"Weir amd Cheap Hardware, Critltiy 'id'TM'9t?)$.fl JiOUTHEEST CORNER OF TO COUNTftY DEALERS AND WILLIAM American and. bnsli . .Having purchased the. stock of F.j W Noble, imeno's keeping at the ibove mnBfir t8. Rpriiuent, .of Hardware, Cutlery and Tool of al kinds. He has just received and will continue m.keen for ale. at low.nrtcea. and on liberal .terms, a larre, fulland complete' assdriineni of sh shelf and heavy Hardware. Purchasers are respectfully invited to el- amine his stock, consisting in part of the following articled: For Merchants Braces and Bits, iron Braces Carpenter's planes and plows Shingling and lath hatchets Glue and Glue kettles Iron and steel squares, Bevels Guages, Plane irons, Awls Screw drivers, Auger Bits; Firmer and mortice chisels Files and rasps, pincers Brick and Plastering" Trowels Masons' and Chalk Lines Carriage springs, Iron axes Sand and Oil stones Shoe thread, cooper tools, &c. For Farmers. , A complete lot.of Americandoor ' locks With' different 'it hob Thumb and drop latches ' English knob and closet locks Iron & brass shutter fastenings . Sash springs, sash cord , . Window Fasteners. , Frame, and sqrew Pullies Wood screws, Brads, Tacks, Finisnihg Nails Cut and wrought Nails Strap and Table Hinges Blind Hinges, Iron Castors Horse Nails . ) . For the Public Geherally. Table and Tea knives and forks. Fen and pocket knives, scissors and shears, Wade and Butchers and Roger's razors, ' Chapman's Magic Razor Strop, Iron, German silver, and plated Tea spoons, German silver and Plated butter knives, ; Japarid goihifc Waiters and Bread trays.,. . Snuffers and trays, Coffee mills, Shovels and longs, Coal hods and sifters, , Brass and plaied stair rods,' Lamps and Candlesticks of all kinds', Japand spinoons, Tea cannisiers, Powder flasks and shot belts, Curriers knives, Butcher's saws, ' The atiention of Farmers is particularly called to his stock of farming implements. Easion, April 20, 1848. Gm. PAPER HANG-ERy and House and Sin Painter, Monroe Street, (near the Methodist Churchy) Stroudsburg, Pa. .Respectfully informs the citizens of Strouds burg and vicinity, that he has removed to the house formerly occupied by Abner Gorden, on Monroe street, near the Meihodist Church, where he will be in readiness to fulfil such or ders in his line of business, as he may be hon ored with. Being thoroughly acquainted with his business, and having had considerable ex perience, he is prepared to warrant all work done by him. uMnrch 30, 1848.-ly. EYES RIGHT! Why is it that all eyes are casi toward the Brick yard occupied by Sione & Wolf ? Because they have 00,000 of the Largest and best Brick just burnt and for sale, that can be had in this county, or in Easion. A portion of said -brick are composed of material that will stand fire, and warranted good for building bake ovens and other fire places. Come and examine for yourselves, the bnck will speak louder than word. These brick are considerably larger than any others made ir ihis cnuniy. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange except cabbage, and cash not refused. STONE fc WOLF, Stroudsburg, Monroe eounty, July 27, 1848. 85,000 BRICK Just burnt and for sale by the subsbriber. These brick are of a large size and of a supe rior quality and will be sold as low, and lower according to the quality iban- any, other brick m the County. A portion of them are pressed or fmnir jamb and cornice brick of different kinds. Said brick are composed of material rhat will -'and the fire with impwnity,. thus answering fir the purpose of builcfmg bake ovens, &c., 11 of which will be sold pn the most reasonable terms. ; N. B. All kinds of grain taken in exchange fr brick at the highest market prices, and Vdsh not refused. Wji. S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, July 6th, 184g. New York & Erie Raif-Road SUMUl'JER ARRANGEMEWTjS. Froin may 1, 1848 until farther jiwttcc; FOR PASSENfiJlS Leave New-York from the foot of Duane Streetr at 7 o'clock a. it." and 4 o'clock, P. ra.'or Pierraontr Blauvelt ville, Clarksiown, SpringValley, Morraey, Ratn apo, -Monroe Works, Tornersr Moflroe, Oxford, Chester, Goshen, New raTwpiotivMiddleiowii, Howells, Otisville, and: Port Jervis-. , For New York and intermediate places,. leave PORT JERVIS at 6 a. sr., and' at d r. n.s Otis ville al 6 35 a. M., and 3 35 p. m., Jtfiddletown at 7 a. m.-, and 4 p. m., Goshen at. 7 20 a-. m, and 4 20 p. m., Chester at 7' 1--2 a. m., arid 4 1-2 r. x. ILT3 AH haggage at the risk of the owner, t)nles8 put fB charge of ihe Baggage Masters. Fifty lbs of personal baggage allowed to each! passenger. No Freight taken by the Passenger -trains. ' . FOR FREIGHT Leave New York er 5 o'clock P. Mper Barges Samuel Marsh, .Henrv "Suydam jr. and Dunkirk. Leave Port Jervir at 9 'a. m., Otisville at IOa.k., Middleiewn- at 31 a. m., Goshen at 12 M. and Chester at 12 1-2 M. MILK will betaken morning and evening by trains running expressly for that purpose. H. C. SEYMOUR- Sup3t. Piermont, May 4, 1848--if. ' : J , i'.i i - - . ' -jj NeatyeiGutedaUthis0ffic THE I'UBIIC SQUARE, EASTON. OTHERS IN WAIST OF HARDWARE. ELWEIiLV ' lil Fr BiiiUera ' Shovels and Spades ' ' " xiay ana manure rorKS Spade and Fork 'handles Crow bars, pick axes Grub and bog hoes, bush hooks Buck, cut, mill & hand saws Sailers? spring balance, & steel- vards and Clout Nails llellows, sieves, oxtips Halters, trace and loir chains 'Grain, grass, and'bush scythes Horse brushes, cards' and combs bleigh,. house, and hand bells Chopping axes, &c &c Door scrapers and door knockers, Coach wrenches and bed keys, , Mouse and rat traps, , . (. Pails and wash boards, ; : Long andhhort handle Fryingjpans,. tl Brass ketes Enammeled saucepans, Patent metal tea kettles and boilers. Grid Irons, Basting spoons and ladles, Meshlfdrks, skimibers, flat rrons,' ; nit unoppers ana Mincing knives, ; Chest, nil, trunkand Pad locks, , 1 nxe ueives, cnisei nanuies, mallets, etc. v Malleable Iron, Hub Bands, Carriage springs, Wagon boxes, Iron axles, Sic. ' ' ' i ne spring session oi tne dirouasburg Acad' emy wilt open on Monday the J7th mat., when Reading. Writing :and Arithmetic will be 5Lii cin mar. and GEooriA'pHV'with the use ofihe .IaU j nsn. jk ' and maps, $2,50 Algebra, Astronomy, Bot- ony, Mensuration, Book-keeping, Philoso- phy, &c.i'$ Beginners in-Latlv "and (3reek lor W,DU. , . , . , ; All nimiJ.f rhnrtTPti frnm tim f)ie nte-r til the end of he quarter, except in cases of sick ness. The principal hopes by properly and sea sonably imparting instruction to the -young, pa ttent endurance in moral training, and unwea ried diligence in the various branches of his profession, to merit and obtain that patronage and sunhort which the aVfliinnk tatfe hT. n? in strucior demand. ; . , 4 - - TUnMAQ rrAT"DTC! A XI wivl Ao JlAKrvlO, btroudsburg, April 6, 1848. Principal. r iurs :. tuneui s ffnunien mauery oi DAGUERREOTYPES, No. S4 Nnrfh KrnnrJ cr AT W Mmm r ju;; , . m -'r j'i l- of Callowhtll street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this well known etablikment, for One Dollar are universally conceded to be equal in every respect itranv in the citr. Picture, ta- ken eouallr wll in lnAv nrf .lar a 1 1' ? . . t.s-, 7 . o ; A Jarge assortment of Medallions Lockets uii uur st iium ta 9v, mciUQiRg toe pic lure. p i kTuoscnoers respeciiuiiT tnvne tne ciii- zens of,'Monroe HJByvfc call arrf examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibit- ed cheerfully and without charge. T. & J. C. TJENNENT. Philadelphia, July 6,, 184c.--6ni MASS MEETING AT THE J?EW AHD CHEAP AND CAP STORE OF Francis S. Fauli, In Stroudsburg j at S. Frey's old stand, Where will be found the largest assortment of ihe best and cheapest HATS and CAPS, ever m 6 lno be8t maierials, and roid at smajl offered in, this placeand. which he will sell on l)ro,s or cash. Aflso on hand a , large assort ihe most reasonable terms for Cash. , The pnt.off ' . f stock is well selected and just the kind spited 2B(01 MMW ' to ihe present and approaching season. The which ,will,b,e .sold cheap; and can. be recom- supply oi Hats on hand embraces the following; BEAVER, t . .s SILK AWLESKm: 1 Mm ftm ' ' 1 : 1 n A aQ7T:rcJ"DT7 sn. TmTTr.TT .CASESIMERE, ?.BRUSH, :, Also Men's -and Boys's white and blek wool Hats gjazed jand Monterv Hats. Fur and wool sporting and AshJand Ms. A een- eral assortment of Cans, such as otter, fur anal hair seal, muskrat, &c. Men' l . i .. - . . r i uu uuva II cy ana plain velvet, red Dluab.and pICRd f!ar, . i ( . . . . . - . ' -I mi .: . ,. i.i ? . . r' . . ..'j"'-"7 "'"i1 "FllUu".0ftri theirt. ' - u- hlKlnatii In mnril l I' - ' I .those in, want o'f '?! atV and, Caps, that everv ef- r . . .... . . i.-' i uiv ii, ue inaue iu n ease. Ke.pnirvc nnr u of the best and: m'ostf fashidhable articles' Yhi . f&tNhlftT V0'OTffyJWi!,i.thl. 7"'.5 . o very lowest prices. . v.iug ucic , he will eharcre 'nothing for ohnwina ki'AnWL H charge 'nothiaK for ahowin hisrroWl, Remember Freyr8oldkrivcL,, ' H n ' -?FftAIiCIS.-S..PAUliI.'i .B.r,?iJrj boag ht t tWvbightst casbpri- 'WA:TC.!HJjE'j f sale, at "i ii' TrTTr'" T TTicnes, lor r.aoccrpricer'y ' JvHN.lt. MEL i JBSSSSSSSSUl "J it' in BaBBBHBBBBBBr B 'XllllpXBH iBlBBIH i llBil ii Its -.Workst Praise It.r ; Mil J5ttfhs, Scald, and all-kinds of ' I'nflamid' Sores ji , v Curnd'. i ' JTouseys Universal 0mfne7i,; is :themost com plete Burn Antidote ever know. It instantly (and aHf by Tragic) stops pains of the rho'sV desperate Burns and iScaldsi Fortild Sores, Bruisesj 'Ciits Sprains, &c., .on man or; beast, It the beat applica- I J mif V 'i rff. V'i- uuu nidi uau ue nmue. anousanus navetneo, and'thousands praise it.. It is' the ' most Ddrfefct master offj'ain discovered. All who usei recom mend it. Ju'ery farnilyOshould be provided with it. None can- tell how, soon.,-some, famihuwill need it. t ,"l , Observe each box of the 'genuine' Ointment has the name oj S Tousey written on the 'ouVside la bel.' To imitate this is forgery. ' i' ' "Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all Who- use Jdorses, will find this Ointment.ihevery best tning.tney can use lor Uollar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, &c. &c.) pn their.animals, .Surely.,, e.v,ery merciful man would .keep his animals as'.iree frpm pain as possible. Tbusey's Universal Ointment is all that is required. Try it. Bites of Insects. For the sting or, oite of poi "UHvM iuoclio) xuuacva wuiwutMll IS 'Ulllivuuuu. jriundreds have tried it and found it good. Files Curredl For the Piles, Tousev's Uni versal Ointment is one of the best ;Ue,medies, that can be applied. All who have tried it for the riles reccommend it. Old Sores Gnred. For old, obstinate Sores', there is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. ,.A person, in Manlius had. for a number of veors. a sore leg mat Dumed tne skill oi the doctors. l;ou- sey 8 triniment was Tecdmmended by' one-of the wmng physicians, (who1 Knew its great virtues,) an(i two boxes prpduced.raore benefit than the'pa- received, from any and all previous jem- ajes. juet an, try it. Bums mid SraU Cr,' Tfin,,S.tt f of Burns and "Scalds, ih all parts of rthe country,; have5 been cured by Tousey'V Universal Ointment.' uertincates enough can be had to fill the whole of I this Sheet Violent Bruises Cured. . Testimonials on tes'ti monials, in favor of Tousey 's Ointment for, curing muises, nave oeen ofiered the proprietors. Hun'- dreds jn Syracuse will certify to its great merits in relieving the pain of the most severe Bruise. AH persons should try it. scald tJiead Cured. Scores of cases of Scald "ead have been cured by Tousey?s Ointment. Try. 11-11 seldm fails. . , I C7. D I - r -wy . . - T- u'.aJlllie remedies ever asce?ea ipr mis most disagreeable complaint, Toosev's Univercal Ointment is the most It was never known to fail. Chapped Hands Can Ue Cured. : Tousev's 'Uhi versai nintmoht will i-i;M happed Hands. Scores of persons will state tn,l' . ..... ; uuiv. iTiriot taoto bore Ltps Cured. For the cure of Sore lips, there was never any thing made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure thern. Try it? . Il is a scientific compound, warranted not to contain anv preparat'ron of Mercury. Price 25 fl6118!;00 f or further particulbrs-concerning nra "TO va,VaDle nrment, the public, are refT rampiuets, to- behad gratis, of respecta bier Druggists and Merchants throughout the Uni ted States Prepared by Tovsev's, Druffffist. 106 Nassau r"" rwsaiem virouaspurg, oy L r- SCHOCH, Agent, JUn9 8.-iy Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY, THADDEUS SCHOCH, at his plH stand in Hamilton atreeL Eastoh, Pa opposiie T.& F. Mix sell's store, conitrfae's to manufac ture 10 oder, every description of isoots and hoe&, for men and boys ; also the most fashionable patters, Buskins, half """ oi: P y' -t' uuuers, nnvers. crc. Tor ,aates an Misses, whieh will be warranted to fit. be mended. v T he PK respectfully inted to call, ,ear ,he' wvsvSrv,iT"c-i,-rcacly o-wvn uciuiD yiuciasmg ejsewnere, as ne ivc.onfidem iheV will' be sutfed' Vifh.the s.vle. quality and price of his articles. ALSO Jusl received a larae sunnlv'of HIT ill SHHK r... t j : -r m ;ucs.uiivjisses oia new stvffl. vr r.y so niMnr f nnai ha ..r. w '". l.' K TT i UKCuci will! 8IUCK til IV u. nt-ut -! ,rt- ircu Gum 3""c u3" uuuren s vumanoes. -' . . f. i . 'W "Pacnber.Jiaffcon hand And orTrs for f E?ecutbp, Smbpcenas. SummoriSes, 15onds,t c.;, Ij.F. BARNES. Milford.-Norember, 4, 1847. A- Buer Egg8H4co)daken;in:icharieeifor. Siroudsburi, Feb. Ijj 1 846. m' 1 - j m C.1 r.nr-BW-.- Ddcf.r TowjiseWiTs Stirsaparilla. WonderraDd: Bless.ing of the Age,. Th most Extraordinary Medicine in the World. ThisExti1acti&pytup4h!Qutirt Bpttles : jt,issix times cheaper, .pjeasantec, anvacrtiited, sjiperior to any sofd. It eti're's xyitliout vcJniitififeiTiurgiri siclfcnirig or UfcUilitnungithc Ifattunt. The great -beauty anbf superiority of this. Sarsa parilla over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates, it invigorates the, bodj. It is one oi the very best . . .'.gpjjl2ajj jyf gjjjjjf pit- MEDICINES Eve'r Ifhowrl it5ndt? only purifies the .whole sys tem, and st'rfengtrjeps Jh person, but k creates new, pure and rich, blopd; : a power possessed by no other medicine. And in tins lies the grand se cret of its wonderful success. ' It has performed within the last five years.Tmore than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease,; ai kast 15,000 were considered incurable. It has saved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the two past . sea sons N W,ii00cases oj General Debility and want of t itfjdtts Energy. Dr "Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates, the whole TSvsteinpermanently To those' who 'have lost their muscular energy by the drXects of medi cine or-indiscretion committed in youth, or thelex cessivelndulgence of the pasfsions, and brought on a general physical prostration of the nervousrsys tern, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensa tion, premature decay and decline, hastening to wards Lthat fatal disease, Consumtion, can be; en tirelv restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparillais'-far,'supeW'or,to any ' invigorating Cordial, As it renews and inyigoiates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, m a most extraordinary degree. .Consumption Cured. Cleanse antl.Slrengtheiw Consumption can be cured. Bron chitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs; Asthma, Spitting of blood Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Flush Nfght, Sweats, Difficult or .Profuse Expecto ration, Pain in the Side, &c., have been and can bp cured. ii Spitting Blood, Netv York, April 28, 1847. Dr Townaend I yerily belie've that your Sar saparilla has been the means, through Providence. ofaaving my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large, u uantites of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debiliated. and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have only used your barsaparilla a short time, and there has a wonder ful change been wrought in me. I am now able towalk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that 1 am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant, WrM RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-st Rheumatism. This is only one of more than four thousahd cases "of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsen's Sarsa parilla has cured. The most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues Jame3 Cummings, Esq ,one of the assistant in the Lunatic Asylum, BlackweHTs Island, is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter : BlackwelVs Island, Sept. 14, 1847 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I have suffered terri bly for nine years with the Rheumatism ; consid erable of the time 1 could not eat, sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousahd dollars worth of good. I am so much better indeed, I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for' the benefit of the afflicted. Yours respTy, Jas. Cummings Fits! Fits! Fits I Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsapa rilla in cases of Fits, of course never recommend ed it, and was surprised to receive the following from ar intelligent and respectable Farmer in Westchester County : Fordham, August 13, 1847 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : 1 have a little girl seven years of age, who has been several years afflicted' with Fits'; we tried almost everything for her, but without success ; at last, although we could find no recommendations ih our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate haalih, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no re turn ofeitsiitppur.great pleasure and surprise. She is,fast. becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel gratefdl. Yours, respectfully, i ; JOHN BUTLER Jr. . female Medicine . Dr. Townsend's, Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barren ness, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of tne Womb, Costiveness, Piles, Leuoorrhcea, or Whites, ob structed orifficultenstruation. Jncontinuence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system no matter whether'fhe result of inherent cause or causes, produced by 'irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing cart be more surprising than itsjnvigora tinff effects ,on the human frame. Persons all weakhess and lassitude, frdmtakinnr it MAn v.. come robust and full, of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the 'nefvelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness; It will not be expected of us, in ca ses of so delicate n nature, to exhibit certificates ;cures periormed but we can assure the afflicted. ",ai m"muicus oi rases nave neeji reported to us. i uuusdi us.oi;cases wriere lamilies have been with out children, after using a few bnttlns nf tv.;0 ; valuable medicine,4 hive been ; blessed Vith fine", mi3'jXiracrot Sarsanar a h.e U V nrahainl 11.. lr . ' .j p w. ii reierence to lemale complaints. Sip lemale who has reaRon tn iinnni oho Rroacninp; that critical nerinrt. Tha , ahP4dlect 1 taie it; as it is a certain breven lvf.wW of the h.liitierbus'arid horrible diseases to hich- females are subject at this time of life. I his period ing this medicine;. Nor is it less yaluable for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calcula ted to assjst n'atVreVhy quickening the blood and invigorating tbp.systejn, Indeed, this rnedicine is invaluable fop all tha delicate- diseases to which women are aubjpt Itbrace's the whole systern renews permarently' the natural- energies-, by re! moving the impurities of lh bodyt.not;so Xftr iim. ulating as. to produce subsequent relaxation, which is the case ot moat, medicines taken for femafo .weakness and disease. By using a lew bottiea of this medicine, many severe and painful' surgic operations may be prevented. Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. It js the safest and most effectual medicine for purify, irig the system, and relieveing the sufferings atte'n. daril upon child-birth ever discovered. It strength, ens both the mother and child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the food, those wl0, have used itthink it is indispensible. "it is highjj useful both before and after confinement, as it pr vents diseases attendant upon' childbirth in Ccq. tiveness, Piles, Crampa, Swelling1 of the Feit, Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain in Uis Back and Loins, False Pains; Hemorrhage, and m regulating thesecietions and equalizing the cirfo lation it has no equal. The great beauty of h medicine is, it is always safe, and. the most dehcty. use it most successfully, very lew cases reqii any other medicine, in some a little Caster ()il((or Magnesia, is useful. Exercise in the open uif nnA lirvlif fnni w,'ith thic moflirinp. will alivavs sure a safe ahd easy confinement. f 7-1 ... t tt itt r .: rit. it. ,j . 1 varietv of Droarations cenerally in use, when a nneo to ine race, very suuu auuu n ui us ueaimt r... , .i .1 i i i i ney ctose me pores ui tne smh, uiiu tueuK. circulation, which, when nature is not thwatrteJi Hinnnpa nAtunor nr Tiif cu'in inrmmo ntritk.i tion in the "human face Divine," as well as in ths garden of rich and delicately tinted and variecaiw the fluids or the coursing ot the pure, rich bloo jib, ine extremities, is mat wnicn paints ine cou ite naricein the most exquisite beauty. Itisthat wind imparts the indescribable slndes and flashes, of loveliness that all admire, but none can desctite, This beauty, is the offspring of nature not o pi if. der or soap. If there is not a free and heaRr i .1 ' . L ... If.L. I.J.. ! ( ' circuiauon, mere is iw uenuij. ii ine may is . ir as driven snow, if she paint, and use cosneti c, and the blood is thick, cold and impure, she is vn beautiful. 3f she be blown or yellow, and tht :e is pure and active b!otd, it gives a rich bloom tj the cheeks and a brilliancy to the eves that u fascinating. This is why the southern, and ear . cially the Spanish "ladies, are so much admire t. Ladies in the north who take but little exercise . t . ' . .... are confined in close rooms, or nave spoiled tht complexion by the application of deleterious miv. tures, if they wish to regain elasticity of stei t-ttirtttant- onirifp cn.rnlf Hnnr PVPQ nnrl honiiliTi complexions, they should use Dr. lownsend' oarsauariiia. aiioubdiuia uv u.ivc ifieu 11, an more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of even ctnliAn Tiit rl rf-. rC ft f 1 1 V Notice to the Ladies. Those that imitate Dr. Townsend's Sarsapaiilla, have invariaviy called their stuff a great Kemedy for females, &c, &c. and have copied our bills and circulars which re- .1 r I C l otnertnen wno put up roeaicine, nave, since the great success of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in complaints incident to females, recommended theirs, although priviously they did not. A num ber of these Mixtures, Pills, &c, are injurious to females', as they aggravate diseases, and under mine the constitution. Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusively proves, that this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the Blood. Three persons cured in one house is unprecedented Three Children. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I - - - j7 m - - --------- j a w i ii j children have been cured of the Scrofula by th use of your excellent medicine. Thev were arTlic ted very severely with bad Sores ; have taken on ly four bottles ; it took them away, for which I fesl myself under great obligation. Yours, respectful ly, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster-st. Opinions of Physicians. Dr. To wnsend is al most daily receiving orders frbTrtPh'yiscians in HifFp.rpnt narts nf thf llninn. Tlila in naruh that "we, the undersigned, Physician oftheCitr f ait i . oi Aioany, nave in numerous cases prescribed Ui rn U o :n j i i ... . auvviiseuu s oarsuanna, ana ueneve it to ne or.s of the most valuable preparetions in the market. f H. P. PULING, M. D. I J.WILSON, M.D. . 4. R.B. BRIGGS, M.D. Albany, Apill 1, 1847. P. E. ELMENDORF, M. D. c i u i vjuuuuih wvyiiij iu me gecctk success anu im mense sale of Di. Towsend'a Sarsaparilla, a num ber of men who were formerly our Agents, har commencea maning sarsaparilla Extracts. Elixirs. erauy put it up in the same shaped bottles, and some of them have stole and copied our advertise ments, they dre only worthless imitations, ad should be avoided Principal Office, 126 Fulton Street. Sua 11 .... . . ' . - . o . Boston ; Dyottdc Sons, 132 North Second-it, Philadelphia ; S. S. Hance, Druggist, Bal mnrtx P M rinV.nn "! 1 . tir ! L . b Co., 151 Chartrs.st.f N. O.: 105 South Pear! B I . . KB II m ., v. Mnw biiukuv an iiitii in iiiiriiiAi iriivuiiii sfnn rvl nrr hsntt fAiall. iu..:...u...i .1 TT w wesi indies and Iho Canadas. a ins liirii nri iin I v a r Ann m inniiw if ami nn ninr I'ki. i r Ann Inr on A hv H lAAIVPIC C" DAI r .un! . . ..-" .rr v "r W I - Q StrnudRhiira Pa A - Q Mfl.Jv r . - ; uk' "i w INVALtTABLB FAMILY COMPANION. bix Lectures on Causes, Prevention l i r r ni i .rina ii rn riiinn kSatn m a ii.... t - ' ' npnn sinri oil H4miic LiiaHMan no j u . -r - w 1 Mail to any part poWgU 92 ct. n iiiiiiiiiiiiui ti r w a w a i w mm v. m. h. mi ar 1 in wur muKw-V I'T" "i W 1 Vt ntn.t j. i. i - k ..ii.i . . i rn i - w htm ( ii ir n nrf f 1 -" J - .. 1 T tl . - evervwnere, ror Draces o?.r a onorlers. Rupture Supporters, gire heujAt. .roni head W foot, and circumferenceiof fMttX ixi ihe sar I face, just .above the hips. If R which side. Agents-wanted fori above goods. Address Dr. Broadway, New York, post March 16, 1848.-Iy. m ETCH, 70 J?rora 50 la $6 50, Iftr sale by. Stroudiburfi Aog.'Tj, lSfJ li ,b