Warranted niidcr.a ngcimUf ,tt ' THO u SAND- UQ4M . Free from Mcrcutv and all Mineral substances ef ,1-1 55. W -lv- -Cure for Fever and Ague. - Russleville, Putnam Co., Intl., July 17 '47. - Dr. Wright-Sometime since your agent left me a tsupply of your Indian Veg'e Pills. 1 have found jisaiii Pills to be in great demand lately for the cure f)t : Fever and Ague. lUr. Jas. Boyd has a son who 'has been laid up with various other remedies, all "of which proved of no avail, lie determined to try your lridian Vegetable Pill, and by using one box he is now sound and .well. Mr T. Spenster had a daughter, Mr. Hugh Groves a son, and Mr. Charlss Nichols and three of his family were down nt the same time with fever and ague, and had al so tried the various other remedies without effect. Your Indian Vegetable soon restored them all to perfect health. I can assure you from what I baric seen, your Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on for a permanent cure of fever and ague Yours respectfully, Jacob Durham, M. P. ' Also, an Acting Justice of the Peace. This is to certify that I was entirely cured of the Chills and L'ever, of several months standing, by the use of four doses of four pills each, of Wright s Indian Vegetable Pills, alter taking med icine from a regular physician for some lime, and have had no symptoms of it since, which has been about one year ago. J. W. Spencer - Texas, Champaign Co4, Ohio. This is to certify, that I was cured-ofthe Chills and Fever, by the use of Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Pills, after having had three attacks of it. David Bury. Sugar Grove Fairfield Co., Ohio, Nov. 19, '4G. Let it be remembered that Wright's Indian Veg etable Pills are prepared with special reference to the laws governing the human body. Consequent ly they are always good, always useful, always effective in rooting out disease. Every family should keep them at hand. MONROE COUNTY. George II Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadow's ; .. . Bell & Brothers, ExperjmenuMills Henry Iuntz, Bartonsville A S Edinger, I annersville George Keller, Kellersville V - Charles Saylor, Say lorsburg Rrodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg, Jacob Long, Snydersville : . John Marsh & Brother, Fennersville, - Lewis Sox, Chesnuthill BR WARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS. Remember, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WM. WRIGHT on the top label of each box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of WrighVs Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 .Race street, Philadelphia : 288 Greenwich street; New York; and 198 Tremont street, Boston. June 8, 18-lS. feb 24, ly 51. & E. JS. EXBREBr Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MILFORDj PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care. Office opposite the Presbyterian Church, on Broad street. February 10; 1 848.-1 y. Fashionable Hoot aaci Shoe MANUFACTORY. THADDEUS SGHOCH, at .his old stand in T-Tnmiltnn strp! 3fc Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix Uli if sell's slorc. continues to manufac ture to oder. every description of Boots and Shoes,. for men and boys 4 also the most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, cj-c, for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be made of the best materials, and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort ment of' which will be sold cheap, and can be recom mended! The public are respectfully, invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident they will be suited with the style, quality und price of his articles. ALSO Just received a large stipply-of GUM SHOES, for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very su perior, together with a siock of Men's Gum shoes;. also Children's Gum shoes. Call and try tliemi Easton, Oct. T, 3847. ' Tciinciil's Washington Gallery of- " DAGUERREOTYPES, No. 234uJ7orth Second street, N. W. corner of Callowhill street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this well known establishment, for One Dollar, are universally conceded to. be equal in everyj-espect to any in the city. Pictures ta ken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of Medallions and Lockets on' hand, at from $2 Jo $5, including the pic ture. Tjhe Subscribers respectfully-invite' the-citizen's of Monroe county, to .pair and,, examine specimens .of the- latest improvements ,?jn the art of Dagucrrebtypingj whfch wilf be exhibit edxcbeerfuJIy and without charge. -T, & J, iCw t R N N EOT. BhiJelftKTauly, 6i848.-.Gm .. . Vegetable 5 : f 3vPILLS" -u n in in Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of TnjlamedSore.s Tousejfs Vn iversalOinimerilt is thb;rhdst:com plete Burn Antidote ev:er kn"Qw..! irmstantly .(and as if by Maic) stops pains' of ,th'e mffst'depemte Burns and'Scalds. For old Sores, Bruises,. Guts, Sprains, &c, on man or beast, it the best applica tion that can be made. Thousands have tried, ,and thousands praise it. .It is the most perfect master of pain discovered. All who use, recom mend if. Every family should tbe provided with it. None can tell how soon some family will need it. Observe each box of the genuine Ointment has the name oj S Touscy written onf the. oulsideTa--bel. To imitate this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery Alen, Farmers,, and all who use Horses, will find this Ointment the very best thing they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, every merciful man would keep Jiis animals as frde from pain as possible. .Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is required'. Try it.. Bites of Insects... For the sting or .bite of poi sonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried it snd found it good. Piles Currcd ! " "For the Piles, Tousey's Uni-. versal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that' can be applied. All who have tried .it for the Piles reccommend if. Old Sores Cured. For old, obstinate -Sores', there is nothing pqual to Tousey's Ointment. A person in Manlius bads for a number of yeors, a sore leg that buffled the skill of the doctors. Tou sey's Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtues;) and two boxes produced more benefit than the pa tient had received from any apd ah previous reme dies. Let all try it. Burns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certificates enough can be had to fill the whole of this sheet. Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testi monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hundreds-in Syracuse will certify to its great merits in relieving the pain ot the most severe Bruise. ("All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured. Scores or cases of Scald Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it seldom fails. Sail lihcum Cured. Ut all tlie remedies ever discoered for this most disagreeable complaint, Tousey's Univcrcal Ointment is the most complete. It was never known to fail. Chapped Hands Can be Cured. Tousey's Uni versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases of Chapped Hands. Scores of persons will state this. Sore Lips Cured. For the cure of Sore lips, there was nev?r any thing made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure thern, 1 ry it. It is a scientific compound, warranted not to contain any preparation of Mercury. Price 25 cents per box. For further particulors concerning this'really valuable Ointment, the public are ref- jfered to Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout the Uni ted States. Prepared by S. Touscy, Druggist,; 106 Nassau st. N Y. For sale rn Stroudsburg, by June 29, lS48.-ly. T. SCHOCH, Agdnt. And Consumption, pain in the side and night sweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpitar tion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, And all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver, cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. HAISING BLOOD AKD CONSUMPTION. Mr. Milne, Builder, in BrooUfyn, was at tacked with raising blood, followed by a cough, pain in the side; and all the usual symptoms of consumption. He employed two of the best physicians; they did liim no ' good, and told hf tn he could not live. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and got a bottle ; it operated like a charm, stopped the bleeding and cough ! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be about his work. It had saved his lifc His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest It. Miss Ann- Maston, of Williamsburg, living.. in Tenth, near South Fourth-street, says That she had been troubled with- a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for a long time, which at last become so bad that she was obliged to give up her school fur more than a year. She then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast recovering, and has resumed her laborious occupation as a teacher, 14 years- Mr. John O'Neil, lOtli avenue and 2dst street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get no relief nil he tried the All-Healing Balam, which drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was entirely cured. PLEURISY AND C0NSU:IPTrON Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residinjil S8 Sheriff, -has for years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Itaising of Blood, severe Cough, -Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and various parts of her body. Her friends believeti 4ier past recovery. The Ail-Healing Balsam reletved her at dnce of all her alarming Symp lons, and now she is able to atteud to her work. ASTJIAIA AND 'WHOOPING COUGH. Mrs. Iiiicretia Wells, 95 Chriatie-st.; L. S. Beais, 10 Delancey St.; W. H.. Youngs, 75 Wal nut st., know the value of this great remedy. Afk-for Sherinan,s All-Healjng. Balsam, and see-that his written signature a on-each -bottle. Price 25 cents and S I per bVi.JiTp. Dr. Shermans' Worm and CJouh Lozenges sold as above. . Principal Office 100 Nassu-strcet, N. AgMs for Monroe counli.'rVheri. Schoch, Stroudsburg; C. Saylor, Saylorsburgy 0? B Kel ler, Cherry alley; H. Peters Go., Marshall's creek; H. Kinlz, Banon&ville; 3. Stouffor, Tan iiersvillc. Pike count Peters & Laljar, BushJiiJI; VV, F. Brodhead, Dtngman s Ferry-; Jm S; Wallace Milford; W. Sbouse, Wilsonvijle. Tousey's Ointment -and .Qlickencf's Pills also for sa!n Jiv ihi nlmi Ra(riiits. . . 7 A (N-EAWjp. VjR'd.yfip- BTiTtT-fSlf OF'TTIAI- 'Mdst Extraordinary ;lVy;ork JTiic Married Woman's Private' Medical 'CqMipai3io2i..' 1TF PRICE, RKDUCED,in : -i Only 50 cts. p.e?' copy --frcQpies-for 1. THE SECRET OF M'. M-TJESOMEAttXINSTRUiMENT; FULLY .REVEALED:. A' new edition of this important' Matrimonial j Companion, has just been, issued,, under the ed itorial surpervisfo.n of Rl M AVEISS;ELH0FF, M. D. laVe of Paris, Professor of; Midwifery, arid author of the cefebfated worlroY "Gestation and Child-Birth," which has had' such an ex tensive sale in Europe and America.- This edition is a vast improvement upon Mauriceau's old Xvork, which Was chieiy de signed to induce the reader to purchase. M." M. Desomeaux's Powders and rnstrumeriy to pre vent an niidesired increase op. family, at an expense of $10 and his'' Portuguese Female Pills at $5 per box. In this edition, there is no part of the original French work withheld. The whole secret of M. M.. Desomeaux's instru ment and method is fully revealed and de scribed, and the recipe of Desoineaux's-Portu-uuese Female Pills is given entire ' in plain Knglish terms, so that the purchaser will ac tually get . FOR FIFTY CENTS V H AT, DR. M AUR1CE AU SELLS AT J SIXTEEN BOJbEAUS I f Every person who has been.deceived by the trick of Meaoricau'a work, should purchase this, and thus escape the extortion which he at tempts to practice! After reading this edition, any one may avail himself of Desomeaux's in vention, at once,- without a dollar of expense, in any village in the' U. S. All the s,ecreis of Mauriceau, Desipmeaux and Geissner, are here fully revealed. There is no other ed.tion worth purchasing. Single copies of the Married Woman's Pri vate Afedical Companion, will be sent by mail, in a close envelope, to any part of the United States, for 50 cents, post paid, to Dr. R. M. WEISSELPOFF, Box 2710, New York City, or THREE COPIES for ONE DOLLAR. No unpaid letters will be taken from the Post Office. No agents whatever, are employed to sell this NEW EDiTLON, which can only be obtained by sending as above. Publication Office, 25S Broadway, N. Y. City., NEW EDITION OF WeisscJIaoff's ScicEitifc Work ON THE SUBJECT OF GJaiEiD-'BSlRTn !a. A new and beautiful edition of this celebra ted work, on tho subject of GESTATION and CHILD-BIRTH, by R. M. Weisselliofl'M. D.. late of Pans, has just been issued in N. York. It is a work which should be in the hands of every ;.Tan and woiiiArc who has incurred. or in tends to incur, the responsibilities of the Mar riage state. It will be found of special value to those whose means, health or other circum stances, do not permit them ' to increase the number of their family, without great inconve nience, suffering, or perhaps risk of hfe. A method of avoiding these troubles and dangers at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French Physician)Ms fully communicated in this ' work. The means of pretention,' cost comparatively nothrng, and aro within the reach venient, simpln, and cannot injure the heahh of the most delicate. Nor does it curtail matri monial privileges in the least. There is no deception or (humbiiggery of any kind about this work. It is precUely what its title indicates, a scientific publication, contain ing information of great value to married peo ple, or those contemplating marriage, expressed in plain langurage which all can understand. The whole story is told, and the means of ac complishing the objects of the work fully stfd faithfully given, so that the reader may avail himself of it once, without purchasing any med icine, instrument, or other article, from the au thor. The means of protection which it rec omnlends, may also be relied upon, without fear of disappointment or injury. Beware of Frauds on this Work. Beware of a catch penny fraud upon this work, at 20 cents, which is only a decoy, to promote the sale of'Mauricau's or Desomeaux's lnstrumet at $10, for the same orject that the work itself pretends to bo written, the real se cret of my originaiNvpi'k being withheld. Those who wish for the original and genuine work, by Dr. Weisselhoff, with private notes added by his own hand, -can obtain it only by sending directly to him, as he employs no Agents what ever, and never sells the work at wholesale -therefore no Book Agertt, Pedler, PostmasteT or Bookseller can possibly furnish the genuine work. Beware, therefore, of false copies and imitations, which may not only bo worthless, but dangerous ! All infringements of the copy right aie promptly prosecuted ; and cheats will only dell abridged or altered copies This is the srnly original and true' work no other can be genuine. "Thousands of copies have been seutby mailwith p'ei feci 'safety. Copies of this work w ill be sent, in" a close envelope, at single letter postake, to any part of the Unied Stales for SI, sent Po!st paid, to DR. R. Mt-WEISSELHOFF,-Box 2710, New York City. Publication Office, 258 Broadway, New York City. Oecember-7-, 1848. ; A Jew clocks on hand, which' will" be ex changed for wood, if' immediate applirptinii be mado-ip- ,.10jN;i.i.,MELlvCIw, Si riidbiVg, Nov .'lfi,j'818: "' l ' rim 'Doet.'r TownSenci s Sarsaparilla. " . ... Wonder and Blessirigof ihe. Age. Th'&hiosl Extraoxdinary Medicine in the World. Tlii.Ex.U-act is puttip irt Quart Hotftesr it jsmx liint-s cheaper, - - :xJi2Usaiuer, ami warranted superior io yny mju. , , ' -fcures without vtimiffng; purging-, sickening-or -'r, r deiiiliUiting, the X'atient-. 4 The .crreat beautv and superiority of this Sars.a parilla over all oilier medicines is, that while it .eradicates, it invigorates, the bodv it is one oi 1 J1 A . . . t t . ' - f theyeryjbest EyeV lenowh ; It not orYly pufifies the-whole sys tem,, and strengthens fhe person, but it creates lfcw, nurd .and rich- blood :y a power possessed by no oilier medrcine. Arid m mis lies me grano se-. cret of its wonderful suecesX? It has performed whhm the last five, years, more, than :100,000 rtires of'srivere cases of disease ; at leas! 15,000 were considered incurable. It.has saved the Jives of more than 5,000 children during the two past sea-, sons " 10,000 cases oj - General Debility and icanl of Nervous Energy.. JJr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the wlTnle system permanently To those who have lost their muscular- energy by Hie effects of medi cine or indiscretion committed in yduthdr the ex cessive indulgence of the passions,' and brought on a general physical prostration of the nervous "sys tem, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensa tion, premature, decay and decline, hastening to wards that fatal disease, Consumtion, can be en-, tirely restored by this pleasant rerriedy. This Sarsaparilla is far superior to any Invigorating Cordial', As it renews and invigoiates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Clennse and Strengthen'. Consumption can be cured. Hion chilis, Consumption,, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, ; Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of blood Soreness in the Chest, ; Hectic Flush, Nfghl .Sweats, Difficult oi Profuse Expecto ration, Pain in the Side, &c, have been and cmi be cured. Spitting Blood. NewYorc, April 28, 1847. Dr Townsend I verily believe that your Sar saparilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving my life., I have for sevejral years had a bad Cough. Jt became worse and worse. At last I raised large u uantites of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly defoliated and reduced, and, did not expect to live. I have only used your S.arsaparrlla a short time, and there has a wonder ful change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cougli" has1" left me. You can well imagine that, I am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant, WM RUSSELL, 65 Callierine-st Rheumatism. ,1 This is only oner of mors than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that 13 r. Townsen's Sarsa parilla has cured. Ther most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues James Cummings", Esq ,one of the assistant in the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter: BlackwelVs Island, Sept. 14, 184? Dr. Toivnsend Dear Sir,: I have suffered terri bly for nine years with the Rheumatism ; cc-ristd-exable of the time I. could not eatv sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. 1 have used four bottles of ! f,uur lJ"r,lia' e ?ne ?lure O : .1 .1 1 l IllULilI untLri indeed, T am entirely jelieved. You are at liberty to use this for'flie benefit of the afflicted. Yours resp'y, JasI Cu?.Yrnxcs Fits! Fits! Fits! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his - Sarsapa rilla in cases of Ifits, of course never recommend ed it, and was surprised to receive-the following Irom an :nteiiigent and respectable rarmer in Westchester County : Fordham, August 13, 1847 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir: 1 have a little girl seven years of age, who lias been' several years' afflicte3 with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without success ; at last, although we could find, no' recommendations in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate haalth, we would give her some of your' barsapanlia, and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no re turn of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful. Yours, respectfully, JOI1N BUTLER Jr. Female Medicine Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barren-1 ness, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of tho Womb, Costiveness, Piles, LGuoorrhoea, or Whiles,, ob structed or difficult Menstruation. Incpntinuencc of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and'for the general prostration of the system no matter whether the result of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigora ting effects on the hitman frame. Persons all weakness andiassitude, from taking it, atonce be come robust and full of energy under its influence It'immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great caffse of Barrenness. It will not be expected of us,in ca ses' of'so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed hut we'ean assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been with out ohildrenvafter using a few bottles of this in variable medicine, h'a'YO been blessed-'-vvith fine, neaitny offspring. To Mothers, and Married Ladies. Tlnd Extract of Sarsaparilla has been1 express ly prepared in reference to female complaints. No 'female who has reason to suppose sheis, ap proaching that critical period , " 27ie turn of life," should neglect to take it, as it, is a certain preven tive for any of the .numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at this time of life. This period may bedelayed for several years by us ing this medicine. Not j? jt less valuable.for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calcula ted to assist nature, .by quiokening the blood and irivifLorating tliftysiem; Ihde.edthis rnedicine is invaluable . .RirIlhaelicate diseaseWto which; women arefsiibiect. it-braces the. whole w.. ... 1 f moving i:iB;irajJuuiiB3ui,iuc uuuy.,.ii.ui so J.lr s(lr ttlatirig as'to produce sub?equent relaxation, y is ft pn5R ''nf mnst medicines taken inf r.. w - , - n-m. wcuhiiess unu uisudsit;. xy uoiui ,t icw noti u. this medicine, manv severe and painful rh. pperations may be prevented. ' c ' Great Blessing to Mothers and. Children Ti tne saiest ana most ettectuat medicine lor nunc lug uiu sysiiim,ana reiieyeuig ine suiiertngs ajt? dant upon child-birth ever discovered, it st nn? both the mother ahd child. ' I I'Ulll 1, disease, increases ana enncnes me ioou,tiios(i lintii t,rrl it thinlr it le infl)cnancihli , lime uco'J ii; iiiuukii, w itiuidvucjutv. j i ig IMoI. Uesuonaency, xieariuuiu, vuuiuinrr I'ajnm.i liack and .Loins, raise rains; Jiemorrnane.an. 'regulating the secretions and equalizing the cfrJ lation it has no equal.. The great beauty of ( I medicine is, it is always safe, and the most delir use it most successtuny, very iey cases rerp any other medicine, in some a little Caster (), Magnesia, is useful.. Exercise in the open -1 ailU Jlgjil 1UUU Vlllll IH3 UH.UH.1UU, "iwnvst sure a safe and easy confinement. - . . -rr 7-7 i ii Hrau ii ana lieaun, u-osmeucs. ona . -' plied to the face, very soon spoil it of its ben-' They close the pores of the skin, and checfeV circulation, -which, wjien nature is not thwar bv disease or powder, or the skin inflame hv Vrli ir.LV Ul u uuniiwiw .w.w y m MOV, Pr, .. iiah in ino -"tiiiinn ri. :hth ifiv nr. : I x ivi n. r ... - T T - 1 .i , , flowers A tree, active ana iieanny ctrruh', the fluids-.or the coursing of tbe pure, rich blo the extremities, is that which paints the ro Tiancein the most exquisite beauty. It is that w;. imparts the Indescribable shades arid fl.rs'ics loveliness that all admire, but none can des n 1 f - .- , -ll'.t . "" This beauty is the offspring of nature not of r-, clef or soap, it mere is not a nee and hcV circulation, there is no beauty. If the lady U;H as'driven snow, if she paint, and use cosmc r and the blood is thick, cold and Fmpure, she is beautiful. If she be brown or yellow, and i;.. is pure and active blood, it gives a rich blorj;.. . rr .iinu iiifi it iiiiiii.fiif.v I iim r'vtc i . . , v . .i i :n: ... t. lllw VvllV4 "III" - -- ---- " - "...1. fascinating. This is why the southern, and cy: ciall the Spcrsh jladies, are so much niliv Ladies in the north who take but little exen i are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled nnmrilo vinti hv thn o nrilirn tlfin f)f fffilntftrifllic r-. tures, if they wish to regain elasticity oi s.t j - t 7 J- o fnm t"1 o'vTm c tKimr tlinnifl T)r Tnivra nuov.am sniriis. snftrnK iur eves anu uean' CUI&UUU1IUU. J UUUouliiio viiv nuit iiicu I! ; C" :il fl'l , .r.rc ,,.t,n Vin,.r fvln.l .. more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies oferer station, crowd our office daily. Notice to the Ladies.--Those that imitate P Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have invariavly ca.f their stuff agreat Re'mody lorremales, &c,i1 nrA Viov'o nrinior inr' liil Ic onrt nirfiilnrs tvlnr-t, - lates to the c'ompraints ol women, word lor word other men who put up. medicine, have, since: great success of Dr. TcVwnsend's Sarsapari .a. theirs, although priviorisly. they-did not. A nu; ber of these. Mixtures, Pills, &c, are injurious: females, as they aggravate diseases, and under mine the constitution. "Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusive'- proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect ,!r.l over the most obstinate diseases of the BloH. Three persons cured in one house is unprerpile:..i Three Children. Dr. i ownsend Pear Sir i. :l .1 i i , r . I. r.., use of your excellent medicine. They were 1 ted very severely with bad Sores ; have taken : rnMi lis-tftlfie it tnnlr-tlinm mi'-i w fVv- tilivIi I n, ly, ISAAC W. CUAIJN, 106 Wooster-sl. Opinions of Physicians. Dr. Townsend isi . jr, :..:.. 1 . r. tjk...- ... different paits of the Union. Ibis is tore" that we, the undersigned, Physiqians oftlict':: of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed It lownsend s Sarspanlla, and believe it to he of-the must- valuable preparetions in the market. . ii. P. PULING, M. D. ' " ' J. WILSON, M.D. It- UR1GGS, M. P. Albany,' Ap, ii 1 , IS17. P. E. I3LMENDOKF, Jf T Caution Owing to the great success andi mense sale of Dr. Towsend's Rarsaparilla, a ru ber of merr who were formerly our Agents, hat; commenced making SarsaparillaExlracts, Elixirs. Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock, &c. Thev ge erally put it up in tfie same shaped bottles, a:. some of them have, stole and copied our advertise should be avoided Principal Office, 326 Fulton Street, Scj .building, IN. i . ; Kedding & Co., 8 State suee' Boston : Dy6tt& Sons, 132 North Second-st Philadelphia ; S. S. Hance, Druggist, Ba!'-'. more : P. M. Cohen, Charlesinn Wrioht & Co., 151 Charlres-st., N. O. ; 105 South Peat st., Albany ; and by all the principal Dru22sy and Merchants generally throughout the U.S., West Indies and the Canadas. jl mo uibuuiiiiiu la aiou utJiioiallll V Kt L'i mi u" oSno, a.,'n t ....!.. 1 . U rttirt I fr Snlr. V -f A .! I 'I V 1 1 A III I .nun' V I n no if dug. w., i ; VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this lino will leave Josf ' Hagenbuc&'s Inn, sign of the " Black Horf Easton, every Monday, Wednesday and Fri ! passing through the following places, uz: Richmond, Centreville, Willia ins burg, P"" Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Dutotsbut? Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Din and arrive in Milford the samo day : Distant GO miltfs. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmit Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday at Saturday, and arrive in EaatQn the same thy Faire from Easton to Stroudsburg, $1 25 Milford, 2 ST N. Ii All baggage at the risk of the own WILLIAM BE A N. Stroudsburg, June 3, 1847. Proprief :? JOB WORK eafclf Executed ,at &s. Office. 4 -