f Jury liisi. A of persons drawn io serve as Grand and Petit Jurors, for ilic County of Monroe, at a conn of Quarter Sessions, Common Pleas &c, 10 he held in and for stiid county, on llie 21st, dav of September, A. D. 184G. " GRAND JURORS. 1 Adam Smith, Ross. 2 John Place, M. Smithfield. 3 Peter Hufsmith, CheMiuthill. A David Keller, Hamilton. ! 5 George L. Slntter, do. , f John S. Van Vliei, Stroud. 7 William Overfield, M. Smithfield. 8 William Adams, Tohyhnntut. 9 Daniel Stgltn, ChesmitlnH. 10 Levi De.wiit, M. Smithfield. 11 Daniel Broun, Cheuuihill. 12 Joseph Alteuiose, Ross J 3 J"hn Smith, do. -: I Manasnah Miller, Hamilton. 15 John fidiuger, Pocono. 16 Chailes Wahon. Hamilton. 17 John V. Hush, Smnhfield 18 Conrad Frable, CheMiuthill. f. 11) laac Gruber, " 20 John Fi-llmser, Ilamilton. ' . 2! Joseph Hinkle, 22 Vanciiran Hush, Stroud. - -,:..- ( 23 Samuel Mctzar, Ro-s. 21 James Place, M. Smithfield. ;: PETIT JURORS. 1 James Smiley, Sroud. 2 Luilwig Smith, M. Smithfield. 3 David Smiley, Stroud. 4 Edward Brown, " n Charles Musch " G Jot ph Wolbcrt, Jaekson. 7 Daniel Smith, Ross. H Simon iJltcker, 41 9 Geore Flyte, " 10 Joeph Ttach, Hamilton. 1 1 Adam Andrew, Stroud. 32 Samuel Shick, Pocono. 13 Peter Williams, Hamilton. 11 Abraham Fcnner, Smithfield. 15 Jacob Starner, CheMiuthill. 16 James Turpenning, Smithfield. 17 Jacob W. Singer, Jackson. 18 Jacob Williams, 19 John Learn, Price. 20 Charles Hilyard. Price. 21 Jacob Dennis, Hamilton. 22 Peter Shick, Pocono. 23 Reuben Gregory, CheMiuthill. 24 George Van Buskirk, Hamilton. 25 Philip M. Buh, Smiihfield. 2G John Shoemaker, M. Smithfield. 27 Thomas Stone, Stroud. 23 John Keller, Hamilton. L'9 Jacob Williams, " 30 John Frutrhey, M. Smithfield. 31 John Griflin, Stroud. 32 John Smith, M. Smithfield. 33 John D. Frailey, Jackson. 34 John B. Miller, Hamilton. 35 Peter Shupp, Chesnuihill. 3G Henry Tittle, Hamilton. Trial JListSept. Term. 1816. Godfrey Green? ivei" v. William Hawk, et. al. No 13, Feb. i. 1 S42. Ejectment. Jos. Chrisiman v. Rohi. Newell and Jacob Ev- eritt. No. 53, Sep', t. 1 S II. Trespass. Benj Ihrie v. JoMah Dieter. No. 52, Sept. t. 1843. Ejectment. Peier B. Setzer v. Jacob Shafer. No 77, Sept. i. 1813. Replevin. Peier B. Setzer v. Henry Shafer. No 78 Sept. i. 18-13. Replevin. Benj. Depue to the u-e of Moses Depue v. Win. Place. No GS, Dec. t. 1843. Appeal. Henry Shafer v. Jacob Shafer and John Gower adm'rs. No 13, Feb. t. 1844. John E. Ziegenfuss & Sarah Olewine, adm'rs of George Olewine, dee'd v. John Ktntz. No 38, July t 1844. Appeal. Borough of S'roudsbur" v. Stocdell Stokes, No 17, Julv t. 1845. Trespass. Geo. L. Van Bukirk v. John Bender, sen, No 53, July I. 1 845 Appeal. Butz et al. v. Franiz ei. al. No 22, Oct. t. 1S45 Aunu-Ntus Bowers . Chas. Hawk, No 12, Jan. t. 1846. Ejectment. .John Kern v. David Heimhach and Thomas Craig;, No. 13, May t. 1844. ARGUMENT LIST. Andrew Bukuk v. Justus Stmonson. sin the matter of the Report of Auditors on the account of M.-hael Brown, one of the Testamentary Tiusiees of the estate of Philip Shrauder, dee'd. Xaurence Serfo-. v. Peter L. Serfoss. Michael Hawk v. Peir S Serfos. Iln the matter of :he Repoit of Auditors on the account )f the ex'urn of John Cuol- bauoh dee'd. In the matter of the Report of the Re-rcview of a road jn Stroud and Smithfield tsp. iElizabeth Huffeaiith v. Jacob Altemose. CHEAPEST IX THE WORLD.' Steam Refined Snr;n Candies. J2i-2 Cents per pound, Wholesale. J. J. mCH ARDSOiV. No. 42 Market street. Philadelphia, takes plt-i-iire in iiiformuig th rpunnc, iua n unu citnanupN- to sell his very orpEEiOR ircAM KeflvjvD Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pound, and the quail '' Jb equal to auv Mi the l;uted States. He also -oiFe"! all kind- of goods in the Con- Ijecttonary and Fruit, line at corresponding low prices, as quick ales and sU-wl ptofiia are the order of the dsr. Call or send vur orders, an.:'l'"u cannot fail Mbe satisfied Dou'i forop.r t lie niimhnr ! -MARKET STREET. PHI LA. DELPHI . J, J. RICb AKDS ON. A . . .JIM SN . august a, 1340. 42 A VOICE FROM KENTUCKY. 1 have been afilicted with dyspepsia in its most aggravated form for three years past, and found no relief until. 1 used Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. After using six boxes of said valuable pills, I am entirely cured. They are a general remedy. J. K. LEE MAN. Paducah, Ky., Nov. 19, 1815. We certify to the above facts. Dr. Smith's Pills arc universally esteemed in this vicinity. HODGE, GIVENS & Co., Merchants At the request of Dr. G. Benj. Smith's agent, we cheerfully state that we visited the office of I)r Smith in September last, while in New York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very extensive business with his Indian Vegeta ble Pills. The extent of his establishment would astonish any one not initiated in the mysteries of the pill trade. Louisville Journal. (From Br. Singleton.) Southland, Ky., Feb. 24. 1846. Dr. G. Benj. Smith Dear Sir : Nothing has ever been introduced that has sold so well and given such general satisfaction as your Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully yours, S. F. SINGLETON. (From Messrs. Bull tj- Alden.) Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13ih, 181G. Dr. G. Benj. Smith Dear Sir : You will please send us ten gross of your valuable pills. From present indications we shall sell a large amount of them. We find they go very quick, &c. Your friends, BULL & ALDEN. (From Wilson, Starbird tj- Smith.) Louisville, Feb. 13, 1S4G. Dr. Smith Dear Sir About two weeks ago we bought two gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills. Though business is dull beie at this time yet we have sold them all You will please send us a gross through Messrs. Law rence &. Kees of your city, who will forward them to us via Pittsburg. Yours respectfully, WILSON, STARBIRD & SMITH. fjj And sold throughout the United States and Canada. Beware of all such frauds and examine the box Office 179 Greenwich St., (Large Brick Block.) ID3 Always ask for the Improved Indian Vege table Pills. ET And see that G. Benj. Smith is written with a pen on the bottom of the box Agents in Monroe Co. Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg. Brodhead & Brothers, Dutotsburg. J no. Marsh, Fennersville. Daniel Brown, Chesnuthill. May 28, 1S4G. IMPORTAK'JT TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. You may be sure of obtaining, at all limes, pure and highly flavored TEAS, ' By the single pound or larger quantity, at the Pekin Tea Company's Warehouse, No. 30 South Second Street, Between Market dnd Ghesnutj PHILADELPHIA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, almost impossible, always to obtain good Green and Black Teas. But now you have only to visit the Pekin Tea Company's Store, to ob tain as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish for. All tastes can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. G. B. ZIEBER, Agent for ihe Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, July 2, 1845. CALL AND SEE. GEORGE H. MILLER, Has just received at his Store, in the Bor ough of Stroudbburg, opposite the public house of Jacob Knecht, a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, Consisting in part of Black, Blue Black, and Blue Cloths; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres; Sat metts, Cameres, Mouseline de Laine Robes, and Piece Good-; Merinos, Alpaccas, Faramal ta cloth'; Shawls and Handkerchiefs of vari ous kinds, together with a great variety of CALICOES, and all kinds of articles generally kept in a Country More. ALSO -a. first rale stock of Groceries, Hardware, Grockery ware, c. Boots, Shoes, and Caps, &c. &c. all of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. September 10, 1840. Great i2argains, in Elals and Caps, At the old established No. 19G Market St., 2d door below Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. We extend a general invitation to the citizens of Monroe, and its vicinity, as well as to all others, to our Store. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hats and Caps of every style and variety, which we are selling full one-fourth lovver than the usual prices, namely: Extra superior Beaver Hats, from $2,50 to $3,50 Brush " " 2,00 to 3,00 " Silk " " 1,25 to 2,00 " " Moleskin " 2,50 only, usual price Si. Good Hats as low as $1,25 and upwards. Al so, a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, "lazed, silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps ; fine Oiler, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c. &c, at lower prices than they can possibly be had elsewhere. From our ex tensive sales, we can sell for a smaller profit than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is to your interest. Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others, who buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms. Be sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second door below Sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN. Philadelphia, Au. 27, 1846. iMJfil PEIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Dwelling House and EIGHT ACRES of LAND, situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, on the public road leading from the Del aware Water Gap to Stfoudsburg, one and a half miles from the latter place and two miles from the former. Two acres of the above are woodland, well timbered. An ORCHARD" of grafted Apple Trees, young and thriving, on the premises, and a variety of other fruit trees. A never failing Spring of good water near the door. The property will he sold low. Any person wishing further information may obtain it by addressing the subscriber, at Stroudsbug, Mon roe county, Pa., or by application on the prem ises. A clea'r and indisputable title will be giv en to the purchaser GEORGE STAPLES. August 20, 1846. JVoUee e The subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and the public generally, thai he has removed his Flour and Feed Store to the building formerly occupied by Wm. Raf ferty, opposite J. J. Post ens' Hotel, where he will sell cheap for Cash. He has also an as sortment of refined BAR IRON, consisting of square, scollop, and horse shoe bars; wagon tyre of all sizes; saw slabs, crow bars, sledge and plough moulds, and a general assortment of round iron of different sizes, and American spring and cast steel, constantly on hand and will be sold cheap for cash or api proved credit by Wm. WALLACE. Grain and Pork taken in exchange for Iron: April 16, 1S46. SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, by JOHN H. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. Violins and Flutes. At from SI, 50 to $3,50, for sale by JOHN H. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. HAVE YOU A COW? THREE COPIES FOR $1. A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS, Whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk which any Cow will give may be accurately determined by observing Natural Marks or External Indica tions alone; the length of time she will continue to give Milk, &c. &c. BY M. FRANCIS GUENON, OF LIFIO URN E, FRANCE. Translated for the Farmers' Library, from the French, by N. P. Trist, Esq. late U. S. Con sul al Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observations OS THE COW AND THE DAIRY. by joiiar s. skiver, EDITOR OF THE FARMERS' LIBRARY. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Good news for the Aired. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses, to which he would 111 vitf particular attention. No charge for showing tbeui. For sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Strond.xhurg, January 1, 1846. BLANK DEEDS For sale al this office. ID3 Price for single copies, neatly done up in paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth and lettered, G2 1-2 cents. The usual discount to Booksellers, Agents, Country Merchants and Ped lars. Farmers throughout the United States may re ceive the work through the Mails. The postage on each copy will be about 7 cents. By remitting $2 free of postage we will send seven copies of the work done uo in paper covers, or three copies for SI. Country Merchants visiting any of the Cities can procure the work from Hooksellers for those who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Address, GREELY & McELRATH, Publishers, Tribune Building9, New-York. April 23, 18-10. 8t. NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, trading under the name of George H. Miller & Co., was mutually dissolved on the 25ih day of April last. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payment without delay to John Boys, who is duly authorized to settle the accounts of said firm. GEORGE H. MILLER, JOHN BOYS Stroudsburg, August 6, 184G. . LOOK HERE ! Toofh-Aeliv osaiiaici'Cl. The subscriber-begs leave 10 inform the pub lic, that he ha, after spending a rai deal "f lime and trouble, discovered a compound which will instantly Cure (lie Tooth-Ache, . by destroying the nerve; and is guaranteed to be perfectly innocuous in its effects tlpon the other Teeth. The alllicted cannot do better than make use of these Drops, by which they will be rid of their pain and keep their teeth. , W. J. BREIMER. The genuine article can be had at Schoch';. Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale and re tail, general Agent for the proprietor. XHJ2 'Price 25 cents per bottle. July 2, 184G. Wholesale and lietail PREMIUM HAT STORE. BEKTRAIVB ROSS, No. 120 Chesnut Street, south side, 4 doors below Fourth st., PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refitted and opened the above Establishment, where he is prepared at all times; to PRICES CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning. ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do; Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound ( 'orn per 'bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush. Harley ' do. Oats do. Fia.v Seed do. Butter per pound Efigs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, , do. do. Mackrirfci, Nd. 1 Do. dd 5 Potatoes, per bushel strowh- Easton. I'tttliiil'n burg. 5 00 1 75 5 P.f K 50 1 3 75 -1 25 5 b'5 1 10 02 00 87 25 'ttl 18 54 ' 5d (if? 40 rM-? 0 00 0 00 5 00 3 00 2 50 2 67 . 10 -101 51? 33 WW '.13 1 00 1 20 1 , " 10 1 j ' 1 9 K I l( 5 50 1 -35 .1 00" 2 50 .; 75 j t 50 2 oo :i oo j t -'5 .'5 00 It' 00 10 00 12 50 10 00 S 00 4s :io (Jo k'onuinntmi iiMtl (It) l!:uik of 'Northern Liberties il i'hihuleluliw ban, nil Hun of North America, Uo farmers' fc Mcdhanics Jo IVixtorl. ti:n. 11(1 furnish Heaver, Nulria.-and Moleskin Hats, coital i souiitwarKiwn to any manufactured iti this Country ; Also, a superior quality Of Caps, for officers of the Ar my ahd Navy, together with Dress, Riding and Sporting Caps : a new and splendid style of Childrens' and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for Ladies. Just received, per Steam Ship Great Wes tern, the approved style of LADILS RIDING nnkof Ociauaie county HATS; also, a beautiful assortment of Chil-1 toT,"0""1 drens' French Caps. j Farmer.- bank of lluoks I am determined that my Hats, in point of. FanVwiiMllSik of Rcadmi; beawty and quality, shall not be surpassed by i Lebanon bank .I.3KL r ' i. n,.uv...i r... ' Ifarnilmrg bank iiiuac ui any uuici laiauuaniiiuiii in any Kjuy in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1845. Gm. BANK KOT15 JiiST; corrbetett weekly fdr tde' 'Jelt'etsoniau ilpublicnn. ' The notes of those banks on widen quotations are omitted and a dash( substituted, are nut purchased by the brokers. Vcct iirthcll bank I'ituburu Wayiu-.ibilrg Uiouutsrille Kri! buiik llerks ciiUitl'r bank rotvuiijht (to 1. Mecbanics' Hank ConimeroiH Bank Hank ufl'cnri Township Manufacturuis' Mecli'ilS Moyamensing bank United Stales bank airartt do I'cnnsylvaiiiabank I!;l!iktf (luriiiantmVii Hank of Montgomery co. do do tio do do par pai par do do do do d do p;tlJ do -do .do "do (to do I Midilletowii bank Farmers' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Northampton bank Columbia Hridge Carlisle baiik Northumberland, bank Miners bank of l'bttsvillo York bank t1b:im!)eriurg bank (Jettysburg bank Wyoming do Ho'nesdale do at icr. TL,t 747... J?..i,7. t uan v oi j.cwiMown iu. iu iuunci siicei, zuuiii omc, ucwiv r uunu, Hank of Sus(iue.auna co Sleeper & Feiincr, . MANUFACTURERS OF UiiibroIIiisi Parasols, & Sun Shade's, Lum. dank at Warren ri'o sale;VnMiirigtoh Relief Notes New York A.irV it A 3 k 8 AinbHca, b.mk of American L'xtMiaiigU Bankot commerce Bank of the State of N Y ButchUrs'and nidi't'r' Chemical (:u' . . . Coinnust-i-.rstl I'lintiiii Del. tlftd llttdson can il co. .iU . Dry Dock l Flilton bank of New York ;yi"r tlieenwieh d? 1 (Lafayette . 'di Iil.eatlicr Manufacturers' do ManhatU'ii ijouipaity do Mechanic-' Hanking Asso. d V Merchants bank do Merchant' do Mechanics &. TriiderV d. pai Merchants' hxchauc do t .National d.iiik Co- pai Saw York. Hank of , -j 1 .v,-Yoik S;l:lkin co. u I N. Y: St'e St'k Security b. pari . i .mm in mvur 1 Hhami . 2 Seventh Waiit 1 TV.mh Ward 2 Tradesmen's Union B. ofN Y 1 par do do ,Ulf do do ID pur do Philadelphia Invite the attenlibn of. Merchants, Mahiifactu rers, &c. fcc, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle oh which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customers and themselves; by manufactu ring a good article, stilling U al the lowest i (, p .; t n..nwM.v c. - Price for Cash, and realizing their own rcmu-1 "niLCUOnaiJ ailll trl OuU fciOl 0, neration, in the amount of sales arid (quick re-, on Elizabeth street, in the room formerly occu turns. pied by Joseph L. Keller, as u Grocery, whem PoSsessirig inexhausiible facilities for tiianu J lie " prepared to accommodate this public with facltircj they are prepared to supply orders to all kinds of CANDIES of the bel quality. any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron- He also keeps on hand FRUIT, embracing ;ill age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. 'be delicacies of the season, and NUTS yf-alL ! kinds. His stock consists in part, of Coinlcfctfoiiiiryj iFi'iiil, aial GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH, Respectfully Srtfiirms ih cinznii nfj. Qlriuiitukurh. itfrt ritit-il i r.i II . Phila., Dec. 11, 1815. ly. A Friend to afll Iufioais, WAR OR NO WAR! NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stdges between Stroudsburg and Easion, will leave the house of Edward f'ostens, (Washington Hotel,) in Stroudsburg, on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of every week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and ar rive in Easion at 2 o'clock, v. m , in time for dinner ; returning on the following day, leaving D. Connor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, and arri ving at Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day. The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub lic, that he has purchased the above line of stages from Messrs. Connor, Postcns & Co., ihe former proprietors, and that he is now able to carry passengers in as comfortable and con;- venient a style, as any other route in the coun ty. Fare through S 1 25. ROBERT C. SLEATII, Sole Proprietor and Driver. Stroudsburg, Jan. 22, 1846. Fine Pen-Knives and Razors. A good assortment, for sale low, by JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1840. Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, j Figs, Lemons, I Almonds, Raisins-, ' Prunes, J aruf a variety of all kinds of Confectionary cn" erally kept in such an establishment, all of which Ife will sell very low for Cash, lie has. also added to the above stock, ail the articles, connected with a GROCERY. Consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees,' Teas, Cheese, Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepper, ClIOCOLATKf "' SaleratuS,.; nutMkgs,- y-( Allspice, ' Ginger, Herring, Mackerel, Close Pins, Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, LATEST FASHIONS. m, 'Bwm.wmww,, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, thai he still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS at his old stand, nearly opposite Stogdijll Stokes' Store. He has jusl received ihe latest Philadelphia Fash ions, and is prepared to execute all orders in hia lino with neatness and despatch, and in the la test style. Clothing for old men made to suit their age and convenience. All of which he will furnish as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange for work, at the cash price. N. B. Culling done at the shortest notice, and warranted to fit if properly made up. Stroudsburg, Oct. 23, 1845. Country Produce. Butler, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods in my line of bovine.". JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 184G. together with a variety of Tubs, Bowls, &c. Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, of the best and cheapest qualities always an hand, and will suit those who mav favor him with a call. Porter, Ale, Mead and Lemonade constantly kept on hand. For the liberal support alroady received from his friends and customers he returns his sincere-1 thariks, and will endeavor in future to merit a! continuance of Uicir favors, by sparing no ex ertions to make his establishment an agreeable., retreat. Stroudsburg, June 19, 1815. (JioC liS. From $1 50 to $6 50, for sale bv JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Aug. 13, 1846. WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for sale, at . Tcduced prices, by JOHN 11. MELlc'lv,' Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. - ,.,t TOYS. A great variety of Toys on hand, for sjifti cueap, ui uie vaneiy oiuio ui JOHN H. MEfVGK Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. i