Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 16, 1849, Image 4

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A man by the nnme of CIJlPP has engaged with a younp
of Iho nurno of S. I Tnwnsead, and uses his name-to put
ap 1 8axsaparilla, which they callDr. Townseud's 8rsaparllls,
Aaaomlnatlng It Gi7A.,"Origlnal, etc. This Tuwusend Li
b doctor, and never wa; bat waa formerly a worfrer on rail
TPada, canals, and the like. Yet he anmes the title of Dr., -fat
the purpose of gaining credit for what he is not. Thh is to cau
tion the public not to be deceived, and purchase none bat the
GRjVDIJTE ORIOIXAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sam
parilla, having on it the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat -ol
trrns, and hit signature across the coat of arms.
Principal Ojfice, 102 Massewst., JVeie York City.
Genuine Townscnd Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 veara of acc, and has long
itzn known as the AUTHOR and DISCOVER ER of the
LA.'' Being poor, he was compelled to limit its manufacture, by
which means it has been kept out of market, and the sales cir
cumscribed to those only who had proved its worth, and known
is valne. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, as
those rtersoas who had been healed of sore diseanes, and saved
from death, proclaimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, manv years ago, that lie had, by his skill, science
and experience, devised an article which would ha of incaleu
.able advantage to mankind when the means would be fur
nished v bring it into universal notice, when its inestimable
virtues would be known and appreciated. This time has come,
the means are supplied ; this
s manufactured oa the largest scale, and is called for through
aut the length and. breadth of the land, especially as it is found
Incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike voung S. I. Townsend's, it improves with age, and
never changes, but for the better ; because it is prepared on scien
tific principle by a scientific man. The highest knowledge of
Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been
orough. .mo requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's
Sarsapardla The Sanmpariila root, it is well known to medical
men, contains many medicinal properties, and some properties
which are inert or useless, and others, which if retained in pre
narin; it for use. produce fermentation and acid, which is in
urious to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla
xxe to volatile, that they entirely evaporate and arc lost in the
ir . I . . .1 ... . r
nnt. which elre to it r"' its value.
Any person can boil or stew the root till they pet a dark colored
liquid, which Is more from the cut ring nntier In the root than
from any thing else; they can then strain this insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten with sour molasses, end then call it "BAR
SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But Mich is not the
article known as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the Sar
saparilla root nre first removed, every thine capable of becoming
acid or of fermentation, Is extracted and rejected; then every
particle of medical virtue is secured in a ptiro and concentrated
form; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing Any of its valu
able and healin-properties. Prepared In this way, it is made the
most powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side
la its favor by men, women, and children. We And it doing
wonders in the cure of
PLES, BLOCTHES. and all affections amine from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy In all complaints arising from
indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal circula
tion, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart,
cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes tiver the body. U
has not its equal in Colds and Ctnighs ; and promotes easy ex
pectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the
lungs, throat and every other part.
But In nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and ac
knowledgcd than in all kinds and staee of
Tt works wonders in cases of Fluor Albus or IFhiUt. Falling ot
the Womb. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses. Irregular
ity of the menstrual periods, and the like ; and b as eficctual
In curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general sys
tem, it gives tone and strength to the wholo body, and thus
cure all forms of
Nerrous diseases and debility,
and thqs prevents or relieves a great variety of other maladies,
as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, Stcoonintr.
Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, &c.
it cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones
the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves the bowels of
torpor and constipation, allays inflammation, purifies the skin,
equal ses the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth
equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; re
laxes aH strictures and tightness, removes all obstructions, and
iDttgorates the entire nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need 1
But can any of these things be said of S. P. Townsend's infe
rior article 7 This Tonne man's liquid is not to be
while the other DOES; souring, fermenting, and blauing ths
tettwcontainlngit into fragments; the sour, add liquid explo
ding, and damaging other goods ! Uust not this horrible com
pound be poisonous to the system 7 What I put acid into a
tyftem already diseased with acid ! What causes Dystiepsia but
!SV J&We-B0i.alJ 0W that whcn sou our stom
.k-m,lSchSef? U Producea 7 flatuence, heartburn, palpi
latum of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhcea, dyseaterv, colic,
Smfc0, tfeJSSodl WhatIs Scrofufa but a'nlcid
K LinWe,?dyV Whl Produces all the humors which
vpelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations In
JShSiiS 1 U iS -?LhiDS nnder heaven' but an add
EX wU?h 002;tand thn all the fluids of the
?J'ffi&ieJ- luV WhBl case,s Rheumatism but a sour or
u ,i wch knnoates Itself between the joints and else
where. Irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which
V"s', S of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood, of
deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which afflict
cum an nature.
touaTthUU n0UibIa 19 me eadsei infinitely worst
and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr. Jicob
Townsend s Genuine Original SarsayarilMf Is an IMITATION
of his inferior preparation ! :
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article whicb would
j v-C i.ra1St I!???' reWanceto 8. P. Townsend's article!
and which should bring dmvB upon the Old Dr. such a mountain
load of complaints and criminations from Aeents who have sold.
who have u$td s- P'Townsend'a FERMENTING
We wish it understood, because it Is the absolute truth, that
.n"t-ii Wn6e1nd'a artic,e and 0ld Dr-Jacob Townsend's Sar
aap.nlla are heave n-veide apart, a nd infinitely dissimilar; that
in .mrnr!n. 'D eV8r' PJUtiCUjar Jvinfiiot one slggle thing
el thn ,amttCeUllst-knows 00 re of medicine or dls
wlhtt ttr?,L, nC?n,mo,L',,UnscIenti' Uflproftesional man.
Knrtntffin e-puWlchave they are receiyin- a
ISsnl containing all the virtues of the
which IVtJFaI? olU?iwhich incapable of changes
health. 8 ACUNTS of Disease instead of
Hut wlmt else i should bo expected from one who know., noth
log comparatively of medicine or ? ft wKlSTi-Son
ot some experience to cook and serve im l. ,' person
M How much nioreimporunt i, it B wSJm" ,
tttacture medicine, designed for lWtns who man
rhould knov well the medlwl profile, of pianU the best
manner of securing and concentrating their heXe virtus
Jo an extensive knowledge of the various diseased . which artvij
the human.systcm.and how to adapt remedies to tw fieSS
J..,irfnitt,rcairraads cPn unfor;unate, to pour, balm inti!
Ln n5t, k VP. bOMJ' ,,,t0 lhe crushed and bro
aAr-r nlshJn.ur,nity that OlA) DR. JACOB TOWNBEND
hu 80LGHT and FOUND tho opporiunHy apd mean, to brin"
Grand Universal Coueeiatrated
. -,m .u Remedy
KwILSlZSZnM l thcKk".dee faII who peed it, that
toey may learn and know, by jvful ex(erience. iw
.Transcendent Power to Heal.
Sold id Stroudaburg-by T. SCHOCH.
July 19, 1849, 7" '
preparaiinn, h iucj ma uui iresnixu uy a sciennjic process
known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover,
these volatile vrincivles. which flv offin vaoor. or as an exhala-
till mrtiimz .rftrirrfy r t fh
By Divine permission a Camp Meeiing will
be hald in Cherry rallev, on Stroudabure Cir-
cuii, to commence on Monday lhe 27ih of Au
gust, and close on the following Saturday mor
ning. Preachers and people of adjoining Cir
cuiis and Stations are cordially invited to at
tend. M. H.SISTY,
HCf" P. S. No hucksters or traffic of any kind
will&e allowed within the prescribed limits of the
law. Stroudaburor. June 28. 1849.
164 Clicsnut Street
Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings,
Knowing the warns of the community, the
Proprietor of this Establishment has fined
up a Store in the most elegant manner, having
due regard to the comfort of his customers, so
that every Siranger visiting his Book Store,
may feel entirely at home.
His Imuicuse Stock
of Books is classified according to the various
Departments of Literature, so that visitors can
find the Books they are in search of for them
selves. Buying his Slock for the most part ai
the Auction Sales, and being connected with
one of the Largest Publishing Houses in this
country, besides publishing largely himself, en
ables him to sell all Books at
Lower Prices
than any other house of a similar character on
ihis continent. His facilities for the Importa
tion of Books from Europe are unsurpassed,
naving a branch of his Establishment in Lon
don, where orders of private gentlemen are
carefully executed and forwarded to this Coun
try by every Steamer and Packet.
A Catalosrne
of Books with the prices attached is issued quar
terly, containing Lists of New Additions made
to bis large collection, which are in all cases
for sale at the
Lowest Prices.
or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers'
Prices. Thus in buying even a Few Books.
quite a considerable amount is saved.
As a still further
to strangers visiting the city, every one who
purchases One Dollar's worth of Books, will
receive a copy of the
Stranger in Philadelphia, an elegant
18mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents.
JXj lhe limits of an advertisement are too
confined to enumerate the prices of any of the
Books, or to give even a faint idea of the im
mense advantages to be derived from pur
chasing at the Great Central Ceeap Book
store, but let all who are in search of Books
send for a Catalogue, and buy the Books they
are in want of, and when visiting the city, give
Appletion one calf, and you will be sure to
call again.
in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest
Prices. The Initials of those pnrchasing Let
ter and Note Paper, neatly stamped in the cor
ner, without charge.
Orders for any article may be sent by mail,
addressed to the Proprietor, and the directions
in all cases will be fully carried out, with great
punctuality and despatch.
Orders for Catalogues should be pre-paid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer,
164 Chesnut St., cor. of Seventh, Stoaim's
Philadelphia, May 10, 1849. 3mo.
The testimony in its favor is overwhelming.
The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters
and certificates, going to prove its remarkable
efficiency to all cases of worms, both in chil
dren and adults. The relief given, and the
immediate improvement of health which follows
its use, has called the attention of physicians
to this article, and they freely recommend and
prescribe it in their practice.
The retail price is 25 cents per vial, which
brings it within the means of all.
Brooklyn,. L. I. January 16, 1847.
I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A.
Fahnestock's Vermifuge to my child,, and in
seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any
person doubting this may apply for funnel in
formation at my residence corner of York and
Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFREY.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844.
I certify, that I took two vials of B. A. Fahn
estock's Vermifuge, which I found to be the
greatest cure for worms 1 have ever used. I
have been troubled with tape worms for a num
ber of years, and I have never found so good a
medicine as B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. I
therefore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT.
The public is cautioned against counterfeits
and spurious articles, and to put no confidence
in statements, that "KolmstockV and "S. Fahn
estockV Vermifuge are the same or as good
as the only genuine article, which is B. A.
Fahnestock's Vermifuge.
For sale in Stroudburg, by T. SCHOCH,
Agent. March 15. 1849.eovv ly.
That dreadful cough ! The Lungs are in dan
ger The work of the destroyer hath begun.
The cough of consumption hath in it a sound
of Death !
Are you a mother ? Your darling child, your
idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps, confined
to her chamber by a dangerous cold, her pale
cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hlod
disease has already gained upon her, the sound
of her sepulchral cough pierces your soul.
Young man, when just about to enter life,
disease sends a hear-crushhig blight over the
fair prospects of the future, your hectic cough
and feeble limbs tell of your loss of hope, but
you need not despair. There is a balm which
will heal the wounded lungs, it is
Sherman's all-healtng balsam.
Mrs. Attree, the wife of Wm. H. Attree, Esq.,
was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington,
Drs. Roe and McCIellan of Philadelphia, Dr.
Roe and Dr. Mott of New York, Her friends
all thought she must die. She had every ap
pearance of being in consumption, and was so
pronounced by her physicians Sherman's Bal
sam was given and it cured her.
Mrs. Garrabrantz, of Bull's Ferry, was also
cured of consumption by this Balsam when all
other remedies failed to give relief she was
reduced to a skelton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Den
tist , 281 Broadway, has witnessed its effects
in several cases where no other medicine af
forded relief but the Balsam operated like a
charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful
effects in curing Asthma, which it never fails
of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it may
be, is effectually cured by this Balsam. It
heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels,
and makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was
cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50
years standing. The first dose gave him more
relief than ali the other medicine he had ever
taken. Dr. L. J. Beals, 19,
gave it to a sister-inlaw who was laboring un
der Consumption, and to another sorely afflic
ted with the Asthma. In both cases its effects
were immediate, soon restoring them to com
fortable health.
Mrs. Lchretia Wells, 95 Christie-st. suffered
from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam
relieved her at once, and she is comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue every attack by
a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is
the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting
Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections
of the throat, and even Asthma and Consump
Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle.
Agents for Monroe county. Theo. Schoch,
Stroudsburg ; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg ; G. B.
Keller, Cherryvalley ; H. Peters & Co. Mar
shall's creek ; H. Kintz, Bartonsville; J.Stouf
fer, Tannersville.
Pike county. -'P elex b & Labar, Bushkill ; W
F. Brodhead, Dingman'a Ferry ; J. S. Wallace
Milford ; W. Shouse, Wilsonville.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges,
and Poor Man's Plasters sold as allove.
Dr. Sherman's Office is at 1 06 Nassa.u-st N Y.
Hl'A listers AU-Healingr Ointment,
Or, The World's Salve.
Contains no Mercury or other Mineral.
From the Reading Eagle.
There was never, perhaps, a medicine brought
before the public, that has in so short a time won
such a reputation as M'ALLISTER'S ALL-
ry person that has made trial of it speaks warmly
in its praise. One has been cured by it, of the
most painful Rheumatism, another of the Piles, a
third of a troublesome pain in the limbs, &c, &c.
If it does not give immediate relief, in every case,
it can do no iniurv. beine1 aDDlied ontwardlv. As
' o i I j -
another evidence of the wonderful healing power
possessed Dy tnis salve, we subjoin the following
certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maiden
creek township in this county :
Maidekcreek, Berks Co., March 30, 1847.
Messrs. Ritter & Co. I desirfi tn inform vnn
.that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the
oacK, oy tne use ot M'Allisters All-Healing Salve,
which I purhhased from you. 1 suffered with it
for about 20 years, and at night was unable to
sleep. During that time I tried various remedies,
which were prescribed for me by physiMns and
other persons, without receiving any imief, and
at last made trial of this Salve, with a result fa
vorable beyond expectation. I am now entirely
free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful
and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve
since for other complaints, with similar happy re-
suns. x our iriend.
Around the Box are Directions for usinrr M'-
Allister's Ointment for Scrofula, Lrver Complaintr
erysipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore
Eves, Quincv. Sore Throat. Rrnn flhitis. Np.rvnna
Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head
Acne, Astnma, uealness, JUar Ache, Uurns, Corns,
Sore Lips, Pimples, &c, Sores, Rheumatism,
Piles, Croup, Swelled or Broken breast, Tooth
Ache, Ague in the Face, &c, &c.
KPThe Ointment is good for any part of the
body or limbs when inflamed. In some ensfis it
should be applied often.
UAUilUN. No ointment will be genuine un
less the name of James M'Allister is written with-
a pen upon every label.
Jbor sale by my Agents in all the principal cit
ies and towns in the United States.
Sole Proprietor of the above Medicine.
Price 25- cents per box. Aeents
Samuel Stokes, Stroudsburg Peter Pomp,
Easton ; James A. Polk (Druggist) Mauch
Principal Office No. 28 North third Street Phil
adelphia. May 10, 1849.eowly.
Country Produce.
Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any
goods in my line of business.
Stroudsburg, January 1, 1849.
For sale at this Office.
Fashionable Boot and Shoe
his old stand in Hamilton street,
Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix
sell's store, continues to manufac
ture to oder, every description of
Boots and Shoes,
for men and boys ; also the most
fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half
(ratters, Slippers, eye, for Ladies
and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be
made of the best materials, and sold at small
profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort
merit of
which will be sold cheap, and can be recom
mended. The public are respectfully invited to call,
leave their measures, or examine his ready
made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he
is confident they will be suited with the style,
quality and price of his articles.
ALSO Just received a large supply of
for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very so
perior, together with a siock of Men's Gum
shoes; also Children's Gum shoes. Call and
try them.
Raising- BSood
And Consumption, pain in the side and night
sweats. Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpita
tion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis,
And all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver,
cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam.
Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was at
tacked with raising blood, followed by a cough,
pain in the side, and all the usual symptoms of
consumption. He employed two of the beBt
physicians ; they did him no good, and told
him he could not live.
Hearing of the wonderful cures performed
by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at
night to Mrs. Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and
got a bottle ; it operated like a charm, stopped
the bleeding and cough ! Before he had taken
one bottle he was able to be about his work.
It had saved his life. His daughter, residing
at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living
in Tenth, near South Fourth-street, says That
she had been troubled with a hacking cough,
and pain in the chest, for a long time, which
at last become so bad thai she was obliged to
give up her school for more than a year. She
then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal
sam which soon alleviated her symptoms.
She is now fast recovering, and has resumed
her laborious occupation as a teacher,
14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10ih avenue and
2 1st street, suffered with a cough, raising of
phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get
no relief 'till he tried the All-Healing Balam,
which drove the pain from his side, allayed
the cough, and brought the disease upon the
surface; and before he had taken three bottles,
was entirely cured.
Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing
88 Sheriff, has for years been subject to attacks
of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough,
bhortne3s of Breath, Pain in her Head and
various parts of her body. Her friends believed
her past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
releived her at once of all her alarming symp
tons, and now she is able to atteud to her work.
Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie-st.; L. S.
Beals, 19 Delancey si.; W. H. Youngs, 75 Wal
nut st., know the value of this great remedy.
Ask for Sherman,s All-Healing Balsam, and
see that his written signature is on each bottle.
Price 25cents and $1 per bottle.
Dr. Shermans' Worm and Couh Lozenges
sold as above.
Principal Office 106 Nassu-atreet, N. Y.
Agens for Monroe county. Theo. Schoch,
Stroudsburg; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg; G B Kel
ler, Cherryvalley; H. Peters & Co. Marshall's
creek; H. Kintz, Bartons villej J. Stouffer, Tan
nersville. Pike county Peters & Labar, Bushkill; VV
F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry; J. S. Wallace
Milford; W. Shouse, Wilsonville.
Tousey's Ointment and Clickener's Pills also
for sale by the above agents. '
February 15, l849.-ly.
The Spring Session of the Stroudsburg A
cademy will open on Monday, the 9th of April
The principal hopes by properly and sea
sonably imparting instruction to the young, pa
tient endurance in moral training, and unwea
ried diligence in the various branches of his
profession, to merit and obtain that patronage
and support which the arduous duties of an in
structor demand.
Terms :
Reading-, Writing and Arithmetic
per quarter of 12 weeks
Grammar and Geography, with the
use of the globes and maps,
Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Men
suration, Book-keeping, Philoso
phy, &c
Latin and Greek, for beginners
$2 00
2 50
3 00
3 50
All pupils charged from the then enter .
hi cne ena oj me quarter, except in cases of sick-
s r
- - - - "- '
Thomas- Harris.
Siroudsbiirg, March 29, 1849. Principal
Fine scented Soans for washing and harin
also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale
chean. bv TOHM H MPI Tntr
Siroudsbiirg July 5, 1849?
A positive andnever-failing remedy ft).
whether Internal, External, Blind or Blbedin
Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers, and Ulcer
led Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouih, Rj"
matism, Cutaneous Diseases, Mercurial a n U
turns, &c. c
Also For Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprain,
Bruiaes, &c. We feel justified in proclaim''
the fact to the world that of all medicines ct
brought before the public none have ever he
more benificial to afflicted humanity ni
" Myers' Liquid Cure." We know that i
is saying a great deal, but if we were to wn
Volumes, we could not say too much in pr&j,9
of this. v ft
Health-restoring, Life-prolonging Remedy
Hundred?, nay thousands, bless the happy J,)llr
when first they were made acquainted wiihn
trnti8cendant virtues ; and our present purpo3.
ihey may obtain that relief, which they pe
uau lung auugui iui ail vuiu.
The superior excellence of this preparation
over all other medicines for the speedy and pte
manent cure of piles is well known to all wno
have tested it. It has been proved in thousand
of instance, and has never failed io cure
lhe most obstinate cases, and we are confident
it never will fail if used a proper lenoth 0f
lime according to directions. As a proofofonr
entire confidence in its efficacy, we assure ail
purchasers that, if, after a proper trial. 11 pr0TB
ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be re.
The u Liquid Cure " is an effectual Remedy
for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barber's Iich
Frosted Limbs, Chilblains, Salt Rheum, Mtb.'
quito Bites, Stings of Poisonous Insects, &-c
and for Cutaneous Diseases of every descrip
tion. It is both safe and effectual for Rheumatism
giving immediate and permanent relief.
No preparation now before lhe PubJc can
surpass ihe excellence of the " Liquid Cure"
fur Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprai?i3, Bruises
Swellings, &c.
Its effects as a
JXJT Every Family in the land should pro.
vide themselves with this invalvable prepara
tion, the cheapness of which places n wiibm
the reach of all.
Full directions accompany each boil e.
Pamphlets, containing copies of certtficatei
from those who have tested the "Liquid Cure'
may be had Gratis of our authorized ageni.s
"Myers Liquid -Cure " is prepared onhh
Jerome & Co. 21 Spruce street, N. Y.
1 heodore Schoch, Agent for Stroudslorg
John Lander, Agenl, Craig's Meadow's.
June 7, 1849.
It is confidently believed that no combinaiiM
of medicine has ever been formed that oaveu
universal satisfaction, that operated no thorough-
l rr onrl ifnl milrll
Recommendations are daily being received,
and orders are being sent from the wesiert,
southern and eastern Slates.
lhese rilla contain no mineral, narcotic,
poisonous or irritating substance, whatewr;
but are prepared of the most harmless, mill,
iirt f n if wnii rpfl mra vn vpnpian m n.Tirjici?
tiiat, watt uo piuuucu livtl Ulc lUUI vjuaiicis u
giuue ; careiuuy seieciea ana compounded ;j
u-. i : ir -.t . . r .
n 9iiiKiJ it'll ii ur i mrini ruiurnin r u
vegetable chemiatrv and tht immutable laws C
For particulars see tho circulars thai accoo
pany each box. For sale wholesale and rem
at the office of the proprietor, Elmira. N. T
General agency for the south and east lOSJobi
street, N. Y.
Agents for Monroe County.
Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg
A. S. Edinger, Tannersville
J. R. Howell, Pocono Tannery
Oliver D. Smith, Coolbaugh township,
Simon Gruber, Naglesville
Passengers in ihis li& will leave Joss.
Hagenbuchs Inn, sign of the "Black Hots'
Eastoc, every Monday .Wednesday and FrM
passing inrough the following places,
Richmond, Centrevittv Williamsburg, L
reiry, uelaware Water Uap, uw
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dinytna"'5 1 f
and arrivn in. fvtilfnrrt' f ho. an mo Hsv fy'.S' '
60 miles. Returning. Iarvr Samuel Dimni'
" w WU1UU U V -
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday
Saturday, and arrive in Easton the same
Fare from Easton to Stroudsbure.S 1 2
Milford, 8&
N. B. All baggage at the risk of the o
Stroudsburg January 1, 1849.
Stroudsburg, November 10, 1848.
Neatly execiit at this Offitf