that would c
guiltV 'of such an act, would commit any other tram
ana no Druggist of comBaon intelligenca butkso'
that burs is the only genuine.
Old Jacob Townenrl.
Soma peopleffcoiare not well informed, ana M
not read the papers, and not aeen our adverusene-
' Kava; been led to aopboie; thatbeeausa these taaai
. vartiis . theiristujr; as " Qld Jacob Townsend?,''
musl, ofcourseToa the original. It is' less thaaM
year since they commenced to make their medics
Ourijhas been in tha market over ten years.
Tkls Old Jacob Towniend.
TheyhTa 1 eBdeav6ringrto palm oT on thepnow"
tn,olif htsician, fctv 5la u a regular edne
FlysfcTan, and never attempted to manufacture a
icinar-Hntibthew raea hired him for the use otw
nasae They say they do, not wish the people
lieve that their Sarsaparilla is oura, or the saaH
the Better td.deceJvev the public they at, .the una w
assert that their'a is the Old Dr. Townsend's,
'Origlhej :' aad endeavor to make the people
that the.ituffthey mwfacture.ia.the Dr.Towce.
iariaperilla, that haa performed to many wond'"
ue for the past, .tea; years, .and. which, has
reputation which no other medicine ever enjoJ
whkh-k'a'baae, villainous, Unprincipled falsw1
efliavaeamBaeBcad auits againat these man1
damage: Mfo wish it to'be understood, that the old
is no relation to Dr.' Townsend whatever. In their i
verUaeaaenU and circulars, they publish a numc
gresa fakehbods reapecting Dr. Townsend, wbk
t wiU'stot'Ofltice-t
FalM Repevti.
Our oppoaeaU kave published in the paFHw
Dr. S, P. Townsend was dead. This they tend
agents about the country, who report ta,a"7fJ;j
h 4 givehupbaainese, fee. fcc The public sheuW"
.Ueir guard, and not be deceived by th&o uniw
Koiict of Removal After tho first oii S5 j
1S49, Dr. 8. P. Townsend'a New York, flea
Tn the South Baptist Charch, No. S N"sS' pi
which ia now undergoing a thoroagb,-. cbans .
will be fitted for the betteaccotflaodation ot r
- prietora aad tha publicv ....
Take particular .Notice. Ho Sexsapanuai
gehuiae and original Dr. TawtiaedfcSaB8paruj'
Jai ajgaed by 8- P.' Twjaajnd , -
" Asekts. Reddiag k. Co, a State-Hf3
. Mra-E. Kidder, No, .100 Courtwat, Boato j
Kidder; Jr., Iwell.1 Hiihry Pratt. 8g1Srft
Balch is Sea. Providewje ; and b-j Druggtf
chasW gflSrally thraugkouittaa Umted
1 Iadiee.aasl UajMdae.
. ttJ
in Sltdiidiburp. kv
SmithStel&Jowns)ip, Aug; 29 6t
h i 'tVUWt
t lbrrouUburg,HUiilyi5,-'iqfl9ntil : ttw it