Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, June 15, 1848, Image 3

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    leniien, of Kentucky, Joseph. Gales of the Nation
al Intelligencer. Col. Morgan of New lork, Col.
I! Haskell of Tennessee,' Col. Newton of Arkansas',-
Judge Saunders of Louisiana, ana many oiners
(men of 1 acknowledged .integrity and fidelity, who
have known him intimately from their youth,
shared with hiin the perils: and haitiships, of the
battle field, or now enjoy his society and confi
dence) that a; founder or truer Whig than Z'Acn
arv Tay6r dpes not breathe the free air of this
republic," we are left without a loophole to h'ang a,
doubt upon, We yield him our. Cordial support.
M HAiirVFiViMORfc is a citizen of the great State
of New York is 'now employed m' ' tW faithful
discharge of Ihe important 'and responsible office
of Comptroller of that State, with whicli he has
been lioh'ored by a vast majority of the suffrages
of the neoDle was a leading member of Congress
ifPE. W. Cahu, Esq., of the biiy of Phi adel- itlVj.w, ,io6- orwi ne f ua rkm
i, 7 is authorized to receive subscriptions and j -
'' ivVriisements for the " Jcjfersonian Republican? 'mitteb of Ways and Means, in 1842, framed the
" Office. Sun Buildings, corner 'J'hird and Dock Protective Tariff which restored the prostrate'd in
rocJs, opposite the. Merchant's Exchange; and ?uslj.$ 5f the country to the almost" unexampled
t prosperity which fbllowe1 its enactment. His
j abilities are acknowledged by a.11 parties and his
:. t-orl. .tiiintonnnpo liocnonL tli finnoct nnrl rn
Jscfentious man. He is deservedly popular and
Thiirsttay? Jmc 15,
no in advance. $2,25 UiUf yearly knit $2.50 if not
Tains,?--, paidbef0rc ti,e dndMrthu year,
rj jjRNES, at Milford, is duly author
ized to act as Aent for this paper;to receive s'oh-scriotiou'-;,
advertisements, Orders fbr job-work,
.1.1 1'pivinents for the same. - . . .
j io North Fourth street.
Thomas M T. M'IvENNA.v,if Washington,
John P, Sanderson of Lebanon.
1 Joseph G. Glarkson,
2 John P. Wethenll,
; James M. Davis,
4 Tim. W. Duffield,
ft Daniel 0. H inter,
(") Jn.thtia Duncan,
7 John D. Steele,
s John Landis,
9 Joseph K. Sinticker
10 Charles Snyder
11 William G Hurley,
12 Francis Tyler, j
13 Henry Johnson,
14 William Colder, Sr.
15 (not filled)
Id Charles W. Fisher,
it Andrew G. Curlin,
18 Thos.;R. Davidson,
19 Joseph Markle,
20 Daniel Agnew,
21 Andrew W Loomis,
22 Richard Irvin,
23 Thomas H. Sill.
24 Sainl. A. Purviarice
Tlie Nominees of the Whig ConVeii
The great Whig party of this Union, (says the
j held in high esteem by. all who know him.
1 c-s. i it. . .ll'L ' -'1. r.t.
- oucn are me men wnoiu ine yt iu: ui um uni
ted States have selected as their s'tandafd bearers,
arid who will carry 11 triumphantly to' victory.
Wiih"a proud1 assurance of their vvbrthiness of the
highest honors rind most important trusts, we this
clay raise their n'rimes at the head of our columns,
in the undoubting conviction that the unpurchash
able suffrages of the people will proclaim on the
7th of November next; by an overwhelming ma
jority, that .they shall take the places which have
been too long used and abused, to the injury of the
country, for the benefit of trading politicians and
political gamblers.
j r:
Peace at ibasU
After all the conflicting rumors whicli we: have
been receiving for the last few days,' the certainty
has at length arrived J3y reference to a telegraph
ic dispatch to The Tribune, in another column, it
will tie seen that the Treaty of Peace had pa9sed
ihe Mexican Senate at Queretaro by a,vote of al
most live-sixths viz : 23 to 5. The vole in the
Chamber of Representatives was, it will be remem
bered 51 35 a sufficiently strong majority but not
so satisfactory as the former. The average of
these results may be taken as a fair index to the
sentiment of the copntry concerning the question
of ueace, and in the present shifting condition of
4 W
... The .European Jffcws.
With the exception of more definitearid satis
fastory particulars of the late scenes in-Paris; the
Niagara brings little, farther inle'lligence-frorh' the
Continent than we had already received by the1
Untied Slates. Since the complete overtlirowof
the plans of the Radical party," or Terrorists, as
they are ho'tf staled, the Frehchv Republic stands
on a" more secure footing than aver. The univer
sal, condemnation-' wh'ich this step ha3 received
among all classes of the people, augurs; well for
the maintenance of order and internal rWm6riy,
without which the' National Assembly will' make
but slow and unsatisfactory progress. ;
In" Italy tlie hbstile armies are still appfdaching
nearer each other ; several slight engagements
have taken place,' in which neither side could
justly claim a vicory, and some decisive battle,
whose result'shall be an orrien of good or ill' to the
Rebublicans of the Ttalia'il League, is anxTously
awaited. t . t ' . '
The greai Sclavonic provinces of Austria are in.
a State of increasing, ferment, and while the
sythemen of Posen have finally yielded ,to Prus
sian power, these branches of the same baib'arian
stock are fast preparing ihe way YoV'a fierce'
struggle for political independence and a recovery
of llieYr long-lost nationality ( '
The interest 6T the great world-drama shows
no signs of flagging ; but each succeeding scene
develops some new and startling principle 6f ac
The tibercy Abolition JLeagKC.
This arm of the liberty party w.ere holding a
Convention at Rochester on nhe 1st instant. J
I hey noruinated Charles G. loot. . of Michigan,
for .Vice-Presidetit;. There were ,25 votesqast,
and C. Foote got 18. Gerritt Smith is the'lfeiigue
candidatufor the Presidency.
The ndnesdale Dtnio'eral, says ihe; nomina
tion of this tjeiHleman for ihe Preaidenc, seenis
0 creaie but ln.tle einliusiasni aniong our ,1'jco
luco frie iitls in ihis vicinity. In fact it is but
seldom we hear his name 'mepjioneri. ft is.
possible, however, iliai after some of . the party
j leaders! contrive Si ays ariil means" to cover
up the old man's "black cockade," and hide
his "ancient federalism" we shall hear a loud
huzza for liis ''denldcra'c-y.'' We 'axb willing
to give a.lutle time for our democratic friends
to convert aii old federalist into a genuine dem
ocrat.. ,'Phey wilkundoubtedly soon have Geh:
Cass "dyed in the. wool."
Bucks Co. Intelligencer,) through its chosen rep
resentatives, in National Convention, has spoken, i Mexican affairs, furnishes the best security we
It is our duty as well as. pleasure to proclaim our possess that the1 treaty will be kept inviolate,
approbation of its decision. FW every quarter j TwQ y eiperience 0f the hardships and hor
d the nation delegates came up prepared to urgfi j rQ-s of wdrthfe osa uf thousands of men by bat
the claims of. their respective favorites, upon the j (,e anJ dis6age. arid of over one hundred millions
consideration of their brethren, and to counsel to-1 bf doUars.t bn ihg 6Hfe handHwithoiit ctffintih'g Mf.
gcther for the common good of their common coun-; lhre-e in-niionSf and he fifteen- nilllions Jor'
try. Their intercourse and deliberations were : 0Uf Califorlfia desert)) and on the other the com: and unfettered-their exertions earnest and j bined horrorg fcf invasionj anarchy and naljonal
energetic. The represenatives of no one portion ( bfeggaryhave wcaried the Capacity of one nation
of the Union possessed advantages over those of . n( ihfi enduranc(, of lhe other Peacej under al.
another portion; but every thing was conducted i.faogl y circumfanceSi would have been prefBr:
in a spirit of fairness. The result of their dehber- j b,e trf a conlinuance of lhese afflfctions. That
. i l i .i. .. r . i. ;
uu.. d..Uda.uU UCBI u.e prmauou u. uie J lag been obtained, under circumstances so hu-4
names oi uen. ZiAUnAKi tAii.UK and Mil,- j mllali lo ihe fide )T Mexico, thoh too dear-
riviunasxnecanoiaaiesoi me nigj , bougnl ort our 0wrf part, is to be attributed to
roiM " , .
dent of the United Slates
ami nntrmtin rltipn if will lp nur nlasurp' nften
.... . , . The presence 6fth6 American Commissioners
10 speak in the coming canvass and we uall j ' . , . .
therefore occupy our present limited space with . . , ... , v, .
, r 1 r t . 1 of ratification. A general order has already been'
only a few remarks of obvious propriety. b , ,
7, - rr rr, , ... , , issued, calling together our troops for speedy em-
Who is Zachary Tayix)u? ' will riot be asked ' , . , , , T r , i .
1 1 - 1 k barkation : and with the exception of the forces
bv any man, woman, or child, in the country. Asi . ' - . ' . . ,. .
. , c a 1 i r necessary for protectihg the new frontier, the
las name and fame are enthroned in the hearts of! J '
, c , , . . 111.. in greater part of the army will return to more quiet
a grateful people so his noble character challen-; b 1 J 1
. .. , , . c v , . ! rfnd Christian occupations. But we have not yet
jes the admiration and respect of every enlighten-j 1 J
i . v , j , , 1T. A, .... done with the war-. W e shall feel its spirit for
eJ republican throughout the land, ills modesty , . cu
of deportment, his' unbounded benevolence of many years xo come, in. ouraensome expenoes, m
c .i cc r n i ir; n :
iih me uiutcb uiiiesiuciu aim rite i iwi- , .,.i.' j i..i:.rAv. ,ui ..v .
iiui tvcutimicu uifiiuiiiuu, idiiici maw iu vaiik ui
Of these distinguished . .. ... 3 .
v r uiH iiniTtHr .1111111 ill irir ri Hri.
...w J
Oeii.Cas Huiig ill Effigy.bYlIie Pc'sara
sylvtiaua Volimleers.'
s From the Reading Journal.
We are indebted to a friend for the following
letter from Sergt. Graeff,'a member of the corps
of Artillerists,' dated San Angels, April '26 1848;
It serves to show the esteem in which Gen. Win
field Scott is held by those gallant spirits, who
fought so nobly linder his command, as well as the
deep indignation that pervades the Army on ac
count of the persecution with" which lie has been
visited by the Government. It also serves to
show what the Pennsylvanians, and the Volun
teers generally in our gaUant army, think of Mr.
Senator Cass the same Lewis Cass who is now
the Candidate of the Locofocb party for the high
est office in tlie gift of the people WHO WAS
CITY OF MEXICO, and after remaining all day
inthis undignified position, who was in the even
ing cut down and COMMITTED TO THE
FLAMES ! What a positfon for the great em
bodiment of the Locofo'co party 1 These galia'rit
fellows little dreamed then that the Locofoco Con
vention would endorse the outrage which) Cass i was !
instrumental in perpetrating upon their fights , by
nominoting him for the Presidency.
llu't to the letter. It speaks for itself, and is
written by'c'ne'whost) au'ttibrity maj' Ue "jelied on i
for the facts it contains. -. Sefgt. Graeff is a citi
zen of Reading, well known to every man fn this
community,' whovwas among the first to volunteer
for the war," acrid has' done good;service ever since
CbNSTlPATION of the Bowels or costive
ness, headach, giddiness, pain in the side and
breast, nausea and sickriess, variable appetite, yel
low or swarthy complexion,&c. are the usual symp
toms of Liver Complaint.,, Wright's Indian Veg
etable Pills are always certain to remove the abdve
complaints, because they purge7 from the bb;Hy
those morbid humofs Whicli are' the cause not orf
ly of all dispftlers of the liver, but of every mala
dy jncident to man. A single 25 cent box will; in
all cases give relief and' perseverance will most
assuredlv drive every particle of disease from the
bbdy. . , .
Beware of Sugar Coaled Counterfeits. Re
member, that, the onginal and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the Written signature of Wiii-
liam VVimght on the top label of each box.
For sale by CreurgeH. Miller, who is the only
authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise-
i r -i " . , "
-ment ior oiner agencies in anonier column..
Office and general depot, 169 Race st. Phil'a.
1 ITehrV Sillus, Russ.. .'
2 David HelleV,. Price." cif'-A
3 Joseph Gruber, Polk.. '
4 Franklin Starbird, Jjirouc
5 Frailcis Mange, Pric'e-r
6- William Wimemute; Stroud.
7 Joseph Pmaivpycqco;
8Iohn Roads, Price. 'jrj&t l
9 Leonard Biirtrorj, SmirhTfelO ' ,
1 0 Vilham Long. J r., Pribe.v J?
11 Janies Vaii Bukirk, StruudlS
12 Edward Engler, Ross. f
13 Levi Strofuse; Stroudi ;
14 Jairies Andre, V 'frx
15 Jacob VV. Singer, jncfcsbtr. !
1G John Turn, Sen., .MS'hlitllheld.
17 William Clements, giVomfe
18 John FrankeiiliRld:-
19 Adam Weifs, Chestnuiliijlr-
w. -
D. SCHLEGEL, has on hand, at his es
tablishment in Elizabeth street a few doors
below J. Knee fit's hotel, a large and well se
lected stpck of clothing of all. varieties. Ashe
wishes to discontinue the business he, is anx
ious to dispose of his entire stock, at ihe .very
lowest prices, for cash, or three months credit
with approved security.. All articles in his
line of business may be obtained 20 per cent,
cheaper than elsewhere, and it is the interest
of all purchasers to give turn a call.
Stroudsburg, June 8, 1.848.--3t.
To the Free and Independent Electors
FKLLOw-CiTizENs:--Almost three years have
now expired since you did me the hoiinr to elect
me U) the offices, of Register 'and, Recorder of
this County. . Having', to the best of knowl
edge, faithfully and impartially performed my
official duties; and as I have received many en
couragements from my.numerous friends in dif
ferent riaris of the County, I therefore take
the; liberty oT again offering 'myself as a can
didate for the same, office; at the ensuing
general election' , Should I be so fortunate as
id be re-elected, 1 will perform the duties in
cumbent, upon me, (to the best of my ability)
If any one doubts that the letter is gethine he can! Penalty, faithfully, anil if possible, to your
the support of an increased military force, and
: rrtore than all, fir the struggles which Slavery writ
heart, his integrity of purpose, and rigid simpliri-
tv uf rhnrnrlpr pnrlpnr 5ilm in thp rypnnlp nfpvnrv
j. ri-r , , ... l . - make to extend its blight over territory which we
condition of life, and touch. as with an electric in-
fll . j r ... have conquered free, u e slrall have as good
nuence the chords of sympathy 'in everv generous m &
. Tj - . c .i i cause asr.Mexico herself to' remember the period
breast. He is emphatically a man of the poople. ' v
tj, . , , ,,- ... o'l Polk s Administration. May it be lorig, very
liis worst enemy has never, charged him. with in- ..(.
gratitude, nor has confidence reposed in him ever
long, before our relations with" her or any other
u, tj- ... .i , sister. nation shall be so harshly interrupted !
betrayed. His sagacity in penetrating the! J 1
is ofpeplexities-his promptness in deciding! ' York Tribune.
tie-ins oi pepiexmes his promptness in deciding
JeUea..te points his inflexible fidelity in the 'per- Gloriotfs War
ormaiicb 'of duty and his coolness and self-pos- . m ,
session ia aJl emergencies-are. some of the many , W haf a vM sayS th6, Tinbu?
Jiattf chatter which peculiarly fit him -for the ' Jainles'7homPSOIIV lat a .tnt in tfatf
iu.;.,l,n,MnhPMlUl1vh;e, U S. Regulars, but now discharged because he
to filL Of hs ;PoIiucai principles we are not left '
vas so wountled in one of the battles in Mexico
on doubt. They are those" ff the fathers of our i,e
i'bUc,.and.ofi2lw Whig parfv of the present day.
His win .declarations, .wriich hve been publicly
iveu :a far as hft'deemed consistent with-ihe po
sition? Ike held in relation to the government and
, as to disable hirh for farther duty. He was crip
pled by a ball through the leg, and had one eye
blinded and his head scientifically laid open by a
s.abre:cut, which hareiy missed killing himv So;
being no longer 1 available',' he wassetit adrift,
with an allownance of one cent a mile wherewith
the tnmi c.:r.j ... . mSnrt that hp is sound in
. 4Ttoi b. would be war home and a pesio 6fuur M.
ueiaun. lih, declarado,. ... . ' oV. Mrs a month hereafter. The gentlemen who make
IKHhdby im Constitution and .he J - War, and tell , he country how glorious the, are,
"l,.ie of Iheesrly P;esjd6nts of;Op ".u , vole themselves from S25,00fl a year down to S56
tliUL he is ODOQSed to the aeaumntinn nnd lnfrfia;i.e 1 i :.l r . -
. - -. - -,rr.r, c - wepK, wun iony cents per mile tor traveling,
of JwecuMvp power, and Executive nterfPrce ;vhu ,hey vote the men who stop the bullets and
vilh thP toUUon of ,thP county whjP)i m hfl hedges one cent a mile for traveling
. ' , , K A expanses ana almost ninety cents a week to live
Hl8nl in latter vfiars rt hat ihfl .-tflnrAoniax.oe nf i p
and that their action should, not be thwarted, by i
see the original by calling at this office
Sax A'Sgkls, Mexico, April 29, 1818.
Deaii R. You will allow me the privilege of
saying one World on politics. . I knovv of no man
that would be more deserving the Presidency than
Wiofield Scott, and a more outrageous and shame
ful act, could not have been committed by the Ad
ministration, thafn to drag GW. Scott frorrV his
high command and make him a prisoner in the
very Capital wh'ich his" own valor had won.. But
they that would have sacrificed Gen Taylor on
the plains Of " Bu'ena Vista5," and our own artny
into the Valley of Mexico, are capable too of thrust
ing the dagger of revenge in the hero's heart. But
enough of this. I was very much pleased in look
ing over4 your City election. It was indeed unex
pected to me ; but as the city of Reading went for
Mayor, so will the State and Union' go' ?oi Presi
dent. Mark that. ,
Next Let' me tell you how Sentor CassTwas
treated0 by the .volunteers. . You will receRedt that
we, (or the volunteers,) were mustered under the
act, of May, '4G, by Which we were a'tlow.ed $3 5t)
per month for cMhrn'g,- and ir? a cfrculdr dated
August' 7th, M7, vye were again assured oT receiv
ing t'he same. But5 it seems that Mr. Cass, with
a good economical' heart, offered a1 bill " to cause
the volunteers tobe furnished with clotlri ng in kind,
at the same rates accordrng to grades, as is pro
vide'd for tlie trbbpV of ihS regular aYriry." Thtrs
you see' he has reduced our pay f6i .clothing from"
S3 50 to $2 50s. Thfs", I suppose', rs the cbmpen-sation-
we get for" fighting our way to' the Capital'.
As so6n as the 1st Pennsylvanians received news !
enure natislaction.
With' sentiments of respect,
I remain your public servant,
'.. ..SAMUEL RESS,' Jr.,
Stroudsburg, June 8, 188 -te.
Notice is hereby given to all legatees and
other'persoh's interested In the estate of the re
spective decendents and minors, that the. admin
istration accounts of the following estates have
been filed in the office of the Register of Mon
roe county, and will'be presentsd for confirma
tion and allowance to the Orphan's Coun; to
be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the aforesaid
county, on Motiddif the 10th day of July next;
at 10 o'clock a. M.
The first and final account of Thomas "W.
Rjhotles, Administrator .of the estate of Mary
TT I! . I ... .. . i C' .1 . .i - .,
utiuer, iaieoi otroua townsnip, aeceased.
The final account of GeoKge Shafer and Ja
cob Williams, Adirnnistrators of the estate of
Goerge Shafer, late of Hamilton township, de
ceased. The account of James H. Stroud, one of ihe
Executors of tlie last Wij and Testament of
Daniel Stroud, late of Stroudsburg, deceased.
The final account of Abraham Den'uy and
Daniel D'enuy, AImi'u'istra'iors of ihe estate of
Arfrbri Depiry', late of Smithftefrf township, de-.
the first a'ccnftnK of Kffcnef Walter, Exec
utor of the last Will and testa'ment of George
Walter, late of Smithfreld township, deceased.
The' account of Cha'rles Boys and Samuel
Boys, AdihinUirators of the estate of James
,t-'Kft iftirHttj
. i i rttoi -fnnlil
Te:i Ui n WiJ rif
l uti strir
9.0 Sm..fil R.ivs Rtrn, '
21 Daniel JayHe, "
22 William skhi. Ros;.' U m &
23 John S. Fisher, r5olk.'j jf-J
24 David Ediriger, Hamilton. jr-.n f!J
i ir ' fy..S.-., i'. i .i',tJfi5 ?if SnfOMI
1 Se",ry P,tur.,ch' Hanl'is.: aKi iX-
2 Michael liansberry, Stroud: iB tsii
3 Jesse Weiss, Hamilton, j? -tpv
4 JohirOverpeck,. n
5 Heiiry Smith Ucwft -1
G Jacob Heiiry, Pocoiio: "
7 William Row, Stroud. .'
8 Barnet Kreage) Jackon,
9 Peter Kester, Hamilton.
10 Dawalt Fiahr, Polli. '
11 Washington Wmiera, Tobyharilhih, i4ila
12 Peter Kernel; Ross. , . ; fj .Sr
13 Aaron Depue, Stntthfiehi . n"MrtJ;
14 George V. Bush; " f- f : V.nnbfti
15 Alfred Drake, Stfliud mm
1G David Kresge, Chittufh'lll , " "
.17 Daniel Brown, ' J"'.
io Anur.e w YYoouiing, rnce
19 Thomds PatiersonjsPoeotJo .
SOK'ter Merwihe, Jr., tohvhanna
2UJacob Miller, M. Smithfild -
22 Peter Butts; Jackson -
23 Jacob A. Shaffer; Chestriuthilf '
24 gamuel Shtck, Poco'rio
26 Barney Decker,- ".' ,
27 Adaiii H. Frantz, Ross
28 George M. Michael; M. Smlflifieldi 1
29 Phillip Shaffer; Jr., Stroud r
30 Thomas Miller, Pocono :
31 IviariassaH Miller, Pocono
32 Simon Gruber, Coolbaiigh
33 Jacob Beeseckej, Prick
34. Daniel Daily, Stroud
35 John Bush, Stroud ' '
36 Philip Oyer, Conlb'augh
37 Gecfrge Ruih'Hamiltou
38 Jarries Hallet, Stroud.
39 Andrew Storm, Hamilton
40 Joseph Frable,T.oss
41 Depue S. Miller, Stroud,'
42 Charles Houser, TobyhaniiaM
43 John Dottr.r PlL- ' '"n
44 Peter Kortz. SmhhrlfiM- ;? H
45 Georga Flight, Ross
46 Adam Kester; Hamilton :
47 Henry Fenrier, "
48 Henry Qverfield, M: Sifiitrifleld
K-- S !tO? bfkb
r- ;jrlt lit b' 19
, Whereas my wife Catharine, has wiihout
any reasonable cause or provocation (eft rnv
bed andboard: all persons are hereby 'qau
tlohed not to harbor or trust her on rny account,
as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting
Milford, June 8, lS48.--3t. , .m
that M famous bill had passed- extended aB? ,a'e of Tf lfBiced
Glory for'erei
wcutjve inlrlererjce pxegph cases of nianif
Violence to the "canslitutjon pr palpable want f
liberaijpn propositions whicil we haye .bjen -unleer:
f'l.hng my head with humiliation .and 4shame
wheri I think I have been one of the Whig party."
-Capt. CHarl'es Naylor of the Benmylvanian Vol-
''Unlit to regard as i ltm fupdameftfol prlhciplelTofi ' IiyAnd'G'en; Butler is about to-hang Capt, Nay.
tlie Whig partyWverp all' that wrflesfred. Uut.J lor s LiDulentuit and! s'eveVal 'm&'reofhi.s officers
rope across tjie mainroad leading to the tily! of
IS CASS! Some officers touched1 by their poli
tics, ordered it to be cut down, but the boys had
him in his just position again soon after,, where
he hung until evening, when he was tdke'fi down
a'nd doomed to the stake !
Yotr expect me perhaps IV say a word about the
company. Since you saw Capt Loeser's report,
one more died, one deserted, and two joined by
enlistment, from the Regimental depot. The men
are very healthy at this time, and are ready for
any emergency, either to fight or go home', ft is'
reported that we (the volunteers) are to accompany
our Comtnissipners to Queretaro. I can't vouch
for the truth of this, thi ast' may, I expect
to see San-Ltijs .Potosi yet: befbr.e' we' leave the
Mien wc have'ihe positive as'suraiipp of sucli men,;' country. - '.ltespeetfully:yoursi, ! . " "' J A MES 'S,''.W ALLAGE, Adm'or"
as Jol' M-'0tf;iftb)M)elayarPj John J. Uiit-ii logcd'S V.Hf ikr. ' ' ' V A Wlfhtoi Gg V EFP, Jr. . iMilford, S lVs ,
The account of Daniel Andrew, Guardian of
Rebecca Heffel'fihger, one of the daughters F
David Heflelfinger,' late of Ross tovvri&hip, de
ceased. 0 '
The account of E'dward Storm' and Samuel
Shafer,- Administrators of the estate of George
(Hood, late of CheMiuthill township, deceased!
SAMUEL RPJftS. .Tir yihr
nA',.L.A.n rat ci'. , . I x
ilokioioi a vjiuub, oirouusDurg,
June 8,-1 848.
In the matter of the estate of George Stoll;
late of Tobylmnna rowiiship, Monrbe coun'ty,
The undersigned having been appoin'fed An
dito'r by the GrpliaAs' Court of Monroe "coutitv.
to make distribution -of the fundsW ffe hand
of John Ellio'u and Absalorh'B. St oil, Admin
lstr.ators of said estate, to and amofig the cred
itors of said deceas'ed, will attend to the duties
of his appointment on Monday ihe 3d day of
July next, at 10 o'clock, a. at the house oT
David Keller, in the Borough of StroudsbHrov
when and where all persons interested are Ye
. . i .1 . . i .-' . . .' i.
ijucaicu io present uieir claims or ue uebarreti
from coming in for a share of said fund. ,
, . Wat. DAVIS, Auditor, . ,
Stroudsburg, June, 7, 1848. , .-.j-
r Z r ZZ II i'J ' "
'i:nr. - wj
V V . .. '
EiipunciM oa a- scalers
China, Olass & uceaiswarc,
V'i .1 V , .. Vf. . , . r ' '
i-our uoors oeiow tne merchants' .tlotei, v
January 20, 1848. 6m. ,
Adriiiiustrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of administration to the es
tate of P erdinand Kleiberj late of Milfordf.pj'k
couniy, deceased,'en granted to the suti-
xenber ; all persons indebted to .aid estate are
guested to make immedrate payniert a'id those j
ving claims Bgainni the same, will presenl'
Jhem duly Hutheniivated for seirk'ment, to
Fine Pen-Knives and ftuzosv. '
A good assortment, for sale low hyf ,,,!
JOHN U. NiMllClC; a;
Stroudsburg, January 1. 1848.
.r Io canvass for Some New- and Popular,
Wbrkst in every County throughout the United
Stales. To Agents, tha most liberal en&ur
agernent is offered with tf small capital of from
$25 to $l00. A chance in offered, whereby
an Agent can make frbrrr $10 to $25 per weJk
: For further particulars, addresv (poiiV'panU1
s m-A,Jew-
i No. 158 Noriri.'Secund Si reel, Pluladelnlua.