Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 26, 1847, Image 3

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    By Thomas X Alienor. Old ' 41 Rough , and
Ready' lie has proved himself an admirable
Taylor for clothing- in the mantle of defeat and
disgrace die Mexican army.
By 13. S. Schoonover. The American Gcner
als Nature's noblest specimens of man. With
a Shields for defence, a Pcarce for onslaught, a
Marshall for arrangement, a Twiggs for ambus
cade, a Wool for clothing, a Pillow for repose, a
Taylor for basting-, and all for valor and bravery,
we have willing- to fear from Mexico or any oth
er foe, t
My a Guest. Palo Alto, Rescca do la Palma,
Monterey, Ruena Vista and Cerro Gordo will
be pointed to in all future time as monuments of
American bravery and patriotism. When the
enemies of our country think of those fields, their
heart? quail.
IJy Lewis Gordon. The Indiana Volunteers A
cloud of misrepresentation obscured the sun of
their fair fame for a time, but it has been remov
ed, and they now stand before an admiring-nation
as the "bravest of the brave."
Ily J. L. Ring-wait. Lieut. Wm. Schoonover
yiav he long live and prosper in the country he
lias so" gallantly defended.
Rv Daniel Peters. Mexico Like a refraclo
rv school-boy, she must be flogged into a sense of
duty and decorum. "Old Rough and Ready" is
just the tutor to wield the " rod of correction"
over her. '
By the Company. Our Host and Hostess
.May their shadows never grow less.
A Centenarian.
There was in our town, during a day or two
of last week, a negro, who claims to he 104
vears of age ; and his account of himself is sus
tained by the declaration of one of the most re
pectable and venerable inhabitants of our neigh
boring township of Lower Alt. Bethel, Pa.
now S2 years of age who says that the Afri
can veteran was known as 4 old Luke" in his
boyhood. The old gentleman stales that he
was ai the battle of Trenton, in 1776, as drum
mer in ihe Company of Capi. Dean of Bucks
Co. His vocation at present is that of player
oa the violin, and all who heard him will testi
iv, that if he handled ihe drumsticks sixty years
ago as feally as he plies the bow to the violin
now, he must have furnished music worthy even
of ihe battlo of Trenton. Except in Frank John
hon's band, we have never seen one of his race
1.0 completely master of his instrument. He
walked from Easton to Roxburg, a distance of
.nine miles, the day before he arrived here, and
was wending his way to his homo in the Wa
ter Gap Jersey side when we met with him.
lie has recently made application for a pension,
and if successful in obtaining it, we see no good
teasoti why he may not live to enjoy it for a
i dozen or twenty years to come. His hair is
white, but hU countenance is bright and ani
ma'eil, and his style of comersation sprightly
Juid intelligent. He is still able to furnish mu
hc for a revl, and neglects no opportunity of
.doing no. His own impression appears to be
thai he is near the end of his long pilgrimage.
Bchidctc Apollo.
j During ihe recent bread riots in France, some
'very mllammaiory hand-bills were circulated.
The agitators charged the scarcity upon the
Government, and endeavored to turn the mat
ter lo political account. " A day of vengenco
Is come !" aid one of the placards, " and the
people should move. First seize the grain, then
burn the houses of tho rich. miirdrrn ihntm
- -J v j VSJV
herein, if agrecablc--it iu belter to die from
murder than to dio from, hunger. Courage !
Forward ! Huzza for pillage, for blood, for
death !"
A Good Suggestion.
A correspondent of the boston Transcript sug
jiestR the substitution of an octave or so of mu
sical pipes in place of the steam whistle. The
engineer, lie says might Wien entertain the pas
sengers and ihe surrounding country with favor
ite airs. " Old Dan Tucker" is supoested for
road-cros-sings and passage through populated
districts, on account of tho appropriateness of
the chorus, " get out of the way."
D.J. V. MATT1SON respectfully announ
ces to the people of Slroud-jbur" and vicin-
IIIV llll I. J I...-. . .... I I . . I . I ... Jl.
to me directed, will be sold at pub ic vendue !i r i r i
. r, . T7 . , -i burg, fur ihe purpose of praciiing medicine,
By virtue of a writ of levari facias issued out
oi ino oouri oi oommon x teas o rike countv
or out-cry at the Court House iu the town of
Milford, Pike county, State of Pennsylvania,
on the
27th day of August, 1547.
where he hopes by strict attention and great
care to merit the patronage of those who may
employ him. Dr. M. alio lakes this method
of informing thoo who nr nlH'.rted with dls-
... . ....
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all that piece or . cases 01 ,0,,S landing, ihal he has, lor a lew
parcel of Land, an equal undivided half part on .vcars Pas, de1 uch time and attention, and
the cast side of the lot surveyed iu ihe warran- ha9 hatl amI)lc "pporiunfiy, such as only ahos-
tee name of Christopher Sioner, numbered on Pi,aI affords, of investigating diseases of a chron-
the tJnmm ss nnor.s Hnnks n Pikn inn ie cuaracter, anu ne nauers iiimseit mat inose
. 7 T . . . J .. i ..!...: i ..
Corrected every Wednesday inorhing. . ,
Man) of the Loco-foco papers and address
urneis have stated, time and again, that Gen.
In in voied against ihe repeal of the bankrupt
law, which, by the way, is not the fact, as he
oicd for the repeal, and is entitled to whatever
credit may be deserved for so doing. But there
h one fact in this connection worthy of note,
namely, that those persons who availed them
elves of the law are now among the loudest in
denouncing General Irvin for his alledged vote
against its repeal.
LIVER COMPLAINT is generally accompa
nied with pain in the right side, extending up
to the top of the shoulder ; variable appetite, occa-.
sionally a disordered stomach, yellow tinge of the
skin and eyes, and often a swelling over the re
gion of tho liver, together with many other symp
toms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blood.
Wright's Indian vegetable rills will be found
one of the very best medicines m the world for the
aire of all diseases of the Liver ; because they ex
pel from the body those morbid humors which,
when deposited upon this important organ, are the
cause of every variety of Liver Complaint. From
three to six of the above named Indian Vegetable
Pills, taken every night on going to bed, will, in a
short time, give such manifest relief, that no argu
ment or persuation will be necessary to induce a
perseveTance in their use, until the liver is restored
to a healthy action, and pain or distress of every
kind is driven from the body.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills also aid and
improve digestion, and purify the blood ; and there
fore, not only remove every vestige of the Liver
Complaint, but, at the same time, give new life and
vigor to the whole frame.
Beware of Counterfeits of all kinds1. Some are
coated with sugar ; others are made to resemble
in outward appearance the original medicine.
The original genuine Indian Vegetable Pills
have the signature of William Wright written with
a pen on the top label of each box. None other
is genuine, and to counterfeit thupis forgery.
For sale by George H Miller, who is the only
authorised agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise
ment for other agencies in another column.
Office and general depot, 1G9 Race st. Phil'a.
A letter dated Deposit, Pa., August 6, 1847,
coniains an item of unusual atrocity. "A horri
i If deed was perpettaed in Scott township,
Yaue county, Pa. only eight miles from this
place, on Sunday last, which has no parallel in
he caialogue of crimes. Mrs. Williams, wife
of ihe Rev. Gursham William, aged about 56,
left her residence in the morning to attend a
Sabbath School in the neighborhood, only one
mile and a half from her house. White pass
ing through the woods, she was attacked by a
fiend iu hurnon shape, thrown out of the road
and throttled until she died ; there is no doubt
ihe fiend effected his purpose from the bruises
found about her body.
He was disturbed by the noise of Mr. Wil
liams' carriage, which soon came up and pass
ed on to the school house with a portion of ihe
family and two sisters of the unfortunate Mrs.
W., who a day or two before had arrived from
their residence in New York, on a visit to their
friends and sisters. The family, on arriving at
the school house, finding Mrs. W. absent learn
ing upon enquiry ihal she had not been there,
become greatly alarmed, consequently returned
with several others.
The body was found a quarter of a mile from
the road, behind a log, and her cloths were
much torn and other evidence ihal she came to
her death from strangulation. The perpetrator,
on hearing the approach of the carriage, left his
victim, went towards Deposit, aboul half a mile,
with a view to escape, finally turned about to
.return when he was taken by his pursuers.
He immediately confessed ihe attack and his
'object, and was going back to see if the woman
was dead, if not, to consumale the act he first
completed. The Murderer stood before his
jvicim, a prisoner, in one hour afier the boJy
Avas found and less, than two hours after the
deed was committed. He says his name is
John Bell, and is an Englishman, recently from
the Philadelphia penitentiary. He is now in
j?ho Houesdale jail awaiiiug his trial.
In Knowhon on the 14ih inst. by iho Rev.
J. S. Swairn, Mr. Edmund H. Ink, of North
ampton Co. Fa. and Miss Marietta, daughter
of Mr. George Green of the former place.
In Lower Mt. Bethel, Pa. on Friday last,
Mr. Adam Depue, aged about 45 years---a wor
thy and respectable citizen.
At his residence in Stroudsburg, on the 26th
inst, after a lingering illness, Mr. Wm. Drake,
in the 42d year of his ago.
To the Voters of Monroe county.
At the solicitation of numerous friends I have
been induced to offer myself as a candidate for
the office of
County T&'casirer,
at the ensuing fall election. Should 1 be elec
ted, I will discharge the duties of the office
with fidelity and impartiality.
Hamilton township, Aug. 24, J 847.
containing in the wholo
438 Acres and lOS Perches
and allowances of six per cent. &c, which said
tract of land Holdndge Dewy by deed dated
14th day of October 1838 grained and conveyed
to Joseph Wood, and on ihe 17th of December
1835 Joseph Wood conveyed to Benj. Evins,
conveyed the same to James Lee, conveyed
the same to Elcmuel Burr, and on the 28ih day
of February 1840 conveyed to Peabody Howe,
the equal half part of the above mentioned lot
convoyed to him the said Peabody Howe, con
taining SI 9 Acres and O Perches,
it being the oast half of the above described lot.
Bounded on the north by lands of Christian
Stoner, number 199; east by Peleg Place, num
ber 201; south by Samuel Snyder,' number 192;
Pelen Branen, number 193.
Seized and taken in execution as the proper
ty of Peabody Howe, and will be sold by me
for cash only.
Sheriff's Office, Milford, July 28, 1847.
aug. 12.
"ill ini
The only known medicine that at the same lime -purges,
purifies, and strengthens the system.
R. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine
which has just appeared, and is fast taking
iisXiiGltaiaua& Delaware Canal and
Eail Eoad Company.
A Stockholders and Managers meeting for
general and special purposes will be held on
the first day of September next, at Harrison,
Luzerne county, Pa.
By order of the President.
August 2G, 1S47.
Ji'UN'KY. Two young women met in Charles
itin street, Boston, on Thursday. One accused
the other of stealing away her beau. A fight
nnued. One of litem received a dirk wound,
lyiii-j open the qheok in a dreadful manner.
About an inch of tho blade was broken off and
lemmied in the cnebk They were arrested,
u.ivl thtj wowided guT'lalven W Vje Wspjtnl.
The Young Ladies' Institute, situated at the
corner of Pomfret and Spring Garden streets,
will commence its next session the .first Mon
day in September.
Terms per Session of twenty-two -weeks:
Boarding including Fuel and Tuition ) g- q-q
in English per session. y
Washing per week, . 25
Music, (Piano,) . 12 00
Use of the Instrument per session, 4 00
JSither of the ancient or modern Lan- V
guages, Painting, Drawing, Em- G 00
broidery or Wax-work, )
English department for day scholars, 10 50
An extra charge of twenty-five cents will be
made for incidental expenses.
All pupils charged from the time theyenter
until the end of the session, except in cases of
protracted sickness.
Easton, July 29, 1847. 2m t Principal
Country Produce.
Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any
goods in my line of business.
Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 1846.
Fine scen'tecf Soaps for washing and shaving
also the cejebrated shaving cream, for sale
cheap, by ' -JOHN H. MELICK.
Stroudsburg, January J, Jb4t.
the places of all others of the same class. These
pills are composed ol many ingredients, .but tne
two principal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher-
jy , so united that they act together ; the one, through
its admixture with other substances, purifying and
purging, while the othor is strengthening the sys
tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic
and ooeninsr; a desideratum Ions and eagerly
sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis-
covered, in other words tney do tne woric oi tne
two medicines, and do it much better than any
two we know of ; for they remove nothing from the
system but the impurities; so that while they purge
they strengthen ; and hence they cause no debili
tation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le
Roy's Pills have a wonderful lrfluence on-the
blood ; they not only purify without weakening it,
but they remove all noxious particles from, the
chyle belore it is converted into fluid, and thus
makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As
there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea
or sickness attending the opperations of this most
excellent of medicines, which never strains or
tortures the digestive functions, but causes them
to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence
persons taking them do not become pale and
emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is the
property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with'
other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign and
impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Cher
to retain all that is natural and sound ; and hence
a robost state of health is the certain result of their
united operations.
. Agents in Stroudsburg, Dr. Samuel Stokes and
T. Schoch.
yr ITIrs, Margaret Eagletf
Begs leave respectfully to inform her old friends
and the public generally that she has taken the
above establishment, which has been, and is
now being, filled up upon the most approved
plan, for the, accommodation of strangers and
travellers. t , , .
The long experience which she has had in
the business of keeping a.hotel or public house,
in connection with ihe favorable location and
commodiousness of ihe Mansion House, she
hopes will afFord a sufficient guarantee to se
cure a liberal patronage. Persons visiting town
on business or pleasure excursions, will find a
comfortable, convenient and quiet home. Ju
rors and others attending Court are invited to
call, and satisfy themselves. Strangers from
the city, or elsewhere, who contemplate spend
ing some lime in the beautiful and retired vil
lage of Stroudsburg, will do well by making the
above house their home during their stay here;
in short, all are invited to call.
Transient and steady boarders, by the day
or week, accommodated upon the most reason
able terms.
Stroudsburg, April I, 1847.
Eastern and Millbrcl Mail Lilac,
Passengers in this lino will leave Joseph
Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Black Horse,"
Easion, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
passing through the following places, viz:
Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills'
Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Dutotsburg,
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry,
and arrive in Milford the same day : Distance
60 miles. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmfck's
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturdaj', and arrive in Easion tho same day.
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, $1 25
Milford, 2S7
N, B. All baggage attlie risk of ihe owners.
Stroudsburg, June 3, 1817. Proprietor.
calling upon him laboring under this class of
disease will meet with prompt and immediate
He .will be found at hia- room at the Mansion
House, ready to consult with those who may
favor him with a call at all hours when not ab
sent on professional busines.
June 24, 1847. tf.
Though Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have
achieved triumph upon triumph, in the cure of ob
stinate cases of disease, even after they had been
entirely given up, and after all other remedies had
"ailed,' yet their power of 'prevention may be justly
esteemed their
'Storms,' it is said, 'purify the air,' but storms do
mischief also, and are so far an evil. Were it
within human power to maintain the
between the earth and air, there would be no occa
sion for storms, for the air would always be pure.
bo ol the human, body. 11 kept free irom mor
bid humors, the action is regular and healthy. But
if those humors are allowed to accumulate, a cri
sis, or, iu other words, a storm, will arise, which
is always more or less dangerous.
wright's india?j vegetable pills
are equally well calciilaled to prevent the storm,
of to allay it when it comes. But
prevention is better than cure,
besides being cheaper and less troublesome. The
delay of a day in the commencement of sickness
has often proved fatal, and always reriders the case
more difficult to manage.
Let the sickness be caused by
changes of weather,
high living, want of exercise, close confinement,
functional derangement, or anything else, the ef
fect upon the body is much the same is equally
dangerous, and is removable by ihe same means.
have you a cold 1
Let it not ripen into Consumption 1 Are you Dys
peptic Beware of the hypochondria. TwoPills
taken every other night on an empty stomach, for
for a short time, will in nine cases out of ten, cute
the Dyspepsia, a Ad thereby .drive away the legion
of " devils blue," For Headach. no medicine, is
superior to
Wright's indian veg eatable pills.
Costiveness,' that prolific mother of diseas'e, is
caused by a torpid state of the liver, which these
Pills effectually cures. By striking at the rodt of
disease, Wright's Indian vegetable Pills prevent
all and cure all. They can hardly ever be taken
amiss, if used with common discretion ; and we
commend them to the use of those who have not
yet tried them.
The following Agencies have been .established
for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills'; in
George H Miller, .Stroudsburg
John Lander, Craig's Meadows .
Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills
Henry Kintz, Bartonsville
A S Edinger, Tannersville . , .
Joseph Keller & Son, Kcllersville
Charles Saylor, Savlorsburg
Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg.
Joseph Long, Snydersville
John Marsh, Fennersville,
Daniel Brown, Chesnulhiil.
OfTiees'jdevoted exclusively id the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 109
Race street, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street,
New York ; and 198 Tremont street, Boston.
February 18, 1847. ly
A Friend to a51 Nations,
rheat Flour, por barrel
Rye. do. do. do.
Wheat, per bushel
Rye? do. do.
Sole Leather pur pound
; Corn per bushel
Buckwheat,' per bushel
Clover Seed per bushel
Timothy Seed per bush.
Barley do;
Oats 'lo.
Flax Seed t do.
Butter per pound
Eggs, per dozen
Plaster per ton
Hickory wood, per cord .
Oak, do. do.
Mackerel, No. 1
Do. do 2
Potatoes, per bushel
7 00 5 50
5 00 i UO
1 00 1 00 I
70 .70
' 25' 2tf
50 00
1 .50 -1 50
J 00 3 50
40 io
40 :-j t
1 20 1 20
0 8
G 00 3 50
2 5t0 4 50
2 00 :$ 75
!3 00 12 00
y so io oo
00 50 :
nr -
" IB
1 oo'
"4 25.
2 87
; f,! '
-05' i ,
1 45'
2 12
5 50
I3AftT&: WOTS 5", 2 ST; , ,
corrected wccKly for the JcJIbtsonian Republican.
' The rotes of those banks on whici quotations
are omitted and a dash( Substituted, are; not
purchased by the brokers.
PCJSaasylvailiil. .West Branch bunk
Wavno&oUrsr 1 2.
Philmlnln!ii:i hail
JJan of North America,
Fanners' & Mechanics'
Western r.n
Soulhvv.trK ban
irnnci rifil ltl n
Bank ol Northern Liberties do
Mechanics' Bank do
Cofuniercii: Bank do
Bank of I'enn Tow nship do
Manufacturers Mcch'us do
MoyaificiisniK bank do
United States bank" 2:2
uiraru do par
Pennsylvania Dank par
Rank of Germaiitnu'ii mir
Bank of Montgomery co. do
Bank of Delaware county do
Bank of Chester county d
Dovlestou n ban do
Fanners' bank of Bucks do
ihiston bank do
Farmers' bank of Reading do
Lebanon bank 1
ILirrisburg bank 1
Middletown bank 1
Farmers' 6ank Lancaster par
Lancaster bank do
Lancaster county bank do
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge par
Carlisle bank 1
Northumberland bank par
Miners bank of Pottsvillc 1
York bank 1
Chambersburg bank 1
ueuysburg bank l
Wyoming do 2
Honesdale do 1
Bank of Lcwislown 2
Bank of Susquehanna co 2
3 2
Krio bank
Berks county bank
I'owanda do '
Relief Notes i f
'America, bank of , . .
American Exchange
Bank of Commerce ?-
Bank of the State of i
Butchers'and UroveiS
Del. and Hudson canalco
nrv Dock
Fulton bank of New York pajr
r. ;t?.'
iLcather Manufacturers'
Mauhatten company
a it.
rtiecnanics' immune assu.
Merchants' bank
Mechanics & Traders'
Merchants' Exchange
t ; 1 I I.
New VqrkT.Bank of .
rvrvA'-Ynrk llmiftirit? co.
k. - fcl. Vj it. V.U. lb T u. If.
INorth River do'
fhrcnix tin
Seventh Ward da
Tenth Ward i n
Tradesmen's paf
Union 15. of N Y do'
.1 .
The accommodation line of Stages belw'cen
Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave ihe house of
J. J. Pffsiens, (Washington Hotel,)' in Strouds
buTg. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of ev
ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arrive at Eas
ton at 2 o'clock, p. m , in time for dinner; re
turning on the following day, leaving D. Con
nor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, Thursddy
and Saturday at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arriving at
Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day.
The subscribers bogjeaye to inform the pub
lic, that they have uniied in carrying on the
above line of stages and tha,t they are now able
to carry passengers in as comfortable and con
venient a style, as any other route in the' coun
ty. Fare through SI 25'.
Stroudsburg, March 25, 1847.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
an Auditor appointed by iho Courtbf Common
Pleas of Pike county, to distribute the money
arising from the sale of real estate of David
Van why, that ho will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his store in Milford, on Friday
the 10th day of September next, at TO o'clock
A. m. when and where all persons interested
are requested to present their claims before said
auditor or be debated from coming in upon said
August 12, 18'I7. ' - t
For sale -at this Office,
Lum. o&nk at Warren no saleiWashing'con
Tooth-Aclic Conquered, x
The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub-,
lie, that he has, after spending a great deal lift
time and trouble, discovered a compound which
will instantly
Cure tlie Tdotli-Achc,
by destroying the nerve, and is guaranteed io his
perfectly innocuous in its effects upon the oilier
Teeth. The afflicted cannot do better ihai:
make use of these Drop's, by which they will
be rid of their pain and keep their teeth.
W. J. BRE1MER. .
. Tlie genuine article can be had at Schoch's
Printing Oflice, Stroudsburg, wholesale a::d re
tail, general Agent for the proprietor.
Wj Price 25 cents per bottle. ..m
The business will to be procure subscriber.
for, und sell, when published, a large, new;3
splendid township Map of the STATE O'F
PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications re
quired are a small capital of SI 00. sobriety, in
tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal
ents. Information of the terms of the sigency
(which are liberal) will be given on application,
Superintending Agr.iil;;
8 1-2 South 7th street, Philadelphia,
September 17, 1S4G.
A great variety of Toys on hand for sale
cheap, at tlie Variety Store of
Stroudsburg, January I, 18-16.
Now Publishing in the City of Philadelphia,
A large size Family Newspaper, Neutral in Pof
itics and Religion, and devoted to Literature, Truth,
News, the Arts, Sciences, Ilealth, Temperance",
Morality, Amusements, Mechanics, Education, the
Farmer, Markets, &c. Subscription price,
Only One IoIIar :i Year,
Single Copy, 75 cents in clubs of Eight, and less
over that number.
Great inducements to subscribe to "Scott's Weekly "
Paper." . y
In order to accommodate all who wish a.rea'U'y;
first rate weekly news and miscellaneous reading
journal, the publisher of "Scott's Weekly Paper' '
has fixed, as the basis for clubbing, &c;. for the?
future, the following unprecedented low"
One c6'py, $1 Thirty-four copies. 2p
Eight1 copies, SG Forty-two Copies S3()
Fourteen copies, Si a Fifty copies, $35
Twenty copies, $15 Seventy-five copfes, Sofl
Twenty seven copies $20 A hundred and fifty Cop
ies, $100.
dCF The money, In every instance, to accgfhpa-
ny the order. All letters must bo addressecirgqst''
paid, (or the monev forwarded throucrh the P!?st'-
master) to A. SCOTT, PRMLiher
No'. 115 Chesnut street, Philadelphia-
A good assortment of Watches, for sale, at
reduced prices, by JOHN H. MELlGl$jtf
Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1 84G. . t
v Neatly executed at this Office,