Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, March 01, 1849, Image 3

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    thousand in English, and one thou-
j German, of Washington's Farewell
i" m ho nrintoit
&u . ni.:n T?r,;imnJ Th hill In rsnii!)
ad incorporating the Erie and Ohio Rail
i Company came UP on fi,,a' passage, and
f Ball' amendment was negatived. Mr.
I'CulIoch submitted another amendment, sim
, ,0 the one negatived yesterday, and it was
fa negatived. The question was then taken
ihc bin an 'l passed yeas 53t nays 32-
Private Alphabet. Mr. Bent moved to take
the bill to recharter the Farmers' and Me-
hanica auu,i """
" if nma 37 In rnmmiitfifi ol inn
l eas 40, nva - -
"w . AK.tmlcnn in l(l nhnir Mr 1?
undle Sinun ouereu a suumhuib, wmuu wa
. 'i nn Mill ws 1 inn 3 iwi i 111 uu
..i. ihe framers desired. Mr. Smith
f 5 ... rimmed to second reading of the bill
hich was agreed to, yeas 40, nays 4d.
rhp first section having been read, Mr. Wal
..nfTercd an amendment, (immaterial) when
. i) I? Siniih snhmittfii his suDBt iuie, which
,ic3rjy the same as Hie senate diii. mis
.j discussed by Mr. Evans, and near 1 o'clock
.mnnrn for the orescnt.
l.l : 1 i- .1.
The House resumea me consideration oi ine
I m rpchnrtcr ihe Farmers' and Mechanics'
) iw
ink of Philadelphia, the question being upon
r R. R- Smith's .substitute, which was finally
1 I... ..t l JK .,.. f cn ....
The first section of the bill was adopted by
mifi of 18 yeas to 40 nays. The bill then
ed second reading.
.A motion to dispense with the rules so as to
i .!." .i .ir j i
iriio me num. reading, was negatived uv a
nf fin veas. 33 navs. two-thirds not votim.
r Adjourned.
Harrisburg, Feb. 24, 1849.
Se.vate. The Speaker presented a remon
ranee from Lancaster, against the passage of
bill before the Legislature to lax the ven-
fS of medicine.
Bills passed. The bill to annul the marriage
niraci between Henry Kemp and Eveline
mp, his wife, was taken up and passed ; the
regulating election districts was passed ;
bill lo extend the charter of ihe Bank of
Northern Liberties was taken up and pas-
I r-ona 10 mtT K . tVio hill in atetatiA lhi
' H J . a a 1 la, W V IUU Will . J I I. II LI t II li
arter of the Commercial Bank of Philadel
a yeas 20, nays 5 ; the bill 10 incorporate
Wesiern Insurance Company of the city of
usburg was taken up and passed.
Mr. Johnson, from the Committee on Exec
re Nominations, repnried favorably to the
f f I !T c .
e Judge of Indiana County. On motion ,of
J , the Senate went into Executive Session,
J unanimously confirmed the nomination.
On motion of Mr. Crabb, the bill for the re-
f of the creditors and stockholders of the bank
the United States, was recommitted to the
mmittee on ihe Judiciary.
House. Mr. Swartzwelder moved a con
sent resolution, providing thai the joint cum
:iee appointed to examine the manner in
ich the public works are conducted, to take
lo ibe Canal Commissioners, and that ihe
or persons as may be necessary to take
t .i :. vi o .1 j .
ii uniu HIIIII3. mi- ui.iiiiiiiiiiir:i iiiuiru iu
'Provided, thai the pay of such person or
rsons shall not exceed Si 50 per day." A
cossion of considerable length occurred be-
een Messrs. owartzweider, tt. o. iliVana,
eitick, Bull, R. K. Smith and others, in favor
the resolution, and Messrs. Cornyn, Packer,
hoimover, EcCalmont, Myefs, Laird and
ers, in opposition Mr. Myers moved the in-
niie postponement of the whole subject,
tcli was agreed w yeas 50, nays 30.
Harrisburg, Feb. 26.
Slvxie. A petition was presented, signed
910 colored persons, residents of Philadel
ia, for a change in the constitution, so as to
nit them to exercise the right of suffrage.
By Mr. Brooke, four from Chester, for an
cndmenl of the Constitution so as (d extend
i . .
ilPnl nl ctmranro In rnlnrAl norcnnn
House. The bill to exempt from taxation
Cemetery of the United A-merican Median
and daughters of America, of Philadelnhia.
discussed till 1 o'clock, when the hour of
"urnmeni was postponed. The bill was
iter discussed, amended and passed.
tfovel Prospect.-.-
The New York Tribune of tlie.l.4th ult
says, thar.a lady ofthai Stale' well known for
4 r i
her labors' in many a philanthropic s cause, is
about organizing an .hxpedmon to Ualuornia,o
the nature of which it gives the following ex
plananon :
"She projposes lb purchase a vessel), td be
freighted with every article necessary for the
aid and assistance of the sick or disabled, in
cluding the frame of a building intended for i
hospital. She is now engaged iri raising a com
pany of intelligent and respectable females, to
accompany her in this mission of charity, each
rt in . . t.
oi wnom snail coninoute something towards
Hie purchase ol the vessel and cargo, and as
sist in the humane object of the enterprise.--
None will be taken who have not attained the
age of 25 years, and can also produce sufficient
testimonials of character. A part of the freight
is to consist of articles lo furnish a store, in
which a part of the woman may be employed,
and in material for clothing, to be made up ac
cording to orders on the spot
TPV V-.riTr TJuli Ofi Tnm T4traf tVlaOhim.
n of America, as he is called, arrived in this
yesterday. As soon as it was known that
"me in the Philadelphia train, his friends
mica a oaroucne. wnicu uiey uruamcineu
h American flags, and in which1 they con-
uiui illlUUgll J1 llllvlj'H I oiivvn'i
III' iI.a..i.J U. I, I-J Vkt r l in
n ... .... .i
IintP0riT In ttfhlnh aolah hchlflflnt MR' rl9G
IV. Ill VTlJlll bOiauildUlliWll
-tiiuduuu ui uoi engaging in any puguiouu
ntn. I . I f I II . I . f.. . .
Ssovs and Wolves. The Frontier journal,
published at Weston, (Mo.,) gives an icy pic
ture of the winter up thai way. It says, too :
"The pork houses have attracted great quan
tities of prairie wolves, and somo of our friends
have claimed ihe forfeit of their scalps for their
impudence. One day last week, no loss lhan
six of the hungry "varmints" were killed be
tween this place and Rialto-a mile below.
The snow is so deep that the dogs are com
pletely distanced in tne chase, and the hunters
ride upon them with their horses, and'frequent
ly capture them alive.
A city paper thus describes ihe case of a
most decided viciim of ihe California fever:
Molly Murphy resides, when at home, which
is seldom in Shelaly Court, near the corner,
easily found by any one who will follow his
noso ; has a husband and one child, a dutiful
boy, who vends matches and penny papers on
week days, and steals on Sunday, .for ihe sup
port of the family. Molly can read, has read
what Gov. Mason writes aboul pigs rooting
up gold, by mistake for ground-nuts her brain
much disturbed has an impression that gold
may be found aHinost anywhere with a tin pan,
and no assistance but her son, Tooly Murphy,
she has actually dug over and washed a pile
ol lilt Is in Iront of her dwelling, which the city
scavengers have never been able materially to
diminish urges her husband to be "afTwid ihe
amily for Killyfarnv, where ihe very wheel
harries is made out of goold." Dreams of noth-
ng nut gold dusi, and hrmly believes it to be
he very dust we shall return lo while asleep
seized her husband by the ears, and could
scarcely be sufficiently awakened to compre
hend that she had not captured the golden calf.
The Present Tariff.
It is well known that about one-half of the
ron manufactured in the United Slates, is made
n Pennsylvania. Owing to the unsettled state
nf afiairs in Europe, iron is selling in England
below the cost of production. Within a few
days past the Lancaster and Harrisburg Rail
road Co., have sent an order to England for
four thousand tons of heavy T rails, lo re-place
their present tracks. We understand that the
iron, delivered in New York, will cost them"
S45 per ton, cash. Iron manufactured Fn our
own State, could have been procured, delivered
on the road, at S52 50 per ton, which is the
actual cost of production and delivery.
Here is a single instance where $180,000
have been sent to Europe for an article, which
could have been manufactured better in ,our
on State and nearly the whole cost of which
is paid for in labor. How Much longer will
our countrymen, and particularly, the laboring
classes, support such a Tariff? Phila. Com.
:it Cool. The Cincinnati Commer
ys : " We have often jead in the papers
'coolness of men." but we never until
"-ciau arriveu a man who-op
J 1 1 r r u r n . ,1 w r l.l 1 1 T I I llllir
IIlItf!NIIflIlHII I1II1 I W I I 1 (lllll w w
T 1
- "Hen no ineu to ten ine num. ii""11""
luere is an individual in mis cny, ou
ifiit. i .i. . . t i . ,. .
jr cuui mai wneu lie wants to ei wuu
es on account of ihe lather frec-
lf In kr r i.i. t i t -
' 1 1 1 1 r . I rt i . . . . i n . v. r. r. a . . r r .-.a?
u ini.r - I iiai 1 1 i i . I . . yi iir.ii iirz iv I n -
i 1
flls wife, his lips froze fast, and they had
ti cur.- it e .t. . .1 :t J .r.i
' oy one Ol me cuiiuren wnn a
flf .... a 1 1 11 I
w,"ui waiHr Whon ;n ih icaie tieai n. ne
Ullfin 9 itn m i A I r rtat llltt PP IV H T m
wben hii. physician recommends a sweat,
Minilll ... . . laa I . .
itiitwvu io inn man wuoviuc.u mo
The Sea Serpent Rivalled. Capi. Cara,
laiely arrived at Boston ? from Havre, states
thai on the 27th ult. long. 47, he saw something
on his larboard bow very like a whale. He
bore up for it, and upon approaching it, thought
it was a large ship bottom upwards, but.on com
ing along-side, he discovered it to be a gigantic
turtle or tortoise, armed wiih enormous sharp
blade., which glittered in ihe air, atiif served
for the defence of the creature like the quills
of a porcupine. The shell was black, and from
out thereof, the animal poked his enormous
head, which ihe captain says Was the most ter
rific sight he over beheld !
Land Warrants and Pre-Ejiption. The
Mineral Point Tribnne says that Moses M.
Strong has received a decision of Commission
er Young, which deteimine that either culti
vation or settlement, under the pre-emption law,
guards the land' from being located by military
land warrants". This is a decision of some in
terest. I.MPORTANT Decision. It has been dicided
in the Superior Court of New York, that news
papers have the right to publish police and ju-
Popsilatiou of tlie United Slates.
The following statistics are o.btained from
the Report for 1848 recently submitted, to Con
gress by the Commissioner of the Pateni Office:
The present population of the United States
is estimated at,21,686,000. , The number, al
lotted to each Stale is as follows : Maine 615,
000 ; New Hampshire 308,000; Massachusetts
875,000; Rhode Island 135,000 ; Connecticut
340,000 ; Vermont 3lb,000 ; New York 2,
880,000; New Jersey 425,000; Pennsylvania
2,220,000; Delaware 85,000; Maryland 10,
000 ; Virginia i, 295,000; North Carolina 780,
000 ; South Carolina 620,000 ; Georgia 825,
000.; Alabama 716,000 ; Mississippi 670,000;
Louisiana.490,000; Tennessee 980,000 ; Ken
tucky 890,000; Ohio 1,980,000; Indiana
1,000,000; Illinois 800,000; Missouri 589,
000; Arkansas 200.000; Michigan 420,000;
Florida. 80,000 ; Wisconsih 250,000 J Iowa
150,000; Texas 150,000,; District of Colum
bia 48,000 ; Oregon 50,000. .
The total population in 1840 was 17,063,-
353 ; increase since (hat time (according to
the above estimates) 4,622,647., , ; ...
Prices of Coal. We .understand that in
consequence of the advance in freignt and tolls
since the 1st of January, the retail coal mer
chants have advanced ihe price of coal 25 pis.
per ton. The prices now are, for broken, egg
and stove coal, $4,50 per ton ; nut $4,25.
Late and Interesting from Ch.vgres.-
A correspondent of the Buffalo Commercial
Advertiser, w riling from Chagrest, says that
ihe charge for boat-hire to Cruces is twelve
dollars. The Oius is unable lo go up, the Gov
ernor having forbidden it. The Captain of the
Orus, however, has pone to Panama to have
the order rescinded. We expect his return to
i t i
morrow ; u ne does not return, we snail leave
Cruces in boats during the day to-morrow.
fhe Buffalo people are all well ; your humble
servant and one or two others having suffered
somo with sea-sickness. Aside from thai, I
may say thai we are in prime order."
The same correspondent, speaking of the
weather, says :
'I would call it hot, if by saying hot, I could
give you any idea of the heat ; but if you were
to take a large box, line it and floor it with tin,
put a slow fire underneath it, and during one
of the hotest days in August (with us) leave
he top open, and beneath a vertical sun, sit and
swelter; this is Chagres. T would, however,
to keep up the delusion, introduce a few hun
dred musquitoes into the box. A beautiful
place to the eye, -for here Nature has striven
to deck disease and misery of which she is
"While I am writing our people are eating,
upon ihe principle that an outice of prevention
is worth a pound of cure, and a're dosing down
quinine in 3 grain doses."
Philadelphia market.
February 26, 1849.
The Produce market continues firm, with
moderate sales of Flour ai $5 per bbl. for com
mon brands. In Rye Flour and corn Meal there
is no movement, and prices are steady. Wheat
is. held firmly at 108c. for good reds, which is
above the views of millers. Sales of 700 bu.
Rye at 67a68c, and some 10,000 bu. Corn
yesterday and to day ai 57 l-2c, weight, for
good yellow. Oats are steady at 30c. for South
ern, and 32a34c. for Penn'a. Small sales of
Whiskey in bbls. at 24c. per gallon.
V- Those who labor within doors are compelled
to breathe an impure atmosphere, which is wholly
unfit for the proper expansion of the lungs, and,
owing to the want of e.ercise, the bowels become
constiDated. the nores of the skin closed, and, in
deed, all the functions of the body become de
ranged hence proceed asthma, coughv pains in
the breast and side, palpitation of the heart rheu
matic pains in various parts of the body, giddiness,
and a variety of other distressing complaints, com
mon to those of sedentary habits. Wright's In
dian Vegetable Pills disperse all these unpleasant
symptoms. A. single dose wilt in an cases give
relief, and, if repeated a few times, will most as
suredly restore the body to health.
Hpumrn of tsufrar Uoatcd uoumerieus. ite-
member.t hat the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wil-
LiAiyi Wright on the top .'aoei oi eacn oox.
For sale by George H. Miller, who is the only
authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise
ment for other agencies in anotner column.
Office and general depot, IC9 Race st. Phil's.
MATISM. -We dislike turning physician, by
prescribing medicine r but our natural antipathy in
the premises, must give way to the good we, may.
do' in recommending Clickener's Sugar Coated'
Purgative Pills, the virtue of which we have seen-
. .a til fill ' a ' a
tested m a remarKaoie manner, uw p,uium un
intimate friend of ours) was laboring under a se-
ere attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism, for which
he had surfeited himself with medicine, until the
very name sickened him ; but without any visible
- . a H at I II .1
improvement. Hts wile then (.induced dv tne
name, and their wide-spreading reputation; pro
cured a few boxes of Clickener's Sugar Coated
Purgative Pills which the patient took without
objection (no taste but that of sugaV being appar
ent) and from that time began to mend so rapidly,
Who ought to he Punished, the Dev
il oi: Alan? ;
The late UevJohn Thomas, one of the- misr
sionaty brethren of.Scrampore, was one day. after
addressing a crowd of the natives on ihe banks
of the Ganges, accosted by a Brahmin, as follows:
" Sir don't, you say that the.devil tempts-, man to
sin 1" " Yes," answered Sir. Thomas. . " Then,"
said the Brahmin, " certainly the fault is the dev
il's; the devil, therefore, and not man ought to
suffer the punishment." While the countenances
of many of the natives discovered their approba
tion of the Brahmin's inference, Mr. Thomas ob
serving a boat with several men on board, de
scending the river, with that felicity of instructive
retort for which he was distinguished, replied
" Brahmin, do you see yonder boat ?" " Yes."
c Suppose' I was to send some of my friends to
destroy every person on board, and bring me all
that is valuable in the boat; who ought to suffer
punishment I for instructing them, or they for
doing this wicked act ?" " Why," answered the
Brahmin, with emotion, " you ought all to be put
to death together." " Ay, Brahmin," replied Mr.
T., and if you and t,he devil sin together, the devil
and you will be punished together."
Early Marriages. -A "lady" only ten
years old was married ai Panama, January 12.
Femalos mature in that meridian faster than in
any other region. At 8 or 9, young ladies are
of sufficient growth to carry on quite serious
To our Friends in the GoiVaitryV
The publishers of the Daily News, believing ihe
best interests: of the party demand the wide ex
tension and thorough Whig- naners and
having frequent applications from the country for
me lu.i.iauon oi oiuds; oner mcir uaiiy Journal
to C.luba of six subscribers, (having the paper sent
to the same post office,) for $27 per annum; and
to Clubs of twelve; at 50 per annum. The
terms of the Daily News, to single subscribers, is
$5 per annum. - --
The Dollar Weekly -tews,
a cheap literary and family journal, publ isheJ every
Salurdy, is furnished to single subscribers at.Ou'e
Dollar per annum; and to Clubs at the following
By virtue of a writ of alias fieri facias issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike Co,,
to me directed, I will expose to public sale at
the Court house, in Milford, in said county, on
Saturday the 11th day of March next,
at 2 o'clock p. m, of said day, the following
property to wit : All that certain piece or par
cel of land situdte-in the township of Wesifall,
in ihe, county of Pike, bounded on the Dela
ware River and lands of Levi Middaugh, and
others, containing , - ...
more or less, wiih the buildings and other im
provements thereon erected and being the same
land upon which the within named Zephaniah
Drake resided at the time of his death... Also
one other piece or parcel of land situate as
aforesaid, adjoining ihe above described proper
ty, being tne same land lor vvnich tne said
Zephaniah Drake took out a warrant from the
land office,of Pennsylvania, containing
more or less. ...
Scizod and taken in execution as tne
erty of Zoph-niah Drake, deceased
Per H. Westbrook, )epu'ty.'
Sheriff's Office, Milford, Feb. 22, 1849
low rates : &ix copies 5 ; Thirteen copies, 1 0;
Twenty copiesx $15; Twenty-seven copies, S20;
Thirty-four copies,- S25; Forty-two copies S30;
arid Fifty copies, 835. The Dollar Weeklv News.
contains1 all the latest intelligence, w.iih a vast, a
mount of literary matter, and choice reading, and
has already a wide circulation
The conductors of the News are Whig3, and
they are determined lo spare no effort to make both
their daily and weekly journals, efficient organs of
the Whig party;, but. while doing this, special attention-will
also be paid -to. general News, Litera
ture, the Arts, Science, the interests of Trade and
Business, the Markets, 4-c, with all surh other
matters" as are necessary to make a good Family
and Business Paper. .
QCpMVp paper will .be forwarded unless pay
ment be-made in advance, and all papers will be
discontinued at the end of the time subscribed for.
fl Afpney may be remitted by mail, postage
paid, at the risk oft.the publishers Address,
News Buildings, N. E-. corner Third and Chest-
nut Sts., Philadelphia.;
Executor's Notice.
Whereas letters testamentary to the estate
of Leyi ,Yangorden, late of the Township of
Westfail, ih ,tho Goujnty of Jhke, decased, have
been granted 10 the subscriber., all persons in
debted to, said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment,' and those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement, to
Residence at, Milford, Pike County, Pa.
Milford, Jan. 25 1849.--6t.
.. . , .ii- . eutj ano iroin mat mac ucuuu iu uu-uu
dicial reports, and lhat any irue and fair report ( fa exception of a little stiffness in the
joints, he was as well as ever in less man a iort
night. The patient felt from the first dose that
the physic was doing him good, because his stom
ach did not reject it, as was the case with' nearly
all the other remedies he had taken. We will add
for the benefit of whom it may concern, that at the
commencement the patient took from six to eight
pills at a dose ; then went down to three ; and
again up to six or seven, graduating the dose ac
cording to the effect produced on his system.
We never bfeore saw medicine operate so visibly
decidedly for the better; indeed, it manifested its
good effects from the first hour ; and in recording
this notice of the fact we feel that we are perform
ing a dutv that is incumbent on us, and which may
be the means of effecting a great deal of good.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T, Scioch,
the on)v authorized agent for Slrou'dsburg.
is not a libel, i nis nas nereioiore neen a ois
nuted nnint. This decision also seiiles ihe
question that if i tie facts contianed in an article
are true, it cannot be the subject of a libef suil
Fair criticisms are also declared to be privi
leged. Marbh of Mind. A friend, writing from
New Caslle Delaware, informs us that, after
the execution of the negro, Perry Barry, at thai
place on ijie 8ih, a silly fellow, .an Englishman,
applied to the Sheriff for a piece of ihc rope,
to bo und m curing one of his relations, who
was afflicted uh ihe king's evil.
The Ohio riyer is -dosed Willi ice?,Hei vveeh
PiitsburgVand Wheeling
Bowen's North American Farmer
Telegraphic Market Reporter,
A Journal of American Agriculture, Com
mcrce, Mining, Science, Art, Manufacturers
Literature, News, &c.,' intended for country
people generally.
This Journal is expressly devoted to the tas-
(es and interests of country readers, and con-
iribuiions from many of most eminent writers
in this country and in Europe, appear in its-col-
urns among1 whom may be mentioned Hon
Geo.. P. Marsh,' Hon. Morris Longstreth, Hon
Thomas H. BurroWes, James Gowen, Esq.
Profs Liebig and Bauer of Germany, Francis J
Grund, Edgar A Poe, John S. Boweri, Esq., &c.
TERMS. One copy, SI' ; f6'ur copies, S3;
and nine copies for So.
The money, Produce, Cattle, Iron, Dry
Goods, and all oilier market throughout the
Union, are carefully resorted, under the direc
tion of Mr. Sirouse, the semor publisher, who
in thoroughly and practically conversant with
mercantile pursuits. These reportSj.the quoia
ifons being received by Telegraph, (excepi
Philadelphia, date within a few hours previous
to priming the pa'per, and embrace tho various
Markets of New York, BostonBaltimore, Pitts
burg, Cincinnati, &c. &.c
Notwithstanding this paper is pblishedje
half the coast of others, ii contains more read
in; manor and. is as large a sheet as any S2
paper in the United Slates.
Spacemen copies may be seen at ariy post
All monies received are acknowledged in ihe
newspaper. Letters must be addressed, post
paid, Bowen s Noitf ir American Farmer,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
The subscriber appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Pike county, to distribute the assets
of ihe estate of Benjamin Depue, late 6f the
county of Pike, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at the house of Oscar
H'. Moil, in Milford, in the said county, on ihe
eighth day of March next, ai which time all
persons are required to present their claims
against ihe said estate or be forever after de
barred. HORACE : L. WES'?, Auditor: ..
February 1, 1849 --4l
The subscriber has on hand and offers for
sale, a superior assortment of blanks, viz:
Deeds, Mortgages,
Executions, Summonses.
SubpocriaSjf Bonds, 6)C.
Milford. .November,,?, 1848.
For sale at thisOffice.
The Spring Session of the Stroudsburg Acad
ewiy.will open on onday ihe 17'h inst., when
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic will be
taught for .$2 per quarter of 12 weeks. Gram
mar and Geography, with the use of ihe globes
and maps, $2,50. Algebra, Astronomy, Bot
onv, Mensuration, Book-keeping, Philoso
phy, &c. $3. Beginners in Latin and Greek
for $3,'50. ,
.All pupils charged from the lime they enter un
til the ehd of the quarter, except in cases of sick
ness.. The principal hopes by propeily and sea
sonably imparting instruction to the young, pa
tient endurance in mora! training, and unwea
ried diligelice in the various branches of his
profession, to merit and obtain that paironage
and support which the arduous duiies of an in
structor demand.
Siroudsburg, April 6, 1848. Principal.
Fashionable Root and Shoe
his old stand in Hamilton street.
Easton, Pa., opposiie T.& P. Mix
sefl's storo, continues to manufac
ture to oder, every description of
Soots and Shoes,
for men and boys ; also the most
fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half
Gaiters, Slippers, cj-c, for Ladies
and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be
made of the best materials, and bold ai small
profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort
ment of
Wiich will be sold cheap, and can be recom
The fiublic are respectfully invited to call,
leave their measures, or examine his ready
made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he
is confident they will be suited with the style,
quality and price of his articles.
AiSO Just received a large supply of
for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very su
perior, together with a stock of Men's Gum '
shoes; also Children's Gum shoes. Call and
try themi
JGaston and Milford ITIail Line,
Passengers in this line will leave JosF.rH
Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Bhttk H "!.
Easton, every Monday, Wednesday and Frida ,
passing through the following places, viz:
Richmond, Cenlreville, Williamsburg, Dills'
Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Duiotsburg,
StirouJsburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry,
arfd, arrive in Milford the same day: Distance
60 Allies. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmick's
HoiaI iUilfnrd. every Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, and arrive in Easwn ihe ssute dayi
T" 1-. I7 . .. n Ol..wl..'la..-a. t1 -
rare IOUl cuatu u uuuuuauuij;, 'V :
Milford, 2S7
NTB. All baggage at the risk of ihe owner."
Stroudsburg, June 3, 1&47. Proprietor.