i II1GIIJLY IWtOKTAIVT WORK, accomplish the objects intended,, considered in ChilllBirth: : 1re.fe:nc? ,?Mh:i",98ic principle, alone; but -BurttsScafdS. and all kinds of itiaXehSorel , tr 11 o iw-z. , s,;t: have also, ine nappuies ulRiidw thai it lias v A Valuable Scientific VVork, Won the Subject of , . t l - ... v... ' ,G.uTvd Gwarton mrf Childbirth, ty It. MSWEIS- .,- u. F'"'"' '''nrtv " 7ne ZTmt OijiAneitK, is the nioftt com SELHOF F, itf. 2). , tac oPm, jtf published truly; K. L b Y N , vAe Bum Antidote ever know.. ' ItTnstantly; (and in jvew- York by the Authdr. rrojcssors o; Midwifery, late, of rarts. as j f by Maeic) stops pains: of the most desperate Tliis Work contains .recently discovered in- . .. New York, Auguvi, 1848. Burns and Scalds. F orold Sores,iBruises,uts, fnrmaiion upon a .subject ofihe hihest impor- ur u. ivj. YVEISSELHOFF air: l ne moral oprains, xc., on man or oeast, it me uest appncar tancoto Married Persons, or those cnntempla- effect ol such "inforrriaiion as your.work con- l'n that can be made. Thousands, have tried, imr Marriaoe. It will hn found of snecial val- tainx, i believe to be decidedly salutary. 1 lie ue 10 ihose whose means, health ot her cir- right of man to control the animal instinct's can mmstances. dn not nermit them io increase not be questioned. I think that work will be , i the number of their family, without great lncon the means of doing much good. venieure, suffering, or perhaps rihk or life. 4 Kev. J3. r . tKUWLfcii. A method of avoiding these troubles and dan- - . . No. 8 Stanly 'Park, New York. cere, at will, (recently discoteted by a cele- Dr. JR. M. Weisselhoff Sir: The prin- . . . .... - - t it . I ;'i i' Vl ; . I. i . . t I - . r orated French rnyslcian; is iniiy comniunica-, cipies oi unemisiry appueu to me nuns lor r.eg and thousands praise it,. It is the most perfect master ol pain discovered: All who use, recomr mend it. Every family should be provided with it-. None , can tell how soon some family will need it. Observe each box of the genuine Ointment has the name oj S Tousey written on the .outside la bel. To miil ate this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and. Jail who use Horses, will find this Ointment the very Best .1 . . I. ...".-. i1 11 ,!. rt . led in .hi, work, so that any person may avail ulating the p recreative functions, as stated in ' g V CZUW himself of it at once, without purchasing any in- your work on Child-Bmh, would satisfy any mprr.lfll1 mnn v ' llH ,.pfin hitl nnimal. aa fLa,c'- Ktruinent, medicine, or other atticle, from the well informed person that the object of that pub- pajn as. possible. Xdusey's Universal Ointment author. 'J'he . means of prevention here set forth, licaiion could be attained with the most perfect is .all that is required. Try it. cost-comparatively noihing, and are within the ease, certainty and safety. Biles of Insects For the sting or bite of poi each of all. The process is new, safe, infal liable, convenient, simple, and cannot injure the health of the most delicate. Nor does it cur tail matrimonial privileges in the least. Morality Considered. The object of this work can be shown to be of thh highest utility, and sustained by the J. L. SULLINAN, sonous Insects, Todsey's Ointment is Unrivalled. Professor of Chemistry, New University. Hundreds- have tried it and lound it good. pm- r iKi- ho Ban, i o uJ Piles Currcdl For the Piles, Tousey's Uni ,' .-II. . . . versal Ointment is one of the- best Remedies that envelope, m single letter postage, to any part can be applied A11 yho have tried it.foptho ol me united tjtaies lor 1 seni, pot paid, io Piles reccommend it. UK. It. M. VVhlSSELHUFF, Old Sores Cured. For old, obstinate Sores, Box 2,710, New York Cny. there is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. A Muindest principles of prudence, political econ- Copy-rfght secured. No Uookseller allowed person in Manlius had.for a number of yeors, a t.mv, and virtue. It shows how a physiological nell this work. 1JU B,L1UAT1UN Ul' FlUii, uu"ieu 11!B.S1"U1 " upciora iou- crr.: mJ, km nrnrt.,.;,! .,i,(;,,!i,, i .,. 25S BROADWAY. New York CAw. sey's Ointment was recommended by one of the . ... .r.. j ....... .... - . - visiting physicians, (who knew its cYeat virtues.) urn injury in ine consmuuon, wnicn uiousanas iiJ llun. m and lwo boxes nrodnced more beneHt than the na- ... . i .1. . . . : 1 w . . . . . I . . . ...-. - . r nuempi iu accumpusu oy wie mosi unwise anu jjj- orsons who wish, the Uenuine work, tient bad received from any apd'.all previous rem rt'preliensitiie means. l lie object is by no n,v i)r. VVeisselholT. with orivaie notes added des. JLet all try it. means new m the world. The means will he bv hia own haml rsn ohm in it nlv hw spnrliric, Burns and Scalds Cured.' Thousands of cases teemed by all cienlifict righimmded and sen- directly to him, as he employs no Aeents what- ?f Bu,rns and .A m VK pArl.s of 1 WJr. sible people, as a discovery iu physiology of Cver. and never Sells the work at wholesale- ci.c"? "lU; lh.l.loh,.l rm..nn...,A I,. nhl. mnrl. snJ .1... f n ...l. n.JI. eiUI UHIBS BUOUgll Cttll UB UUU IO HU U1B WI1QIB Ol q ----j luciciurB mi uouk rtgem, rjjjuier, rosnnaaier this sheet. iirfpimn. . . or bookseller can possibly lurnish the genuine Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testi J fa Ciisisnct oi Aaiure work. Beware, therefore, of false copies, and monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing l;ovc, and tno desire lor onion between tne imitations, which may not only be worth ess. bruises, have been oltered the proprietors. JHun- pcxes, will be indulged, talk of prudence as wo but dangorous ! All infringements of the con- dreds in Syracuse will certify to its great merits' may. Wi.houi marriage, ue have, in all coun- y right are promptly prosecuted: and cheats will MO relieving the pain of the most severe Bruise This is All persons should try it. , w;omn are subject'. It braces the whole system, renews permaneritlT the natural energies, bv re! moving the impurities of the body, not o-farMiln ulating as, torproduce subsequent relaxation, whicjj is the' case bL'mdet; mediefnes taken' for fermi weakness and disease. By using a few bottles of this medicine, many severe and painful surgical operations may be prevented. Great Bf&sing to Mothers and Children. It the safest Hh'd most' effectual imediclrie for purify ing the system, and relieVeing the suflerings atieij. dant upon child-birth ever discovered. Itstrerigih! ---V ff-y 1J O Ml 1 v,tir v.v... I ' J -"HI ;if(J JJOCt. r lOWIlSCnU S fearsaparilia. disease; increases and enriches the food, those whf Wonder and Blessing of the Age. nave useo n imnn iv n iuuibhsiu.b. ji is mghly The most Extritofdinary Medicine iti the World, "se'ul both beiore ana auer connnemen , as u pre. ThisExtractisputup in Quart Bottles: H is six times cheaper, vents diseases auenaani ujiun uuuuuinn--in t;0s. picasanier; anawarcamea superior 10, any 7soiu. it I Uveness, xlies rampot owemiig m me reet cures wWfJgg. "r Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting. Pain in the TIip. arat liPmitvanH snnp.rmritv of this Sarsa. Back and Loins, M alse rains; Hemorrhage, and in wMv. r- - - w ... I . . . . . - - - nnrilla nvfir nil nthfir rmidicmps is. that while it reculatinff the secretions and equanzing the circn. eradicates, it invigorates the body. It is one of lation it has no equal. The great beauty of i,13 the very best tmeoicine lSjins aiways saie ana we-niosi aeiicats SPRING AND SUMMER MKDlCIJJES se H most eucceasiuiiy, very ier cases require Ever known : it not only purifies the whole sys- ny olh?r rnedicine,.m some.a little Caster (),,(,r tern, and strengthens the person, but it crcatesnew, Magnesia, is use.uu, x.Serc,?e .n me upon air, . P -., r j i i Um Ifrtht fnnH with this mpninne. will a wav. nure ana rich blood : a nower possesaeo uv no : t, i ' ... . I n nnln nnH noov pnnhnomiint ctet of its wonderful access. It has performed Mauiy ana Jea w.. , yoameiics, ouaiir and a within the last five years, more rhan 10.0,000 cures variety of prorations generally in use, when ap. of severe cases of disease; at least 15,000 were P Q!'.- s?" 9P0.'.1 beautj. considered incurable.,. Tt has saved the lives of rl hey close thfe pbres of the skin, and check th4 more than 5,000 children during the two past sea- circulation, which,' when nature is not thwaried sons by disease or powder, or the skmrf inflame by th8 i0,000 ca. ol General DehlUyfind want f . Nervous Energy. nf r,Vh and Hpliratelv tintPd nnrl vao,.j Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invicorates the S a a rrPp .niro nnrl hpnlthv .irr.,,io, whole system permanently To tluise who have U)e flbjds or tfae cour8ing of lhe purBf rich blood lust fhpir miisnilar pnprtrv nv thp r-ftprlti nt meal-1 . .. .1 . t-'t. .1 " - "ej -j " w..w.w. - . ,i10 urTromi pq. i inni vvnipn nnim: irio r-nnr... cine or indiscretion committed hi. youth, or the ex- lnance in the most exquisite beauty. It is that which cessive inouigenceot tne passions, and orougm on j Vls.lhe inscribabie 8rndes and flasks of tern, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensa tion, premature decay and decline, hastening to wards that fatal disease, Consumlion, can be en tirelv' restored bv this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is far superior to any Invigorating Cordial, loveliness that all admire, but none can describe. This beauty is the offspring of nature not of pow. der or soap. If there is not a free and healthy circulati.on.'there .rs- no beaoty. If the la'dy is fmr as driven snowy it she paint, and use cosmetics, and the blood is thick, coliand frnpure, she is m.t beautiful. If she be blown 6r yellow, and thern Iriua a iluhMvnniiinl t him Kav Qlitl llm prim. I ...1.. .11 U . .1 .1 . . - I . 1 ' , r : r : "T, ::V l.l ; , -"--,uruu d,,t,cu rros- .Js' Scald Head Cured. Scores of casesofScald ,u, uu.ge..L . e ,m,c. j m. manage me only original and true work-no oilier can Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try and the Unrestrained indulgence of the natural be genuine. Send by mail as above: it is the it it seldom fails. niMinct, very olten suhering and misery ol-the only sure wav io secure the work. Thousands Salt Rheum Cured. Of all the remedies ever most fearful characie'r. V lid, tlieft, shall deny of copies have been seni by mail with perfect discoered for this most disagreeable complaint,' to man, (a free agein,) the right to marry, and safety. November 2, 1848. 5m. Ausey s univercal Ointment is ti to renulaie the ininci of nature 1 ' was never known to fail. Tnnnir itlnrripd Pntilp. WiLroni m.dm. n Ponnitv f Chapped Hands Can be Cured. Tousey's Uni!- V , i t r . rnTTriTTo a AT-rv TrT t at)o versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases of I ouug iwarneu x-eopie, wuose lonunes are inUUCillXL i7 WJUXJIVO. ChannPfl Hands. SnnrPs nfnprsnn., will tntA lhi.. am,!1Ib l,ao th d ,i nu P ' ,r,ADra not yet established, will find in ihis work mat- Free from Mercury and all Mineral substances. Sore Lips Cured. For the cure of Sore lips, of saving my life. I have' for several years had z As it renews and fhvigoiates the system, gives is pure anti. actfve blood, it gives a rich blonltl to aLuvuy iu me nurus, anu sirengiu io uie musuuiar ine ci,eeks and-a brilliancy to the eyes that i, system, in a most extraordinary degree.. Consumption Cured Cleanse and Strenfetlldn. Consumption can be cured. Bron chilis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh. Coughs AslKnvi, Spitting of blood Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Fluh, Nfght Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expecto ration, Fain m the Side, &c; hare been and can be cured Spitting Blood. New York; April 28, 1847. Dr Townsend T verily believe thai, your Sar ter to interest them deeply, and information of of ihe highest raloe, which they should not, on any account, be ignorant of. Hundreds of mar ried people, now advanced in life, hare assured the author, ihat if they had possessed such a Treasure in earlv life, it would have saved them more than half the sulTering and deprivation they hae since endured. Uulianpy Wives. Unhappy Wives, u ho feel that their physi cal condition and health totally unfit ihem to be come the mothers of a numerous offspring, and who reasonably fear thfft each period of con finement will terminate their existence, will hail ihe discovery of ihis certain means of re lief with unbounded joy. Let all such unfor Tunme and unhappy wives lose no lime in ob taining ihis impoTtanr work. It will be to them a precious boon through life, and prevent many an early and premature death. IScrctiitary Diseases. Scrofula, Consumption Insstouy, Apoplexy, S Q o a feg 'Vegetable o B a as d M a fascinating- This is why the southern, and espe- Ladies in the north" who zake butlittle exercise nf are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled thoir complexion by the application of deleterious mix tures, if they wish to regain elasticity of steo, . t.ir I i - . '. ouoyant spirits, sparnKiing eyes aim ueauiimi complexions, they should use Dr. Tnwnsend'j Sarsaparilla. Thousands who have tried it, are more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of everj ttntirtn r-mwA nnr rft!rP flailv there was never any thing made equal to Tousey's bad Cough. It became Worse arid worse. At' Notice to the Zadies.-Those that imitate Dr Ointment. It is sure to cure thern. Try it. last I raised larp;e u uantites of blood, had niaht t v. ;;o..t.. -n.j is a scientific compound, warranted not to Sweats, and was ereatly debiliated and reduced, rt,p,v ,,fr o nro,t mamoAv far TTmnlno r m n- nrl i- i i- - -, . . , . atUi. u gii-a.. , u,mdl" au-v F1C "U,MU" Ui uieicuij. xnvts ana aio not expeci w live, i nave oniy usea your nnf iiaVfi rnnipH nor hil s nnd nircu ars which t. lates to the complaints of women, word for word cents per box. For further particulors concerning Sarsaparilla a short timd, arid there.haa a. wonder this really valuable Uintment, the public are ret- ful change been wrought in me. I am now able iu.s re.tuyvuiuau.ewuuu.em, u.e puo.iu are re.- iui cnange oeen wrougnt in me. larnnow able other .mCii who put up medicine, have, since tha fered to Pamphlets to be had gratis, ofrespecta- to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, ahd great s-uccess of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla m 1 "'8Ris mercnants tnrougnoui ine urn- my cougn tias Jelt me, rou can well imagine coniplkfnts Incitfdnt to females, - recommended ted States. Prepared by S. Tousey, niggist, that I am thankful for these results. , tWi althougiH'priviously thev did not. A num. Nassau st N . lor sale in aaWiy, by Your obedient sevaiu, 'ber of theae Mimes, Pills, Ac, are injurious June 29, 1848 -ly. 1 . SCHOCH, Agent. WM- RUSSELL, GfrCatherine-sV ,r-mai,a. atf,h a(TJvat Hiease ami ..mfcr. . . . i or 9 Kaisins: Blood rrcrravatp R. ? Lejv. I' . . . ' - bo mneumuium. . I mine the donst tutlon. This is onlv one nf mnrrf than four thnhnsahHM H'Klc nartlRm nnni.1r.r.l. , r . . . - - - i J- - .. . vtuutu uujCU. Allia l riiuil aic t.Vfll.lU31Cll Ana consumption, pain in tne side and night cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsen's Sarsa- droves tHat this Sarsauarilla has perfect rontnJ 1 sweats, Asitima, Whooping Oougi, palpila- panlla has cured. 1 he most severe and chronic over" the most obstinate diseases of the Blood. iJB lion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitts, cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary Three persons cured in one house is unprecedente! Wm Cnre for Fever and Ane. I?dssleville, Putnam Co., Ind., July 17 '47. And1 all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver, virtues cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. . ItAlfciiNU UJLiUUx; AjNJJ UUi b UM ILUiS . ointlRmfn .onnknnnfin Hip rnllmvinri'lniior- Mr. Milne, IJuilder, in, Urookfyn, was at- BlackicelVs Island, Sept. 1;4;, 1S47' Tree Children. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir: I James Oummmgs, Jksq ,orte of the assistant in have thd pleasure to inform you that three of rat i b lunatic Asylum, i51ackwell s'J&Iand, is the children have been cdred of the Scrofula by lhe Dr. Wright-Sometime since your agent left me a lacked wiih raising blood, followed by a cough, J pply of your Indian Veg'e Pills. 1 have found in ,he Bid a1( a ,he usUa, symptoms of My He employed two of lhe beb use of vour excellent medirine. They were afflic ted very severely with bad Sores ; have taken on-1 Dr. 1 ownsendDear fcir Thave sufiere'd tern- IV fdtir Bdttles : it took them awa V. for which I feel ours, respectful- oo'ster-st. said Pills In hp. in rcrpat HpmanH latplv fnr lh rnrp I . i 1 & Tl I m J Jt I. I i"wwMf-iw ka.rvwu v r "law UWUVi a " . . , . ... , . I -J - oi e ever anu sue. ivir. jas. nova nas ason wno . , . ... . . I harl thp ntmns-t d trpss nr.tiain a rfH rHV irmhf ni-.,..- r- j n: ,.r.i. u ,i .,.t.. u..;ui u u , - i r.i. : .L ,i nOvsicians : ihev did linn no frood. and ink .7: . : " & 1 ' . . 1 vsvuuuu vj tiioi.juo. ii. xunnu isw "L "V ySrJZVl him heWK. Were iembly S"'0,ien; .IbayeuSMlourbdUler mristdaily receiving orders from Phyisciansm yidi.i.fc, .dF.lUiC u. iiiiuisiuii Hum jidieiii io I nuii.ii piuicu ui ...j .om. xxC uciciw.iiicu - ---- your oarsapanua, ana tney nave clone me more difrdre'nt parts of the Union. This is to rertifr f bly for nine years with the Jlheumatism ;:donsid- myself Under great obligation. Yc . erable of the time 1 could not eat, sledb or walk. W, jSA'AC W. CRAIN, JOG" Woo: on: ily childj-aillicl many wonhy people, who, at the nme time, are as capable of enjojrng ihem selves in the marriage Male as iheir more for tunate fellow beings. Shall such persons re frain from marriage on this account, or shall they many and give birify to a feeble offspring, destined lb a life of suffering or an early death ? The answer to these serious questions will be found in the work here recommended-.. Early ITCarriRffes. Early marriages are Mrongly advisedf by all philosophers and writers upon social and po--litical subjects! Early marriages, beyond all questions, tend lo promote virtue and happiness; and with the power of regulating the prodrea uve function-, made known in this work, may be freely entered into, without fear of incuring responsibilities which cannot be sustained. Over Population of the Earlli. Over Population of the eaithneed be no lon ger apprehend. The calculations of Malihus, and ihe wild' fears of Robert I)ale Owen, are aike rendered baseless by the discovery here communicated to the world. "The conirH of man over hia accidents," in ihis respect at leai, is here established'. The wisdom of cx orcieing such control, none who give the sub ject a momenfs consideration, can doubt. Honesty of Hie Work-. 07" There is no deception or Jiumbuggery of -any kind, about this work. It Is precisely uMiai its title indidates, a scienlific publication, routaiiiing information of great value to married people, or those contemplating- marriage, ex pressed1 in plain language, wliic.h all cao under hand, wiih no unnecessary words put'tn merely to tfwell the number of its pages. The whole Mory-H told, and the means of accomplishing.' ine ol jects ol lhe work fully and' faithfully jjiven, so that the reader may avail himself of it at once,, without purchasing any medicine, iustrumeiit, or .other .article from theauthor. The means of protection which it recommends, may also be relied upon, wiiBouffear of disap pointment or injury. Physicians, Professors, & Clergymen In all parts of ihe country,. have given their tesiimony strongly in favor of the objects of ihis worjk, .and' t.he .nature of the discovery. We unuex a few of these recommendations : New York, September 13, 1848. Dr. R. M. WEissELHoFF-Dearsir; Ishould; is.,- "'.- . . i- " ,. -, ' -i - jiaveo queauoHt wusiever tna" tne means e4c ominerilled in yiur worji bo OhiidiBirxh Would' try your Indian Vegetable Pill, and by using one B-l unrltm l tA ivnn nr ti AiiitAn xai.s ... .uo uuucnu, tui ijciiw.uicu inan one thousand dol ars worth o pood. 1 am th-tkJio ti,Q .AiA Phv-o,v;o,.o r,i,Qn,f, I U : I I 1.1 Xr Tl C? . I... O! , r I l. t n I I. . . . , . . iui. umuho.: iw, J- '-'"" i mi. l uua uc io uuw buuuu auu wen. mr. x. ueuaiei oy ouerman a oaisam, ue seni ai iu o ciock ai so mucn better indeed, l am entire v re heved. I A l in n-.r k0 : n.,mar, c0r, ,Qc,;k,i n, had a daughter, Mr. ; Hugh proves a son, and Mr. nlghi , Mra. Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the dwnsend's Sarsparilla. and belfeve ittobeons onariss ixicnois ana ttuee oi ms lamny were down t a bollIe . u operate(i like a charm, stopped afflicted. Yours resp'y, JasI UummLVcs 0f the most valuable preparetions in the market. nf ihp mmp limn twith loir or jnrl a mio onn nnn Ql.l . .. . - .,. . I 77" i 77. i m? . i I r r . ...... iw.w.. " Before he had taken Fits Fits Fits I v -n .... t.. one bottle he was able to be about his work. .Ur- iownsend, not having tested his Sarsapa;- Jl. V. PULING, M. D. J.WILSON. M. D. "R. B. BRIGGS, M. D. P. E. ELMENDORF, M.Df 1. i jo tried the vario'us other remedies without effect. , . . . , tr t v it .11 . i.i ii . ni p. i ii e iih whs aniH it i our jnnian vegeiauie soon resiorea mem an 10 " . , , , . , . ..." rillr in ohcpo ne F;t nfnm, ,.,.o. ,n ,',.a fit , ,c,t norfent lionltti 1 t.,i neenrpr xrn,r frrtm what T it nad SOVeU MS lite. tiS QaUtJ ill tt. TeSldl llff . a,.,, Tutw S. ma7be- .27 My,,.. Aviui. can aue.T,,. T ,'1 5-T?J'.! ro nn fnr normMnont Pliro of Uor mr irrno Mio A tri Ma. Inn of VVi on,eK..r .nnn . " 1 iiiciioo aaic Ul JJi, IUUSCUU 9 IWlsaiUlllW, a liuiu- v,.. uw.uuili.il. w.w .. .v... ..v. I mica i . . 1 C7 . w , u. II 1 1 1 u UIHU U I K , 1 1 1 1 1 , IV o , f U O C 1 0 1" I ' f 1 rl M II -r t - - 1 VMira-wieo-f.tf.,nw T . Ti.tit . rf M P m u c-...u u ,pl.. " " uer oi men wno were lormeny our Acenis, na v,. .v.v.,.; , ....w.M .... . IU i tjiiiii, utrai ouuiu r uuriii'sircoi. savS" J Ilrtil b'nrfhntn A,, cruet 13 I . nA o :n T?.r. Also, an Act no Jusrice of the Peace. u ui.i ...:.u ui...: u -r. m , . ' V76 T " . , V iuaniiiK-iaH'"-"'., This is to certify that I was en the Chills and Fever, of several month i. .1 ri- J r c . :n uy uic use- ji jour uoses oi lour puis eaco, 01 . . . . o- uor Imt .,'r.n.,, ,. . . i . 'i.i i ----- , Wriehts Indian Yeretable Pills after takihVmed- g,ye p her school for more than a year. She ner?? wuhout success ; at last, although we ments, they are only worthless imitations, and icine from a regular physician for some time, and hhen commenced takmg the All-Heiling B.MX have had no symptoms of it' since, which has been sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. LiITf 540 r UMOn tTeel' 0 about one year ago. J. W. Spencer, She is now fa8t recovering, and' has' resumed Z leras; Champaign Oo., Ohio. her laborious occupation as a teacher. onlv restored her strenoth. h. h h., hA os,on ; 'ou & s Worth Second This is to certify, that 1 was cured ot the Uhills i.i at, m,u j r.i, 1. i .. Phi ade oh a : S. S. Hance. Drimoi.st. Bain .. .- - v tii.it t ..i in i . .i iiiiii m i v ii- i in ii m. vrr nun miiii i luiii ui Liir; i' 1 1 in inn iiir--.ii 1 1 1 m ;i w 1 1 1 u w 1111 uiimnpa i mm- t and Fever, by the use of Wright's Indian Vegeta- , f ' "'ZT "' ; ' " " "J . v: Shfi :s faQt 1 : m ITS more : P. M. Cohen. Charleston : Wn-hi & t,l d;ii I...: l, .l . I I. r :. I ui ou&ci, suucjcu nun a kuuii, icii.iiiim ui l ........ t. uuu ii&uivi, iui tviiik.ii i ' . ' c r i ... .. . i . . ... . . . hlfl Pills, aftpr hjJiMnnr hrifl thrpn nttnnlrc nf if David Bvry. phlegm, and pain in his side.- Ho could get Sugar Grove Fairfield Co.vQhio, Nov. li), M6. no relief he tried the All-Dealing Balam, Let it be remembered that VVright1s Indian Yes- which drove thepain from his side, Sllaved -..1.1. Tl . t 1 . I. . .." . . .. . eiaoie mis are preparea wnn special reierence to we feel grateful. the laws governing the human bodV. Consequent ly they are always good, always useful, always effective in rooting out disease. Every family snould keep them at hand. MONROE COUNTY. George H Miller, S.troudsburg- ; ? John .Lander, Craig's Meadows' " Bell-& Brothers, Experiment Mills Henry Kintz, Bartonsville A S Edinger, Tannersville" -George Keller, Kellersville . Charles. Saylor, SayforsburgV Yours, resfiectfully, Co., 351 Chartres-st., N. O. ; 105 Souh Pea" JOHN BUTLER Jr. Ut., Albany ; and bv all the nrincinal Druseisx T t Ttt t' ' 1 ... 7 " 1. l remaie meaicine andiMerchanta genera v thrnuphout the U.S., Ti m ii .,i . . . I i P a ur. lownseno s sarsaparilla is a sovereign and VYtfat lndia and th Rariailit speedy cure lor incipient Consumption, Barren- Thi8 medecine is also cortstantlv kent on hand ness, Prolapsus Uten, or ivalling of the" Womb, an.i f i h ro amotq q da tit i I Costiveness. P, b r Whi.no k and for fia,e by FRANCIS S. PAULI, agent, " - w I W WW 41IVAU1 If 111 kVJt U-1I 1 . . , 1 . str'ueted or difficult Menstruation. Incontinuence "0tgi r AugrvJ, 4-iy , Brodhead &. BrotherDutotsburgC, Jacob Jjong, onydersville the cough, and brought ihe disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was entirely cured.' i'ledris v Xtf-D Consumption. Mrs. Baggas, a' lady upwards of 70, reniding of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for 88Slieriff, has for years been subiect to attacks 1,10 g6"8"1 prostration of the systemno matter of r'leuri.sy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough,' ,,,,c;ie' 1 1B 1 u" , nnee cause r causes, Shormess of Breath, Pain iu her- Headland Tnt various parts'df her body. Her friends believed tinffi Grfecls nn thfi L,In PfiM- tl t. . mi . tt t I a . buuiia an :uer nayt recovery. j ne AH-ricaiinjr uajsam weakness and assitude. frafritakino it. htnnv hi ; hroleived her at . once of all her alarmjng'.i.yinp- come robust and full of enerev under its influence 1 . r It -'. tons, and now she'isabte. totteutl to her work. 11 immediately counteracts the hervelessness of Lewis So Cfienu hil ' ' - ' ittea .Mlar,cey s.,; W H. Youngs, 75 Wal- "V "Vr OV" Ta Haoenbuch's Inn, sign of the ' Black Horse." beware op counterfeits and imitation ' 'Sut. fl'" ?' ''V he VB,tt Vf,B,re" "y- that hundreds of cases'have been repdrled to us. Ea8ln, every Monday, Wednesday and FrM Remember, that the original and only genuine A!v ir cnerinan,8 Aii-Heajuig Jialsam.-aTid Thdosands'ofdases where families have been with- passing through the following rtiarrsi, viz.-j Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature 8ee ,hal ns' wnen Mnature iMfti'eaca boitle. out children, after using a feW bottles of this in-- Richmond, Cenireville, Williamsburg, Bil-'i ui iii.ii i, liiuiir uii .iiiH kid ihiiki in eanii dux. i j- bv nxj i-i.ma unu hpi uri uimie. naiuauiD u nu ciiib.- ii;ivk UKBiruiesacu wim huh. i ph w 1 101111)9 ra vvs dp 1 i..iitchiii'.i Offices idwdted exclusively to thasaleoWnV ,T)fi Sherman Worm and -Couh-lVozenges healffsPrInf- , , . , T Stroiidsbufr, Bushkill, and.' Dingman's Fe"! .mzioA vegeiaoiejrius, wnoiesaje ano, retan,.ia goiU.ar above. -t " , , ro mothers ana married Mqaies. and arrive fn?Milford the same dav Distant Principal Ofilfce-1 Nsu-street, N. Y, ..Wb Extract of -ariHal been express- .QOte'r. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmic HC" JU ....v. X ICIllUllt iSllCCVj itJOlJfl. 'June 8, 18-18. feb 24; Ty- K. & . . ELIRED, Attorneys and Counsellors ai Law SiTLFOJID PIKE COUNTY, PA, Will attend promptly to. all business epirusted ,F. Brodhrnd,3TngmanV Ferry: J; S 'Walhim ihK ll"s nrtfdfcine. Nur is it less, valuable forihoso H ,i, . W lpLilAm XJjAI: ?oiheirr.care. Office opposite jhe P.resbvterian i.Mtlford:, Vf. Shmme; Wilsoitvillet -.n . . .Jwho are npproachingtwomanhood, aa it is calcula, piroa? rurg June 3. 1847. Prop- m . " " l i l . i f , .... -...:.- ill's l? ... ; .i t l- ill 11 , - " i " VBori'n, on Broad street. ;-v x '.r... ; ; , Tdusru s JJinth asthma and whooping, cough. tno lemate irame, which is the great cause of Mrs. Lucretia Wellk'95 Chri8tie-st.:?.L. S. "aenness. Jt will not he expected of us, in ca. VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this lino will leave Jostf?! Aiii,.r -r. ft m r i iv uieijuieu iu ruierenue iu louidiu uumnininiR.-i tt ... . " .... . .i Siroud' hur. P No female who has rean to suppose she is apv "leI M,l,or?' eerV Tuesday, Thursday a- Suoudbuf 8; C, Saylor, Saylorsburg; G B Kel- pruaohing that crilicrtl period, "The tuhi of lift? SaturdTay, and arriv e jn Ea8lon ,he same day ier'r y;MH Pete" & Co.-Mar.hfcirs- siiouid neglect to take it, as it is a certain prevei Trom Eaion to StJoudsbrs, $1 25 crek; H, lUmz, BartonavillerJ.-SloufTeri Tan- U've for any of the (numerous and horrible diseases Mtlford aS7 norsv,,,- to which females are siibject at this time of life. IJ. R. All W, .u '. ru" r .h. nivn PtAc countu Peters & L'ahar. Blishlc ill- W This period may be,delavedforffeveral vears bvus- ?4r t 1 . i at February 10, l'84,Ay. ; lti ilev f -,n - isry's. Ointment and - fSlickener- aorSalel by the abo e:agnts. liLHii in iis.iL iirimrH.mvinFiirii-pniniTi infl.nmnri ann i ..-l ..li - i ; . ru-Jiij'""y'"h .... -wwi. uuu . ''jij h so ;,. n,v,i,a,,., T.i--ii .u: I a - i iiii:'jiuviii' liiuiiv.i r.iin i iinrffii uuw iit'iiiciim ib-ii 1 w ... ihaluable for -all W'd?itate 'diseases to which I Stat- JOB WORK, Neatly eecfit6d St? tt Office, m I