Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, October 07, 1847, Image 3

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f he craving appetiie which many, persons
erience at limes, is a source of much incon
CXMence noi only themselves, hui to those who
v bo friends with them. It is said in illus
iin this, that of woman at Andernach, on the
Sine, longed for her husband, murdered him,
what she could of him, and salted the rest,
filnius mentions another lady, who devoured
forteen hundred herring during her "longing."
T doricus Vires relates the case of a woman
who longed for a bite in a young man's neck,
; I howould have gone crazy had she noi
i pra'inefl. ivouericu it vjn'iu tens us uu-
ther amiaoie ieioie,, hu imu uci ucm
i .fT n hit nf n Hakpr'a s hnnlilnr.
upon ------ -
hUjIIUIIU Ulli'nu tub "onv,i n ou iiiut.ii u
I5HP but the poor lenow couiu yiwy aiauu ircai
rnrnelin Pauldiny has paid several New
Odeans doctors 84,717 for "medical advice and
.tendance" upon H sore finger, which immedi
,vlv nxt well by his following the order of Dr.
g'Oiic; io take off the rags and let it alone.
A couple of Counterfeiters were arrested at
Lancaster iai weei, iwing -,wv wun
ihpir possession, on Eastern
jipricii i
The following might be doubled -by the read
nnt m staiiv that it is conied from
i wcic ,v ' i
.... i . i
the letter of a distinguished western clergyman.
!y the way, a good thing happened here a
while since. Our Mehodisl brethren of the
Church of the Colored Messiah, got warmed
,p nrettv decidedly; in ihe midst of which in-
piration "he mmisier prayed: O Lord, cur
tail the influences of the Devil V ' Amen !' ilin nrnnllinir oti 1 h n el a m P.T-
Iclastned, ' Yes e yah ! Lord-ah ! cut his tail off
icieati and cl'ar-ah !' Knickerbocker
On ihe 12th of Septemher, by the Rev. E
r.aak. Mr. Henry Skyler. and Miss Anna
Maria Chambkrli.v, both of Lehman town-fh-p,
Pike county, Pa.
On the 26ih of September, by ihe Rer. J.
V. Mecaskey, Mr. John Gronhr and Mrs.
Matilda Miclev, both of Hamilton.
On the 2d inst. by the same, Mr. John H.
Wolf and Miss Catharine Stone, both of
Srmidsburg. Printers' fee received
" Life will not prove all sunshine ; there will come
Dark hours for all ! Oh will yc, when the night
Of sorrow gathers thicklj 'round your home,
Lore as ye do, in times when calm and bright
?pe:ns the pure path yc tread, untouched by care,
Ard deem the future like the present fair!"
On the 4th inst., by the same, Mr. George
Aefl of Bridgport, Connecticut, and Miss Lou-1-a
Hat, of Easton, Pa.
At Washington, N. J , on the 5th inst. by the
Hrv. Mr. Castner, Doct. J. V. Mattison, of
S roudshuig and Miss Catharine Winter, of
ihe fui.uer place.
In Alexandria township, Hunterdon county,
N. J., on ihe lCih ult. Mr. Peter Burke, in the j your votes.
66 h vear of his age.
i rgl
ill fgw
The subscriber respectfully informs the citi
zens of Stroudsburg and vicinit', that he has at
lui Foundry near John Boys' siore, an. excel-It-iu
ahsortment of
(if d fferent sizes ; all of ihe newest and most
approved patterns, and made of ihe best Iron,
winch will be sold on the most reasonable teriin.
The public are particularly invited to call and
examiue tke.n before purchasing elsewherp.
Octoher 7, 1847.
Will be sold at public sale on Saturday the
30th day o October next, on the premises
Two valuable Farms $ Mill Property,
situate in Hamilton township, Monroe, county,
Pa., about 4 miles west of Stroudsburg, belong
ing io the esiate of John Kunkle, deceased.
NO. 1 , containing
or thereabouts, adjoining lauds of Gideon Bur
ritt, Adam Shafer, John Huston, and others,
about 110 acres of which are cleared, and in a
high slate of cultivaiion. The remainder being
well limbered with oak, hickory and other tim
ber. On this farm there is a good
a large FRAME BARN with stone
stabling, WAGON HOUSE and oili
er out buildings. There is also a sufficiency of
APPLE and other Fruit trees on ihe Farm.
McMichaels' creek passes through the Farm.
NO. 2, contains-
or thereabouts, adjoining the above property ;
lands of Michael Shoemaker, Esq., Simon My
ers and others, about 36 acres of which are
cleared and in a good stale of cultivation.
There are two bearing ORCHARDS and oih
er Fruit trees on ihe premises. The buildings
consist of a "-
Log; 51 o use aaid Frame fSaru
and other Farm buildings. Also a
all in good order. The mills are driven by
McMichaels' creek, a never failing stream.
The road leading from Stroudsburg to the j
Wind Gap passes through both of the above
The terms and conditions will be made known
at the time and place of sale by
Agents for the Heirs.
Hamilton, September 23, 1847.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
At the solicitation of numerous friends 1 have
been induced to offer myself as a candidate for
the office of
at the ensuing fall election, and respectfully so
licit your voles and support. Should I be e
lected, I plede myself to discharge the duties
of the office with fidelity and impartiality.
Pocono, Sept. 23, 1847.
To the People of Monroe county.
Fellow Citizens: At the request of numer
ous friends, in different parts of the County, I
offer mvself as a candidate for the office of
at the ensuing election, and respectfully solicit
ir votes. Should I be elected, I promise to
perform the duties of that office with fidelity
and impartiality. lour lenow citizen,
Hamilton, Sepiember 16, 1S47.
The Young Ladies' Institute, situated at, the
corner of Pomfret and Spring Garden sir.eeis,
will commence its next session the first. Mbn-;
day in September.
Terms per Session of twenty -two weeks :
hoarding including Fuel arid Tuition ) ; fa
in English per session. J
Washing per week, 25
Music, (Piano,) 12 00
Use of ihe Instrument per session. 4 00 1
Either of the ancient or modern Lan-
guages, Painting, Drawing; Em- 6 00
broidery or Wax-work, )
English department for day scholars; 10 50
An extra charge of twenty-five cents will be
made for incidental expenses.
All pupils charged from the lime they enier
until the end of the session, excepi in cases of
protracted sickness.
Eastoit and Milford illait Line,
Easton, July 29, 1847. 2m
DR.LE boys
C-ime to the premises of the subscriber, in
Lehman township, Pike Couni', Pa. about the
25:h of Sepiember last, a
Grey Horse,
10 or 12 years old. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove properly, pay ihe char
ges and lake him away or said horse will be
bald occording io Law.
Lehman, October 4, 1847.
Fashionable Kout and Shoe
.his old stand in Hamilion street.
Easion.Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix
sell's store, coniinues io manufac
ture to oder, every description of
Soots and Shoes,
for men and boys ; also the most
fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half
Gaiters, Slippers, oc, for Ladies
,cnl Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be
made of ihe best materials, and sold at small
puifi g for cash. Also on hand a large assort,
inent of
which will be sold cheap, and can be recom
iii'Muled. The public are respectfully invited to call,
leavo iheir measures, or examine his ready
made s'ock before purchasing elew here, as he
i- confident ihey will be suited wiih'the style,
ua!uv and price of his arjLiples.
-4L50 Just received a large supply of
f"r Ladies and Misses of'hew siyle, very su
perior, toeher wi'h a siock of Men' Gum
boen; also Children's Gurri' shoeif, pall and
try them. -:---
fiiuu, Oji. 7, 1847,''
To the People of Monroe county.
Fellow Citizens! At the solicitaiioh of ma
ny of you, I have been induced to offer myself
as a candidate lor the oihee ol v
at the approaching general election, and I there
fore respectfully solicit your votes and support
Should I receive a majority of your suffrages, I
shall perform the duties of said office with hdet
ity and punctuality, and to your entire satisfac
tion i our old fellow citizen,
Hamilion, September 16, 1847.
To the People of Monroe county.
Fellow Citizens: At the request of many
friends, 1 offer myseif as a candidate for the of
fice of
at tho ensuing election. Should I be elected 1
will perform the duties of that office with fidel
ity and impartiality.
Your fellow citizen,
Middle Smithfiold, Sept. 16, 1847.
To the Yoters of Monroe county.
Fellow-Citizens : At the solicitation of
numeroous friends 1 have concluded to offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
at the ensuing October election, and most re
snectfullv solicit vour votes. Should I be so
' " . .- e r
fortunate as to receive a majority of your suf
frages 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties
of the office with fidelity ana impartiality.
Your fellow citizen,
Jackson township, Sept. 9, 1847.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
At the solicitation of numerous friends I have
been induced to offer myself as a candidate for
the office of
County Treasurer,
at the ensuing fall election. Should I be elec
ted; I will discharge the duties of the office
with fidelity and impartiality.
Hamilton township, Aug. 24, 1847.
The only known medicine that at the same time pur
ges, purifies, and strengthens the system.
DR. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine
which has just appeared, and is fast taking
the places of all others of the same class. These
pills are composed of many Ingredients, but the
two principal ones are Sarsaparillaand Wild Cher
ry, so united that they act together ; the one, through
its admixture with other substances, purifying and
purging, while the othor is strengthening ihe sys"
tern. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic
and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly
sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis
covered. In other words they do the work of the
two medicines, and do it much better than any
two we know of; for they remove nothing from the
Corrected eoery Wednesday morning'
Passengers in this line will leave Joseph ;
Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of ihe " Black Horse,"
Easion, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
passing through ihe following places, viz:
Richmond, Centrevilfe, Williamsburg, Dills'
Feiry, Delaware Wate'r Gap, Dutotsbiirg,
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and DingmanSr Ferry,
and arrive in Milford the same day: Distance
GO miles. Rf turning, leave Samuel Dimmick's
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saiurdaj', and arrive in Easton ihe same day.
Fare from Easton io Siroudsburg, $i 25
Milford, 2 87
N. B. All baggage at ihe risk of-ihe owners.
Siroudsburg, June 3, 1817. Proprietor.
Mrs; Margaret JEagles ,
Begs leave respectfully io inform her old friends
and tlie public generally that she has laken the
above establishmeni, which has been, and is
now being, tilted up upon the most approved
plan, for the accommodation of strangers and
Thfe long experience which she has had in
the business of keeping a hoiel or public house,
in cbnheciioh with ihe favorable location and
commodiousness of the Mansion House, she
hopes will afford a sufficient guarantee to se
cure a liberal paironage. Persons visiting town
on business or pleasure excursions, will find a
comfortable, convenient and quiet home. Ju
rors and others attending Court are invited io
call: and satisfy themselves. Siranoers from
.1 . .1 f
system but t ie impurities; so uuu wime iney purge he cj,yj ()f esewherej WU) con,e,nplaie spend-
.iey somo lime in the beautiful arid retired vil-
uuion, anu uru iuuuwbu uy nu B;au.,.. ai. Qt. , :l, .... . . , .i,:
Roy's Pills have a wonderful lrfluence on the '"S "i.ouuuusuuig, win u. u.. uy uiau...y n.c
blood; they not only purify without weakening it, above house their home during their slay here;
but they remove all noxious particles from the in short; all arc invited to ralh
chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thusj Transient and steady boarders, by tho day
makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As;nr Vpek. accommodated unon ihe most reason-
or sickness attending me opperauons 01 mis mosi
excellent of medicines, which never strains or
tortures the digestive functions, but causes them
to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence
persons taking them do not become pale ana
emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is the
Wheat Flour, per barrel
Rye. do., do. do;
Wheat, per bushel
e, do. do.
Sole Leather per rHnd
Corn per bushel
Buckwheat, per bushel
Clover Seed per bushel
Timothy Seed per bush.v
Barley do.
Oats . , do.
Flax Seed do.
Butter per pound t
Eggs, per dozen
Plaster per ton
Hickory wbod, per cord
Oak, do. do.
Mackerel, No. i
Do. do 2 .
Potatoes, per bushel
strmls- Easton.
7 00 5 50
5 00 4 00..
1 00 1 00
70 ' 70
25 25
50 50
4 50 4 50
3 00 3 50
40 40
40 3-2
1 20 1 20
10 12
14 8
6 00 3 50
2 50 4 50
2 00 3 75
53 00 12 00
0 50 10 00
GO 50
1 00
. 7bl
1 00 '
4 25
3 87
1 45
2 12
0 OH
5 511-
M Iti
7 iu
corrbcted weekly for tho Jefftrsonian Republican.
The notes of those banks on whien quotations
are omitted and a daslit Substituted, ;are' not
purchased by the brokers. 3 . .
PnimiGvIvniiin i .West Branca banK
Philadelphia ban,
Ban of North America;
Farmers' & Mechanics' do
Western .1:1 do
South" afKbari do
Kerisinctou ban do
Bank of Northern Liberties do
Mechanics' Dank do
Commerciu Bank do
Bank of Penn Township, do
Manufacturers Mcch'ns do
Movamensine bank do
United States bank 22
Girard . do par
Pennsylvania bank par
Bank of Germaiitown par
Bank of Montgomery co. do
Bank of Delaware countv do
2arik of Chester county do
Dcylestown bun . do
Farmers' bank of Bucks do
Easton bank do
Farmers'bank of Reading do
Lebanon bank I
Harrisburg bank 1
Middlctown batik 1
Farriicrs' bank Lancaster par
Pittsburg c
Erie bank
Ucrks county bank .
louandu uo
Relief Notes
New York
4?honca bank of
American i.xci)aiige
Uauk of Commerce
Bank of the State ofN Y
llutchcrs'and Drovers'
Del. and Hudsoncanalco.
Dry Dock
Though Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills Wz'e
achieved triumph upon triumph, iri the cure of ob
stinate cases of disease, even after they had been
entirely given up, and after all other remedies had
Lancaster bank
Lancaster county bank
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge
Carlisle bank
Northumberland bank
Minors bank of Pottsville
Yoi'k bank
Chambersburg bank
Gettysburg bank
Wyoming do
Honesdale do
Bank of Lewistown
' 1
...... -.! O m .,-.tnA tt J.. ..r!tl-
Drouenv 01 ine oar&uuiiuua, uimcu it i . ..n . - , - - : u
other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign and , 1 r j j j
impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Cher
to retain all that is natural and sound ; and hence
a robost state of health is the certain result of their
united operations. .
Agents in Stroudsburg,.;-. Samuel Clones- ana
T. Schoch. -
July 29, 1847.
For sale at this Office..
The Daily National Whig,
Is published in the City of Washingion, eve
ry day at 3 o'clock P. m. Sundays excepted
and served to subscribers iri the Ciiy ; at the
Navy Yard, in Georgetown; in Alexandria and
in R:ilmnnre ihe same evening, at 0 1-4 cents
a week navable lo the sole Agent of the Whig or to allay it when it domes
G. L. Gillchrest, Eq , or.liU order. It is also
mailed 10 any part of ihe Uniied Siaies for S4
per annum or S2 for six months, payable in ad
vance. Adveriisements bf ten lines or less in
serted one time for 50 cents; two times for 75
cents; ihree times Si; one week for SI 75; two
weeks for S2 75 ; one month S4 ; two mom lis
$7; three months S10; six months S17; one
year $30 payable always in advarice.
THE NATIONAL WHIG is what its name
indicates, li speaks the sentiments of ihe Whig
party of the Union on every question of public
policy. It advocates ihe election to the Pres
idency of Zachary Taylor subject 10 the de
cision of the Whig National Convention. li
makes war to ihe knife upon all ihe measures
and acts.df the Administration deemed to be
adverse to the interests of the country, and ex
poses wilhout fear or favor the- corrupiions of
the party in power. Its columns are open to
every man in the country for the discussion of
political or any other questions.
In addition to politics a large space in the
National Whig will be devoted to publications
upon Agriculture Mechanics and other useful
arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine, Sia
lisiics, &c. Choice specimens of American
and Foreign Literaiure will also be given; in
cluding Reviews, &c. A weekly list of ihe
Patents issued by the Potent Office will like
wise be gublished the whole forming a com
plete family newspaper.
Tlie Weekly National Whiff.
One of the largest newspapers in the United
States is now made up from the columns of the
Daily National Whig, and is published every
Saturday for the low price of two dollars per
annum payable in advance. A double sheet of
eight pages will bo given whenever the press
of mailer shall justify it.
The Memories of General Taylor written
expressly for the National Whig, are in course
of publication. They commenced with the
second number, a large number of copies of
which have been printed lo supply calls lor
back numbers.
Proprieior of National Whig.
Washingion June 3, 1847.
P. S. All daily, weekly and semi-weekly
papers in the United Slates are requested to
insert this advertisement once a week for six
months ; noting the price for publishing the
same at the boitom of the advertisement, and
send ihe paper containing it 10 the National
Whig Office, and the amount will be duly re
miited. Our Editorial Brethren are also re
quested to notice the National Whig in their
reading columns. t .
September 16th, 1847. 6m. 510.
esteemed their
'Storms,' it is said, 'purify the air,' but storrria do
mischief also, and are so far an evil. Were it
within human jower to maintain the
between the earth and air, there would be no occa
sion for storms; .for the air would always be pure
Soof the human body. If kept free from mor
bid humors, the action1 is regular arid healthy. But
if those humors are allowed to accumulate, a cri
sis, or, in other words, a storm, wilt arisen which
is always more or less dangerous.
wright's. indian vegetable pills
are equally well calculaled to prevent the stdrm,
besides beinp- cheaper ahd less troublesome,. The
delay of a day in the commencement of sickness
lias olten proved fatal, and always renders me case
more difiicult to manage.
Let the sickness be caused by
changes of weather;
high living want of exercise, close confinement.
functional derangement, or anything else, the ef
fect upon the body is much the same is equally
dangerous, and is removable lry ihe same means
Lei it not ripen into Consumption 1 Aire you t?ys
peptic 1 Beware of the hypochondria. Two Pills
taken every other night on an empty stomach, for
for a short time, will in nin6 cases out of ten, cure
the Dyspepsia, and thereby drive away the legion
of " devils blue." For Headach, no medicine is
superior to
Wright's Indian veoeatable pills.
Costiveness, that prolific mother of disease, is
caused by a tdrpid state of the liver, which these
Pills effectually cures. By striking at tne root o
disease, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills prevent
all and cure all. Thev can hardly ever oe taken
amiss, if used with common discretion; and we
commend them to the use of those who have no
vet tried them.
The following Agencies have been established
for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, in
George H Miller, Stroudsburg
John Lander, Craig's Meadows
Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills
Henry Kintz, Bartonsville
A S Edinger, Tannersville
Joseph Keller & Sont Kellers ville.. ,
Charlds Say lor, Salorsburg .
Brodhead & Brother, "Dutotsburg. J .
Jacob Long, Snydersville
John Marsh, Fennersville,
Daniel Brown, Chesnuthill
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169
Race street, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street,
New York; and 198 Tremont street, Boston.
February 18, 1847. ly.
A good assortment of Waiches, for sale, at
reduced prices, by JOHN H. MELICK.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846.
Country Produce.
Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any
goods in my line of business.
Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 1846.
Fulton bank of New York p:f
Greenwich - 00
Lafavette oc
Leather Manufacturers' do
Manhattcn company cm
Mechanics)' Banking Asso. do
do Merchants' bank c
do Merchant dl
Mechanics & Traders' do
par Merchants' txchanye do .
r.isationai oank c:o
paT New York, Bank of 2
1 NCw-York Banking co. a
1 N; Y. St'e. St'k Security b. par
1 North River di
1 Phffinix do
2 Serenth.Ward - dii
1 Ten;h Ward - t ,m
2 Tradesmen's . par
2 Union C.ofN Y do
Bank of Susquehanna co
Lum. oMiic at warren no salejw asningom
Tooth-Ache Conquered.
The subscriber begs leave 10 inform the pub
lic, ihat he hats, afier spending a greai deal of
time and trouble, discovered a compound whiclu
will ihsiantly
Cure the Tooth-Ache.
by destroying the nerve, and Is guaranieed in h
perfecily innocuobs in its effects upon the otlwr
Teeih. The afflicted cannot do belter ihan
make iise of theSfe Drops, by which ihey will!
be rid of their pain and keep their teoih.
The gennihe article can be had at Schorh'
Printing Office, Siroudsburg, wholesale arid re
tail, general Agent for the proprietor.
, yy3 Price 25 cents per bottle.
Stroudsburg, April 1, 1847.
The business will to be procure subscribers
for, urid sell, when published, a large, new.
splendid township Map of the STATE OF
PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications re
quired are a small capital of SI 00, sobriety, in
tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal
ents. Information of the terms of the agency
(which are liberal) will be given on application,
Superintending Aguit,
8 1-2 South 7th street, Philadelphia.
Sepiember 17, 1846.
A great variety of Toys on hand, for sale
cheapj at the Variety Store of
Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846.
A Friend to all Nations,
- if
Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving
also ihe celebrated shaving cream, for sale
cheap, by JOHN H. MELICK, :
Struudsburg, January 1 , 1846.
Tho accommodation lino of Stages between
Stroudsburg and Easion, will leave ihe house of
J. J. Postcns, (Washingion Hotel,) m Strouds
burg, on Monday, Wednesdaivuu Friday of ev
ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arrive at Ea--ton
at 2 o'clock, p. m , in time for dinner ; re
turning on the following day, leaving D. on
nor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arriving ai
Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day.
The subscribers beg leave to inform the pub
lic, that they have united in carrying on the
above line of stages and that they are now abl
to carry passengers in as comfortable and con
venient a style, as any other route in the coun
ty. Fare through $1 25.
(Stroudsburg, March 25 1 8 17.
For sale at this Office.