Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 15, 1847, Image 3

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' vnsni the People Jil(i:ncBi5cr.
The People remember that ihe FeJcral party.
fllC present day oppose""the WAR WITH
hTencmv, and is emphatically the MEXICAN
UlTY in these United States. Bern. Union.
Exactly! l he People rymember the repeat
J attempts of the present Federal administra
tion toSe1" lne ia,,re8 ro,n ne brow of the no
lie oia Hero of Buena "Vista.
The Pcoplo remember that the Federal Pres
.,i nave the villainous SANTA ANNA a
I vSSl5OR T to return to Mexico to untie, rein-
'.rtMii concentrate the Mexican forces, and
lead them 10 ballle aSu"lsl a lla,1Ju' f men un"
. , Hi-n Taylor.
The People remember the VOTE OF CEN
TRE paed upon Gen. Taylor by the Fed
" - lists in the House of Representatives,
nt People remember that the Federarists
ni'NOUNCED Gen. Taylor as a Whig Gen
eral incompetent to command the army of oc-
CUThP People remember the repeated attempts
f Federalists to SUPERCEDE GENE.R-
1 T-U'l OR IN COMMAND by the appoint
ment of a paltry paper-Gcueral and then insult
he "alien: old Chief who had conducted the
campain so gloriously, and acquired imperish
able labels, and in whose eulogy the Nation
Inokc in thunder tones
The People remember that the Federal Pes
iJent in his Message announcing the victories
Mexico purposely and poinicaiy omiueu iu
njinn the name of Gen. Taylor.
Pie People remember that the Federalists
,o cx-eudc-d AID AND COMFORT to the
i... .l,.;n.. all iliow i-miiI1 in nrevent the
bil isnt achievements of old ROUGH AND
IJiiADV, and bring disgrace upon the National
fle People remember that while old ROUGH
AND READY has"beeu saving the Administra
I,on from disgrace, with the certain knowledge
ilnt it was straining every nerve to BREAK
Hlj DOWN, and while he has been winning
i.riliiant victories for his country, the Federal
president and the Federalists who follow in
his train, have been rendering ' AID AND
COMFORT TO THE ENEMY,' not only in
sending Santa Anna, Almonte and a score of
other Mexican Generals back from banishment
into Mexico, but in WITHDRAWING THE
him, whereby Santa Anna, Mr. Polk's ally,
could meet and did meet old 4 Rough and Ready'
mth Jour limes his number of troops !
The People remember that the Federalists
are opposed to the Protection of American In
c'us'ry, ami in favor of FREE TRADE and
The People remember that the Federalists
in 144 wickedly and wilfully DECEIVED
i!.em by pretending friendship for the Protec
i,c system, and shouting for 'Polk, Dallas,
Munkand the Tariff of 1842,' and no sooner
were they in power than they violated their
Mjlemn promises to the People, and forced the
preseni obnoxious BRITISH TARIFF upon
ilio country.
The People reitiember that during the last
war the Federalists were the B IRTISH PAR
TY and that James Buchanan, one of the lea
ders of the Federal party OPPOSED AND
The people remember that ihe Federal Pres
ident who has furnished AID AND COM
FORT to the enemy, by -passing Santa Anna
link io Mexico, is the descendant of one of
The People remember that the Federalists the enemies of the industrial class, and are
in favor of REDUCING ihe WAGES OF
ihem upon a level with the paupers of Europe.
The People remember thai the doctrine of
the Federalists is to TAKE CARE OF THE
311 CH. and let the pooUake care of themselves
The People remember that the Federal Pres
ident is responsible for the gallant spirits who
it 11 upon the battle field of Buena Vista, Cerro
fJordo and Vera Cruz, and they will not permit
him m wipole out of the responsibility. He it
was who save the miserable intrigueing wretch
Santa Anna, a FREE PASS into Mexico to
rally the Mexican army, and give it vitality ana
ttrength. But for the PASSPORT, these bat
tles would not have taKen piace.
The People renumber that the Federal can-
(.., Onwarnn'r nbl Shunk' was a nrorrii-
UlUdlC 1Q J-, l
n,m nflrtK-inani in the GRAND TARIFF
KW'l NDLE of 1844 that he aided in the DE
CRPTION that was practised upon the people
If by pretending to b& m Javor oi the l arm oi w
r. .,..,? tin xn nf h now uemo uie cnuuiuaic
A .,r r.nP.r iVioi nnisnrl tbfi nresent odious
ui lui i r ihoi mju - - r
1 J...JL i i .. t.
BRITISH 1 AKlrr , am' auvocaie iUai u
Tinvinnc T;nnnffico measure. .B TAX UPON
TEA AND' COFFEE: in a striking acknowl
edgement of the deception, and readers him
unworthy the confidence and support of the
friends of Protection in Pennsylvania.
The People remember that the, Inderal cai;-m-ktc
has been in cjffite for THIRTY-FIVE
7E-UIS, and received from the public ireasury
LARS for his services, and .they do not feel
J disposed to give the old pap-?ucker an oppor
I umiry of pocketing NINE THOUSAND 'DOL
1 LARS MORE of the public money.
The people remember that the Federal cari
' late for Governor charged the enormous sum
LRS for FIVE DAYS"emccs as Clerk of
:o Hou'se of Representative being just
as much as ilia la.w entiiJed hiuu . .
The" People WiLL'RjEM M BER:all.i.liese
i inys and WILL .NEVER .AG,HN, C.QN-
ri:R pvfiRWraE Federalists:
'HxiriisburT t lnkUigmcr.t .
ITayor i?Iectisss at MarrEJsbEsrs.
A meeting of democrats to nominate Gen.
Taylor for the Residency, was held at the
Court House in Harrisburg, on Saturday ihe
2Cih ult. The meeting was organized by the
appointment of Hon. Win. Dock for President,
James Peacock, Samuel Pool, George Prince,
Joseph Black, Charles Buckler, Gfeo. V. Zeig
ler, Nicholas Reamshart, John L. Speel, Con
rad Zimmerman, R. F. Black, and John Geiger,
for Vice Presidents, and J. J. C. Cantine, Sam
uel S. Bigler, F. C. Carson, John Brady, and
D. W. C. Brooks, for Secretaries. John M.
Read and Richard Vaux, Esquires, of Philadel
phia, addresssd the meeting at length on the
claims of Gen. Taylor to the Presidency. John
C. Bucher, O. Barret, B. Parke, Daniel Snvder,
Wm Kline, J. T. Willson, W. D. Boas,' and
Jacob Boab were appointed a committee to pre
pare an address to tile people in favor of Gen.
Taylor. Seth Salisbury, N. B. Eldred, John
M. Read, Richard Vaux, Simon Cameron,
James Brady, F. W. Hughes, William Dewart,
and C. Seiler, were appointed a committee of
correspondence. A resolution was offered
pledging iho meeting to support the nomination
of Mr. Shunk for Governor, and of Mr. Long
stieih for Canal Commissioner, but the moiion
was opposed by Mr. Cameron, and afterwards
laid upon the table.
The Price oi a J&acie.
Yesterpay a sailor, mate of a vessel at East
Bntion, perhaps a little disguised with liquor,
camo across a cow, quietly feeding in ihe
streets of that place, and jumped upon her back.
The frightened hnimal started down the street
with iis unusual burden, much to the amuse
ment of ihe speciators. Having reached the
end of the street, the sailor jumped off, and with
a loud cry of " starboard your helm !" 'jerked
the cow round by ihe tail, jumped on again, and
rode back to his original starting-place. The
owner of the cow upon hearing the facts, was
disposed io sue the sailor for daiiiago done to the
cow ; hut ihe mailer was settled by -his paying
ten dollars for his ride. Boston Traveller.
1 N.unnerj in Pennsylvania. The Cat-holics
have purchased the beautiful estate of Mrr Cow
perthwait, tin the Delaware river, nearAridalusia'j
Bucks county, for $30,000. It is id be converted
into a nunncrv. '" ' -......
An Editor out west, issues an extra informing'
the public, his. wife Dorothy Dwighi, has eloped
wiih a bandy-legged.swivel-eyed, crooked-back
tailor. Exciting times, these.
Indigestion, Weak Nerves, Lowness of Spirits,
&c Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are .a
natural, and therefore a certain cure for all kinds
of nervous diseases because they, completely
cleanse the stomach and bowels of those bilious
and corrupt humors which not only paralyze and
weaken the digestive organs, but are the cause; of
weak nerves,. low spirits, &c Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills are also a direct purifier ofthe
blood, and therefore not only impart health and
cheerfulness to the mind, but also give new life
and vigor to the whole frame. .
Beware of Counterfeits. -The public are cau
tioned against the many spurious rriedicines, which
in order to deceive are called by names similar to
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills'. ,
For sale by- George H Miller t Stroudsburg, who
is the only authorised aerent for that place; see ad
vertisement for other agencies in another column.
Office and genera depot, 1G!) Kace st. Jfhil a.
DR. V. M. S WAYZE, Surgeon Dentist, an
nounces to the citizens of Siroudsburg and vi
cinity, that he intends visiting that place on or
about the 5th or 10th of August, at which time
he will be happy io wait upon those who may
be desirous of obtaining his professional seni
ccs. His acquaintance with the people, and
his well known reputation as a Denii-t; it is
hoped will serve as a sufficient recommendation
to all who may require his services.
July 15, 1847.
The prese.rvaiive qualities of charcoal are not
so generally known as they should be, and I
hope you will tell your readers that if they will
imbed their smoked beef and pork in pulverized
charcoal, they may keepit aslong as they please
without regard to weather.
Tell them, also, that if they will lake about
a pint of charcoal, also pulverized, and put it
into a bag, then put it into a barrel of new ci
der, it can never ferment, will never contain
any intoxicating quality, and will become more
palatable the longer it is kept. Further, take
a piece of charcoal of a surface equal to a cu
bic inch, wrap it in a clean cotton cloth two
thicknesseSj and made moist, and woric anoui
one pound of butter which has become rancid,
and it will restore it perfectly. Alien, r armer.
Sale of the Sale Ecsideiccc oS .Boscpii
The beautiful grounds and mansion helong-
inr to the estate of the late Joseph Napoleon
Bonaparte, ex-king of Spain were sold at auc
tion a few days since, for the sum of S30, 500.
Mr. Thomas Richards, of Philadelphia, was
the purchaser. It is said that the buildings
alone cost over $60,000. The paintings, sculp
ture, furniture, &c, sold at much lower rates
than had been anticipated ; some articles being
sold for half their value. The paintings brought
from S10 to SI 050. Two lions and a fawn,
by Rubens, sold for the largest sum. ,! Nativ
ity of our Saviour," by Raphael Moengs, brought
$1000; the portrait of a dog by Hackcrfs,
brought $210. The picture of Napoleon cross
iti" the Alps, by David, the proprietors refused
toput up unless the sum of $6000 was bid for
it. As no pe'rson present was willing to bid
that sum it was passed, and will be sent to Eu
rope. Rwlisxg Passioss.
The Cleveland Herald tells a story of ah hon
est old patriarch from Faderland, who the other
day followed the remaines of his wife to the
cemetery. The little party of mourners were
gathered around ihe grave, and an expression
of much sadness was visible on their counte
nances. The coffin was slowly lowered to its
resting place, and the hollow sound of the fall
in" dirt commenced, when the' husband nudged
the parson, and remarked, dish is not werry
good land for wheat."
What's in a Name 'The Mobile Herald,
speaking of Professor Longfellow, thinks his
name is loo vulgar for it poet,' and says the la
dies are beginning to calf hfm "Pro. 'Lengthy-individual."
TyD:J.'V. M ATTISON respectfully annnim--2-
ces to ihe people of SlrhbdbtiVg and vicin
ity, thai he has peririatuirMy lor a red .at Suonds
burg, for the, purpose of praeti-ing . medicine,
wherd he hopes by strict aueliiion and great
care iq merit the patrciiaje of ihos'e who may
employ him v L)r. Ml ahb.takjes iliW ; method'
of, informing those who are aliiu-tei vvih dis
eases of long branding, that he has "fur a few
years past, devoted much time. and attention, and
has hadtimple opportunity, s.uch as only a. .hos
pital affords, of investigating diseases of a chron
ic, character, and he flatters liinisulf that those
calling upon him laboring ..under this class of
dibease will meet wnh, prompt and. immediate
relief. .
He will 'be found at his room at the Mansion
House, ready to 'consult wiih those who may
favor him with a call at all hours when not ab
sent oil professional busines.
June 2-1, 1817. tf. ...
St is "Wst$CBa
In the 'Book of Nature and Common Sense, that
the natural vegetable productions ol every country
are, if properly applied, are. amply sufficient for
the cure of every malady incident to each peculiar
climate. , .
Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills.,
of the North American College of Health, are com
posed of plants which grow spontaneously on our
own soil, and' are therefore better adapted to our
constitutions, than medicines conedcted from J or
cisrn Drugs, however well ihey may be compuund
ed; and'ey are founded upon the principle that
the humrin body :s m truth i . ...
Subject to but One Disease,
viz : corrupt humors, arid thai said medicine cures
this disease on. . . , .
Naimcii Principles
bit oleunsinsr andvuvifuho; the body; it will be man
ifest, that.if the constitution be not entirely ex
hausted a perseverance in their use, according
to, direcljons, is absolutely certain to urre uis'jjujs
of every, name lrorn the. bouy. i ,
TTTI 1 X .
Corrected every.Mednesday morning.
Wheat Flour, per barrel
Rye. do.' dp. do.
Wheats per bushel
Ryq, . do., do. , . .
Sole Leather per pduffd
Corn per bushel
Buckwheat, per bushel.
Clover Seed per bushel
Timotiiy Seed per bush!
Barley do:
Oats do.
Flax Seed t do.
Butter per pound
Eggs, per dozen
Plaster per ton
Hickory wood, per cord
Oak, do. do.
Mackerel, No.. 1
Do. 4o 2.; 1
Potatoes, per bushel
7 00
'5 00
1 10
.75 25"
. 70,
4 50
3 00 -40
"1 20
G 00
2 50
.9 00
13 00
9 50
5 50
4 00
a? io,-.
4 50
1 20
- 12 '
3 50
4 '50
3 75
12 00
10 00
1 50' ,
4 25
2 S7
1 45
' !?
2 1.2
o wr
r -sob
1 1 7
7 75
corrected weekly for the Jeflorsoliiuu Republican.
The. notes of. those banks oh .vAiila quotations?
are omitted and a, dash( )substituVud1f uce nt
purchased by the brokers.
rhilaileiphhi ban, . P?r w-SfS?'
llan of North America. do Wiiyucsburg
Farmers' .Meciiamcs' do Biowuiarinc v;,
Western An do
Southu.trKban do
Keiisnv-'ton ban do
U'aiik ufKorthern Liberties do
Mechanics' Hank
Commcrciu Bank
Bank of Fenn Tovhshtp.
ftanufaciurcrs Mech'ns
MoyHitiensing bank
IJnited Stales bank
Girard do
Pcitnsylvama bank
Bank of Gennantowu
Bank of Montgomery co.
Bank of Delaware county
Hank of Cheslsr county ban -F.irrnrr?'
n?.:ik of Bucks
tiiowncsriHe -
Erie .bank
Berks county bank; .
row anda do
Relief Notes . V"
Fanners' bank of Reading do
Ranawa)' from the subscriber, on Wednes
day night "the 30th June, 1847, William II.
Cressmax, an indchturod apprentice, (from the
House of Refuge, Philadelphia,) to iho tanning
and currying business. He is about 4 feet 10
inches high raihor good looking, and had on
when he left, a nevV suit of black cloth clothes
and a pair of new calfskin boots
Said boy was indentured to me on the 7th
day of April 1847, and had 3 years 10 months
9 days to serve.
The above reward, hut no' costs, will be paid
for his apprehension and delivery at this place.
Stroudsburg, Julv 1, 1S4.7.
! -r 1 1.
' ' it - " - . ! l.l'UHJHIll Ortiliv
When we wisn to restore a swamp nr moruss iu : narrishurg bank
Passengers in this line will leave Joseph.
Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Black Horse,"
Eahion, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
passing through th'd ToKowing places, vis :
Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills'
Feiry, Delaware Water Gap", DtUoisburg,
Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry,'
and arrive in Milford the same day: Distance
00 mile3. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmick's
Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, and' arrive in Easton the same day.
Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, Si 25
.Milford, . 2S7
N. B. All baggage at the risk of the owners.
Strouddburg, June 3, 1847. . Proprietor.
fertility, we drain it of the superabundant waters ;
in like manner if we wisn to restore the body to.
health, we must cleanse it of impurity.
Wrighfs Indian Vegetable Pills r
will be found, one of the best, if not the very best
medicine in the ivorld for carrying out this
Grand Purifying Principle,
because thev exnel from, the body all morbid and
corrupt humors, the cause 'of disease. In an dasy
and natural manner ; and while they every day
Give Ease and Pleasure,
diseace of every name is rapidly driven from the
body. .......
The following Agencies have been established
for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, in"
George IT Miller, Stroudsburg ; . .
John Lander, Craig's Meadows ,
Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mill3 .
Henry Kintz, Barlonsyille.
A.S Edjnger, Tannersville . . , . .
Joseph Keller &. Son, Kellersville
Charles Say lor, Salorsburg .;
Brpdhead & . Brother, Dutotsburg " ...
Wiiliam'Drake. Snydersville -Beware
of Counterfeits. The public are cau
tioned against the many spurious medicines which
in order-to deceive, are called by names si.nilar
to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.. .
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169
Race street, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich. street,
New York; and 198 Trpmont street, Boston.
February 18, 18-17. ly , -
A Friend t& ail IValaoiiSj
Middletown bank
Farmers' Rank Lancaster
Lancaster bank
Lanr-.aster coimtv bank
fforitiamuton bank
Columbia Dridge
Carlisle bank;- "
Noi thumbcrlaad bank
IIincrs bank, of Pottsville
York bank -Cliambersb'nrgbank
Gettysburg bank
Wyoming do
Honesdale d&
flank of L&wiSiown
Bank of Susquehanna co
i.mcnca,.bajt; of
American Bxcli.inge
Dank of Connnei oe
llank of the Skate of N V
Butcnersand Uroveti'
do Commercial
Clinton "Pr
Del. and Hudson canalco. cw
DrvDonk '
Fuilon ba.ik of New York-
Greene id d
Lsrayettfj.-. - ; ;. -.aou.
Leather ALnufaeturerf!' Ua-
.Manhaltcn company
Mecnr h:e" Uankfng Assol
.MercTianVs' bank
Mechanics. & Tmders'
.Merchants' Exchange
.N'ationa! bank '
' do
N'ow-York llaukina co.
N. Y. St'e. St'k SefUr'iiy b:' p r
North Hiver ua.
c- cnth Ward
Tentn Ward : . .ki
SjTr.idesnien's - , - pir.
aiunmn u. ol y
Mrs, l?2fii'sarl Eagles
Begs leave respectfully to inform her old friends
Obt of tu'enty-ei'ght Whig papers -in Mary
land, sixteen support General 'I a'ylor for the
SiasgEsIar .Freak of LiisrEitising.
Three weeks ago yesterday, during a thunder
sto.nn,a boy in Vermillton township, of this county,
son of Mr. Sylvester A. Pelton some 12 or 14 years
of age, was milking a cow, when the lightning
struck the- cow killing her instantly. The light
ning, passed from the teats of the cow to the pail,
in which it made holes in the side near thd top,
arid thence into the ground. The boy received
no other injury than having his feet severely burned
and being stunned for fifteen minutes. The- rain
probably revived the lad from the stunning. San
dusky Mirror.
Coal lands arc selling in the neighborhood of
Wilkesbarre, Pa., for SlOOan-acre ; .and yet these
lands wjll yield from fifteen Jo twenty thousand tons
of pure coal per acre. n, ' ' . ;, .-rV
NEW LINE, , . . . .
The accommodation line of Sfagcs between
the public generally that she has taken the- Stroudsburg and Easton, will jaave.the house of
m petnhficrimftni whin.h has hfir-ti. and is J. J- Postcus, ,( Washington Hotel,) m Strouds-
now being, fitted up upon the most apprbvetl ! burg, on Monday, Wednesday, bii& Friday of cv-m
plan, for the accommodation of strangers and ery week, at 7 o'clock, . m., and arrive ai Eas
iravollcrs" ton at 2 o'clock, i. m , in time for dinner; re-
turning o,ihe lo'lovving clay, leaving u. Con
nor's American ijoiel, on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at .7 o'clock, a. m., and arriving at
Stroudsburg,at 2 o'clock, same day. ,..
The subscribers bog leave to inform the pub-
c a liberal patronage. Persons visiting town : lie, 'hat they have united in. carrying on the
business,or pleasure excursions, will find a above line of stages and thai they are nov able
to carry passengers in as comionaoie aim con
venient a siyje, as any other route in the coun
ty.. Fare, through' $1 .25.
Luni. OMik at W.arren no sale Washington -: . -v
LobiOiMtEi .
The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub-,
lie, ihat he has, after spending agreai deal if
time and trouble, discovered a compound which
will instantly -
. Cure the Tooth-Ache .
by destroying ihe nervo, aud is guaranied io l
perfectly innocuous in its effects iii5;m the oilier
Teeth. The afflicted cannot do better than
make use of these Drops, by which they vill
be rid of their pain and kpp their teeth.
The genuine article cai be had a( Sc.h'orh'.-i
rrntiing urace, oirouusourg, wnoiosaie arm re
tail, general Agent for the prop'fietor.
Jj Price 25 cents per bottle.
The business will to be procure subscribers
for, und sell, when publiahed, a large, ,ne!w,
splendid township Map of the STATE OF
PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications; .re
quired arp a small capital . of $1005 sobriety,
tegrity, .industry, energy, and active business tal
ents. Information, of ihe term of the agency
(.which are liberal) will be given on application,
. " ... . Superintending Agent,
. . 8 1-2 South 7th street, Philadelphia.
September 17, 1846. .. : .
The long experience which she has had in
the business of keeping a hotel or public house.
in connection with the favorable location and
cornmodiousneSs of the Mansion House, she
hopes will afford a sufilcioni guarantee to sr
on business or pi
comfortable, convenient and quiet homo. Ju
rors and others attending Court are invited to
call, and satisfy themselves. Si rangers from
the citv, or elsewhere, who contemplate spend
ing some time in the beautifuf and reiirod vil-'i
lage of Stroudsburg, will do well by making the
above house their home during their stay here;'
in sriort, all arc invited to call. '
Transient and steady boarders,- by the day
or weekt accommodated upon the most reason
able terms.
Stroudsburg, April 1, 1847.
soaps! ,
Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving
also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale
cheap, by . .JOHN H. ME LICK.
Stroudsburg, January 1, 184G.
Qood nelvs for the Aged".
Spectacle. Glasses filled to all ages and sights
in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel
Frames, with convex, concave, poriscopic, blue,
urey and green Glassos, to which he would invite-particular
attention. No charge for showing
them. For sale .cheap,, at iho, Variety Store of
- JOllrN(rL.MELI.CK.
Stroudsburg, January 1 ,1 S4G;
Stroudsburg, March 25, 1847.
The co-partnership heretofore, existing be
tween the subscribers under the name and firm
of DeWitt Brothers & Hagerty, for ihe purpose
of carrying on the Lumbering business, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. . All persons
! indebted to the ahne firm are requeued to" call
I i ..i . '.i i.i ' .i n r n..vuii-'
anu scuie, wiuiuiu uciay, vviui v. ju i
& Brother, who arc- duy authorized to receive
the same; and all persons having, demands
against said firm will please present them for
settlement. , . ,
. 0- W. DeWITT,
Milford, March 27, 1 847
. The business will hereafter be carried on by
ihe subscribers, and. they intend . to keep con
stantly omhand at mill at Jord's Valley,
BoAirris, Lath, Picinifs'and Paling, for sale
cheap fur catlf or prndii. s '
. . . " C. V.!DWWitt & Bao'fiiHR.
ivHwaii 27, i547. ; v .' ' j4- .',",;'";,
A great variety of Toys on haud, forsa'la
cheap, at the Variety Store of.
, J O H N . H . MEL I .
Stroudsburg, Jfan.uary 1, 1S46.
. Noio Publishing in the City of Phil pel pliia,
scott's Weekly jpapek,
A largS size Family Newspaper, Neutral in Pol
itics and Religion, and devoted to Literature, Trutf
News, the Arts, Sciences, lXe.ilih, I wnpur;ance,
iVtorality, Amusements, Slechanics, EducationvtbS1
Farmer, Markets, &c Subscription price ...
Only One Dolinv it Teiti',
Single Copy, 75 cents in clubs of Eight, and less'
oyer that number.
Great inducements to subscribe to " Scotfs Weekly
. . Paper." .
In order to accommodate all who wish a reallv
first rate weekly news and miscellaneous reading
journal, the publisher of "Scott's Weekly Paper"
bas fixekl, as the basis for clubbing, &c for ftba
future, the following unprecedented low .
One copy, $1 Thir
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