Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 20, 1848, Image 3

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dput the whole Geus. Scolt, Pillow and Worth.
o thcsuord. . I. PKatoii, July 17, 1848.
? The av,iet artillery hail been., fought to... charges preferred by General Pillow.a
,par upMhem, and, liule, doubt could be r: gaiiiNt QVneral Scott have been withdrawn..
,,,.ainetl that the insurrecuou could be P'tThe C,urt of Inquiry, to examiii .He charges
The hope iljus held out of -the termt-J ferred by General Scott agajhsf General
!tion ofhe insurrection w not however re-1 w,h. wi'l riieet on the 1st or AugusL '
i The fiehtttig continued the whole of' i- ; '
kp Wy wt'h a fearful '"ss .special We dopy lhe following item from ttib New York
f retrstt8 en Darnoriciere had received
,nl0' n.,;np. enabled htm 0 hem in the in-1
frm,VtheEHM impart f.f tjte city, anjl; Cluster County Bank. , ,r
edible vulnr., . ,, of the did issuei ofthis Bank have been paid into
aura ssmKisttaMuZi!BcssSj
v I Pnlirn Oazp.ttfi nrnmisino- (hnt wp. bnw ' nmhinrr
Lajnoriciere had received j . . -ti , . f .
ihuuohi on Moudav morning. earl)V the county Treasury, at Lancaster, Pa., by ol-
lujiCi would surrender, bujagatn in ihe hope lectors whc; reside in the Gap, Manheim township,
i lie! out. of the tertninaipn of the iusurrec- an(j olnej note. have been passed-in various parts
ihtw hei
..m immediately reiltzed.
To the Voters of Monroe coithlf.
Fellow-pitizicns: Being encouraged by mapy
friends Tn different parts of Hie County, I offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
T '.' HIGH SHEfelFF,
n the. ensuing General election. Should .! bp
sp fortunate. as electeitL I pledge' mysejl"! sortinent.
uy, personally, tmpariially, and. the hesi dl
my ability. . Kefpeciftilly-. y)ur friend. . ' i
. pete'r e'mmerrer..
Hamilton, Julv 13, 1848 .
New r an d , Cheap Hardware 9 Cut ler V aiMi 'jf 66i otrfc-
' . . aOUIHEfiST tOflNEH t)F tHK f-UBtlC: S'QUARk, EAST0.V. . '.
i ' '
11'.: ttlfS:j
3Lxbifpl 10 'c,,)ck; t httng was re- of lhe who comjniuej lhe robbery. The
ndUwa only after.a frightful strug- ; ; ; , ' ' " -p0Af
i r-niu two more nnuM mai ine govern- '
ofe ol s'.ul l" . . , county, on. suspicion, will be prosecuted by Attor-
e ,c verv where, rre.vailed. and the ." ;? n . r. . .
, tev beneral Oh.ampneys, and it is probable that
aeveiopernenis win men iaKe place to irace tne
r ofhe inMirrection bang broken; the tn- W .', ,
Tul phhlr -shot, takin or.soners.or fled developements y.U then take pi
sUr8!L. .rv niihe direcion of Vince..n.-s. moaey to Philadelphia in the hands of the " smash-
fT,e tfier." quaners. coupristng tfte fauburgs er" wholds it. ..The Bank has been offered, a
inrnie,'du T imple, Miiiiliuoiatu, and Pe- return of the money at 25 per pent, on the dollar,
"c0fl were tie last lubdued. The last 1 which would yield about $13,000, but' refused to
band tok refuge tt the celebrated cemiery, of ; assent to such arrangement at present, We have,
pere aClraise, b t the Qtarde Mobile hunted some important, information thatjwillaid inrecpv-.
ihetn eet from tl is sanciiary, and they were erng th'B jost treasure. and shall send it to the
6a,.ghred in thi ueighb.ring field,. ! proper authorities.
On ruesdav tl niurr;cion was definitely !
.... ! , A- L i . id- I ,
(juelled 1 he ic s oi Hie nas oeen lernuu
0feWr than fnrieeu general officers had
been P: hors dt combat; a greater loss th'an
tost Mleii id engigemeuts of NapoleOti.
Amonhoe 'wlJfell ajt Gens. Megrier, Denrt
l.fl Bra : GenJ Chanoluel and Renault and i
.On the 15h the Rqv. Win. Sc'ribner,
Mr. Enock: Werkheiser,,of Bartohsville, Mon
roe Co. and Miss Sally Sutrme, of Stroud
..,i.r .everelvioundtd. J ; r .. '
'a 1 .... m -t iS'inirnnr n t r.l
Firor five iembefs of the National As-! IV.Kia riijUAX is oniyone among many oi me
1 . . i i m .A nnmu rnnc r 1 1 montc U'hi rli rvn niriQfn in Irnnn.
einblyire amoirfihe klleU, ana as many more ; rT r-
. ciiii; .... ritip nf Imp h nnnr and pvnpnnnpe has shown thnt
most touching deatn m mat . . ,.r . 4
iew, ii any. are inure uiuicuti iu uvercuiue.. ui
the CHckener Sugar-coated Vegetable Pills have
grappled, successful with it in every form,. , Mrs.
Jones, of Albany, now upwarps of 50 years of age,
had, been subject to periodical leturns of this com
plaint from her earliest infancy ; and latterly,, had
been so violently affected, as to furnish indications
of deranged' intellect. Recourse Was had, as for-
W ho. when le was ruthlessly shot in his . j. ... rr. j i
foin ?d fell mitaily wounded.
-wourult, but ih
d ihe Yrchbisllp of Par'n. The venerable
PielaeJn Suntaj vounteered to go to the in-
uretn as a M Jienjjer of Peace, den. Oav
lunac Md that abh step was full of danger,
but ihi- Christif Pastor persisted. He ad
iiiped auendeibv his two Vicars towards
the biir cades, Jill an olive branch borne be
tinric nnli rttrn'P tho "iflfpftinn invvnrrl. nc nciml.
A e Veiiera- t r.rtrtrA tn limol-inn nut triith y-o il o or! vinlonpo
hie juant wasjjrdered by the insurgents 'ojThjj Docfo'r Jinaily recommended a box ot' Lees'
Hie Meiesi noaiiti in oi. ninumc, wwio no rius; uui uirougu auine unsuiKtj ui mo .ipuine-
sacraments, languisnec a
cary s
Clerk, a box af Clickenner's Sugar Coated
rpcp.ivf tne UK J
ha" site ditd ' j Purgative Pills was sent in jlelr stead. Having
Thetdmr (I he Pere Duchesne, M. Larnche ; l"e faith in Pills of any description, and being
wa, h in .1 lead at the barricade Roche- mher supeatitious withaU, th?y concluded that
Wd , 1 j, , . , Providence had a hand in the .substitution, and
hnart, herf lhe dress of an ouvner he was after u mjght lurn QUt for lhe be5t They ac-
fiohuuiat tit bad of a party of insurgents, j COrdmg1y made use of them The result .of a ve
il tiiffitu .o asCKtiajn, from the telegraph- ry few doses, left no cause to regret their supersti
ic repts. V " were the chief mover m the ' tious notions. The patient rapidly recovered,. and
revoK But ere have been, evidently, men i has -had no attack of Erisypelas since. The Doc-.
,.f n..hi?a l shaariiv t th head of it. ; tor wals highly delighted at the supposed success
It J rUbly be never correctly ascer- i ofKhi,s Prf cPlin : but was so completely aiton
. , 'TT f u c ew ished. when he discovered his error, that .he re-.
ta.neo. mil we n u.c u,, solved from lhal-time forwardt t0 prescribe nnming
life inhiJ igStful btruggle has reached dse in case of Erisypelas, but Clickeoer's Sugar
Sometmnt s-the loss on the side of thet troops ( Cbated Vegetable Pills.
at fror9,( (;ioi0,000 slain, but we hope thii j For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Sckoch,
is exajer ed. jThe number of prisoners cap- lhe only authorizedagent for Stroudsburg.
tured tli insurgents exceeds 5,000, all the ' 1
nrisiiran filled as well as the dungeons and QUMMER WEATHER It should be remem-
vnlic nvfhi TmlleriR!.. the Louvre. Palais bered-tbatunng the intense heat ol snramer,
Roval, the chamber of Deputies, and the Hotel 'he P88 of digeaiion is performed with such
, v ii . i - l t i extreme languor, that the food, instead of being
deVille. A military commission has already , digaolved an converted int0 nutriment, .become!
been appointed to try such as were found with spojiledt or putrified in the stomach. Hence bad
arms in their hands, and they will probably be j breath, disagreeable taste in the nouth,"cplic pains,
transported to the Marquesas Islands, or some dysentery, cholera morbus and other disorders of
trans-ailantic French colony. the intestines.. , . - ,
A derrep has hppn nrnnnsed with that obiect. ! Wright's Indian Vegetable, Pills' axe a certain
W t,n.. Bi.M1.. , r0...,i .Vm. f cure for the above dangerous complaints ; because
it. ' ikf u u-.u".. i they cleanse the alimentary canal of those bilious,
., , , , , 'and putrid .humors, which are the cause, not. only
suu.ime courage, un me omer nano me sav- f disorders of the' bowels, but of every melady
age cruelty wun wntcn me insurgents -wageu Jncident t0 man
war m6bt exceeds belief. They torturerj Beware of Sugar Coaled Counterfeits. Re
some f their own prisoner, cut off their hands 'member, that the original and only genuine Indian
arid feel and inflicted barbarities worthy of sav-1 Vegetable Pills Have the written signature of Wil
ages. The women were hired to poison the "A" Wright or the top label i of each box.
wine Sn!,l m th sn!dir. whn h tppIp,! , r sale by George H. Miller, who. is the only
t , ru t i. i i j authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise
and dieo. it seems to be believed generally r ,u ra, iA ,un,
r i iimu. ii ii in iir i iiwri in niiiiiimi uuiuiiiii.
Office and general depot, 1G9 Race sr.. Phil'a.
that if the insurgents had succeeded in' follow
ing up their most admirably concerted plan tf
operations, and having advanced their ho'e and
posseased themselves of the Hotel de Ville ,
nd followed up their success along the banks
l the river, that .the whole city would have
been given up to pillage. Indeed the words)
jjillage and rape are said io have be.errinscrib-i
' rt nfi r t. .. M..t I . I.
- uu vine ui ihoii udiiiicio. ni less man . , .
30,000 stand of arms have been siezed and cap- 25000' UOJJteS Md 111 1 liree MontllS !
lured In the Fauburg St. Antoine alone. Years of suffering, of physical andnnental an
Strange and terrible overflow of the strong- guish to many an affectionate wife, ahd pecuniary
st passion aod emotion of human nature. So djfficuHies to the husband, mfght have been spared
. 2gi and hwcible a. desolation wrought in the hyx a ttoely-possession of this work,
heart il a oily by the hands of her own citizens T. Js.. :Lni a :j .u
!V .d.,hM.no1 wl"essed in the whole sur-; contemplating marriage, as it discloses important
Most Extraordinary Work!
The Married VoirianV
pr'qf'essor of diseases of woman.
Sixth Edition.' 18mo. pp 250. Price SI
vey 7f historic memory, and the arms of" a
stranfr and an enemy would ,have been de-
otedi eternal infamy U ihey had inflicted so
wfW chastiiementton the great city of Paris.
3otjut hersblf could punish her iniquities or
rffr r-
f it 'ftw Journal for July contains an elo-
IqtiMUon Judge LewisVdelvere(1 al 'he
JV4tof Common picas (Jourt a.' Lancaster,
on. 4wief ascertain man devisnd hia
w'ihiB projp.rty, "provided she xetu"-in a
widdnrng her life ; hut in cane she suou.'d
PreJ?f &c The widw having married
afiFtvas. brought bo other heirs of the
to lecover the nrtfceriy. Judge Lew.
" fMCiedIlla, "lno contUtion in restraint of
rlfri w id, and the second marriage of
.ti. ,s ' uiveof ucr reiaie uie
secret which should be known to them particular
Truely, knowledge is power. It is health, hap
piness, affluence.
The revelations contained in it3 pages have
proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumera
ble letters received by the author will attest.
Here, also, every female the Wife, the mdther.
the one either budding into womanhood or the one
in the decline of years' in whom nature contem
plates an important change can discover the cau
ses, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies,
and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint
to which her sex is subject.
Copies will be sent by mail free of postage to the
.. - - -vi m uwti UUU. UIUIO III CUII-
Hon attempted to b(f
lPe by testator upon hi widow."
gan, my will i she shall . Ieae (i.e rx . .u j i i .u
ifr" .,f , .. ." Over ten thousand copies have been sent bv
m.ail withih.three months.-with perfect safety and
On it';e receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Wo
man's; Private Medical Companion" will be sent
('milled free) ,t0 an7 Parl 0lhe United States. All
lettes must be post-paid (except those containing
a rpilnittanr and addressed to Dr. A. M. Mauri-
ceai Box 1224, New-York City. Publishing Of
rice.!. Liberty-st., New-York. .
Tike 'Married Woman's Private Medical Com
pan At," is sold by booksellers throughout thp Uni
ttidtes. July 6, -1848 2m.
Jllncijgs of morality .ihb policy of the na
su..-fi, floennes of ih4 common' lawihe
ji r-Biiu HIO IttWT
To the Voters of Mdriroe county.
Fellow Citizens .'--Encouraged, by numerous
friends 1 offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of .
Register and Recorder,
at the approaching general election, and res?
pectfully solicit your votes and support. Sh'ould
I be so fortunate as to receive a majoriiy of
your suffrages I pledge myself to dispharge the
duties of said office with fidelity, impartially, alid
to the best of my ability.
Pocono,.luly 6, 1848.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
- Fellow-Citizens:-' Encouraged by many friends
from different parts of the County! I offer, my
self as a candidate for the office of .
at the ensuing General election. Should 1 be
so fortunate as to be elected, I pledge, myself
to discharge jhe duties of said office with fidel
ity, personally, impartially, and to the best of
my ability.
r Respectfully, your friend,
Middle"Smithfield, July 6, .1848.--te.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
, Fellow-Citizens .'Encouraged by numerous
friends I ofler myself as a candidate for the
office of, ; .
at the approaching Genera election.. ,
, Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma
joriiy of your suffrages, I pledge myselfjo dis
charge, the duties of said office with ndehty,
personally, impartially, and to the best of Wy
ability. Respecfullyvyour humble servant.
.... 5 , JAMES JNT. DURL1NG.
Stroudsburg, July 6. 1848.
to 1
Having purchased the .sfock of, r , Vv. JNohle, imenda keeping al ttu above, stand,,, a JnlLan-i
of Hardware, CulJery atid Tools of all Jiijids. ,ie has just reqejyed and vill cotijiu
ieep ic)rsaift,atju.,.v; prcesf,anu, on noerai terms, a ,iarge, iun,tanu , complete assoruneiji w
American and English shelf and heavy Hardware. ,, Purchasers are r.esjjectfully.iivited to,,i
amine. His siock, qtnisisiing in part ol ihc,tollowiug articles
For. ITIes;Isnils.
4. t
Braces and Bitij, iron Braces
Carpenter's, planes and plows
Shingling and lath hatchets -Glue
and Glue fettles
Iron and steal squares, Bevels
Guages, Plane. .iron, Awls
Screw drivers, Auger Bits
Firmer and mortice chisels
Files and fasps, pincers
Brick and Plastering Trowels
Masons'jnnd Chalk, Lines -
Carriage springs. Iron axes
oanu anu uu siones
Shoe thready coopers tools, &c.
For Farmers;
A complete lot of American door
locks,, with different' knobs
Thumb -and drop latches
English knoband cldset locks
Iron &, brass shutter fastenings
Sash springs, sash cord .
, Window .Fasteners ;
Frame find screw Pullies
Wood. screws, and Clout Nails
Brads, Taoks, Finisning Nails
Gut and wrought Nails -Strap
andsTable Hinges
Blind'Hinges,.lrori Castors .
Horse Nails '
For Builders.
Shovels-a rid Spades .? . .'..'"
Hay and" Manure Forks,., '..tft
Spade and Fork handles , '.tt
Crow bars, pick axes , ' "V ,
Grub and big hues, biisli hoiik,s
Buck, -yA cut. mill & hitnHs
Suiters' spring balance, (Srste'el'--yards.
. :."H
Bellows, sieves, oxtips . r,
Halters, raceind log chains
Grain, grass- and busht scytlie.s
Horse brushes 5 cards antl.qomUs
Sleigh, bp4use,.aiid.jijn(i JJells
Cjhopping axfcs,&c &c -
For the Public (y&ieralty..
To the Independent Elector of
Monroe County. ; ,
P'ellow-Citizens : Encouraged. b many
of my friends. from different -paris of the Coun
ty, I am again induced to ofler myself as a cap
didate for the office of v.
at the,,ensueing General Election. Should I be
so fortunate, as to receive, a majority of your
votes I shalj. endeavor to discharge the duties
of said office with fidelity, and to the best of
my ability. With sentiments of respect,
9 1 remain yours .truly, .
Smithfield township, June 29, .1848.
To the People of Mo'ifoe county.
Friends aid Fellow-Citizens .--'Encouraged
by many, I am induced to ofler myself
as a candidate at the ensuing fall election, for
the office of
Prothonbtary and Clerk qf the Courts
of this County, it
and therefore respectfuly .solicit your votes
and support. a If elected, I will endeavor to per
form the duties of.the office myself, with fidel
ity and io youx satisfaction.
' Respectfully and truly,
Your friend and fellow-citizen. ?
M. Smithfield, June 29, 1848.
To the Vo'ters of Monroe county.
Fellow Citizens Encouraged by numerous
friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of ,
Prolhonotary and Clerk of the several
Courts of Monroe county,
at the approaching general election.
Should 1 be so fortunate as to receive a ma
jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to dis
charge the duties of said offices, wiih fidelity,
.personalty, implartially, and to the best of my
ability. .
Respectfully, your humble,sprvant, -,
Stroudsburg, Juno 22', 1848.
Table and Tea knives and forks,
Pen and pocket knives, scissors! and shears,
Wade and Bulclitirs and Roger's razors', '
Chapman's Magic, itazor. &tropv '',
Iron, German, sijver, and plated Tea, spoons,
Gjerrnan silver and Plated hutrer. knives,
Japand gotjbic Wallers and Bread trays -
Snuffers and trays, Coffee mills, ; '
Shovels and-tongs, Coal hods and sifters, '
Brass and plated siair rods,'
Lamps and Candlesticks of all kinds,
Japand .spittoons, Tea cannisters,
Powder flasks and sljol behs, ,
Curriers knives. Butcher's saws,
The attention of Farmers is particularly called to his stock of farming implements.
Eaion, April 20. 1818. 6m., . . .
Door .scrapers and door knockers,
Coach; wrenches and bed keys, ;iK!
" Mo"t:?,.rat-trapV .. , ' . , ; uU ot mtiU
Pails and w,ash boards, .. A, xn'ifWf
Long and hhort handle F1ry'ing..pansrHVi
Brass kettles, uammelled taucepans V :;
Patent metal; tea lettls and .boilers. t
Grid Ironc, Basting sppntis afil ladlua,.'a?
FI.esh. forks, skimmers, 'flat irons, -
Choppers.and Mjnciijg knives,
Chet,. till, truulc, and. Pad l.ocksj . - .-. h
Axe helY;s,HchjM'l handles, imallels. etc .n i
Malleable 1 rou, Hub Bands, Carriage springsftll
Wagpn boxes, Iron axles, .&ic.,
85,000 BRICK . .
! Just burnt and for sale by the nub'bbriber.
T(hese brick are of a large size and .of a supe-.
rior.qualjty and will be, sold as. low,, and lowe, o ihtx. quality than..any other hrick,i i
the CAunty. A portion of them ars pressed or;
front, jamb and cornice (rick of dinerent kinds.
Said brick are composed of material that will
stand the fire with impunity, thus, answering
for the purpose of building bake ovens, &c,
all oi wiiicn wui ua soiu on tne most reasonable
terms. , . ,
. N. B: All kinds of grain !,aken in exchange
for brickbat the highest market prices, and
cash not refused. .' - i . '
Stroudsburg, July 6th, 1848. ,
To the Free and Independent Electors
FELLOW-CiTizENs:--Almost three years have
now expired since you did me the honor to elect
me to ihe offices of Register and Recorder of
this County. Having, to the best of knowl
edge, faithfully and impartially performed my
officiaTduties; and as I have received many en
couragements from my 'numerous friends in dif
ferent pans of tlie County, 1 therefore take
the liberty of again offering myself as a can'-j
didate for the same offices, at the ensuing
general election. Should I be so fortunate as
to be re-elected, 1 will perform the duties in
cumbent upon me, (to the best of my ability)'
personally, faithfully, and if possible, to your
entire satisfaction. 1
With sentiments of respect,
I remain your public pprvant.
Stroudsbtirg, June 8, 1848 -te.
For safe at this Office.
TeHEienl's Washington Gallery of
No. 234 North Second street, N. W. corner
... of Cpllowhill street, Philadelphip. , ,.
The Likenesses taken andjbeauiifully cploed
at this . we'll known1 establishment, for One
J)ollar, are universally conceded to be equal in
every respect, to any in the city. . Pictures .ta
ken equally well in cloudy and clear weaiher.
A large assortment of Medallions, and Lockets
on .hand, at from $2 to S5, including ihe, pic
ture.' ' . i, i i
The Subscribers respectfully invite the .citi
zens of. Monroe .county, to call and examine
specimens, of the -latest improvements in thy
art of Daguerreotyping, which will bo exhibit
ed,cheerlully and without charge.
;r . . . T. & J;C, TENNENT.
Philadelphia, July 6, 1848.--6m
. ,.mass meeting; ;
4 Francis Pauli, .
In Stroudsburg, at S. Fretfs old stand,
Where will be found the largest assortment of
the best and cheapest HATS and CAPS.'ever
offered in this place, and which, he will sell on
the most reasonable terms fo'r Cash. The
slock is well selected, and just the kind suited
to the present and approaching season.. The
supply of Hals on hand embraces the following:
BEAVER,'- tefe SILK,
Also Men's and Boys's white and black
wool Ilats ; glazed and Monter-y Hats. Fur
and wool sporting and Ashland hats. A gen
eral assortment of Caps, such as otter, ,fur seal,
hair seal, .musk rat, &c. Men's and Boys' fany
cy and. plain velvet, red plush', and glaced Caps.
The subscriber hopes by strict attention to
business to merit a liberal support, and assure
those in .wanPof Hats and Caps, that eyery ef
fort will be made to please, keeping a supply
of the best, and most fashionable article oil
hand. ; Persons ih want of articles in his 'lino,
will find it, to their advantage to call on him, as
he will, sell at the verjTTowest. prices.
Call'and see before purchasing elsewhere;
Jie will charge nothing for s.howtug his goods.
Remember, r rey s old stand. K . t
N. B. Furs bought at the highest cash pri
ces., -Stroudsburg, March 9, 1848. Gm.
,t The subscriber has on. hand and offera foi
sale, a superior assortment of blajiks, viz:
Deeds, Mortgages,
Executions, BiiiiniiQvises,
Subpoenas, J3onds, 6jc,
Mtlford November, 4; 1 8 17.
... .! . I !
The Spriii.Session'of the Siroudxburg Acadr
emy will open on Monday the..7ih nii..,. v-hen
READiNGj Writing and ARjiTHarF.Tic vijl r
taught for S2 per quarter of 12 veek. Gram-
.mar ar.d GEqGRAP;iyvwnh t,he use of lhe.gUyheH
and?map!rS2,50 Algebra.iAstron.osi', Bot-
PH,y,-&c. S3. Beginners m Latin and Greek
for $3,50. .
iAU pupils charged from the time they enter un
til the, end of the quarter, except in cases of-sick-ncss.
. . ...
. The principal hopes, by properly and sen
sonably imparting instruction to ihe young, pa
tient endurance in mora training,. and uttwpa
ried diligence in the. 'various branches of' his'
profession, to merit and obtain ihat patronage'
and jsupport which the arduous tluiies of an in-;
structor demand. ' 4 '
; . . . ' THOMAS HARRI"';
Stroudsburg. April 6, 1848., Principd.
No. 14 New Washington Marka,
j ' ' And 55 West Broadway, r f
dealer? in " . -,. .qv;--,
Bitlter, CIieese,f us, Pork Poultry
:r siiid Gatiie. t. .
- Liberal advances made on Country. Produce!
Storage atireduced prices. 1 ' " f
! May 18,'J848.-r-3m :
. i 1 - ' ,
Thos. A. -Boyd. Morris. R. StroudV
ilOYB & STKOUB,' ' J ;
I' . - ALEX. READ, .
Importers of & Dealea-s ih,
China, las & ueensw'ircT: :
Four doors below the Merchants' HoteU
January 2'e, 1848. 6m. , - S
i . f:h. Smith v,.-
Pocket Book, and jllbro ceo Case
Masiiafactiircr, , 1
Has .succeeded H. P. S1STY, at the Old
Stand, 52 1-2 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia.
Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases and-Portlitlios
,of every description. Part Mannare., Ivory Tab
lets, Caro! Cases, Dressing Cases, Segar do..,'
Writing dp., Backgammon Boards and Chess
men, Gold Pens, Snyder's, Chapman's atid
Saunder's Razor Strops; Fenny's Tally ho Ra
zors, Roger's, Vade $ Butcher's, Jackson.
Chinese and Egyptian Razors, Pen Knives amJL
Scissors, of every description, Howie and Dirk
Knives; also, a large assortment of Fa'iicy Sta-
lionary, at the lowest rates. f '
Jobbing done with ueamess and' despatch.
April 6, 1848. 3m. '
To canvass for somb New and Popular
.Worlis, i every County throughout the United
States. Tq Agents, the most. liberal encour
agement ia offered with a small capital of from
.$25 to 100. A chance i$ offered, whereby
an Ag'jni can. make from $10 lo $25 pnr -whpIs.
For further particulars, addres (po-i piid.)
INTo. 158 North Second Street, PhiladelphTat
April 6,1848.
V- 'f ' , I'l.
, r. Towusciitt's
Compound Extract of.
For sale at the HAT & CAP 'STOl.'f
. . . i: FRANCIS S, PAUL!-
Stroudsburg-,; Juqe 22, 1848,
Fine Fen-Knives and fiazord.
A good assortment, for sale low, bv.
- g JOHN II XifUC'K.
Stroudsburg, JaiTbary 1, 1 S 18"
h :