Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 03, 1848, Image 3

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    Ohio for Taylor.
a great effort has been and la now. made, to
realB "he impression thai Gen. Taylor cannot
c .... f.prnie of Ohio. All Mich Niafemeiits
supremely absurd. Nearly all those pa
rs which at first hesitated, have now raided
'he old Wh'g banner. And mark the language
Vihe following letter, from thai noble chain-
Iho avows his enlistment for the cam
Cm" ' URBA.VAjuly 3.1848.
Uear Sir : I have been abseitt from home
h last eight or ten days, in the North wes
n pat of this State, and have but this mo-
received yo letter inviting me to your
Tarthaue meeting on the Sin tnst. 1 could
atte"tid it even if I had received your note
1,0 . .... hut sav to our Taylor Iriends all U
i . ;.. the Northwestern portion of Ohio, arid )
right in t"e iw
,hat we mean m' ""S" - ; -."
ut lall behind our beloved and venerated llar-
w. iha coming coined.
,,s""-' yc 1 ulv! JOSEPH VANCE.
r M rorvin, Esq.. of the Whig Executive Committee.
IU A It It I ED,
At Shawnee, on the 27'h ult , by ttie Rnv.
Wm. Scribner, Mr. Richard Duryee, of. New
York, and Miss Susan S., daughter of Joseph
y Wilson, Esq , of the former place.
The followinguvell-merited compliment to one
. i I ......
1 0f the most wonderlui discoveries oi me age, ye
' i, (mm an exchange paper. Although not per
sonally interested in the matter, we have so ofteq
r-coated Vegetable Purgative Pills, that we
rannot relrain Irom contnouung our nine inuis-
?eniinallIIR a KHUWieOge Ul Midi CAiLiuiuiuui; "i-
tues. Tlie subjoined effusion, doubtless from the
pen of some enraptured fair one, was discovered
on tho sample show-case of the inventor at the fair
of the American Institute :
Hail ! Clickerner hail ! whose genius bright
Makes physic foul, a dainty quiet,
Makes all diseases shut up shop,
Hy swollowing of a lolly pop. i
No more shalj, gripe or nausea make if
People put up with pain or ache,
Itaiher than physic take to cure them,
"Which tastes so poh ! one can't endure them.
For now we make them walk quite handy
Hy pills which are as sweet as candy.
Even Clickener's Sugar-coated Vegetable Pills.
Which thro' our veins the blood sends gushing
Healthful and pure as sparkling rills,
Adown some cloud capt mountain rushing;
Which on the lips like kisses melt,
Causing no nauseous taste to chafe; '
And after that are quite unfelt
Until they've left us sound and safe.
Hail! Clickener hail! thy pills 1 vow,
Make physic such a luxury,
That one might long for sickness now
In order to be cured by thee.
Hail! Clickener hail I thy fame shal'. ba,
As deathless as thy pills are sweet,
And monuments we'll raise to thee
With Death in chains beneath thy feet. Q. R.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T, Schoch,
the only authorized agent for Stroudsburg.
CI HILLS AND FEVER. Wright's Indian
Veeetable Pills are one of the best, if not
the very best medicine in the world, for the cure
of intermittent fever, because they excel all others
,;5n ,hp UnAv nf ihnP mnrh.H hnmnr vcKnh 1
are the cause, not only of all kinds of fever, hut of i Meeting, for Stroudsburg Circuit, held in Cher
ererv maladv incident to man. Four or five of ry Valley, at Bozzard's woods, to commence
said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on,
going to bed, will in a short time make a perfect
cure of the most obstinate case of chills and feverr
at the tame the digestive organs will be restored
rifled that fever and ague, or disease in any form,'
will be absolutely impossible.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain"
cure for the above dangerous complaints ; because
they cleanse the alimentary canal of those bilious
and putrid humors, which are the cause, not only
of all disorders of the bewels, but of every melady
incident to man.
Beware of Sugar Coaled Counterfeits. Re
member, that the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wil
liam Wright on the top label of each box. ,
For sale by George H. Miller, who is the only
authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise
ment for other agencies in another column. ,,
Office and general depot, 1G9 Race st. Phil a.
Most Extraordinary Woflv !
"The married Womaif
i a .."my w- ou f-
Sixth Edition. 18mo. nn 250. Price SI
Or rrs - 77 rr1 - r ,.7
"uuu "cc iuwHM;
Years of suffering, of physical and mental an-1
guish to many an affectionate wife, and pecuniary '
difficulties to the husband, might have been spared
by a timely possession of this work. j
It is intended especially for the married, or those
contemplating marriage, as it discloses important
nereis which should be known to them particular-;
truely, knowledge is power. It is health, hap-
P Th!' !?"f".?!' nntn:Aj . J
tne revelations contained in its pages have
proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumera-1
Die letters received by the author will attest. j
Here, also, every femalethe wife, the mother. '
the one either budding into womanhood or the one '
in the decline of years in whom nature contem-
plates nu uoponani cnange can aiscover inecau
fces, symptoms, and tre most efficient remedies.
grto1 l pertain mode of cure, in every complaint
9 phlch nCr eex is -subject,
Copies will be sent mail free of postage foiihe
certainty pencv oaicij
On the receipt of One Dollar, jhe "Married' Y-1
mn'fi Private Medical Corapanwn" will bo nt .
irte trt antr nnrtnf th tiiij o. ' m
isms must be post-pajd (except thosi cpntainintr
a remittance) and addressed to ftt. A. WUkbn
;. Box 1224, Neur-York City, PubirBhin2;6f.
nee. ltfg Liberty,si., Nev-York.. f
The .'Married Woman's Private Madi
panion, is sold hv bnVitrcir
Hffl Statu r..i. ..i't-i" r-
To the Voters of Monroe county.
At the urgent solicitation of many persons
from different part of the cqnuty, I have con
sented to be a candidate for tne office, of
County Cpmmissioner,
at the approaching October Election, and re
spectfully solicit your votes. Should you think
proper to elevale me to said office, I will ftis
charge its duties, to the best of my abilities.
Respectfully, yoir, obedient servant,. (
Stroud township, August 3, 1848.
To the Voters o,t Jlorirbe county.
Fellow Citizens: Jncouraged by numerous
friend I offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of ,
County Commisslbhcr,
at the approaching General election. , .
Should I be so fortunate. as to receive a, ma
jority of your suffragos, I pledge myself tq dis
charge the duties of said. office with fidelity,
impartially, 10 the best of my ability. Respec
tfully, your friend and feliuw-ciiizen,
Sirotid township. August 3X I848r
By virtue of an orderf the Orphans' Court
of ihe county of Monroe, .the following Real
Eitan4, formerly of Valenjine Werkiser, late of
Hamilton township, in said county, deceased,
will be, sold, at public veridde, on-
.'' tj" tut
O . I . J . J " . . f Ct . 7
uraay, me secona aay oj oepiemoer nfxi.
ai iu-o ciock in me lorenoqn, two tracts or pie-
ces of Laud, situate in Hamilton township, in
said county, about one mi 1$ from Fennersville.
Lot Np."
Containing 118 Acres, 140 Perches,
tit- 1
adjoining lands of Conrad. Arnold, Thomaa.Mil
ler, James Miller and John Werkiser; about 75
acres of which are cleared, and the remainder
covered with timber of an excellent qqality.
1 he improvements are .
2 stories highj a LOG BA&N; agood
Apple. Orchard,
and Other truit trees. A never failing
stream of water runs through the whole
tract, and a good spring of water hear the house.
Ij'otNo.'2 ,.,'
CoutaininK S3 Acres, 30 Perches,
adjoining lands of John Williams, Peter and
Abraham Butts and said Lot No. 1 ; about 30
acres of which are cleared and the residue "s
well timbered. , A small stream of water
passes through the same. . 4.
The Conditions of Sale. One trtirdjof
the purchase money to be paid atihe confirraat'
tion of the sale, one third fart on the first of
April next, and the other on the first day of A
pril 1850.
By the Court.
J. H. Stroud, Clerk.
August 3. 1848.
Camp Meeting. : I
Providence permitting, there will be a Camp
Monday August 2lsi, 1848.
The Preachers and people of the adjoining
circuits and stations in the Philadelphia and
N6w j-rs Conferences; are respectfully in-
.l..ft tnaflPfiH
No sutlers or hucksters will be allowed witb
in the limits -of the law.
August 3, 1848.
Camp iTfcetiii.
By Divine permission a Camp Meeting will
be held on the ground belonging to Joseph 1-
temnse, Eq., near the forks of the Wilkes-Bar:'
I re ana iNorin ana ooutn lurnpiKes, aionroe,
county, ra., to commence on Mpnaay, me otn
day of' August next. Our brethren in ihe Min
istry and their Congregations jn the adjoining
Circuits aud stations,' are cordially invited to
N. B. No huckster will fee traffic
j within the distance prescribed, by Jaw., which.
! U three miles, without permission. from.the msn-
July 27, 1843.
Minister in charge.
,, tfiiv la n iiai an eve? uid vi iuni u iuc
Brickyard occupied by Stone & Wolf?
Because ihey have i
90,000 of llie Largest aiid best Brick
just burnt and for sale, that can be had in .this
county, or in Easion. t A, portion of said brick
are composed of material that wilj stand fire,
and warranted good for building' baKe ovens
and other fife places., Come and examine fpr.
vourselyes, t"he brick .Will speak louder than
' .j.
These brick are considerably lafger than'any
, , ,...! J J
oiner maoe in inis county.
N- B- A" k,nds r country produce taken in.
exchange except cabbage, not refused,
S'rONjS & WOLIf..
Sroudtburg. Monroe county, July 27' 1848.
85,000 BRICK
t Just burnt and for sale by the subsbriber.
These brick are of a Urge ize and of a supe
rior quality and will be sold as low, and lower
front, jamb and corniee brick of different kinds.
Sa bnc ir com.P8eJ of 8lel will
lan' lfae fire iin'niJnVv' lh "wering
for ,ht! PuPose oi ouiiaing oaKe ovens, dec,
all of hich will be' sold'on the most reasonable
'iJ. B,- Ai' kifl8 Sram aten in exchangV
for brick i l marke pripes,. arid
cash not refused. Wm. S. W'lNTEMUTE.
.oui$burg Jiity 6b, l848, ,
To the Voters of Monroe coun ty.
Fellow-Cihzeqs':--Being encouraged by many
friends in different parts of the County, 1 offer
myself as a, candidate for the office of
at the ensuing General election. Should I bo
so fortunate, as.lo be -elected, I pledge myself
to discharge the duties of said office with fidel
ity, personally, impartially; and to ih best of
my ability. kefpectfully. your frind,
Hamilton, July 13, 1848y?
To the, Voters of Monroe county.
Etlloto-Citi aenst'i Encouraged by numerous
friends 1 offer myself as a candidate for th of
fice of , .' , ,. 1 .
. ts ''''
. Register and Recorder,
at the epprdaching general ,e,lction, and res
pectfully solicit your votes and support. Should
I be so fortunate aH to receive majority 4jof
your suffrages J pledge myelf to discharge thri
duties of said office with fidelity, impartially, and
to the best of my ability. , i- ' ' '
Pocono, July 6, 1848. i;
To the Vdters of luonroe county.
FelloiDiCitisens:--Excoiraed by 'many, friend
from different parts of fbe punty, I offer my
self as a candidate for te pfHces of
at the ensuing General election- Should I ho
so fortunate as-to bp elected, iipledge.' myself
to discbarge the 'duties of said office with fidel
ity, personally, impartially, and to the best of
my ability. ; t Jj. -J.
i Respectfully,' 5'oyr friehdj '
Middle Smithfield, July 6 848.--te .
1 , i i u-: 7 1 -
To the Vdters of Monroe couiity.
Fellow-Citizens ; Encouraged 'by- numerous
friends I offer myself as a candidate for the
office of M. ; i' 1 j
at the approaching General election. -
Should I be so fortunate as to receive a 'ma
jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself tor dis
charge the duties of said office wuh ndslity,
personally, impartially, and to the beat of my
ability. Respecfully, your humble servant.
Stroudsburg, July 6, 1S48.
To the Independent Electors of
. Monroe County.
. Fellow-Citizbn's t-Encouraged by many
of my .friends, from differentparis-oAthe Coun
ty, 1. am again intluced to offer myself as a can
didate fot the- office .pf'-s 'V V
. . ii i ,hC s i i f f v j . .
at tho ensueing-Goneral Election. Should I be
so fortunateras iq receive a majority of your
votes L shall endeavbhrp'discharge the duties'
of said office with fidelity; and to the , best of
my ability. With sentiments of respect,
1 rerriaiiH yours truly, '
Smithfield township, June 29, 1848.
To the Peopfe of Monroe, eq&nty
Friends and FelloW'Qitizens ;Ehc6Uragedi
by many of.yau,,I am iuduced Jotoffer -myself !
as a candidate at the ensuing fall election, for
the office of . , - . .
Prothonotary and QlerJc of the Courts
,:! C County,,
and therefqre ir.espectfuly solicit!. your votes
and support. , If ejected;.; wilL.end.eavori.Ojperr
form the duties of.the office myself, with fidel
ity and toyout satisfaenpn.- c .
Respectfully and truly; . -Y"our
frie;ndand: fellow-citizen,' ,
M. Smithfield, June 29, 1848.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
Fellow Citizens Encouraged by numerous
friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of
' 1 1, 1 1 ! Hi
Prothonotary a?id Clerk of the several
. X'Ouris oj ivionroe county,
at Iha nnnrn.iiliini. K.nnr.l al.nlinn
at- ti, aupi yavuiii igciiciqi, biiji.vui,
, Should 1 be so, fortunate as .to receive a' ma
jority, of your suffrages, I pledge, mys.elf.t'o dis
charge the du'ies pfsaid pffieswiil) .fidelity;,
perpnallyimpartialy,'and to tlie best of my
ability. tJ i A ,tl t if , i , w
Respectfully, your humble servaqti
, . , M. H. DREHER.
Stroudsburg, June 22, 1848. v , ,
' 1 1
To the Free and Independent Electors
FELow-CiTiZENsr-rnipst tjjfeo.yeai rave
now expired since you did me the honor to.elect
me to the i offices Register and Recorder of
this County'. ,4 Havinff, tq the best of knqwl-
enge, launiuny ana -iiiipsniaiiy periormea my
official duties; a4id,asl'peiv.ed manyn
couragements from my- nurrirous frjends; jti dif
ferent pans of the County' I Keiefore take
the liberty of again offering myself, as a can
dtdate for (he same, offices,. t the ensuing
general election. -Shpuld I, bp so fbrtgnate as
to he re-elected. 1 will perform the .duties .in
cumbent upon me, (lo the best of my abrlity n
personally faithfully, and l! poisible, to yotif
entire satisfaction. , , ( '
With sentimefits of re'spectf'
J remriin your pqrjlfe tfVf n.'j
Stroudsburg, June 8, 1848 -ie,
For; sale at th'tf Office
rvew and heaw Hai'dirare.
,! Having purchased .the-stock of ,F W. Noble, .intends keeping at the abbTe- aiaiiil, a full as
sbrtment of Hardware, Cutlery and Tools qf all kinds. He has just received-and will cuutiiihti
to keep for sale at low prices, and liberal terms, a! large,-full, and t complete assortment of
American and English shelf aud heavy-Hardware Purchasers are respectfully invited to ex-
inehis stock, consisting in part of the following articles:
' Mr , ? - ' I "
For Mei'etiauli.
for Farmers.
Braces and Bits imBrdcest
Carpenter's planes and plows
Shingling and. lath hatchets
Glue and Glue;kettles- . v-
Iron and steeL squares, Bevels
Guages, Plane irons, Awls
Screw drivers, Auger Bits
.Firmer and mortice chisels
Files and rasps, pincers t
Brickand Plastering Trowels
Masons' and Chalk.Lines
A completelbt of American door
locks, with different knobs
Thumbiapd'drop latches
English ktiob and closet locks -
Iron;&;b)-ass shutter-fastenings
SasH springs, 'sash cord
Window Fasteners -Frame
and screw Pullies x
Wood screws, and' Clout Nails
Brads, kTack$, Finisning Nails
Cut and wrbught Nails
Strap aftd1 Table Hinges
Blind Hinges, Iron Castors
Horse Nails
Carriage springs, Iron axes
Sand and. Uil atones .
Shoe thread, coopers tools, &c
,For the Public Generally.
1 9 .
Table and .-Tea knivfes-ahd- forjts,-.
Penand'pocket knives; scissorsand shears,
Wade -and Botchers and Roger's razors,
Chapman's. Magic Razor- Strop,1 1
Iron, German silver, and plated Tes spoons,
German silver and Plated butter knives,
Japand gothic Waiters 'and Bread trays,
Snuffers and tray. Coffee, mills;-) ' -Shovels
and' tongs, Coal hods and 'sifters,
Brass and plated stair rodsj -' .
Lamps' and Candlestipks of all kinds, .
Japand spittoons, Tea. cannisters,
Po wder flasks and- shott Bells-,
Curriers knives, Butcher's1 saws,
I .(
The.aiteniioti of'Farmers is particularly called
Eastou, April 20, 1848. 6m.
. : ' - t .
By virtrie tif a( alia, wrrit of venditioni exponas-
irfniied out of the (Court of Common Flea
of Pike cpuniy, will be sold at the Court House
in Milford, on. . ,. . ; ? iV r.
Thursday, tihe 24th of , August next,
between tho hobrs of. 1 arid 3 o'clock in the .afternoon,-
the ifolla wing described tracts and part
of tracts of Lafid,;viz: the-equal undivided moi'
etyj'or- half ipart pf the. following, tracis of land
situate -in Lackawaxen townshtp,Pike countyv
One No. 135 in- ihe- warrantee name of John
Scott, containing Twenty-five Acres and seven-,
ty-four perches;- No. 136, Richard. Goodwin,
containing Fifty Acres and one hundred and
twenty perches. . No..157, John Scoii -containing.
Thirty Acres. and fifry-tworperche8.--No.t-139,Joeph
Wilkinson, -containing Fifty
nine Acres and one hundred and twenty perch-'
es.- 'Also'lhercqual undivided 'one fourth part of
the following tracts of land situate in-the town
ship aforesaid." No.-146, James Chapman, con
taining'Four hundred and thiity-one Acres-and
nine-five perches; No.. 140, Joseph fWilkinson,
containing- Three-. Hundred andninety-sieVen
Acres-and .fifty-four -perches ;'Nd. 141,' Jimes
Potier, Vcontaining' Fpur hundred and twenty-
ihreevAcres" and one hundred andjsevempei'ch
es;.;Io 148, James tWells,"-Jr containing vTwo
hundred, and thirty-eight Acres and-eighty per
chesj.No: 149, SamueMriscot containing-One
hundred ami ninety -nine Acres and eighty-three
perches; No. 150 JohnrLester cantataingvrwo
hundre'd Acfeand fift perches; Not l51, Jo
seph .Wilkinson, containing One hundred and
forty-thrfce Acres and. sixty. perches; No. 153,
Joseph Burr.'ComainingtFour huudred and.thir
tyseven Acres and eighty-seven perches; No.
4145, James Boyd, containing Three hundred
and nineiy-one Acres and fifty-four-perches ;
No. 142, James Wells, Jr. containing One-hundred
and twenty-two Acres and hundred
and thirty seven perches; No. 154, John.Con
nelly, containing .Four hundred and eighteen
Acres and eighteen perches; No. 156 Aaron
Howell, containing Four hundred and fourteen
Acres and one hundred and 50 perches Noi.147,;
Francis Baily, contjaining, Fou; hundred, altd
fourteen Acres and thirty-eight,, perches;, No.
123, Richard Howell, containing. .Four Ijundjed
antftwenty'ronejAcresand 34.perc,hes; Abraliam
Lukens, coniaiuitig Four,: hundred;, and. thfy
one Acres. Alqp the.equal undivided.;one,fourth
part of. ijiej folio wjngLots'.in Milford towjnship.
Nd,(,26, John .NeigHy, containir.g. "our hun
died andjhiny-seyeu creH and sity-two per
cbess4 No. 27, ,'ThpmaSj Copnarjl,, containin.g
Four .hundred andten. Acrea and' ninety-thvee
perches; No. r jntthe warrantee name of Dan
ujriitmcK, i containing ayuui . x tireo C7.i'indre.d
Acrps,. OnejOtheritijthe n,ame of John Brown,
containing. Qne htndred .and three Acres; and
forty, perches, situate pn'the Delawaro; River.
Also, another Lot jn the name of John Copper,
unop-wnicn-saiu lauas are erected a
3 nweltiiic Hon ftps.
a.'jBARrC'WAGON SHJan other o,ut. hou
ses;. bout 40 acres ofaaidjanda are improved.
,eized and tajcerr iri execution as he;propt
erty 9 Lew(is,St Coryell, and will be sbld by
me for cash onlv.; . j ,, ,?
JACOB HM1$. eriff.
, ' Per. J. M..yij,LiAiisoN, Deputy.
Sheriffs Office Milfordl A,;
July 27,1848.
The subscriber has on hand and offers for
.11." . ' .
sale,.i, superior assortment nf blanks; viz:
Bonds, 4C,
. L. F. BAWNfi'S.
Milford', November, '4; 1817",'
Culler v and Tool 8tdrei
For Builders.
Shovels and Spades
Hay and Manure Farias
Spade and Fork handles
Crow bars, pick aea. .
Grub and bug fioe,s. bash hooks
Buck, cuvmilijHand'satws
Salters spring balance, & steel
yards " ' .t
Bellows, 'sieves.'tjxtips
Halters, trace and log chains'
Grain, grass-. '.and. busht jcythes
Horse-brushes, cards arid comb.
Sleigh, house, and' "hand bells
Chopping axes, &c'&c
i i
Door scrabers and dhor knockers,
Coach wren.dhes and bed key, (
Mouse and rat; traps, i
Pailg and wash boards, : , s
Lonp. and hati handleuFrying pahs, -
Brass kettles, Enammelled Madcepans,
Patent metal ilea ketileH and .boilers,
Grid irons, Basting poon and ladles, '
Fleslt forks, skimmers, flat -irons,
Choppers. and. Min.cjng' knives;
Chet, till, trunk,, arid. Pad locks, ;
Axe helves, chinf I handles; 'mallets, eJe.v
Malleable Iron, Hub Bauds, Carriage sjwirigs,'
Wagon-boxes, Iron axje.s, cLa
to his stock of farming implements.
The Spring Session of the StroudsheT.Acad"
e77iy;dn Monday the .?ih iKv wheii
Reading, VVjijiiTiNo and Arithmetic will
taugh.tfibr $2per .quarter f 12 weekij Grajs
mar and GEOORAPHYy with the use of,rhe globe.'
and. maps, $250 AloebrjaAstrqomv, Botj
o?t, Iensdration; Boox-keepin Ph ilo
p.inv&c. $3. Beginners in Latin and Grjtsk:
for $3,50. - f t!!
All pupils charged from the time they rnUvjn- -til
the end of the quarter, except in cases of siak
ness. t !!,....:;,.! v..
The principal hopes- by -properl v ai seasonably-
imparttngtihstruciionitg:th?. you, pa
tient endurance in moral, traiiiiiig, and unwea
ried diligence in the . various, branches of hi-'
profeshibfi, to merit : and ohtain that patronage
and support; which the arduous duties of ah in
structor demand.' ' j : ;
Stroudsburg, .A pril (3, .1848. ' Principal., .
Teiinciat's WahingtoiA Gallery oS
No. 334, North iSecand street ,iV. W. oorntr
I . s of .Callowhill street, Philadelphia.
The Ltkenessiesitaken andjbeautituilv colored
at this well-, known establishmeiiL, for ,01
Dollar, are uhiversallyiConcededM.o be equal in!
every r.esppct to any in.. ihe city. Pictures ta
ken equally well in cloudy ani dear wHaiher'.',
A large assortmein pf(lef(-,iows and locQs
on hand, at from $2 to $5, ' including the pic
ture. The iSubscribers. respectfully invi.te irjeci'i'fe
zens 'of Monroe .county , to call ant) examine
specimens of the lates t improvements jn tho
artiof,Dague;reotyp'.ng, which will be exh'ibn
ed cheerlully and "WMhout chargei . v
'.' . ' T. & J. C. TENNIZNT.
Philadelphia, Ju ly 6, 1848.-6m
Francis S. Paiili,
In Stroudsburg, at S. Freifs old stand;
Where will be-found the largest assortment of
ib.e best and cheapest HATS and CAPS, ever
offered in this place, anrJ which he will sell, on'
he most., reasonable terms for Cash. The.
stock, is well selected, and just the kind suited
to, the present and. approaching season. The
supply of Hats on hand embraces the following:
. Also.Men and Boys'a white and 6iacl
wool Hats ; glazed and MonTery Hat; Fur
and wool spqriing and Ashland hats'. A gen
eral assdrttrient of Caps, such as otter, fur seal,
haictsqaj, rnuskrai, &c. Men's and Boys' ,fan-
cy anrj plain velvet, red plasn, and glaced Caps.
Thp,subscriber hopes tjy strict attention 16'
business to merit a liberal support, and astiuren
those, in want of Hats and Caps, that every pf
fort will be made to. please, keepnVg a supply
of the best and most fa.sliioriable article tut
hand. Persons tn want of ariieles'm his lin,
will find it to tfreir advantage to call on him, as
he will sell at the very lowest prices.
Call and)(8ee beforepurchasiug eUewhefe, r
hewil, charge ntJi.hiqg for showing his goods'.
Remember, Frey's old,iand.
, .FRANCIS s: P6W.
N. B.-"Furs bought at the highest ca'n pr'i-
Stroudsburg, March 9, l848.6mV
A good assortment of Watches, fpr xale
reduced prices, by JGH ft H. ML1 CK-
t Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846 ,