, ( 4 I mum DoctV TWnsend's - COMPOUND KXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Wonder atici Blessing of the Age. . The most Extraordinary Medicine in the World. Tliis Extract is putnp in Quart Bottles : it is six times cheaper, ttfe'nlesisanler, and warranted superior to any .ofd. It cures without vomiting, purging, sickening or ueuimaung uic raucni. The preat heauty and superiority of this Sarsa parilla over all other medicines is,, that while it eradicates, it invigorates the body,. It is one of e venvbest" r f SPUING AND SUM 'J Kit 31KDICINES ' EverA nown ; it not only purifies the -whole sys tem, and. strengthens the person, but it creates new, I pure and rich Mood : a power possessed by no other medicine. And in this lies the grand se cret of its wonderful success. It has performed within the last five years, more than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease; at least 15,000 were considered iiicurable. It has saved the lives of mure than 5,000 children during the two past sea sons. 1 J 0,000 cases of General Debility and want of Nrrvous Energy. Dr .Townsfind's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole M'siem .permanently. To those who have lost their mhsouiar energy by the effects of medi cine or indiscretion committed in youth, or the .ex cessive indulgence of tiie passions, and brought on a general physical'uro.stration of the nervous sys tem, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensa tion, premature decay and decline, hastening to wards that-fatal disease, Consumtion, can been tirely restored bv this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is for superior to any Invigorating Cordial, As it renews aim invigorates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular' .system, in a most extraordinary degree. '' Consumption Cured oleander and Strengthen.- Consumption can be cured. Bron- 1 chilis. Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spiting of blood Soienessin the Chest, ration. Pain in the Side. ic, have liceit and can be cured. &pttttng Blood. N Kcw York, April 28, 1847. Dr. Townsend T verilv believa that vnnr Snr- ??Kfe:ii i i .i -i i n -j (i.tiKta oils oueii mo inuuiib, iiirougn i rovraence. of saving my life. 1 have for several vears had' a had " ()ri0h. h became worse and worse. At lastd raised large ti uantites of blood, had" night Sweats", and was greatly debiliated and reduced, anodid not expect to live. 1 have only used your .Sarsaparilla a short time, and there has a-wonder-fuYchange been wrought in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and itiy cough has left me. You can ".veil imagine that I am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant, WM. RUSSELL, 65-Catherine-stl iihcumut'ism. , This is only one Nof more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsen's Sarsa parilla has cured. The most severe and chronic casesaretveekly 'eradicated by its extraordinary viilties. ' Jajnes Cummings, Esq ,nie of the assistant in titti Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter: Blackwell's Island, Sept. 14, 1847. Dr. Toicnsend Dear Sir : 1 have suffered terri bly vfor nine years with the Rheumatism ; consid erable of the time 1 could not eat, sleep or walk'. had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs"! Wfro tprfv cttmllon 7 l,ivi ncorllfnur.lirittlnc nf rour Sarsaparilla, and they have done. me morsel than one thousand dollars worth of good. I am mi much better indeed, I am entirely relieved. You'Vte at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yrours. respectfully, JAMES CUMftllNGS. Fits! Fits! Fits! Uc. ;Tdwnsend, not having tested, his Sarsapa rtlla incases of Fits, of course never recommend- d.ii,.anri was surprised to receive the following j from an intelligent and respectable farmer in Vrestchester County Ford ham; August 13, 1847. '".Dr. .TVuvnsend Dear Sir: 1 have a little girl fcveh years of age, "who has been several years Jw'Hicted with Fits we tried almost everything for her, but without success ; ' at last, although we i-ould find no recommendations in ourcirculars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very lelicate haalth, we would give hqr some of your arsanarilla. and nrR rorv orlad we did. for it not nly restored her strength, but she has had no re . r j - i turn of the Fitg, to ourgreat pleasure arid surprise. he,is fast becoming rugged and hearty j-for which uv2 feel grateful. s "Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER Jr. Female Medicine Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and tweedy cure for Incipient Cpnsumption, Barren- r i tt. ' in: ,.r ,un V,u f ' , e tVu;, i Jstivpnp.:s. HiIpq. I rfiif.nrrrirR7i. or Yv lutes. OU- structed or diffirnlt Menstruation. Iucontinuence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system no matter whether the result of inherent cause or causes, S rarhT" ' "ZnX ir. b" ! come robust and full of energy under its influence, i t,jmtnediately counteracts the nervelessness oi l that hundreds of cases have been reported to' ?us: - Thousands of cases where families have been with- outjr.hildren, after using a few bottles of this .in-4 valuable medicine, nave oeen ptessep vvitn nne,. healthy offspring. To Mothers and Married Ladies. This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been express Sr prepared in reference to female complainte.' So female who has reason to sup'pose she JiL,ap proa'cliiug 'that .critical , periody"' Thejturn of life," sliould neglect to taWii. as it is a certain preven tive for any of the numerous and hurrible diseases to which .females are sublebt at this 'time -toflifel ihelethate frame, wh.ch is the great cause 4 Fraines.wiihonrex, concave, periscopie, hlue, Banenness. It will not be expected of us, in. ca-. ' r,, ,, ! . , ' ,. . r 4 . f 'i 4'r : 1 grey and green Glasses, to wh eh he would in- ses of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates to 3 . , . , . . oficures -performed but we can assure the afflicted v,te Pncular attention-. .o charge for shoeing' INVALUABLE FAMILY COMPANION, oix Lectures on Oauses, .prevention aim Cure of Consliriipiion, Asthma; Diseases of the Heart, ahd all Female Diseases, 234 pages, 28 engravings. Paper 50 cts. ; abound 75 cis. Mail to any part postage 9 l-2x:ts. Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders, $2 Mail to any pari, 50 cts. postage. Inhaling J ubes; Silver, S3, by mail, letier posiage, Abdominal Supporters, perfect, $8 (o S 10, for all Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb and Weak Back and Chest ; sent by Express everywhere. For Braces or Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, give height from head lb foot, and circumference of person next the sur face, just above the hips. If Rupture, mention which iide. Agents wanted for ihe sale of the above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, post paid. Match 16. l'848.--ly. ORIBiVX RATIONAL WORK. A History of 8Iic Revolution and JLivos of liie Heroes of iBie War of IiidepcudeBiccf BY' CHARLES J. PETERSON An elegant volume with IS fine Steel Plate's, and nearly 200 i., iiriii iua.,1 i;....n.t.. "This is a splendid book. A valuable nd dinon to the Historic Literature of our country We are much mistakenif it does not take rank with the works of Irving'and Prescott." Fank- ford Hcarald. It surpases any similar work yet offered to the American public. Neat s Gazette. 'It may be properly considered a popularised r-r - . Military HMory ol the Revolution, extremely well and judicious written." N. American. The present work on the devolution and its Heroes, is Miperior, both in extent and design to any mat has heretofore come under our 110 tice." Inq. A well connected History of that eventful period, Ledger. t. T Ml . .1 t T T . f "ueciutv ine oesi nopuiar mstorv at tne XVar of the Revolution and its Heroes, thaaias yet been given to the country." Saturday Evening Post. 1 AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant Work, in' every county and town in the United otates, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. ?rice only S3. ' Address (post-paid) WM. A. LEARY. , No. 158 North Second St. May 25, 184?. 3m. Philadelphia. Nsw York & Erie Rail-Roiid SUHSMEK ARRANGEMENTS. ' From may 1, 1S48 until further notice. FOR PASSENGERS Leave New-York from the font of Duane treet, at 7 o'clock a. at. ana 4 o clock, p. m. lor r'lermoni, tflauveli- ville, Clarkstown, Spring Valley, Monsey, Ram- apo Monroe Works, Turners, Monroe, Oxford, Chesier, Gnhhen, NewHampton, Middlelown, Howells, Oiisville, and Port Jervis. For New York and intermediate places, leave PORT JERVIS at 6 a. m., and at 3 p. m., Oiis ville at G 35 a. 31., and" 3 35 p.' 31., Aiddletown at 7 a. 3r., and 4 p. 31., Goshen at 7 20 a-, si., and 4 20 p; 3!., Chester at 7 1-2 a. ji., and 4 1-2 p. M. Uj3 All5 Baggage at the risk of the owner, unless put in charge of the Baggage Masters. Fifty lbs of personal baggage allowed to each passenger. No Freight taken by the Passenger trains1 FOR- FREIGHT Leave New York at 5 ,),c,ork P. M , per Barges Samuel ftlarsh. Hehry Suydam jr. and Dunkirk. Leave Port Jervis at 9 a. ji', Oiisville at 10 a. ji., Middleiewn at ,11 a. jii, Goshen at 12 M: and Chester at-' 12 1:2 M. MILK will betaken rrioming' and evening o liy trams rufining expressly for that purpose. H. C. SEYMOUR, Sup't. Piermont, Mav 4. 1848, if. Eastoja and' MHford Mafl.IiSIie,- 3 VIA'STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this line will leave Joseph n t . r , t-.. , t n agexbuch s inn, sign oi me tsiacK tiorse, Eaton, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following places, viz: Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills' Fertyf, Delaware Wattrr Gap, Dutotsburg, Str6udshurg. Bushkill, and Diijgman's Ferry, and arrive in Mllford the same day: Distance 00 miles. Returning, leave Samuel Diinmick's Hoiel. Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sattirdav, and arrive in Easion the same day. -i . u ; "tare from Eastoti to Sfroudsburg, Si 25 V;. " Mjlford, 2S7 N,B. All baggage at the risk of the owners, i . WTTiT.T AM TYR A 1ST SVg. Juno 3. 1M7. Proper. 0 Aged. Spectacle-Glasses fitted to alt ages andsights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel thein. For sale cheap,' at the Variety Store ol . sJOHN H. MELICK Stroudsburg, Janta'ry h, 1846. Attoriilys and Counsellors at Lam, MfLTO RDPIKE COUNTY,- PA. Will .aijiifd promptly lo all business 'eYitYusled to thetr-ate. 50fficeopiWbite ihePreabyiefian kj ii i iv u , mi uroao si reei. ' ; rebriiary 10, 1848.-J y.,. h niw Vive la RepubiiqeJ" VIVE LES PILLULES VEGETALES IN.DI- i! do - . , ENNES DE WRIGHT,!,- -4' i "A O Q ' Long live the' Republic ! Long live1 Wright's' In dian Vegetable Pills. Another crisis in the' affairs of humanity Jbas passed ; another f"ever turned ; the hostile, elements have met the b'attleis i'aught and won ! FRANCE IS FREE ! A long struggle it has been first! bursting into the wild excesses of sudden political emancipation therfrelapsing under a victorious leader ; then snaping the chains imposed, by the allied powers and again yielding to time-serving conservatism. But France ,had tasted the' sweets of Liberty. Could she forget it No ! Her perfidious king was, in the splendor of his povcr, driven i;2,no miniously from his throne anil France glorious, libcrty-lovfng Ftance, has again taken her place in the van of nations.. V1VU LES" PILULES VEGETaLES indiennes de WRIGHT. Napoleon said that ''the stomach governs the world." Nations are distinguished by the quality of their cookery, and are indebted greatly for energy of character to the petfectibn of digestion. While the ancient Romans lived in simplicity, they were invincible ; but when luxury crept in, physical and mental enervation followed, until they were no longer able to resist the more hardy northerners. By improving digestion? and removing moronic humors, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills become a great moral aniTpoHticl engine. They clear the head, and by the buoyancv of spirit which they impart, improve the heart. They thus exercise a powerful influence in favor of civil liberty. The energy of a People depends measurably upon the health, of a people, and the maintenance of their rights depends upon their energy. Therefore give health, and you give energy and sustain pop ular governmet. Let all, then, chensh health, not-merely for the enjoyment which it brings, but for'the gigantic in terests which depend' upon it. Let Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills be used in the spring, to pre'ventfdisease in the' fall. Had Louis Philippe been a' man of common sagacity, he .would have ceded to the people those little reforms fot which they asked, and would thus have staved off a rev olution: But he not only denied them, but added insult' to injury, by curtailing the few privileges which the people had. Matter and mind are gov erned by the same general laws. Abuses may. accumulate in the human body, which a revolution alone can remove ; whereas, by moving in time the evil day is postponed indefinitely VIVE LA' ItEPUBLIQUE' Of VIVE L"ES VEGETALES" PILULES INDIENN'ES DE wright!! MONROE COUNTY. George' II Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadow1 " , Bell & Brotliers, Experiment Mills Henry Kintz, Bartonsville J. -.t A S Edinger, Tannersville George Keller, Kellersvi'lle Charles Saylor, Saylorsburg Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg , - . . ,v Jacob Long, Snydere'ville John Marsh & Brotlier, Fennefsyille, Lewis So"x, Chesnuthill BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS. Remetriber, that the original and only genuine" Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature oLWi-LiLlAM. WKltrliT on the top label ol eacn box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and'ptail, 169' Race street, Philadelphia : 288 Greenwich street', New York; and 198 Tremont street, Boston. June 8, 1848. feb24, ly DR.LE ROY'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. The only known medicine that at the same time-pur ges, purifies, and strengthens the system. DR. LE BOY'S- Pills are a new medicine which' has just appeared, and is fast taking5 the places of all others of the same class. These1 pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two principal ones are Sarsaparilla-and Wild Cher ry, so united that they act together :the one, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging, while the othor'is strengthening the sys tem. J nus those pills are at tne same time tonic and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for liy medicinal men, but never before dis-. covered. In other words they do'the work of the two medicines, and'do if much better than any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the system but the impurities; so that while they purge" t i i they strengthen : and hence they cause no aeoiu t'ation, and are followed1 by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's Pills have a wortderful irfiuence on the blood ; they not only purify without vveal;ening it. but they remove all noxious particles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes impure blood an' utter impossibility. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the opperations of this most excellent of medicines, which never strains or tortures the digestive functions, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence persons taking them do not become pale arid emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is-- the property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it i$ with other ingredients, to, remove all that is. foreign and impure, it is equally the property of the, Wild Cher to retain all that is nataral and sound ; and hence a robost state of health is thecenain result of their united operations. J ' Agents, in Stroudsburg, Dr Samuel Stokes and T. Henoch: July 29, 1847, . 1 1 Neatly .executed at tliisfOJie.. ff fl PILLS Look at thij no Humbug Jnt(Rcaliiy. ' PIANO F&EfcfJBS FOR SALE.. A copy of the report of ihe Judge of Mu sical .lrisirumerMs'aithe late exhibition of the -Franklin InsinutKi Philadelphia: The Committee have a warded C Meyer with i .... i -a premium lor tne best; seven octave riano. The ground of this decision was the general excellence of the piano, and especially ita pow er, brillialicy, and delicacy of touch. The t ii . i -t aes niu not Pive rr emi mn.v lor ine oesi nn- lushed instruments, .conceiving the bepalpaDle tests of a piano to be its musical capabilities', and riot its originality, its mechanical igenuiiy, or that elegance of finish, which effects neither the action nor ihe' tone, and is only designed to pleae ihe eyef arrd not t satisfy the ear. Auo'iher copy of the report ofnhe judges of musical instruments at the last exhibition at Boston;' The ctfmmitiee have selected No. 391 a seVBli octave piano madri by C. Meyer, wor thy of special commendation. No. 591, is a very fine instrument, partfcti. Jarjy commendable, for iis elastic and ready lunch, in repeated trials by different handtf The fteys never failed of certain "ype'tfiions in ihe shake. The tone throughout was even of great beauty, and power from the lowest note to highest, and, the damping was pefete rrr all caes. Tlief North American of Philadelphia,-January 4. 1848, contains the following' jintice; 'A Compliment to a Philadelphia Piano' Manu- fact urbr. Our Boston neighbors know how as well as we do to appreetttte'a good thina. 1 he Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Associa. Hon, at their last Annual Fair, thai of the au tumn of 1847 awarded.to Conkad Mkv'ER, ihe celebrated. Piano Manufacturer of this city, a diploma and silver medal, for ihe best seven octave piano a compliment no rither piano manufacturer of our city has received. The subscriber keeps always on hand a sup ply of C. Meyer's Pianos, which he will dis pose of, either for cash or in exchange for sec ond hand instruments, at manufacturers prices. A. ZUi LC H , Agent for C. M. Easton, March 2, 1848.--Gm Its Works Praise Tt. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed Sores Curvd. Touscifs Universal Ointment, is the most com plete Bum Antidote ever know. It instantly (and as if by Magic) stops pains of the most desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, &c. on man or beast', it the best applica tion that can be made. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is the most perfect master of pain discovered. All who use, recom mend. Every family sho.uld be provided with it. None can tell how soon some family will need it. Observe each box? of the genuine Ointment has the name oj S Tou'scy written on the outside la bel. To imitate this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all vho use Horses, will find this Ointment the very best thing they can use1 for Collar Galfs, Scratches, Kicks, &c. &c, on their animals. Surely, every merciful man would keep his animals as free from pain as possible. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that' is required. Try it. Bites of Insects: For the sting or bite of poi sonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried it and found it good. Piles Curred ! For the Piles, Tousey!s Uni versal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it for the Piles reccommerid it. Old Sores Cnred. )Fot' did, obstinate Sores, there is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. A person in Manlius had, for a number of yeors, a sore leg that bufiled the skill of the doctors. Tou sey's Ointment was. recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its' great virtues,) and two' boxes produced more benefit than the pa tient had received from any and all previous rem diest Let all try it. Bufns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have been cured by Tousey's- Universal Ointment. Certificates enough can be had to fill the whole of this sheet. Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testi monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hun dreds in Syracuse will certify to its great merits in relieving the pain of the most severe Bruise. All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured, Scprest of cases of Scald Head have been cured by Touseyls Ointment. Try it it seldom fails. Saltfli'hcum Cured. Of all the remedies ever discoered .for this most disagreeable cumplaint, Tousey's Univercal Ointment is the niost complete. It was never known to fail. ' Chapped Hands Can be Cured. Tousey's Uni versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases of Chapped Hands. Scares of persons will state this. Sore Lips Cured. For the cure of Sore lips, there was never any thing made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure them. Try it. It is a scientific compound, warranted not to contain.any preparation of Mercury. Price 25 cejits per, box. For further particulors concerning this really valuable Ointment, the public are ref fered to Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respecta ble. Druggists and. Merchants throughout the Uni te"dState9.; ' 'Prepared' by St Toiiseifs, Druggist, 1Q6 N St. -N' Y. r. FoYsale' iStroudsburg) by assail, 'jnSCHOOH, Agent; Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. THADDEUS SCHOCH, , his old stand in Hamilton a'.ren flastou, Pa , opposite T.& P. M,x! sell's More, continues to manufir. lure to ode4r, eerydpcription nf Boots and Shoes, for men and toys ; also ihe mtwi fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, h,tif Gaiters, Slippers, eye, for Ladtux and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, u. made of the best materials, and .old at. small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort, ment of which will be sold cheap, and can be recom mended. The public are respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine hi ready made stock before" purchasing eNewhere, as lie is confident ihey will beguiled wilh the style, quality and price of his articles. .ALSO Just received a large supply of GUM SHOES, for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very su. penor, together with a stock of Men's Gum shoes: also Children's Gum shoes. Call and try them. Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. ASK THE SUFFERER FliO.M what has relieved him in su'ch a short time from his difficulty ofbreathing,Coughandsurfocation! He will you lwas the Ulosaonian, or ivii- Healing. Balsam " Ask the Consumptive i what has allayed his Cough, removed the Pain in his Side and Chest, checked his night sweats and placedthe rose of health upon his cheek 1 and he will tell you Sherman's Olnsaonian, OR AIjL-HAXaaiG KAIM. Ask your friends rf they kruw of any thing thot will so speedily cure a long and tedious Coi;h, Raising of Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic Consump tion, Hoarseness, Influenza, d.nd diseases of the Throat, as the Olosaonian 1 and they will tell you No. There never yet has.bben a remedy intro duced to public notice which has been productive of so much good in so short af space of time. Read the following i Astonishing Cures. Wm. Bond, the celebrated Boston cracker ba ker, 98 Nassau street, , Brooklyn, states that his wife has been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could not find permanent relief from the best medical advice which New York- and Brooklyn could produce, was induced lo try this great rem e'dy. She is now nearly well. His daughter, who was suffering from the same disease, tried it, and was also cured by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well that she is able to rise froir. her bed early in the morning and attend to her usual duties through the day without iny annoyance fro'.n her distres sing malady. Henry Jackson', 13th street, near the Catholic Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob taining a bottle of the Olosaor.ian, having been af flicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years, and was so exhausted onhis arrival that he could not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode home. Four days afterward he walked from his residence to the office without fatigue, -a distance of over two miles, to tell of the" wonderful relief which he had experienced from using about one half of one bottle. Consumption of the Lungs. Afr. Comfort, 35 White street, was so low in the month of December last, that he was given up by his physician. His friends entertained no hope of his recover'. He was persuaded to try the Olosaonian, and to his surprise it has so far re stored him to health that Iw is now -able to walk about the streets. Mrs. Attree, the wife of Wm. 51. Atiree, James Harman, Esq. and George W. Hays, Esq. can all bear testimony from iheir own experience of the healing properties of this Great Remedy in Consumption of the Lumjs. Spitting Blood. Air.?. Thoubournc,352 Monroe street, who had been troubled lor a great length of time by a se vere cough, and raised quantities of blood, wa relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonian! and de clares it the greatest remedy in the world. Dennis Kelly, 2$ Water street, was also relieved from the same complaint, although he was very much reduced when he commenced taking it, hav ing been under the caie of his, physician during the past winter. Although he co-ighed constantly and was very much troubled with night sweats, two bottles of the remedy enabled him to retura to his daily work. He was entirely relieved. David Henderson, 60 Laight street, George W. Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lis bon, 199 Rivingstou street, and numerous other persons have been speedily and permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy. The Array of Names which could be produced )f persons who have used this great remedy would mor.e than fill a col umn. Among the number we a? permitted to re fer to A. M. Bininger, 102 Barclay street t Mr. Wilson of Hoboken ;'Mrs. Bell of Moiristowa, N. J.; James B. Devoe, 101 Reade street; Mrs tyq Cafiree, 50 Attorney street ; If Smith,, 02 Tl'ur avenue; Mrs. Wm. H Attre of this city,'and Mr Archibald, 35 White street. Ec not Received. The onlv place in th,e City yf New Yprk.where Sherman's OLOSAQNJ AN, or. ALL-tlEALlh & BALSAM is sold, is at 106 Nasu s.trtjet, on? door above A,Dn. street. AGKNT, Thetvdpje Schngh, Stroudsburg,-Monroe co James,'S. Wallace, Miliord; ?iK county. F. Brodhead & brother, Dingman's Ferry Pike county. November 26, 1816, ' , 1 Flom $1 5D lo S6 50, f( sale Kyi JOHNIi. MELICK. StroudsburgAug. 13 1846. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers