Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, September 13, 1849, Image 3

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    General Election
pR O C L AM A T It$K
Vhereas, byn;acfcpfihei General Assembly
r,K- Comaonwealm qfJfcennVyYvaniaenti- ad regulating the General Elections
' jibin the paid Commorfwealth," passed on 'the
fj dav of July i i83,ituis,made! the duty of
"u Hieh Sheriff of every county, to give pub-
notice of such elections to be hblden, and
juake Known in sucu uuuce wuai oincers
c ,0 be elected. Therefore I, PETER
PlfMERER High Sheriff p,f.ihe county of
jonf0e, do make known by this proclamation
TTIortnra of thrt rniinlv nf Mnnrnp lhal
f M M u XV''- - - - . , .... vr w w,
General .bieciion win oe neia in tne saiu
n 'Ptiacrlirv iVn Oil.' C Hntnlinr
.v at the several electiondisirictaoeiow enu-
erated, at which lime antl places are to oe
i . t. - C . C .1 n I .f A r
; Uric JKersoi :;
For Canal Uorjimiss loner, oi jnecojnmon
ealth ol Fennsyiama.
One Tersprt
To represent the counties composing the
Illih Senatorial .district, comprising Scbuyl-
ill, Carbon, Monroe and Pike', in the Senate
f the State of Pennsylvania.
Three Persons
To represent the district composed of the coun
ts of Monroe and Northampton in the House of
Representatives ..of the state of Pennsylvania..
une l ei'son
For County Treasurer,' Tor the county ,of, Mon-
One Person J,.
For Commissioner of the county of Monroe'.
One Person - ;,
For Auditor of the public accounts of the county
f Monroe, to serve three years.
The freemen of the township of Chestnuthill
:e io hold their election at the. Wuse of Felix
;orm, in said, township.
Coolbaugh -at the house of John yiiet, 'in 'said
Hamilton -at the house of Joseph Keller, in
Middle fcmithneldat the .house of Adam Mo
ier in said township. ,
Pocono at the house now in the occupancy of
ianasseh Miller, in said township.
Paradise at the house of David Eninger, in
aid township.
Polk at the house of Adam Bowman, in said
Price at the house of Eleazer Price, in said
ownship. -
Ross at the house ot Joseph Hawk, in said
Smithneldat the house of iienjamin VU-iJush,
nsaid township. ' ' "
Stroud at the Court House in the borough of
iroudsburg. . ,
Tobyhanna at the house of Washington Win
es, late Joseph Fritz, in said township.
Jackson at the house of Henry tester, in said
' Notice is Hereby Given
"That every person, excepting Justices of the
Peace, who shall hold an office or appointment of
profit or trust under the United states or of this
slate or any city or corpprated district, whether a
commissioned officer, or otherwise, a subordinate
oScer or agent, who is or shall be employed un
der the legislative, executive or judiciary depart
ment of this state of the United States, or of any
city or of any incorporated district, and aso, that
every member of Congress, and of the state legis
lature and of the select or common council ot any
cnv, or commissioner of any incorporated district
is by law Incapable of holding or exercising, at the
me time, the office or appointment of judge, in
spector, or clerk of any election of this common
wealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other offi
cer of such election eligible to be then
"ted for. -And
the said act of assembly, entitled " an act
relating to elections of this commonwealth" passed I
-wj za iB39.Jurther provides as iouows, to wu :
" That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet
'tbe respective places" appointed for . holding
!e .election in the district to which they re
'pecuvely belong, before, nine, o'clock in the
uorjuag of the second Tuesday of October,
a&d.e&cfWf said inspectors shall appoint one
ckrfc, srfao shall be a qualified ? oferpf such
dutricL - -
"In cese the person who shall. hatereceived
'ta lecoed highesl number of votes foe inspec
shall not aaend on thevday prany'electioh;
'n the person who shall -have (received the
econd highest npmber of votes for Judge at
'tanext preceding election, shall actas inspec-
l m hi place. And in case me person who
M have reetved,the highest number of votes'
of the 'age,-pi twenty one years or. more who
r-hall hare resided in the stale at'least one year,
and in the election district where heoffcrs to
vote at- least ten day r, immediately, preceding
iuch election, and wjihin two years paid a
state or county lax which shall have been as
sessed rat least ten days, before the eleciion--But
a citizen of tke: UaitidS States who .shall
hatve, previonsly been a .qualified voter ofbthfs
state, and removed therefrom and returncdad
who ehall have resided -in the election district
and paid taxes, aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote after residirig in this sfate' ifix months :
Provided, That the" w'KHe'' freemen, c'iti'zens of
ihe Uniied States between the age of iweniy
one and twenty iwo years, who have resided
in the election diWict aroresatd,.shall be entii
tied to vote, although they shall not,have paid
taxe. . r
V No person shall be admitted, to .Vote whbse
nameiis'not contained in ihe list of taxable in?
habiiants furnished by theuGommissibnersi Un-i
less, Firt, he produced taKieceipi. for the pay-,
ment, wiihin two years, of state or county tax
assessed agreeably.lo the constitution, and' give
satisfactory evidence either, on his own oath
or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of
another, that he has, paid such a tax, or on
failure to prodfuce a receipt, shall make oath io
the payment thereof; or Second, if he claim
a right to vote by being an elector between the
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he
shall depose, on oath or affirmation, that he
has resided in the slate at, least one year next
before his application, andt make such proof of
residence in ihe(uisirict as is required by this
aci, and; that he-does ve,rily believey from the
accounts given him that, he is of the age afore
said, and, give such other evidence as u. re
quired by this act, whereupon 'the pame.of the.
person o admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the insp'ectp'rs1 and a
note made opposite thereto by writing the
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars fox,
every such offence, and be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding three months. 1 v'
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-firsi
section, of said act every General and Special
Election shall be opened between the'hours of,
eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall con-'
tijiu,e without interruption or adjournment Until
seven oclock in the 'evening, when' ihe' polls
will be closed. . .T
And the Judges of nhe'fesnectixe distritfts
afor'esaid, are by the Skid act required to -'meet
-at the Court Hduse in the botough'of Stfouds-'
burg, on the third day after the said 'day. of
Election, beihg Friday, the 12th, day of Octo
ber, -ibeh and there to perform the things re
quired of them by law.
(odd save TkE coMarb WEALTH )
ouciiu s ynicBi cxrouasuurg, t onerjn.
September ,,1949;
i .. . Ml :f i Lilt . ..- .
wora "tax ii ne snau nave oeen admitted' to
Relative 16 an Amendment of Hie
RESOLVED by the Senate and; House- of
Representatives of ihe Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in General Assembly met That the
Constitutjon of this. Commonwealth be atten
ded in ihe: second., section of the fifth aniclej
so that it shall read as follows. The Judges
of the Supremo Court, of the several Courts
of Common Pleas, and of such' other Courts of
Record as are orshall be established by law,
shall be elected by the qualified electors of the
Commonwealth in the manner following to wit:
The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qual
J ified electors of the Commonwealth at large.
1 ue rresiuenv juugea ui me several uourts oi
Common Pleas and of such other Courts of Re
cord as are or shall be established, by lawj and
all other Judges required to be learned in the iaw,
by the qualified electors of the respective dis
tricts over which ihey are to preside or act as
luugca. nuu 111c nnoucidic juuges ui uic. VjUUiIS
electors of
respectively. The Judges of the
.!?. ??!. S W ?r 'enl",0p, e3CPrnMS T of Common Pleas by the qualified
ued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Moh- ,La nmnMt&.u. u i..
J1.J "71 lit r l.. w ""lc"' 1 w,u, r Suprbme Court shall hold their offices, for ihe
r,u. s.rtl ipf fm& 01 J.a- term of fifteen years if they shall sa lone be-
.themselves well : fsubiect to the allot-
inspecior shall tint attend, the person elec-
lluA ; I . it - . - tn ill a
cu juoge nau appoini an AWHHiv'
place : and in crfse the DetsohleClc'd judge
hball not attend, the' inspector who xeccived-j
highest number of votessttail, appoint a
EJvdee in his nlace : and jf. any vacancy shall
continue in the hoard Io r iKe pace of we hqur
ar'er the timo firnd'bv 'iayJor the dpefiing,of
I.L . . . . r . " '
le election, the qulified vo.W oi me iown
h:n. wsrrl nr at fnr which ?uch officer
Ml have been elecied, present aMhe-place kI'
fleatinn clioll l-t if'ihaii- nfi'.Mbe'r to fill
ihe Varanntr - . 3 ;' , P c
vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word
" age" il" he shail? be admitied to vole by rea
son of; such vote shall be called out to the
clerks, who shall make the like .notes in the
list of voters kept by them. .
" In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vole is found on the list furnished
by the commissioners and assessors, or his
right to vote whether, found thereon, or not is
objected to by any qualified cjtipen, it shall be
the duty of the inspectors to examine such per
sons on oath as to his. qualifications,: and if he
claims to have resided in the state for one year
or more, his oath shall be sufficient prpof there
of, but he shall make proof by at 'least one
competent witness, who. shall be a qualified
elector, thai he has passed' within the district
for more than ten. days immediately preceding
the election, and shall also, himself swear that
his bonafide residence in pursuance of his law
ful calling, is within ihe district, and that he
did not. remove into said district for the purpose
of voting therein.
" Every person qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make due proof, if required, of his
residence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid
shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward
or district in which he shall reside.
14 If any person shall prevent or attempt to
prevent any4 vofficer of an election under this
act, from holding sucheleciion, or use or threat
en any violence ip any such officer, or shall
interrupt or improperly interfere with, in the
execution of his duty, or shall 'block tip ihe
window or avenue to any window where the
same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb
the peace at such election, or shall use or prac
tice any intimidation, threats or violence, with.
design to influence unduly, or overawe any
elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to
restrain freedom of choice, such person on con"
viction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding
fire hundred dollars and be imprisoned for any
time not less than three nor, more than twelve
' months, and if it shall be shown io court that
the Person .so offending was not a resident of
the city', Uard, district or township, where the
said offence was committed, and riot entitled
to,' a vote therein, then on conviction, he shall
be sentenced to pay a fine of ndt 'less than one
hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars,
arid oe imprtsonea.noi less iusu 01 luumus niu
mote than two vears. . x
"Jfany pdrion or persons shall mak'e any
bet or wager upon tne result oi any eiecuon
within this commonwealth, or shall offer to
' Air .
make any such benjf'wiger,' either by verbal
proclamation tnerewptyoy wsniieiior pnuiou
advertisements, challenge or invite" any person
or persons to make such bet ;or;, wager", upon
cohvfcUon thereof, he 'or they's'hfairforTcTtnd
pay three times the amount so bet or offered
to be bet. "
i-If any person noi bV lawqaalified; sbalf
irauauienny yuie ai aiiypicuuuti uiuia wm-
rn'onweilfh, or being; otlirwise 'qiialiiSed, shall
vote oat of his proper district, or i! any person
knowing the wahi of such qualification, shall
aid or procure such person to vdle, trie person
offending shall on 'conviction, be fined in any
amount 'not'eceedihg't6 hundred dollars', 'and
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding'three
" If any person shall vote at more than one
electibri 'district, dotherwise fraudulently vote
more ihan once oh the arhe day, or1 shall irau
"YEAS-Messrs. Boas", Brawlev. Crabb, Cun
ningham, Forsyth,-Hugus, Johnson, Lawrence-
beyis, Mason Maunias, M'Uaslin, Rich, Rich,
ards, Sadler,Sknkey, Satory, Small, Sm.iser,:,
aterrett and btma,
; Nays Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Iresjf
King, Konigmach6r Po.tieiger and, Daraie,
Speaker' -8. .,. . .
So 'the question was the;afiir
" Shall the resolution pass ? The; yeas and
nays-Were taken agreeably to the provision of
the Tenth article ,of he Constitution, and are
as follow, iz :
" Yeas Messrs. Gideon j. Ball, David J.
Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. fcloom, David M.
Bole,, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Con, Jihn fl.
Diehl .Naihaniei Aj. Elliott, Joseph mcr;,,
David X3. Ashieman, William Evans, John,
Fausold, Samuel Fegely Joseph V. Fisher.'"
Henry M. Fullerj Thos. Grove, Robert Mamp- .
son, George P. flehszey, Thomas I. Hornng,
Joseph Higgihs, ChasHoriz, Joseph li. How- '
erj xvoperi ivioiz, narrison r. JUaitUi Abraham,
Lamoenon,jamos J. Liewis, jamea Y. Liona,
Jacob M'Cartnev. John F. M'Culmch. Iluuh
, . . m i bail ill ill 1 1 1 1 r r, i ii iiinv nitii hi i. iiiiiu im i J i - r - -
cob lvnecht, in the Borough of Strohdsburg,on hav ,hem8elea wel,,: f9ibiec. lo thn M'Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Waritn, San-
Monday-the 24th my Of September ment hereinafter provided for, subsequent D uet .warxJoiin u. Myers, Edward iNickloson,
next, at 2 o'clock, p.m.-, the following desbribed; ue st eletuon :) The President Judges or TZi T S'l S '
property, urwit Ascertain tract of land in e several Courts of Common Pleas, and of nZS!& cEP TJ1
Tobyhahria' township, atlioiiiinE lands Of Jacob 8,uch otner courls Record as are or shall bfe
oox, Henry Msher, and others, contamingabout M,U1,,8UCU uj mw, aim an umer juuges re-
Foiir Ifimdfl , 4u,rBU ,u loameu ' l aw oiu meir
more pr less, 2b; acre cleared,;all Mead, sd long behkvo themselves well : The Associ-
x ue iiiipruyemenis are one , M alb Jud2es of the Courts of Common Pleas
c-i - it
liilY hrtlrl id kali nfKntao Tnr lltrt tarKi rf fitin trhnva.
if ihfev shall so lnnr hehavB thm,mW utpII . NAysMessrs. Augtisttis K. Cornyn, Da
v, : "o . :.i m r- ri:.i n tt o
ail of whom Shall be comtnissibned bv the Gov- v,u m Vuy. avi" vans. nenry o iufat.
I 1 f II... Tl. TT n IP
e.rnor, but Jot any reasonable cause which shall ruul! ' J""n v- eorge, l oomas ui
not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, ihe ""PI,' uouu n; oruon vm. nenry, James
Governor shall remove anv of ihem on the ad- Jf KWKuusBpu xiauoacn; itoneri u. Millie,
rlriio. rf lurn.tKirU lfH hrannh rf 1V10 T ... Johh -S. M'Calmont, John M'Kee4 William
islature. The first election shall take place M'SheHy; Josiah t Miller, William T.. Morrison;
at, the general elqcstion of this Commonwealth John a. utto vviiiiarn Y. Koberta, John AV.
nt dftir'lhft nflhrilinh nf lh nmnndmnnt . am! twOSBDeriy, UOnn B. Rutherford; R. Run'dlo-
IiOg House and iog Stable,
and other out buildings. An excel
lent stream of water passes through the same',
Seized and taken into execution as the prop
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg:, Shertff.
August 23, 1849. '
man, Bernard b. bchoortbver, Samticl Seibert,
John Sharp, Christian iSnivelv. Thomas C.
jSteeli Jerehiiah B. Stubbs Jost J. Siutzman,
Marsnall awartzwelder, bamuel 1 aggart, Goq.i
T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arti.nah Wattles,
i . . . I iV r rhhn yJ t i pi K A InnA I I 1 ..... . I
ate Judges ol the Uoutis of Common Pleas S:muo1 flH,Ui5 "
- ii "-jr k.v i iiriii:. . m ri v t .
juroey aim fvunam r. racKcr, opeaKer. do.
Geo. Wall
wionroe couniyj ana, win oe presented ior con- 0ne of them for three
firmauon and allowance to. the Orphan's Court, one for nine year's
to be held al Strpudtsburg, in and for the afore- onB ror fifiean veaYs:
IiiVT10 1JjJ O iV A AV-JCi. ,h .nmmi..inn rtf nil thh union whn mnv fio
Notice is heteby-given to ail legatees and than in office shall exnire on the first Monddvi
Mother persons interestedin the. estate of the re- of fiecember following, when the terms of the
spective .dependents ano minors, tnat tne ad- new judges shall commence. The. persdhs
ministration accounie.pine.ouowmg estates who shall then be elected Judges ol the Su-
have been tiled in the. omce ol ihe'Kegister ot preme Court shall hold their offices as follows:
years, one for eix years,
one for twelve years, and
the tBrm of each to be de-
said county on Monday the 24th day of Sep- cided by lot by the said judges as soon after the
tember next, at 10 O ClOCk A. M. Alnctinn ai r.nhVnniRnt. ahfl lh rnaiili horiifiprl
The firs't account of John Felker, admihis- 0y them to the Governor, that the commissions ani me" 0 on3,,iuon," as ihe sarao
trator of the estate of Jacob relker, late of L,; iqanpd in mrAanm ihprpirt Th h,Aao appears on tne Journals ol the two Houses of
m t' . ... I . J . J 6 .u: n i a.-i.t.
whose cbmm ssion w first exo re sha be luo oowmuiiweaiui,
nt,;f x- lor tne session ot l4y.
tratrix, of the estate of John Auble, late of Ross each iudee whose commission shall first exnire Witness my hand ahd the seal of said office,
township, Monroe county, deceased. ' -hall in turn be the Chief Justice, and" if two
The final account of Philip, Mosteller and ni- mnrn rrimmisainna hftU
and Peter Mosteller, administrators of the es- day. the iudfces holding them shall decide bv
Smith, John Smyth, John Souder,
tera and-David F.-Williarhs.-.-J2B. . xj.
"So the question was determined A. hha
affirmative" ,: x..;.;,'
SECitafAkY's Office, I' .stn)ifl
cii - si : ' Hcrtisbarg, June 15, 184&d
Pennsylvania, ss : - in's
I bd . certify that the-above and
foregoing is, a true and correct copy
of the u Yeas " and " Nays," taken
on the ' Resolution relative to' an
tarrisburg, July 5, 1849.--3mo.
-Itsha'n be tne dutv.of the taeVwasses-jdulently fold and deliver to ibe ihroecior t
ou rcn.f.:a rn ..Ai ;,-,Ki nl of hpm tickets toEertheY'kith the infent tllegally td
iiagevinr .neikl. nr townshiD fileTnie and procure artotherao to do, he or,
ion. AJn .h.'.hrim.: Action 'jSendink-aball on convictibn, be fined in
,0n to the inspectors iantl udgehen called
in relations the ,r .RB.irion aiif
'cssed by them to vote w -etieaeciion, pr
brother raattterii JrjNOjMWJaaavmeht
Toiers as the said ifaptlpllhgiiaj
n. froraAiaie;-iogimjBauir.e.
"No nerson sha. bkftrmttttlOiptflf ial
in.v election as aforesaid, iban's bite freeman
&um no1 188 lDan fifty n?r more tnau "ve lun"
driii andlbdiiraprisoned for any term
notleis thfii porimPe than laioaths.
"" If anv pffrsn;npi qpahfied to vote in this
commonwedth.SgreVable to law, (except the
ionrf qufiifiad citizens,) ahallu appear, at any
riUee of -'leciioo ifor purpose .of .itauing
tietlf.Itnruencing the citizens qualified
to vote he hallr9ri CQnfiqtionr forfeit and pay
the fifieeiith day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-ritrie.
tale of Mary Mosteller, late of Hamilton town- int which shall be the Chief Justice. Anv va- . . . SecrV J the Commbnivealtk
shin MnnrnA rnhhtfr' ilprprmpil i: : : t... A,U .Kn:n:'nn .ltl
ine nnai account oi James u. otroud, au- otherwise, in anv of the said courts, shall be
ministrator of the estate of Charles G. Nebe, ftjed by appointmet by the Governor,' to con
late of Pocono township, Monroe county, dee'd. unue till the first Monday of Dechmbbrsuc
Ihe account of annah Dimmick, Execu- ceeding the next general election. The Judges
trix and Urnn banford, Executor of the last af ihe Subfeme Cdurt, and the Presidents of
will and testament of Chauncey Dimmick, late lne 'several Courts Of Commbn Pleas shall; at
stated times, receive for their services an ad
edhate compensation, to be fixed by law, which
shall not e. diminished during their continu-
4nc0 in office, blit they shall receivrj nd lee's or
perquisites of office,- not hold any othbr office
of profit under this Commonwealth; or under
Whereas the Hob. Nathaniel B. Eldred, the government of. the United States, or any
of Middle Smithfield township, deceased.
SAMUEL REESj Jr., Register
Register a Office, Stroudsburg, )
August 23,- 1849.. .y
pTesident Judge 4 of the 22d Judicial district other State of this Union. The Judges df the
of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Supreme Court during their continuance in of-
Carboni Monroe. Pike and Wayne, and Moses
W. Coolbaugh and Stogdell Stokes, Esq's.,
Associate Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of the county of Monroe, and by virtue
of their offices, Justices of the Court of dyer
and Terminer and General Jail delivery, and
Court of General Quarter Sessions inl and for
the said county of Monroe, have issued their
precept to me commanding that a Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas,
and General Jail Delivery and Orphans' Court,
for the said County of Monroe, to be holden at
Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 24th day of Sep
tember next, to continue two weeks if necessary.
Is therefore, hereby given to the Coroner
the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of
the saidpoenty of Monroe, that they be then
and; there ready with their rolls, records, inqui
sitions, examinations; and oiher remembrances
to do those things which to their offices are. ap
pertaining, arid klso that those who are bffund
by recognizances to prosecute and give evi
dence against the(' prisoners that are or shall
be in the iail ot said Cdunty,,pf Monroe, or a-
gainst the persons who. stand charged with the
commission of oiiences,,to be then, and mere' to
prosecute or testify as,,shairhe just.
Sheriff's Office, 4" " ,
Strounsburg-August 23, 1849. ,
(God save the Commonwealth ) .
Executor's Notice.
state of John Rouse,
Late of Hamiljqn tsp. Monroe Co., Pq,Kdecl.
Letters testamentary upon the said estate,
haying been; gfanted tp the undersigned, notice
.isi hereby given that he will meet at the late
residence o( the deceased, in Hamilton town
ship, on Saturday-the 27th day of October next,
at lOjo'clock in the forenoon of said day, when
and where all persona indebted to; said Estate
are requested to make payment, and those hav
ing claims or demands ' again the same will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Smiih'fiield,Townshipf;Aug.23fa849. 6i.
fice shall reside' wiihin this Commonwealth
and' the other Judges durlrig their continuahde
in office shall reside within the district or coun
ty for which they were respectively elected.
Speaker of the House ufReprescrtiative's.
Speapker oj the Senate.
., .. .. In tiiB. Senate, March 1, 1849.
... 'Resolved, That this resolution pasS;--Yea8
Sfl, Nays 8.-
Extract from the journal.
In TriE House of Representatives
, April 2, 1.849.
Resolved, That this resolution pass.--Yeas
58, Nays' 26. 4
3 ' Extract from the. Journal.
Ww. J ACK, Clerk
. Secretary's Office.
. Filed' April 5, 1849.
jep. Set. of Commonwealth.
Secretary's Office.
ENSyiNfAj S' :
1 do certify that the above and foregoing
is a uueand correct, copy of the Original Res
olution of the Genefal Assernbly, entitled ,r Res-
olution relative to an Amendment of the Con
stitution, pyi the same remains on'fiiejifri '.thjs
In testimony whereof 1 have here
unto set my hand,- and caused to be
affixed the -seal of the Secretary's
Office at Harrisburg, this eleventh
day of June, Anno pdmihj, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine
TO WS(N& ;IJ.&INES, , t
SecYy of "the Commonwealth.
f JViouRfiit of Senate. i
" Resolution, No. 188, entitled Resolution
relative to an amendment, of the Constitution
was read aHhird time; On the question, wjll;
the .Senate agree to the resolution ! The: Yeas
and Nays were' taken agreeably to the Qpp
stitution, and wore as follow, viz ;
r:-t To InHentorSi Mechanics and Artisans'.
The Iubliheis bf tlid Sc'tENTinb American iii
returning' tneir thahks to" the conimtinity for the
ilibefal support and encouragement which has-been; them during the past four years,.would
; r it. la : . t . .
respeciruity give nonce mat me ist numoer-.OL
Volume 5, will ,bS issued tin Ihe 22d of Septem
ber affording a favorable Opportunity for all toi
Subscribe, who riiay ivish'to avail' themselves of
the valuable information always found in its col
umns. The new volume will be commenced with
hdw lype; printed on extra ne papery manufac
tured expressly for this publication, and- embel
lished with a chaste and elegant botder. It will
be publisKed as heretofore in quarto form, thus, af
futding at the dnd of the ydar a beautiful Book of
'over 4Q()pdg1Ss cpntaining;between 5 and 600 orig
inal. Engravings- of netii Inventions, described by
letters ef reference, besides a great, amount, of
reading matter,. valuable to every man in the coun
try. An increased amount of care and expense will
be bestowed upon this Volume, lo render it more
fully what it has been termined, " The best iMe
ehanical Paper in the World." Its columns as
usual will be fille.d with the most reliable and. cor
rect information in regard to the progress- a Sci
entific and Mechanical improvements, Chemistry,
Ardhiteclure, Botany manu factures, Ralilroad 'm-
'lelligence, and the Weekly list of Patents prepared
expressly tor this Journal at the patent office m
As an evidence of the estimation in which this
publication is held by the Scientific and Mechan
ical portion of the community, it is only necessa
ry to state, that its. circulation has increased with
in th'e5 last three yearso upwards of 10,000 cop
ies, already exceeding the" uniied circulation of all
the Mechanical, and Scientific publications in this
country, and the largest of any single one in" the
world; . '
, TERMS; Two dollars a year in, advance, or
if desired, one dollar in advance, and the remain-,
def in six months.
TO CLUBS 5 copies, $8 ; 10, copies, $15 ;
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N. B. Patents secured .and mechanical draw
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the-Scieptific American office. i
'August 3, $849. '.; b
Came to he premises. of the jmbsciiher, k
Siroud 'towrishipMonrbe coenty ra.ahouthtv
first of Julv last. FIVE SHEEP. ail-Vw-
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owners thereof are tequeted o-cdme: forward,
plrtiY'e properly pay charges Iftid take thorn a
way or they will be disposed of accoftlirig to
fla,w. . - W AYNE G. 0RAICE.
September 6, 159. '
d For'sale by -'STOGDELL STOKES,
Str'oidsbitrg, NoVember 10, 1848"? s '
For sule at; this Office -;- ,