Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, December 07, 1848, Image 3

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    The Leading Periodical in America
For 1S19.
dedicated lo the Lxtdks of the United States.
Edited bv SARAH J. If ALE,
and L. A. GODEY.
A Novelette by Miss Leslie, who contributes
lo every No
N. P Wilms' Original Scriptural Poetry.
T. S. Arthur, who rdhtributes to every No.,
illustiative of Croome3 Sketches of American
Character. ...
We intend merely to give a notice of our inten
tions for next yearJeavingto others long advertisements-full
of sound and fury, signifying nothing.'
Agreeably to the practice of last year, the pub
lisher will issue as good a number each month as
he does in January. This is a novel feature in
Magazine publishing. During the whole of last
vp'ar he cave more engravings and more reading
matter than any of his contemporaries, and will
continue to do so next year. 1 nose, who. subscribe
to Gdev s Lady s noox, may do so under the as
suranre that they will receive more for their mon
ev in die Magazine alone, than by subscribing to
anv oihpr work. To this is added and included in
the same S3, the Lady's Dollar Newspaper
which contains in one month nearly, if not quite
as much reading matter as the other monthlies,
making for S3, the amount of reading of two mag
azmes a month. There arc peculiarities about Go
(lev's Lady's Book for the ladies that no oiher
Magazine possesses. There is a Mezzotint and
ine Engraving in each number both by the best
artists. Jn addition to these, there are given month
ly what no other magazine gives a Colored Fash
mri Plate, with a full description. This feature is
peculiar to Godey, as no other work has them eve
ry month and colored. Then there are.Caps, lion
nets, Chemisetts. Equestrianism for Ladies, with
Engravings. 1 he Ladies' ork Table, with de
signs for knitting, netting, crotchet, and all other
kinds o! work, ratterns for smoking Caps, Chair
rovers, mdow curtains. U Uyley s, Purses, Jiags,
ifcc. &c. Health and Beauty, with Engravings
Model Coitages, with ground plans, and. other en
gravings, always illusirative of Something usefol.
Music, beautifully printed on tidied paper, which
may be taken out and bound Colored Modern
Collages, and Colored Flower Pieces occasionally.
These are all extra in Godey, and to be found in
no other Magazine. These were all given last
year, and will fe continued. In addititir; we shall
have in every No., one of
'Cronmes Sketches of American Characteristics?
a most amusing series, now first given to (he Amer
can public. Thes will be illustrated in every
No. by a Story from the powerful pen of T S Ar
thur, Esq.
' The Changes of Fashion"
illustrated by Fay Robinson, Esq. This series
will be very inieiesting to the ladies.
"The Applicability of tile Fine Arts to Domestic
is another series of Engravings now in preparation,
and will be published during the year.
Cottage Furniture.
Having given so many Model Cottages, we intend
now lo commence the publication of Cottage Fur
niture a very necessary appendage lo a Collagei
Religion ami History.
Our superior Artists, Walters', Tucker, Pease and
Welch, are now engaged upon a set of plates il
lustrative of these subjects.
Our Music.
Prepared expressly for Us mostly, original, and
beautifully printed," has long commanded a deefded
preference over that of any other Magazine. It is
a feature in The Book.
The Literary CJiaratter of Godcfs Lady's Book'
With such writers as Miss Leslie. Grace Green
wood, Y. G. Simms"; Mr. Ellet, T S Arthur, Mrs'
1 (Jakes Smith, Mrs" J C Neal, H T Tuckfcrman,
H W Herbert, &c. ihe"auihorof the Widow Bedott,
"uiji" i iwi, AJiasji, juungieuuw, xaoimes
and a host of otheis must always talie the lead
iii literary merit.
Terms. For Three' Dollars we will send the
Lady's Book,containg more readirig than' any otfi
tr monthly, and the LadyV Dollar Ne'wspape'r pub
hshed twice a month, wtitcti contains as much rea
flmg as any of the $3 periodicals of the'dayma
k'fng three publications in one month", or if trie
subscriber prefers the following splendid engrav
ings to the Lady's Dollar Newspaper, (although
vi'e would not advise it, as' engravings' cannot be
sent through the mail without being crushed or
(Teased,) we will send the beautiful plate corilain-tog-
the portraits of Harriet Newell, Fanny For
rQsler, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Ann H Judson and Mrs
iw uwigtit, and the plates' of Christ Weeping
ver Jerusalem. The opening of the SerJulcKre,
JJehrerance of St Peter, and The Rebuke If pre
ferred to the Newspaper or plates, we will send
Leslie's Novel of Amelia, and any three of
Mrs Grey's or Miss Pickering's popular novels.
ror rive Dollars we will send twtf copies of the
Lady's Book, and a set of the plates to each'siih.
scriber. For Ten Dollars we will send fi ve4 copies
Of lllu T r4..' U..l. 1 - -I .
... ijauj- a uuuti, ar.o a copy to me person sen
fling the Club, and a set of plates to each'. Fpr
lwentv Dollars, eleven nnnips f iho Ur.-.u a
. . . v.iw cliiu a
Jit of Plates to aech subscriber, and a copy of the
idok to the person sending the Club. For One
Dollar we will send the Lady's Book 4 months,
ad for 25 cants any one No. Postage to be paid
5h all drde'rs: Address, L. A. GODEY,
113 Chesnut street, Philada.
The subucriber ofTers for salo his Baking
tftraliluHuieiit, situate oh Elizabeth sireet, in
'lie Btirough of Sirnudiburg, consisting of a
Bake-hoUse and Oven4, and all the necessary
lils, in Cbmple'ie order. The over, j8 larye
Tiiough to bake from 70 1075 loaves Of bread
at i baking. A; prudent, Enterprising business
man will find" this a good location" for carrying
vn the above business. Thevhole will be sold
at a bar 'am. JOHN J.' TITffS
Noti'moer 23. 1848"
Nonce is here by given, that ivloses Bnigiiarri,
Exfcutor of Lew.'s P. paf,n. deceaeil. has
tad hl account as ."'Uch ExkimiW i.V'ihA Ri
'-r' Office, at xMilfo.'d, Pike dtlunVyVa , ah'd
''f same will be pre'iited u' ,it (Syiih,, i
(!Wt, to be held at Milbrd, i and for' sVid
iKn the 18th day of '. December next, fofl J"
'"ilornjajon and allowance, ff which all ner
jHx.'BMej) win jaiie fioi'e.
Kwwr fJIHc. Ml fori 1
. I . ... AI k . .
j " ' ' t.ihi r
Most Extraordtiiary Work
The Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion I
Only 50. cts. per copy. -copies foi$l.
A new edition of this important Matrimonial
oompauion, nas, just Deen issued, under ilie;ed
Horial supervision of R. M WE1SSELHOFF,
jl. iJ. late of Parjs,.. Professor of Midwifery,
and author oftihe celebrated work o'r "Gestation
and ChiJd-Btnh," which has had such an ex
tensive sale in Europe antl America.
This edition is, ah vast improvement upon
Maiiriceau'a old work,, .which was chiefly de
signed lo induce .i,he reader to purchase M. M.
DeMuneaux's powders, and Instrument, lo pre
sent an mulesjied, increase offamily, ai an
expene of $10 a.tid his Portuguese Female
Pill at $5 per bos. In this; ,edii;0n, ihere is
no pari of the original French ,vvoik withheld.
Tin: w hole secret of M. M, Desomeaux's insirti
meut and method is( .f.ully .revealed, and de
scribed, and i fie .recipe. of Desomeaux's Ponu
guese Female Pills is given entire in plain
Englih terms; so that the purchaser will ac
lually get . . .v , . ,; .
Every person w.ho has been deceived by the
irick of Meauricau's work, should purchase this,
and thus eCa'pe the extortion which he at
tempts' io practice. After reading this edition,
any one may avail himself of Deomeaux's in
vention, at once without a dollar of expense,
in any village in the U. S. All i.he secrets of
Mauriceao, Desomeaux and Geissuer, are here
fully revealed. There is no other edition worth
Single copies of the jlamed Woman's Pri
vate jledical Companion,' will be sent by mail.
in a close envelope, lo any part of the (InPed
Saes, for 50 cents, post paid, to. Dr. R,;M.
WEISSELPOFF, Box 2710, New York City,
Nn unpaid letters will he taken from the Post
Office. No agents whatever, are employed to
sell this NEW EDITION, which can only he
obtained hy sending as above. Publication
Office, 258 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Dr. Wcisscllioff's Sciciilifc Work
A new and beautiful edition of this celebra
led work, on the subject of GESTATION and
CHiLD-BlRTH, by R. m. WeisselhofTM. D.
ate of Fans, has jiist been issued in N. York
l is a work which should be in (he hands of
everv wan and womAn who has incurred, or in-
tends to incur, ihe res poiisibili i ies of the Mar
riage, stale. It will be lound of special value
in ho.e whose means,' health or other circum
stances, do not permit them io increase the
number of their family, without great inconve
nience, suffering, or perhaps risk of life. A
method of avoiding these troubles and dangers
at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated
French Physician)' is fully communicated in
this work. The means of pretention,' cost
fomparatively nothing, and are within theeach
of all. The process is new, safe, infallilue, con
venient, stniph, and cannot injlire the healjhof
tne inofti ueiicate. iMor noes u curtail niatri
monial privileges in the least.
There is no deception or humbtiggery qf any
kind about this work. It is precisely what its
title indicates, a scientific publication, contain
in" ititor rnaiion of great value to married people-,
or those coutemplaiing marriage, expressed
in plain laugu'rage which all can understand.
The whole niorv is told, and the means of ac
t oiiiplisli'ii the objects of thef work fully and
faiihlully given, so that ihe reader may, avail
hitnselfol it once, wiihout purchasing any nied-H-ine,
ihtniment, or other article, Irom the au
thor The means of protection which it rec-
ommends, may also oe relied upon, wiinout
fear oi disapjioimment or injury.
Beware of Fra uds oti this Work.
Beware of a catch penny fraud upon this
work,, ai 25 cents, which is only a decoy, to
ptomote the sale of Mauncau's. or DesointJaux
itisirumet at $10, for ihe same object that ihe
w'orli Jtseirpretends id'be writte'n, the real se
cret of my original work being withheld. Those
who wish for ihe original and' genuine work,
hy Ir. Weisselhoff, with private notes' added
by his own hand, 'can omain it only by' sending"
directly to hiin, as he employs no Agents what
ever, and never sells ihe work at wholesale
thorefore no Boole Agent, Pedl'er, Postmaster
or Bookseller can possibly furnish the genuine
work. Beware, therefore, of false copies and
imitations, which ma'y not only be worthless,
but dangerous ! All infringements of the copy
right aie promptly prosecuted ; and cheats will
only sell abridged or altered copies. This' is
the only original and true work no other can
be genuine. Thousands of copies have been
sent by mail with perfect safety.
Copies of this work will be sent, in a djose
envelope, at sirlgle letter postake, lo any part
of the United States for SI, sent Post patd, to
DU. tf. Ml tyElSSELHOFF,
Box 2Tl'0, New York City.
Puhli.caiion Office, 258 Broadway, New
York City.
December 7, 1848.
A few cldckVn hand1, which' v) be ex
changed for wood, if immediate appi.t;aiiou' be
rnadoto ' JOgff'jSf. M ELICIT
8tfomi)urg Nov. 16, 180,
1 - i . . I
For sale by . i ;;,
Strnuilsburg, November 10, 1848.
. h CHILfrBlitTHi
A valuable Scientific W&rk, upon the subject of
prestation and Child Birth, 6y,,K.. b. Geis&j
. Ner, ilLil). late of Paris, just published in
New York by the Author. - .
Price TtVenlj-f ire Cents. r,
THIS WORK contains recently discovered in
formality upon: a subject of the highest impor
tance to Married Persons, or those coiiterhpla'ting
Marriage. .;!;! , J
It wi, bo fWnd of special value io those
whose means,. he,alih or ojher circumstances,
do not permit the.m to. increase the. number of
their family, wnhoui great, inconvenience, suf
fering, or perhaps risk of. life. A method of
avoiding these 'roubles and dangers, at will,
(recently discovered by. a celebrated French
Physician.) is fully communicated in this, work,
so that any person may avail himself of it at
once, wmioui cost. . Ihe means ol prevention
here set forth are therelore within the reach of
all. the process is new, safe,,iiifalliahle,. con
venient, simple, and cannot injure the health of
the most delicate. -
Some, speculator has clandestinely; (under
another name) published an imitation, (hearing
the same. title,) which, besides nmitnng the
most important PORTIONS of it, dupes the cred
ulous out of
ire Dollar,
When the price is f . j ,
, . Twenty-five Cents
For the genuine, .full, and complete Work.
Copies of this woik wijl be sent in a close
envelope, single letter po-lagp ;to any part of
the United Stales, for iwentyve cents sent,
posi-paid, to Dr. R. G. Geissner. Box 245G,
office ,127 1-2 Liberty Street, N,ew Yoik.'
N. B. No Bubkseller allowed to sell this Work.
November 10, 1848 -5m.
-rr-" a
Stroitdsbtu'g Female Seminary.
JfllSS CAROLINE HORN, of Easton, Pa.:
has taken charge of this insinuiioii, which vtll.
he open for the reception of scholars on Mon
day, the 13'h of November, inst.. ,
For lerms of tuition, &c. apply lo the pre
ceptress. . , ' )
By order of ihe board1 of irustees. , "
, . , JOHN HUSTON, Pres't.
Siroiidsbufg, November 2, 1848'.
The subscriber.has, on hand and offers for
sale, a superior assortment of blanks, viz:
Deeds,' Mortsrnes,'
Executions, Summonses,
Subposnas, Bonds, c. .
. . , L.F. BARNES.
Milford, November, 2, 1848.
OutiittiiB JEslaliSflshmenf.
No. 27 Cortland, Street,
NEW-YORK. . . ...
Sirangprs, and citizens dereing to. replenish
their wardrobes, mqy be immediately
modated in ihe.veiv best si.yle, and at the low
est Cash prices. W.nh a choice selection ol
. .Fall and Winter Garments. ..,
Of 'he newet pullet na, of superior make and
finish, and of the besi materials ; equal i(n eve
ry respect t.o t he, best cus'om w.o.'.k. Having
adopted the casl principle, upon whtchcer'ain
calcuhr'ions may be made, hehas purged sue
ccssfully for. upward.s often years, ip tiect op
position 10, the ru;r;o,us system .of ce'.S wb'ch
imposes the negessjiyof .exacting nnnecessait
ly high pi ices from pavjng cyslotners ; he,conf
unites to provide, and has now on hand one o
Ready Made Clothing in America.
From which, geii'jeinen ,may depend upon
suiting themselves satisfactory, as regards qual-
ny, style, anu, price His large stock embra
. .
ce's Overcoats Hud Cloats of the most app'rover
styles. Ufess, F.tock'. a'nd other Coals. Pan
i a loons ofvevery pattern, and the rich
est assortment of black Satin, Cassiuier, and
other siyles of Winter Vests.
The Fancy Department
Embraces all the new and elegant patterns, and
latest and most deMrahle styles of
Fancy, Silk, and Satin Cravats,, Suspenders
Gloves and Hosiery, Shirts. Bosoms and
Collars, Carpet Bags cc, $fc ,
In addition to ihe above variety of Ready
Made A'rticles, he has for' sale hy ihe piece or
yard, at as low prices as can be found in either
of the Atlantic cities, a' beautiful assortment' of
i lie best quality. .
Croth,- Cassimcres, & Testings',
JTj Genilemen can have their orders rilled
at a tew hours uo'ice, aiul serif to any part ol
the United Siates and by sending theiV meas
tires, can obtain clothing on as good lenih hs
though they were pr'eserh io( seltuM for them
selves. Address J. 0. BOOTH
No. 27 Cortland sfre'ei, New York.
October 5, 1848. fjm.
XjjFor t ho liberal share of patronage" w Inch
has been extended io htm for so many years,
he returns unfeiyned arkuow'le'tlgVineutN, and
he promises that no efforts shairbe scared on
his part in future to continue io starve his cus
tomers on as favorable lerhis as any oilier
house in the trade.
For sale atf thft; Office
, ChiJd-Birtk : v
A Valuable Scientific Work, upon the Subject bf
w"iunui u(( Jima-i3irui, oy xt. jvi. 'YYMjJo
SF.LHOFF';M. D., late of Paris, just published
This Work contains recently discovered in
fnrmaiioii upon k subject of the highest impor
tance to Mairied Persons, or ihoe contemnl-i-
tihg Marriage. Ii will be found of special val
ue io those whose meahs, heahh or other ctrr
enmstances, do not peirnit litem to increase
ihe number of their family, without great incon
venience, suffering, Or perhaps risk of life.
A method of avoidinginese troubles and dan
gers, ariwill, (recenlly discovered by a cele-
uraieu rreiico ruysiciaitj is luyycomrnunica
ted in 'his work, so that any person 'may avail
himself ol it at once, without purchasing any in
strumeui, medicine, or other atticle; frouf the
author. The means of prevention here set forth.
cost comparatively nothing, and are within ihe
reach of all.- The proces is new, safe, infal
lible, convenient, simple, and cannnHnjurc the
health of the most delicate. Nor does ii cur
tail matrimonial privileges in I lie least.
I, morality C.6nidei'cd.
The object of this work can be shown to be
of ihe highest utility, and sustained by the
snundesi. principles of prudence, political epon
omy, andAinue. It shows how a physiological
effect may be produced, cieniifiratly nud wjth
out injury to the coiistitujion, whiclLihousand-'
attempt to accomplish by the most unwise and
teprehensible. means. The object , is by no
meaiiH new to ihe world. The means will be
esteemed by all scientific, righumnded arid sen
sible people, as a. discovery in phyMulogy, of
the highest coiequence to public morals and
happiness. . , ; ; ,
TIic; Instinct of Nature. . ,
Love, and ihe 1 est r for union between ihe
sexes, will be indulged, .talk;of prudence as we
may. Without mairiao.e,(ve have, in all coun
tries, a. debasement of one. sex, and ihe crim
inal ifidulgence of. the other; with ,m,arriaue.
autfthe unrestrained ittdulgencc of the' natural
itistiuci, very of'en suffetiugi and rnery. of the
most, fearful character. Who, then, shall deny
lo man. (a free agem,) the right lo marry, and
to regular Khe innnci ol nature?
Yomi ITIarriod People.
Young Married People, whose fortunes are
not yet established, will find in this work mat
ter to interest them deeply, and information of
oi tne nignest value, which ihey should noi, on
any account, be iguoiant of. Hundreds of mar
ried people, now advanced in life, have assured
the aii'hor, thai if.they had possessed such a
treasure in early life, it would have saved ihem
more than Jialf ihe suffeung and deprivation
fh'ey have since endured. -
' .' t . fJisliappy Wives. , v ,
Unhappy Wiyes, w.ho feel lhaijheir physi
cal condition and heahh totally unfit them iq be
come the mothers of a numerous offspring, and
who reasonably fear that each period of .con
finement will terminate thpir existence, will
hall ihe discovery of this certain . means of re
lief with unbounded joy. Lei all- such tin for-,
innate and unhappy wives lose no lime in obr
laming this important, work.. It will be ip them
a precious boon through life, and prevent many
an early aiwJ preinat.ure deatfy
''i ' Hereditary Diseases. . ,
Scrofula, Consumption,, Insanity, Apoplexy,
Di seae ofrihe Heart, and other horrible crjm-j
plaints, capable of tr-a.nsmissinn from parent jo
cjiild, many worthy, people, who,' ai,ihe
siime lime, are as capable of enjoying them
selves in the ma mage state as .their more for
lunale fellow beings. . Shall such persons jter
frain f i ciin marriage oji this .account, oj; shall
they many and. give bjjth to a feeble offxpnng,
destined. 10. a. life of suffering .eajly death ?
The answer io thee serious.question will be
louuu in i lie worK neie .recornineuueu.
Early Mar rfases'.
. Early marriages are4siiongfy advised bv al
pniio-optifrs and wrners upon social and no
i. ..-..! ri' i . . ..
Miioai s.uujecis. jCiany marriages, beyond r.ll
qneNiijous.iend to pronio'e virtue and happiness;
ana wim the power ol regulating ihe procrea
live innciion, made known m ihis work, may
u.e ,('?ely entered into, without feat of incuxViie
resppnsiuiitties wnicn cannot bo susiaineu;.
Over Population of the Earth.
Over Population of the eanhneed'fnri
g-er apprehend. The calculations of Malthus,
and ihe wild lears of Robert Dale Owerj,',are
alike tendered baseless by ihe discovery here
communicated io the w.oild. "The control of
man over his accidents,." fn this respect at
leaNi, is here established. The wisdom of ej-
ercieiug such -cnnirol, none who give ihe sub
ject a momen'i s consideration' can doubt.
Honesty of the Work.
07" There is no deception or humbtiefferv
6f any .kind about this work'. Ii is preciely
whai lis title indidates. a. scidnttfic publicaiiou,
containing information of great value unnufrfed
neonle. or lhoe rnnteiiirilutriiu mn'rriunn ov.
r. i,-., t
)res?ed in plain language, which all Can uudei-
siand, wiih no unneceisary yvords pnidn merely
to hwell the number of us' pages. The whole
story is told, and the means of accomplishing
the oljects of ihe work fully and' fiiiilifuliy
given, sir that the reader rny avail liini-eff of
il al once, without purchasing' any medicine,)
iriMrumeiii, of other afiicle fiom ihe auihr.
he means ol protection which it recommend,
may also be relied upon, withuutear of disap
pointment or injury.
Physicians, Professors, & Clcrsynieri
In all parts of the country, have given iheif
testimony strongly in faVnr of (he objects of ihTs
work, and ihe nature of the discovery. Vy'e
a'linex a few,tif ihe recommendations :
.. New York, Sepiember 13, 1848.
D'rt. U. M. WEissELrioFFjDearsir: I should
hrfve no Question wha(ver thai the moan rr-
rjunended in yUC Work on Child-Binh, would
accomplishwhe objects iuended,.ciiifsifleifid id
reference 10phymol.bgical principles alone but
I have also the liappines to know that 11 hai
sioquVlhe lest of pracifcal experiment. Yours;
,ruy. R. LE DOY'EN,
Professors of Midwifery, fate of Paris.
n . 1 New York, Angiii, 1848,
'Dr. R. M. WEissElHOFJ?-Str : The moral
efTect hi sm h mforiniiiioii as yotr work con
tains, I believe lo be decidedly"8autary. Tlie
right of .man to control the animal miincts can
not b,e.qi,t.t,onpd l UOfk wjI bB-
the means ol doing much ochmJ. .
' Rev. B. F. CROW LEY.
nf.D ?;-8S,a,,yMi.N
UR. K. M. VVElSSEr.HnPFl-Sir TJi
diples,l Ohem.Mryapphed IO ,he uUl! frt.aj
ulaiu.g the precceanve. f,,cimns. s h.
your work oii Ch.ld-Dir.h, would sa.i-.fy any
, w "mr,J l,,rM,n,ai me object of that pub
licdlLor, could be a.iatued with .he mo. oerfect'
ease, certainly and safely.
- b -r ih, r J-L;"MNAN,
I Prof essor.of Chemistry. New University.
Copie of ilu wcuk will beem. ... u ..1.,'
envelope, at single letter postage, , anv rl',
of the United. Sia-es for SI sent, . p,t p;u;
uti. IV. vj;.WRISSEU-OPF'
BnX 2.710. New V,.rL- nS.
Copy-right secured. Nm HnoksellHr. Au:L.t
to ell rhis Work. PUBLICATIO.V OpIMHi?
258 BROADWAY. .New Y.wk nv
ID3 Persons who wish the CJ,n;!;L! 1.
by Dr. Wei.selhofT, uh Vnv:Mli addKl
by his own hand, can oji.a.n .j, only by send,,,
directly .0 htm, as he Aefus what
ever, ana nevejelN ihe o.k -ai wh.,ale
herefore no Book .Aeoi. Poller' P,. ..J.,...
or Bookseller can pnihy flirnl!sh
worh tJeuare, thetefo.e, of fa, Co,e,. an.l.
imiialions, which may nm only I'm n.ihi-M
tut.dat.gero-,! All inf. ingemenis nfil.n r.Z
yiightare pron.p fy proseru-ed; a'nd chea.s wills.
oi.JyseIsI aUrulgt-d or a.efed. c(M,.es. Tl.t .-
he only ariu,a and true u,k'no o.b,r ,,r
be genuine. Send by mail as ;,h..v. ..
orly ture way ,oe,cufe the work. ThoumU
ol copies have been sent bv' mail w..l. ,vtt,r..f
afety- November 2. lRd.q...,. .
' - w - w . VIII
JZaldJeWSA 1 No Jro Ireland, but from the
uiix O 1 Uii All'.
, The public are respectfully mlotmed hai the'
subscriber has just received, and ,rers fr ale;
a: splendid ashonmerft(pf Hai.s and Caps, wh.clr
will be sold on the mow reasonable terms for"
cash The supply 0f Hats on hand embraceV
the following:
white and blacl
Also .jMen's and Boys's
in. ' . . -
wooi iiais ; blazed and Moniery Hats. Fur
and wool sporting and Ashland hats. A" oen
eral assori.neii. pf Caps, such as oner, fur sVal
hair seal, rnuskratj &c. iMen's and' BojV fan
cy and plaiwlvet; red pluh, and glaced Caps
Having had contderable pxriprinnrM m h
business enables me 10 assure you that 1 catr
and will. frirnih Hals & Caps of ifie beM ma
lerials,.and woikmanship, and of ihe most de
sirable, styles. Call and see before purchasi'iiov
ejsewhere; I charge noihing for showin ri.y
gool. 0 J
, Thankful for past favors, I will endeav6r to
merit a continuance of ihm..
. S-Flirs bought at the highest cavfr
Siroudsbnrg, September 21, 1848.
To canvass fpr some new and popular works;
in every couiuy throughout the Imied S"tates.
To AgentSj.ihemost liberal encourgemeni is
ofTered--wnh a mall capital of S25 to SIDO.
A qhWee U offered, wherehy an aoent cart
make,friirh $10 10 $25 per week. For further
particulars, addrs (post paid )
WM. A. LEA'RY. "
. No. 158 North Second Street, Phildelphla.
September 14, 1848. 6m
The subcrjber offers at private sale, ihe un
divided one third pan of all that certain mes
suage, tenement and several tracts of hud,
known as the A BJ,E PARM. aiftfaie near the
Delaware Water Gap. iiuhe township f Smith
field. Monroe county, Pennsylvania.
The several iracis contain
280 Acres and' 33 Perches,
more jt less.r of which 135 acres are
illahle, and ihe greater pnit of the'
resiuue Woodland well limbered.
The fmpfrovements are a I wo siory
Stone Dwelling House,
30 feet by 40, with a Kitchen attached
auout 15 feel by 20. A stone spring-'nono
with asmoke house above' the same. A Frame
Barn 40 feet by 60. A waggon hojse vmh
t orn cribs t heroin. A carriage hoti-e nud Ma
Mo. This farni'is s'iiuate upon the fcnnkoftho
river Delaware, ab6ut 3 miles from SiroudbtHa
and 13'fcorn Belvidere. The Trenton and Bel
videre Rail-road" which in now "being located,
will verytrhUch enhance the value of this prop
erty. , 'he undersigned as guardian of the mi
nor children of Edward Armstrong, deceased, is
kauih'urized hy an act of the Legislature to .oell
the undivided one ihud part of said, premises.
The above property is now in ihe occupancy
of James Bell, Jr.
. For terms and conditions of sale apply" id
William Davis, Siroudsbnrg, Pa.
Suoudbburg, November 23, 1848.-6U