Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 30, 1849, Image 4

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J1 nounce"wilht'eat pleasure the important
lacl that a medicine has just made its sppearance
G-"-lJ'J Jii.ivn'.v.'J MO, " '
"viii u. punciiui pirguiive.uuu uu umi-
vanea punuer Ol Uie DIOOd, nOltner gripes nor
nr uscates, and is administered in the form of a
iiigar plumb. We of course allude to Clicken
crs Sugar-coaled Purgative Pills, which we per
ceive, by our exchange papers, are every where
the rage, and fast driving all the old-fashioned,
griping, and neauseating popular compounds out
of the market.
For sale by T. Schoch, who is the only authori-.
yed agent for Stroudsburg; see advertisement for
agencies in another column.
i3"r 'ie eommon wealth of Pennsyl
$mWfi$& vana 10 Abraham Depuy, Margaret
HfelfftP? Houscr, widow of George Houser,
dcc'd'' Daniel eP"y John Neyhart
m and Jemima his wife, Ferdinand Du
tot and Hannah his wife, Christopher Teeple
and Eliza his wife, Benjamin V. Bush and Sa
rah his wife, John Depuy, Christopher Groot,
Reuben Groot, Ransom Williams and Maria
his wife, Ellen Grooi, Edwin Grooi, Theodore
Grooi and Elizabeth Groot heirs and legal rep
resentatives of Aaron Depuy, laio of Smithfield
township, Monroe county, yeoman, deceased,
G reefing :
Whereas, by an inquest for that purpose du
ly awarded by the Orphan's Court of tho Coun
ty aforesaid, tho real estate of the sajtl Anron
Depuy was appraised as follows, to wit: No. 1
14 Acres and IS Perches,
more or less, at and for the sum of thirty-three
dollars per acre for each and every acre thereof.
No. 2 at and for the sum one hundred and
seventeen dollars. No. 3 at and for the sum of
two hundred and seventy -Jive dollars. No. 4,
SI Acres and 108 Perches,
more or less, at and for the sum of Jljteen dol
lars per acre for each and every acre thereof.
No. 5, containing
ie Hundred and Fnrlecii Acres,
more or less, at and for the sum of twelve dollars
per acre for each and every acre thereof. And,
whereas, none of the heirs of the said deceased
appeared in Court on the return of ihe said
inquisition to take the premises therein men
tioned at the appraisement, ynu and every of
you are thereforo hereby cited to be and appear
at the next General Orphan s Court 10 be held
at Siroudsburg, for the county of Monroe, on
the twenty-fourth day of September next, to ac
cept or refuse to take the said premises afore
said at the said appraised prices.
Witness the Honorable Nathaniel B. El
bred, Esq. President Judge of our said Court,
a Siroudsburg, tho tenih day of July, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and forty-nine.
M. H. DREHER, Clerk.
Stroudsburg, August 2, 1S49. 3t.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia
Tho Auditor appointed by the Court, to au
dit, settle and adjust the accounts of William
Neal, Assignee of R. T. Downing & Co., Eb-
enezer Levick & Co., George D. Smith and
Ebenezer Levjck, and to report distribution
of ihe funds in the hands of the said Assignee,
will hold a meeting on the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1849, at 4 o'oclock, p. m. at his office, No.
315 South 6th Street, opposite Washington
square, Philadelphia. All persons claiming as
creditors or otherwise, will please send in their
Philadelphia, July 19, 1849
H Ml I I. ' ' J . VC a 1 A I 1 li1 . A O U:.
M mm
The-testimony in its favor is overwhelming.
The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters
and certificates, going to prove its remarkable
officiency to all cases of worms, both in chil
dren and adults. The relief given, and the
immediate improvement of health which follows
iis use, has called the attention of physicians
lonhis article, and they freely recommend and
prescribe it in their practice.
The retail price is, 25 cents per vial, which
l?i;igs it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847.
I do cenify that 1 gave one bottle ofB. A.
Fahnestock's Vermifuge to my child, and in
seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any
PcrJon doubling this may apply, for funhei in
formation at my residence corner of York and
Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFREY.
Poughkcrpsic, N. Y. March 2; 1844.
1 certify, that 1 took two vials of B. A. Fahn
esiock's Vermifuge, which I found to be the
greatest cure lor worms l nave ever used". I
have been troubled with tape worms for a num
ber of years, and I have never found eo good a
medicine as B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. I
therefore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT.
The public is cautioned against counterfeits
and spurious articles, and to put no confidence
in statements that "KolmslockV'and "S. Fahn
estockV Vermifuge are the same pr as good
as --tine only genuine article, which Is B. A.
F.opE. m , -
brJy emeu;
il5HlS49.eowiy. ,
For sale in Sirouda
f i
-nm-rtvr it. 1 " 1 " - - P -1 . P Ti I' - -
A ;an bjt5;o Batne"rcapij hw -engaged with a young
man of the nam6 f's. Kwnlenrf, and uics his. name to put
up s aarsaparilla, which tlioy call nr,Townsena s narsapanna,
denominating it OE.VUIJ)rX, Original, etc. This Towuscnu is
no doctor, and never whs; bnt was formerly a worker on rail
roads, canals, and the like. Yet he assumca thc'tltterDr., ftir
tho purpose of gaining credit for what ho is not. This is to cau
tion the public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the
GEXUIA'E OIUOfJV.iL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsa
parilla, having on it the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat oi
trim, and his signature across the coat of arms.
' i Principal Office, 103 JVastnvst., Jfnc York City.
Genuine Townscnd Sarsaparilla.
0d Or. Townscnd is now about 70 years of ncc, nnd h.-w long
seen known as the AUTHOR and DISCOVERER of tho
Kot Iriqixai. " roir.vsK.rn sarsaparil-
I. 4." Being poor, he was compelled to limit its in:intifacture, by
which means it has been kept out of market, and the sales cir
cumscribed to those only who had proved its worth, and known
thoso persons who hnd been healed of sore diseases, and saved
from death, proclaimed Us excellence and wonderful
Knowlntr, many years ago, that he had, by his skill, science
and experience, devised an article which would be of incal en
able advantage to mnnkind when the means would be fur
nished to brins it into universal notice, when its inestimable
virtues would be known and appreciated. This timo has come,
the means are supplied ; this
s manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throuph
3iit the length and breadth of the land, especially as it is found
Incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. l Townsend's, it improves with age, and
never chances, but for the belter ; because it is prepared en scien
tific principles bva scientific nan. Tho highest knowledge o'
Clicinisfrv, and 'the latest discoveries of the art. have all been
trough. ,nto requisition in the manufacture of the Old or s
r- 5 n m,o finr.mnriiin runt it is well known to inculca.
vnlii. It hm reached the ears ot many, nevenneiess.
mo innf.5r.B m.inv inpilip.inal nrotierties. and some proportlci
Which aro inert or useless, ana otners, wwcu ,--
. j , '. ...l uir..,.: -j un
Mrin-n for nse, produce, fermentation and acid, which is in-
larioiw w the wtein. mM
preparation, u tnev are not preserved oy u. scienujic process
k-nnnrn nnlv to those exnerienced in its manufacture. Moreover,
these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala-
IS whtrt to't hr?' iuuef a mtdical " th9
Any person can boil or siew the root till they pet n dark colored
liquid, which Ls more from the col(irii:p matter in the root than
from any thinp else; thoy can then strain this insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten wnn sonr nioiases. ami then call it "
SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But such is noUhe
article known as the
This is eo prepared, that all the inert nrotierties of the Sar
saparilla root are first removed, every thine capable of becoming
ni,iu in ui leimenuiuiin, is uxiracicu ana rejccieti ; men every
particle of medical virtuo is secured in a pure and concentrated
form ; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of its valu
able and healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is made the
rnosi powcrim agent m tne
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence tho reason why we hear commendations on every side
In its favor hy men, women, and children. We find it doing
wonncrs in tne cure or
i'JUfci, iUtUurti Ki. nnu an aiicctions nrisinc from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all cr.mDlaints arisinc from
Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from Unequal circula
tion, determination oi dioou to tne nead. palpitation ol tho heart,
cold feet and hands, coid chills nnd hot flnshes over the body. If
nas not us equal in Lotus ana Uoutrts ; and promotes easy ex
pectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the
lungs, tnront. nna every other part.
But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly teen and ac
knowledgcd than in all kinds nnd stages of
It works wonders in cases of Finer Albvs or Itltites. Fallinrrnj
. L - wrr J. -.. .7 , . ri - - i . r V
ic trumu, uuairucitu, oujiprcsscu. v i aivjut .nenscs, irregular
ity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and is as effectual
in cnring an uie xorms oi Kidney niscasts.
By removing obstructions, and resnlatintr the rreneral svs
tern, it gives tono and strength to the whole body, and thus
curc2 an iorms oi
Nervous diseases and tlefcilitv.
and thus prevents orrelieves a great varletv of other maladies,
as Spinal irritation, Xeiirafpia, St. Vitus" Dance, Swooning,
Epileptic Fits. Convvlrions,. fcc.
It clennses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones
the stomach, am! gives good digestion, relieves tho bowels of
torpor ana constipation,. allays inflammation, purifies the skin,
equalises the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth
equally all over the body, and the Insensible perspiration ; re
laxes ail strictures and lightness, removes all obstructions, anil
Invteorates the entire nervous svstem. Is not this then
The medicine yon pre-eminently need 1
But can any of these things be said of S. P. Townceud's infe
rior article? This younc nutn's liqnid i not to lie
because of one C, RAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE
while the other DOES ; souring, fermenting, and Motrin the
iofre containing it Into fragments; the sour, acid liquid explo
diag, and damaging other goods : Must not this horrible com
pound be poisonous to the system ? JVhat ! put acid into a
system already diseased taith acid! What causes Dyspepsia but
acid 1 Do we not all know that when food sours in our stom
achs, what mischiefs it produces 1 flatuence, heartburn, palpi
tation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhoea, dyscnterv, colic,
and corruption of the blood 7 What is Scrofula but an acid
humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which
bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Kry
lipelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations in
ternal and external ? It is nothing under heaven, bnt an acid
substance, which sonrs. and thus spoils all the fluids of the
add fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and else-
hud), more or less, vv nat causes Rheumatism but a sour or
ceranged circulations, and nearly nil the ailments which afflict
hninaa nature.
Now is it not norriblo to mike nnd sell
tousetlm J
and yet he would fain Iimvc it understood that Old Dr. .tncob
TowuneniTs Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an IMITATION
of his infcr'or preparation 11
Heaven forbid that we s-hoiild (leal in an article which would
bear the imwt distant rweinbiance to P. I'. Townsend's article!
and which should brins upon the Old Or. such a mountain
IokiI of comj'Iainls jud criminations from Agents who have sold.
rJ,fwb,:2:cs w,1 huve us,id I'-Townsend'sPEIl.MBNTING
e wish it understood, became it is the absolute truth, that
S. 1. 1 owiisetid's uriicJo and Old Or. Jacob Townsend's Par
saparilla arc heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar that
they are unlike in every particular, havinjrnotone single thing
As S. I. Townscnd . is; no doctor, and nrver was, Is no
w,u"Bl 'ar;:iaceuui Knows no more ol medicine or dis
ease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional "man.
what guarantre can the public have that, they are receiving a
genuine scientific medicine; containing alluhe virtues of the
articles ued in preparing it. and Which are incapable of chances
which might render them the AGENTS of Disease instead of
But wluu che should be expected from one who knows mith
lne comparative! of medicine or disease ! Ii requires a person
ol some experience to cuok and serve up even a rommon
ncal. How much mure importanfis it that the person who man
nfacture medicine, designed for
should know well the medical properties of plants, the best
luanner of securing knd concentrating their healing virtues,
rtlsoan extensive Knowledge of the various diseases which airect
the human system.;tnd how to adapt remedies to these diseases !
It is to arrest Inuids upon the unfortunate, to p.itir balm into
wounded humanity, to kindle hojje ip the despairing bosom, to
restore health and bloom, and viWr into the criiijhe.l and bro
lJ' 't j fVi 10 I)R.JACOin'0VKSKND
as &OIJGHT and FOUND the opiwrtunlty and means to bring
Graisil lTnH'ersoI Concentrated
within the renr, and to fho kmwlo ofl who Bt-ed-ltJuml
. ..hceiuiesBC i-ower ) Ileal. 4
Sold in Siroudsburg 'by T.'SCFfbCir. ' '
juiyo; mo: - f1 v
! ' ' iA u
I r riflMM
That dreadful coughf
trcr ! '"The work of the. destroyer hath begun.
The cough of consumption hath in it a sound
' of Death ! . ' " . ' '
Are you a mother ? Your darling child, your
idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps, connneu
to her chamber by a dangerous cold, her pale
cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hlod
disease ha? already gained upon her, the sound
of her srpulchral cough pierces your soul
jcounu uiuu,. vviiau iu8i ttuuui iu uinci
t- . t "....i.:,.- ui.-i,t
fair prospects of the future, your hectic cough
O a
and feeble limbs tell of your ioss of hope,
you need not despair. There is a balm which
will heal the wounded lungs, it is
Sherman's all-healing balsam.
Mrs. Attree, the wife of Wm. H. Attfee, Esq.,
was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington
Drs. Roo and McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr
Roe and Dr. Moti of New York, Her friends
all thought she must die. She had every ap
pearance of being in consumption, and was so
pronounced by her physicians Sherman s
sam was given and it cured her.
Mrs. Garrabrantz. of Bull's Ferrv. was also
cmed ofconsompiion by ibi. Balsam when
.t i; r":i.i rni;rcl,fl
reduced to a skelmn. Dr. A. G.'Casile, Den
ist , 281 Broadway, has witnessed its effects
' ' . . -
in several cases where no other medicine af
forded relief but the Balsam operated like a
charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful
effecis in curing Asthma, which it never fails
of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it may
be, is effectually cured by this Balsam. It
heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels,
and makes the lungs sound again-.
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was
cured of couoh and catarrhal affection of
years standing. The first dose gave him more
rn inf thnn n ihn other med cine he had ever
laken. Dr. L.J. Beals, 19 Delancy-sireet,
gave it to a sister-inlaw who was laboring un
der Consumption, and to another sorely afllfc
,e(j wj,j, lne Asthma. In both cases its effects
cnnn rpcinrintr ihpm to mm.
fortable health.
Mro T.pTirPiio WpIU on snfTorprl
from Asthma 42 years, Sherman's Balsam
relieved her at once, and she is comparatively
well being enabled to subdue every atlack by
a timely use of this medicine. This indeed
the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting
Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections
of tho throat, and even Asthma and Consump
Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle.
Agents for Monroe county. 'Theo. Schoch,
Siroudsburf -t C. Saylor, Savlorsburg ; G. B.
Keller, Cherry valley ; H.Peters & Co. Mar-
shalPs creek;. H. Kintz, Barlonsville; J.Slouf-
fer, Tannersville.
Pikecountu. Peters & Labar. Bushkill : W
F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry ; J. S. Wallace
Milford ; VV. Shouse, Wilsonville. .
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges,
and Poor Man's Plasters sold as above.
Dr. Sherman's Office is at 106 Nassau-st NY.
Ifl'-A listers All-Healing Ointment,
Or, The World's Salve.
Contains no Mercury or other Mineral'.
From the Reading Eagle.
There was neyer, perhaps, a medicine brought
before the public, that has in so short a time won
such a reputation as M ALL1S TEH'S ALL
ry person that has made trial ol it speaks warmly
in its praise. One has been cured by it, of the
most painiui itneumausm, another oi ine rues, a
third of a troublesome pain in the limbs, &c, &c.
If it does not give immediate relief, in every case,
it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. As
another evidence of the wonderful healing power
possessed by this salve, we subjoin the following
certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maiden-
creek township in this county :
Maidencreeh, Berks Co., March 30, 1847.
Messrs. Hitter & Co. I desire to inform you
that I was entirely cured of a severopain in the
back, by the use of M'Alhsters All-Healing Salvo,
which 1 purhhased from vou. I suffered with it
for about 20 vears. and at nieht was unable to
sleep. During that time I tried various remedies,
wiwUU.xUvu ui i.iw wT
at last made trial of this Salve, with a' result fa-
vorable beyond expectation. I am now entirely
free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful
and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve
since lor other complaints, with similar happy re-
-r r-. i 1
uti3 luur menu,
T r t t vr nnr ttth nnr
Around the Box aro Directions for usinir M'-
Allister's Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint,
Erysipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore
Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat, Bron Chilis, Nervous
Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine,- Head
Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Burns, Corns,
ID3 The Ointment is good for any nr.rt of the
body or limbs when inflamed. In some' cases it
should be applied often.
CAU HON. No ointment will be cenuine un
less the name of James M'AUister is written with
a pen upon every label.
Tor salo by my Agents in all the principal cit
ies and towns in the United States.
Soje Proprietor of the above Medicine.
Price 25 cents per hox. Agents
Samuel Stokes, Stfoudsburc Peter Pomn.
Easton ; James A. Polk (Druggiht) Mauch
Principal Office No. 58. North third Street Phil
adelphia. May 10, 1849.--eowly.
Country Produce.
Butter, Eggs, &c, taken in exchange for any
8 " OUSMaSS. ,
Sirni ulshnrn. .Tnnnarv ,1 . 1 RdQ
F or ;ale ,,a.t i his 0 i
ore jjips, nmpies, ssc, toores, Hheumatism, sonably imparting instruction to the young, pa
Piles, Croup, Swelled or Broken breast, Tooth tient endurance in moral traininff, and unwea
Ache, Arrue in the Face, &c, Sic. r;fi ,i;i;r. ;n ,u k-i r
j, -teM-.
his old stand in Hamilton street,
Easton,Pa opposite T.& P. Mix-
sell's store, continues to manufac-
ture to oder, every descriDlion
IJoots and Shoes,
f'mon' nnrl hnvs nln thn
fashionable Gaiters, Buskins,
itn iiiv-ii , u.uw .ww .
trailers, onppers, cyc,t jor jaaies ine jaut iu iut- nuuuniai ui an meaicines
miim '
.,,7 M ;.. . oh wi ho wnrrnnted to it.
.1 -ii 1 . .
made of the hest materials, anu soiu ai
bui profits for cash. Also on hand
merit of
which will be sold cheap, and can be recom-
n't f) rl rt fl ft
TVi nnUtir. am rpcnpptfnllv invited to
t j. v. . j j -
lnnvfl -ihnir measures or examine Ills
made stock before purchasing else where,
is confident they will be suited with the
8 L,..l I nrn0 f hi nrtir.lfl
Hal 4ua,,,J' a,,u r"v
ALSO Just received a large supply of
v v - ?
all for anu ' W')
nftnnr. toeettier wnn a stoch ui ivrens
- shoes; also Children's Gum shoes. Gall
try them.
And-Cnnsumiotion. nain in the side' and
' rm ' ' - .
sweats, Asthma, Whooping yough, paipua
twn-ej the tiean, ,iver compsaim, nroncnurs, ineffectual, the Money paid lor it will be J
And all diseases oi tne tnroat, lungs ana
cured by Sherman s All-Healing Balsam.
Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was
50 tacKeu wnn raising uiooa. louoweu ny a cougnv ones, oungs oi roiwnons insect,
I " " -I. - 1 I II . 1 . I M
pain in tne siae, anu an me usuai symptoms
consumption, ne empioyeu two oi uie
physicians ; they did' him no good, and
- him he could not live. giving immediate and permanent relief
- Hearing of the wonderful cures performed No preparation now before the Pui.liccJ
by bherman'fl iialsam, he sent at JUo clock
niffhl to Mrs. Haves.. 136 Fulton street,
gl a bottler p ii operated like a charm, stopped
the bleedinrrand coueh r Before he had taken
one bottle he was able to be about his work. REAL PAIN KILLER are MAGICAL
j It narj savea ms lire, ins aaugnier, resiuing JLLT -vory x-amuyin uie lanu srwuia p
' i - i . r.
at ivjyrtie Avenue, can auesi it.
is Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living lion, the cheapness ol which places it j
in Tenth, near South Fourth-street, says 'I
stie had been troubled witn a nacKing cougn,
- and pain in the chest, for a long time,, which
at last become so oaa tnat sne was obliged
SlV0 UP ner 8Cu0' for more than a year.
hen commenced taking the All-Healing Bal
sam which soon alleviated her symptoms.
She is now fast recovering, and has resumed
her laborious occupation as a teacher,
14 years Mr. John O'Neil, LOih avenue and
2Isl street, suhered wiih a cough, raising
phlegm, and pain in his side.- He could get
no relief till he tried the All-ffealing Balam,
which drove the pain Irom his side, allayed
the cough, and brought ihe disease upon the
surface; and before he had taken three bottles,.
was entirely cured.
Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing
88 Sheriff, has for years been subject to attacks
of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough,
Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head
various parts of her body. Her friends believed
her vast recovery. Tho All-Healin2 Balsam
releived her at once of all her alarming symp
tons, and now she is able to atteud to her work.
asthma and whooping coupk.
Mrs T ..,: WpUs purulifl. T.
Beals, 19 Delancey st.; W. H. Youngs, 75 Wal
nnr. Rl.. know Ihfi va iir nF this crroal rtimcrtv.
Ask for Sherman,s All-Healing Balsam,
b . j
see that his written signature is on each bottle,
Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle.
Dr. Shermans' Worm and Couh Lozenges
sold as above.
Principal Office 106 Nassu-street, N. Y.
Agens for Monroe county. Theo. Schoch,
Stroudsburg C. Saylor, Saylorsburs:- G B Kel
ler. Cherrvvallev: H. Peters fr. Co. Marshall's
creek; H. Kintz, Barlonsville; J. Stoufier, Tan
i nnrsvino
A fodnead, Dingman s l erry; J. S. Wallace
Minora; VV. bhouse, Wilsonville.
Touseu's Ointment and Clickener's Pills also
for safe by the above acrents.
. .
hphrnarv lfi Nd
I J ' J '
The Spring Session of the Stroudsburg A-
cadcm! Wl11 pen on Monday, the 9th of April
The principal hopes by properly and sea
profession, to merit and obtain that patronage
and support which the arduous duties of an in
structor demand.
Terms :
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
per quarter of 12 weeks
Grammar and Geography, with the
use of the globes and maps,
Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Men
suratiow, Book-keeping, Piuloso
thy, &c.
Latin and Greek, for beginners
$2 00
i pO
n aa
jiu pupas cnargea from the time they enter wn
til the end of the quarter, except in cases of sick
xiiuaiAs riAiuus.
,Siroudsburg, March 29, 1849. Principal.
' - SOAPS. ;
jFine scented Soaps for washing and shaving
also ihe celebrated shaving cream, for sale
Cllfian.,t)V . JO H N. hi,.
ydiposwve- and nevery ailing n
whothfir Internal Ti'.vtprnal Rlind . n.
.. .w....r wu wr
In .Whit a ScppU intra tiu
tl Qnro Tlirnnl Pontoi- CJrt M. . 'CH
of I miiqm. nulnnprms T)isfinsnn Mo.
icu uuiu m. ttuu, uaunvi uuid ;tinntt r.
mnel Also For Scalds. Blims. P.m. c
i - 1
Jtalfl Bruises, &c. We feel justified in pr
1 ' j ODrs I
. i . i.. ur, u; i ,r
hn uiuuhih uciuio i.uwi.w nunc imve er.ri.
sman -v- r pu" w k 7 11
ill ntnrn honihpinl m nTillPlpri hum..:.
' -
a miifc, a&auji-i --j--- j - 'iiaiii
that i
is daying a great deal, out it we were in 1
;iiuiiiua wo uuuiu nui otij iuu c" tn.prj.1
ui 1,111:
Health-restoring, Life-prolonging
I TT lirifl r ii rl d nrmv lV...n. UtiAn 1 1. 1
ca I. r.,. .u.. j . rJw
I uiiui wwo. nay tuuuaa lus, uitoo ills nartn-v
i wiieii litoi iupy were uiaue ucijuainig
ready IPOncnonrlarrr'vinunQ . nnrl nnr hrn.n..
as ne 5s to nform 0iher ihousands, how and Jl
siyle, ,j oh,ajn ,j,al relief, which I
. i k. r. .. . ,,KJ M
naps, nave rung auugiu iut iu vain.
The SUDerior excellence of this n,...
ovnr all nthnr medicines for the
i . 'vv o n rrl
- : '
ium n. j. uao uo.. ,ucu in idomJ
and of insiancei., and has never failed ioJ
' Tr V ,CnfiH
. Ill novor tvlll (ail if iiscH n nrim.. I. . 1
time according 10 directions. As a proof T.r.j
ni?ht omir. mnfirlflnm in ii pfilr;ir.v u-n ......
" - j assure
- purchasers that, if, alter a proper trialr w pr I
nver, hitmed.
'f he " Liquid Cure " is an effectual Re.v!
Tnr Pinnivnrmf TK!rc. Pimnlai! ni.k.'. t
at-LFrosted Limbs, Chilblains, Salt Rheum. &
II .1 1 f . . II.. i I
oi inu rur ouiuueuus diseases oi cveij uescr
ubm nun.
told li is both safe and effectual for RheunajJ
at surpass Hie excellence oi tne liquid t-ir?
and for Scalds. Burns, Cuts, Sprains, ik0I,P
Swellings &c.
Its effects as a
I -i .t l r.i .1.: t 11
viue memseives wiut mis invaivaoie prer.l
hat the reach of all.
jfuii directions accompany eacii none.
Pamphlets, containing copies ol ceriih:aJ
to trom those who liave tested the ".Liquid ten
She may be had Gratis of our authorized agen.s
- " 1X1 vers1 Liquid Cure" ts prepared c.iy
Jerome & Co. 21 Spruce street, 2. 1 .
Theodore Schoch, Agent for Stroulslc;
John Lander, Ageni, Craig's Meadow's,
June 7, 1849. j
It is confidently believed that no comb::;
and of medicine has ever been formed hat gare-
universal satisfaction, that operated so th.;r ;.
y and yet mildly, and in such perleci arc",
- ance with the Laws of Life as the above P
Kecommenuations are daily Deing receive.
and orders are being sent from the wes;:J
S southern and eastern Slates.
- These Pills contain no mineral, na;cc
DOISOnOUS or lmiaiiner SUDSlance. WCJfer
and out are prepared ol the most harmless, nr...
. .
balsamic, and restorative Vegetable Exfracl
that can be produced from the four quar'ersc
globe ; carefully selected and compounded b
the proprietor himaell, with strict reference!.
vegetable chemistry and the immutable aws
- or particulars see the circulars thst actx-
nanv each box. For sale wholesalo-and retil
- at the office of the proprietor, Elmira, X. f trinp.v nr np. (inn n nnr pasiivoju-
Agents for Monroe County
Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg
A. S. Edinger, Tannersville
J. R. Howell, Pocono Tannery
Oliver D. Smith, Coolbaugh township,
Simon Gruber, Naglesville
Eastern and Millbrd Mail im
Passongers in this lino will leave Jos-:
Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Horse
Easton, every Monday.Wednesday :and Ki3'
passing tnrougn the following places,1"
Richmond; Centreville. Williams'bnrgJ
I TT" Tl xtr. . rt t..'.4t A
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dingm in'?
loirv, Delaware water vian, uu-
and arrive in Milford the same davr. 1, J
GOmiles Returning, leave Samuel
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Tl mrsn
. . CT n7.ll
- Fnr from R
i uuniiu ujr , auu auiic lit XjaslUll iuc
Milford. 2b'
N. R. All ha b nf the OWl'l
wn.TJAM iih a;
Stroudsbure Januarv 1. 1849.
o - J '
For sale by STOGDELL S' I'OKF
Stroudsburg, November 10, 184.8.
it Neatly executed at this ( )$'c(