rib 1 sr 4 'i : ft' (JAUTIOJV EXT11&. A man by the name niCLJ3PP bus np.iped with a young asaa sof the name of 13. P. Tnumeeml.'Timl sc hit name to put p.a Sarsapariila, which they caM Dr. Townsend's Sarsapariila, aenomjnating it GENUINE, Original, etc. This Townsend lx fio doctor, and never was; 'but was .formerly a worker raM roadi, cabals, and the like. Yet he assumes the title or Dr fat the purpose of gaining credit for what he Is not. This is ,to tan tion the public not to be deceived, and purchase none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsa pariila, having on it the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat ol urns, &Rd his signature across the coat of arms. Principal Office, 102 Nassau-ft.. New York City. 9 Pi' OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsapariila. Old Dr. Townsend Is now about 70 yenrs of ace. nnd ha lung seen known as the AUTHOR nail DISCOVERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL " TOirNSEND SX RSA PA R I L LA." Doing poor, he was com pellcd to limit Its iiiitnufacture, by which means it has been kept out of market, nnd the sales cir cumscribed to those only who had proved its worth, nnd known ts value. U had reached tho cars of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had been healed of sore -diseases, aud saved from death, proclaimed Us excellence and wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years ago, that he had, by his skill, science and experience, devised an article which would bo of incalcn- .ablc nd van tape to mankind wncn me means mm -utsheA tfl brins It into universal notice, when its inestlmatilf virtues would be known and appreciated. This time has come, the means arc supplied ; this GRAND AND UNEQUALLED PREPARATION . manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for through ant the length nnd breadth of the land, especially as It is found Incapable of defeneration or deterioration. Unliko young S. P. Townsend's, it Improves with age, and never chances, hut for the better; because it is prepared en scien tific principles by a scientific man. Tho hiphest knowledce of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been crouch, .nto requisition in the inannfrxmre of the Old Dr s Sarsarwr.lla. The Sarsapariila root, it is well known to medlca. men. contains many medicinal properties, and some properties which are Inert or useless, and others, which If retained in pre parin" it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which is in iurions to tho system. Some of the properties of Sarsapariila vc so volatile, that they entirely evaporate and aro lost in the preparation, if they arc not preserved by a scientific process known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, those volatile principles, which fly nlTin vapor, or as an exhala tion, under "heat, are the very essential vtedical properties ofth toot, which give to it t". its rclue. Any person can boil or stew the root till they pet a dark colored liquid, which is more from the coloring matter In the root than from any thing else; they can then strain this insipid or vapid liqnid, sweeten with senr molasses, and then call it "SAR SAPAR1LLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." Rut such is not the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPAR1LLA. This is so prepared, that all tho Inert properties of the Sar saparillaroot are first removed, every thine tapnblo of becoming acid or of fermentation, I? extracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue Is secured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered Incapable of losing Any of its valu able and healing properties. Prepared In this way, it Is made the most powerful agent In the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence tho reason why we hear commendations on ;every side In its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER COM PJitINT. and In JIIIEUMATISM, SCROFUI9. PILES, COSTIlENESS, all CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, PIM PLES, BLOCT1IES. and all affections arising from - IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity ef tic Stomach, from nneqnal circula tion, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of tho heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes over the body. It has not its equal in Colds and Coughs ; and promotes easy ex pectoration and penile perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lunps, throat, nnd every other part. Rut In nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and ac knou ledged than in all kinds and stapes of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of ITuorAlbus or irhites. Falling pj the ir 3w6, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, Irregular ity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and to as effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases. JJy removing obstructions, Jind regulating the general sys tem, it pives tone and strength to lite whole body, and thus cures all forms of .Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or relieves a great varietv of other maladies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, kc, It cleanses the "blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach, and .gives good digestion. Telieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inflammation, purifies the, skin, equalises the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; re laxes ah"strlctures and tightness, removes all obstructions, and iuviporates the entire nervous system. Is not this then The medicine you pre-eminently leei 1 Bat can any of these things be said of S. P. Townsend's Infe rior article"! Thisyounp man's liquid is not to lie COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE Of DETERIORATION, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other DOES; souring, fermenting, and bloving the bottles containing it Into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid explo ding, and damaging other goods! Must not this horrible com pound be poisonous to the sjrsteui? It'hatl put acid into a system -already .diseased with acid 1 What causes Dyspe'iieia but acid 1 Do -we not all know, that when .food sours, In oar stom achs, what mischiefs 4t produces 7 flatuence, heartburn, palpi tation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhma; -dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood 1 What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which bnngon ErupUonsof the Skin, Scald Head, gait Jihcum.Ery nlpelas. White jSWellihgs, Fever Sores, arid all ulceration's in lernal and external 3 ItJ nothing under heaven, bat an cid i substance, Awhicn sours, and' thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or les. What causes Rheumatism 'but a sour or acid fluid, which insinuates itself between thejoints and else where, irritating and Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it acts? So of .nervous diseases, of Impurity of xhe blood, of deranged' circulations, n&d nearly all the ailments which afflict human jtature Now Is it not nowible to make and sell, and Jnjinitcly worst to usehbis - - ' SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID'" COMPOUND" OF.S. P. TOWNSEND, and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr. Jicob Townsend's Gcnuin.e Original Sarsapariila, is an IMITATION of his inferior preparation I! .Heaven forbid that' we hould deal in -art article which ,winld bear the most disttint resemblance to S. P. Townsend's article'! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load .of complaints and criminations frora Apentslwho-havesold, and purchasers who have used 9. P.Toivnsend's FERMENTING they are unlike in every particular, having net one, fiingle'chfcig in'cominon. ' - " ' As S. P. Townsend Is no doctor, and never was, la fio chemist, no pharmaceutist knows no more of medicine or dli easo.thRn,ny,other common, unscientific, unprofessional man. - what guarantee :can the pub! have that they are.receiving a genuine scientific medicine. contalnVg all the virtues of the articles used -in preparing t. and which are inedible of changes tienUlL" f lhe yS.c-r Disease jnstead fof Uut wimt else should ,bee.vpocte(ffroiii one who knows rioth ItiC.comparati vcty of medicine or disease It requires' a iterson of some ejqicrience to cook and serve up even a common decent ncnl. How much, more important is it that the persons who man wtacture medicine, designed for ft ' WEAK STOMACHS AND EN.FEEUD ySTEMS, should know well the uie'dlca't properties; of plants, the best tuauner of Aecurkig ,nnd concentrating 'thelr healing virtues, also an.extensivetno.wkdgeof the varjous diseases which' atfeet the huuian.systaai.and how to nHajittemedies to these diseases! It 15 tO ArrCst ihltlll.4 mum IhA utitiirrnn-ito !- Bi.nr Us I... wouarfei hntimnity. to Jcindle hope in the deepairi ngl , bosom, to . iM-Hjui, una vipor into tne crusneo ana bro i 5,,imshJnfirn,Uy that OIJJJP.vJACO;i'OWNEND has bOUOHT-aad FOUND the opportunity r?d meawto brjnc .Sojdln Stroudsburg "by T, SCHOCH. X WetwisU, it understood, because at is the aSsotntc truth, that S. 'P. 'Townsend's nrticie and ' Old J)r. Jacob Twrnsend's Sar- . saparilla .are hcaven-vlrr nnnrt m,A !t,faltr jtni-wh-iV within the reach, and . tojthe fciowe4e of,aHt.who?kceld it, tifar Uiey may learn and know, by.joyful experjeiice?,iL't liauscnleiit I'oei.'Vo ;Heal'. CAMP MEETING. By Divine permission a Gamp Meetingwill be beld in Cherry Valley, on.Siroudsburg Cir cuit, to commence on Monday the 27th of Au- gust, and close on the following Saturday mor ning. Preachers and people of adjoining Cir cuits and Stations are cordially invited to at tend. M.H.SISTY.- 03 P- S.No hucksters or traffic of any kind will be allowed within the prescribed limits of the law. Stroudsburg, June i 28, 1849. APPJLETOjJPS " GREAT CENTRAL GHEAP BOOK STORE, 11 Clicsuuit Street, Corner 6f Seventh, Swaim's Buildings, . PHILADELPHIA. t Knowing the.wanisof the community, the. Proprietor of jthis EsTABLisiiaiEjT hasj fitted up a Store in the most eleganumanner, having due regard to the comfort of his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel, entirely .at home.. His Immense Stock of Books is classified 'according to the various Departments of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for them selves. Buying his Stock for the most part at the Auction Sales, and being connected with one of the Largest PublishingHouses in this country, besides publishing largely himself, en ables him to sell all1 Books at XiOwer Prices than any other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Importa tion of Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having, a Branch of his Establishment in Lon don, where orders of, private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Coun try by every Steamer and Packets A Catalogue of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his largo collection, which are in all cases for sale at the lowest Prices, or, from 25 to 75 rper cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying ereh a Few Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further Inducement to strangers visiting the city, every one who purchases One I)ollars worth of Books, will receive a copy of the Stranger in Philadelphia, an elegant 18mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents. JXj3 The limits of an advertisement are too confined to enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even a faint idea of ihe im mense advantages to be derived, from pur chasing at the Great Central" Ceeap Book store, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Catalogue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and .when visiting the city, give Appletion one call, and you will be sure, to call again. Stationery c: in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The Initials, of those purchasing Let ter and Note Paper, neatly slampedn the cor ner, without charge. ' Orders for any article may be sent by mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will be fully carried out, with great punctuality and despatch. Orders for Catalogues should be pre-paid. GEO. S.APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corr of Seventh,' Swaim's nuuainsr. Philadelphia, May 10, 1849. 3mo. The testimony in its favor is overwhelming. The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters and certificates, going to prove its remarkable efficiency to all cases' of worms, both in chil dren and adults. The relief given, and the immediate improvement of health which follows its use, has called the attention of physicians to this article, and. they, freely recommend and prescribe it in their practice. The retail price is 25 cents per vial, which brings it within the means of all. Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847. I do certify that I gave he bottle of B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge to my child, atfd in seven hours it passed 23 idrge worms: Any person doubting this "may apply for further in formation at my residence corner of York and Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFREY.: Poughheepsie, N. Y. March 2, J 844. r. I certify, that 1 look two vials of B. A. Fahn- esiock s Vermifuge, which I found to be ihe greatest cure- for worms I have ever used. I have ..been troubled with .tape worms for a num ber of years, and I have never found so good, a medicine as B. A. Fahnestock's. Vermifuge. I therefore jecpmniend it, , MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against counterfeits and spurious articles, and to put no confidence in st&iements that "Kolmsfock?s" andS: Fahn- estOckV Vermiftioft are the same or 88 crhnrl as! the only genuine article which is B4 A.' . rFor sale in Stroudnhurgi 'by Ti SCHOCH', Agent. March r5M849r-coV ly Silence That dreadful cough ! ' The 'Lungs' qreiri dh- ger ! Tqe work oj tc destroyer nautpegun. The cough of consumptiqn. hath, in it a sound of Death 1 - Are you a mother X Your darting child, your idol and earthly joy, is now.' perhaps, confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold, her pale cheeks, her thin shrunken, fingers, tell the hlod disease has already gained Upon her, the sound of her sepulchral cough pierces your soul Young man, wnen Just about to.enier life, disease sends a hear-crushirig blight, over the fair prospects of the futuTe,Ayour hectitTcouglf and feeble limbs ,tell jof your loss ,orf hope, but you need not despair.' There is a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is - SHERMANS ALL-HEALINg'BALSA5I. Mrs. Attree, the wife of -Wni. H. Attree, Esrj.r was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washingibri, Drs. Roe and xMcClellan 'of Philadelphia, 'Dr. Roe and Dr. Mbtt of New York. Her friends'; all thought she must die. She had every ap- j pearance of being in consumption, and was so pronounced by her physicians Sherman's Bal sam was given and it cured her. Mrs. Garrabrantz, of 'Bull's Ferry, 'was also cured of consumption by this Balsam when ail other remedies failed to give relief she was reduced to a skelton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Den tist , 281 Broadway, has witnessed its efTects in several cases where no other" medicine af-. forded relief but the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful' effects in curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting ' BlobrJ,, alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Balsam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound again. Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The first dose gave.him more relief than all the other medicine he had ever taken. Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 Delancy-street, gave it to a sister-inlaw who was laboring un der Consumption, and to another sorely afflic ted with the Asthma. ' In both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to com fortable health. Mrs. Lchretia Wells, 95 .Christie-st. suffered from Asthma 42. years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her. at once, and she is comparatively well; being, enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Consump tion. Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle." Agents for Monroe, county. r--heo. Schoch, Stroudsburg ; C. Sayldr, 'Saylorsburg ; G. B. Keller, Cherry valley ; H.'Pe'ters & Co. Mar shall's creek ; H. Kintz, Bartonsville; J.Stouf fer, Tannersville. Pike county . Peler.s'& LVbar, Bushkill ; W F. Brodhead, DingmaVa Fe,rry '; . S. Wallace Milford ; W( Shpuse, Wilsonville. c rt " Dr. Sh'drman's Cough and Worm Lozeh'ges, and Poor Man's Plasters sold as above. Dr. Sherman's Office is'at 106 Nassau-'st'N Y: i ; MAlisters AI I-Heala nff . Ointment, Or. The World's Salve, Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. , From the Reading Eagle. There was never, perhaps, a medicine' brought before the public, that has iri so short a time won such a reputation as M'ALLISTER'S ALL- HEALING OR WORLD-SALVE. Almost eve ry person that has made, trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured' by it, of the most painful Rheumatism, another of the Piles, a imra oi a irouDiesorae.pain in ine.iimos, clq., ac. If it doesjiot giye immediate relief, Jn every case, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of ihe wonderful healing power possessed by this salve-, we subjoin the following- certificate, from a respectable citizen ol Maiden- creek township m this county; f . . Maidencreek, Berks Co.,f March. 30, 1847. . Messrs. Ritter & ,Co.-I desire to inform you that I was entirely cured of a severe'pain in the back, by the use of M'Allisters All-Healing Salve, which I purhhased 'from you.' Is suffered with it for about &0 years, and at night -was UnableUo sleep. During that time I trie'd varioU3.:reraediesf wmcn were prescriDea lor me Dy pnysicians ana other persons, without receivingariy, reUef, and at last made trial of4hisBalyef -witli a result fa vorable beyond eipeptattoh; I hm' now.lrely free from the pain, arid enjoyafiglit.peaceful and sweet, sleep. lhavefcalso .used the balve since for otherc9mplalhtsri7wUH similar happy re sults., J. &$$&&k;' ;, j JOH HaLLlINBACH. Eyes, Qmricy, Sore Throat, Bron Chilis, Nervous Affections; Pains, Diseaset of the' Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear AcheBurns, Gornsi Sore Lips, Pimples &ci, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, Croup, Swelled or Broken, breast, Tooth Ache, Ague jnjhe Face, &c, &c, K? The Ointment is good; for any part . of the body orlimbs when . inflamed. In some cases it should be applied often. ' ' CAUTION. No ointment'wili bVgenuine'qii less the name of 'Jafees' M'Allisf er fs ; written with a pen upon every label For sale by my. Agents;irf all the principal' citJ' ies and. towns in the United States.,, , aa.l JAMES LTilSTER, , 3ole Prpprjetor. of the above Medicine. ., Price 25 cents per box. Agefttsi'l'fl Samuel Stokes, Stroudsburg : Peter Pomp, Easion j James A. Polk (Druggist) Maucri, ununK. rincjp.al OfficetNo 8" Jlbrtli third Street,PhiU adelphja- Mdy 10, 18(49.-epwly';" , Country Produce. Butter, Eggs, &c. takeii jn excharige fpr any goods iriCmy line of tfusiness. ' ' ''JOHN H;' ME KICK,1 Stroudsburg, January 1, 1849 ,BLAPi: DEEDS ? ,.m A llis tec& ihtWerft Erysipelas! TetWr Cliftblain Scald. Headlfeore t Fashionable yBoot adsii0.e);f THADDEUS SCHOCH, af his old stand in Hamilton street, Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix sell's store, continues to manufac ture to oder, every, description of, JBobts aiid JSjh,p!es, for men and boys ; also the most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, &c, for Ladies and Misses-i which will be; warranted to fit, be made of the best materials1, aud sold at small profits'fbr cash. Also on hand a large assort, ment of - '' ' which will be sold cheap,-and can be recom mended. ff,v. f. . . . The nublic, are respectfully invited to call, leave, their measur.es, or examine hiss ready made stock .before purchasing elsewhere, as he is. confident they will be suiied with the style, quality and price. of his articles. .ALoQrr-Jusi received a large supply of GUM .SHOES, for Ladies and Misses of a new stylcyvery su perior, logeiher with a stock of Men's Gum shoes; also-Children's Gum shoes. Call arid try them. K aisin g JSIood . ,4 And Consumption,, pain in J he side and night sweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpita tion af the heart, Liver complaint, BronchiliSi And all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver, cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. RAISING BLOOD AND CONSUMPTION Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was at tacked with raising blood, followed by a cough, pain in the side, and all the usual symptoms of consumption. He employed two of the best physicians -; they did. him ho good', and told him he, could not live. ' Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Sherman's Balsam, lie sent at 10 o'clock' at night, to Mrs. Hayes, 136. Fulton street, and got a lbotile ; it operated like.a charm, stopped the bleeding and cough ! Before he had taken one bottle he, was able to" be about his work. It had saved, his life.. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near SouthFourth-street, says That she had been troubled with a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, Tor a long time, which at last become so bad that she was obliged to give up her school for more tharra year. She then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast, recovering, and has resumed her laborious, occupation as a teacher, 14 years ;Mr. John O'Neil, lOih avenue and- 21st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get no trelieflilb he, tried the All-Healing Balam, which'drdve 'the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles was entirely cured. PLEURISY AND CONSUMPTION. Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing 88 Sheriff, has for years been subject 'to attacks of'Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and variousparls of her body. Her friends believed herpasJ recovery. The All-Healing Balsam releived her at once of all her alarming Symp lons, and now she is able to atteud to her work. ASTH'MA and whooping cough. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95iGhristie-st.i L. S. Beals, 19 Delancey St.; W. H. Youngs, 75 Wal nut;.st.,Jtno.w the value .of this great remedy. ' Ask for Sherman.s.-All-Healing Balsam, and see that his written; signature is on each bottle. Price 25' cents, and $1 per-bottle. " " ' Dr.- Shermans' Worm and Cuuh Lozenges sold as above. Brihcipal'Office 106 Nassu-street, N. Y. Agenis for Monroe county .---Theo. Schoch, Stroudsburg; C. Saylor.Saylorsburg: G B Kel lei;, Cherry valley; H. Peters fe Co. Marshall's'; creek; H'.duntz, Bartonsville; J. Stouffer, Tan nersville. i . .; Pike county Peters & Labar, Bushkill; W F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry; J. S. Wallace Milford; W. Shouse, Wilsonville. Tousey's Ointment and Clickener's Pills also for sale, by the above agents. February 15, 1849.-ly. The Spring Session of the i Stroudsburg A cademy will open on Monday, the 9th of April next. - ,,. The principal hopes by 'properly and sea sonably imparting instruction to the young, pa- iicm eimuruiice, ui murai iraiuing, ana unwea ried diligence in the various branches oif 4his profession,' to merit and obtain that patronage arid support whjch the-arduous duties of an in structor demand. Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic : ,Cpe,r. qyarjer 0f J2rwee,k? . Grammar, and. Geooraphv, with.'the use o0thiagpbes and maps, Algebra, Astronomy Batany, Men? .. . nn T, o $.2 00 V PHtY, &c. . . . - : 3 00 Latin andiGftEEK, forhegiriners . aoO .Ml.pupils charge&from Ihetime-theenter urn. til the end of the. quarter) except in cdsesof sick- nessulM j&ifif.'. j tf . . . v - Thomas Harris. Stroudsburg, Mafch 29, 1849 ' Principal. - - SOAPS. rm 7-alsc :'JT1 FmFsceru'etl Soaps for washing n j YQS ctaafr'by Stroudsburg, July 37 l ' Doctor Townsend's Sarsapariila, Wonder and Blessing of the Age. The most Extraordinary Medicine in the World This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles : it is six times CLeatfer pteusanter, and warranted superior to any spUl. ft ' cures vithout vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating tnerPihent.: The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsa. par ilia over all other medicines. is, that while it eradicates, it invigorates the body. It is one ofc the very test , SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE'S Ever known ; it not only purifies- the whole sjs. tern, and! strengthens the person, but it creates n?Ir pure and rich blood : a power possessed by other medicine. And in this lies the grand se cret oHte wonderful auccess. It has performed within the last five yeari.rnoxe than 100,000 cures, of severe cases of disease ; at least 15,000 were considered incurable. Tt has' aved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the two past sea sons 10,000 cases oj General Debility and want of Nervous Energy. Dr Townsend's Sarsapariila invigorates the whole system permanently To those who have lost their muscular energy by th e effects of medi cine or indiscretion committed in youth, or ihe ex. cessive indulgence of the passions, and brought a general physical prostration of the nervous-sjs-tern, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting setisau tion, premature decay and decline, hastening ttn wards ihat fatal disease, Consumtion, can.be en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This. Sarsapariila is far superior to any - . Invigorating Cordial, As it renews' and invigorates the system give?, activity to' the limbs, and strength to the rnuseuJir systemj in a most Extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured.' Bron chitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, ColiLj.- Catarrh Coughs, Asthma, Spitting' of blood Soreness- nut Che-' Hectia.Flusl), Jsfght Sve:its, Difficult or ProfuseiJxpectijl 'ration, Pain in the Side, &c, have been and CMi-tecartd. Spitting Blood. ; New York, April 2,.Qm,. Dr Townsend I verily believe that your Sar sapariila has been the means, through Providence., of saving my life. I have for several years had a. bad Coughs It became worse and worse. At last I raised large u uantites of blood, had night Sweats,, and was greatly debiliated and reduced,, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsapariila a short time, and there has a? wonder ful change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can welliimagino thal I am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant, WM HUSSELLi;65 Catherine-st Rheumatism. This is only one of more than four thousand? cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townseirs Sarsa pariila has cured. The most severe and-chronic cases are' weekly 'eradicated by its extraordinary virtues ' ' James Cummings, Esq , one of the assistant in. the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the: gentlemen spoken of in the following letter : BlackwelVs Island, Sept.. 14, ISil DrK Townsend De.ar Sir : I have suffered terri bly for nine years with the Rheumatism;; consid erable of the time 1 could not eat, sleep- or -walk. I had the utmost, distressing pains, and my limb? were terribly swollen. Ihave. used four bottles-cf your Sarsapariila, and they have done me more thari one thdusand dollars worth of good. I am; so much Better indeed, I arh entirely reliewd. You are at liberty to use-this-for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours resp'yC . ' J'as. Cohhsgs- Fits! Fits! "Fits! Dr. Townsend, not .having tested his Sarsapi rilla in cases;of Fits,q course teyer recommend ed it, and was surprised to receive the following: from an intelligent and respectable Farmer is Westchester County : Fordham,. August TZ, IS47 Dr. TownsendDear Sir ':' I have a Ktde girl seven' 'years1 of age, who -has "been several- years afflicted with Fits ; we tried almost everything for heri but? without success at. last,, although- could find no recommendations-inourcircuwrsior cases like hers, we .thought, . as -she was irr very delicate haalth, we would giye her some of yo'x Sarsapariila, and are Very glad we did, for it net only restored her strength, but she' has hatBno re turn of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fast becoming ruggedvandiheartyy forwhich we. feel .grateful . Yours, respectfully, - JOHN BIITLE&J?. , f , Female Meqlicine. ,Drf Xownspnd.'s Sarsapariila is a. sovereign ana speedy cure.for Incipient, tJonsumption, Barrsa ness", ProlapsUsl,Utefi, or falling of the Wca!?, Costivehessi Piles, Le.ucorrhoea,1 or' Whites, ob structed or difficult Me'nstrdation. Incontinence of Urine, or invdluntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system no mar whether the result of inherent cause or caus93 produced by irregularity, illness- or accident. Notbing can be more surprising, than its invigora: ting effects o.nt the human frame. Persons n weakness ahd lassitude, from taking it, at once Be come xobust 'and full of energy inder its influence It immediately c6ihteracts the nervelefssness ot the female frame, which is; the great cause Barrenness, a It will not be expected of us, of cures performed but we can assure the aftU- that hundreds of cases have been reported tw Thousands of cases where families have been ft out children, after usinn- a few hnttlnf? of tli.3 valUa medicine, have beens blessed with i-- healthy offspring: PriHcipaVOffice, 126 Fulton Smf, Building, RtY". ; Jledding.&Co.,8 S' atcstie" Boston: Dyott.& Sons 132 No-;;. Second-'1' Philadelphia ; S. g.- Han - 4 more ; P. M. -o, druggist, Bal Co., 151 r -en, Charleston ; Wright a i." a-rl'-. Nc O. j 105 South Pes'1 a 3 1 na D"a11 le principal VWP" and Merchants generally throughout the U.$, VV et Indies and the Canadas, I his medecine is also rnnaiantlir tonr nn hand ?uu lor 8ae oy rrtAJNUlS i5. PAULf, agen Stioudsburg, Pa. u. 3; gl- Ann . 1 t ri . 7 . . 1 -