CJood News the Eric Ba.uk. The Germantown Telegraph learns officially, i ii.,ir n h.nn in autiiu in tinp.n .in rurmi v.i ine uau wi " - - i in Philadelphia for ihe redemption of all its . at oar. Tho Bank will also recommence t Utf!niv xy ihn ahnvn nntinn nxInAinAil !. .1 1 17- " U l 11 O y MW www - w w - w w . - mails tT IVT i 1 sisi, I li r. Pracl. II ihfi prOUliauo uiauo mj xbCGU, tile x ttoi- Vni at the time of the bank's suspension. " ' ! lie nnlnt cnM at n rtiarrifinl nf lllllv usiwbbiw ... y ifl neT Ceil I j wu mo aunuuiibcuiciu ally reduce the discount still more, until the igppijnn is once commenced, when they re. n0 doubt be as good as tho generality of ihe nonwe,iern noies 01 1,1,3 -,tti' Scvcrvlfail Storm. . One of the sorerest hail storms ever witnes sed in this seCuor. of the country, passed over this Borouglf on Sunday 10h inst, and which w learn fiorri the country was tery dqsiruciive.l in places, to the. crops. ' The haill btones were the largest we ever saw. It wa9 not uncom mon to see them fall nearly the size of a man's ht. A gentleman at the south end of th Bo rough, informs us, that he weighed several, the largest of which weighed 6 oz., and we learnt that several which were measured, measured 8 and 9 inches in circumference. A laige num ber of window glass were broken in and about town, but we presume the destruction in this respect as well as to the crops was not so-general as it would have been had there been a high wind. Heretofore, when reading the account of tire laac B. Ward, of Camden, asks a patent f his wagon wheels. The lire is of wrought . and the fellows also of iron, cast inseg " n as to be substantially screwed o the I""" t r 1 I tU.. itf larnn hml clnnoc U .li . U 1 tie opOKca aru ui wuuu( uuu hid ' " o'uw, u time iuii iiiuikicu iu uc- 1 hey are cheaper : neve mo accounts were exaggerated, but we nave now had ocular demonstration and are al most ready to believe anything in the shape of a hail storm story.-Muncy Luminary, 9lh inst. Tho Bloomsburg papers state that the same storm extended to Rhorsburg, Greenwood, Fish- a. nrHmarv construction. .nd more durable than the ordinary wheels. of derange i man named Lance, in a fit Leni, jumped from a canal boat, a few miles koveiMaucti unuriK anu wasuiuwucu. Lqeofocoism iu New York. In the New York Sunday Despatch there is letter from the Hon. Mike Walsh, in the course oi vuiv,u o A. ordinary statements : "There are over thirty of those beastly hire- rt . tt r .u: :...! i;n0S jn ine custom nouse oi una cny aiunc, be whole of whose duty, until very recently, Usisted tn going once a month after their lat r . n . 1 Maries. Whenever a swindle oi more man Isual enormity has been projected by the pro nsiors and Peter Funks of any of our race Lrces, all those protectors of national revenue hiofn be seen mounted on horseback a lee in Mr pockets, and a club in their hand, ready (knock down the first unprotected spectator L manifested any displeasure at being robbed. f a prize-fight was to be fought anywhere, ,e backers of the respective combatants must itnish expenses, and fifty or a hundred dollars piece for a number of them, and the collec- or surveyor promptly granted mem tne re- . r i o e . l. bite " leave oi aoscence. oomo oi mem, ho, i addition to being in the Custom Hxuse, e also in the Sheriff 's ofiice, always managed atiers with that moral and order-loving per- on those accasions, in such manner at ilurin their lawless mission they must Ine none of their income in that establishment ;her. If an actor wanted to saciate his mean id malicious envy towards a rival performer bad but io open his purse, and hand out suf- cient to afford a good fee for each one of a hzen or -o of these mercenary, pilfering beasts, fcil to procure tickets for eighty or a hundred L pes, who are not yet sufficiently initiated ln- ibe mysteries to look lor iurtoer remunera m, and the object of his jealous hate found taelf hissed and hooied from the stage. i r it j : :! ... ten a strange ana inenaiess uanciug giu, ut- in from ihe Bowery Theatre stage, by a de Ichment of these craven brutes, who were id by the friends of a young lady engaged in same profession, to whom she had never m tne Hiigniesi cause oi iusi onence. j. ue m suit made upon her that night was so atroci- Isiy orutai, anu to ner so inexpncaDie, mai ii me near proving fatal to her life. State Debts. . The following table will be examined with f crest, says the Philadelphia bpirit ot the lues. The whole amount of indebtedness of e States is $186,990,000, to wit : Debt. Pop. Per head dryland $12,000,000 405,000 $30 ansyhauia 41,000,000 2,125.000 20 kiana 9,500,000 470,000 20 Mbaoa 9.000.000 670.000 13 Pio 19.000.000 1,850.000 10A "York 24,000,000 2,750,000 9 "sachusetts 9,200,800 850,000 7k foinia 7,380,000 1,260,000 6 "cky 4,200,000 850,000 5 pnessce 3,200,000 950,000 3A ms 21.000.000 750.000 29. inbigan 7,500,000 370,000 . 20 hwippi 10,500,000 640,000 17 a,ana 9.500.000 690.000 bh Iftese debts havR hp.e.T ' aecumulatinp Tor 0 a'iand were incurred principally for inter- improvement purposes. WIONARY TO MlNESOTA TERRITORY. r-J. P. Parsons, who for several years has 'ed with great success in Northern Illinois Western Wisconsin, has been appointed pe Amencan Baptist Home Mission Soci- I A tni.fllnn.... . O a T3 ..I'm. .n hl nffljadntfl l "oo. unary ai oi. x aui , iu itjiiiiiiv.s Fniory. Good ExAMpr.E.---The Boston Post states N Daniel Avrns. of Lowell, is about 10 "pwards of $6000 of debts from which he discharged upon his failure some years Mnd that he designs eivint? liis. former 3ors an elegant supper on the occasion.--- IP fitln. . . i-uiu covers both principal ana interest in ingcreek, Orange, Mi. Pleasant and Centre townships in the western part of Columbia county athl iu Huntingdon in Luzerne county, destroying grain more or less. Some farmers lost their all. Monday morning, many of the women brought their butter to market kept perfectly cool by the hail stones remaining. Newspapers TIieiiVaIuc. The Udited States is literally a country of newspapers. No other people read so exten sively. In no other country are the masses so generally educated, and in no other are news papers so cheap. The National Intelligencer, published at Washington, could not be bought so its editor says, for $100,000. It is staled that one half of the Baltimore Patriot was sold recently for 30,000, the Boston Atlas was sold for $50,000, and not long since one-third of the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer was sold for $25,000, and one-third of the N. Y. Evening Post for $16,000. We learn lhat the N. York Tribune establishment has become a joint stock concern, divided into 100 shares of $1000 each, making the value $100,000. Tho original proprietors, Messers. Greeley & iM'Elrath, we understand, hold but a fifth each of ihe property, but still retain their po sitions as manager and editor. The oilier part ners in ihe Tribune are, as we understand, Maj. Snow, the money article editor ; Bayard Taylor, the poet ; Dana, the political philoso pher and critic, and some of tho reporters, pressmen, &c. Industrious JLunatic. There is confined injoJJ.qmmercial Hospi tal, CincinnatiQhrdTa crazy carjfneimaker, who is permitted to follow his business, there bavin? been nlaced-in his sleeping aoarlme'at all ihe'necessary looh pertaining to his traded S de Stokes & Son The beautiful work which he manufactures V. u i,t:ii nHhe sleam-engine,uhat grand invention uf mod X ern times, is a machine erivolving great power with constant motion. What power is to the steam-engine, life is to the living machine; or rather life is power, which, through the interven tion of machinery, produces, regular add sentient action. This machinery, Jike that of the steam- t engine, is susceptible of disarrangement, and must ui ume, wear out. Bom require attention io Keep .them in good condition ; each have governors, condensers, escapements, valves, &c, all at worlc, and alHmportant ; and accident to either weakens or destroys its motions. The human machine, from its superior, complex, and delicate contri vance, is easily disarranged. Remove the ob structions, lessen the friction, let the valves work freely, and health is again restord. To effect this, use Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, which have attained great reputation for their cur ative properties. They remove from the system all seeds of disease without irritating it, and are, therefore, suited to all constitutions, and in all stages of complaint. For sale by T. Sclwch who is the only author ized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertisment for other agencies in another column. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, there will be sold ;at public vendue or out-cry on Saturday the 7th day of Jidy next, at 2 o'clock p. m. on the premises in the bor ough of Stroudsburg, a certain Lot or piece of Land situate iu said borough of Stroudsburg, at the angle of two roads leading in the direction of William Van Buskir k's, bounded on the south by land late of John Coolbaugh, deceased, con taining about Three Acres and 46 Perclacs, being part of the real estate of Lewis Vail, a minor son of Doctor Charles Vail, late of said borough, deceased. Terms of Sale. One third of the purchase money lb bo paid at ihe confirmation of sale, one third in one year thereafter, and the balance in two years, to be secured by bounds and mortgage on the premises. STOGDELL STOKES, Guardian of Lewis Vail. June 14, 1849. 4t. excites the admiration of all, and not one ar ty unacquainted with our language, was dri- tide is allowed to leave his little shop without having a secret apartment, which he ingenious ly contrives. He takes a great pleasure in ex plaining to visitors the method of manufactur ing various articles, but not without first as certaining from the steward whether or not said visitors are thieves, which information he inquires for in a loud tone, as he does not wish to exhibit to a suspicious class of men the se cret apartments. He is remarkably industri ous, and never permits his door to remain open, unless the steward is in his company. After all in the insane department, in which he is an occupani, have retired for the night, he ven tures out snd walks several times the entire length of the hall ; should he hear the least noise, he starts at full speed for his room, and will not venture out again on that night, as he thinks the house is full of witches and all after him. He has been known to walk all night, when not disturbed by any sound. He appears io Jfneral Scott, at the capture ,of the city of vi- . . . o, seized and brought home , some .5000 f111" of historical works, in the archives of fco. all in the Spanish language. Some peare three hundred years old, and con- r hijiui ui mat vuuinry i.ryiii ia ' is the. intention of this Government Ilract from thiY Ithrarv all that mav hn. nsn- 1 formi s wMch we have acnuired bv the treaiv. lo Pitied in our archives, and the books will "0 Rent lialr i M Avion ' 'Phft rioht tn MGeo. H. Miller eo. Malren Charles Boys Samuel Stokes .ohn H. Meliick Jacob Goetz (Beer) Lewis Vanderbeck (do) Joseph L. Keller (do) Stroud Toivnshijo. White & Brackley 14 Smithfield, John Lander 14 . H. Peters, Jr. & Co 14 C. R. & J. V. Wilson M 14 Daniel Zimmerman 14 Bell & Brother 14 Broadhead & Brother 14 be about forty years of age, of very affable manners, and converses with no one unless ac companied by the stewed, to whom he appears very much attached. In .1815, the price of a steamboat passage be tween Cincinnati and New Orleans was $140 now it is $15. Between the same place and Pittsburg it was $30 now it is $5. The time to New Orleans was twenty-eight running days now it is oftentimes less than six. STATJ6 COWVEWTIOHT. At the last meeting of the Whig State Cen tral Committee held at Harrisburg, in pursu ance of public call, it was .on motion, Resolved That the friends of the National and State -administrations, in Pennsylvania, be requested to meet in the several cities and counties of the Statue and select delegates equal in number to theit representation in the State legislature, who shall meet in Convention at the Court House, in Harrisburg, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M.. on THURSDAY, the 16th day of AU GUST next, for the purpose of selecting a can didate for Canal Commissioner, and to do such other business as the interest of the country may require. By order of the Committee, GEORGE ERETY, Chairman pro tem. David W. Patterson, Secretary. Morton McMichaei, . Alexander Ramsey, Thomas E Cochran, Robert Irdell, Rent 'he booki a way is perjiaps undoubted, Winces liberality 'jn this Government to m.'-Tribune.l"'' f r ": Wash'n Towsend, James Fox, Thomas J. Watson, Paul S'. Preston, George F.. Miller, L.ot Benson, Joseph Paxto.n, .John Fenlon, L. D. Wetmore, E. W. Patrick, Alexander W Taylor, John C. Kunkle, ' Trancent Buck, Ii. H. Etier, Edw. C. Darlington David, Cooper, . Willjam H. Seibert, George V. Lawrence, D. A. Finney, John Morrison, ' Samuel Wf Pearson. Committee. Mercantile Assessment. The following i3 a list of the Venders of Mer chandize, Beer and other Refreshments, &c, in the county of Monroe, classed in accord ance with the provision of an act of Assembly of Pennsylvania of April 22d, 1846, relating to Venders of Merchandize, and an Aut of April 10th, 1849, relating to Venders of. Beer and other Refreshments, &c. Borough of Stroudsburg. Class. Amouiit.- Robert Boys Stokes & Staples Robert Huston Starbird & Wallace 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 8 8 8 M. Smithfield. Daniel Brown Miller & Mackey paradise. Brown & Morgan H. & J. Kintz Hamilton. J. H. Fetherman George B. Keller do do Williams & Marsh Charles Saylor Joseph Hawk' 'Ross. Polk. 14 1,4" 14 14' J4 si 4 14 14 . 14 14 ; 7 oo 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 7-00 , 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 John Merwine 14 Peter Kunkle 14 Cheshuthill. Lewis Sox 14 C. D. Brodhead 14 H. V. & J. R. Shafer . ' 14 P. Daily & Co ! U Pocono. Qharies Boys ' - ' 14 Jacob S'ouffei ' :-'l4 Reuben Neuhart 14 Henry Kintz 14 Tobyhanna. Samuel Koons 14 Those marked thus sell liquor. The undersigned, hereby certifies, that the above is a correct list of the Venders of Mer chandize, Beers and other Refreshments, &et in the county of Monroe, so far as I hey have como to his- knowledge, classed and arranged according to the Acta of Assembly above men tioned; An appeal will be held on Saturday, the 30th of June, 1 840, at the -Commissioners of fice, at Stroudsburg, where those interested can attend. ',,.' . P. DAILY,Mercaniile Appraiser. Stroudsburg, June 7, 1819. ' .. 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 JOB WORK Neatly executed 'at this Office Hi 1 A CARD. Dr. V. JIT. vvayze, Siirgeoii Dentist, Announces to the citizens of Stroudsbuig and vicinity, that he intends visiting thai place on tho lot of August next, and will remain, about three weeks, during which time he will bo happy to wait upon all those who may bo de sirous of obtaining his professional services His acquaintance with the people, and his well known reputation as a Dentist, it is hoped will serve as a sufficient recommendation lo ail who may require his services. June 7, 1849. MYERS' LIQUID CUKE, A positive andnever-f ailing remedy for PILES, whether Internal, External, Blind or Bleeding, Scrofula, While Swellings, Ulcers, and Ulcera ted Sore Throat, Canker Sore Month, Rheu matism, Cutaneous Diseases, Mercurial AJftc tionS) &c. Also For Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, &c. Wo feel justified m proclaiming the fact to the world that of all medicines ever brought before the public none have 'ever been mote benificial to afilicted humanity than ' Myers' Liquid Cure." We know lhat this is saying a great deal, but if we were to Write Volumes, we could not say too much in praise of this. Health-restoring, Life-prolovgyig Remedy. Hundred-, nay thousands, bless the happy hour when first they were made acquainted with its transcendant virtues ; and our present purpose is to inform other thousands, how and where they may obtain lhat relief, which they per haps, have long sought for in vain. The superior excellence of this preparation ov er all other medicines for the speedy and pre manent cure of piles is well known to all who have tested ii. It has been proved in thousand of instances, and has never failed to euro the most obstinate cases, and we are confident it never will fail if used a proper length of time according to directions. As a proof of our entire confidence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that, if, after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, ihe Money paid for it will be re turned. The " Liquid Cure " is an effectual Remedy for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barber's Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblains, Salt Rheum, Mus quito Bites, Stings of Poisonous Insects, &c, and for Cutaneous Diseases of every descrip tion. It is both safe and effectual for Rheumatism, giving immediate and permanent relief. $o preparation now before the Public can surpass the excellence of the " Liquid Cure " for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, &c. Its effects as a REAL PAIN KILLER are MAGICAL. , JXJT Every Family in the land should pro vide themselves with this invalvable prepara tion, the cheapness of which places it wv.'uin the reach of all. Full direction., accompany each bottle. Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those who have tested the "Liquid Cure," may be had Gratis of our authorized agen'.s. " Myersr Liquid Cure " is prepared only by Jerome & Co. 21 Spruce street, N. Y. Theodore Schoch, Agent for Stroudsburg. June 7, 1849. NEW MIIililNERlT STORE To open on Friday the 20th of April Having taken the shop formerly occupied by Miss R. Morgan in the borough of Stroudsburg, will on Friday the 20th of April inst., open with a new and fashionable assortment of Millinery aaid Fancy Articles, comprising an elegant assortment of HATS, of the latest Spring and Summer fatshions from ihe city of Philadelphia ; and will offer them to the public at a very low rate. Also, a splendid assortment of Ribbons, Caps & Head Dresses, together with a variely of artificial Fowers suited for the season. Tho ladies of Strouds burg and its vicinity are respectfully .invited io call. And would add that she has employed a Milliner from Easton who has been working in one of ihe most fashionable shops there for'sev eral years. . Stroudsburg, April 12, 1849. if. . . A I S5 Ij J3 T O N i & -. ' GREAT CENTRAL CHE&P BOOK STORE, 161 Ciicsuui .Street, Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildiivs, PHILADELPHIA. Knowing the wants of the community, the Proprietor of ibis Establishment hua fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner, having due regard io ihe comfort of his customers, ho that every Suanger wsi'ing his Book Siote, may feel entirely at home. liis Immense Stock of Books is classified according to tho various Departments of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for them selves. Buying his Stock for tho most pan'at the Auction Sales, and being connected wiih one of the Largest PuijlishingHou-ks in thi-i country, besides publishing largely himself, en ables him io sell all Books ai Lower Prices than any other house of a similar diameter on this continent. His facilities for the Importa tion of Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having Branch of his Establishment in Lon don, where orders of private gentlemen ar carefully executed and forwarded to this Coun try by every Steamer and Packet. A Catalogue of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions mailo to his large collection, which are in all case for sale at the Lowest Prices, or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below PubliMtcry Prices. Thus in buying even a Few Books quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further Inducement to strangers visiting iho city, every nne who" purchases One Dullur's worth of Books', will receive a copy of the Stranger in Philadelphia, an elegant ' 18mo. volume, tho price of which is 25 cents. XO3 Tle limits of an advertisement are loo confined io enumerate ihe prices of any of ho Books, or io give even a faint idea of ihe im mense advantages to be derived from pur chasing at the Great Central Ceeap Book store, but ler all who are in search of Books send for a Catalogue, and buy tiie Books they are in want of, and when visiting the' city, give, Appleiiou one call, and you will be sure ly CALL again. Stationery in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Let ter and Note Paper, neatly stamped in ihe cor ner, without charge. Orders for any ariicte may be sent by mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and ihe directions, in all cases will be fully carried out, with grrat punctuality and despatch. Orders for Catalogues should he pre-paid. GEO.S. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, Importer., and Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., cor. of Seventh, Swaiins Building. - Philadelphia, May 10, 1849. 3mo. .Estate of Geoa'g-e Dari.a'dsi,. Late of Smithjield Up., Monroe Co. Pa., deed. Notice is hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requesied to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them to 1 ABRAHAM DEPUY. Administrator: Smithfield township, May 10, 1849. -6t. STROUDSBURG ACADEMY. The Spring Session of the Stroudsburg A cademy will open on Monday, the Oih of April next. The principal hopes by properly and sea sonably imparling instruction, to the young, pa tient endurance in moral training, and unwea ried diligence in the various branches of his profession, to merit and obiain that patronage arid support which the arduous duties, of an in structor demand. Terms : , Reading, Writing and Arithmetic : per quarter of 12 weeks '$2 00 Grammar and Geographv, with ihe use of the globes and. maps, Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Men suration, Book-keeping, Philoso phy, &c. . ? Latin and Greek, fqf .beginners All.pupils charged from the time they enter un til" the end of the quarter, except in cases of sick' ness, ! . 'J Thomas Harris. StroudsburgrMarch 29, 1S49. ,' ' Principal 4 5 3 00 3.50 BLA'NK DEEDS ;t Fur sale at this Office. The testimony in its favor is overwhelming. The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters and certificates, going to prove its remarkablo efficiency to all cases of worms, boih in chil dren and adults. The relief given, and ihe immediate improvement of health which follows its use, has called the attention of physicians to this article, and they freely recommend and prescribe it in their practice. : Fhe retail pnee is 25 cents per vial, which. brings it within, Jhe means of all. Brqoklyn,,L. L January 16, 1847. I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A. Fahnestock'a Vermifuge to my child, and in seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubling this may apply for funhei in formation at my residence cornet of York and Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFREV. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844'. Icertify, that 1 took iwo vials of I) A Fahri- esiock's Vermifuge, which I found to be thef greatest cure for worms 1 have eer used'. If5 have been troubled with tape worms for a jiuni'-1 ber of years, and I have never found so good a medicine as B. A. Fahnesiock's Vermifuge. theiefom recommend it. MARTHA CUE'lV' The public is cautioned against counterfeits. and spurious articles, and io pnt no confidence1 in statements that "KolmstoekV'and "S. Fahn- , estockV Vermifuge are ihe same or as good as tho only genuine article, which is B. A. FahnestockV .Vermifuge. For sale in S'roudsburg, by T. SCHOCH, Agent. March 15. 1849. tsow !v. -4