V me tisa lhj Confectionary, Fruit, astd GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH, Respccifully informs the citizens of StrotidsburgyanJ the public generally, that he has removed his Confectionary and Grocery Store, on Elizabeth street, to the room formerly occu pied by Mrs. M. Eagles, as a Grocery, where ho is prepared to accommodate the public with ali kinds of CANDIES of the best quality. lie 'also keeps on hand FRUIT, embracing all the delicacies of the season, and NUTS of ali kinds. His stock consists in part, of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Ft itr.v. Cream Nuts, Almonds, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Prunes, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary gen orally kept in such an establishment, all of which he will sell very low for Cash. He has also added to the above stock, all the articles connected with a GEOCKKY, Consisting in part of Sugars, Chocolate, Saleratus, Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring, Magkerel, Close Pins, Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches, Coffees, Teas, Cheese. Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepper, Dried Apples, together with a variety of Tubs, Bowls, &c. Tobacco. Snuff, and Segars, of. the best and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those who may favor him with a call. Porter, Ale, IKIcs&d and Lemonade constantly kept on hand. For the liberal support already received from his friends and customers he returns his sincere thanks, and will endeavor in future to merit a continuance of theif favors, by sparing no ex ertions to make his establishment an agreeable retreat. Stroudsburg, April I, 1847. Grocery, Confectionary and The subscriber offers for sale a fresh lot of Groceries at the old stand, first loor east of Simon Frey's Hat shop, such as new No. 2 Mackerel, Coffee, Tea, Loaf Sugar, Dairy Salt, Spices of all kinds, Swnking and Chewing Tobacco, Clothes Pins; Pipes, Mouse Traps, Matches, Pepper, Pails and Brooms, Writing Paper, Steam Soap, Castile Fancy " New Orleans Molasses, Pepper Sauce; Saleratus, Ginger Cheese, Percussion Caps, Mustard, Chocolate. CONFECTIONAR ES, such as Candies, Sugar Sand, Liquorice, &c. FRUIT Foreign and Domestic. ALSO Nuts of various kinds, all of which will be sold low for ready pay. L. VANDERBECK, for G. M. Wilson. The Baking Business will be carried on as heretofore,. by L. VANDERBECK. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1816. Siroudslmrsr asui New York LINE OF COACHES, Via Delaware Water Gap, Colujiria, B l a i r s t o w .v , John SON SUURGH, Stanhope & MoRRivrow:? 'THROUGH IX TWELVE HOURS. Fare from Stroudsburg to New York $3 50J Oft and after Monday, November 2d 1846, there will a Stage leave ihu principal hotels, in Stroudsburg, at 4 o'clock a. m., every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday, by four-horse coaches to Morrisiown, thence by rail-road to New-York, arriving in New-York 20 minutes before five o'clock p. m. the. same afternoon. Returning will leave New-York every Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday at 9 o'clock A.m. )VraiJ-road to Morriatown, thence by stage to S'rowlaburg, arriving in Stroudsburg the same etrintig between 8 and 9 o'clock p. m. Pei suns in New-York can receive any infor mation desired by applying to the subscriber, or bis agent, at 73 Cotinland-street. Merchants wishing to send orders to New-York for small bills of goods, can do so, by enclosing the or ders directed to the agent of the line, and giv ing it to the driver, and have it by return of htage. A hare of public patronage is respect fully solicited. JOJIN L. WARD, Proprietor. November 19, 184G. x r-r English nnd German Prayer Rook Ibr Childress. The subscriber has just published an edition of a new book calculated for the juvenile read er, bearing the above title. It is intended for families and Sabbath Schools. For sale at the office of the Republican, and by the publisher at Bethlehem. Price per dozen $1,20 single copy 12" L-2 cents. JULIUS W. HELD. October 30, 1845. : BLANK MORT$4"-(SSS For sale at this Office. PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Dwelling House and EIGHT ACRES of LAND, situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, on the public road leading from the Del aware Water Gap to Stroudsburg, one and a half miles from the latter place and two miles from the former. Two acres of the above are woodland, well limbered. An ORCHARD of grafted Apple Trees, young and thriving, on the premises, and a variety of other fruit trees. A never failing Spring of good water near the door. The property will be sold low. Any person wishing further information may obtain it by addressing the subscriber, at Stroudsbug, Mon roe county, Pa., or by application on the prem ises. A clear and indisputable title will be giv en to the purchaser. GEORGE STAPLES. August 20, 184G. Great Bargains, in Eials and Caps, At tho old established No. 19G Market St., 2d door below Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. We extend a general invitation to the citizens of Monroe, and its vicinity, as well as to all others, to our Store. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hals and Caps of every style and variety, which we are selling lull one-lonrtn lower than uie usual prices namely: Extra superior Beaver Hats, from $2,50 to $3,50 Brush u " 2,00 to 3,00 " ilk " " 1,25 10 2,00 " " Moleskin" 2,50 only, usual price $1. Good Hats as low as SI, 25 and upwards. Al so, a complete slock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed, silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps ; fine Otter, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c. &c, at lower prices than they can possibly be had elsewhere. iromour ex tensive sales, we can sell "for a smaller profit than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is to your interest. Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others, who buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms. Bo sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second door below Sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN. Philadelphia, Aug. 27, 1846. PURIFY THE BLOOD. M OFF A T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHCENiXBITTERS The high and envied celebrity xjhicli these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing uot only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their frnits ; their good works testify for Uiem, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. Of ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFFECTIONS of the BLADDER and KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and west, where thcao diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. Planters, farmers, and othere, who onco use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without them. BILIOUS CHOLIC, and SEROUS Looseness, BILES, COSTIVENESS, COLDS &. COUGHS, CHOLIC, CONSUMPTION. Used with great success in this disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, D3TSF3E!?SXjQ. No person with this distressing dis ease, slwuld delay using these medicines immediately. ERUPTIONS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY, FEVER anil AGUE. For this scourge of tho wes tern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of tho disease a cure hy these medicines is permanent TRY THEM, HE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION, GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, HEADACHES, of even kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS qf APPE TITE, LIVER COMPLAINTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, MEllCUIUAL DISEASES. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infi nitelr sooner than the moat powerful preparation of SarsaparHIn. NIGHT SWEATS, NERl'OUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLIC, PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, bttckf limbs, joints and organs. RIIEUMATIS3I. Tlinso afllicted with this terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. RUSH of BLOOD to Uio HEAD, SCURVY, SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, on KING'S EVIL, in its wont forms, ULCERS, of every description. W O it JUL S f of all kinds, aro cflcclunlfy expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer tbcm when ever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PIKENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD,. And thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE P I L L S and PHtENIX BITTERS beyond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines arc now put up in while wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " Moffat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, 4:c, on which U a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting tho city can verj- easily find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with while wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. He careful, and do not buy those with yelfoir wrappers but if you do, be satisfied that they come direct from u;, or dont touch them. IHT Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B. ItZOTTAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. Forale by THEODORE SCHOCH, Stroudsburg, solo agent for Monroe county. December 18, 1845. t3 From SI 50 to SG 50, for sale by JOHN II. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, Aug 13, 184G. MS Good news for Uie Aged. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sighis in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with coHvex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses, to which he would in vite particular attention. No charge for showing them. For sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN !!. 55 ELI OK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1S4G. 1 &7 TO ALL (ij Wlll'J JO. MA,jl rkTfT TLT rvr, EIOUSEKEEFISflS. You may be sure of obtaining, at all times, pure and highly flavored isJii T -r A S i hi a. o . By the single pound or larger quantit', at the PeJtin Tea Company's Warehouse, No. 30 South Second Street, Between Market and Cliesnut, PHILADELPHIA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, almosi impossible, always to obtain good Green and Black Teas. But now you have only to i visit the Pektn Tea Company's Store, to ob tain as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish for. All tastes can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. G. B. ZIEBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, July 2, 1845. Sleeper & Feiii&c MANUFACTORERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Sun. Shades, No. 12G Market street, south side, below Fourth, Philadelphia. Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, &c. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customers and themselves, by manufactu ring a good article, selling it at the 'Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount of sales and quick re turns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu facture, they aro prepared to supply orders to any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. Phila., Dec. 11, 1845. Iy. 06 'ASSAIL SIX YEARS AGO the chpdren began to cry for Sherman's Lozenges. The noise was not so loud at that time, but it has kept increasing ever since, and now has become so great that the mouths of the little ones can scarce be stopped. Dr. Sherman sympathises with the little sufferers, and very much regrets that any of them should be disappointed. Know ing the vast benefit which has been conferred upon the community by the introduction of his infallible Worm Lozenges, he has entered into arrangements for1 enlarging his Manufactory, by means of which he thinks he will be able to supply the demand. And the same pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lozenges be made as they have always been, in order that those who depend upon them may not be disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lo zenges, that they would supercede the use of eve ry other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very p eas ant to the taste, speedy in its effects, as well as certain, and the quantity required to effect a per fect cure, is very small. These properties in con nexion with the lact that they are sold lor 2o cents per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the poorest man in the land, has not only caused them to take tlie place of every other vermifuge ever of fered, but also rendered them popular to the com munity. Dr. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, continue to cure Coughs, Cold3, Consumption, Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and other diseases of the Lungs, with the same facility they did on their first introduction, and the people have now become persuaded by actual experience, that on the accession of a slight Cold, they have only to step to either the Dr's. office, or one of his Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, which are very convenient to carry in the pocket, and to take a few through the day. By pursuing this course a cure is often efTected in 24 hours, and the patient about his business. So great is the celebrity of the Jjozenges, that thousands of persons who have used them, and become acquaint ed with their effects, will never be without them. Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster has cured'morc cases of Rheumatism, Pain in the Back, Side and Chest. Lumbago and Weakness, than any application that has ever been made. As the celebrity of the Plaster has increased, hun dreds of unprincipled rascals have attempted to counterfeit it, and palm it off upon the community as the genuine. ID Beware of Deception. cQl Remember that the true and genuine Piaster is spread upon reddish paper made expressly for the purpose, and in every case the signature of Dr. 'Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, and the whole secured by Copy Right. None others are genuine. Therefore when you want a real good Shermans Poor Man s Plaster, call at the office, 100 Nassau street and you will not be disappointed. Remember the number, 100 Nassau sk. where all Dr. Sherman's Lozenges arc sold. - AGENTS. Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg, Monroe county. John Lander, Craigs Meadows, do. - I James S. Wallace, Milford, Pike county. ' W..F. Brodhead & Brother, Dingmanfsj?Grr$, slo. Peters &' Labor, Bushkill, ddr 1 ' May 1 1, 1S16. V --J ;f 1 HEAD I BE GUARDED! To the Public. Tn T commenced the manufacture of what are now extensively known as "Improved Indian Vegetable Pills, Sugar Coated," after expending a j ureat deal in means and experiments. The pills are said to be superior to any others on various accounts. They are, every box, made of superior materials, are extremely pleasant, and always ef ficacious. The "Sugar Coating," which renders them still more pleasant, is also an original inven tion of my own, as is well known Having brought these pills into market, where their virtues might be more extensively apprecia ted, I did a work of actual benevolence; and where I seek to make an honest livelihood after years of labor, I am, through these pills, improving the health and strength of thousands Now these pills arc made to sell upon theii rep utation as a good medicine, and should they not be distinguished from every imitation that is sought to be palmed oft' on their reputation? As you val ue your life and health do not touch those pills which are offered simply from being "coated with sugar !" Have not several unprincipled persons put forth a "Sugar Coated" pill as such since Dr. Smith's have become popular! Now, all 1 ask is the candid attention of the public to the following: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Oath before the Mayor in 1 844. State of New York: City and County of New York, $ ss Tl s.l G. BENJAMIN SMITH, within named, beinff duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a citizen of the United States, and resides in the ci ty of New York: and that he is. the original inven tor of "-Sugar Coated Pills," and that to his knowl edge or belief "Sugar Coated" Pills had never been manufactured or sold by any person before, and that the statements contained in the within are true G. BENJ. SMITH, M D Swoin before me, this 14th day of June, 1841. JAMES HARPER, M.-iyor of the City of New York. The above was sent to Washington with our specification and application for a Patent. The following is the reply Patent Office Received this 17th day of June, 1844, from Dr. G. Benjamin Smith, the fee of S30, paid on his ap plication for a Patent for a 4 Pill Coated with su- gar' H L ELLSWORTH, Commissioner of Patents. THE ABOVE CONFIRMED ! ! The following certificate is from the first Drug gists and others in New-York, which shows 1 in vented 'Sugar Coating' in 1843, before which time 'Sugar Coating was never heard of G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M D New York, June 26th. 1844 We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of 'Su gar Coated Pills,' until Dr G Benjamin Smith man ufactured and exhibited them to us about a vear since. Pushlon 4' Co 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House Israel Randolph, M D 8G Liberty-street Horace Everett, 86 Hudson-street John Caslree, 97 Hudson-street. And also to Gen C W Sandford, 12 Warren-street, N Y, and Also, hundreds of agents G Benjamin Smith. M D Dear sir: I believe you were the first by about a year, to make and introduce 'Sugar Coated Pills,' and are following your business with honorable and praise worty ex ertions Yours A SHERMAN, MB 106, Nassau-street, Ttf Y Important Fact We, the undersigned, vhole sale Druggists in Louisville, Kentucky, are satis i fled from the information we can obtain, that Dr. G Benjamin Smith is the original inventor of the Sugar Coated Pills. We are prepared to supply dealers at the ISew York price Robinson, Peter cj- Carey, 492 Main-street JS Morris J- Co 461 do Rupert cf- Lindenberger, 511 do George Lapping Co 79 Fourth street Bull A- Alden, 81 do The danger of being deceived is now apparent; as Dr. Smith's Pills have become very popular throughout the country, imitators have sought to palm ofF wotthless stuff with a 'coating of sugar' to cover up a most dangerous compound Dr. Crumbecker, of Wheeling, Ya., says that a person in that place came near losing his life from the effects of the counterfeit 'Sugar CoatedVPills. Also, a gentleman in Louisville, Ky, was seized with violent vomiting after their use. Get the genuine or get none, and see that G Benjamin Smith is written with a pen on the bot torn of each box DR. CHILTON'S EVIDENCE. Some of Dr Smith's opponents have circulated the report, that the astonishing cures these pills have made, are attributable to mercury ; but the first Chemist in New York, after a minute chem ical examination, gives the following : 1 ha"vo analyzed a box of Doctor Smith's Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, and find that they do not contain mercury in any form James R Chilton, M D, Chemist New York, July 29, 1845 State of New-Yorkf City and County of New-York, $ Personally appeared before me Dr G Benjamin Smith, and made oath that the statement of Doct. Chilton above is true and that these Pills do not contain any injurious substance, but ttTey are en tirely composed of vegetable properties; and fur ther, that he is the inventor of 'Sugar Coated Pills.' - G BENJAMIN SMITH Sworn before me this 13th day of Aug. A D 1815 Wr F HAVEMEYER, Mayor (From Messrs, Post &. Willis, of Rochester, N. Y.) Your Improved Indian Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills are very popular here, particularly among the higher classes. Clergymen and others have used them, and think them decidedly preferable to any other pills. We sell more of yours than all others put together. Yours truly Post ij- Willis: Principal Office 179 Greenwich st., large brick block, N Y. Price 25 cents a box. Agents in Monroe Co. Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg. . Brodhead & Brothers, Dutotsburg. J no. Marsh, Fennersville. Daniel Brown,. Chesnuthill. QCp And sold throughout the United States and Canada. may 20, 1S47. Violins atstd Flutes. 'A i 'from i?l;50 to $3,50, for sale by i! V: J 0 1 1 N H . ME LICK. StroVdbbVirgt'Jan.. l", 1 84GT. JLOOIv HERE. We have just received for sale, at the Jefi'er sonian Office, a supply of " Fcnncr's Odtrifer ous Compound for strengthening, .softening and beautifying the Hair" also of " Fennel's Den trificc for Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth, prevcnli7ig Tooth Ache, tj-c." and aUo ''Fenncr's Pomade Divine " a preparation for curing chap ped hands, bruises, &c. The articles arc all of the first quality, and the high reputation which they have acquired in the cities, and wherever else they have been used, cannot fail to recom mend them to the general notice and patronage of the people of this place and vicinity. A number of our citizens have already tried them, and pronounce them excellent. We invite all, who arc m want ot any sucn arucies, to give us a call, and we are sure they will not go away unsatisfied. January 1, 1847. ASK THE SUFFERER FROM what has relieved him in such a short time from his difficulty of breathing, Cough and suffocation? He will you it was " the Olbsaonian, or All Healing Balsam." Ask the Consumptive what has allayed his Cough, removed the Pain in his Side and Chest, checked 'his night sweats and placed the rose of health upon his cheek 1 and he will tell you Sherman's OIosaonnuT. OSL AIX-HEAIilIVG BAESAI7I". Ask your friends if they know of any thing that1 will so speedily cure a long and tedious Cough, Raising of Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic Consump tion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and diseases of the Throat, as the Olosaonian! and they will tell you No. There never yet has been a remedy intro duced to public notice which has been productive of so much good m so short a space of time. Read the following Astonishing Cures. Wm. Bond, the celebrated Boston cracker ba ker, 98 Nassau street, Brooklyn, states that his wife has been afllicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could not find permanent relief from the best medical advice which New York and Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try this great rem edy. She is now nearly well. His daughter,, who was suffering from the same disease, tried it, and was also cured by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well that she is able to rise from her bed early in the morning and attend to her usual duties through the day without any annoyance from her distres sing malady. Henry Jackson, 13th street, near the Catholic Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob taining a bottle of the Olosaonian, having been af flicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years, and was so exhausted on his arrival that he could not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode home. Four days afterward he walked from his residence to the office without fatigue, a distance of over two miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which he had experienced from using about one half of one bottle. Consumption of the Lungs. Mr. Comfort, 35 White street,- was so low in the month of December last, that he was given up by his physician. His friends entertained no hope of his recovery. He was persuaded to try the Olosaonian, and to his surprise it has so far re stored him to health that he is now able to walk about the streets. Mrs. Altree, the wife of Wm. H. Attree, James Harman, Esq. and George W. Hays, Esq. can all bear testimony from their own experience of the healing properties of this Great Remedy in Consumption of the Lungs. Spitting Blood. Mrs. Thouboumc, 352 Monroe street, who had been troubled for a great length of time by a se vere cough, and raised quantities of blood, was relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonian, and de clares it the greatest remedy in the world. Dennis Kelly 1 26 Water street, was also relieved from the same complaint, although he was very much reduced when he commenced taking it, hav ing been under the care of his physician during the past winter. Although he coughed constantly, and was very much troubled with night sweats, two bottles of the remedy enabled him to return to his daily work. He was entirely relieved David Henderson, GO Laight street,. George W. Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J,, Henry Lis bon, 199 Rivingston street, and numerous other persons have been speedily and permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy. The Array of Names which could be produced of persons who have Lused this great remedy would more than fill a col umn. Among the number we are permitted to re fer to A. M. Bininger, 102 Barclay street; Mr. Wilson of Hoboken ; Mrs. Bell of Morristown, N. J.; James B. Devoe, 101 Reade street; Mrs Mc Caffree, 50 Attorney street; F Smith. 92 Third avenue; Mrs. Wm. H Attree of this city, and Mr Archibald, 35 White street. t Be not Deceived. The onlv place in the City of New York, whero Sherman's' OLOSA ON I AN, or ALL-HEALING BALSAM is sold, is at 106 Nassau street,, ono. door above Ann street. AGENTS. Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg, Monroe co,. James S. Wallace, Milford, Pike county. W. F. Brodhead & Brother, Dingman's Ferry, Pike county. November 26, 1846. Fine Pen -Knives and Bazors. A good assortment, for sale,low,.by JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1,1846,