Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, March 29, 1849, Image 3

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E...TIiefcIlowing Joint Resolution has pas
PVile Senate of Wisconsin by a vole 12 to 3
Joist Resolution relative to a proposed a-
pendment to the Constitution of the United
Siates, concerning the election of Senators
in Congress.
Whereas, It is more in accordance with our
nublican institutions to give to the people the
offer of electing all officers of government as
L as practicable : therefore :
vJnlvrd. That our Senatora in Congress be
nstructed and our Representatives requeued j
' nrnnose in Congress an amendment to the j
restitution of the United States to the effect
that the People instead of the Legislatnre of
,hc several States shall hereafter elect their
Senators in Congress, by general ticket.
The Mormonites.-
These remarkable peo
numhers both in this
.1- are increasing m
nil; " J
I ....
nunirv and in England. The London Globe
qvi that mere is a targe ouuy ",o'oui
ntiohborig districts who are preparing to em-
ipraie and to colonize in California. They j
fcjve chartered four or five vessels lor their ac
.iw.n onrt intnH In Iftftvo in tho Snrinc
commuuauv.. ,3-
The mormans, u is kiiuwii, navo a seuie-
jjielll HI OaiWUnilrf, nucio uicjf uicjuubsbiui
engaoed tn agriculture. Considerable numbers
.r'iiL are on their way to the same resion.
The first emigrating colony was so large thai
j battalion of five hundred strong was formed
The religious views ol this people are pecu
liar btit we have no accurate knowledge of
ihem. i "e,r oomesuc powy is mai -oi com
niiinism in some of iis forms. Persecution has
v-H ns usual effect in multiplying the votaries
pfllils Mrange laun. i iiey appear u ue in
vinous, and it is very certain that they ear
... i -i r - " i
frr'uude m the prosecution f their purposes.
Gen. Taylor's Benevolence. .
A Washington letter-writer tells the follow-
r r tn l . t Li. l:.
.i i nr. ..1,1 l : . . i
. WhllO 1-4 r. IT A OQrltT in thn mrtrntn V.wl
t inrtnnoa t" vi not f Kr D . I .
HP I'llllU UUUIIg 111 W 1,1, IIIC J. 1CC1UC II. ttlllUJ-L
at.. f I a n 1 f 1 'Prift T t a n r n . J a a .1
ip .11 rn i .
it t mi -nn i a t i iimt sn Mk A i. i
that his blood was almost dried un in his
llMvlSa uliu il w v it v to uaiu ouimug lit 1 11 O
bI lile. tjen. l ayior, moveo oy ine painar-
i i i : j . : l : : . r ,i iriiia (i 1 1 Li i uit.L. ti 1 1 ii v ui iiin mail.
linnl- Kim irarmliT KrrlVo flont nr1 anit 'Wo II
'lauuidiiici . i uui i; iau iu sec ruu. uao vuu
if.. i r i j . o
i i.f. in 'PL. u
IK I d II Mill. II nil. Llltll. Villi' rlllll
. t nT I. . J
ane simie ureaKiasi wmi me. ino, your
'me too precious. I desired only to pay
If. -Ill t ir-
i i f r ? . t it .
vu iuj i i.jih,ij , aim l oiioii & Ui&aniaoi
it iiiu umi n.. ciiii n. niiciiiwrri fiinitiii
. .1 I i . . r t
bese people, and an old man must be satrsfietl
, o c
'l 1 1 ii t ii m iiMvi nn ran - vv a i xrmri rriii itiiiri
- w
tme is too valuable, and 1 will not trespass
Minr umi iiiPHHiHi vviiii liirr. mil v inn
. i t i it iir ii t - "ii
v. to 1 -
o n
aid Gen. Taylor, extending his hand and slip-
hJMUiiue fuiuk vuu. weii. ii vuu win po.
O - - - i
if you will go, God bless you'; arid see that
mi ii u t rj ri i r iiti iii riiiiuu if r ri r q u ti t rr ti r i
limn mi iii i iiiiih w tin irii-" iipirim vim vh
he city." Andt, leaning upon his staff, the old
it.f i t f . i -
! people, by thirty years, wem, with a grate-
j! heart, along his way.
A IVovel Proposition.
Handbills are postod up' in New York ari-
ouncing that Messrs. Sorter and Itohjohn, are
'ilTUtrilrif in rr 1 ATirrimnlK ataim A a.ll
-i u " tk maiuuiuiu oito .111 noiiai kjdiu.
. uiiwiiubu jri buw iiuiipunaiiuii vi mo
engers from New York to California. The
rn ic lnmnr an tnr inn ir!Hrtnnr!uiinn rt riot-
chine is to be completed by the 15th of
be propelled by a steam" engine of ten or
elve bbrse power. The journey to Caltfor-
ii i. t u . J ; c J ! . . i
"W us iiuuo ill uvc uixj a, niinuui idci'
"g nights, tare including board and wines,
the trin S50.
Such is the novel proposition' of Messrs.
"er ana itopjonn. What next . in tills age
' vonaers, to be incredulous is to tall behind
limes, and we can only say to thosev who
Mend going to California, that its but a short
e to the 15th of April, and as it costs noth-
to remain non committal they had belter
'.inonf nn n iiincrmeni nnn innrnRV trniu thn
5ih of Anril : for it would be most nrbv'okintf"
toe weary adventurer, while plodding his
, ( 0
ym Jhe tvunenng neat, over tne prairies oi
. t t .
iswpof . pr mis woarn anin sail over mm.
ornasseil tiers at Sou and lound, and through
wu iu w w - - - - - .j
fie days ! The proposition afso announces
11 they will cliH for companies at places a
ag the route. What ext 1
Touching with Elephants in IndiaI
mdreds of active Vt.'ong elephants can be'
"cored at the straits ol viaiacca ai irom sou
5100 each: admirablv salted Jor work ol
..... . i
niiius, uui more espeuujr "w5-t-
One of these animals will closely plough
Ml acre of land in a day with the greatest
: 1 n t. i... ii. . I I . m x I mii n
B Iff hi montr . inil nnlti .i, frv hf. flUfin-
.iiiiii , uuu vuy ivuviMba iu "
u ) his keeper in addition to jhe plou wninan.
ny one visiting Singapore? may see a tnall
ePhant, named "Haiah," wbrkin dailv on
- 'ai oi j. jsatesuer, j.sq , American 0n
and although the" anfimal isr only 6 1-2
a,s oia, he will plough his acre orlandra in
i "i.u ease, uiie man noius ine piougn, ana
-..c, ltle Keeper wants Desiae tne animal
"'Qirecis him in his duty: The docile little
e;re obevs overy word that is saidTO'hTm,
U Will n ni,U -11 ".liL i. . 1
'vui plucking-.a gingl
piuugu un uay ueiwecu iiie cdiio ius
e cane.-'
Rev. Rowland Hill --Many amusing an
ecdotes of the ecceniric.'biit pious and useful
Rowland Hill, have been told but the follow
ing. narrated to us by one of his parishioners
is new to us.
It was Mr. Hill's habit to ride to church in
an old family carriago, a practice to aristocratic,
in the judgment of oho of his flock) who deter
mined to rebuke if. . .
It was customary m his chapel for notes to
be sent to the pulpit, requesting prayers for
various objects. One Sabbath ; Mr. Hill was
proceeding with the reading of these requests
as usual, when he found himself in the midst
of ono of tho following purport :
"Prayers are requested for Rev. Mr. Hill,
that he may be made more humble and like his
Divine Master, who, instead of riding in .a car
nage, was content to be borne on an ass."
Having read the notice, he lifted his specta
cles to his forehead, & looking around the house,
observed, that he was guilty of the fault alleged;
n me writer wuuiu step arounu iu uie ves
try door after service, saddled and bridled, he
would have no objection to try to ride home,
after the Master's example, on the back of an
- .
Marvelous Coincidences. One of those
rornarkable cases of presentiment, or "second
hight," thai have occurred at intervals to the
confusio'n of all human speculation in every age
of the world, has just been brought to our
knowledg'6 in this city. The daughter of a
highly respectable family, a child of some
twelve years, who has been ill of fever for some
days, told her parents, in a paroxyism of delir
ium on monday evening, that her brother, who
was on board ihe packet ship Devonshire, com
ing from London, was then within twenty miles
of home, and had with him sundry presents for
them, specifying among other things, live books
with red covers, gilt edges, &c. The vessel
arrived ihe next morning, and the return of the
brother with ihe specified presents verified ihe
truth of her marvellous impression. When the
brother entered her chamber she recognized
him at once, and on the instant interrogated
htm concerning ihe presents which she said
she had dreamed of; when he. confirmed her
prediction in every particular. She then im
mediately relapsed inio delirium. Newark Ad
vertiser. The Grain Trade. Letters have been re
ceived at Oswego from England, staling that
contracts to some extent had been made to
deliver first qualities Dantzic wheat at Liver
pool on the earliest opening ihis spring of ihe
Baltic navigation at forty shillings sterling per
imperial quarter, which brings the price (if it
was shipped from New York) equal to 85 cts.
per bushel at New York. Dantzic wheat, of quality, says the Oswego Times, may
be compared to our very best Genesee wheal.
A Yankee Trigs. During the exhibition
6Ta' menag'4ne a country village in Maine,
a real lire Yankee was on the ground, with a
terrible itchrrig to 'see the elophant,' but he
hadn't the desiderated 'quarter. Having made
up his mind 10 go in 'any how,' he stationed
himself near the enteranco, and waited uniil
the rush' was over Then assuming patient,
almoai exhausted tone, atid with the forefinger
of his right hand placed on the right corner of
his .mouth, he exclaimed, r or God's sake,
Mister, aim ye goin' to give' inVmy change 1"
Your change V said' the7 door-keeper, 'Yasees !
my 'change !' V gin ve a dollar as much as
half an hour ago', and haint got my change yet.'
The door-keeper handed over three quarters
in change, and in walked the Yankee 'in'fundz.'
Miss Rose Telbin,' art excellent actress
and very estimable lady, attached td'the Broad
way theaire, died on Saturday, in New York.
ladies are all jealous of Clickener's Sugar-
coated Purgative Pilta, for heretofore they (the
ladies) flattered themselves that they were the on
ly medicine in nature which was at the same time
sweet to the lips and reviving to the heart. In
fact it is a luxury to be sick now-a-days, the pleas
ure is so great of being made whole' again by
Clickerer's Sugar-coated Purgative Pills, they
being adapted to all Constitutions, and their oper
ations unattended with nausea, pain or gripe.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch,
the only authorized agent for Stroudsburg.
In Strotid township, Monroe county, Pa.,on
the 22d inst., Eunice McNea, aged 74 years.
At Hope, N. J'. on the 23d inst. Mary A;nn
Swayze, aged about 31 years.
The Spring Session of the Stroudsburg A
cademy will open on Monday, ihe Oth of April
next. ,
The principal hopes by properly and sea
sonably imparting instruction to the young, pa
tient Endurance in moral training, and unwea
ried diligence in ihe various branches of his
profes.ion, lo 'merit and obtain" that patronage
and support which the arduous duties of an in
structor demand.
' Terms :
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
per quarter of 12 weeks
Grammar and Geography, withv the
use of ihe globes and maps,
Algebra, AWronomy, Botany, MeV-
suration, Book-keeping, Philoso-
Latin and Greek, for beginners
$2 00
2 50
& 50
All pupils pharged from the time they enter Wi
lli the end of the quarter, except in case's of sick
Thomas Harris.
.t.roadabttrg,.' March 29,' 1849, Principal.
A few thousand, Apple Trees of
good growth for transplanting, a small
portion of which are. choice grafted
fruit. Also some of the best varities
of innbculated and sradejl Peach, Pear and
Cherry Trees, for sale at ihe nursery of the
subscricer, near Johnsonsb'ufgVVarreu County,
New Jersey. ... ,
. . . . - ISA'AC DENNIS.
March 29, 1849. 3t.
? 4
By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued oui
of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe coun
ty, Penn'a, to me diiected, I will expose to pub
lic sale at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in
the Borough of Stroudsburg, on
Friday the 27th day of April next,
at 2 o'clock p. M., the following described prop
erty to wit : A certain messuage or tenement
and tract or piece of land, situate in Paradise
township, adjoining lands of Benjamin Bush,
George Smith and others, containing
Forty-Seven Acre,
more or less. The improvements on which
are a
Log House
one story and a half high, and a frame
STABLE. About two acres of this tract is
cleared land.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of Adam Utt, and lo be sold by me.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff.
March 29, 1849. . )
By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued out
of the Court-nf Common Pleas of Monroe coun
ty, Penn'a, to me directed, I will expose to pub
lic sale at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in
the Borough of Stroudsburg, on
Friday the 27th day of April next,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following described prop
erty to wn : A certain messuage or tenement
and lot or piece of land situate in Paradise
township, adjoining land's of Elijah Dech, Hen
ry Bush and others, containing
One Hundred and Thirty Acres
more or less, about thirty acres of which is
cleared, about 25 is plough land and 5 acres of
meadow. The improvements are a
2(e- SWil!,
one and a half stories high, a LOG
COOPER SHOP, and several fruit trees. A
stream of water passes through the land.' . ,
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of Christian Nawman and Joseph Boorem,
and to be sold by me.
Sheriff s Office, Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff.
March 29, 1849.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of the County of PiKe,' will be sold at .public
vendue or out cry aj. ihe Court House in Mil
ford, in said County, on the 27th day of April
next, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day, the follow
ing described property, late ihe estate of Har
vey Roys, Esqi, dee'd, to wit : All those cer
tain Town Lots of the town of Milford, num
bered upon the general plan of said Town
387, 388, 389, 390, 391 and 292
fronting on Broad street, and
436, 4'45 and 446
fronting on George street, and ihose parts of
Town Lots of ifie Town aforesaid", numbered
as aforesaid,
437, 444, 465 and 472 ,
adjoining the lots above described, bounded by
a fence dividing those part Lots from lands of
Richard Eldred, and lands late of George Bow
hanan. Upon said premises are erected a large
Frame Dwelling House
and a large STORE HOUSE ad
joining. Upon the premises is also
a never failing Well of cxcelleni Water.
A certain tract or lot of lah'd siitiate in tho
township of WestfalK in the County aforesaid,
bounded by lands of Benjamin Hornbeck and
lands of Charles Ball on thosouih east, by lands
of liichard Efldred on the soutK west, and by
lands late of Daniel Quick on tho northj con
taining .
60 ACRES,-1
(more or less.) This lot is situate about two
and a half miles from the Village of Milford,
on the public road to' Port Jem's. About 8
acres of ihe tract is in a good state of cultiva
tion and the greater part of ihe residue is cov
ered with Timber valuable for fire wood and
fencing .purposes!
TERMS One half Cash, and one half at G
months to be secured by bond and mortgage.
Possession given on the frsi of May next.
Milford, March 8, 1849t Administramr,
Administrator's Notice
Whereas letters of Adminisiiation to ihe es
tate of George Bowhanan, late of the Couhly
of Pike, dee'd, have been g'ranted?to the sub
scriber ; all persons indebted to said estate are
reqeested to make immediate payment and
those having claims against the" same wilFpre
sent them duly' authenticated for settlement, to
FRED. A. ROSE, Administrator.
Milford, March 8. 1849. 6t.
Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving
also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale
heap, by ' JOHN H. MELIClC
Strouliburg, January I , 1 846,' ;
By virtue of a writ of alias fieri facias issued
but of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike Go."
to ma directed, I will expose, to public aalo at
the Couri house, in Milford, in. said county, on
Saturday ihe 17 th day of March next,
at 2 o'clock p. m, of said day, the following
prqperty to wit: All that certain piece of par
cel of land situate m the township of Westall,'
in tlje county of Pike, bounded on the Dela
ware River and lands of Levi MiddaugK, and
others, containing
more or less, with the buildings and other im
provements thereon erccteil arid being ihe same
land upon which the within named Zephaniah
Drake, resided at the time of his death. Also
one other piece or parcel, of,,land situate, as
aforesaid, adjoining the abo've described proper
ty, being jhe same land fo,r whjch ihe said
Zepjianiah Drake took out a warrant from the
land office of Pennsylvania, containing
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Zephf:nial) Drake, deceased
i JAjQOS KHVIBLE, Sheriffs
Per WirsTBROOK, Deputy.'
Sheriff's Office, Milford, Feb. 22, 1849
To our Friends iu the Country.
The publishers of the Daily News, believing the
best interests of the party demand the wide ex
tension of cheap and thorough. Whig papers, and
having frequent applications from the country for
the formation of Clubs, offer their Daily Journal
to Club3 of six subscribers, (having, the paper sent
to the same post office,) for 27 per .annum ; and
to Clubs of twelve, at &50 per annum. The
terms of the Daily News, to single subscribers, ia
$5 per annum. .
, , The --Dollar Weekly News,' literary and family journal, publ ished every
Saturdy, is furnished to single subscribers .at One
Dollar per annum j and to Clubs pt.the following
low rates : Six copies, $5 ; Thirteen copies, $10;
Twenty copies, $15; Twenty-seven copies, $20;
Thirty-four copies, $25; Forty-two copies $30;
and Fifty copies, $35. The Dollar Weekly News,
contains all the, latest intelligence, with a vast a
mount of, literary matter, and choice reading, and
has already a wide circulation.
The conductors of the News are Whi'g3, and
they are determined to spare no effort to make both
their daily and weekly journals, efficient organs of
the Whig party; but while doing this, special at
tention will also be paid to general News, Litera
ture, the Arts, Science, the interests of Trade and'
Business,, the Markets, c.' with all such other
matters as are necessary to make a good Family
and Business Paper. ,
OlP No paper will be forwarded unless pay
ment be made in advance, and all papers will be
discontinued at the end of the time subscribed for.
Money may be remitted by mail, postage
paid, at the risk of the publishers Address,
News Buildings, N. E. corner Third and Chest-
nut Sts;, Philadelphia.
-fashionable Root an& Slioe
his old stand in Hamilton street,
Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mis-
sen s store, continues to manuiac
ture to oder, every cfescripiion of
H Roots and felioes,
for men and, boys also themost
fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, hah
Gaiters, Slippers, fyc, for Ladies
and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be
made of the best materials, and sold at small
profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort
ment of
which will be sold cheap, and can be recom
The public are respectfully invited' to call,
leave their measures, or ex'amihe his ready
made stock beore purchasing elsewhere, as he
is connueiu uiey win oo auimu wuu u;u aiie
quality and price of his articles.
ALSO Just received a large supply of
for Ladies and Missesof a new style, very su
perior, together with a slock of Men s Gum
shoes; also Children's Gum shoes. Call and
try them.
Easton and Mil-ford Mail -Line,
Passengers in this lino will leave JosErH
Hagenbuch's InhJ sign of the " Black Horse,"
Easion, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
passing through the ipllbwing places, viz:
Richmond, Centreville, VVil.Iiamsburg, Dills'
Feiry, Delaware Water Qap, Dutoty1)urg,
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry,
and arrive in,JVIilloratne same day: Distance
6j0 miles. Returning" leave Samuel Dimrrjick's
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday antl
Saturday, and arrive in Easion the same day.
Fare from'Easton to Stroudsburg, $1 25-
N. B. All. baggage at the risk of tho ovvneW
Stroudsburg; Juno 3'f'1847. Proprielor.
For sale at this Office.
5 For safe at thisO'ffice, '
That dreddful Hough ! The Lungs are in dan
ger J The work of the- destroyer hath begun.
The cough of consumption Hath in' it d sound
of Death !
.Are you a mother ? Your darhng child, your
idol and earlhly joy," is; now perhap, confined
to. her chamber by a dangerous cold,' her palq
cheeks, her thin shrunken lingers, tell the hold
disease has already gained upon her, the sound
of frer sepulchral cough pierces your soul.
Young man, when just about to eriter life,'
disease sends a hear-crushingf blight .over ihe
fair prospects of ihe future, your hectic cough
and feeble fimba tell of your losd of hope, but
you need not despair. There is a balm which!
will heal ihe wounded lungs, it is
Sherman's a'll-healino balsam.
Mrs. Atiree, the wife of Wm. H. Auree, Jtsq.,'
was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington,'
Drs. Roe afnd McCIellan of Philadelphia, Dr.'
Roe, and Dr. Molt of New York, Her friend-
all thought she must die. She had every ap
pearance of being in consumption, and was so
pronounced by her physicians---Shermair Bal
sam was given and it cured her.
Mrs. Garrabramz, of Bull's Ferry, was also'
cured of consumption by this Balsarrf when all
other remedies failed to give relief she was
reduced to a' s-Lelton.' ,Dr., A. C Cattle, Den
list , 281 Broadway, has witnessed its effect-'
in several cases where vno other medicine af
forded relief but the Balsam operated like a"
charm. Ifr. C. also witnessed its wonderful
effects iii curing Asthma, which ii never fails
of doing. , Spitting 6lood,falarming as it may
be, is effectually curedUy this Balsam. It
heals ihe ruptured or wounded bloo'd vessels,'
and makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was
cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50
years standing. The first dpse gave.him moje.
relief than ali the other medicine, he had ever
taken. Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 Delancy-streett'
gave it to a sister-inlaw. who wals laboring un
der Consumption, and to another sorely afflic
ted with ihe Asthma. In both cases its effects'
were immediate, sodn restoring them to com
fortable health. , t y ,
Mrs. Lchretia Wells, 95 Christie-st. suffered
from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam
relieved her at once, and she is comparatively;
wellj being enabled to. subdue every attack by
a timely use of this medicine; This indeed, in
the great remedy Jor Coughs, Colds, Spit.ring
Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections
of the throat, and even Asthma and Consump
tion. , ;
Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle.
Agents for Monroe county. Theo Schochr
iroudsbura : C. Savior, Savlofsbura ; G. B
Iteller, Cherry valley ; H. Peters & Co. Mar
shall's creek ; H. Kintz, Bartonsvilf'e; J.Stouf-'"
fer, Tannersville.
Pike county. Peters & Labar, Bushkill ; W
F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry : J. S. Wallace
Milfordj W, Sliouse. Wilsonvills.
Dr-Shermano Cough and .Worm Lozenges,4"
and Poor Man's Plasters above.
Dr. Sherman's Office is at 1 06 Nassau-st N
. The testimony in its favor is overt? helmnYg'i
The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters
alid certificates, going to prove its remarkable
efficiency to all. cases of worms, both in-xhil-dreii
and adults. The relief given, and the
immediate improvement of healih which'folJows
its use, has called the attention of jibysicians
to this article,' and they freely recommend and
prescribe it in their practice. t t
The retail price t is 25 cents per vial, ichich
brings it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. 1. January 16, 1847.
I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A.
Fahneatoclt's Vermifuge to my child, and in
seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any
person doubting this may apply for funnel in
formation at my residence corner of York and
Jackson street. JAMES WcCAFFREY.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844. .
I certify, that 1 took two4vfaIs of B, A. Fahn
estock's Vermifuge, which I found to be the
greatest cure foT worms 1 have, ever used, I
have been troubled with lape worms' for a num
ber of years', and I haye never-found so good a
medicine as ti. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. I
therefore repommend it. . MARTHA CLIFT.
The public is cautioned against counterfeits
and spurious articles, and lo pui no confidence
in statements that.uIColmstock'a" and "S. Fahn
estock's" Vermifuge are the same or a good'
as the only .genuine article, which B. A.?
Fahnestock's Vermifuge.
For saie in Siroud-bu.rg, by T. SCHOCH
Agent. March 15. 1849. bow ly.
x KxecutoVs Notice ..1-
Whereas letters, testamentary to-the estatoi"
of Levi Vansorden, late of the Township of-
Westfall, in ihe County of Pike, decased, have
been "ranted to the subscriber, ail persons in
debted t6 said estate &r& requested to make im
mediate payment, arid those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authen
ticated for setijement) to
! T JAMES S. WALLACE, Executor -Residence
at Milford, Pike County Batj
Milfordi?Jan. 25 1849.-6I.