Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, February 01, 1849, Image 2

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Thursday February 1, 1849.
Wottd.-A few loads of wood wanted at this
office immediately. Those subscribers who have
promised us the article would accommodate us by.
bringing some soon.
General Taylor, in his letter to the President,
resigning the office of Major General in the army,
uses the following characteristic language : I
:fkve been called by the people to serve in anoth
er capacity, and therefore resign this present commission!"
Counterfeit Tens on the Mechanics' Bank of
Rahway N. J. well executed, and signed,. J. S..
Jfbrnj? President, and F. King, Cashier, are in
...... &A;
A Telegraphic dispatch from Ohio states that
SEABmiy Ford "has been duly inaugurated as Gov
ernor of that State.
TSic Gold Dollar.
The Union is strongly urging the coinage of one
'dollar gold pieces, and to obviate the objection thai:
ihey may be lost in the pocket, or in the hurry ofjj
payment passed for small silver coin, recommends
a proposition by a correspondent, that he circum
ferance be the same as a five cent piece, with a
squaie hole in the centre ; the eagle and liberty
cap to be omitted the 13 stars, and " tone dollar,
1S19," to occupy one side, and a wreath and the
words " United States of America," the other.
The. Xegislaturc.
There is so little of interest to our readers in
the'prdceedihgs of the legislature in the past week,
that w'e avoid occupying space with a formal re
port. In the Senate, a bill was passed cheating a
"new county out of part of Luzerne, and a "bill reg
ulating railroad companies.
Mr. Klots from the Commitfe on the Militia, re
ported the bill abolishing militia trainings and cre
ating a sinking fund for the payment of the -State
Debt with a recommendation that it be negatived,
Mr. Cooper from the Committee of Ways and
Means reported a bill providing for the ordinary
expenses of the government, for repairs on the
State Canals and. Railroads, and for the' payment
of debts due for work done thereon.
A number of petitions for re-charter of Banks
were presented in the two houses. Among them"
for the Chester County Bank, the Delaware Coun
ty Bant, the Germantown Bank cjc.
.-.v is.: ;
The total amoUnj of coal sent to market
from. Pennsylvania, during the last season, was
3,069,473 tons, -being an increase of 93,880 ton3
over the amount-exported the year before. This
mass of coal, at $4 per ton, produced the sum o
$12,277,892. Who does not perceive at half a
glance that there is infinitely more wealth in the
coal fields of this state, than theie is in the mines
of'Gaftfornia 1
Judge BJdred, it seems, did not decide that lis
tening at "a Keyhole was justifiable in a woman ;
he only said that it was excusable, on account of
the natural -curiosity of the sex
The few York Herald has taken the troub
le to gafer the statistics of the California em
igrants, i says ihe whole number of emigrants
who hae left our ports, thus far are 2212 of
11 la. nr I f M 1
wnicn umber odu go oy way oi unagres, and
.1682 viaLJape. Horn.
The dstruction by fire of the Western Rail
road Dept, at Springfield, Massachusetss, will
cause a Itse of over ten thousand dollars, as
the whol building was to have been nulled
he spring, 'to give place to an im-
ck structure of much larger dimen-
(There is little doubt that the building
n fire. .
down ih
mense b
was set
A Mooter. M. E. A. Johnston, of Nahant
while fishing for codfish, about 10 miles to the
John I. Allen, Esq., who used to figure con
spicuously as editor of the Honesdale Herald, has
started for California.
The Uiileagc Reform-Done for.
A correspondent of the New York Tribune, da
ted Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 23, says : The
coppers were placed decently on the eyes of the
Mileage Referm to-day, and the old and annually
aggravated abuse is to go oh until the People shall
Gen. Cass Elected to the Senate.
dispatch dated Detroit, Monday, Jan. 22, states
inai uen. oass was eiecieu to tne u. Q. oen-
ate by ihe Michigon Legislature on Saiurday
last, 20ih Hist, by a vote of 44 to 36.
Railroad Accidents. A dreadful collision
took place by the meeting of two Locomotives
with trains of Freight cars on the New York
and Erie Railroad between Great Bend and
Lanesboro' on Wednesday of last week, br
which not only an immense Io9s of property in
the destruction of Locombiives was caused but
it is feared a fatal injury was inflicted upon the
limbs of two or three persons. We are in
formed that the train going easl trom Binghamp-
ton being a little behind time, the one coming
see fit to stop it. While they remain passive noth'
ing will be done here. This voting money out of from ihe east, which should have waited at
its own pocket is rather a severe strain on modern
The whole affair has been managed exactly as
was foreseen and predicted by friend and foe.
The House did not, will not, dare not, vote by
Yeas and and Nays to perpetuate the present mon
strous inequalities and abuses. It dare not vote
that Messrs. Turner, A. G. Brown, Morse, Leffler,
Kaufman, Cathcart, &c. are entitled to some $2,
700 to $3,300 for travel to and attendance on this
Session while a large proportion of the Members
Lanesboio', was recklessly pushed forward in
nopes oi reacmng ureat uenu oetore meeting
the other. But they met in a deep cut and a
short curve of the road where it was impossi
ble to discover each other till close together,
when they met with, tremendous force, smash
ing up the Locouitives in a terrible manner and
breaking the legs and seriously wounding the
Engineer and another man on the train going
easi, while the Engineer going west, who was
chiefly id blame, jumped oft" and escaped.
Dr. Patrick of this place, who was seni for,
f that peninsual, captured a huge mohs-
finny tribe, Sailed a Nurse fsish or
It measured over 10 feet in length,
ster of the
and weigrid about '1000 pounds.
Green ptas, strawberries, &c, were flourish'
ing'B'iit doors, in Alabama, on th'e" 4th. '
On Tuehday the 23d ult., at Stcwartaville, N.
J., by Rev. David Junkin, Richard Wilson of
Shawne Flats, and Miss Margaret Siewari, Qf
On the 27th ult, by tire Rev. Mr. Shory, Mr
Valentine Koutz, of Stroudsburg, and Miss
Elizabiih IveTfer., of Lower Mount Bethel.
By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out
of the Court, of Common Pleas of Monroe coun
ty, Penn'a, to me directed, 1 will expose in pub
lic sale at the public house of Jacob Kneclu, in
the Borough of Sirouds.burg, on
Thursday the 22d day ofFebuary
at 10 o'clock, a. m. iho following described
property to wii: A cprtain tract or piece of land
situate in Coolbaugh lownship,,Monroe county,
Pa., containing about
Forty-Eight Acres,
be the same more or leas, about Four acre$ of
which are cleared land, two of which are pood
meadow; and bounded by lands of Abraham Yet
ter and others. The improvements on which
are two1,
111 IjKfSft
JjOg Dwelling Mouses,
one Siable, and other out buildings
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty' of Frederick Bush and John Gearhart,
and to bo sold by me. - J
Sheriff's Ofiice, Sirouds.burg,) Sheriff..'
February 1, 1849. ,
receive each but $750 to $'300. But it was not informed us thattheinjuries were very serious,
afraid in Committee of the Whole (where no Yeas ant tnat ne was apprehensive amputation would
and Nays can be called or taken,) to vote to sub- nave ,o be Reformed on the Engineer whose
stitute Mr. Schenck's S2,000 compensation and
ten cents' Mileage for Judge Embree "s .Straight
Mileage proposition, and, having thus thrown out
the latter, it had only to-day, on coming out of
Committee, to order the previous question on the
whole bill, so as to cut off all consideration of any
amendments but those adopted in Committee, next
reject its own Schenck amendment, and then, you
see, the business is done ! The Straight Mileage
is thrown out beyond restoration, and who did it
The gentleman who makes out the Long Mileage
accounts that old reprobate, Nobody ! The chain
lightning Mileage remains as zigzag as ever, but
what constituency can tell whether its representa
tives voted to keep it soor not The blow is seen
and felt, but the hand that struck it is invisible.
Sixly-scven Members (but nobody can tell who)-
passed between the Tellers in favor of striking
leg was so badly crushed. Since then we hare
heard that the leg was taken off by Dr. Jack
son of Binghampton, but the man has since
Several accidents have occtfred on the road
hitherto, by collisions with cars or other obsta
cles on the track, or by running off and break
ing engines, by which immense losses have al
ready been sustained by ihe company ; but ibis
is the most serious one we have yet heard of.
These unfortunaie occurrences in the first star
ting of the enterprise, however will probably
lead to the enforcement of much regulations,
when all their arrangements are completed, as
to avoid their frequent recurrence and render
th"eir trips safe and regular. Susq. Reg.
The decease of DR. M. G. G RATTAN,
wKo died, January 28ihj 1849, at his residence
in Smithfield township, is much lamented by
the cuEitnunity in which he dwelt. We are
not in possession of the facts of his life, but
al. farns we can ascertain, he was about 30
years di age, graauaiea several years ago,
wiih great credit to himself at a Medical In-
siituiion in the Stale of New York, and since
thai period praciiced medicine in the niegh
borhocd in which he died and near which he
was born'. His practice was extensive and he
was not only the physician but the friend of
those families which he professionally visited,
and ihe communiiy at large, testified the high
esteem in which he was held by the unusually
arge concorse of people, which attended his
remains to the grave. It is estimated that there
wete over one hundred vehicles, and five hun
dred persons at ihe funeral. His talents were
of a superior order and nis moral character un
blemished. For several years he had been a
most worthy member of the Presbyterian church,
and he departed ihis life in the prospect of a
t blissful immortality. He has left aged parents,
a youihful widow, and two" children of .lender
years to lament his loss. His funeral sermon
was preach'ed by his pasior, ihe Rev. Mr. John
son, in a most impressive and touching man
ner from Rev. ii. 10; and the services at the
grave, were conducied by the Chaplain and
according to ihe form of ihe Order of Odd Fel
lows, of which he was' a prominent and beloved
member, and who in a body, attended his fune
ral. J. W. M
, Byivirjue of a writ of fieri facias issued out
;bf the Cburt of Common Pleas of Monroe conn
iy, Penh'a, lo me directed, 1 will expose tp
public pale at ihe public house of Jacob Knechi,
in flie Borbugh of Stroud&borg, on
Thursday the 22d day ofFebuary
at 10. o'clock, a. m. the followinn dsscribed
properly,, to wit: A certain tract of land annate
in Middle Smithfield township, Monroe coun
ty, containing
more or less, 75 acres of which is cleared land,
and fifteen acres of ihe same meadow, adjoin
ing lands of John Hoffman, James Place Jacob
Fenickal and others. The improvements there
on are
One liO's Mouse, Oatb Log Barn
and an Orchard.
Seized and laken in execution as the prop
erly of Philip Noach, and tq .be sold by me.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff.
Febuary I, 1849.
A New Game to Plat at. On Friday, of
last week a couple of rowdies, one of them
named Powell and the other Bonapart Boyce,
out Judge Embree's and inserting instead Mr. ' S01 1,1,0 a frolic near Dixville, in Mercer coun-
Schenck's amendment. Thirty-six to-day, on a' XY ant agreed ro cut throats for a quart of whis-
call of the Yeas and Nays, voted to retain that
Schenck amendment in the bill. Where were the
other thirty-one ! Can anybody guess 1
But the Schenck amendment has done its office
It has killed the Straight Mileage and preserved
the House from the dilemma of a Yea and Nay
vote thereon. I say deliberately, and with a thor
ough conviction of its truth that the House would
not, dare not, vote down Judge Embree's proposi
tion on Yea and Nay vote. " If it had dared
to do thisj it would not have gone?round through the
labyrinth of the Schenck amendment to avoid it..
The whole.. master must speak for itself to those'
ivhaiiave.orjsliaUliave the facts before them.
Hejre, I presume,- the discussion during this
Congress must stop.- There is not the ghost of a
chance to get a 'MiIeage Reform bill per se before j
the House for consideration.; there never has been.
I apprehend there will not' be another bill before
Congress this Session on which' an amendment
reforming Mileage will be in order. There is
just one chance left for present" actio-n--namely,
that ihe Senate will engraft a proper proviso on
the bill and send it back for concurrence therein.
It will not be 'in order to move such in the House
in case the bill comes back without amendment
on this point. Unless the Senate act, then, noth
ing can now be done. Should any be inclined to
offer suggestions on thjs head; they should be ad
dressed to Senators.
But the Reform isnly postponed it cannot be
lost if those who already porceive the right and
detest the wrong will bm remember and; act.
And that they will-is my confident- hope and en-tr-eatv.
key. Aftear a few slashes Powell severed By
cejs jugular, and the latter died immediately-;
Boyce was formerly well known by many in
this city. He was of a highly respectable fam
ily, and a man of fine talents and education.
Louisville Journal.
Virginia Gold. The Union states that at
the Whitehall mines of Messrs. Heiss and
Siockion, in Virginia, $9,000 of 'gold was
found in a single' Week by a1 dozen hands, audi
from the 1st lo the 7th of the present month.
six negroes, obtained thifty-five pounds of gold,
QORE THROAT, Coughs, Consumption, Pains
kJ in various parts of the body, and other un
pleasant symptoms, are the usualeffects of catch
ing cold.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a delight
ful medicine for carrying off a cold, because they
purge from the body all morbid and corrupt hu
mors in so easy and natural a manner, that the
body is releived of every kind of suffering as if by
magic. From three to six of said Indian Vegeta
ble Pills taken every1 night on going to bed, will,
in a short time, make' a perfect cure of the most
obstinate cold at the same time the blood and
other fluids will be thoroughly purified, and the
constitution so completely invigorated that the body
will be restored to dven sounder health than be
before. Beware of Sugar Coated Counterfeits. Re
member,! hat the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wil
liam Wright on the top label of each box.
For sale by George II. Miller, who is the only
authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise
ment for other agencies in another column.
Office and general depot, IG9 Race st. Phil'a.
wanted to produce confideube in" Clickener's
Sugar Coaled Purgative Pills, the following tes
timonial from several of the. most eminent physi
cians in the' United Stales, would effectually se
cure it
' We, the undersigned, feel much pleasure in
the last day s workwg o these negroes being j ble Extract Pills to the most favorable considera-
wonh S 1,594, TheMS9,000 above mentioned,
was obtained during the 'first week of iho em
ployment of ihe new machinery. This equals
The approach of the Millenium is a :topic
which occupies a large share of public atien-
lion in England Ireland and Sbo. land, espe- j lhe es,ence& from the vegetables without any al-
Hon of the public. We', have used' them freely in
our private, practice, and have ever found them a
most efficaciou'smedicine. We know of no medi
cinal concoction so sure as those pills, all others
which we have analyzed being more or less in
jured by particles of deleterious matter, an evil
which Dr. Clickencr has avoided, by the invention
of a singularly ingenious machine which extracts
cially among religious people. I htt pulpit and
the press are devoting much attention to jt.
For California. Underground! The
New Orleans Courier publishes, in French, an
account of a subterraneous canal, which; it is
alleged, has been discovered by a Frenchman,
at Vera Paz, connecting the Atlantic and Pa
cific oceans ! Its wonderful opening is near
the bayf Honduras, its sides being coil
srrucicd of enormous stones, nicely cut. If
our adventurous spirits for California will only
hold on a few weeks, ihey will save much .trou
ble, as it i also stated lhai ihis uhmi (ordinate
Frenchman went through lo lhe Pacific ocean,
,in a buat, :n 18 hours f
!oy whatever.' Clickener's Pills are adapted to
ail constitutions, being sufficiently rfiild for infant,
and yet a most povverfuL purgative. Another of
their peculiarities is that their operations are un
attended with nausea, pain, or gripe, which is the
result of the expulsion of all impure matter from
the ingredients that compose them. We have to
add that the coating of the Pills with sugar is a
new and happy era in medicine, the advantages of
which are too obvious to require comment."
. M. Matt, M. D. Physician, N. Y.
L. S. Hart, M. I)., do. do.
. IV. Hunter, M. D., do. , do.
P' Anderson, M. D. do. do'.
W. Hart. M. D. Prof, of Chemistry, iV. Y.
L. U. Rustine, M. D. do. do.
For sale at the Republican Olfice, by T Schach,
the only authorized agent for Stroudsbufg.
Auditoa's Notice.
The subscriber appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Pike county, lo distribute the assets
of tha estate of Benjamin Depue, late of lhe
county of Pike, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his dppoinlment at the house of Oscar
H.-'Mott, in Milford, in the said county, on the
eighth day of March next, at which time all
persons are required to present their claims
against the said estate or be forever after de
barred. HORACE L. WEST, Auditor.
February 1, 1849.-41.
By virtue of an alias order of the Orphans'
Court of the County of Monroe, the following
Real Estate, formerly of Chas. G. Nebe, late of
Pocono township, in said county, deceased,
will be sold at public Arendub, at the house of
Jacob Knecht, in Stroudsburg, on
Thursday the 22d day of February
next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, one full
equal undivided moieiy or half part of a certain
Saw Mill and 7 Tracts of fand,
situate in Coolbaugh township, in said Monroe
county, in the warrantee names of the follow
ing persons, to wii:
Daniel Shoemaker, containing 408 97 and al
lowance. Richard Shaw, 408 97 "
Tobias Guiltner. " 412 72
Aaron Depue, " 408 97 "
Henry Biles', 408 97 "
Peter Hagle, " 408 97 "
Nicholas Depue. " 408 97 " ,
These lands are heavily timbered with Spruce
and Hemlock; the Tobyhaniia Creek, a never
failing stream of water passes through ihem, on
which is erected a nnod and substantial
in complete order. The Sullivan Road passes
within about two miles of the Saw Mill. The
whole will be sold together or in parcels if de
sired. The lerms and conditions will be made
known at ihe time and place of sale, by
J. H STROUD, Administrator.
By the Court,
M. H. DREfiER, Clerk.
Jan nary 25, 1849.-4L
FasMostablt. XSoot and Shoe
his old stand in Hamilton street,
' Easton, Pa., "opposite T.& P. Mix-,
sell's storo, continues to manufac
ture to oder, every description of
Boots and Shoes,
for men and boys ; also the most
fashionable Gaiters, Bushtis, half
Gaiters, Slippers 6fC, for Ladies
and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be
made of iho heat material-, and .-old at small
profiis for cash. Also on hand a large assort,
t'nent of
which will be sold cheap, and can be recom
mended. The public are respectfully invited to call,
leave their measures, or examine his ready
made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he
is confident ihey will he suited with iho style,
quality and price of his articles.
ALSO Just received a large supply of
for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very su
perior, together with a stock of Men's Gum
shoes; also Children's Gun shoes. Call arid
try (hem,
By virtue of a writ of fieri facias i...i
- "UG'J (j,
of lhn flnnrf nf Pnmmnn Plpnti nf i,tfn.
i D i j: J T ....ii "til
7i 1 c" a iu rae uirecmu, i win expose t n. t
w iioio aw IUU UUUUU 11UU3C Ul JclCUiJ K
in tne borough of Stroudsburg, on
Thursday the 22d day of Fehia
at 10 o'clock, a. m. the following desc.
nrrinarttf lit tsif A Anrtiin mAr..-.
mem ana naci oi land situate in the toun
of Ross, in 'the county of Monroe, contain.
Acres ol aiul,
more or less, bounded by lands of David A
bach, Henry Christman and others: about .
hundred acres of satd land is cleared Ci
acres of the-same is good meadow, the renui
der is good tjmberiand. The improvel!
thereon are one LOG BARN and VAGh
HOUSE. attached thereto: one n
Stone House
two stories high, Spring house anda
Lime kiln, and a large xpple OrchvUdTd
.other fruit trees.
lerty of'Joseph Christman, and to he sold hyJ
Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, ; SherFi
r enruary j, i3jy.r
,. By virtue of a writ of levari facias issuedol
of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe coj
iy, Penn'a, to me directed, I will exiii,e
public sale at the public house of A bray
Gib, in Dutotsburg, on
Tliursday the 22d day of FcbnwA
next, at 2 o'clock, p. at , the following desert
property, tp wit: All those two certain rlt
pieces or parcels of land situate in S(inli!j
township, in the county of Monroe, afoiesi
bounded and described as follows, to wit;
of them beginning at a stone on the banknf,
River Delaware al lhe corner ol land nf
ward Lowery, thence by the same north sn
eight degrees, west forty perches to a &',
aouih sixiy-one degrees, west forty-four per
es to a stone, south forty-five degrees, wesic
hundred and nine perches to a white m,
corner of Ulrich Houser's land, thence u.
eight degrees, west one hundred and 5;i
perches to a black oak, a corner of Aaron i
puy's land, thence by the same north fury
perches to a while oak, thence north six'yt
grees, east fifty-eight perches to a stone, so.
four degrees, easl fourteen perches to a s:;
on the south side of Cherry creek, thence ;n.
sixty-one degrees and a quarter, east one h.
dred fifty-four perches and a half to a bh;
walnut on the bank of the River Delaware!
thence down ihe same River ihe several cc
ses thereof to ihe beginning. And theoi
adjoining the above described tract, beg:n.i
at an Elm tree, a corner of William Allen st
tract sjanding on the side of ihe said Ch4
Creek, and from thence along the sown h.
of the said Creek the several courses therer.f
ihe mouth b'f the said Creek to a corner of;
said William Allen's laud, and land of J
Smith, and thence along the said William;
len's land to the Elm tree, aforesaid, die p.
of beginning; which said two described tft
are estimated lo contain
more or less, together with the heredt a.iit.
and appertenances.
The improvements thereon are a two $"
Frame Dwelling ESokm:,
18 feet by 22 feet; a Frame Bam
by 40 feet with stone stahliti" ud
neath: a Frame Stable 14 feet by 16; a Wa-
House and an old Frame Dwelling Huseo
and half stories high, 14 feet by 27 feel.
010 acres of the above is tillable land.
Seized and taken in execution as ihe prope-
ofFerdinarid Dutoi and terre tenants, and w
sold by me.
Sheriff's Office. Stroudsburg. ) Sheri
January 25, 1849.
Whereas ihe Hon. Luther Kidder, P
dent Judge of the 21st Judicial district of
sylvania, composed of the counties of Schtj
kill, Carbon and Monroe, and Moses W. C:
baugh and John Merwine, Esq's., Asjoc;;
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of,:
county of Monroe, and by virtue oftheir olitf
Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terrm"!
and General Jail delivery, and Court ofGt
al quarter Sessions in and for the said com
of Monroe, have issued their precept j
cbmmanrlmcr that a Court of Quarter Sesilf
of the Peace and Common Pleas, and eni
Jail Delivdry and Orphans' Couri, for theJ
County of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudl
on Monday, the 26th day of February ties',
continue iwo weeks if necessary.
Is therefore, hereby given to the Cof'l
the Justices of the Peace, and Constable'!
the said County of Monroe, thai they l,e
and ihere ready with their rolls, rerotdsi
sitions, examinations and other remc nbrs
to do those things which to their offices u-'fi
pertaining, and also that ihose who are M
by recognizances to prosecute and gi4J',j
be m ine jau oi said Uounty of iVionroe,
gainst the persons who siand charged wita-
cornmission of offences, lo be then and ihj
prosecute or testify as shall be iust.
Sheriff's Office, )
Siroudsburg, January 25, 1849. 5
( Opd ?ave t-he Commonwealth )
Neatly executed at this Office.